Education Brochure

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Engage your students with award-winning resources from APS PRESS! A diverse collection of titles for classes in biology, plant pathology, and related disciplines

Evaluate our books FREE for 60-days. See more inside! The American Phytopathological Society

TEXTBOOKS Essential Plant Pathology, Second Edition

Value-priced Best-seller DVD Exercises Included

By Gail L. Schumann and Cleora J. D’Arcy Written specifically for introductory plant pathology courses by award-winning educators, this acclaimed textbook provides engaging ways to learn and teach plant pathology. The text is reader-friendly with important terms and concepts clearly identified. Special sections provide historical facts about plant diseases, recommended resources for further reading, and study questions. A DVD with exercises, photos, diagrams, and more is also included. This DVD works hand-in-hand with the popular APSnet Education Center, connecting the reader to engaging enrichment materials, such as APSnet feature articles, new exercises, and links to recommended websites. ©2009; 8.5" x 11" hardcover; 384 pages; 290 color images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-381-8; Includes DVD Supplement; Item No. 43818; $89.95

Hungry Planet By Gail L. Schumann and Cleora J. D’Arcy

Best-seller Online Exercises Included Print and Kindle Editions Available

This “Choice” award-winning textbook is designed for general education or core courses in biology. It teaches basic biological concepts within a framework of plant disease stories, imparting the importance of plants and agriculture in our everyday lives—and the challenges of providing food, fiber, and fuel for a growing population. Hungry Planet also offers additional resources that spark ideas and shorten prep time for lessons and lectures. These include podcasts, demonstrations, desktop lab exercises, group discussions, and writing assignments. ©2012; 8"x 10" softcover; 304 pages; 75 line drawings; 93 photos; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-399-3; Item No. 43993; $65


Evaluate our books FREE for 60-days.

Plant Bacteriology By Clarence I. Kado

Print and Kindle Editions Available

The study of plant bacteriology has led to advances in medicine, biotechnology and crop science, making a textbook on this topic relevant and essential. Plant Bacteriology, by renowned educator and bacteriologist Clarence Kado, shares key information for students and professionals in the plant sciences. This essential book offers a brief history of bacteriology along with practical knowledge to help readers understand causal agents and their characteristics, their classification, and mechanisms of virulence and pathogenicity leading to greater comprehension of symptom identification, disease diagnosis, and epidemiology. ©2010; 7" x 10" hardcover; 336 pages; 48 color images; 16 black and white images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-388-7; Item No. 43887; $139.95

NO-RISK 60-day Evaluation for Instructors Educators in the U.S.A.– Examine any book in this brochure free for 60 days. You will receive the book along with an invoice. If you choose to keep the book, but not adopt it for your class, simply pay the invoice. If you choose to adopt the book for your class, keep the book with compliments of APS PRESS when you write “Complimentary Desk Copy” on your invoice and return it with a photocopy of your bookstore order or bookstore requisition form for 10 or more copies of the textbook. If you decide not to adopt the book for your class and you do not wish to keep the book for your personal use, simply return the book with a copy of your invoice and write cancel on the invoice. To preview DVDs, search titles by keyword at www. Click the ‘preview’ tab to see sample video and images. Course Title__________________________________________________________________________________ Name_______________________________________________________________________________________ School_______________________________________________________________________________________ Shipping Address_____________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________ State_________________________ Postal Code____________________ Country______________________________________________________ E-mail_________________________________________Phone____________________________________

Send to: APS PRESS Customer Care 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 USA Or call 1.800.328.7560 or send an e-mail to

Educators Outside the U.S.A.– Order at You will initially pay for the book and if you choose to adopt the book for class, e-mail or mail a photocopy of your bookstore order or bookstore requisition form for 10 or more copies of the textbook and APS PRESS will issue a full refund for the book. If you decide not to adopt the book for your class and you do not wish to keep the book for your personal use, simply return the book with a copy of your invoice within 60-days of the order date and write cancel on the invoice. You will receive a refund for the price of the book.

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Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease Edited by Lawrence E. Datnoff, Wade H. Elmer, and Don M. Huber

Perennial Best-seller

This groundbreaking text successfully demonstrates how plant disease is impacted by mineral nutrition, providing a unique and fundamental text for courses in plant physiology, horticulture, extension/certification training, soil science, and plant pathology. In each chapter of this groundbreaking and user-friendly book, users learn a new mineral element, its physiological role in the plant, interactions with biotic and abiotic diseases, and its role in a plant’s disease suppression mechanisms. ©2007; 8.5" x 11" hardcover; 278 pages; 40 color and black and white images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-346-7; Item No. 43467; $95

Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides By Richard Latin

Online Exercises Included Print and Kindle Editions Available

The first practical textbook on fungicides for students pursuing a career in turfgrass management from one of the preeminent educators in this area. It is a valuable training resource on fungicide movement, modes of action, resistance management strategies, environmental and maintenance factors, interpreting fungicide efficacy reports, best treatment practices and more. This hands-on text helps future professionals make more informed turf management decisions and articulate disease control issues with golf course and sports facility administrators and the public. ©2011; 8" x 10" hardcover; 280 pages; 115 images; 29 chemical structures; 4 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-392-4; Item No. 43924; $139.95


LAB TRAINING Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology, Second Edition Edited by Katherine L. Stevenson and Michael J. Jeger This new title provides a wide range of exercises to help users build a solid theoretical foundation in epidemiology and practice the latest, most advanced methods for determining the spread and control of plant diseases. Each exercise has a common, structured format emphasizing procedure and evaluation. Instructors can take advantage of an online portal in the APSnet Education Center for hands-on statistical and quantitative exercises, allowing a mix-and-match approach to theory and practice. All online exercises are supported by public domain or commonly available software.


Online Exercises Included

©2015; 8.5" x 11" softcover spiral bound; 276 pages; 108 images; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-440-2; Item No. 44402; $199

Teaching Plant Anatomy

Through Creative Laboratory Exercises By R. L. Peterson, Carol A. Peterson, and L. H. Melville An easy-to-follow lab manual for instructors teaching plant structure at the high school, college, and university levels. This book takes students through the process of preparing their own microscope slides from fresh plant samples. The exercises in this book require minimal supplies and equipment and use plants that are readily available. A CD is included with all illustrations for easy downloading into PowerPoint™ presentations ©2008; 8.5" x 11" spiral bound manual and companion CD; 164 pages; 2 pounds; Item No. 97982; $69.95


Value-priced Includes CD

LAB TRAINING Perennial Best-seller

ASSESS 2.0 By Lakhdar Lamari

This revolutionary Windows-based program helps students, instructors, and researchers quickly quantify disease symptoms on leaves, plant tissue, stems, and literally anything else These screen shots show instant measurement of that can be scanned plant disease lesions and percentage of infection or imaged—including using the automatic threshold tool. aerial field shots. Within seconds, users get a reliable and reproducible measurement of leaf area, disease coverage, root length, lesion count, ground cover, and more. This versatile, easy-to-use software is an excellent complement to practical field and lab exercises involving disease quantification— and makes learning fun for future plant pathologists, agronomists, plant breeders, and other crop professionals! Assess 2.0 also includes a textbook-quality user manual with nineteen easy-to-follow tutorials. ©2008; CD compatible with PC; 2 pounds; ISBN 978-0-89054-369-6; Item No. 43696 Single User Price: $295 Non-simultaneous Multi-User Price: $495 Single Site Price: $795

Plant Propagation: Concepts and Laboratory Exercises

Includes CD

By Caula A. Beyl and Robert N. Trigiano This hands-on resource gives plant science students a working knowledge of plant propagation principles for temperate and tropical environments. It introduces basic concepts of plant propagation, helps students apply them with proven step-bystep protocols, and follows up with carefully chosen exercises for the lab and field. These exercises are designed to illustrate concepts of propagation while providing students with basic propagation skill sets, such as budding, cutting, layering, and grafting, and cloning. The book’s companion CD provides instructors with a bank of illustrative images for PowerPoint™ presentations. ©2008; 8.5" x 11" softcover book and CD set; 480 pages; 4 pounds; Item No. 65084; $99.95

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Evaluate our books FREE for 60-days.

Applications of Information Theory to Epidemiology

Online Exercises Included

By Gareth Hughes Recognized expert Gareth Hughes developed this groundbreaking book explicitly covering information theory applications in plant disease epidemiology. It uses original clinical epidemiology examples as well as phytopathological applications to illustrate theory. While ideally suited for plant pathologists, the far-reaching theories presented in this book also apply to botanical, clinical and veterinary epidemiologists as well. It is also useful and applicable for students and courses related to diagnostics.


Š2012; 8" x 10" softcover; 158 pages; 29 color images; 16 black and white images; 2 pounds; ISBN: 978-0-89054-415-0; Item No. 44150; $119

The Study of Plant Disease Epidemics By Laurence V. Madden, Gareth Hughes, and Frank van den Bosch A comprehensive text introducing students to the essential principles and concepts of plant disease epidemiology. Students learn to describe, compare, analyze, and predict plant disease epidemics for the ultimate purposes of developing and testing control strategies and tactics. Chapters provide the basics for proper measurement and analysis of epidemiological data—and also show users how to translate this valuable data for informed disease management decisions. This classic book is an excellent instructional tool intended for courses in plant disease epidemiology, plant disease management, invasive species risk assessment, and plant pathogen ecology.


Š2007; 8.5"x 11" hardcover; 432 pages; 170 black and white illustrations; 3 pounds; ISBN 978-089054-354-2; Item No. 43542; $89


ver Before e N e ik L ts n e d tu S Engage Your g DVDs! in n in -W rd a w A r u with o APS PRESS offers an award-winning collection of DVDs that have received acclaim by the scientific and film communities worldwide. Show the wonders of biology to your students firsthand with stunning 3D computer animations, timelapse photography, and real-life video. Instructors can present entire videos or highlight specific stages of a disease in PowerPoint™ presentations using the video trim feature.* Students and extension audiences alike will clearly understand the life cycle of plant pathogens, their epidemiological spread, the vector-based transmission of viruses, and other topics. These scientifically accurate resources collectively cover a range of plant pathogens and pests on various crops. Each DVD in our collection includes videos compatible with PC and Mac computers. View clips from each DVD at Enter the DVD’s title or item number in the search box, and then click the ‘preview’ tab on the product page. * Video trim feature works for all DVDs produced after 2009.

VIDEOS AND IMAGES Five Major Fungal Diseases of Corn DVD By Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink Topics included: Common rust (Puccinia sorghi ), Northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum); eyespot disease (Kabatiella zeae), gray leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis), and fusarium ear rot (Fusarium spp.)


Multilingual Soundtrack: English, Chinese, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish

©2014; DVD-ROM compatible with PC and Mac; 1 pound; ISBN 978-0-89054-435-8; Item No. 44358; $199

TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560


The Biology of Fungal Pathogens, Volumes 1–5 DVD Series

Edited by Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink Topics included: Volume 1 – Septoria blotch of wheat, spot of wheat, net blotch of barley, and powdery mildew of wheat; Volume 2 – Leaf rust and other rusts of cereals, Fusarium diseases of wheat; Volume 3 – barley leaf spots; Volume 4 - Eyespot disease of small grains, bunt and smut diseases of cereals; Volume 5 – Pythium root rot of cereals, Rhizoctonia root rot of cereals 5 Volume Kit: Item No. 42929KIT Vol 1: ©2002; 3 videos; ISBN 0-89054-292-9; Item No. 42929 Vol 2: ©2003; 2 videos; ISBN 0-89054-305-4; Item No. 43054 Vol 3: ©2004; 1 video; ISBN 0-89054-326-7; Item No. 43267 Vol 4: ©2006; 2 videos; ISBN 0-89054-350-4; Item No. 43504 Vol 5: ©2009; 2 videos; ISBN 0-89054-379-8; Item No. 43795

$199 each or $695 for the entire set

SAVE $300

Multilingual Soundtrack: English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish

Potato Late Blight

The Disease Cycle of Phytophthora infestans DVD

Winner, International AGROFILM Festival

By Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink Topics included: All stages of the life cycle for Phytophthora infestans, including asexual and sexual reproduction Contains four video files representing different compression formats for use on both PC and MAC NEW

©2013; DVD-ROM compatible with PC and Mac; 1 pound; ISBN 978-08905-4423-5; Item No. 44235; $199

TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560


VIDEOS AND IMAGES 50 Video Clips of Fungal Diseases of Cereals

Winner: COMENIUS Award

Edited by Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink NEW

Topics included: Features 50 clips from Volumes 1–4 of The Biology of Fungal Pathogens DVD Series ©2008; DVD compatible with PC and Mac; 1 pound; ISBN 978-0-89054-362-7; Item No. 43627; $259

Diseases and Pests of Sugarbeet Volumes 1–2 DVD Series Edited by Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink Winner: Magna Mater Award, International AGROFILM Festival, Scientific and Popular Scientific Films Award, COMENIUS Award

Topics included: Volume 1 – Cercospora beticola, Ramularia beticola, and the beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii); Volume 2 – Rhizomania, root rot, and biologic strategies of root-rotting pathogens 2 Volume Kit: Item No 43259KIT Volume 1: ©2004; 2 DVD Videos; 1 pound; ISBN 978-0-89054-325-2; Item No. 43259 Volume 2: ©2006; 2 DVD Videos; 1 pound; ISBN 978-0-89054-340-5; Item No. 43402

$199 each or $348 for the entire set

The Aphid:

SAVE $50

Winner: COMENIUS Award

A Virus Vector DVD Edited by Urs Wyss, Gunnar Mölck, and Gert Petersen

Topics included: The life cycle of aphids, their behavior on winter and summer hosts, and feeding habits. ©2008; DVD compatible with PC and Mac; 1 pound; Item No. 43733; $199

TOLL-FREE 1.800.328.7560


La biologia de los hongos patogenos, Volume 1 DVD Edited by Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink Topics included: Septoria blotch of wheat, spot of wheat, net blotch of barley, and powdery mildew of wheat


©2012; DVD; 1 pound; Item No. 42929SP; $199

La biologia de los hongos patogenos, Volume 2 DVD Edited by Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Holger Klink Topics included: Leaf rust and other rusts of cereals, Fusarium diseases of wheat


©2012; DVD; 1 pound; Item No. 43054SP; $199

Mycology Volumes 1–2 DVD Series Edited by John Webster in cooperation with Roland W. S. Weber Topics included: Volume 1–160 video clips covering ‘lower fungi,’ including Chytridio- and Zygomycota, as well as slime molds, Oomycota and plasmodiophorids; Volume 2 – 179 video clips covering ‘higher fungi,’ including those in the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota groups 2 Volume Kit: Item No 20858KIT Volume 1: ©2006-2007; DVD; color; approx. 70 min; ISBN 978-3-88222-085-8; Item No: 20858 Volume 2: ©2006-2007; DVD; color; approx. 70 min; ISBN 978-3-88222-086-5; Item No: 20865

$149 each or $278 for the set

SAVE $20

APS PRESS Image CDs Help You Save a Thousand Words! Save time and give your students, clear, accurate visual examples of diseases and pests with highquality image CDs from APS PRESS. Each CD has hundreds of images neatly categorized by causal agent for easy browsing. Simply save them to your desktop and then paste into PowerPoint™ presentations, lecture handouts, and other supporting documentation. Captions are both included in images and as a separate text file for easy insertion. Visit and click on the ‘images’ section in the upper-right area of the page.

And New in the first Quarter of 2015: Check the APS PRESS online bookstore for our forthcoming online image database, available with yearly subscription!


New mycology reference cards, an excellent study aid for mycology students!



Coming in 2015:

View more titles and our evaluation policy inside! See coupon on page 3.

A diverse collection of titles for classes in plant pathology, biology, and related disciplines

with award-winning resources from APS PRESS!



The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A.

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