08 Awards Brochure

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Awards and Honors 2008 The American Phytopathological Society

2008 Awards and Honors Ceremony

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 Minneapolis, Minnesota

Awards & Honors Ceremony Tuesday, July 29, 2008 6:30–7:30 PM Welcome and Introductions Ray Martyn, APS President APS Early Career Recognition Ray Martyn, APS President • International Travel Award • 8th I.E. Melhus Symposium Presenters • Student Travel Awards • APS Public Policy Early Career Internship Presentation of the APS Awards Jan Leach, APS Past President • APS Fellows • Distinguished Service Award • Excellence in Extension Award • Excellence in Industry Award • Excellence in Teaching Award • International Service Award • Ruth Allen Award • William Boright Hewitt and Maybelle Ellen Ball Hewitt Award • Noel T. Keen for Research in Molecular Plant Pathology Award • Syngenta Award / Allison Tally, Syngenta Crop Protection _____________________________________________________________________________

APS Centennial Tribute Honoring APS Awardees: Past to Present See listing starting on page 12.


Awards and Honors Ceremony APS Early Career Recognition International Travel Award The Foundation, in cooperation with the Office of International Programs, has established this travel fund to support travel costs for early- to mid-career international APS members to participate in an APS annual meeting. This fund is intended to support scientists native to and working in developing countries that otherwise would not be able to attend APS meetings.

Student Travel Awards The APS Foundation is pleased to provide APS Annual Meeting Named Student Travel Awards to the following 47 individuals, selected out of a competitive pool of nearly 100 applicants.

Nancy P. Castilla International Rice Research Institute

8th I.E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium: Forty-Five Years after Van der Plank, New Visions in the Future of Plant Disease Epidemiology

The JosĂŠ and Silvia Amador Award Roberto Sierra Universidad de los Andes

The Elsie J. and Robert Aycock Award Santiago Mideros Cornell University

The Kenneth F. Baker Award Anissa Poleatewich The Pennsylvania State University

The Kenneth and Betty Barker Award Nathan Kleczewski The Ohio State University

The Myron Brakke Award Valdir Correa The Ohio State University

The J. Artie and Arra Browning Award Robert Cating University of Florida

The J. Artie and Arra Browning Award Renuka Attanayake Washington State University

The C. Lee Campbell Award Lu Liu Iowa State University

The Caribbean Division Award Ismael Badillo-Vargas University of Wisconsin

This prestigious symposium features presentations on graduate thesis research linking the historical significance of Van der Plank’s seminal book, Plant Diseases: Epidemic and Control with the future of plant disease epidemiology. The symposium is named in honor of Irving E. Melhus, a renowned teacher and outstanding researcher and pioneer in the field of plant pathology at what was then Iowa State College. Speakers for this symposium were chosen by an ad-hoc selection committee. The following four students were selected from a pool of applicants to present their research findings during this symposium.

Emmanuel Byamukama Iowa State University

Alexandre Furtado Silveira Mello Oklahoma State University

Felix Cervantes University of Idaho

Michelle Moyer Cornell University 3

APS Early Career Recognition

The Gustaaf A. and Ineke de Zoeten Award Olufemi Alabi Washington State University

The Eddie Echandi Award Luisa Fernanda Castiblanco Mosos Universidad de los Andes

The Zahir Eyal Award Gautam Shirsekar The Ohio State University

The Forest Pathology Award Maria Newcomb University of Wisconsin

The John F. Fulkerson Award Hye-Sook Kim University of Wisconsin

The Robert W. Fulton Award Kathleen Martin University of Kentucky

The Richard L. Gabrielson Award Marin Brewer Cornell University

The Raymond G. Grogan Award Kari Perez Cornell University

The Dennis H. Hall Award Murat Seyran University of Georgia

The Janell Stevens Johnk Award Katelyn Willyerd The Pennsylvania State University

The Arthur Kelman Award Angela Nelson Cornell University

The Tsune Kosuge Award Emily Helliwell The Pennsylvania State University

The Stuart D. Lyda Award Evans Njambere Washington State University

The Don E. Mathre Award Barrett Gruber University of Wisconsin

The William J. Moller Award Jonathan Oliver Cornell University

The Larry Wallace Moore Award Flavio Medeiros Texas Tech University

The Donald E. Munnecke Award Jeremy Haralson University of Georgia

The John S. Niederhauser Award Kaveh Ghanbarnia University of Manitoba


The Joseph M. Ogawa Award Brooke Edmunds North Carolina State University

The Albert Paulus Award Jeremiah Dung Washington State University

The Roger C. Pearson Award Dongping Wang University of Illinois

The Malcolm and Catherine Quigley Award Eugene Mumma Louisiana State University

The Eugene S. Saari Award Zhenyu Liu University of Wisconsin

The John F. Schafer Award Jennifer Jirak University of Wisconsin

The Luis Sequeira Award Courtney Gallup North Carolina State University

The Malcolm C. Shurtleff Award Faith Bartz North Carolina State University

The H. David Thurston Award Pattavipha Songkumarn The Ohio State University

The Virology Award Jessica Ciomperlik Texas A&M University

The Virology Award Emmanuel Byamukama Iowa State University

The Harry E. Wheeler Award Hun Kim Purdue University

APS Council Award Katherine Mills-Lujan University of Georgia

APS Council Award Xiulan Xu The Ohio State University

APS Council Award Maria Antonia Henriquez University of Manitoba

APS Council Award Amber Lorge Texas A&M University

APS Council Award Brian Freeman Iowa State University

APS Council Award Joseph Young Mississippi State University

APS Public Policy Early Career Internship

APS Council Award Chia-Lin Chung Cornell University

APS Council Award Cheng-Hua Huang University of Florida

Angela Records Texas A&M University

The goal of the APS Public Policy Early Career Internship is to provide an opportunity for the selected individual to gain hands-on experience in public policy at the national level that relates generally to agricultural science and specifically to matters of interest to APS. By working with the APS PPB, the intern learns how scientific societies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), executive branch agencies (e.g., USDA, NSF, EPA, etc.), and the legislative branch interact in crafting public policy.


APS Awards APS Fellows John H. Andrews was born in Montréal, Québec, Canada. He earned his B.Sc. (Agr.) degree from McGill University, his M.S. degree from the University of Maine, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of California-Davis. Following postdoctoral work at Cambridge University and the University of British Columbia, he joined the faculty in the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, where he currently is a professor. Andrews’ groundbreaking work on fungal and microbial ecology of the phyllosphere changed the way we view fungi as organisms and phyllosphere microbiology. He is a pioneer in applying basic ecological theory to understand the dynamic processes that influence microbial population dynamics. His application to microbial biology of such concepts as r- and K-selection, island biogeography, metapopulation biology, and modularity in organism design has stimulated the thinking and research of plant pathologists, especially those interested in biological control. Simultaneously, it has drawn the attention of the larger scientific community to plant pathology. The Andrews laboratory also has been a leader in employing quantitative biology and advanced microscopy and image analysis techniques to visualize fungal colonization of the leaf landscape. His graduate and postdoctoral advisees, and students he taught in the classroom, continue to shape the fields of microbial ecology and biological control. Andrews is a steadfast disciple of plant pathology, having played a major role in teaching nine plant pathology courses, several of which he created, and serving as chair of his department. He has served on numerous editorial boards and has been active in APS, serving on many committees, on council, and as president (2005–2006). Claude M. Fauquet received his Ph.D. degree in biochemistry from University Louis Pasteur in Strasburg, France, in 1974. He was a plant virologist at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement for 26 years, and served in Ivory Coast, West Africa, for 14 years. In 1991, he cofounded the International Laboratory for Tropical Agricultural Biotechnology (ILTAB) at The Scripps Research Institute in California and became its director when ILTAB joined the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, MO, in 1999. He is a cofounder of the Global Cassava Partnership and adjunct professor at the University of Missouri campuses in Columbia and St. Louis. Fauquet is an international leader in plant virology. Noteworthy accomplishments have dealt with epidemiology of African cassava mosaic disease, molecular taxonomy for geminiviruses and potyviruses, establishment of interspecies recombination as an important event in geminivirus evolution, gene silencing as an antiviral strategy, and cassava and rice transformation. He was secretary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) for 18 years. His publishing career includes authoring 6

more than 179 research papers and serving as editor of four ICTV Reports and associate editor for the Encyclopedia of Virology, Third and Fourth Editions. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences. In 2007, Fauquet was knighted “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques” by the French Minister of Higher Education and Research. Deborah R. Fravel was born in Morgantown, WV. She earned a B.A. degree in botany from Duke University in 1972 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in plant pathology from North Carolina State University in 1976 and 1981, respectively. In 1982, she joined the USDA, ARS Soilborne Diseases Laboratory in Beltsville, MD, as a postdoctoral research associate, becoming a research plant pathologist in 1984. Since 2004, she has been the research leader for the ARS Genetic Improvement of Fruit and Vegetables Laboratory in Beltsville. Fravel is recognized worldwide as a leader in the field of biological control, particularly the ecology and mechanisms of biocontrol fungi, integration of biocontrol and fumigation, and formulation of biocontrol agents. Her early work identified a novel mechanism of biocontrol, the indirect production of hydrogen peroxide by the biocontrol agent Talaromyces flavus. The application of biological control to agricultural production systems is a recurring theme in her research. She holds patents for development of an alginatebased formulation that is used commercially. While employing diverse approaches to study the biological control of different soilborne pathogens, Fravel has identified specific components of each production system that could be manipulated to enhance the success of biological control. Fravel has an outstanding record of professional service. She was a senior editor of Phytopathology from 2000 to 2002 and an associate editor from 1990 to 1992. She has been a member of six committees and served as chair of the Biological Control and the Soil Microbiology and Root Diseases Committees. Dean W. Gabriel was born in Washington, DC, and holds a B.A. degree in humanities, an M.S. degree in biology, and a dual Ph.D. degree in plant pathology and genetics (1981), all from Michigan State University. After postdoctoral work at Oregon State University, Gabriel joined the faculty at Oklahoma State University and subsequently moved to the University of Florida (UF) in 1984. He was promoted to full professor at UF in 1995. Gabriel’s research for the past 25 years has focused on genetic determinants of host range and gene-for-gene specificity, with a particular emphasis on bacterial pathogens of regulatory significance. Key discoveries were the nuclear targeting of bacterial effector proteins in the AvrBs3/PthA family and their role in eliciting pathogenic symptoms, particularly in citrus canker disease. At UF, Gabriel is a founding member of the Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program and has been affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Center for

Biotechnology Research (ICBR) since its inception. He designed and directs the ICBR Plant Containment Facility, one of the first Biological Safety Level 3 facilities in the country. He has served on numerous APS committees and was an associate editor of Phytopathology. He founded and has run Integrated Plant Genetics, Inc., a gene engineering company, since 1998. He served as a consultant for the UN FAO transgenic poplar project in China from 1990 to 1996, was panel manager for the USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment grant program in 1998, and served on the Functional Genomics Steering Committee for the Xylella fastidiosa sequencing project in Brazil from 1999 to 2003. David M. Gadoury has earned a reputation as one of the most innovative and productive fruit disease epidemiologists in the world. As a graduate student with William MacHardy, he pioneered the potential ascospore dose (PAD) concept for apple scab, which provided growers worldwide with an action threshold of ascospore maturity to initiate fungicide sprays. Gadoury’s participation in subsequent studies of ascospore maturation, discharge, and dissemination resulted in major revisions of infection period tables used in assessing scab risk. He and Roger Pearson overturned a century of dogma surrounding the role of cleistothecia in grape powdery mildew by showing that cleistothecia were indeed a source of inoculum and overwintered in bark crevices rather than on leaves, thereby improving management programs worldwide and providing a model for the study of cleistothecia of several other powdery mildews. Gadoury and colleagues added greatly to our knowledge of ontogenic resistance in grape berries; insights that resulted in more effectively focused fungicide sprays. Prominent colleagues not only consider Gadoury an authority worldwide on apple scab and grape powdery mildew but state that his papers should be required reading for all graduate students in plant pathology. He has lectured internationally on the topics of writing effectively for diverse competitive grants programs and on the process of preparing articles for refereed journals. He has advocated forcefully and effectively, both at Cornell and through APS committees, for a greater emphasis on undergraduate teaching and work experience in order to recruit future plant pathologists, and he now chairs a committee tasked with identifying future challenges to the profession of plant pathology. Stephen B. Goodwin is a leading authority in the fields of fungal population genetics and evolution. He has contributed significantly to our understanding of host–pathogen interactions and to the improvement of disease resistance in cereals. His work on the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans stands in a class by itself. Goodwin developed DNA fingerprint and isozyme identification systems that have been used worldwide. He showed that the global pandemic was due to migration of a single clone and determined the likely ancestors that gave rise to the potato-infecting population. This research offered new insights into the origins of plant pathogens and illustrated that host jumps may be a common mechanism for their emergence. His work on the barley scald pathogen Rhynchosporium secalis stimulated research into the relevance of sexual reproduction for this fungus. He

used phylogenetic analyses to predict what the teleomorph should look like and guided scientists in other laboratories to clone its mating-type genes. Goodwin codeveloped the first genetic map and discovered the first transposon in the wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola. He showed that a barley pathogen, Septoria passerinii, is closely related to M. graminicola and helped identify its teleomorph. Goodwin showed that toxin-producing members of the asexual genus Cercospora are monophyletic and related to the sexual genus Mycosphaerella. He mapped several genes for resistance to M. graminicola and identified a late peak of resistance responses. This research significantly increased our understanding of the origins and evolution of plant pathogens and of resistance in wheat. Bradley I. Hillman received his B.S. degree from the University of California (UC) Berkeley in 1978 and his Ph.D. degree from UC Berkeley in 1986 studying Tomato bushy stunt virus and characterizing the first defective interfering RNAs of a plant virus. As a postdoctoral research associate, he investigated Sonchus yellow net virus and then initiated studies as a postdoctoral fellow on viruses associated with hypovirulence of Cryphonectria parasitica. He was hired at Rutgers in 1989 and promoted to associate professor in 1995 and to professor in 2001. He currently serves as director for research and senior associate director for the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. His research on fungal viruses has emphasized the wide array of viruses and transposons of C. parasitica, including characterization of the first mitochondrial RNA virus and the first fungal reovirus. His applied research on virus diseases of blueberry and cranberry has included development and implementation of virus detection methods, characterization of the carlavirus associated with blueberry scorch disease, construction and manipulation of the first infectious cDNA clone for a carlavirus, and examination of the ecology and epidemiology of this carlavirus. His recent studies on the turfgrass pathogens responsible for anthracnose disease led to a redescription of the species, changing the designation from Colletotrichum graminicola to Colletotrichum cereale. His APS service has included associate editor, senior editor, and editor-in-chief of Phytopathology; APS Publications Board chair; APS Council; Northeastern Division (NED) Graduate Student Award Committee chair; NED Site Selection Committee; and Ad Hoc APS Governance Committee. Charles M. Rush was born in Anthony, KS, and received a B.A. degree in literature from the University of Texas Permian Basin in 1974. He began his plant pathology studies at Texas A&M University and received both the M. Agric. (1976) and Ph.D. (1981) degrees. In 1986, he was appointed associate professor in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at Texas A&M and is located at Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Center at Amarillo, TX, where he now holds the rank of professor. Rush is internationally renowned for studies of the epidemiology and ecology of soilborne pathogens of field crops with important contributions for managing diseases of wheat, sugar beet, and sorghum. His studies on the nature and control of fungal and virus diseases of these crops are recognized as 7

important models for studying the epidemiology and population genetics of pathogens. His findings from Karnal bunt research were used by USDA APHIS as scientific justification to deregulate fields that previously tested positive for the disease. Rush is one of the nation’s foremost experts on benyviruses and is widely recognized for fundamental discoveries concerning virus evolution and population genetics of soilborne viruses with fungal vectors. He additionally developed remote sensing technologies for detecting and quantifying sugar beet and wheat diseases, including rhizomania and wheat streak mosaic. Rush has authored more than 70 refereed journal articles and 21 book chapters and served as editor for six books, in addition to being awarded two U.S. patents. Jonathan D. Walton was born in New Haven, CT. He received a B.A. degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1975; an M.S. degree from Cornell University in plant pathology in 1978; and a Ph.D. degree from Stanford University in 1982. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Energy-Plant Research Laboratory and the Department of Plant Biology at Michigan State University. Walton is an internationally recognized leader in research on plant–fungal interactions. Using as a model, Cochliobolus carbonum, the causal agent of northern corn leaf spot, his pioneering and multidisciplinary research has led to a comprehensive understanding of the biosynthesis, mode of action, and evolutionary origin of an important host-selective toxin, HC-toxin, as well as the biochemical basis of maize plant resistance to this toxin. His research also addresses the role of numerous plant cell-wall-degrading enzymes in fungal pathogenesis. His identification of extraordinary functional redundancy among fungal virulence factors is an emerging concept in many pathogen systems. Walton has published nearly 100 papers and travels widely as an invited seminar and conference speaker. He has served on the editorial boards of Molecular PlantMicrobe Interactions (editor-in-chief, 2007–2010), IS-MPMI Reporter (editor-in-chief, 2000–2003), Eukaryotic Cell, and Annual Review of Phytopathology and on the APS Executive Council and APS Publications Board. He is a past president of IS-MPMI (2003–2005). Walton received the Michigan State University Distinguished Professor Award in 2002 and is currently the associate director of the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. Michael J. Wingfield received a B.Sc. degree in botany and plant pathology from the University of Natal, an M.Sc. degree in plant pathology from the University of Stellenbosch, and a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from the University of Minnesota. He is founding and current director of the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, holds the Mondi endowed chair at the University of Pretoria, and is director of the South African National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology. Wingfield is one of the most influential plant pathologists and forest scientists worldwide. With a creative blend of molecular and classical research, he has addressed the most difficult and damaging foliar and stem diseases of pines, eucalypts, and other important trees. His research on 8

insects that interact with and/or vector some causal agents is seminal. As a prolific, original investigator, he has authored or coauthored 500 refereed publications and five books and presented more than 100 plenary or keynote addresses worldwide. As an educator and mentor, his students lead forestry programs on five continents. Wingfield has received numerous awards, including the Havenga Prize, silver and gold medals of the South African Society for Microbiology, and the Scientific Achievement Award of the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. He is a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa, and fellow of the South African Society for Plant Pathology (SASPP). He is the third recipient of the SASPP Hendrik Christian Persoon Medal (after van de Plank and W. F. O. Marasas). Shyi-Dong Yeh was born and raised in Taiwan, Republic of China. He received his B.Sc. and M.S. degrees from the National Chung-Hsing University in 1974 and 1979, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree from Cornell University in 1983. Yeh joined the faculty of the National Chung Hsing University, rose to the distinguished position of chair professor in plant pathology in 2006, and was appointed vice president of the National Chung Hsing University in 2004. Yeh has made significant contributions to fundamental and practical aspects of plant pathology, while working with important viruses. He developed a mild nitrous acid induced mutant of Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) that helped to control this important virus in Taiwan. Subsequently, he revealed the genetic determinants of symptom attenuation, viral movement, and host range of PRSV and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, which allowed his lab to develop “customized” mild strains of these viruses for cross-protection in cucurbits. His lab has developed genetically engineered PRSV-resistant papaya, which is being deregulated for commercial use in Taiwan. He serologically and molecularly characterized new tospoviruses that cause crop losses in Taiwan and played a key role in proposing a new classification scheme of tospoviruses. Recently, Yeh collaborated with another laboratory to develop a novel approach for obtaining transgenic resistance by using artificial micro RNAs with sequences to target plant viruses. As vice president, his leadership has earned major government funds to make the National Chung Hsing University a top university in Asia. Remarkably, he still finds time to serve as editor of several scientific journals. Thomas A. Zitter was born in Saginaw, MI, in 1941. He received his education at Michigan State University, earning a B.S. degree (1963) in botany and a Ph.D. degree (1968) in plant pathology. He has served on the faculties of the University of Florida (1968–1979) and Cornell University (1979–present). He is professor of plant pathology at Cornell University with extension and research responsibilities for diseases of fresh-market vegetables. Zitter is one of the most respected vegetable crop pathologists in the United States today. His problem-solving research, particularly on the diagnosis and management of diseases in tomato, potato, and cucurbits, and his

educational programs benefit vegetable producers in the northeast and across the nation. Zitter is a pioneering leader in developing disease reference materials and control recommendations. He served as editor for two disease compendia published by APS PRESS, Compendium of Tomato Diseases and Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases. Zitter’s outreach through Vegetable MD Online, his innovative and comprehensive web site on vegetable disease diagnosis and management, is bringing knowledge of the science and practice of plant pathology to millions of people around the world. In 2006, the web site received more than 1.5 million visits, placing Vegetable MD Online in the top tier of popular science web sites. Zitter has served APS through service on numerous committees and boards. He is the recipient of several prestigious honors, including awards for extension and career achievement from Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the APS Excellence in Extension Award.

Distinguished Service Award James D. MacDonald was born in Portland, OR, in 1948. He received his education at the University of California, Davis, receiving his B.S. (1973), M.S. (1976), and Ph.D. (1977) degrees, all in plant pathology. He is a professor of plant pathology at the University of California, Davis, where he also serves as executive associate dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. MacDonald has sustained an extraordinarily high level of productivity in university and public service and professional activity throughout his career. His service to APS and plant pathology in the United States is noteworthy. His many contributions include his leadership of the initiatives in moving APS and APS PRESS to implement electronic communications, his coauthorship of a highly regarded CD-Rom on turfgrass diseases published by APS PRESS that received national awards, his receipt of the Teaching Award from APS in 1998, and his tireless service on APS Council and on a number of APS committees. Especially noteworthy was his election as vice president in August 2002 that culminated in his leadership of the society as president in August 2004. MacDonald as executive associate dean also provides leadership for one of the premier colleges of agriculture in the United States. In this capacity, he carries a varied and demanding administrative workload with overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the college. His accomplishments and innovative contributions in service and leadership to plant pathology and to APS combine to create a most compelling case for the APS Distinguished Service Award.

Excellence in Extension Award Mary K. Hausbeck was born in Saginaw, MI. She received B.S. and M.S. degrees in horticulture from Michigan State University (MSU) and her Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Pennsylvania State University in 1990. She returned to MSU as visiting assistant professor of plant pathology and was appointed in the tenure stream in 1992. She was promoted as associate

professor in 1998 and professor in 2002. Throughout her career at MSU, Hausbeck has been responsible for extension and research on diseases of greenhouse ornamentals and a wide array of vegetable crops. Her appointment is currently 60% extension/40% research. Hausbeck has established an extension and research program in the biology, management, and epidemiology of diseases of vegetables and greenhouse ornamentals, a program that is nationally and internationally recognized for its excellence and responsiveness to industry needs. Hausbeck has received numerous awards for her contributions. She has coordinated or contributed to 60 workshops and tours. Many of the workshops provide growers with handson experience with the pathogens and diseases that threaten their industries. She has presented well over 260 extension talks and has written more than 350 extension and popular publications. She has published 60 refereed papers and nearly 300 research reports. Hausbeck has led the development of five specialty crop strategic pest management plans. As a result of these plans, she developed several successful USDA grants. Hausbeck has served APS through membership on several committees, as section editor for Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, and as senior editor for Plant Disease.

Excellence in Industry Award Christopher M. Becker was born in Neptune, NJ. He received his B.S. degree in botany from the University of Vermont in 1979 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in plant pathology from the University of Massachusetts (1983) and Cornell (1990), respectively. After completing his master’s degree, Becker joined Ciba Geigy and ACDS Inc. and conducted applied research. In 1993, Becker joined BASF (then American Cyanamid) as a field scientist. Throughout his career, Becker has specialized in applied plant pathology and he has been committed to providing solutions to growers across the United States. One of Becker’s most significant contributions was his dedicated field research efforts in the development and launch of Acrobat fungicide in the United States. In 2002, Becker’s career took an interesting turn due to corporate downsizing. His devotion to applied agricultural research resulted in the formation of BAAR Scientific LLC. Becker has expanded BAAR Scientific to include research with fruit, vegetable, field crops, and ornamentals and now conducts contract research for large and small agrichemical companies. Becker has always been highly dedicated to APS throughout his career. He has been a long-standing member of the Industry Committee. Through his efforts, the APS Office of Industry Relations was established, and Becker was its first director. Becker also served as the industry liaison for the “Materials under Trial” database used within Fungicide and Nematicide Tests and was a senior editor for APS PRESS. Becker served as secretary/treasurer, vice president, and president of the Northeastern Division of APS.


Excellence in Teaching Award Michael J. Boehm is a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University. He has a record of outstanding contributions in the teaching of plant pathology and a career-long dedication to instructional innovations. Student evaluations for his undergraduate courses (primarily general plant pathology, turfgrass pathology, and turfgrass pest management) are stellar, and sometimes all students give him the maximum possible evaluation score. He is a leader within the college and university in terms of his instructional innovations. He has taken full advantage of the modern information age to establish Internet-based student resource centers for all his courses. He also has incorporated real-world practicums, especially in his pest management course, where students are required to work with golf course superintendents or sports turfgrass managers to determine their specific problems, ask probing questions, and develop comprehensive integrated management programs to meet their needs. These approaches have led to very high levels of student motivation and performance. Boehm has been recognized numerous times for his teaching accomplishments. Of special importance is the receipt in 2000 of the Ohio State Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, the only person in plant pathology to be so recognized. He also received the Outstanding Professor Award four times from students in another department and the Pomerene and Gamma Sigma Delta Teaching Awards from the college. Boehm is an active member of APS and is currently serving as junior councilor-at-large. Boehm serves as chair of Ohio State University’s Department of Plant Pathology.

International Service Award Randy C. Ploetz was born in Gastonia, NC, and graduated from Purdue University in 1974 with a B.Sc. degree in forestry and in 1976 with a M.Sc. degree in plant pathology. In 1984, he received a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from the University of Florida and, in 1986, joined the faculty at the university’s Tropical Research and Education Center. He was promoted to professor in 1996 and received the University of Florida Research Foundation Professor Award in 2004. Ploetz has worked in 35 countries, advising students and research projects, investigating new disease outbreaks, participating in and organizing scientific meetings, and consulting for international agencies and producers. He is a world authority on tropical fruit diseases, has written more than 300 publications on their impact and management, and has edited four books on these topics, including the standard reference, Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops. He is a frequent invited plenary speaker at international conferences and symposia and is interviewed often on tropical disease problems. Ploetz has served APS in diverse capacities. He is immediate past director of the Office of International Programs and served APS PRESS for 8 years, from 2000 to 2002 as editor-inchief and from 1995 to 2000 as a senior editor. He was an associate editor for Phytopathology, served on the Classics Committee and 10

the Tropical Plant Pathology Committee, and served as chair of the Soil Microbiology & Root Disease Committee. He is a former president of the Florida Phytopathological Society and a former vice president and managing editor for refereed papers for the Florida State Horticultural Society.

Ruth Allen Award Peter D. Nagy a native of Hungary, is a professor in the University of Kentucky’s Plant Pathology Department and a man of rare insight and wisdom. His principal scientific achievements may be briefly summarized as follows. (i) Introduction of a systems biology approach, utilizing yeast, to identify host factors influential in the replication of Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV). (ii) Identification of the first host factors suppressing or enhancing TBSV recombination based on genome-wide screens in yeast. (iii) Employment of a highly tractable, yeast-based replication system for TBSV, thus accessing the power of yeast genetics. (iv) Analysis of assembly requirements for the TBSV replicase that revealed two viral and four host proteins as integral parts of the tombusvirus replicase complex. (v) Discovery of novel, cis-acting, silencer and enhancer regulatory RNA elements in the TBSV genome. (vi) Demonstration of recruitment of host factors to the subcellular site of tombusvirus replication. (vii) Formulation of in vitro assays for viral RNA recombination, allowing dissection of the molecular mechanisms involved. Nagy’s studies have made the plant virus TBSV one of the best characterized amongst all viruses with regard RNA replication and recombination, as well as one of the most thoroughly understood with respect to molecular perspectives of host interactions. Nagy’s accomplishments reflect exhaustive studies of high intellectual challenge and have had profound influence across all of virology, opening new vistas on how more-virulent viral strains evolve.

William Boright Hewitt and Maybelle Ellen Ball Hewitt Award Pierce A. Paul grew up in Guyana, South America, and earned two degrees in Brazil before coming to the United States. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2003 from Iowa State University, under the direction of Gary Munkvold. He was originally hired at Ohio State University as a postdoc and was appointed assistant professor in 2006. In a short 5 years, Paul has made major research advances on two important diseases of field crops. He successfully developed prediction models for gray leaf spot of maize, using state-of-the-art data-analytical methods and has established himself as a key member of a national team of scientists studying Fusarium head blight of wheat (FHB). One highly significant contribution is his use of meta-analysis to combine results from more than 150 studies to characterize the relationship between FHB and resulting deoxynivalenol (DON) levels in harvested grain. He and collaborators also used metaanalysis to synthesize the effects of triazole fungicides on FHB and DON. With former postdoc S. El-Allaf, he showed conclusively that

spores of the FHB pathogen are routinely splashed dispersed within wheat canopies during rainfall and that rain splash is sufficient to transport spores to the wheat spikes where infection can occur. He further showed that there is a predictable relationship between spore density on wheat spikes and profiles of ambient conditions. Paul is a very productive scientist, with 15 peer-reviewed journal articles in the last 4 years. He is currently serving as chair of the APS Epidemiology Committee and the USDA Technical Committee NCERA184.

Noel T. Keen Award for Research in Molecular Plant Pathology Brett M. Tyler was born in 1955 in Vancouver, Canada. He received his Ph.D. degree in medical biology from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 1981. He served on the faculty at the University of California, Davis until 2002 and now is professor at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute. Tyler’s research into the molecular biology and genomics of oomycetes has made major contributions to our understanding of the molecular basis of recognition between Phytophthora species and their hosts. His team characterized elicitin proteins secreted by many Phytophthora species and cloned the first oomycete avirulence gene, Avr1b. Tyler led the genome-sequencing effort for P. sojae and P. ramorum, resulting in key discoveries, including a large family of effector proteins with the conserved N-terminal motif RXLR-dEER required for entry of the proteins into plant cells. Most recently, Tyler and his collaborators sequenced the genome of Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis and have begun to integrate all oomycete genome sequences into a single resource. A hallmark of Tyler’s leadership in the oomycete community has been his determination that this community should have a strong spirit of collaboration, that tools and knowledge should be rapidly shared, and that the careers of junior scientists should be actively fostered. Tyler’s original research and visionary leadership have transformed the field of oomycete molecular genetics from one that was regarded as a “career destroyer” to one that today is vibrant and contributing cutting-edge knowledge to the field of molecular plant-microbe interactions at large.

Syngenta Award Seogchan Kang was born in Korea and obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistry in 1983 and 1985, respectively, from Seoul National University. He completed his Ph.D. degree in physiological chemistry under the supervision of Robert L. Metzenberg in 1991 from the University of Wisconsin. Kang continued as a visiting scientist at DuPont and worked with Barbara Valent until 1994 and had two postdoctoral stints at Purdue University and the University of New Mexico between 1994 and 1997. In 1997, he joined the faculty of the Department of Plant Pathology at the Pennsylvania State University, where he is currently an associate professor. Kang has established a multifaceted research program, studying mechanisms underpinning plant diseases at multiple levels ranging from genes/genomes to ecosystems, and has offered his knowledge and achievements to many in plant pathology through the development of research tools and collaborations. Specifically, his research focuses on genetic mechanisms underlying race variation in the rice blast system, molecular and cellular mechanisms underpinning Fusarium wilt, and development of informatics platforms supporting pathogen genomics, forensics, and systematics. He has served APS as a member or chair of three APS committees and as a reviewer for APS journals.


APS Centennial Tribute Honoring APS Awardees: Past to Present In November 1961, then APS President S. E. A. McCallan wrote to the membership in his President’s Column published in Phytopathology about the need for the development of society awards in recognition of achievement by the membership. He indicated that although the concept had been discussed on various occasions, a program had not yet been formalized. In his argument for the establishment of such awards he noted, “The rewarding of merit hardly needs justification. Here is an opportunity to honor our peers for valuable and important contributions to the science of plant pathology and in turn the general welfare of mankind.” As a result of this call for action, on February 2, 1962 President W. B. Hewitt appointed a Special Committee on Awards and Honors to study McCallan’s suggestions and make a recommendation. D. E. Ellis chaired this first committee with members G. A. Brandes, M. E. Gallegly, R. G. Grogan, W. B. Hewitt, J. R. Shay and R. H. Wellman. After their review, the committee recommended the establishment of “Fellows of the Society” as a top honor conferred by the Society based on meritorious contributions to the science of phytopathology and on overall service to the society and profession. It would take some time to coordinate the process, but in 1965 the first 35 APS Fellows were elected. APS has continued to grow its awards programs over the years guided by the continuing efforts of the APS Awards and Honors Committee. Below is a brief description of all of the current APS Awards, followed by a comprehensive list of all the individuals who have received an honorary award from APS. Their contributions to the science of plant pathology and leadership within the Society have had a significant influence on APS’s remarkable 100-year legacy. Congratulations to the more than 600 awardees of APS! Fellow—This honor, the first of its kind for APS, started in 1965 and is granted to honor a current APS member in recognition of distinguished contributions to plant pathology and to The American Phytopathological Society. Ruth Allen Award—Shortly following the APS Fellow awards, this award given for the first time in 1966, honors individuals who have made an outstanding, innovative research contribution that has changed, or has the potential to change, the direction of research in any field of plant pathology. Recipients of the Ruth Allen Award receive a cash prize derived from a fund established by the heirs of Dr. Allen. Award of Distinction—This award, first given in 1967, is the highest honor the Society can bestow, it is presented on rare occasions to persons who have made truly exceptional contributions to plant pathology. Syngenta Award—Started as the Ciba Geigy Award, this honor was first given to an APS member in 1975. Renamed the Novartis Award and now the Syngenta Award, as the name of the company changed, this award is given by Syngenta Crop Protection to an APS member for an outstanding recent contribution to teaching, research, or extension in plant pathology. Recipients receive a cash prize from Syngenta.


Lee M. Hutchins Award—In 1980 this award was first given. It is designated for excellence of an author or authors of published research on basic or applied aspects of diseases of perennial fruit plants. The award consists of a cash prize from the Lee M. Hutchins Fund bequeathed to the society by Dr. Hutchins. Distinguished Service Award—This award, initiated in 1984, honors APS members who have provided sustained, outstanding leadership to the society, while also furthering the science of plant pathology. This award is only presented upon the recommendation of APS Council. Excellence in Extension Award—This award, started in 1989, recognizes APS members who have made outstanding contributions by creating, developing, or implementing extension-related programs or materials or who have provided significant leadership in an area of extension plant pathology. Excellence in Teaching Award—Also established in 1989, this award recognizes an APS member for excellence in teaching plant pathology. Recipients receive a cash prize made possible by the Lucy Hastings de Gutiérrez Fund established in the APS Foundation. Excellence in Industry Award—In 1998, this award was established to recognize outstanding contributions to plant pathology by APS members whose primary employment involves work outside the university and federal realms either for a profit or nonprofit organization. International Service Award—This award recognizes outstanding contributions to plant pathology by APS members for countries other than their own. Initiated in 1998, this award carries with it a cash prize, a portion of which is to be designated to the international program of the recipient’s choice. Funds for this prize are made possible from the JANE Fund (John and Ann Niederhauser Endowment) of the APS Foundation. William Boright Hewitt and Maybelle Ellen Ball Hewitt Award— First given in 2002, this award recognizes a scientist within five years of their Ph.D. degree who has made an outstanding, innovative contribution directed toward the control of plant disease. Recipients receive a cash prize derived from funds bequeathed to the society by the Hewitt estate. Noel T. Keen Award—Initiated in 2003, this award recognizes APS members who have made outstanding contributions and demonstrated sustained excellence and leadership in research that significantly advances the understanding of molecular aspects of host–pathogen interactions, plant pathogens or plant-associated microbes, or molecular biology of disease development or defense mechanisms. Recipients of the Noel T. Keen Award receive a cash prize derived from a fund established through the APS Foundation.

Award of Distinction 1967 1969 1972 1980 1983 1983 1987 1988 1994 1994 1998 2006 2007

E. C. Stakman J. C. Walker James G. Horsfall Harold H. Flor Arthur Kelman George Zentmyer Raymond G. Grogan Myron K. Brakke R. James Cook Luis Sequeira Anne K. Vidaver Milton Zaitlin Norman E. Borlaug

Distinguished Service Award 1984 1991 1992 2002 2008

Thor Kommedahl Raymond J. Tarleton James F. Tammen O. W. Barnett, Jr. James D. MacDonald

Fellow 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1966 1966 1966

H. W. Anderson H. P. Barss A. C. Braun C. Chupp G. H. Coons J. H. Craigie C. W. Edgerton G. W. Fisher Harold H. Flor M. W. Gardner J. G. Harrar Helen Hart William Boright Hewitt C. S. Holton James G. Horsfall Lee M. Hutchins J. H. Jensen G. W. Keitt George C. Kent J. G. Leach Lysle D. Leach George McNew I. E. Melhus Paul R. Miller J. W. Oswald Glenn S. Pound A. J. Riker H.A. Rodenhiser E. C. Stakman W. M. Stanley G. Thorne W. D. Valleau J. C. Walker G. F. Weber C. E. Yarwood C.W. Bennett Lindsay M. Black V. W. Cochrane

1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973

A. E. Dimond C. Drechsler David Gottlieb G. H. Hepting F. O. Holmes T. Johnson R. A. Ludwig S. E. A. McCallan Klaus. O. Muller W. C. Snyder E. E. Wilson Roy A. Young W. J. Zaumeyer R. M. Caldwell F. L. Howard H. H. McKinney John S. Niederhauser Saul Rich Ikuzo Uritani Saul Rich J. S. Boyce A. F. Ross W. N. Takahashi F. A. Wolf G. Z. Zentmyer D. L. Bailey K. F. Baker Raymond G. Grogan J. W. Heuberger Arthur Kelman W. C. Price L. J. Alexander Durward F. Bateman C. M. Christensen E. E. Clayton R. W. Fulton William F. Rochow J. E. Vanderplank Paul E. Waggoner J. M. Wallace H. E. Wheeler A. W. Dimock Mannon E. Gallegly, Jr. W. Q. Loegering Karl Maramorosch R. R. Nelson Luis Sequeira Malcolm C. Shurtleff Myron K. Brakke J. R. Christie James E. DeVay J. Galindo Alonso L. J. Klotz E. S. Luttrell A. G. Plakidas R. L. Steere H. David Thurston Ronald K. S. Wood E. V. Abbott G. M. Armstrong Gordon A. Brandes Theodor O. Diener R. M. Lister Roy L. Millar Mary E. Shaw Robert J. Shepherd Hugh D. Sisler

1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981

A. J. Ullstrup C. Westcott George W. Bruehl Stephen Diachun Rorbert N. Goodman Arthur L. Hooker Thomas A. Shalla John T. Slykhuis Frederick L. Wellman Stephen Wilhelm John G. Bald Agesilau A. Bitancourt Joseph M. Daly John F. Fulkerson James W. Gerdemann William F. Mai Pascal P. Pirone Milton. N. Schroth Antonio Ciccarone Robert H. Daines Joseph P. Fulton Donald J. Hagedorn Tsune Kosuge Herbert H. Luke Charles J. Nusbaum Johan G. Ten Houten E. C. Calavan E. B. Cowling Peter R. Day John L. Lockwood George C. Papavizas R. H. Stover Kohei Tomiyama Albert H. Ellingboe Charles J. Gould John E. Mitchell Shu-Huang Ou Albert Siegel Furney A. Todd Seymour D. Van Gundy Milton Zaitlin Robert Aycock Victor H. Dropkin John B. Rowell Robert P. Scheffer Irving R. Schneider Joseph S. Semancik Wilson L. Smith, Jr. Paul H. Williams Ralph Baker Kenneth R. Barker J. Artie Browning R. James Cook Ralph J. Green, Jr. William J. Hooker Milton F. Kernkamp Thor Kommedahl Thomas P. Pirone Lewis F. Roth Arden F. Sherf Alex L. Shigo John B. Bancroft Joseph Kuc Curt Leben G. Nyland Albert O. Paulus

1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987

Clayton O. Person Syama P. Raychaudhuri Robert E. Stall James E. Duffus Michele C. Heath Laurence H. Purdy Richard Stace-Smith Albert Wienhold George N. Agrios George W. Bird Julio Bird-Pinero Johannnes Dekker Charles J. Delp Richard I.B. Francki Yigal Henis Kurt J. Leonard Chester J. Mirocha Donald E. Munnecke Daniel J. Samborski E. L. Gene Sharp Anne K. Vidaver William R. Bushnell P. Paul F. M. deNeergaard Richard Durbin Guillermo E. Galvez- Enriquez Curtis W. Roane August F. Schmitthenner Marr D. Simons Richard C. Staples James F. Tammen George E. Templeton, II Sue A. Tolin Richard D. Berger Richard J. Campana Robert E. Davis Joseph W. Eckert Donald C. Erwin Richard I. Hamilton J端rgen F. Kranz Harry H. Murakishi Paul E. Nelson Waldemar E. Sackston Francis A. Wood George Bruening Arun K. Chatterjee Elroy A. Curl W. Harley English Anton J. Novacky Joseph M. Ogawa Rosario Provvidenti Alan P. Roelfs Norman C. Schenck Peter H. Tsao Isaak Wahl Horace L. Barnett Michael G. Boosalis Richard A. Frederiksen Stephen M. Garnsey Alva M. Golden Cedric W. Kuhn Frances M. Latterell Roger H. Lawson Gino Malaguti Srecko (John) M. Mircetich Nathaniel (Dick) T. Powell 13

1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 14

Albert D. Rovira Alois A. Bell Douglas W. Burke Urban L. Diener Eddie Echandi Gian L. Ercolani Chuji Hiruki Sung M. Lim Gad Loebenstein Donald C. Ramsdell John F. Schafer Hong Ji Su Ivan J. Thomason Billy G. Tweedy Carl H. Beckman Eileen Brennan John M. Duniway David W. French C. Wendell Horne John G. Moseman Rodrigo Rodríguez-Kábana Gregory E. Shaner Malcolm R. Siegel Jui-Chang Tu James L. Van Etten Robert K. Webster Homer D. Wells Gayle L. Worf Tseh An Chen William O. Dawson William E. Fry Alan L. Jones Michael J. Jeger Edgar L. Kendrick Wen-Hsiung Ko Yeshwant L. Nene Harry R. Powers, Jr. Kenneth J. Scott Hans D. VanEtten Olen C. Yoder Salomon Bartnicki-Garcia Marvin K. Beute Ilan Chet Richard H. Converse Richard E. Ford Dennis Gonsalves Richard S. Hussey Andrew O. Jackson Jaacov Katan Noel T. Keen Elliot W. Kitajima Douglas P. Maxwell Derald A. Slack Herb S. Aldwinckle José Amador Gustaaf A. De Zoeten John H. Hill Harry A. Hoitink Don E. Mathre Gaylord I. Mink Lowell R. Nault Dan E. Purcifull Earl G. Ruppel Howard A. Scott Wayne A. Sinclair David R. Smith George S. Abawi

1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000

Donald Aylor D. Michael Benson John R. Edwardson Clarence Kado Melvyn L. Lacy Ralph L. Nicholson John G. Shaw James B. Sinclair Ram P. Thakur Roy D. Wilcoxson Ortus W. Barnett, Jr. Joseph M. Bové William G. Dougherty Ernest Hiebert Steven E. Lindow Donald H. Marx Dallice I. Mills Richard W. Smiley Paul S. Teng Charles L. Wilson Jan C. Zadoks Zahir Eyal Donald L. Hopkins John A. Irwin Keisuke Kohmoto T. Jack Morris Randall C. Rowe Dharma D. Shukla Michael E. Stanghellini Walter R. Stevenson Neal K. Van Alfen James R. Aist Armando Bergamin Filho Yigal Cohen Alan Collmer Cleora J. D’Arcy Larry D. Dunkle Allen Kerr Kyung-Soo Kim Robert D. Lumsden Seiji Ouchi Jay Lawrence Apple Isaac Barash Thomas J. Burr Dennis C. Gross Gary E. Harman Alan C. Hayward Hitoshi Kunoh Giovanni P. Martelli Gary A. Payne Steven G. Pueppke Edward French Bikram S. Gill Jan E. Leach Mary L. Powelson Steven A. Slack Baruch Sneh Brian Staskawicz Robert A. Blanchette Genevieve J. Défago Brian J. Deverall Tim R. Gottwald Rafael M. Jiménez-Díaz Roland F. Line Laurence V. Madden C. Lee Campbell Margaret E. Daub

2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007

Roger Hull Robert A. McIntosh Robert D. Riggs Laveran W. (Pete) Timmer Gary C. Bergstrom Lester W. Burgess Noriyuki Doke Jeffrey B. Jones Joyce E. Loper James W. Moyer Christopher C. Mundt David M. Weller Timothy P. Denny Said A. Ghabrial Craig R. Grau Everett M. Hansen Harvey C. Hoch Scot H. Hulbert Denis C. McGee Tom (Twng-Wah) Mew Charles W. Mims Linda S. Thomashow Clive M. Brasier Jeremy J. Burdon Martin B. Dickman Byung Kook Hwang Hei Leung Jerald K. Pataky Christopher L. Schardl Carol E. Windels Mike A. Ellis Bryce W. Falk Thomas C. Harrington Barry J. Jacobsen Harold Corby Kistler Ing-Ming Lee Norman W. Schaad Robert C. Seem John L. Sherwood Turner B. Sutton Carol L. Bender Raghavan Charudattan Jacqueline Fletcher Christopher A. Gilligan Walter F. O. Marasas Bruce A. McDonald Robert A. Owens Gail L. Schumann Xiao-Bing Yang Stella Melugin Coakley Ralph A. Dean Anne E. Desjardins Helene R. Dillard Rose C. Gergerich John R. Hartman Charles R. Howell Ben E. Lockhart Ulrich K. Melcher Ravi P. Singh James L. Starr Charles W. Bacon David G. Gilchrist James H. Graham Raymond Hammerschmidt Rosemarie W. Hammond Nancy Jane P. Keller Steven A. Lommel

2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

Matteo Lorito William E. MacHardy W. Allen Miller Barbara S. Valent John H. Andrews Claude M. Fauquet Deborah Fravel Dean W. Gabriel David M. Gadoury Stephen B. Goodwin Bradley I. Hillman Charles M. Rush Jonathan D. Walton Michael J. Wingfield Shyi-Dong Yeh Thomas A. Zitter

Excellence in Extension Award 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Walter R. Stevenson José Amador Malcolm C. Shurtleff Helene R. Dillard Thomas A. Kucharek Patrick M. Phipps Howard F. Schwartz John E. Watkins Mark L. Gleason Walter D. Gubler Gregory L. Tylka Mike A. Ellis Patrick E. Lipps Thomas A. Zitter Edward A. Brown, II James W. Travis Melodie Putnam Marcia P. McMullen Donald E. Hershman Mary K. Hausbeck

Excellence in Industry Award 1998 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007 2008

H. Vincent Morton Molly N. Cline Allison H. Tally Chester L. Sutula Gregory L. Lamka James A. Frank Christopher M. Becker

Excellence in Teaching Award 1989 1990 1992 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Harold S. McNabb, Jr. Lafayette Frederick George W. Hudler William Merrill, Jr. Gail L. Schumann Antonius B. Baudoin Edward J. Braun Donald G. White Charles W. Mims James D. MacDonald

2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Glen R. Stanosz Francis W. Zettler Larry F. Grand Karen-Beth G. Scholthof Caitilyn Allen Cleora J. D’Arcy Paul Vincelli Michael J. Boehm

International Service Award 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Ben E. Lockhart Christopher C. Mundt Robert S. Zeigler Sally A. Miller Kitty F. Cardwell Henryk Czosnek James R. Steadman H. David Thurston Naidu A. Rayapati Randy Ploetz

Ruth Allen Award 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978

Harold H. Flor F. O. Holmes Myron K. Brakke W. C. Snyder John B. Bancroft H. Asuyama Yoji Doi T. Ishiie M. Teranaka K. Yora R. L. Steere Frances M. Latterell Herbert H. Luke Austin C. Goheen William Boright Hewitt Dewey J. Raski Ian A. M. Cruickshank Theodor O. Diener James W. Gerdemann Donald H. Marx Lindsay Black

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1983 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1987 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1997 1997 1997 1998 1999 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2007 2008

J. E. Vanderplank Harry Murakishi Robert J. Shepherd Allen Kerr Salomon Bartnicki-Garcia Charles Bracker Jose Ruiz-Herrera Wen-Hsiung Ko William F. Rochow Richard M. Lister Deane Arny Steven E. Lindow Christen D. Upper Paul G. Ahlquist Thomas P. Pirone Roger N. Beachy George E. Templeton, II Richard G. Christie John R. Edwardson Ernest Hiebert Dan E. Purcifull A. C. Triantaphyllou Hedwig H. Triantaphyllou Harvey C. Hoch Richard C. Staples Noel T. Keen Brian Staskawicz Bruce C. Kirkpatrick R. James Cook Linda S. Thomashow David M. Weller Harry A. Hoitink Bruce A. McDonald James C. Carrington William G. Dougherty Robert E. Davis David C. Baulcombe Laurence V. Madden Howard S. Judelson Andrew O. Jackson T. Jack Morris Thomas J. Baum Eric L. Davis Richard S. Hussey Herman B. Scholthof Peter D. Nagy

William Boright Hewitt and Maybelle Ellen Ball Hewitt Award 2002 2006 2007 2008

Shuijin Hu Koon-Hui Wang Natalia Peres Pierce A. Paul

Lee M. Hutchins Award 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1983 1988 1990 1991 1991 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006

Donald C. Ramsdell Moshe Bar-Joseph Michael Clark Stephen M. Garnsey Dennis Gonsalves Dan E. Purcifull John W. Randles, Ph.D. Srecko (John) M. Mircetich Gaylord I. Mink Thomas J. Burr David M. Gadoury Roger C. Pearson Jerry K. Uyemoto Alan R. Biggs Tim R. Gottwald James H. Graham Themis Michailides L. W. Timmer Wayne F. Wilcox Kenneth B. Johnson John N. Pinkerton Jeffrey K. Stone Adib Rowhani Gareth Hughes Mark Mazzola Wolfram KĂśller Harald Scherm Mark L. Gleason Chang-Lin Xiao

Noel T. Keen Award 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008

Alan Collmer Brian Staskawicz Thomas J. Wolpert Pierre J. G. M. de Wit Brett M. Tyler

Syngenta Award 1975 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981

Donald Hagedorn Alex L. Shigo Woodrow Hare George S. Abawi Alan L. Jones Alan MacNab William Moller Srecko (John) M. Mircetich 1982 John M. Duniway 1983 Gene R. Safir 1984 Randall C. Rowe 1985 Steven E. Lindow 1986 Thomas J. Burr 1987 Mike A. Ellis 1988 Christine Stephens 1989 Laurence V. Madden 1990 James J. Marois 1991 Margaret E. Daub 1992 Wayne F. Wilcox 1993 Ariena H. van Bruggen 1994 Forrest W. Nutter, Jr. 1995 Joyce E. Loper 1996 Kenneth B. Johnson 1997 Christopher C. Mundt 1998 Robert L. Gilbertson 1999 Albert K. Culbreath 2000 Gary P. Munkvold 2001 Eric L. Davis 2002 T. Erik Mirkov 2003 Sophien Kamoun 2004 Krishna V. Subbarao 2005 James R. Alfano 2006 Guo-Liang Wang 2007 Niklaus Grunwald 2008 Seogchan Kang


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