What parents’ said: “It’s a brilliant service” “I’m really happy with the equipment and fi ng; I couldn’t have done it myself.” “I feel be er knowing my son is safer, you
Contact us on...
cant’ have eyes in the back of your head, so this makes me feel more confident that he is safe”
Tel: 01273 411613 email: Eleanor.davies@safety-net.org.uk
Health Visitors’ said: “The scheme has made a big difference. It
Home Safety Coordinator
opens up discussions and raises aware-
Safety Net
ness of all kinds of issues.”
Manor Offices Emmaus Drove Road Brighton BN41 2PA
Safety Net Home Safety Scheme
Home Safety Equipment Scheme: Helping you, keep your children safer
Home Safety Equipment Scheme
keeping under 5’s safe at home Registered Charity No. 1108772
Safety Net Services—working with communi5es to keep children safe. www.safety-net.org.uk About Safety Net
Who is the scheme for?
Safety Net is a registered charity that
The scheme is for anyone with a child
What equipment can be provided?
works with communi es across
under 5 who lives in Brighton and Hove
The following equipment can be
Brighton and Hove to keep children and
and who either:-
provided at low-cost (depending on
young people safer. We can help with;
- Receives Income support/JSA or ESA
-Family Support
- is on working families tax credit
Stair gates
-Bullying Preven on
- is a young parent (under 18)
-Training to Keep Children Safe
- Has a8ended hospital with their child ⇒
Socket covers
Bath Mats
Corner cushions
as well as the Home Safety scheme.
because of an accident at home If you are not on means tested benefits, we
The Home Safety Scheme
can offer low cost home safety checks to make sure your house is child friendly and
We can also supply other equipment
Children aged 0—4 years old are the
such as:
most at risk from accidents in the
How do I apply?
Bed guards
common for this age group. Most of
Please ask your local health visitor to fill in
Cooker guards
these accidents are preventable
an applica on form with you. We will then
through simple safety measures that
contact you to arrange a me to deliver
you can take at home.
and fit the equipment.
home. Falls and heat related accidents, such as burns and scalds are the most
For more informa on, you can contact us directly on 01273 411613.