March 2010 Phytopathology News

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March 2010 • Volume 44 • Number 3

Exchange • Inform • Connect

The 2010 Readership Survey Is on Its Way!

Update on the APS Initiative to Establish a National Culture Collection System

Can’t wait for the newest issue of Phytopathology News to arrive each month? Then you’re not alone. Members often cite Phytopathology News as one of the top APS membership benefits. To ensure your continued satisfaction with the publication, we need your input. Soon, you will be receiving an e-mail with a link to an online Phytopathology News readership survey. Please take the time to respond. Thank you in advance for your participation and support. n

Rick Bennett, APS Public Policy Board Member,

Submit Your Annual Meeting Abstract by March 15 Online submission of abstracts for the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Nashville is open now through March 15. The March 15 deadline applies to both oral and poster presentations. Acceptance of oral submissions will be limited to the first 145, so you are encouraged to submit early. Visit http:// meeting.apsnet. org for details. n

For over a year now, the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) has supported the formation of a National Plant Microbial Germplasm System (NPMGS). This emphasis comes on the heels of two workshops and a strategic plan developed by an APS ad hoc committee in which a structure and framework were defined (see PPB website,, for the full report). The PPB will be traveling to Washington, DC, again this March 2010 to advocate for support from administrators and policy makers to launch the new system. As researchers and educators, we know that culture collections of plantassociated microbes represent an essential resource foundation for U.S. Rick Bennett science. Microbial collections are used to solve a myriad of practical challenges to our agricultural and environmental systems and play diverse and critical roles in understanding plant resistance to diseases. These public and privately held resources provide a critical link between past and present disease epidemics and facilitate identification of emerging diseases. They also support U.S. cooperation in international efforts to map and understand the global diversity and dynamics of economically and environmentally significant microbes. Our microbial culture collections are at risk, however, as the United States lacks a coordinated national system to protect, preserve, enhance, and facilitate the use of these valuable resources. Plant-associated microbes and pathogens are maintained currently in large, geographically dispersed collections in federal research laboratories, academic institutions, and commercial facilities. Often, funding for collection curation and maintenance is spotty, short term, and/or uncertain. Without a long-term management plan, collection preservation and quality assurance will become more and more endangered. Further, a common database cataloguing the content of individual collections in a uniform manner is needed to ensure culture accessibility and utility. The lack of adequate and organized collection information also hinders active engagement in international microbial diversity endeavors. Update on the APS Initiative continued on page 34

In this Issue Editor’s Corner ..................................... 34 Letter to the Editor ............................... 35 APS Foundation ................................... 36 APS 2.0 ................................................ 38 Funding Opportunity ........................... 38 Outreach .............................................. 39 Public Policy Update . ........................... 40 People .................................................. 41 Classifieds ............................................. 42 Journal Articles ..................................... 43 Calendar of Events . .............................. 44

Advertiser’s Index ICPPB 2010 ......................................... 35

Phytopathology Turns 100! The year 2010 marks the 100-year anniversary of Phytopathology. Over the past 100 years, the journal has become an important resource for plant scientists around the world. Digitization of Phytopathology back issues continues and 24 years of legacy content is now available online free of charge as the result of a partnership between APS and the University of Wisconsin-Madison library. All 100 years of Phytopathology will be available online within the new decade. Phytopathology contributors represent a veritable who’s who in our science during the past 100 years—be a part of Phytopathology’s next 100 years of success by publishing in the journal or recommending that your library subscribe! Learn more at http://apsjournals. n

Phytopathology March 2010 • Volume 44 • Number 3

Editor’s Corner News

Exchange • Inform • Connect

Rise to Rebellion (Or, Was It Just Luck?) Doug Jardine, Kansas State University,

Editor-in-Chief: Doug Jardine Managing Editor: Michelle Bjerkness Editor: Amanda Aranowski Design: Agnes Walker Advertising Sales: Karen Deuschle Phytopathology News (ISSN 0278-0267) is published eleven times per year by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) at 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Phone: +1.651.454.7250, Fax: +1.651.454.0766, E-mail:, Web: Phytopathology News is distributed to all APS members. Subscription price to nonmembers is $69 U.S./$81 Elsewhere. Periodicals paid at St. Paul, MN. CPC Intl Pub Mail #0969249. Postmaster: Send address changes to Phytopathology News, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Submission Guidelines Address all editorial correspondence to: Doug Jardine, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66506-5502 U.S.A. Phone: +1.785.532.1386; Fax: +1.785.532.5692; E-mail: In order to ensure timely publication of your news items and announcements, please send in material six weeks prior to the date of publication. Material should be no more than six months old when submitted. Submission of materials as electronic files, via e-mail, will speed processing. For information on submitting electronic images contact Agnes Walker at Deadline for submitting items for the June 2010 issue is April 15, 2010.

APS Leadership Officers President: Barbara J. Christ President-Elect: John L. Sherwood Vice President: Carol A. Ishimaru Immediate Past President: James W. Moyer Secretary: Danise T. Beadle Treasurer: Randall C. Rowe Councilors Senior, at-Large: Michael J. Boehm Intermediate, at-Large: Carolee T. Bull Junior, at-Large: Anne E. Dorrance Caribbean Division: Maria Mercedes Roca North Central Division: George W. Sundin Northeastern Division: Wade Elmer Pacific Division: Jim Adaskaveg Potomac Division: Kathryne L. Everts Southern Division: John C. Rupe Editors-in-Chief APS PRESS: Margery L. Daughtrey MPMI: Gary Stacey Phytopathology: Niklaus J. GrÜnwald Phytopathology News: Doug Jardine Plant Disease: R. Mike Davis Plant Disease Management Reports: Frank Wong Plant Health Progress: Mike E. Matheron The Plant Health Instructor: Anton B. Baudoin Board and Office Chairs and Directors APS Foundation Chair: George S. Abawi PPB Chair: Jacque Fletcher Publications Board Chair: Margaret E. Daub OEC Director: Darin M. Eastburn OIP Director: Sally A. Miller OIR Director: Brian D. Olson OPRO Director: Monica Elliott SPB Director: Scott T. Adkins Division Officers Caribbean President: Ron Brlansky Vice President: Lydia Rivera-Vargas Secretary-Treasurer: Ronald French-Monar North Central President: Lawrence Osborne Vice President: Deanna Funnell-Harris Secretary-Treasurer: Loren Giesler Northeastern President: Norman Lalancette Vice President: Russell Tweddell Secretary-Treasurer: Beth Gugino Pacific President: Walter Mahaffee President-Elect: Jay Pscheidt Secretary-Treasurer: Juliet Windes Potomac President: Christopher Dardick Vice President: Mary Ann Hansen Secretary-Treasurer: Boris Vinatzer Southern President: Boyd Padgett President-Elect: David Langston Vice President: Raymond Schneider Secretary-Treasurer: Donald Ferrin

34 Phytopathology News

The title of this column refers to the 2001 New York Times bestseller Rise to Rebellion by famed author-historian, Jeff Shaara. As I read the Letter to the Editor in the January issue of Phytopathology entitled, The Society That Almost Wasn’t: Issues of Professional Identity and the Creation of The American Phytopathological Society in 1908, by Paul Peterson and Karen Beth Scholthof, I was reminded of the struggle of the Founding Fathers and the dramatic saga of the birth of the United States of America. While certainly no one’s life would be on the line for treason in the December 1908 meeting held at the USDA building in Washington, DC, as was the case for John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, et al., as they met in Philadelphia in 1776, the strong differences of opinion among Doug Jardine the plant pathologists at that meeting mirrors the disagreement among the Founding Fathers as to the wisdom and necessity to declare independence from England. So, too, our society’s founders were faced with separation—should a separate phytopathological society be formed? In their recent letter, Peterson and Scholthof write, “After a lively discussion, the committee’s recommendation to create a society was put to a full vote. It passed by a margin of 32 to 12, again demonstrating that there was considerable objection to forming this new society.” If you have not yet read their letter, I encourage you take the time to do so. Rather than being members of The American Phytopathological Society, we could easily have all been members of the Botanical Society of America or members of Section G of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as these were potential homes for plant pathologists suggested by some of the dissenters. What if the dissenters had prevailed? I would encourage everyone looking for a good read to seek out Shaara’s book and its sequel, The Glorious Cause, set during the Revolutionary War and written from the point of view of George Washington, Nathanael Greene, Ben Franklin, British General Charles Cornwallis, and many others. Shaara makes it clear that, while patriotism, courage, and determination played important roles in the struggle for American independence, in the end, luck may have been the deciding factor in victory. Undoubtedly, we too are lucky that the separatists at that 1908 meeting won out, thus paving the way to create the society, that now, as we enter our second 100 years, has become “the premier society dedicated to high-quality, innovative plant pathology research.” n Update on the APS Initiative continued from page 33

Federal funding for an NPMGS is needed to preserve these irreplaceable and invaluable resources. A viable and well-coordinated national system that safeguards access to the diversity of plantassociated microbes and enhances their utility in the scientific community will facilitate research and education focused on a wide range of practical problems. The NPMGS will consist of distributed, expert-curated, taxon-specific repositories at various locations, linked through a searchable common cyber-database that is networked and quality-monitored by a coordinated administrative framework and supported by a central physical repository of back-up collections. This cost-effective system will ensure that reference strains are not lost, but remain accessible by the broader scientific community. The infrastructure for this national system will be connected to active, existing research programs at federal and academic institutions through a joint venture between the federal government initiative, existing structures, such as the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System, and existing university and industry programs. Protecting these resources is core to our mission to benefit science and society. We need your help if we are going to be successful in creating the NPMGS. Please advocate for this initiative with your colleagues, supervisors, administrators, and members of congress. Your success stories and missed opportunities related to culture collections can be extremely helpful in our advocacy efforts, especially if they relate to major federal initiatives (e.g., food safety, human health and safety, food security, biofuels, etc.). Please share any ideas with us that will make our case for funding stronger in Washington. Contact Rick Bennett (, Jacque Fletcher (jacqueline.fletcher@, or Kellye Eversole ( with questions or comments and to find out how you can help bring the NPMGS to fruition. n

Letter to the Editor

Safely Kept for 50 Years

Private Practice as a Career Choice I just read the recent paper on “Education in Plant Pathology: Present Status and Future Challenges.” An impressive group of people evaluated limited data and did a wonderful job of summarizing the data in every possible light. I can see why it is one of the top nine papers of 2009 in Plant Disease. I would just like to add a thought about not even discussing or collecting data on a career in private practice. Most medical doctors and veterinarians have private practices. To my knowledge, only four plant pathologists in the United States have a private practice. There are several others who do a little consulting, but only four full-time plant pathologists have a private practice as their sole means of financial support. What is wrong with this picture? Extension services have been cut all across the country and growers and others are in need of this kind of service. It is an exciting and very profitable business and it does not even get mentioned. I have given several seminars on starting such a business and I always get standing-room-only attendance at our national meetings or at universities where I have been invited to speak. What does it take for plant pathologists to have the courage to start something already established by our colleagues dealing with humans or animals? It starts with informing students that there is more to a career choice than universities, government, and private companies. Perhaps we are finding a lack of students because we are experiencing a fall out from being so efficient in agriculture that few are involved in the science and practice anymore. We always present this as a positive fact that only we seem to appreciate. All the public knows is that we have an abundance of good food in the markets. Julian W. Whaley, Fresno, CA n

New Plant Health Progress Senior Editors Named

Cynthia Ocamb

Special thanks to APS member Virginia Ferris, Purdue University, for her unique donation to APS Headquarters. She recently located an APS Golden Anniversary Banquet brochure in her files and contacted APS to ensure it continued to be maintained for years to come. In near perfect condition, this item is now on display at APS Headquarters. APS welcomes donations such as this and will maintain them as an archival record of the society’s special events.

Cynthia Ocamb is an extension plant pathologist and associate professor at Oregon State University. She received an M.S. degree in plant pathology from North Carolina State University and a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from the University of Minnesota. After graduation in 1991, she spent several years as a post-doctoral research plant pathologist with the USDA Forest Service, studying white pine root rot. She currently provides an extension program in the diagnosis and management of diseases of field and vegetable crops across the state of Oregon. Her current research projects include studies on the biology and management of Fusarium canker of hop, Fusarium crown and stalk node rot of corn, white mold of snap bean, as well as survey work on Hop stunt viroid and Barley yellow dwarf virus. Nathan R. Walker is an associate professor of turfgrass integrated pest management/turfgrass pathology at Oklahoma State University. He received his B.A. degree (1993) from Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania, his M.S. degree (1996) from Clemson University in plant pathology, and his Ph.D. degree (1999) in plant science/pathology from The University of Arkansas and began work in his current position in 1999. His research includes studies on the biology and management of turfgrass pests and diseases. His current research is focused primarily on the etiology and biology of spring dead spot and other soilborne pests affecting turfgrasses. n

Nathan R. Walker

Shhh… 6th Annual OIP Silent Auction But we can’t be quiet—in five years, the Office of International Programs’ (OIP) silent auction has raised more than $17,000 to support the connection of plant pathologists worldwide! Your support is once again requested to help OIP gather fun and unique items from around the world to create this fantastic event held during the annual meeting. Have you found beautiful silk scarves in Asia? Or earrings in Africa? How about wine in Europe? Visit for details. Send in your donations to APS Headquarters today! Phytopathology News 35

APS Foundation Applications for Schroth Symposium Due March 2 Applications for the Schroth Faces of the Future in Virology—A Look to the Future Symposium are due this month. Designed to acknowledge the “up and comers” in virology, chosen speakers will have the opportunity to highlight their current work and speculate on the future directions of their discipline. In addition, speakers will have the opportunity to submit a minireview highlighting their philosophy and futuristic thinking about the direction of their discipline. Nominations of scientists in the early stages of their careers (assistant professor or equivalent) are encouraged. Speakers will be chosen by a selection committee composed of virologists and members of the Early Career Professionals Committee. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. (PST), March 2, 2010. Applications should be submitted as a single-merged PDF document to Lyndon Porter; see www.apsnet. org/foundation/schroth.asp for details. n

Students: Apply by March 23 to Receive Travel Support for the Annual Meeting in Nashville The APS Foundation Student Travel Award application process is now open. APS student members giving oral or poster presentations at the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN, August 7–11, are eligible to apply. However, students who received an award in 2009 will not be eligible for an award until 2011. Award winners will receive $500 to support their travel to the 2010 APS Annual Meeting. Applications are due by NOON Central Time on March 23, 2010, and advisor letters are due by NOON Central Time on March 30, 2010. These deadlines are strictly enforced; no applications or advisor letters will be accepted after the posted deadline. Students are encouraged to apply early. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Graduate Student Committee Chair Heather Olson (heather_olson@ncsu. edu). To apply, visit www. foundation/travel. n

36 Phytopathology News

The 2010 APS Annual Meeting: The Best Show in Nashville This Summer Country, rock, blues, jazz—and plant pathology! APS is headed to Nashville this summer and you can get tickets to the hottest show in town when registration opens later this month. The full scientific program, including 28 special sessions, five workshops, two new leadership training opportunities, two field trips, hundreds of posters, and dozens of networking events, is now available at

Courtesy of the Gaylord Opryland Hotel.

Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center New for 2010! APS has negotiated a special amenities package just for attendees and their guests at our headquarters hotel, the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. With such easy access to the meeting, including all of the planned and spontaneous networking opportunities that happen at the APS-designated hotel, as well as complimentary amenities that other hotels will charge you for, there’s no question that the Gaylord Opryland Hotel is the best deal in town.

The meeting and the APS headquarters hotel are conveniently located under one roof. The complex is located just 15 minutes outside downtown Nashville and has many dining and entertainment options available right on site. Opryland also has dozens of unique boutiques, fine retail shops, live music venues, bars, and night clubs. If you find time to relax, you can take advantage of the full service spa, onsite fitness center, or outdoor pool and patio. For more details, visit http://meeting. Negotiated Rate: $146.00 USD/night* (standard room) *Double occupancy, $20.00 charge for each additional person. Hotel rates are subject to 9.25% sales tax and 6% occupancy tax. The complimentary guest room amenities package includes: • Wired and wireless high-speed internet access in sleeping rooms • Wireless internet access in public space of the hotel (atriums, restaurants, and lobbies) • Toll-free calls and local calls up to 20 minutes • Access to the fitness center • Daily newspaper delivered to your guest room • Bottle water (two bottles supplied daily) • Scheduled transportation within the complex to attractions such as the Grand Ole Opry, General Jackson Showboat, Gaylord Springs Golf Links, and Opry Mills shopping Meeting Registration Opens This Month APS online registration opens in late March. Register by May 3 to receive the best rate. NOTE: The APS registration brochure will be available online only again in 2010. A printable PDF of the brochure and registration form will be available on the annual meeting website soon. n

Plant Life as Still Life Where do you find your inspiration? Is your microscope a window to kaleidoscopic beauty? If so, the APS Graduate Student Committee requests that you submit your plant disease-inspired art (any medium!) for the 2010 Art in Phytopathology contest. All APS members are encouraged to submit their artwork, especially artwork from our graduate students. Categories to be judged include microscopy, whole plant/nature, digitally altered, wacky/humor, crafts, and art. Awards will be presented to the top entries at the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN ($50 for the winner in each of the six categories and an extra $50 for Best in Show). Art will be judged on five different criteria, including creativity/originality, aesthetic value, technical merit, color/shade, and relatedness to phytopathology. To enter, view the full competition description and category details online at www.apsnet. org/members/com/artinphytopathology.asp, then send your artwork as an e-mail attachment to Please include the following in your e-mail: full name, job title, employer’s address, title of your artwork, permission for APS to reproduce or publish your submission, and a brief description of your artwork (including medium, dimensions, what the art depicts, etc.). Entries must be submitted by July 1, 2010. If you have any questions, please send them to n

Second National Meeting of NPDN, December 2009

Share the APS Experience

Ray Hammerschmidt, Michigan State University, The warm weather of Miami was only one of the attractions that drew more than 200 attendees to the second National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) meeting sponsored by NPDN and held December 7–9, 2009. Attendees included diagnosticians from land-grant university and state department of agriculture labs, university and USDA scientists, and individuals from the private sector who are interested in plant diagnostics. A premeeting tour to the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden kicked off the meeting, which consisted of several symposia and workshops and was held at the Intercontinental Hotel. More than 35 talks and workshop sessions covered a wide array of topics of interest to diagnosticians and those engaged in plant diagnostics, plant disease, and pest regulatory concerns. A plenary session on issues related to plant biosecurity was followed by symposia on new and emerging threats, genomic tools and resources for pest identification, and novel techniques for detection and surveillance. The symposia were complemented with workshops on technology tools and the NPDN and on Spodoptera identification. Activities of NPDN committees, regions, and individual diagnostic labs were highlighted at a poster session. The meeting venue provided great opportunities for attendees to discuss diagnostics, new pests and pathogens, and issues related to plant health. The meeting concluded with regional meetings where topics of interest to each of the NPDN regions were discussed. A postmeeting production agriculture and greenhouse tour capped off a very successful meeting. The third NPDN national meeting is in the planning stages for late 2011.

Barry Brennan and Eric Boa discussing invasives at Costa Nursery, Homestead, FL.

Attendees gathered at the NPDN Welcome Reception.

For more information on all that happened at the second NPDN national meeting, as well as pdf files of all poster presentation, visit the NPDN website ( n

Miccosukee Everglade boat tour.

Andrew Coggeshall, Dick Hoenisch, Rick Bostock, and Ray Hammerschmidt at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.

Remember the first time you got to meet your mentor through APS? Maybe they wrote an amazing paper you read or were the author of your favorite textbook. Share that feeling with others in just 42 seconds by having them visit There, Jean Ristiano discusses her experience meeting a mentor and having the opportunity to connect with leaders in APS. Also, be sure to visit Larry Madden’s recollection of how APS has helped shape his career. In 68 seconds, Madden talks about his experiences at the meetings and how APS has changed his life—www.apsnet. org/join/legacy. Need some more convincing? Visit to hear Mohammad Babadoost explain how APS brings people from around the world together to solve the problems facing plant pathology. Share these clips with your colleagues and let them know what APS is all about. Encourage them to join online after viewing the video clip or now at Those joining now can save $10 on APS membership, plus new members will also be entered into a drawing for a video camera, so they can start their own APS story. This offer expires March 31, 2010. n

Read a Fast-Breaking Paper “Emerging concepts in effector biology of plant-associated organisms” by Saskia Hogenhout, Renier Van der Hoorn, Ryohei Terauchi, and Sophien Kamoun, has been identified as a “Fast-Breaking Paper” in the category of Plant and Animal Science by Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch. This distinction comes because it is one of the most-cited papers in its discipline published during the past two years. Read it in MPMI Online at doi/abs/10.1094/MPMI-22-2-0115. n Phytopathology News 37

APS 2.0

Funding Opportunity

How Do YOU Get the Word Out?

RFP: Funding for Research on Sudden Oak Death

APS member Kevin Ong is an associate professor and extension plant pathologist and director of the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, College Station, TX. But, you may also recognize his Twitter name, txplantclinic, Kevin Ong because his posts are regularly quite informative and, perhaps, twitillating.


I hear that you are quite involved with Twitter, Kevin.


I tweet and Facebook for the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab (TPDDL) (txplantclinic). I use social media as a tool to market and to disseminate information about and for the TPDDL. To me, it is a tool more to get the word out about plant pathology and plant pathology issues to the general population.


Do you see Twitter as an advantageous networking tool?


As for networking, it depends on how you define “networking.” I think both Twitter and Facebook are great tools for networking—if that means being able to get the word out to all listening parties, i.e., like a bulletin board. Facebook is better to encourage interaction between participants, but I think it is something that many of us plant pathologists may not have the time for. Even I can’t always keep up with the APS Facebook page. I also follow some other colleagues’ tweets to see what they are up to. I think social media are good tools, but I am not so sure that it can provide a virtual place for a pathologist to truly network. That is why affordable and interesting annual meetings are still important! Check out Ong’s and other’s tweets (via re-tweets) at the APS Twitter site ( plantdisease), where APS has nearly 300 followers. n

Sudden oak death (SOD), caused by the exotic, invasive pathogen Phytphthora ramorum, continues to spread in the coastal forests of California and Oregon. From 2001 through 2009, the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, has funded more than $11 million in research on SOD. Results from this research have provided much of our fundamental understanding of this pathogen and served as the basis for monitoring, management, and regulatory practices. However, additional information is needed on the biology, epidemiology, and behavior of P. ramorum (development of new treatment strategies; pathogenicity and resistance; and short- and long-range spread) if we are to effectively minimize the pathogen’s ecological, social, and economic impacts. Approximately $500,000 will be available in summer 2010 to fund new projects. Multiyear, collaborative projects are encouraged. Proposals are due March 31, 2010. Questions should be addressed to Susan Frankel, USDA Forest Service ( More information is also available online at n

Deadline for 2010 Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation Awards Approaching The application deadline for the 2010 Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation awards is fast approaching. Applications must be received before May l, 2010, for funding to begin September l, 2010. The foundation, established to support graduate student research, aims to encourage research by offering financial assistance to graduate students who are working on soilborne diseases of plants. In addition to unrestricted cash awards, which range from $5,000 to $10,000 each, new awardees receive round-trip fares to the APS annual meeting and are presented their awards at a luncheon attended by their research advisors, previous awardees, and members of the Foundation Committee. The research for which the award is given is expected to be performed by the applicant during the 2010–2011 academic year and a one-page progress report is due one year from the date of the award. Please submit six copies each of a short, two- to three-page research proposal containing a concise statement of the objectives, methods and materials, and projected impact of the proposed research; a one-page resume (i.e., a brief education and research background, including a telephone number and an e-mail address); and a letter from the applicant’s major professor or research director. Send applications to A. Paulus, Chair, Selection Committee, Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, University of California, Riverside, CA 925210122 U.S.A. If further details are desired, Paulus can be reached by e-mail (albert.paulus@ucr. edu), by phone (+1.951.827.3431), or by fax (+1.951.827.4294). n

IMPORTANT APS DATES TO REMEMBER March 2010 2 Schroth Faces of the Future in Virology—A Look to the Future Symposium applications due. 15 2010 APS Annual Meeting abstract submissions due. 23 Student Travel Award applications due. 31 Public Policy Board intern applications due. Contact Jacque Fletcher, jacqueline.fletcher@ June 2010 1 2010 Video Contest submissions due. July 2010 1 Art in Phytopathology entries due.

38 Phytopathology News

Widely Prevalent Pathogen by State Lists Developed James L. White, USDA APHIS PPQ, Since 1992, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) unit has worked with APS’s Virology Committee (especially John Hill, Iowa State University) to prepare a list of widely prevalent viruses by state. APHIS has provided funding to the committee to defer costs and help support travel costs for speakers to committee-sponsored symposia. Subsequently, widely prevalent bacteria and fungi lists were prepared by their respective committees. With the assistance of Joe LaForest of the Bugwood Network at the University of Georgia’s Center for Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health, the lists are now available online at,, and Besides their state distribution, the sites contain alternative scientific names, common names of diseases, current taxonomy, and links to taxonomy reference sites. In addition, the Bugwood image database is linked to the listed organisms, providing easy access to images that can be downloaded for teaching purposes. Scientists can also upload new images. APS is currently developing a widely prevalent list for plant-pathogenic nematodes and the Entomology Society of America is considering developing lists of arthropods. The current committee chairs are Rodrigo Valverde (virology), Carol Stiles (fungi), George Bird (nematodes), and Norm Schaad (bacteriology). The names of the regional coordinators who are responsible for developing the state lists can be found on each website. APHIS also uses the widely prevalent lists to expedite PPQ 526 permits. APHIS sends the widely prevalent pathogen lists with standard conditions to every state and territory and asks if they would agree to expedite the review of the listed organisms. More than 40 states participate in expedited permitting. The states and organisms that qualify, and procedures to submit these permits, can be found at n

International Phytophthora capsici Conference The Second International Phytophthora capsici Conference was held at Duck Key in the Florida Keys, December 1–2, 2009. The conference convened scientists from all over the United States and internationally to exchange current research on Phytophthora capsici, a pathogen that has become a serious threat to the U.S. vegetable industry nationwide. Fifty-five registered participants listened to 23 presentations ranging from grower experiences with disease to more technical aspects of disease management, epidemiology, genetics, and host resistance. In addition, eight posters were displayed describing research on new fungicide chemistry, resistance management, and fungal genetics. Presentations were followed by lively discussions that spilled out to the breaks and receptions that were held near the dolphin training pools and tidal salt water pool. The conference was organized by the University of Florida and the University of Georgia and generously supported by Agriquest, BASF, DuPont, Syngenta, and Valent. The next conference has been scheduled to convene in December 2011 in the Florida Keys. Those who are interested in learning more about the meeting may visit reg.aspx or contact Pam Roberts ( or Alex Csinos ( n

Outreach Needed by March 31: APS Members with Interest in Outreach to Students and Teachers The Office of Public Relations and Outreach (OPRO) is seeking an APS member to join the OPRO Board. If you are a member with an interest in public relations and outreach to students (high school and undergraduate students) and in helping to create better public awareness and understanding of plant pathology, please contact Monica Elliott (, OPRO director, by March 31, 2010. Visit top.asp to learn more about OPRO. Graduate students and early career professionals are encouraged to apply. APS covers travel expenses for an in-person OPRO midyear meeting to ensure participation. n

Foundation for Plant Doctor Education Launched A new Plant Doctor Education Foundation (PDEF) has been established to help support the Doctor of Plant Medicine Program at the University of Florida, the Doctor of Plant Health Program at the University of NebraskaLincoln, and other similar programs to be developed in the future. Ken Bader, CEO of Global Agribusiness, former professor of agronomy and dean of students at The Ohio State University and vice chancellor at the University of Nebraska, has been named executive director. Bader says, “I think it’s terrific the program is being offered at a Southern and a Midwestern location. Both regions have unique plants and cropping systems, so these universities are able to tailor their programs to their geographic areas.” Representatives of PDEF are planning to meet with agribusinesses to develop funding plans and projects in which they can become involved. Funds will be used to pay for fellowships, internships, student travel, and program support. For more information on PDEF, contact Bob McGovern ( n

Phytopathology News 39

Public Policy Update Interested in Having an Influence on Public Policy in DC? The American Phytopathological Society Public Policy Board (APS PPB) is pleased to announce a call for applications for the fifth annual PPB Early Career Internship. The internship, which is open to APS early career members (current graduate students or post-doctoral associates and junior professionals), allows a young plant pathologist to participate in PPB activities during 2010–2011. The internship will begin immediately following the 2010 APS Annual Meeting and will terminate at the end of the 2011 APS Annual Meeting. The goal of the Early Career Internship is to provide an opportunity for the selected individual to gain hands-on experience in public policy at the national level that relates generally to agricultural science and specifically to matters of interest to APS. By working with APS PPB, the intern will learn how scientific societies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), executive branch agencies (e.g., USDA, NSF, and EPA), and the legislative branch interact in crafting public policy. The 2010 intern should be able to attend the midyear governmental outreach meeting of the APS PPB in Washington, DC, in late February or early March 2011 (dates TBA). The intern’s travel costs for this activity will be covered. In addition, the intern should attend the APS PPB annual business meeting to be held in conjunction with the APS annual meeting. Following the internship year, the intern will prepare a written and/or oral report on the experience for delivery to the APS PPB and membership. Other activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Participating in PPB monthly conference calls and policy agenda-setting meetings; • Assisting PPB with development, tracking, and analysis of relevant policy issues; and • Assisting PPB with planning Capitol Hill and agency briefings. Application Process Applications should be submitted as one portable document file (PDF file) saved as last name, first initial (example: SmithT_internship.pdf), and include all of the items described below. All application materials must be received by March 31, 2010, and should be sent to Jacqueline Fletcher, Public Policy Board Chair, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 U.S.A. ( Application submissions should include: • Cover letter. One page describing the applicant’s interest in science policy issues and detailing how this internship would enhance his/her professional goals. Applicant should include the names of two individuals, other than the thesis advisor, from whom recommendations may be requested. These individuals should be able to address the candidate’s leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills. • Resume. Two pages emphasizing leadership and communication experiences, including graduate, undergraduate, or nonacademic activities. It should include education, work experience, honors and awards, memberships, presentations, and publications. • Statement on the importance of federal support for plant-pathological research (500 words maximum). The statement should draw on the applicant’s own experience and/or research area and should illustrate how the applicant would try to convince his/her own congressional delegation that federal support for research, particularly in plant pathology, is important. • Letter of support/recommendation. A letter from the applicant’s advisor or supervisor. • APS membership. Applicants are not required to be APS members at the time of application but, if selected, must join the society prior to starting the internship. Review and Selection The documents will be reviewed and the intern selected by PPB. Announcement of the intern will be made by April 30, 2010. n

40 Phytopathology News

Citrus Greening Conference Proceedings Published on PMN

Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening disease, a major threat to citrus crops native to Asia nearly a century ago, has rapidly globalized in recent years, devastating citrus crops in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and other areas of the world. Responding to this alarming threat in the citrus industry, the international research community invited colleagues, regulatory agency representatives, and commercial industry leaders to exchange the latest information, knowledge, ideas, and concepts related to citrus greening. The comprehensive 420page proceedings of this meeting, called the International Research Conference on Huanglongbing, held in Orlando, FL, in December 2008, has been published for online public viewing on the Plant Management Network (PMN) website. The proceedings of this conference, which attracted 427 participants from 27 countries, contained nearly 150 papers from 14 sessions, all freely accessible online. The papers feature reports, case studies, research findings, summaries, and perspectives on many aspects of the disease from researchers, industry, and regulatory agencies. Session titles included Detection and Diagnosis; Epidemiology; Economics, Fruit Quality, Crop Loss; HLB Management Strategies; and International Citrus Industries: Coping with HLB. The proceedings also include keynote lectures from noted international experts with nearly 100 years of combined expertise with HLB, key take-home messages, a survey of research priorities from participants, agendas, and more. This entire collection of information can be found at www., where viewers can access papers individually or download the entire proceedings as a single .pdf file. Organizers: To learn more about publishing your symposium or meeting proceedings through PMN, please contact editorialoffice@ n

People Student Awards/Degrees Several students fulfilled requirements for graduate degrees in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Georgia (UGA) during fall semester 2009. Jeff Garton completed his M.S. degree under the guidance of David Jeff Garton Langston. In his thesis “Evaluation of race and copper tolerant strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria, causal agent of bacterial leaf spot of bell pepper in Georgia,” Garton discovered that resistance to copper among strains of the bacterial spot pathogen is quantitative and can vary across strains from a single location. He also determined that the dominant race of the pathogen in Georgia is race 10, a race to which no commercial cultivars have resistance. His research was awarded with the E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Research from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. He currently manages Copper Station Farms, a 370-acre operation growing southern highbush and rabbiteye blueberries in McIntosh County, GA. Chris Martin received the masters in plant protection and pest management (MPPPM) degree with Jim Noe as his program advisor. The MPPPM, a professional, nonthesis degree program, produces graduates with comprehensive, Chris Martin multidisciplinary training in integrated pest management of insect, plant disease, and weed pests of agricultural, commercial, and home commodities. As part of the program, Martin interned with Jean WilliamsWoodward on Phytophthora ramorum monitoring for the state of Georgia, and on evaluating fungicides for control of Pythium aphanidermatum on greenhouse crops. Martin is now employed by the U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station, where he is working in the lab of Bill Otrosina. Marina Nadal received her Ph.D. degree under the direction of Marina Nadal

Scott Gold with a dissertation entitled “Exploring the roles of autophagy and cell wall degrading enzymes in the life cycle and pathogenic development of the basidiomycete fungal plant pathogen, Ustilago maydis.” Her research was awarded with a Dissertation Completion Award from the UGA Graduate School and the Kenneth Papa Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Research from the Georgia Association of Plant Pathologists (GAPP). Nadal has joined the Fungal Physiology Group at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands as a postdoctoral researcher to investigate physiology, transcription regulation, and extracellular enzymes in fungi. Johanna Takach earned her Ph.D. degree under the direction of Gold. Her Johanna Takach dissertation, “Analysis of genes involved in developmental pathways in two basidiomycetous fungi, Ustilago maydis and Sclerotium rolfsii,” explored the roles of additional components in the cAMP/PKA pathway in the model system U. maydis and identified genes differentially expressed during sclerotium development in S. rolfsii. She was a recipient of the Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Award and the GAPP-sponsored Kenneth Papa Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Research for her research activities. Takach is currently employed as a post-doctoral research fellow in the Forage Improvement Division of the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation in Ardmore, OK. Awards

L to R: Raymond Schneider, Boyd Padgett, Blair Buckley, Clayton Hollier, and Zhi-Yuan Chen (not present: Patrick Colyer).

Blair Buckley, Zhi-Yuan Chen, Patrick Colyer, Clayton Hollier, Boyd Padgett, and Raymond Schneider were recipients of the Tipton Team Research Award presented on December 14, 2009. They won this prestigious award for their seminal role in the first discovery of Asian soybean rust (ASR) in the continental United States and for preparing Louisiana and the nation to deal with this now perennial threat to soybean productivity. This award was established by the Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter to recognize significant

contributions to Louisiana agriculture by a team of scientists in the past five years who have been participants in exceptional collaborative research efforts that would not have been possible by the scientists acting alone. They showed outstanding initiative and leadership in addressing the challenges of ASR. Within days of the initial discovery, they led an aggressive survey of Louisiana parishes for rust on volunteer soybean, kudzu, and other potential hosts. They hosted a rust identification workshop and produced resin-embedded rustinfected soybean leaves that were distributed nationwide as a visual aid in diagnosis. They recorded the first aerial spore find of ASR in 2005 and developed new technology to improve spore-trapping. Research programs for screening and evaluating fungicides and the U.S. soybean germplasm collection for resistance to ASR were initiated at multiple locations in Louisiana. Results from their proteomics studies revealed important biological information as it relates to early events in the ASR infection cycle. Based on all aforementioned, this team set a national standard for cooperation, professionalism, and accomplishment. John Leslie, professor and head of the plant pathology department at Kansas State University (KSU), has been awarded one of the American Society for Microbiology’s international professorships. The society has awarded John Leslie Leslie an International Professorship for Latin America. He will be a visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto in Argentina, where he will help present the Fusarium Laboratory Workshop in March 2010. The workshop helps participants better understand Fusarium. Since 2000, Leslie has organized this international workshop, which takes place at KSU in odd years. As part of his professorship in Argentina, Leslie also will offer a scientific writing workshop based on material he has presented to nearly 3,000 people in 16 countries. Leslie’s broader research interests include biochemical, molecular, and population genetics of model and plant-pathogenic fungi. Collaborations Baidya N. Mahto, a senior scientist from the Division of Plant Pathology, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khumaltar, Nepal, is currently spending six months as a Fulbright post-doctoral research scholar in the laboratory People continued on page 42 Phytopathology News 41

People continued from page 41

of Tika Adhikari in the Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, ND. Mahto received B.S. and M.S. degrees with distinction from N.D. University of Agriculture and Baidya N. Mahto Technology Faizabad, India. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India, in 2001. He has been working on foliar diseases of wheat (e.g., spot blotch, tan spot, and rusts) for more than 20 years in Nepal. At NDSU, Mahto’s research projects are focused on investigating molecular phylogenetic analysis of wheat foliar blight pathogens, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis populations from Nepal, and evaluating Nepalese wheat genotypes for resistance to multiple leaf spot diseases, such as spot blotch, tan spot, Stagonospora nodorum blotch, and Septoria tritici blotch. His visit has been sponsored by the Fulbright Commission Nepal and the U.S. State Department. n

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42 Phytopathology News


Special Introductory Savings through March 31, 2010.

Classifieds Classified Policy You can process your job listing at Your posting will be live within three to five business days and will remain on the website for up to three months or until a listed closing date, at which point it will drop off the listing. Please note: Your online job listing will be edited by newsletter staff to a maximum of 200 words for the print listing in Phytopathology News. Fees for posting online are $25 member/$50 nonmember for graduate or post-doc positions and $200 member/$250 nonmember for all other positions. To have your job listing also included in Phytopathology News, simply select the option on the online form (there is an additional $55 fee). If you have any questions contact the APS Placement Coordinator (

Research Fellow A plant bacteriologist is needed immediately in the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota. This is a half to threefourths time (50–75%) temporary research fellow, academic professional/administrative appointment. Minimum requirements: a master’s degree in plant pathology or closely related field. Preferred requirements: experience in isolation and characterization of bacteria, especially plant pathogens; greenhouse and laboratory experience, including PCR and DNA extraction and plant pathogenicity trials. Salary: Salary is commensurate with experience. A benefits package is included. Closing Date: April 28, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) Apply online (#161698) via the following link: Central?quickFind=81160. Contact: Carol Ishimaru, Department of Plant Pathology, 491 Borlaug Hall, 1991 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108-6030, U.S.A. E-mail:; Phone: +1.612.625.9736. Assistant Professor—Diseases of Vegetables and Ornamentals This is a 12-month tenure-accruing position that will be 70% research (Florida Agricultural Experiment Station) and 30% extension (Florida Cooperative Extension Service), stationed in Quincy, FL, at the North Florida Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) of the University of Florida. Duties include establishing an integrated research/extension program, emphasizing vegetable/ornamental crop disease management in north Florida; manage a staffed plant disease diagnostic facility; and conduct/ publish applied and fundamental research on plant diseases. Extension responsibilities include communication of current research

findings to clientele and involvement in state-wide recommendations for disease management, including plant disease diagnosis. The incumbent will work with other faculty to develop grant proposals and seek/fund graduate students, chairing/serving on graduate committees, supervising thesis/dissertation research, and publishing results with graduate students. A Ph.D. degree in plant pathology or closely related discipline required. Post-doctoral and extension development experience desirable. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: April 3, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) For a complete description, search for requisition 0803869. Contact: James Marois, 155 Research Road, Quincy, FL 32351 U.S.A. Fax: +1.850.875.7188; E-mail:; Phone: +1.850.875.7120; Web: http://nfrec.ifas. Plant Pathologist Full-time, 12-month (two-year contract) position with the American Samoa Community College’s Division of Community and Natural Resources at Malaeimi, American Samoa, under research coordinator. The incumbent will plan, conduct, analyze, and publish plant pathology research, approved by a merit review panel, focusing on protecting sustainable production of taro, banana, and other tropical crops; purchase/operate/maintain pertinent laboratory/field equipment and supplies; serve as resource for instructional programs and Cooperative Extension Service; possibly train and supervise assistants/students; and oversee plant tissue culture laboratory, research greenhouse, and supervise staff. Approximate Research:Extension:Teaching is 70:25:5. Required: graduate degree in plant pathology or related field; excellent English language skills; strength/stamina to conduct fieldwork in humid tropics; ability to work without supervision; driver’s license; ability to drive manual vehicle and no serious moving traffic violations during past three years. Preferred: knowledge and experience with greenhouse and tissue culture laboratory operations, serological and molecular diagnostic techniques, and proficiency in Samoan language. Closing Date: April 16, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) Submit application, CV, letters from three references, transcripts, diplomas, official photo ID, and social security. Contact: Donald Vargo, American Samoa Community College, PO Box 5319, Pago Pago, AS 96799 U.S.A. Fax: +1.684.699.5011; E-mail:; Phone: +1.684.699.1575; Web: n

APS Journal Articles Phytopathology March 2010, Volume 100, Number 3 PAMDB, A Multilocus Sequence Typing and Analysis Database and Website for Plant-Associated Microbes. Screening Molecules for Control of Citrus Huanglongbing Using an Optimized Regeneration System for ‘Candi­datus Liberibacter asiaticus’Infected Periwinkle (Catharan­thus roseus) Cuttings. Sequential Expression of Bacterial Virulence and Plant Defense Genes During Infection of Tomato with Clavi­bacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae XKK.12 Contains an AroQγ Chorismate Mutase That Is Involved in Rice Virulence. Initiation, Development, and Survival of Cleistothecia of Podosphaera aphanis and Their Role in the Epidemi­ology of Strawberry Powdery Mildew. Tomato Plants Transformed with the Inhibitor-ofVirus-Replication Gene Are Partially Resistant to Botrytis cinerea. H-Gene-Mediated Resistance to Hessian Fly Exhibits Features of Penetration Resistance to Fungi. Distinguishing Heterodera filipjevi and H. avenae Using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism and Cyst Morphology. Vegetative Compatibility Groups in Colletotrichum coccodes Subpopulations from Australia and Genetic Links with Subpopulations from Europe/Israel and North America. Trichothecene Mycotoxins Associated with Potato Dry Rot Caused by Fusarium graminearum. Wheat Cultivar-Specific Disease Synergism and Altera­ tion of Virus Accumulation During Co-Infection with Wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus.

Plant Disease March 2010, Volume 94, Number 3 Citrus Leprosis: Centennial of an Unusual Mite–Virus Pathosystem. Uromyces ciceris-arietini, the Cause of Chickpea Rust: New Hosts in the Trifolieae, Fabaceae. Occurrence and Diversity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in Vegetable Brassica Fields in Nepal. Differential Reactions on Mature Green and Ripe Chili Fruit Infected by Three Colletotrichum spp. Genomics-Based Diagnostic Marker Development for Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola. Soil Treatments for the Potential Elimination of Phytophthora ramorum in Ornamental Nursery Beds. Effectiveness of Chemo- and Thermotherapeutic Treatments on Pepino mosaic virus in Tomato Seed. Changes in Fungicide Resistance Frequency and Population Structure of Pyricularia oryzae after Discontinuance of MBI-D Fungicides. Deoxynivalenol Distribution in Flour and Bran of Spring Wheat Lines with Different Levels of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance. Continuous Lighting Reduces Conidial Production and Germinability in the Rose Powdery Mildew Pathosystem. Bacterial Canker of Sweet Cherry in Oregon— Infection of Horticultural and Natural Wounds, and Resistance of Cultivar and Rootstock Combinations.

Identification and Distribution of Soybean mosaic virus Strains in Southern China. Cross Inoculation Tests with Phellinus noxius Isolates from Nine Different Host Plants in the Ryukyu Islands, Southwestern Japan. White Mold Management in Common Bean by Increasing Within-Row Distance Between Plants. Multi-Year Evaluation of Commercial Soybean Cultivars for Resistance to Phytophthora sojae. First Report of Bean yellow mosaic virus in Alaska from Clover (Trifolium spp.). Bacterial Wilt of Solanaceae Caused by Ralstonia solanacearum Race 1 Biovar 3 in Mali. First Report of Clonostachys rhizophaga as a Pathogen of Dendrocalamus giganteus in Mozambique. First Report of Aster Yellows Phytoplasma in Grapevines in South Africa. First Report of Dollar Spot of Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) Caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in South China. First Report of Tobacco rattle virus in Sedum in Minnesota. First Report of Circular Leaf Spot of Persimmon Caused by Mycosphaerella nawae in Spain. First Report on the Susceptibility of Sweet Pepper Crops to Tomato chlorosis virus in Brazil. First Report of the Huanglongbing Bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Infecting Satkara (Citrus macroptera) in India. First Report of Leaf Blotch Caused by Septoria phalaridis on Phalaris paradoxa. First Report of Alternaria Brown Spot of Citrus Caused by Alternaria alternata in Yunnan Province, China. First Report of the Stubby Root Nematode, Paratrichodorus minor, in Mainland China. First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous” (synonym “Ca. L. solanacearum”) Associated with ‘Tomato Vein-Greening’ and ‘Tomato Psyllid Yellows’ Diseases in Commercial Greenhouses in Arizona. First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous” or “Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum” Associated with Severe Foliar Chlorosis, Curling, and Necrosis and Tuber Discoloration of Potato Plants in Honduras. First Report of Bronze Leaf Disease on Poplar in Alberta, Canada and Sequence of Apioplagiostoma populi. First Report of Arceuthobium blumeri on Pinus ayacahuite and A. globosum subsp. globosum on P. durangensis from Sinaloa, Mexico. First Report of Root Rot Caused by Phytophthora sansomeana on Soybean in China. First Report of Pepper veinal mottle virus Associated with Mosaic and Mottle Diseases of Tomato and Pepper in Mali. A New Host Diagnosed with a Strain of Sugarcane mosaic virus in Florida: Red-Veined Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura erythroneura). Cephalosporium maydis, the Cause of Late Wilt in Maize, a Pathogen New to Portugal and Spain. First Report of Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans Causing Mottled Stripe Disease on Sugarcane in China. First Report of Botrytis Blight Caused by Botrytis cinerea on Lavandula stoechas in Italy. First Report of Rust Caused by Puccinia similis on Artemisia tridentata in Idaho and Oregon. First Report of Verticillium Wilt Caused by Verticillium dahliae on Mango Trees (Mangifera indica) in Southern Spain.

First Report of Virulence for the Wheat Leaf Rust (Puccinia triticina) Resistance Gene Lr32 in South Africa. First Report of Rust Caused by Puccinia emaculata on Switchgrass in Arkansas. First Report of Leaf Spot Caused by Phoma multirostrata on Fuchsia × hybrida in Italy. First Report of Verticillium Wilt of Pistachio Caused by Verticillium dahliae in Spain. Occurrence of Potato Soft Rot Caused by Erwinia carotovora (synonym Pectobacterium carotovorum) in Nepal: A First Report.

MPMI March 2010, Volume 23, Number 3 A Fungal Parasite Regulates a Putative FemaleSuppressor Gene Homologous to Maize Tasselseed2 and Causes Induced Hermaphroditism in Male Buffalograss. Genome-Wide Identification of a Large Repertoire of Ralstonia solanacearum Type III Effector Proteins by a New Functional Screen. The Intra- and Intercellular Movement of Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) Depends on an Active Secretory Pathway. Salmonella SdiA Recognizes N-acyl Homoserine Lactone Signals from Pectobacterium carotovorum in Vitro, but Not in a Bacterial Soft Rot. Viral-Induced Systemic Necrosis in Plants Involves Both Programmed Cell Death and the Inhibition of Viral Multiplication, Which Are Regulated by Independent Pathways. Cucumber Mosaic Virus 2b Protein Subcellular Targets and Interactions: Their Significance to RNA Silencing Suppressor Activity. pH Regulation of Ammonia Secretion by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Its Effect on Appressorium Formation and Pathogenicity. MoRic8 Is a Novel Component of G-Protein Signaling During Plant Infection by the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. A Progeny Virus from a Cucumovirus Pseudorecom­ binant Evolved to Gain the Ability to Accumulate Its RNA-Silencing Suppressor Leading to Systemic Infection in Tobacco. Ascorbic Acid Deficiency in Arabidopsis Induces Constitutive Priming That is Dependent on Hydrogen Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, and the NPR1 Gene.

Plant Management Network Plant Health Progress First Report of Leaf Smut of Tomatillo Caused by Entyloma australe. First Report of Two Curtoviruses in Spinach and Common Beet in Arizona. Pythium Root Dysfunction of Creeping Bentgrass. Monsanto Highlights New Pipeline Leads, Trial Expansion in Annual Research and Development Presentations. Adorn Fungicide Brings New Chemistry to Ornamental Growers. New ARS-Developed Soybean Line Resists Key Nematode. n

Phytopathology News 43

Phytopathology The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 United States of America



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Calendar of Events

APS Sponsored Events March 2010 24-26 — APS Potomac Division Meeting. Ocean City, MD. div/potomac June 2010 6-8 — APS North Central Division Meeting. Rapid City, SD. northcentral 20-23 — APS Pacific Division Annual Meeting (in conjunction with the Canadian Phytopathological Society). Vancouver, Canada. August 2010 7-11 — APS Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN. 24-27 — APS Caribbean Division Meeting. Managua, Nicaragua. members/div/caribbean October 2010 27-29 — APS Northeastern Division Meeting. Northampton, MA. div/northeastern/ Upcoming APS Annual Meetings August 6-10, 2011 — APS/IAPPS Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI. August 4-8, 2012 — Providence, RI. August 10-14, 2013 — Austin, TX. August 9-13, 2014 — Minneapolis, MN.

Other Upcoming Events

March 2010 7-12 — Phytophthora Diseases in Forest Trees and Natural Ecosystems—5th Meeting of the IUFRO Working Group. Rotorua, New Zealand. 12-13 — Soybean Green Stem Symposium. Pensacola Beach, FL. SSDW 21-26 — Plasmodesmata 2010—Seventh International Conference. Sydney, Australia.

22-24 — 56th Annual Soil Fungus Conference. Mt. Vernon, WA. April 2010 25-29 — 16th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium on Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds. Friedrichroda, Germany. May 2010 3-6 — Fourth International Rusts of Forest Trees Conference. Florence, Italy. science/divisions/division-7/70000/70200/70205/ activities/#c14972 25-27 — Climate Change and the Implications for Plant Protection Symposium. Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

July 2010 4-9 — 6th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew. Bordeaux, France. gdpm_2010_bordeaux 25-30 — 3rd International Symposium on Tomato Diseases. Naples, Italy. 26-28 — 34th International Carrot Conference. Kennewick, WA. August 2010 1-6 — International Mycological Congress. Edinburgh, U.K. 11-15 — 5th International Rice Blast Conference. Little Rock, AR.

30-June 4 — XV International Botrytis Symposium. Cadiz, Spain. www.xvbotrytiscadiz10. com

14-18 — Phyllosphere 2010: Ninth International Symposium on the Microbiology of Aerial Plant Surfaces. Corvallis, OR. http://

June 2010 3-4 — 3rd European Workshop on Lipid Mediators. Paris, France.

16-18 —Symposium on Silicon in Agriculture. Viçosa City, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

6-11 — 12th World Congress of the International Association for Plant Biotechnology. St. Louis, MO. 7-11 — Twelfth International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Saint Denis, Réunion Island, France. 14-18 — XVI Biennial Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. 20-23 — Annual Meeting of The Canadian Phytopathological Society. Vancouver, Canada. 20-24 — International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium/Plant Virus Ecology Network. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 27-30 — The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing. Washington, DC.

16-20 — ISHS 12th International Workshop on Fire Blight. Warsaw, Poland. 30-Sept 3 — Second International Symposium on Genus Lilium. Tuscany, Italy. 31-Sept 3 — 8th International Conference on Pseudomanas syringae and Related Pathogens. Oxford, U.K. September 2010 19-21 — Third Conference on Precision Crop Protection. Bonn, Germany. August 2013 25-30 — 10th International Conference of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. n

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