Disclosure and Barring Service checks: What type of check do I need? The DBS undertakes various types of criminal records checks, depending on the role that the person has and the workforce group to which they belong. The options are:
Standard check – children’s or adult workforce or both Enhanced check – children’s or adult workforce or both Enhanced check with barred list check – children’s or adult workforce or both
It is also possible to get a check if you are working in specific roles with neither children or adults – for example, as a security guard. This is called ‘other workforce’. Eligibility for each type of check is very specific. If you are recruiting people into the children’s workforce then in most cases you will be asking applicants for an enhanced check. You can check whether their role is eligible by checking on the list of eligible positions on: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-check-eligible-positions-guidance If they are going to working in regulated activity, then they need to have an enhanced check that includes a check against the barred list for people working with adults or children or both. For more information about regulated activity, see http://www.safenetwork.org.uk/help_and_advice/employing_the_right_people/Pages/Disclosure-BarringService-DBS.aspx http://www.safenetwork.org.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Safe-Network-Supervision-and-Regulated-Activitybriefing.pdf http://www.safenetwork.org.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Safe%20Network%20-Supervision-RegulatedActivity-briefing-answers-to-case-examples.pdf
NSPCC registered charity numbers 216401 and SC037717. Children England registered charity number 1044239. Photography by Jon Challicom, posed by models.
Staff and volunteers toolbox: A28
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