You can never get too much Tucson!
Your customers will be there, and you should be too.
Hilton Tucson, El Conquistador
Photo by Fred Hood Š Metropolitan Tucson Convention & Visitor Bureau
Connecting suppliers with the brewing, malt-based, distilled, and fermented beverage industries.
meet face-to-face
Tucson is your place to with nearly 300 attendees from this targeted segment of the industry. Exhibit hours are nonconcurrent with programming, providing you with time dedicated for your customers and prospects. Reserve your exhibit today. Exhibit Package • 8' × 10' booth space with 3' side rails and 8’ back drape • Identification sign • Two (2) complimentary individual registrations • Promotional listings ASBC Annual Meeting website ASBC Buzz E-Newsletter 2013 ASBC Program Book ***Note: The exhibit hall is carpeted.
stand out
Sponsorships allow you to at the ASBC Annual Meeting. There are levels to fit every budget. Contact Cindy Anderson at +1.651.994.3848 or canderson@scisoc.org to customize your sponsorship package. Supporting Sponsor $500+ • Company logo and website link on the ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in the Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting Contributing Sponsor $1,500+ • Company logo and website link on the ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in the Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting Premier Sponsor $2,500 + • Company logo and website link on the ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in the Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting Elite Sponsor $5,000 + • Company logo and website link on the ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in the Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting
You can connect with ASBC members throughout the year
by advertising in the ASBC Buzz E-Newsletter. Your advertising will benefit from our readership’s global reach. With a high percentage of readers employed in technical positions with purchasing responsibilities in areas, including instrumentation, equipment, ingredients, and services, this is an advertising opportunity not to be missed. Don’t forget to get your company’s ad in the 2013 ASBC Program Book and the Journal of the ASBC. Use the 2013 Rate Card Form to place your ads.
Your customers will be there, and you should be, TOO! The American Society of Brewing Chemists was founded to improve and bring uniformity to the brewing industry on a technical level. Today, ASBC includes individual and corporate members worldwide representing large and small brewers, consultants, government agencies, academics, distillers, vintners, and those working in allied industries. By exhibiting at the ASBC Annual Meeting, you will connect with a worldwide market of industry decision makers who are experts in their field (demographics based on ASBC membership).
United States 66%
Africa 1%
Worldwide Audience
Canada 11%
Latin America, Caribbean 3%
Pacific Rim 9%
Europe 11%
Plant Manager, Superintendent Engineer, Other with Retired Production/Process 6% Responsibilities 4%
Industry Decision Makers
Professor, Post Doctorate, Graduate Student, University/College Scientist 12% President,
Vice President, Other Corporate Official 13%
Education 11%
Sales and Marketing 6%
Director, Manager, Dept. Head, Supervisor of R&D or Quality Assurance/ Control 30% Chemist, Technologist, Biologist, Microbiologist, Lab Assistant, Technician 18%
Packaging 1% Research and Development 24%
Other 10%
Technical Sales/ Service Other 2% Independent Consultant 6% 3%
Experts in Their Field
Brewing 21% Quality Assurance 28%
The demographics say it all.
ASBC’s membership is composed of technical decision makers in the brewing industry. Reach this audience in 2013!
ASBC Booth Exhibit Order Form
2013 ASBC Annual Meeting • May 18-21, 2013 • Hilton Tucson El Conquistador • Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. Exhibit Hours*
Booth Information**
Exhibits Open Sunday, May 19 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 20 10:00 a.m. – Noon Tuesday, May 21 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Take-Down Tuesday, May 21 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Display also includes two (2) complimentary individual registrations. Additional exhibitor registrations will be available at the exhibitor rate when registration packets mail March 2013.
Sunday, May 19 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
* Hours are subject to change
1. Company Information
The exhibit includes an 8' × 10' booth space along with an identification sign. You will receive an Exhibition Service Kit at a later date from which you may order additional display items and services including electricity. The exhibit hall is carpeted.
** Each exhibiting attendee needs to fill out an individual 2013 registration form.
(Please print clearly.)
A. Please provide information exactly as it should appear in print in the 2013 ASBC Program Book using upper and lowercase letters.
Company Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State or Province/Country ___________________________ Zip/Postal Code ________________________ Telephone ______________________________________________________________ Facsimile _________________________________________________________ Website ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B. Forward a 50-word description of your product or service for inclusion in the 2013 ASBC Program Book to canderson@scisoc.org. Descriptions received by March 1, 2013, will be included in the Program Book. After this date, descriptions received by May 1 will be printed in the Program Addendum, which is distributed at the meeting.
2. Exhibit Contact Information
Person to receive further exhibit information.
Name __________________________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________________________________
E-mail _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please complete information below if address is different from company information in item 1A.
Company Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Department/Division _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State or Province/Country ___________________________ Zip/Postal Code ________________________ Telephone ______________________________________________________________ Facsimile __________________________________________________________
3. Product Categories
Please check appropriate categories below.
Raw Materials and Ingredients for Beer and Malt Production o Antioxidants - 105 o Chillproofing agents - 110 o Clarifying agents - 115 o Coloring - 120 o Defoaming agents - 125 o Enzymes - 130 o Flavoring - 135 o Foam aids - 140 o Hops - 145 o Malt - 150 o Stabilizer - 155 o Yeast, fermentation cultures - 160
Instrumentation & Supplies (please list) o Laboratory instrument - 100 _________________________________ o Laboratory supplies - 175 _________________________________ o Online instrument - 200 _________________________________ Processing Equipment (please list) o Brewing - 300 _________________________________ o Filtration - 400 _________________________________ o Packaging - 500 _________________________________ o Utilities - 600 _________________________________ o General - 700 _________________________________
Services & Educational Products o Analytical testing - 805 o Cleaning services - 810 o Pest control - 815 o Publications - 820 o Sensory - 825 o Software - 830 o Technical/consulting - 835 o Test kits - 840 o Training - 845 o Water treatment - 850
ASBC Booth Exhibit Form (continued) 4. Exhibit Placement
Please list your major competitors and other considerations for exhibit placement.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Exhibition Reservation Fees
o $1,100 ASBC Corporate Members o $1,225 Noncorporate Member o $1,479 - Exhibit + ASBC Corporate Membership If applying for Corporate Membership, (see page 7) please complete the following.
Person to receive membership information:
Name __________________________________________________________ Title ______________________________________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________________________________________________
6. Payment Information (U.S. Dollars Only)
Exhibit Space: Payment in full is required to confirm exhibit reservation. Payment Enclosed o Exhibit—Insert rate from item 5
$ _________
o Sponsorship $ _________ Supporting $500+ / Contributing $1,500+ / Premier $2,500+ / Elite $5,000+
ubtra when re ct $100 se Dec. 3 rved by 1, 201 3
Payment Type o Check enclosed, payable to ASBC (When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your
account or to process the payment as a check transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account the same day we deposit payment and you may not receive your check back from your financial institution.)
o Charge my credit card: o VISA o MasterCard o American Express Card No. ______________________________________________________ Expiration Date (month/year) ______ /______ Security Code _______
Signature ______________________________________________________ Name of Cardholder ___________________________________________
7. Important Payment Dates
Questions? Contact: Cindy Anderson canderson@scisoc.org Return this form to: Cindy Anderson ASBC 2013 Exhibits 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Telephone: +1.651.994.3848 Facsimile: +1.651.454.0766
■ Deadline for payment in full is February 1, 2013. ■ A 100% refund will be made for all space cancelled on or before February 27, 2013. ■ No refunds after Febuary 28, 2013.
8. Contract Agreement We agree to abide and be bound by the terms, conditions, rules, and
regulations of the ASBC exhibition (page 10).
Name (please print) ____________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________________________ Company _____________________________________________________
ASBC Sponsorship Order Form 2013 ASBC Annual Meeting • May 18-21, 2013 • Hilton Tucson El Conquistador • Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. Sponsorship Opportunities
Company Information
ASBC needs your contributions to make this the best ASBC Annual Meeting. There are levels to fit every budget. Stand out in the crowd! Indicate the item and amount of your sponsorship. Amount Coffee Breaks $__________ $500+
Company Name ______________________________________________________ Website ______________________________________________________________
Sponsorship Contact Information Person to receive future sponsorship communication.
Lanyards $__________ $1,500
Name ________________________________________________________________ Company Name ______________________________________________________
ASBC Opening Reception $__________ $1,500
Title __________________________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________________
ASBC Closing Reception $__________ $1,500
Telephone ____________________________________________________________
Audio Visual $__________ $5,000
Facsimile _____________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________________________
Entertainment $__________ $1,500
State or Province ______________________________________________________
Total Contribution $__________
Country _______________________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code _______________________________________________________
Payment Information
Annual Meeting Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
o Check enclosed, payable to ASBC (When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use information
Stand out at the ASBC Annual Meeting and be a sponsor! There are levels to fit every budget.
Supporting Meeting Sponsor $500+
• Company logo and website link on ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in ASBC Annual Meeting Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting
from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account the same day we deposit payment and you may not receive your check back from your financial institution.)
o Charge my credit card: o Visa o MasterCard o American Express Card No. ___________________________________________________________
Contributing Meeting Sponsor $1500+
• Company logo and website link on ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in ASBC Annual Meeting Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting
Expiration Date (month/year) ________________________________________ Security Code _______________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________
Premier Meeting Sponsor $2500+
• Company logo and website link on ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in ASBC Annual Meeting Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting
Name of Cardholder _________________________________________________
Elite Meeting Sponsor $5000+
• Company logo and website link on ASBC Annual Meeting website • Company logo and listing in ASBC Annual Meeting Program Book • Company logo on signage at the ASBC Annual Meeting
Return this form to: Cindy Anderson ASBC 3340 Pilot Knob Road St Paul, MN 55121 +1.651.994.3848 +1.651.454.0766 Canderson@scisoc.org www.asbcnet.org/annualmeeting
Logo Submission Please send your logo to: Cindy Anderson at canderson@scisoc.org by April 8, 2013. Logo must be vector eps or high resolution image at 300 dpi, no less than 3" x 3".
Save On Your Exhibit and Increase Your ASBC Connections Become a Corporate Member Corporate membership in ASBC is your chance to receive significant savings to many ASBC scientific and technical resources, plus gain greater exposure in the brewing science community.
Your ASBC membership offers: • Savings on your ASBC exhibit booth • Opportunity to post job openings and review candidate resumes through ASBC’s online job placement service • Recognition at the annual meeting and on ASBCnet • Listing in the member directory • A subscription to the ASBC Buzz E-Newletter and the scientific Journal of the ASBC • Discounts on ASBC books, Methods of Analysis and other resources, and annual meeting registration • Opportunities to consult ASBC for technical support • Savings on ASBC Journal advertisements
Support the science and SAVE!
Join now to receive a discount on your 2013 ASBC exhibit booth.
Photo by Fred Hood © Metropolitan Tucson Convention & Visitor Bureau
Photo by Gill Kenny © Metropolitan Tucson Convention & Visitor Bureau
TucsonTucson Photo by David Jewell © Metropolitan Tucson Convention & Visitor Bureau
2013 ASBC Rate Card
Journal of the ASBC • ASBC Buzz E-newsletter • 2013 ASBC Meeting Program Book ■ ASBCnet .org Home Page Digital Ad
Company Information Contact Person _________________________________________________ Title ___________________________________________________________ Company Name (as it should appear in the Advertisers’ Index) _______________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ City, State, or Province __________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code ________________________________________________ Country ________________________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________
4-week rate
Circulation: Approximately 300 Ad Orders Due: April 1, 2013 Ad Materials Due: April 8, 2013 Four–Color Cover Ads ❏ Full Page $850 _______________ Position o Inside Front Cover; o Inside Back Cover; o Back Cover
o Other (Black& White Only) $550 _______________ ❏ Bleed ❏ Non -bleed 2013 ASBC Program Book Total $ ______________ Materials ❏ Repeat Ad o Journal of the ASBC Issue/Year ________________ o ASBC Program Book Year ____________________ ❏ We will send artwork. ❏ Our agency will send materials and insertion order. Advertising Total $ ____________
■ Journal of the ASBC
____________ ____________ ____________
Corporate Member Discount 10% Off One Ad
Payment ❏ Invoice company ❏ Invoice ad agency ❏ Check made payable to ASBC
Journal of the ASBC Total ___________ Materials ❏ Bleed o Non-bleed ❏ Repeat ad from the ASBC Journal Issue # ________ Year ________ ❏ New materials to come
(When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account the same day we deposit payment and you may not receive your check back from your financial institution.)
❏ Charge: ❏ VISA
■ ASBC Buzz E-newsletter Circulation: Approximately 700 Single Ad Size ❏ 1× rate $450 ❏ 2× rate $850 ($425/ad) ❏ 4× rate $1,600 ($400/ad) ❏ 8× rate $3,000 ($375/ad) ❏ 12× rate $4,200 ($350/ad)
■ 2013 ASBC Meeting Program Book
Agency Information Contact Person _________________________________________________ Agency Name __________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ City, State, or Province __________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code ________________________________________________ Country ________________________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________
Circulation: Approximately 700 Four-color, Full-page Ad ❏1× rate $1,570 ❏ 2× rate $3,060 ($1,530/ad) ❏ 4× rate $6,060 ($1,515/ad)
❏ MasterCard
❏ American Express
Card No. _________________________________________________ Expiration Date (month/year) ______ /_______
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
Cardholder Signature________________________________________ Cardholder Name (please print)________________________________ I have read and agree to the terms and conditions. I am signing this contract as confirmation of my company’s intent to place the above ad. Placing this ad makes my company responsible for the above contracted cost.
ASBC Buzz E-newsletter Total ___________ Materials ❏ Repeat ad from the ASBC Buzz Month _________ Year _________ ❏ New materials to come
Name (printed)________________________________________________ Signature_____________________________________________________
Desired ad starting month _______________________________________
Mechanical Requirements and Deadlines ASBC Meeting Program Book
Journal of the ASBC Issue No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
Ad Orders Due 1/4/13 3/22/13 6/17/13 9/27/13
Ad Materials Due 1/7/13 3/25/13 6/21/13 9/30/13
Ad Sizes Space Full page Full-page bleed* Half-page vertical Half-page horizontal
Mail Date 2/15/13 4/29/13 8/2/13 11/12/13
Width Depth 7" 10" 8-3/4" 11-1/4" 3-3/8" 10" 7" 4-7/8"
* Bleed art must measure 8-3/4" x 11-1/4". Keep live matter 1/4” from trim size edges.
Printing Process: Offset Lithography Paper Stock: Printed on coated stock
Trim Size: 8-1/2" wide × 11" deep
Binding: Saddle-stitched
Printing Method: Offset
Ad Size Full page 7" w × 10" d Full page bleed art must measure 8-3/4" w × 11-1/4" d
Stock: Printed on 60-lb opaque offset, with cover on a 12-point stock. Binding: Saddle-stitched
Trim Size: 8-1/2" w × 11" d
Acceptable File Formats Medium: CD or e-mail Platform: MacIntosh Software: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop Format: eps, tif, or PDFv1.3 (Acrobat 4.0 compatible). Resolution: 4C – 300 dpi, Black and White – 266 dpi • Four-color ads must be set up as CMYK (including all graphics) • All fonts and graphics must be included on the disk. • A hard copy of the file must accompany the disk. For color proofing, a SWOP-quality contact proof should be supplied. • Files must be set up at 100% of output size, allowing 1/8” bleed for full-page bleed ads. • Media files provided in other programs, or any other work required to complete the ad, will be subject to production charges.
Ad Specifications When submitting materials for print, adhere to the following guidelines: Medium: CD or e-mail Platform: MacIntosh Software: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop Format: eps or tif; Composite PDF v1.3 (Acrobat 4.0 compatible). If possible, conform to PDF/X-1a. Resolution: 300 dpi • Four-color ads must be set up as CMYK (including all graphics). • All fonts and graphics must be supplied. • A hard copy of the file must be provided. • For color proofing, a SWOP quality contact proof should be supplied. • Files must be set up to 100% of output size, allowing 1/8” bleed for full-page bleed ads. • Media files provided in other programs, or any other work required to complete the ad, will be subject to additional charges.
General Information Publisher’s Services: Production charges or services are billed at $100 minimum. Invoice issued on publication date. Electronic Files: Files will be held one year after print and then discarded unless requested to be returned. General Policy: Advertisers and advertising agencies are responsible for all content of advertisements printed, and they also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse such advertising as they deem inappropriate. Cash Discounts: A 15% discount is allowed to recognized agencies if invoice is paid within 30 days of invoice date. ASBC Corporate Members receive 10% off one ad in the Journal of the ASBC placed within a calendar year.
Ad Materials Storage Your materials are kept on file for a minimum of 18 months. ASBC Buzz E-Newsletter Ad Close Date: Third Tuesday of each month Ad Material Due Date: Third Tuesday of each month E-mail Date: Fourth Tuesday of each month Ad Size 155 pixels wide × 250 pixels high
Cindy Anderson, Director of Sales Phone: +1.651.994.3848, canderson@scisoc.org
Medium: CD or e-mail Format: jpg or gif Resolution: 300 dpi
Fax or mail completed forms to: Cindy Anderson ASBC Advertising & Exhibits 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Fax: +1.651.454.0766
Booth Regulations and Liability Statement 7. Display Guidelines
1. Admission
If an exhibitor plans to install a display (custom, pop-up, or table-
Entrance to the exhibit area is by ASBC name badge only. Each exhibiting organization is entitled to two (2) complimentary individual registrations. Additional registrations are available at the regular exhibitor price. The registration packet will be sent to exhibit contacts March 2013. Each attendee needs to fill out an individual registration form.
top), no part of the display may project out of the booth space so as to obstruct the view of adjacent exhibit booths. No exhibit, or its contents, may exceed a back wall height of eight feet (8'). Side wall height restrictions are as follows: the exhibit cannot exceed a height of eight feet (8') within three feet (3') from the back wall. The remaining exhibit height cannot exceed the height of three feet (3'). Raw wood, cardboard, or similar materials for “wings” to displays must be covered or painted if they are visible to the adjacent exhibit booth. Please be advised that these restrictions apply to all exhibits.
2. Exhibit Shipping, Set-up, and Staffing
Exhibit shipments CANNOT be received at the hotel prior to the set-up day due to storage limitations. C.O.D. shipments CANNOT be accepted anytime. Exhibitors must have their exhibit set up prior to the opening of the show. Move-in and move-out times for exhibitors and the decorating company will be strictly adhered to. Exhibitors must staff their exhibit at all times during the exhibit hours. Failure to adhere to the above will result in forfeiture of space. No refunds on space will be made, and ASBC will have the right to use the space for whatever purpose it deems appropriate.
8. Contests, Games, Raffles, and Lotteries
9. Cancellations, Indemnifications, and Subletting
3. Fire and Safety
All exhibits, or portions thereof, must fully comply with applicable health, fire, and safety regulations. No combustible decorations shall be used at any time. All materials and fluids that are flammable must be approved by ASBC and, if approved, must be kept in safety containers. Open flames, butane gas, oxygen tanks, etc., are not allowed.
4. Conduct of Exhibits
The rights and privileges of an exhibitor shall not be infringed upon by any other exhibitor. Interviews, demonstrations, distribution of literature, etc., must be made inside the exhibitor’s area. Canvassing, solicitation of business, or the use of advertising materials or signs by firms other than those who have contracted for space is prohibited. The distribution by exhibitors of circulars, catalogs, or other advertising materials for firms that are not exhibitors is prohibited. ASBC reserves the right to decline or prohibit any display or portion thereof that in the opinion of the ASBC Exhibit Manager is not in keeping with the character of the exhibition. ASBC may restrict displays that, because of noise, acts, odors, costumes, gimmicks, method of operation, materials, or for any reason, become objectionable to the exhibition. In the event of such restriction or eviction, ASBC is not liable for any refunds or rentals or other exhibit expense.
Nothing shall be posted, tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floor, or other parts of the building or furniture. Anything in connection therewith necessary or proper for the protection of the building, equipment, or furniture will be at the expense of the exhibitor. Exhibitors will be responsible for any damage to persons or property caused by reason of their exhibits, employees, agents, or servants. Balloons are not permitted.
Insurance, if desired by exhibitors and/or required by the hotel, must be obtained at the exhibitor’s cost and expense. ASBC and its agents and employees assume no risk, and by the acceptance of this Agreement the exhibitor expressly releases them of and from any and all liability for any damage, injury, or loss to any person or goods, from any cause whatsoever. All property shipped to and from the hotel, exhibit hall, and/or drayage firm by the exhibitor for installation or display is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. It is recommended that exhibitors obtain adequate insurance coverage, at their own expense, for property loss or damage and liability for personal injury.
11. Union Clearance
6. Character of the Exhibit
This application shall become a binding contract between the parties hereto upon its acceptance by the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC). It is understood and agreed that in the event of the cancellation of the ASBC Annual Meeting or in the event the space assigned to the exhibitor is, in the opinion of the ASBC Exhibit Manager, rendered unusable by any cause, casualty, or occurrence, then and thereupon this Agreement shall terminate, and the exhibitor shall pay for said space only up to the time of said termination, prorate, and the exhibitor hereby waives any claims for damages or compensation should this Agreement be so terminated. The exhibitor agrees to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the ASBC from any and all liability, loss, damage, or expense resulting from the exhibitor’s use of the exhibition space. This Agreement and the rights herein granted to the exhibitor may not be assigned or otherwise disposed of or encumbered by the exhibitor without the written consent of the ASBC.
10. Insurance and Liability
5. Care of Building and Equipment
Exhibitors may not offer or give attendees door or other similar prizes in the exhibition hall. Contests, lotteries, raffles, and games of chance are prohibited. All “giveaways” shall be of a nominal monetary value and in keeping with the nature of a scientific and professional meeting.
Displays may consist of equipment, services, materials, and products (within limitations stated elsewhere on this form, in the Exhibitor Prospectus, and in the booth package) of interest to the ASBC membership. Recorded or live music is prohibited in the exhibit hall.
In order to conform to union contract rules and regulations it may be necessary that all exhibitors use qualified union personnel for the various services required for installation and dismantling of exhibits and for material handling within the show.
12. General
The American Society of Brewing Chemists reserves the right to rearrange the floor plan and/or relocate any exhibit display. The ASBC Exhibit Manager has the right to enforce any and all portions of these rules and policies. In interpreting these rules and policies, particular attention will be given to preserving the professional and educational nature of the exhibit.
http://meeting.asbcnet.org 10