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APS PRESS now takes its digital outreach efforts mobile with the launch of the “Plant Health” iOS app. The Plant Health app is free to download and allows in-app purchases of two new APS PRESS apps.
Turf MD App Turf MD gives turf professionals and those who advise them, access to the high-quality, trusted disease and pest information published by APS PRESS in a nontechnical format. Turf MD offers turfgrass disease management assistance for golf course superintendents, sports turf managers, turf scientists, and extension professionals. It includes an image database, diagnostic keys, decision support tools, and recommendations to help users identify and treat diseases. It also connects users with turf extension sources. This app is based on the work of dozens of turf pathologists who have contributed to the best-selling APS PRESS turf disease titles. Introductory price for a limited time. 2014 • App $2.99
Tomato MD App Tomato MD helps gardeners, growers, master gardeners, and extension experts identify and manage nearly 30 key diseases, insects, and physiological disorders afflicting our number one garden crop. The app is rich with images and tips covering everything from cultural to chemical management. Tomato MD was authored by Margaret McGrath, Gail Ruhl, Michelle Grabowski, Daniel Gilrein, Robert Wick, and Margery Daughtrey. Many others contributed images. NEW
Introductory price for a limited time. 2014 • App $1.99
Order one or both apps through your device’s App Store! Search for “Plant Health”, and when you purchase either app, it will go with you wherever you go, with no need to reconnect to access content. Coming in September 2014 for Android devices.
Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water Edited by Chuanxue Hong, Gary W. Moorman, Walter Wohanka, and Carmen Büttner Plant pathogens in irrigation water pose a major threat to crops, and the cost of managing them is high. The latest comprehensive knowledge on these pathogens—as well as how to detect and manage them—is crucial for farms, nurseries, greenhouses, and other crop-based systems that use irrigation. This book is the first title of its kind, and it compiles biological information on the many pathogens found in irrigation water, as well as practical information needed to detect and manage these pathogens. The combination of scientific and applied information in Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water makes it ideal for both scientists and practitioners. When applied, the information in this book can have a direct and positive impact on some of the biggest challenges facing global agriculture in the 21st century, such as water use efficiency, reduction of our environmental footprint, climate change, and food security, through the optimal management of pathogens and water resources in irrigation systems. The contributing authors of this book are world authorities on plant pathogens in irrigation water. They provide insights on gaps in our current understanding of the aquatic biology of plant pathogens, their detection, and their management. Nearly 130 images help users understand diverse irrigation systems, associated pathogens and their detection, and crop health risk mitigation strategies and technologies. A comprehensive table in the appendix gives users rapid access to information on specific plant pathogens that have been found in water, the crops at risk, and specific citations for those records. Practitioners working with crop production systems will find this title useful, as will scientists and students in the disciplines of plant pathology, agronomy, horticulture, mycology, bacteriology, virology, and nematology. Groups who should have this reference include: ■■
Greenhouse, nursery, and field growers
University and industry researchers
Professors and educators
State and county extension agents
Independent crop consultants
Agricultural science librarians
Undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-docs
Staff and field representatives at irrigation companies
Conservation biologists
2014; 8.5” × 11” hardcover; 448 pages; 128 images; 37 line drawings; 5 pounds; ISBN 978-089054-426-6; Item No. 44266 • Print $279
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TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
Compendium of Apple and Pear Diseases and Pests, Second Edition
Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests, Second Edition
Edited by Turner B. Sutton, Herb S. Aldwinckle, Arthur M. Agnello, and James F. Walgenbach
Edited by Robert G. Linderman and D. Michael Benson
This colorful guidebook is essential for ensuring early detection of disease and pest symptoms in order to implement control measures for maximum yields and product quality. It is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in healthy apple and pear production, including plant pathologists, entomologists, pomologists, extension agents, master gardeners, horticulturists, IPM practitioners, pesticide applicators, agrochemical professionals, private consultants, and growers. The book is easy to use. It allows users to match the symptoms and pests on their plants with the book’s color photographs. Users can then refer to the corresponding text, which describes the related symptoms, causes, cycles, and management practices for the particular disease, insect, or mite. The authors also describe nutritional and postharvest disorders of apples and pears and provide recommendations to minimize or improve these issues.
The biggest book ever in the Compendium Series! 2014; 8.5” × 11” softcover; 224 pages; 343 color images; 3 black-and-white images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-430-3; Item No. 44303 • Print $99 • e-book $89.10
Compendium of Tomato Diseases and Pests, Second Edition Edited by Jeffrey B. Jones, Thomas A. Zitter, Timur M. Momol, and Sally A. Miller Botanically speaking, tomato is a fruit. But by common understanding, it is often considered a vegetable as well. Regardless of which term you use, tomato is the most “Googled” fruit and one of the most commonly grown. This highly useful and significantly upgraded new edition allows anyone—from the gardener to the professional—to use the book’s nearly 250 images to identify, understand, diagnose, and treat more than 60 diseases of tomato occurring throughout the world. This impressive new book, written by expert plant pathologists working with this crop, includes nearly 20 new diseases and disorders among those caused by fungi and oomycetes, bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses, and viroids. The new edition now includes important coverage of arthropod pests, namely, mites, insects, and “worm” pests, with the addition of 23 color photos from expert entomologists that illustrate these pests and the damage they cause. This easy-tofollow format helps the reader identify symptoms of tomato diseases and pests occurring in the greenhouse, field, and garden and in transit to market.
A fresh update of an all-time bestseller! 2014; 8.5” × 11” softcover; 176 pages; 247 color images; 1 line drawing; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-424-2; Item No. 44242 • Print $99 • e-book $89.10
TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
This comprehensive book does more than provide the most current disease and pest information for commercial and noncommercial growers throughout the world. It provides it in a simple, easy-to-use format that helps readers recognize and control pest-related problems of these valuable and beautiful plants. The Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests, Second Edition is an essential tool for ornamental gardeners, commercial growers, consultants, and others who cultivate these plants in commercial nurseries, home gardens, park and municipal landscapes, and similar settings. It is a useful and important reference for students, plant scientists, and extension experts working in entomology, plant pathology, horticulture, nematology, and related disciplines. Symptom diagnosis is improved with a new collection of more than 170 color photos throughout the book and an easy-to-use symptoms-based diagnostic guide. Management strategies cover various production systems used throughout the world and are segmented by geography and environment.
More than double the size of the first edition! 2014; 8.5” × 11” softcover; 144 pages; 173 color images; 8 black-and-white images; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-436-5; Item No. 44365 • Print $99
Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology, Second Edition Edited by Katherine L. Stevenson and Michael J. Jeger The new edition of Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology provides a wide range of exercises that allow users to understand and practice the latest, most advanced methods in determining the spread and control of plant diseases. The book offers a structured approach ideal for both classroom instruction and self-study. Each exercise has a common format with an emphasis on procedure and evaluation. In addition to the print content of the book, users can go to a dedicated online portal to engage in statistical and quantitative exercises, allowing instructors to employ a mix-andmatch approach in their classes. All exercise-specific software is either public domain or commonly available commercially, allowing greater accessibility for this book worldwide. The book offers various levels of difficulty to challenge graduate students, postdoctoral workers, and even established research and extension scientists.
Includes free online access to Supplemental Materials! This book will ship in November 2014. 8.5” × 11” softcover spiral bound; 300 pages (est.); 108 images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-440-2; Item No. 44402 • Print $199
TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
Compendium of Sweetpotato Diseases, Pests, and Disorders, Second Edition
Five Major Fungal Diseases of Corn (DVD-ROM)
Edited by Christopher A. Clark, Donald M. Ferrin, Tara P. Smith, and Gerald J. Holmes
With their new addition to the APS PRESS teaching collection, these plant scientists continue to impress by bringing plant pathology to life in video. Using stunning computer animations blended with real-life video, this teaching DVD illustrates the disease cycles of five major fungal pathogens of corn, which can and do cause significant losses of crop yield and quality.
Compendium of Sweetpotato Diseases, Pests, and Disorders, Second Edition arrives as sweetpotato production is increasing dramatically in the United States, expanding to states that have not traditionally produced the crop, and as sweetpotato is being adopted as a critical source of vitamin A in many countries around the world. Nearly 50% longer than the previous edition, this is the most comprehensive book ever published describing the many diseases, insect pests, nutrient disorders, herbicide damage, and other disorders affecting the world’s seventh most important food crop. The second edition contains nearly 325 color photographs (an increase of approximately 250 since the previous addition) depicting the diagnostic symptoms of these diseases and disorders. The insect pest section is completely new. The virus section has been entirely rewritten to reflect the vast progress made in the last 25 years in understanding sweetpotato virus diseases. The nutrient disorder and herbicide injury sections have been completely rewritten and illustrated using photographs of symptoms produced under carefully controlled conditions to ensure complete accuracy. The nematode section has been completely rewritten.
By Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink
n n n n n
Common rust (Puccinia sorghi) Northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) Eyespot disease (Kabatiella zeae) Gray leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis) Fusarium ear rot (Fusarium spp.)
Students and extension audiences will gain a clear understanding of the development and epidemiological spread of the diseases as well as measures to control them. Multilingual Soundtrack (9 languages): English, Chinese, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish. 2014; DVD-ROM compatible with PC and Mac; 1 pound; ISBN 978-0-89054-435-8; Item No. 44358 • $199
2013; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 128 pages; 317 color images; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-410-5; Item No. 44105 • Print $89 • e-book $80.10
Compendium of Alfalfa Diseases and Pests, Third Edition Edited by Deborah A. Samac, Landon H. Rhodes, and William O. Lamp The Compendium of Alfalfa Diseases and Pests, Third Edition, is the most comprehensive diagnostic reference guide to date on the many diseases and insect pests of alfalfa, one of our most important forage crop. This easy-to-use book includes comprehensive diagnostic and management information on NEW nearly 50 infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases, insect pests, and abiotic conditions. This third edition, written by more than 55 expert plant pathologists and entomologists working on alfalfa, delivers an almost entirely new collection of 270-plus color images, revised management information, the addition of five recently discovered diseases, and an entirely new section covering alfalfa’s arthropod pests. Some pests can significantly decrease yield and this new section describes and illustrates their life cycles, behaviors, and damage symptoms, along with management practices.The Compendium of Alfalfa Diseases and Pests, Third Edition is essential for researchers and practitioners worldwide. Extension scientists, consultants, field staff, and growers will find the book helpful for identifying and managing alfalfa pests and disorders. Plant pathologists, entomologists, and their staff in laboratories, diagnostic clinics, regulatory agencies, and the classroom will also find this book to be an invaluable reference.
More than 11,000 copies now in use! Fungicides for Field Crops Edited by Daren Mueller, Kiersten Wise, Nicholas Dufault, Carl Bradley, and Martin Chilvers Fungicides for Field Crops highlights the use of fungicides as key tools in the management of important diseases of field crops. Management is presented as a decision-making process—one in which factors as diverse as weather conditions and economics must be considered. Having a more complete understanding of fungicides will inform that decision making and help determine when fungicides should be included as part of a management plan. Daren Mueller and his coeditors have organized the book in a general-to-specific format, making the content accessible to readers of all backgrounds. The first three sections establish a foundation of knowledge about fungicide use, addressing basic terms and concepts, key factors in decision making, and concerns for fungicide stewardship, respectively. In the fourth section, the authors present details about using fungicides to manage diseases of 16 specific field crops. Each crop is treated in a separate section that begins with a discussion of general issues of foliar application and seed treatment and ends with an inclusive table identifying diseases of that crop, including what causes them and how fungicides may be used to treat them. More than 130 color photographs illustrate disease symptoms, show techniques, and enhance the key concepts described in the text. 2014; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 120 pages; 131 color photographs; 7 diagrams; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-420-4; Item No. 44204 • Print $19 • e-Book $17.10
This book will ship in December 2014. 2014; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 152 pages (est.); 243 images; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-446-4; Item No. 44464 • Print $99
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TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
Tomato Health Management
Studies in Mycology No. 77
Edited by R. Michael Davis, Ken Pernezny, and Janet C. Broome
A polyphasic taxonomy of Daldinia (Xylariaceae)
This book covers every aspect of tomato production, including disease and pest control, cultural practices such as irrigation and fertilization, nutritional and other abiotic disorders, and postharvest quality. This book describes management strategies that will help you avoid and overcome issues presented by weed and insect pests, diseases and abiotic disorders, and other concerns, such as plant selection, soil quality, storage, and appearance for market. The scientifically peer-reviewed information delivered here is synonymous with good management practices at all stages of production. By integrating those practices, the book explains how to plant, grow, harvest, and store tomatoes in labor-efficient, cost-effective ways and to simultaneously improve the health and value of your tomato crop. 2012; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 200 pages; 215 color images; 9 black-and-white illustrations; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-402-0; Item No. 44020 • Print $89 • e-Book $80.10
A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides By Richard Latin “This systematic treatment of fungicides is excellent and will extend the readership in plant pathology and plant protection.” — Journal of Phytopathology This book describes various approaches to scheduling fungicide applications—based on damage thresholds, days between sprays, and environmental conditions—explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and enabling development of effective strategies and tactics for disease control for more than two dozen damaging turf diseases caused by fungi. 2011; 8.5” x 10” hardcover; 280 pages; 115 images; 29 chemical structures; 4 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-392-4; Item No. 43924 • Print $139.95 • e-Book $125.95
By Mark Stadler, Thomas Læssøe, Jacques Fournier, Cony Decock, Beata Schmieschek, Hans Volker Tichy, and Derek Peršoh Several thousand herbarium specimens, and several hundreds of freshly collected and cultured specimens of Daldinia and allied Xylariaceae were studied for morphological traits, including by SEM, and chemically by HPLC profiles using UV visible and mass spectrometric detection. Six new species of Daldinia from the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere are described. 2014; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 143 pages; color figures; 2 pounds; Item No. 51984 • Print $99
Studies in Mycology No. 76
Plant pathogenic and endophytic Botryosphaeriales known from culture Edited by Alan J. L. Phillips, Bernard Slippers, Johannes Z. Groenewald, and Pedro W. Crous This volume contains three contributions dealing with a revision of the Botryosphaeriales, an order containing plant pathogenic fungi of quarantine and economic importance. 2013; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 167 pages; 97 color figures; 2 pounds; Item No. 51977 • Print $99
Studies in Mycology No. 75
Phytopathogenic Dothideomycetes Edited by Pedro W. Crous, Gerard Verkley, and Johannes Z. Groenewald This volume covers five main groups of fungi: Alternaria, Cercospora, Phoma, Pseudocercospora, and Septoria, including new and novel genera and species across multiple plant families. 2013; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 406 pages; 268 color figures; 4 pounds; Item No. 51960 • Print $95
Handbook of Turfgrass Insects, Second Edition Edited by Rick L. Brandenburg and Callie P. Freeman All major insect pests and mites of warm- and cool-season turfgrasses in the United States are addressed. From diagnostics to important chapters on the principles of sampling and monitoring, integrated turfgrass pest management, use of insecticides, insecticide resistance management, classes of pesticides, environmental issues, microbial and biological control, and beneficial and innocuous invertebrates in turf, this book delivers a single-source go-to guide for preventing and solving turfgrass insect problems. 2012; 8.25” x 10.88” softcover; 144 pages; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-9776209-4-4; Entomological Society of America and copublished by APS PRESS; Item No. 20944 • Print $79.95
Studies in Mycology No. 74
Development of Aspergillus niger Edited by Jan Dijksterhuis and Han Wosten This volume deals with vegetative growth and development of Aspergillus in general and Aspergillus niger in particular. Aspergillus niger is a member of the Aspergillus section Nigri, a group of 26 species that are dubbed “the black Aspergilli.” Aspergillus niger is a cosmopolitan fungus. It can be isolated from all continents and is not very selective with respect to environmental conditions. Aspergillus niger is used as a cell factory for the production of enzymes and metabolites such as organic acids. 2013; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 85 pages; 46 color figures; 2 pounds; Item No. 51939 • Print $55
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TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
Studies in Mycology No. 73
Colletotrichum: complex species or species complexes?
Barley: Chemistry and Technology, Second Edition
By Ulrike Damm, Paul F. Cannon, and Pedro W. Crous
Edited by Peter R. Shewry and Steven E. Ullrich
This volume consists of contributions that revise three of the major Colletotrichum species complexes and a concluding paper that summarizes the present situation. It provides an online identification tool to recognized species and also gives insight into future research directions.
Barley: Chemistry and Technology, Second Edition is an important tool for any food or crop scientist who needs to understand the development, structure, composition, or end use properties of the barley grain for cultivation, trade, and utilization. This book offers the latest coverage of barley’s applications in milling, breeding, and production for food, feed, malting, brewing, distilling, and biofuels. It delivers a complete update of the latest knowledge of barley’s many components, from the genetic and molecular level to its many constituents, such as proteins, carbohydrates, arabinoxylans, minerals, lipids, terpenoids, phenolics, and vitamins. This important book also includes chapters on barley’s plant and grain development from both the physiological and genetic perspectives, making it an important resource not only for food scientists, but crop scientists involved in breeding, agronomy, and related plant sciences.
2012; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 213 pages; 92 color figures; 3 pounds; Item No. 51922 • Print $89
Studies in Mycology No. 72
The genus Cladosporium By K. Bensch, U. Braun, J. Z. Groenewald, and P. W. Crous A monographic revision of the hyphomycete genus Cladosporium s. lat. (Cladosporiaceae, Capnodiales) is presented. It includes a detailed historic overview of Cladosporium and allied genera, with notes on their phylogeny, systematics, and ecology. Various keys are provided to support the identification of Cladosporium species in vivo and in vitro.
2014; 8.5” × 11” hardcover; 336 pages; 63 color images; 54 black-and-white images; 69 tables; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-1-891127-79-3; Item No. 27793 • Print $299
2012; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 401 pages; 2 pounds; Item No. 51915 • Print $89
Studies in Mycology No. 71
A monograph of Allantonectria, Nectria, and Pleonectria (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) and their pycnidial, sporodochial, and synnematous anamorphs By Y. Hirooka, A. Y. Rossman, G. J. Samuels, C. Lechat, and P. Chaverri Although Nectria is the type genus of Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota), the systematics of the teleomorphic and anamorphic state of Nectria sensu Rossman has not been studied in detail. 2012; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 210 pages; 2 pounds; Item No. 51908 • Print $69.95
Cultivation and Diseases of Proteaceae: Leucadendron, Leucospermum and Protea By Pedro W. Crous, Sandra Denman, Joanne E. Taylor, Lizeth Swart, Carolien M. Bezuidenhout, Lynn Hoffman, Mary E. Palm, and Johannes Z. Groenewald Proteaceae cut-flowers have become a highly desirable crop for the export market. This book is important because diseases cause a loss in yield and also limit the export of these flowers due to strict phytosanitary regulations.
Atlas of Stored-Product Insects and Mites By David W. Hagstrum, Tomasz Klejdysz, Bhadriraju Subramanyam, and Jan Nawrot No other reference offers such an extensive hands-on guide to the most common stored-product pests. Atlas of StoredProduct Insects and Mites includes photographs and summary information for each of the 235 stored-product insect species. Summary information includes common names, synonyms for scientific names, records of geographic distribution, suitability of commodities as insect food and commodity infestation, literature citations for life history studies, and a list of natural enemies. Similar summary information is provided for 280 species of mites (Acari) reported to be associated with stored products. The authors cover the tools and information that should be considered when developing a pest management program and provide reference sources for additional information on pest management. Atlas of Stored-Product Insects and Mites will make solving stored-product pest problems faster and easier, making this an essential reference for anyone working with storedproduct insects or mites. 2013; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 600 pages; 266 color illustrations; 32 tables; 5 pounds; ISBN 978-1-891127-75-5; Item No. 27755 • Print $199
2013; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 360 pages; 186 figures and color plates; 4 pounds; Item No. 51953 • Print $109
TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers
Illustrated Genera of Smut Fungi, Third Edition
Edited by Keith A. Seifert, Z. Wilhelm de Beer, and Michael J. Wingfield
By Kálmán Vánky
The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity created a new awareness of the economic impact of living organisms. Regulators and quarantine specialists in governments all over the world now scrutinize dots on maps, as real-time online disease mapping and prediction models allow us to track (and try to prevent) the spread of diseases across borders. Woodlands are more managed, include less genetic diversity, and seem to be more susceptible to rapidly spreading disease. Different jurisdictions use different terminology, Biosecurity, Alien Invasive Species, Quarantine, but it is now commonplace to see large signs in airports, along highways, and on public hiking trails, warning citizens not to accidentally or deliberately facilitate the spread of unwanted pests or microbes. With the ophiostomatoid fungi, scientists have to cope with the overlapping behavior of a triumvirate of kingdoms, the fungi, the animals (bark beetles, mites, or nematodes), and how all of these impact trees in our forests and cities. This book includes 21 chapters divided among five themes, plus an appendix. The appendix to this book provides a preliminary view of the nomenclature of the ophiostomatoid fungi using the new single name system. In an attempt at consistency, this naming system is used in all chapters.
In Illustrated Genera of Smut Fungi, Third Edition, the world’s top authority on the topic, Dr. Kálmán Vánky, uses molecular phylogenetic analyses and extensive collecting activity to bring a better and expanded classification of smut fungi. In this third edition, 104 recognized genera of smut fungi are identified, described, and illustrated compared with the second edition, in which 77 genera were identified. While Illustrated Genera presents many theoretical aspects in connection with smut fungi, it particularly helps readers recognize and identify in which genus a fungus belongs. It also discusses problems with smut fungi classification, stimulating researchers to solve them. This reference source provides stimulation and utility for all interested in mycology, phytopathology, taxonomy, and botany, including students, teachers, researchers, government scientists, and even amateurs. Every diagnostic lab and agricultural library should have access to the new update of this classic manual. 2013; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 288 pages; 116 black-and-white illustrations; 3 pounds; ISBN 9780-89054-428-0; Item No. 44280 • Print $139
2013; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 337 pages; 160 color images; 80 black-and-white images; 4 pounds; Item No. 51946 • Print $109
Smut Fungi of the World
Potato Late Blight: The Disease Cycle of Phytophthora infestans (DVD-ROM)
“Wow! I had the opportunity to review the page proofs for this book, and the images are amazing. The details in the scanning electron micrographs are exceptional. The images make this book unique.” – Anthony P. Keinath, APS Publications Board Chair
Edited by Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink Late blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans is the most serious disease of potato crops worldwide. As a major culprit of the Irish potato famine in the mid-nineteenth century, late blight has had a tremendous effect on human history. Elucidation of the life cycle of P. infestans by German botanist Anton de Bary is claimed as a founding moment of modern plant pathology. Using computer animations blended with real-life video and time-lapse photography, this teaching DVD impressively illustrates the life cycle of P. infestans. Your students and extension audiences will gain a clear understanding of the development and epidemiological spread of this fungus-like pathogen and the nature of the devastating disease it causes. Contains four video files representing different compression formats for use on both PC and MAC. 2013; DVD-ROM compatible with PC and Mac; 1 pound; ISBN 978-08905-4423-5; Item No. 44235 • $199
TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
By Kálmán Vánky
This nearly 1,500-page treatise is authored by the worldwide authority on the subject, Dr. Kálmán Vánky, who has spent more than 50 years collecting and describing smut fungi species. The book provides complete and detailed presentations of species in 93 genera through descriptions and illustrations. The book updates our knowledge of valid scientific names and synonyms and provides taxonomic references and the host plant range of each species. Dr. Vánky’s passion for the topic shines through on every page with the excellent illustrations and detailed descriptions that complement each other to make identification easier. Having all content in a single volume allows the reader to flip back and forth between similar looking fungi for detailed comparison and analysis. Mycologists, plant pathologists, molecular biologists, teachers, and students, as well as amateurs, will appreciate its clear, concise, and comprehensive descriptions. 2012; 8.5 x 11” hardcover; 1,480 pages; 650 line drawings; 2,800 micrographs; 10 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-398-6; Item No. 43986 • Print $499
TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
Fusarium Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops
Applications of Information Theory to Epidemiology
Edited by M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi
By Gareth Hughes
This book focuses on the topic of Fusarium wilts in the context of the greenhouse—an agricultural setting that is increasingly prevalent, particularly for high-value crops. Fusarium wilts have always presented a challenge to greenhouse growers of vegetable and ornamental crops. The crops in this category are economically important and environmentally significant and their care is vital to our world economy and food supply. The book begins with a current review of the genus Fusarium, its biology and epidemiology, genetics, and diagnosis. This includes coverage of improved diagnostic tools that permit better discrimination of the formae speciales, a crucial advance that is vital in this centurylong battle with Fusarium. Management strategies, cultural practices, and genetic approaches for either preventing or containing the disease are covered in depth and provide an integrated arsenal of tactics—from breeding for resistance, to irrigation, to chemical controls. The case studies in the book provide specific discussions of key greenhouse crops, giving the reader applied knowledge for diagnostic and prevention strategies by crop or crop type. Greenhouse growers and those that advise them will gain valuable insight to put into practice right away. The book is a core resource for students, researchers, and extension professionals worldwide. 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 256 pages; 69 images; 4 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-401-3; Item No. 44013 • Print $169
Tomato Diseases: Identification, Biology, and Control, Second Edition (A Color Handbook) By Dominique Blancard The number of diseases affecting the tomato is enormous: hundreds of bio-aggressors, more than 50 nonparasitic diseases, plus new and alarmingly frequent emerging diseases that are a constant threat to crops, often causing considerable damage. This book aids in the identification, detection, knowledge, and control of these diseases. With more than 900 color photos, this book is an effective diagnostic tool, allowing the reader to alternate between the observation of the diseased plant, environmental questions, and the prioritization of the differential diagnoses. It includes numerous information sheets detailing the characteristics of most tomato pathogens, geographic distribution, impact on production, types of symptoms, and life history of the plant as well as the range of plant protection and disease resistance measures currently available. 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 688; 4 pounds; Item No. 77376 • Print $209
This book gathers together epidemiological applications of information theory and presents them in a manner that makes them accessible to plant disease epidemiologists and others in the field of plant pathology and beyond. The author provides a summary of basic concepts, methods, and results that is not only understandable to newcomers to the topic but is immediately useful and applicable for those using data for making diagnostic determinations. This is the first book written on information theory applications explicitly for plant disease epidemiology. Few, if any, plant disease epidemiologists have followed closely the epidemiological applications of information theory. One reason for this is that applications of information theory to epidemiology have been devised almost exclusively by clinical epidemiologists. The author’s key methodologies related to diagnostic decision making as it relates to plant diseases are drawn from his career work, which includes the epidemiology and modeling of diseases. 2012; 8” x 10” softcover; 158 pages; 29 color images; 16 black-and-white images; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-415-0; Item No. 44150 • Print $119 • e-Book $107.10
Fire Blight: History, Biology, and Management By Tom van der Zwet, Noemi Orolaza-Halbrendt, and Wolfgang Zeller Three world-renowned experts provide comprehensive scientific coverage of this first known plant disease caused by a bacterium. Fire blight is present in 47 countries and affects many common host plants in the rose family worldwide. It is expected that the disease may eventually spread around the globe to all countries growing pome fruit, and the knowledge presented here will be an important first line of defense. This is a complete update of the topic, providing detailed information about the biology, epidemiology, and host–pathogen interactions, as well as horticultural, chemical, and biological control management strategies. It includes important coverage of the discovery of pathogenicity and virulence genes, induced resistance, and the variability and diversity of the bacterial pathogen. These research advances offer promise for controlling the disease, where the traditional studies of epidemiology and conventional chemical or biological control have been unsuccessful. An addendum chapter compiling most of the literature covering phytobacteriological and molecular techniques for quick and easy reference is included. The book will be especially useful to scientists beginning work on this disease and essential wherever scientists and the growers they serve are fighting this oldest and most devastating bacterial disease of pomaceous fruit trees. 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 460 pages; 122 color images; 53 black-and-white images; 4 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-394-8; Item No. 43948 • Print $299
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TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560
Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology, Second Edition
Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits
By Miguel Ulloa and Richard T. Hanlin
Edited by Ahmed Hadidi, Marina Barba, Thierry Candresse, and Wilhelm Jelkmann
The Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology, Second Edition is an enlightening update of the best-selling first edition. It contains definitions and etymological derivations of nearly 5,000 mycology terms. This up-to-date compendium of mycological terms enables users to understand the technical nomenclature used in the field of mycology and effectively communicate with colleagues. Each entry is accompanied by a reference to one or more fungi species related to that particular term, and a taxonomic outline of the taxa is provided to help those unfamiliar with the grouping of any particular genus. This substantial volume also includes several broader biological terms encountered in mycological literature to help give background to those less familiar with them. This comprehensive dictionary is an excellent international resource for mycologists, plant pathologists, microbiologists, and all researchers, teachers, and students in biological fields where fungi are studied.
Completely updated and now in color! 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 784 pages; 672 color line drawings; 2,708 scientific names; 6 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-400-6; Item No. 44006 • Print $169
This impressive reference presents biological, molecular, and immunological advances surrounding the causes and strategies for diagnosing and controlling virus diseases of stone fruits. The book’s vivid color images aid in the visual identification of symptomatology, while distribution data and improved laboratory techniques provide reliable information and tools for higher diagnostic accuracy. It includes information on economic impact, biology, distribution, taxonomy, genomes, epidemiology, pathogenicity detection, and control measures. During the last three decades, much progress has been made in the fields of plant virology, molecular biology, genomics, biotechnology, and immunology, which significantly accelerated and facilitated research on these pathogens. As a consequence, the flow of published information on these systemic pathogens has increased steadily. This book presents the result of this team endeavor, providing control strategies in a comprehensive, scientific, and systematic manner. 2011; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 428 pages; 68 chapters; 163 color photographs; 4 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-396-2; Item No. 43962 • Print $299
John S. Niederhauser: Recollections of a Life in Science and Agriculture
Genome-Enabled Analysis of Plant-Pathogen Interactions
Edited by Paul D. Peterson, Clay S. Griffith, and R. Steven Turner
Edited by Thomas Wolpert, Tomonori Shiraishi, Alan Collmer, Kazuya Akimitsu, and Jane Glazebrook (Includes a Synopsis by Jan E. Leach and Shinji Tsuyumu)
John Niederhauser is remembered and honored in this autobiographical memoir as one of the most important agricultural scientists of the last century, notable for his contributions to plant pathology and global agriculture, especially his work in the 1950s on late blight disease of potatoes. Along with winning the World Food Prize in 1990, Niederhauser was also a participant in other amazing events, such as the Soviet collectivist experiment, the Rockefeller Foundation’s Mexican Agricultural Program, the Green Revolution, and the development of the system of International Agricultural Research Centers (IARCs). Niederhauser’s comments and commentary were used as the foundation of the book, with a special emphasis on findings taken from his numerous published and unpublished notes and papers. 2012; 6” x 9” hardcover; 176 pages; 36 illustrations; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-89054-408-2; Item No. 44082 • Print $19.99 • e-Book $17.99
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This important book documents the progress on genomeenabled technologies that have enhanced, and will continue to refine, our understanding of how plants and microbes interact at the molecular level. It includes studies that show the power of integrating imaging with genetic and genomic tools to not only link genes to function, but also to understand the dynamic behaviors and interactions of plant and pathogen molecules. It emphasizes the contribution of computational biology to deciphering the genome and to revealing the complex signals and biochemical networks that are involved in plant-pathogen interactions, including intriguing advances reported for fungal, oomycete, and bacterial pathogens. 2011; 6” x 9” hardcover; 272 pages; 43 illustrations; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-393-1; Item No. 43931 • Print $99.95
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Hungry Planet: Stories of Plant Diseases
Conspectus of World Ethnomycology: Fungi in Ceremonies, Crafts, Diets, Medicines, and Myths
By Gail L. Schumann and Cleora J. D’Arcy This book tells the stories of plant pathology with a passionate voice and laces each tale with the essential research-based information to help readers understand the interrelationship between agriculture, the human condition, and the science that connects the two. It examines the effects plant diseases have had on human culture by weaving together true-life stories from ancient days and modern times. Hungry Planet explores sometimes controversial topics that challenge readers to think beyond the disease outbreaks to consider the impact these biological events have on our personal lives. Anyone interested in science, environmental issues, food production, or sustainability will find the book fascinating. This clearly written book is an ideal entry-level text for inquisitive college students who are majoring in a subject other than plant pathology, especially those in general education and core science classes. There is a student resources website organized around the book’s topics that will help bring the stories of plant diseases to life through podcasts, exercises, and other teaching tools. For those teaching with this book, there is an instructor’s-only web interface with resources that will be your course guide throughout the semester. If you wish to build a course around Hungry Planet, these award-winning educators have already done the preparation work for you. Anyone who has taught a course with Schumann’s earlier book, Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact will find Hungry Planet to be an inviting update.
Hungry Planet named “Outstanding Academic Title” by Choice magazine! 2012; 8” x 10” softcover; 304 pages; 75 line drawings; 93 photos; 2 pound ISBN 978-089054-399-3; Item No. 43993 • Print $65 • e-Book $58.50
Essential Plant Pathology, Second Edition
By Gail L. Schumann and Cleora J. D’Arcy This second edition textbook comes packaged with a dynamic DVD that works hand-in-hand with the popular APS Online Education Center and provides students and their professors with an engaging way to learn and teach plant pathology. It uses “Case Studies” and “Did You Know?” callouts to engage the student in real-world examples. The DVD contains important supplementary materials that can be used without Internet access, including expanded and revised identification exercises, new peer-reviewed instructional materials, new chapter exercises, and new web links for each chapter. More than 9,000 students have been introduced to plant pathology through this innovative and accessible textbook. 2009; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 384 pages; 290 color images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-381-8; Item No. 43818 • Print with DVD $89.95
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By Frank M. Dugan This book surveys the folk usage of fungi worldwide from the perspective of a specialist in germplasm conservation and research. It catalogs the scientific names of fungi used for food, medicine, and other miscellaneous applications by indigenous peoples, peasant farmers, hunter-gatherers, and others commonly referred to as “folk” in ethnographic literature. The origins of the discipline of ethnomycology are sketched, and an argument is made for the origins of scientific mycology from the herb-wives and other “wise-women” of premodern Europe. The evolution of ethnomycology is traced from a focus on “entheogenic” fungi to broader folk practices and applications. Synopses are provided of the most important groups and species of fungi used for food or medicine or in craft production on each habitable continent or major geographic region, and a sampling of folklore pertinent to fungi in each such region is given. 2011; 160 pages; 7” x 10” softcover; 18 color images; 9 black-and-white figures; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-395-5; Item No. 43955 • Print $69.95
Fungal Plant Pathogens Edited by C. R. Lane, P. Beales, and K. J. D. Hughes Covering the key techniques used when working with fungal plant pathogens, this practical manual deals with recognition of disease symptoms, detection and identification of fungi, and methods to characterize them well as curation, quarantine, and quality assurance. The book is unique in its practical focus, providing an overview of both traditional and emerging methods and their applications, and detailed protocols on completion techniques such as microscopy, PCR, ELISA, freeze drying, and DNA storage. 2012; 8.5” x 11” softcover; 324 pages; 2 pounds; Item No. 36686 • Print $85
Pests of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers: A Color Handbook, Second Edition By David V. Alford This beautifully illustrated book is now fully revised and updated to include more than 60 new pests and almost 90 new color photographs, with more than 1,100 in all. The nearly 500-page book opens with a review of the main features of insects, mites, and other major pest groups. The principles of pest control of ornamental plants are discussed, followed by sections on the various pests. Each major order and family is considered in turn, with details of their status, host range, world distribution, diagnostic features, and biology as well as characteristic descriptions of damage. 2012; 7.68” x 10.39” hardcover; 480 pages; 1,150 color photographs, 4 pounds; Item No. 85156 • Print $185
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The Genera of Hyphomycetes
The Kingdom of Fungi
By Keith Seifert, Gareth Morgan-Jones, Walter Gams, and Bryce Kendrick
Edited by Jens H. Petersen
The Genera of Hyphomycetes is the essential reference for the identification of molds. With its combination of information on classical morphological taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, and DNA diagnostics, this book is an effective modern resource for researchers working on microfungi, including plant pathologists, industrial microbiologists, mycologists, and indoor environment specialists. The book compiles information on nearly 1,500 accepted genera of hyphomycetes and about 1,420 genera that are synonyms or names of uncertain identity. Each accepted genus is described using a standardized set of key words. Connections with sexual stages (teleomorphs) and synanamorphs are listed, along with known substrates or hosts, and continental distribution. When available, accession numbers for representative DNA barcodes are listed for each genus. A complete bibliography is provided for each genus, giving the reader access to the literature necessary to identify species. Most accepted genera are illustrated by newly prepared line drawings, including many genera that have never been comprehensively illustrated before, arranged as a visual synoptic key. 2011; 8.5” x 12” hardcover; 997 pages; 200+ images; 9 pounds; Item No. 51854 • Print $129.95
Sustainable Agriculture and New Biotechnologies Edited by Noureddine Benkeblia This is the first book to apply omic technologies to address issues related to understanding and improving agricultural sustainability in the food production process. The transformation from industrial to sustainable agriculture is discussed within the frameworks of new biotechnologies and global environmental changes. The use of new biotechnologies to help in the creation of more sustainable agricultural practices, including methods in molecular biology, genetic engineering, and the new emerging technologies, such as metabolomics, metagenomics, nutrigenomics, and ionomics. While many books tend to make “a quick and easy link” between these two different worlds, Sustainable Agriculture and New Biotechnologies describes exactly how omics can contribute to greater food productivity and security and to agricultural sustainability in the future. 2011; 7” x 10” hardcover; 555 pages; 4 pounds; Item No. 25044 • Print $139.95
The fungi realm has been called the “hidden kingdom,” a mysterious world populated by microscopic spores, gigantic mushrooms and toadstools, and a host of other multicellular organisms ranging widely in color, size, and shape. The Kingdom of Fungi provides an intimate look at the world’s astonishing variety of fungi species, from cup fungi and lichens to truffles and tooth fungi, clubs and corals, and jelly fungi and puffballs. This beautifully illustrated book features more than 800 stunning color photographs as well as a concise text that describes the biology and ecology of fungi, fungal morphology, where fungi grow, and human interactions with and uses of fungi. 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 265 pages; over 800 color images; 4 pounds; Item No. 57542 • Print $29.95
Atlas of Soil Ascomycetes Edited by J. Guarro, J. Gene, A. M. Stchigel, and M. J. Figueras This atlas includes almost all presently known species of ascomycetes that have been reported in soil and which sporulate in culture. They constitute a very broad spectrum of genera belonging to very diverse orders, but mainly to the Onygenales, Sordariales, Eurotiales, Thelebolales, Pezizales, Melanosporales, Pleosporales, Xylariales, Coniochaetales, and Microascales. This book includes the descriptions of 146 genera and 698 species. For each genus, a dichotomous key to facilitate species identification is provided, and for each genus and species, the salient morphological features are described. These descriptions are accompanied by line drawings illustrating the most representative structures. 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 486 pages; 322 pictures and line drawings; 5 pounds; Item No. 51885 • Print $129
Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease Edited by Lawrence E. Datnoff, Wade H. Elmer, Don M. Huber This comprehensive book examines how mineral nutrition affects plant disease. An APS PRESS Best-Seller —2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Named “Outstanding Academic Title” by Choice magazine! “Without any doubt this book will serve as an excellent source of useful information for plant physiologists, agronomists, and plant protection specialists as well as for university teachers and students. Therefore I strongly recommend this book for all agricultural and natural sciences libraries.” —Journal of Plant Protection Research 2007; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 278 pages; 40 color and black and white images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-346-7; Item No. 43467 • Print $95
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Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice
Diseases, Pests, and Beneficial Organisms of Strawberry, Raspberry, and Blueberry
Edited by Abraham Gamliel and Jaacov Katan Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice summarizes and updates the vast amount of information on soil solarization made available in the 20 years since the previous book on this topic was published. It provides the reader with an updated and comprehensive view of the solarization concept and its application, including the disinfestation of soils of plant pathogens and pests, innovations in the implementation of integrated pest management practices, and the importance of these technologies in view of changes in the kinds and uses of soil fumigants. It also summarizes new postplant treatments for controlling plant pests and pathogens and the technology of soil disinfestation in various cropping systems. Soil solarization is a relatively new, nonchemical method of pest and pathogen control by soil disinfestation. It was the environmentally friendly, cost effective answer to the methyl bromide crisis, and through this book, everyone in agriculture can come to understand the benefits of the concept made possible through advances in plastic mulch technology. 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 280 pages; 42 figures; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-418-1; Item No. 44181 • Print $199
Taxonomic Manual of the Erysiphales (Powdery Mildews) By Uwe Braun and Roger T. A. Cook This fully revised and expanded version of Braun’s 1987 monograph covers the taxonomy of powdery mildew fungi worldwide. New chapters include phylogenetic relationships, conidial germination, conidia as viewed by scanning electron microscopy, fossil powdery mildews, and holomorph classification. A key to the genera (and sections), based on teleomorph and anamorph characters, is provided, supplemented by a key solely using anamorph features. Keys to the species are to be found under the particular genera. A special tabular key to species based on host families and genera completes the tools for identification MORE THAN 700 PAGES! of powdery mildew taxa. In total, 873 powdery mildew species are described and illustrated in 853 figures. Coverage for each species and subspecific taxa includes bibliographic data, synonyms, references, full descriptions, type details, host range, distribution, and notes. This 700-page book is based on recent molecular phylogenetic classifications and provides for the identification of taxa, as well as comprehensive information on their biology, morphology, distribution, and host range. 2012; 8.5” x 11” hardcover; 707 pages; 860 figures; 6 pounds; Item No. 51892 • Print $119
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By Liette Lambert, Odile Carisse, Ginette H. Laplante, and Charles Vincent Originally published in French, this versatile pocket guide has 126 descriptive entries with more than 700 high-resolution color photographs and illustrations to help identify pest problems and better understand the beneficial organisms present in strawberries, raspberries, and highbush blueberries. It is an excellent visual scouting tool when viewing symptoms, but also provides information about life cycles, conditions, and best practices with background information on the main phenological stages of the crops, diseases, insects and other organisms, screening, and diagnosis. A useful glossary is included. 2013; 4.25” x 7.25” spiral bound; 344 pages; 700 color images and illustrations; Item No. 02301 • Print $47
Microbial Forensics, Second Edition Edited by Bruce Budowle, Steven E. Schutzer, Roger G. Breeze, Paul S. Keim, and Stephen A. Morse Microbial forensics is a rapidly evolving scientific discipline. In the last decade, and particularly due to the anthrax letter attacks in the United States, microbial forensics has become more formalized and has played an increasingly greater role in crime investigations. This has brought renewed interest, development, and application of new technologies and new rules of forensic and policy engagement. It has many applications, ranging from biodefense, criminal investigations, providing intelligence information, making society more secure, and helping protect precious resources, particularly human life. A combination of diverse areas is investigated, including the major disciplines of biology, microbiology, medicine, chemistry, physics, statistics, population genetics, and computer science. Microbial Forensics, Second Edition is fully revised and updated and serves as a complete reference of the discipline. It describes the advances, as well as the challenges and opportunities ahead, and will be integral in applying science to help solve future biocrimes. 2011; 7.5” x 9.5” hardcover; 744 pages; 4 pounds; Item No. 20068 • Print $109.95
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