April 2010 Phytopathology News

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Phytopathology April 2010 • Volume 44 • Number 4


Exchange • Inform • Connect

Complete Your Readership Survey by April 30 If you have already completed your 2010 Phytopathology News Readership Survey, thank you; for the rest of you, the clock is ticking. You should have received an e-mail with a link to the new survey. Through this survey we hope to find out what you like about our newsletter and what you think we could be doing better. Your opinion does matter. Thank you for your support and feedback! n

Registration and Housing Now Open Registration and housing are now open for the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN. Register by May 3, 2010, to receive the best rates. The registration brochure is available online at http://meeting.apsnet.org; print only the pages you need. Plus, get the best deal in town when you stay onsite at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. APS has negotiated a discount hotel rate and an amenities package for annual meeting attendees. Visit http:// meeting.apsnet. org for pricing information and registration deadlines. n

In this Issue Editor’s Corner ..................................... 46 APS Foundation ................................... 48 APS 2.0 ................................................ 50 Public Policy Update . ........................... 52 Division News ...................................... 55 People .................................................. 56 Classifieds ............................................. 58 Journal Articles ..................................... 59 Calendar of Events . .............................. 60

Advertisers’ Index Opti-Sciences Inc. ................................ 57 Spectrum Technologies, Inc. ................. 49

Council Unanimously Approves New Governance Structure, Member Vote Next Barb Christ, APS President, ebf@psu.edu In 2008, APS leadership launched an ad hoc committee lead by Mike Boehm to review the governance structure and to make recommendations for its improvement. In the October 2009 issue of Phytopathology News, I outlined a process and timeline that was established for the APS Governance Ad Hoc Committee. Since that article, the Governance Ad Hoc Committee had a summit with leadership from the divisions followed by a meeting to develop a final vision for consideration by council at the recent midyear meeting. To review, the organization of APS has become increasingly complex due to the growing activities of the society. Rather than council making all Barb Christ decisions, boards and offices were established and charged with carrying out major functions of the society. Council also grew in size. The current governance structure is complex and not able to respond in the nimble fashion needed for today’s global challenges, and continuing to add seats to council as new aspects of the society develop is unsustainable. Council charged the Governance Ad Hoc Committee to address the question: What is the ideal infrastructure for APS governance to allow the society to evolve and thrive in the future? A more detailed account of how we reached this point can be found at www.apsnet.org/members/ govstructure. The Governance Ad Hoc Committee report was presented to APS Council on February 19, 2010. Council unanimously approved the structure changes proposed and is recommending that the membership approve the constitutional amendments required to implement this change via ballot during the upcoming election for the society. Key features of the proposed governance structure would make council smaller and increase its nimbleness and strategic capacity. The council would be reduced in size from 22 to 12. Council would continue to include the vice president, president-elect, president, past president, treasurer, and three councilors-at-large. The secretary position would be renamed the internal communications officer to better reflect its current and future roles and responsibilities. Two new council positions would be added: chair of the Publications Board, representing all the editors-in-chief, and a representative of the Divisional Forum, representing the six divisional councilors. The final member will continue to be the executive vice president, who is a nonvoting member. New Governance Structure continued on page 47

Phytopathology April 2010 • Volume 44 • Number 4

Editor’s Corner News

Exchange • Inform • Connect

APS Is Growing—Moving Our Society Forward Doug Jardine, Kansas State University, PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org

Editor-in-Chief: Doug Jardine Managing Editor: Michelle Bjerkness Editor: Amanda Aranowski Design: Agnes Walker Advertising Sales: Karen Deuschle Phytopathology News (ISSN 0278-0267) is published eleven times per year by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) at 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Phone: +1.651.454.7250, Fax: +1.651.454.0766, E-mail: aps@scisoc.org, Web: www.apsnet.org. Phytopathology News is distributed to all APS members. Subscription price to nonmembers is $69 U.S./$81 Elsewhere. Periodicals paid at St. Paul, MN. CPC Intl Pub Mail #0969249. Postmaster: Send address changes to Phytopathology News, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Submission Guidelines Address all editorial correspondence to: Doug Jardine, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66506-5502 U.S.A. Phone: +1.785.532.1386; Fax: +1.785.532.5692; E-mail: PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org. In order to ensure timely publication of your news items and announcements, please send in material six weeks prior to the date of publication. Material should be no more than six months old when submitted. Submission of materials as electronic files, via e-mail, will speed processing. For information on submitting electronic images contact Agnes Walker at awalker@scisoc.org. Deadline for submitting items for the July 2010 issue is May 15, 2010.

APS Leadership Officers President: Barbara J. Christ President-Elect: John L. Sherwood Vice President: Carol A. Ishimaru Immediate Past President: James W. Moyer Secretary: Danise T. Beadle Treasurer: Randall C. Rowe Councilors Senior, at-Large: Michael J. Boehm Intermediate, at-Large: Carolee T. Bull Junior, at-Large: Anne E. Dorrance Caribbean Division: Maria Mercedes Roca North Central Division: George W. Sundin Northeastern Division: Wade Elmer Pacific Division: Jim Adaskaveg Potomac Division: Kathryne L. Everts Southern Division: John C. Rupe Editors-in-Chief APS PRESS: Margery L. Daughtrey MPMI: Gary Stacey Phytopathology: Niklaus J. GrÜnwald Phytopathology News: Doug Jardine Plant Disease: R. Mike Davis Plant Disease Management Reports: Frank Wong Plant Health Progress: Mike E. Matheron The Plant Health Instructor: Anton B. Baudoin Board and Office Chairs and Directors APS Foundation Chair: George S. Abawi PPB Chair: Jacque Fletcher Publications Board Chair: Margaret E. Daub OEC Director: Darin M. Eastburn OIP Director: Sally A. Miller OIR Director: Brian D. Olson OPRO Director: Monica Elliott AMB Director: Scott T. Adkins XMB Director: Gary Bergstrom Division Officers Caribbean President: Ron Brlansky Vice President: Lydia Rivera-Vargas Secretary-Treasurer: Ronald French-Monar North Central President: Lawrence Osborne Vice President: Deanna Funnell-Harris Secretary-Treasurer: Loren Giesler Northeastern President: Norman Lalancette Vice President: Russell Tweddell Secretary-Treasurer: Beth Gugino Pacific President: Walter Mahaffee President-Elect: Jay Pscheidt Secretary-Treasurer: Juliet Windes Potomac President: Christopher Dardick Vice President: Mary Ann Hansen Secretary-Treasurer: Boris Vinatzer Southern President: Boyd Padgett President-Elect: David Langston Vice President: Raymond Schneider Secretary-Treasurer: Donald Ferrin

46 Phytopathology News

In this month’s Phytopathology News, the president’s front-page article is a must-read column for all members. In it, APS President Barb Christ summarizes the APS Governance Ad Hoc Committee’s steadfast work over the past two years that has resulted in a unanimous vote by APS Council to revise its governance structure, as well as details on these modifications. As a current member of APS Council, I was present for the deliberations at the recent midyear meeting. I assure you that all of the ramifications of the proposed changes were thoroughly examined before the final vote was taken. I would also like to emphasize that the vote was unanimous, even by those of us who, essentially, “voted ourselves off the island.” If the constitutional change is approved, as editor-in-chief of Phytopathology Doug Jardine News, I will no longer have a seat on council. I am confident, however, that any needs or concerns that may arise, in addition to those of the other editors-in-chief and division councilors, will be represented by the APS Publications Board chair and the Divisional Forum representative who, after the restructuring, will now gain seats at the table. As President Christ points out, any member who has concerns or questions about the proposed reorganization can contact any of the current members of council. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at jardine@ksu.edu or by phone at +1.785.532.1386. In addition to our communal efforts to move APS forward, I am also eager to bring this sense of progression to Phytopathology News. Is our newsletter an accurate representation of our membership and its needs? Although regularly cited as a key benefit of membership, good things can always be made better. As a result, we are now conducting a readership survey. It has been 10 years since the last readership survey was conducted and, at that time, the electronic version of the newsletter had been recently introduced with only a handful of members receiving it electronically. Today, more than 60% of our members get their news via their inboxes! That’s quite an increase! In the survey, we ask you what you like about Phytopathology News and what you might consider discontinuing. We would also appreciate any ideas on what is currently not offered but you would like to see. Watch for the survey in your inbox, and please don’t hit the delete button when it arrives. Phytopathology News is a benefit that all members of the society receive from their membership dues, and as editorin-chief, I want to be sure that it meets your needs—now and in the future. Thanks in advance for taking a few minutes to complete it. n

Shhh… It’s the 6th Annual OIP Silent Auction But we can’t be quiet! In five years, the Office of International Programs’ (OIP) silent auction has raised more than $17,000 to support the connection of plant pathologists worldwide! The money was raised to create the new Global Experience Program, aimed at helping APS plant pathologists work with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts. In 2009, the first awards were given to support two workshops—a workshop in Bolivia on statistics in plant disease epidemiology and agriculture and a plant-parasitic nematode identification workshop held in Guatemala. Your support is once again requested to help OIP gather fun and unique items from around the world to create this fantastic silent auction held during the annual meeting. Have you found beautiful silk scarves in Asia? Or brought home hand-crafted earrings from Africa? How about wine made in Europe? Popular items in the past have been jewelry, fabrics, wood carvings, wine, regional food specialties, and other treats from around the world. Donations may be in the form of crafts, artworks, tools, books, services, or other items reflecting your culture or cultures you have visited. Information on how to donate items for the silent auction is available at www.apsnet.org/members/oip/silentauction.asp. Send in your donations today! Contact OIP Silent Auction Cochairs Annemiek Schilder (schilder@ msu.edu) or Judy Brown (jbrown@ag.arizona.edu) or APS staff member Karen Deuschle (kdeuschle@scisoc.org) with questions. n

New Governance Structure continued from page 45

This change will streamline the governance structure of APS, allowing the society to better navigate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. Theses changes will facilitate an efficient and nimble response to immediate issues and allow council to be informed and structured for enhanced information exchange among members, committees, boards, and offices; inclusive of broad member representation; and forward thinking and strategic in decision-making. To ensure communication between council and the various offices and boards, which are empowered with greater authority to make decisions, the following assigned liaisons to council will be put in place: • Publications Board: chair of Publications Board • Office of Scientific Programs: president-elect and vice president • Public Policy Board: president, president-elect, and vice president • APS Foundation: treasurer • Office of Public Relations and Outreach: past president • Office of International Programs, Office of Industry Relations, and Office of Electronic Communications will have one of the councilors assigned to be a liaison. • Subject and Policy Committees will continue to have the three councilors-at-large via the current committee on committees as a liaison. During the development of the new governance structure, several new forums were envisioned to increase membership involvement, enhance APS responsiveness to its members, and facilitate forward-thinking, strategic decision-making, they include: • A Scientific Visionary Forum, which would report to the president and would enlist the creative and thoughtful perspectives of members on the most critical issues facing our society. • A Membership Forum, which would be assigned a councilor liaison and would survey members and surface issues regarding membership. • A Divisional Forum, which would be established to coordinate division representation and enhance communication and activities among divisions. Divisions would continue to operate as they currently do. To ensure connectivity between the Divisional Forum and council, a representative from the Divisional Forum would serve on council. As the implementation of this new council structure requires an APS constitutional amendment, there will be a ballot in May 2010, and all members will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed governance structure during the normal election. The next step now rests with the membership, and I encourage you to participate in this process. Please watch your e-mail for instructions on how to participate in the election and the constitutional amendment vote. As indicated, additional information can be found at www.apsnet.org/members/govstructure to inform your decision. The current members of council that unanimously endorsed this new structure and now bring it to you for consideration include: Barbara J. Christ, Penn State University; John L. Sherwood, University of Georgia; Carol A. Ishimaru, University of Minnesota; James W. Moyer, North Carolina State University; Danise T. Beadle, Bayer CropScience; Randall C. Rowe, Ohio State University; Niklaus Grunwald, USDA-ARS; R. Mike Davis, University of California; Douglas J. Jardine, Kansas State University; Margery L. Daughtrey, Cornell University; Michael J. Boehm, Ohio State University; Carolee T. Bull, USDA-ARS; Anne E. Dorrance, Ohio State University; James E. Adaskaveg, University of California; Wade H. Elmer, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; Kathryne L. Everts, University of Maryland; Maria Mercedes Roca, Zamorano University; John C. Rupe, University of Arkansas; and George W. Sundin, Michigan State University. These council members are available to address your questions; their contact information can be found at www.apsnet.org/directories/council.cfm. n

Cast Your Vote in May! Watch your e-mail on May 3 for a link to the online ballot for the 2010 APS election and constitutional amendment. Please check the APSnet online directory to ensure we have an accurate e-mail address on file for you. To update your record, visit www.apsnet.org/members/ update.asp. Detailed instructions for voting for the election as well as on the constitutional amendment will be provided within the ballot process. For background information on the constitutional amendment changes prior to voting, make sure to visit www.apsnet.org/ members/govstructure. Voting will close on May 28. (Members without an e-mail address on file with APS will be mailed materials.) Be sure to watch for next month’s issue of Phytopathology News, which will include the announcement of candidates for the election and their profiles. Your participation is essential to the success of this process, make sure to cast your vote in May!

Better than a Gold Star Have you recently seen an APS member go above and beyond the standard performance of their roll as an APS volunteer? Do you know of a committee chair that took a committee and made it significantly more active than it had been in the past? How about someone who started a group that didn’t previously exist but was needed by the APS membership? Does your general policy or subject matter committee chair deserve a loud round of applause? Do you know a member who has worked tirelessly to benefit APS, its members, and our cause? The APS Councilor’s Forum wants you to nominate these volunteers who go beyond the standard effort for the 2010 APS Outstanding Volunteer Award. This is your opportunity to honor an APS member for the hard work they do for our society. These are the movers and the shakers; they keep members informed and manage the details so the rest of us don’t even need to think about it. Basically, they make things happen for the society. This year, take a few minutes to show them that their efforts are valued and appreciated by all of us. Don’t let them go unnoticed! The Outstanding Volunteer Award recognizes individuals for excellent service in furthering the mission of APS through their volunteer efforts. To make your nomination, simply submit your nomination (nominees must be APS members) to the attention of the APS Councilor-at-Large Carolee Bull (carolee.bull@ars.usda.gov) via e-mail as a PDF file by June 2, 2010. The nomination should be no more than one page, including a description of your nominee’s recent volunteer activities (within the last five years) and how the nominee excelled in the quality, timeliness, and/or scope of these activities. Please note that current council members of APS are not eligible for this award, and senior editors are not eligible in their area of responsibility. Nominations will be reviewed by the Councilor’s Forum. At the discretion of the Councilor’s Forum, more than one award may be given annually. The recipient(s) will receive an APS plaque and will be honored during the 2010 APS Annual Meeting by APS President Barb Christ. If you have any questions, please contact Bull. n

Is Your Research Being Cited? You can track the number of times your research is cited in other journal articles. Just open an abstract, and click “Alert me when new articles cite this article” in the quick links box to the right. Then sign in or register for your free profile to receive an e-mail notification each time your article is cited. Sign up today! For help setting up your citation alerts, contact Kayla Heurung (kheurung@scisoc.org). n Phytopathology News 47

A Revolutionary’s Guide to Taking over APS— Step Four: Recruit a Community of Your Own Carolee Bull, APS Intermediate Councilor-at-Large, carolee.bull@ars.usda.gov How did you end up becoming a plant pathologist? Did you know from the time you were very young that you would grow up to be a scientist? Or, was it someone special who introduced you to the curious and amazing natural world surrounding you? We came to plant pathology through various avenues, but often we came from a pool of science majors and undergraduate programs that could clearly lead us to our profession. However, there remains a large untapped pool of potential future science majors and even plant pathologists. They are not far away in an exotic country, but are nearby in our community colleges. Students from community and small colleges represent a large concentration of potential recruits for plant pathology. Many excellent students have not yet defined themselves as scientists, while others have already self selected themselves into science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. Regardless, many students have little exposure to working scientists and scientific disciplines let alone plant pathology. In important agricultural regions, some of these students avoid agriculture-based disciplines, because they come from overworked farm labor families and use their academic talent to avoid agriculture. These students are ripe for mentoring by plant pathologists. Internships in working plant pathology laboratories have opened the eyes of students to our world, and once they visit, they are likely to stay, especially if they think they can help the community from which they’ve come. Carolee Bull

Moving away from a “monoculture” to a more diverse workforce that has diverse strategies for solving the problems will be essential to meet the increased challenges to food security. Relationships with schools that do not traditionally provide agricultural research talent and that primarily serve underrepresented minorities may become the pipelines to our profession for a diverse group of students in the future. They will bring new ideas, including an understanding of the impact of our science on issues of social justice. Likewise, we have a lot to offer nontraditional undergraduate students because our science ranges from furrows to flagella, in scales from the environmental to the molecular. Plant pathology provides these students with the broadest possible training in biology. Excitement about our profession can be demonstrated at all these levels, but getting them into our labs is the first step in getting them into our profession. Community college students have not been recruited for a variety of reasons. Undergraduates at researchers’ home universities may represent primary candidates for their graduate schools. In other cases, researchers have the false impression that students at community colleges aren’t the most talented. In my experience, many of the undeclared and STEM students at Hartnell Community College (a largely Hispanic-serving institution in Salinas, CA) are talented and hard working. They work hard to succeed in their classes and work 20 to 40 hours a week to pay their tuition. They aren’t concerned about getting away from their parents to party and are bright enough to use community college to get their prerequisites out of the way before adding living costs to their educational expenses. Excitingly for us, there are outstanding mentors (including plant pathologists trained in our labs) among the faculty at our local community and small colleges. These plant pathologists can help channel exceptional students to our labs where we can provide authentic research experiences. That is the initial hook, but in my experience, undergraduates are more likely to enter graduate programs in plant pathology if they are exposed to the excitement of our profession generated at our annual meetings. Don’t be surprised if some annual meeting attendees seem even younger this year. Inspired individuals, APS regular committees, ad hoc committees, and boards are already working to bring more undergraduates to the meetings. For example, Gita Bangera is currently inspiring students from Bellevue College in Washington. Last year, she and other APS members chaperoned students from the college at the APS meeting in Portland. This year, OPRO is beating the bushes for talented undergraduates to bring to our annual meetings. Please do what you can to make these future colleagues feel welcome. Now is the time for us to make more individual efforts in this area and work together to provide more opportunities for undergraduate students to join our profession. So, if you are a plant pathologist at a small liberal arts or community college, or are a tireless mentor of undergraduates students, please e-mail me (Carolee.Bull@ars.usda.gov). The next step will be working to find funding for our effort, and we want you at the table. n 48 Phytopathology News

APS Foundation First APS Foundation Raymond J. Tarleton Student Fellow Announced R. James Cook, APS Foundation Board Member, rjcook@wsu.edu The APS Foundation is pleased to announce Jonathan Jacobs as the successful applicant for the first Raymond J. Tarleton Student Fellowship award. Jacobs is in his third year as a doctoral student in Caitilyn Allen’s lab Jonathan Jacobs in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was one of 11 applicants for this award, set by the APS Foundation Board for 2010 at $2,000. Each applicant was asked to provide a description of his or her thesis research and how they intended to use the award, along with a copy of their academic transcript. Jacobs’ thesis research is on the bacterial plant pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum, the cause of bacterial wilt of crops such as tomatoes, bananas, plantains, peppers, and potatoes and widely distributed in warm tropical climates worldwide. A subgroup of R. solanacearum, known as Race 3 biovar 2 (R3bv2), is adapted to cooler highlands and temperate environments and causes major economic losses for potatoes and tomatoes in the highlands of South and Central America, Asia, and Africa. Because of the threat R3bv2 poses to the North American and European potato industries, this strain is a quarantined pathogen in Canada and Europe and has been placed on the national select agent list in the United States. The national select agent lists include, respectively, plant, animal, and human pathogens not already present or quarantined in the United States and considered candidates that potentially could be used in a bioterrorist attack against U.S. agriculture or the human population. Research on pathogens on a select agent list can only be done in federally approved and stringently controlled facilities. The greater part of Jacobs’ thesis focused on comparative gene expression of the cool(R3bv2) and high-temperature strains of R. solanacearum growing in rich nutrient media and in the supposedly barren xylem, using a functional genomics approach for clues as to nutritional factors that determine pathogenicity.

The Allen lab and collaborators also developed several new molecular tools to rapidly detect R3bv2 in the lab and need now to validate these diagnostic tools in the field where R3bv2 is endemic. It is for this aspect of his thesis specifically that Jacobs applied for a Tarleton Student Fellowship award. He will now test these diagnostic tools in Reunion Island, France, where R3bv2 is widely established. The funding will cover his travel and living expenses for the three weeks required to complete the tests. Coincidentally, he will present his thesis research at the 12th International Congress on Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria, also in Reunion Island and scheduled for June 7–11, 2010. Upon learning that he was the successful applicant for the award, Jacobs commented that “it was while living in Mexico as an undergrad that I developed a desire to apply my background in bacteriology to solve problems faced by poor farmers in the developing tropics, and plant pathology gives me the opportunity to do just that.” He also commented that the Tarleton Student Fellowship will allow him to “brush up on [his] French.” He plans to present some of his results at the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN. n

Workshop on PCR-Based Pathogen Detection Held at the University of Kentucky A three-and-a-half-day workshop on nucleic acid-based pathogen detection for applied plant pathologists was offered January 19–22, 2010, at the University of Kentucky by Paul Vincelli, Bernadette Amsden, and Mindy Thompson. Topics covered during the workshop included basics of standard and real-time PCR, advantages and limitations of the principal DNA detection technologies, experimental controls, recognizing and dealing with PCR inhibition, use of PCR kits, multiplexing, PCR licensing, minimizing risks of sample contamination, fundamentals of using gels for diagnostic Seated (left to right): Suzy Spencer, Albert Patton, and purposes, quantitation, arrays, sequencing Bernadette Amsden. Standing (left to right): Judy O’Mara, and database query, interpreting and Bridget Meiring, Warren Copes, Megan Kennelly, Glenn troubleshooting PCR experiments, and Hackney, Paul Vincelli, and Fanny Iriarte. emerging detection technologies. Intensive hands-on activities included designing and executing four real-time PCR experiments, extracting DNA from infected plant tissue, pouring and running an analytical gel, executing a dot-blot, and gel purification of amplicons. Participants also toured the U.K. Advanced Genetic Technology Center. It is expected that the workshop will be held again in the winter of 2011. n

Phytopathology News 49

IPM VOICE Workshop Raises Many Questions for Workshop Participants Soum Sanogo, Integrated Plant Disease Management Committee Chair, ssanogo@nmsu.edu At the request of APS President Barbara Christ, Soum Sanogo, chair of the APS Integrated Plant Disease Management Committee, attended the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) VOICE Workshop held December 1–2, 2009, in Phoenix, AZ. The workshop was sponsored by the NSF Center for IPM and the Participants at the IPM VOICE workshop in Phoenix, AZ. United Soybean Board. More than 30 attendees, representing industry, federal agencies (EPA, USDA NIFA, and CDC), universities, and private foundations were in attendance. The workshop was the culmination of consultations among members of the newly formed Planning Group who agreed on the need for a nonprofit organization, IPM VOICE, to provide a pedestal for advancing IPM research, education, and extension within the United States. The Planning Group, formed after the 6th International IPM Symposium, consisted of the following members: Harold Coble, USDA ARS OPMP; Marty Draper, USDA NIFA; Sherry Glick, EPA; Tom Green, IPM Institute of North America; Larry Gut, Michigan State University; Carrie Koplinka-Loehr, Northeastern IPM Center; Tom Melton, Center for IPM; Curt Petzoldt, New York IPM Program; Jim VanKirk, Southern IPM Center; and Frank Zalom, University of California-Davis. The Planning Group’s draft mission statement: “IPM VOICE advocates for progressive integrated pest management (IPM) that provides genuine environmental, social, and economic benefits. We support sound science—derived through accepted principles—that enables the best pest management choices for any current situation and continually develops new knowledge to create better choices in the future. We recognize and applaud the many advances in IPM research, implementation, and adoption to date, and also recognize the urgent need to further advance IPM by developing and adopting new techniques to address emerging environmental and social challenges. We celebrate the diversity of philosophies and approaches within the IPM community and unite in support of the broad foundation upon which we strengthen and advance IPM.” The Phoenix workshop was a follow up to the work done by the Planning Group for IPM VOICE with the purpose of discussing the idea of creating IPM VOICE and its mission. Attendees were asked to provide personal and professional hopes and hurdles as to the purpose and outcome of the workshop. Following the hopes/hurdles session, attendees were assigned to work in groups in order to tackle four questions: 1) What does progressive IPM mean?; 2) What does advocacy IPM mean?; 3) What are the top audiences for IPM?; and 4) What are our messages? From group reports and ensuing discussions, several issues were raised: 1) Definitional issue. The use of the terms “progressive” and “advocacy” generated a lot of concern. Many attendees viewed these two terms with negative connotations. These definitional issues were not resolved by the close of the workshop. 2) Lobbying issue. Lobbying was proposed as a function to be played by IPM VOICE to secure funding for IPM research, education, and extension. This issue also generated much concern because many of the potential members of IPM VOICE are already engaged in independent lobbying. Additionally, several attendees working in federal agencies indicated that they may not be members of an organization with a lobbying function. 3) Products issue. A key concern raised by some attendees pertains to the nature of products to be delivered by IPM VOICE. 4) Membership issue. Discussion was centered on how IPM VOICE will operate financially. The assessment of fees on member organizations or individuals to defray operational costs garnered much support; however, the membership of IPM VOICE, at the current time, is not known. The workshop ended without any resolution. The next step following the Phoenix workshop is to set up a committee to coordinate activities of several groups that will work on the mission statement, organizational structures, and fundraising. n

50 Phytopathology News

APS 2.0 It’s All About Networking Dija Selimi, an APS member and an associate research specialist in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is passionate about giving students the resources to find Dija Selimi the best career path for their skills and interests. Read on to find out why she started an APS “LinkedIn” group and why it is so beneficial for students and young professionals in their networking efforts.


Dija, you were instrumental in getting this page going for APS. Why did you think it was important for our society to start a group on LinkedIn?


My motivation for starting the LinkedIn group was to help develop a networking resource for students that extended beyond the scientific meeting. Meetings have long been the primary opportunity to meet and connect with people in the field, but there are few opportunities to meet people who have training in the field, but work in nontraditional occupations. These professionals are a rich resource for the growing number of individuals interested in careers outside of academia. LinkedIn provides a platform for connecting with these people who may otherwise be hidden from our professional network.


What are the benefits of joining a social media site such as LinkedIn?


The benefits to joining a social networking site for students is the opportunity for virtual informational interviewing. I think our professors are great role models for how to be good scientists, but they don’t always have the resources for advising about career paths outside of the tenure track. LinkedIn allows students to seek advice and information about the skills that will make them successful at a career while developing an understanding of what they need from their career path.

Q: a fad?


Do you see social media as a useful tool to stay connected? Or, is it just Is social networking a fad? I don’t think social networking sites will go away,

but our expectations for them will change. The importance of security and privacy will continue to be important as we learn how to take advantage of these tools while limiting our personal exposure. I also think there is a lot of pressure to manage our time more effectively, and we are discovering that social networking is inefficient. However, staying connected with people requires time; talking on the phone, sending e-mail, writing a letter (!), and visiting in person all take time, so it may not be a fair criticism of social networking sites that keeping up with them takes a little time out of our day. That said, I would like to see more streamlined platforms with better security. Anything else you would like to add?

Mentoring Up and Down the Ladder of Success

Finally, I certainly don’t consider myself an expert on social networking, but I do consider myself an advocate for students and young professionals. I really just wanted to give people another resource for finding information that I struggled to find when I was exploring careers beyond the bench. I found that the once-a-year article that Science magazine writes about non-traditional careers was completely ill-suited to my path, and the advice was tailored for someone several years away from graduation. I discovered that the best way to learn about a career was by developing my own network. If I wanted to learn more about science writing, I needed to meet some science writers. If I wanted to meet people in science policy, I needed to meet scientists working for the UN or legislators—LinkedIn helped me do that. I wanted other people to have that same networking opportunity earlier in their career! Start networking with other APS members via the APS LinkedIn group (www.linkedin.com/groups? gid=1813578), where APS now has 154 members. n

To stimulate a dynamic discussion, we will break the participants into small groups. Each member will have the chance to ask for feedback on particular issues addressing diversity and equality in the workplace and activities related to helping our members maximize their successes. Several items of interest will be presented pertaining to developing career opportunities, effective communication, professional development, best practices, and solutions to the path of individual success. While skills, knowledge, opinions, and experiences are likely to differ between participants, we expect that we can all learn from one another and benefit from proven successful stories. Who knows, you may become a mentor to a colleague! The approach is for all participants to use this learning experience to gain from each other. Come prepared to learn and share your own questions to forge a path to success. Not one person may have the answer to all the questions, but all together may simplify the path. Key mentors will share their experiences on how to develop tools to achieve a successful workplace and scientific career. We will assemble all the feedback from our participants/mentors and share the information collected with our participants on best practices and solutions to a successful scientific career through e-mail.

Q: A:

Phytophthora Diagnostic Workshop A U.S. Agency for International Development-funded Phytophthora Diagnostic Workshop will be held in San Jose, Costa Rica, from June 28 to July 2, for Central American diagnosticians. To apply for funding for all accommodations, food, and $250 for airfare, visit the workshop website (www.ncsu. edu/project/OPDWebSpace/Phytophthora). Questions about this event can be directed to Monica Blanco (in Spanish) at monica. blancomeneses@ucr.ac.cr or Jean Beagle Ristaino (in English) at Jean_Ristaino@ncsu. edu. The screening of applicants for funding begins March 30. n

María L. Burgos-Garay, Committee for Diversity and Equality Chair, mlb483@psu.edu

María L. Burgos-Garay

In a continuing effort to pursue strategies that assist and encourage personal growth for women and minority members of APS, the Committee for Diversity and Equality, formerly known as the Joint Committee of Woman in Plant Pathology and Cultural Diversity, has put together a unique social/workshop mix for the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN. The purpose of this activity is to give members an opportunity to share their thoughts, questions, concerns, and experiences in an interactive environment. To close the existing gaps, we need to effectively communicate our concerns and ask for guidance. What better way than to ask others that have gone through similar situations or who have experience in embracing and practicing diversity? This is your chance to ask and listen to what your peers have to say about their own experiences. We need your voice, your questions, and your concerns to make this a successful session.

We want to provide a platform to provide insight and guidance to our members facing challenges unique to women and minorities. Let us start the legacy to impact the lives of current and new members of this committee and all APS members committed to diversity and equality on all levels of the ladder. To generate and design strategies containing valuable information on how to further improve the path to success, we need individuals who value diversity and equality. Please consider this opportunity to provide professional guidance and recommendations to achieve a successful career in plant pathology. We are searching for senior APS members who have experience supporting diversity in their workplace. We are asking for donations to supplement food and beverages of this social/workshop activity. If you are interested in donating to this event, we would greatly appreciate your sponsorship of this and future activities by the Committee for Diversity and Equality. All donations would be recognized as donated from you or your company in the session. The donations will be used for the sole purpose of supplementing food and beverages at this social event. If you or your company wishes to help the committee, please contact María L. Burgos-Garay (mlb483@psu.edu). Thank you in advance for your consideration and support. Finally, we need to hear from you and all of our APS members. We welcome ideas to consider for future events. In an effort to strengthen the workplace and relationships for women and minorities, we are eager to listen to new ideas and suggestions. Please send topics that you would like to see discussed through the Committee for Diversity and Equality. Our mission is to voice issues of diversity, including gender, age, culture, race, and religion. We are here to listen, share, and spread the word of our members to all of APS. Help us achieve the goal of equality. All voices deserve to be heard, analyzed, and appreciated. Please help us maximize the opportunities for women and minorities. I hope to hear from you. n

APS Journals Online Look Like a Million In 2009, visits to APS Journals Online exceeded 1,250,000! In 2010, publish in the journals, and make your research visible to these scientists and more. Or, contact Kayla Heurung (kheurung@ scisoc.org) to sign up for the APS Journals Research Update, and see what your colleagues are finding each month. Thanks a million to everyone who uses and contributes to APS Journals Online. n Phytopathology News 51

Your Video Could Be Worth $500! The Office of Public Relations is excited to announce the 2010 Video Contest.

Public Policy Update Report from National Invasive Species Awareness Week Frank P. Wong, University of California, Riverside, frank.wong@ucr.edu Invasive species threaten a broad range of interests in the United States, including agriculture, aquaculture, native habitats, and other ecosystems. In an effort to help address some of these issues, National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) was held from January 11 to 14, 2010, in Washington, DC.

$500 New—three categories this year: • It’s a Microbial World After All • Central Concepts in Plant Pathology • Dirtiest Jobs Winners chosen for each category, with grand prize winner taking home $500 and runner-ups receiving an APS Flip video camera. Learn more and upload your videos at http://bit.ly/apsvideo.


May 2010 3 Officer election e-mail sent to membership. 28 Online election closes. June 2010 1 2010 Video Contest submissions due. www.scientificsocieties.org/aps/ videocontest July 2010 1 Art in Phytopathology entries due. www.apsnet.org/members/com/ artinphytopathology.asp 9 Donation forms for OIP Silent Auction due to APS. www.apsnet.org/members/ oip/silentauction.asp

52 Phytopathology News

Frank P. Wong

The four-day-long conference was organized by a national coalition, representing private citizens, local and state natural resource and agriculture agencies, academia, professional scientific societies, environmental organizations, and businesses. More than 130 persons, representing at least 30 states, attended the meeting.

NISAW originated from National Invasive Weeds Awareness Week that started in 2001. Organizers felt that it was important to have this event to reach across all invasive species taxa in order to represent the interests and needs of the diverse community working on invasive species issues. This inaugural meeting addressed three issues related to invasives: climate change, biofuels and energy, and the “green” economy. More than 50 presentations were made ranging from highlighting climate change effects on invasive species to marine invasions in the Pacific and Great Lakes to invasive weed mapping efforts and changes in pesticide regulations that may affect the control of invasive species. Officials, such as Gabriela Chavarria, Science Center director of the Natural Resources Defense Council; Ann Wright, USDA deputy undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs; and A. G. Kawamura, secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, presided over these diverse and important topics. The event also included a morning of networking among 25 groups and agencies, including the Weed Science Society of America, the Entomological Society of America, and The American Phytopathological Society, with representatives from each society providing a five-minute overview of their organizations and their work relative to invasive species. On behalf of the APS Public Policy Board (PPB), Frank Wong represented APS at the meeting. Although plant pathology was overshadowed by the number of persons working on weeds, insects, and marine organisms, the presence of pathologists, especially those from USDA-ARS and USDA-APHIS, was much appreciated. At the conclusion of the meeting, it was proposed that NISAW continue to move forward as a coalition to represent invasive species issues, bring issues to the attention of legislators, and serve as a meeting to network among invasive species groups. Organizers are already planning for NISAW 2011 and hope to include more participation from plant pathologists, especially those working on invasive diseases and involved in the National Plant Diagnostic Network. Materials from the meeting and a summary of the week’s events can be found at www.nisaw.org, and additional information can be obtained from Lee Van Wychen (lee.vanwychen@wssa.net), director of science policy for the Weed Science Society of America. n

Position Open on Public Policy Board Focusing on Regulatory Issues of Interest to Plant Pathologists APS announces the availability of a position on the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) for a plant pathologist to focus on regulatory issues of interest to plant pathologists. For this position, PPB is particularly interested in plant pathologists working in extension or academia. PPB is among the most active and influential functions within APS. It provides scientific input on public policy issues to the society’s officers and federal policy makers and agency personnel and works with other scientific organizations and coalitions to increase the awareness of the science of plant pathology. It has an advisory role to regulatory agencies in the areas of crop protection

products, crop biosecurity, genetically engineered crops, threatening plant diseases, human pathogens on agricultural crops, and federal research funding priorities. Current PPB initiatives include funding for agricultural sciences, regulation of culture collections, science education, food safety, plant biosecurity, microbial genomics, and policy issues relating to pesticides and biotech products. More detail on PPB activities can be found at www.apsnet.org/members/ppb. PPB seeks a person to continue very active and productive initiatives related to regulatory issues, including the • establishment of an APS-APHIS partnership for risk-based regulations and e-Permitting to facilitate the movement of pathogens/pests interstate and internationally; • identification of possible improvements in the risk-based permitting process for APS and associated societies; • efforts to provide the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with objective science-based information for risk assessment on crop protection materials and biotechnology products for combating plant disease; and • submission of comments to USDA and EPA on proposed regulations or guidances related to genetically engineered crops. Some newer areas of regulatory policy of interest to APS and PPB include • input on plant pathogens proposed for the select agent list; • plant pathology relevant regulations from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on synthetic biology; and • regulations being developed by FDA for management of human pathogens on plants. The new PPB member’s role will include leadership in PPB initiatives related to regulatory issues, interacting with relevant APS committees and groups, providing leadership on the development of PPB input to national agencies on issues of regulatory concern, participating in monthly conference calls, joining the PPB’s midyear meetings in Washington, DC, to discuss initiatives with policy makers and funding agencies, and giving broad membership updates in presentations at the APS annual meetings and Phytopathology News articles. Interested individuals should have 1) the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed, as well as adequate time to address regulatory issues on behalf of PPB, 2) the broad interest and experience to contribute to all PPB efforts, and 3) an interest in public policy. PPB requests submission by April 30 of a short statement of interest and background (short CV) from members interested in serving APS as a PPB board member. Please send these items to PPB Chair Jacque Fletcher at jacqueline. fletcher@okstate.edu. Questions? E-mail or call Fletcher at +1.405.744.9948. PPB will review submitted materials and make a determination on the PPB appointment. n

PMN Announces New Partner: Valent U.S.A. The Plant Management Network (PMN) welcomes Valent U.S.A. (www.valent.com) as the latest addition to the growing family of PMN partners. Valent U.S.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of Sumitomo Chemical Company, is a leading plant protection firm serving the agricultural and non-crop products markets in North America. Valent products help growers produce safe and abundant food and fiber crops, and horticultural professionals improve the quality of life for their customers. Valent seeks out and provides customers with innovative and effective solutions to their production challenges. Valent’s portfolio offers products for conventional and organic production. They include products for various commodities, including large and small agricultural crops, turfgrasses, and ornamentals. Learn more about Valent U.S.A. and 70 other PMN partners at www. plantmanagementnetwork.org/partners/profile. Partners such as Valent U.S.A. support PMN’s nonprofit publishing mission: to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. To learn more about how you can support this mission and gain from the benefits of partnership, visit www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/partners. n

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Phytopathology News 53

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Preliminary topics include: • Advances in plant virus evolution • Assuring the safety of fresh produce • Biological control and plant growth promotion • Restoring forest ecosystems impacted by invasive pathogens • Plant disease epidemics and food security • Sustainable postharvest disease control • Plant pathogen population genetics • New challenges for phytopathologists

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Creating Possibilities

Division News Southern Division Gathers in Orlando for 87th Annual Meeting The 87th meeting of the Southern Division of APS was held February 7–8, 2010, at the Wyndham Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists. President-Elect Boyd Padgett coordinated the local arrangements. President Bob Kemerait welcomed the group of 59 attendees (15 of whom were students) who contributed a total of 36 presentations to the program. The meeting kicked-off on Super Bowl Sunday with a symposium entitled, “The enemy within: Current status and future outlook for diseases caused by fastidious vascular plant pathogens,” presided over by Padgett. Outstanding, timely presentations were made by the invited speakers, who included Tim Gottwald, USDA-ARS; Charlie Rush, Texas AgriLife Research; Don Hopkins, University of Florida; and Phil Brannen, University of Georgia.

coadvisors, Christina Cowger and Peter Ojiambo) came in third for her presentation, “Effect of temperature on latent period of Stagonospora nodorum blotch on winter wheat under field conditions.” Barbara Christ, APS president, addressed the group during its annual business meeting, providing the annual report on the state and activities of APS. Secretary-Treasurer Don Ferrin gave the membership, financial, and necrology reports for the division. Christopher Clark, professor in the Department of Plant Pathology & Crop Physiology at Louisiana State University (LSU) and the LSU Agricultural Center, was presented with the Outstanding Plant Pathologist Award for 2010 by Vice

The symposium was followed by a graduate student paper competition presided over by Past President Kenny Seebold, who was joined on the judging panel by Tony Keinath, Tim Brenneman, and David Langston. Twelve students took part in this year’s competition with participants representing Clemson University, North Carolina State University (NCSU), Southern University and A&M College, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, the University of Arkansas, and the University of Georgia. Moytri Roy Chowdhury (University of Arkansas; coadvisors, Yulin Jia and Rick Cartwright) won first place for her presentation, “Characterization of rice blast resistance gene Pi-z(t) in rice germplasm using DNA markers and pathogenicity assays.” Terry Spurlock (University of Arkansas; advisor, Eugene Milus) placed second for his presentation, “Etiology of zoysiagrass diseases in northwest Arkansas.” Ashley Zearfoss (NCSU;

Bob Kemerait and Boyd Padgett.

President Langston in recognition of his nationally recognized research program on diseases of sweet potatoes. Langston also presented travel awards to Julie Campbell (Texas A&M University), Bhabesh Dutta (University of Georgia), and Kirthi Kirin Yadagiri (Clemson University). Following the reading of this year’s resolutions by Seebold, the program came to a close with the passing of the gavel from outgoing President Kemerait to President-Elect Padgett, who adjourned the meeting until next year when we meet in Corpus Christi, TX. This year’s festivities concluded with a dinner social followed by the Southern Division DeBary Bowl emceed by Chris “That’s Not What I Have Here” Clark. As in the Super Bowl the previous evening, the “Saints” came marching back in the second half to soundly defeat both the “Zebra Chumps” and the “PhytoWhizzes” to claim this year’s honor. We wish to thank the corporate sponsors for their support of this year’s meeting: Arysta LifeScience, Bayer CropScience, Cheminova, Dow AgroSciences, DuPont Crop Protection, Syngenta Crop Protection, and Valent U.S.A. The officers for the Southern Division for 2010– 2011 are Padgett, LSU AgCenter—president; Langston, University of Georgia—presidentelect; Ray Schneider, LSU—vice president; Kemerait, University of Georgia—immediate past president; John Rupe, University of Arkansas—Southern Division councilor; and Ferrin, LSU AgCenter—secretary-treasurer.

Chris Clark and David Langston.

Southern Division Graduate Student Paper Competition Awardees: Moytri Roy Chowdhury and Kenny Seebold (top), Terry Spurlock and Seebold (middle), and Ashley Zearfoss and Seebold (bottom).

To see the complete program, visit the APS Southern Division website (www.cals.ncsu.edu/ plantpath/activities/societies/ aps/SouthernAPS.html). n

Phytopathology News 55

People New Positions Harald Scherm, professor of plant pathology at the University of Georgia (UGA), recently accepted a parttime appointment as assistant dean for research in UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Harald Scherm Sciences (CAES). As part of his new assignment, Scherm will be responsible for competitive grant programs in the CAES, as well as assisting across the wide range of experiment station administration. He will maintain an active research and teaching program in the Department of Plant Pathology and continue to serve as the department’s graduate coordinator. Awards David M. Weller, USDA-ARS research leader and adjunct professor in the Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University (WSU), was awarded the WSU 2010 Martin Luther King Jr. Distinguished David M. Weller Service Award on January 23, 2010, for STEM outreach to under-served students. Weller established and directs the program, PumpingUp the Math and Science Pipeline: Grade School to College, a collaboration among USDA-ARS, WSU, Bellevue College, and The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, designed to find, teach, mentor, train, and employ the next generation of STEM professionals. Pipeline program activities include a biofuel project on the Colville reservation, science and math teaching by researchers and graduate students in reservation and rural schools, organization of on-reservation summer science camps, support of summer research interns in ARS and WSU labs, and connecting students to opportunities in STEM fields. Clayton Hollier, professor of plant pathology in the Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology, received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the Friends of Southern Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Center, January 21, 2010, during the Louisiana Ag Outlook Conference at Alexandria. This IPM center, with headquarters in Raleigh, NC, is funded by the U.S. Department of 56 Phytopathology News

Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. This award recognizes contributions to an important aspect of IPM in the southern region of the United States. Hollier’s award recognizes his outstanding work Clayton Hollier in writing for IPM textbooks; teaching IPM to various audiences; developing the IPM Louisiana website, including all pests in the IPM program; and implementing an IPM minigrant program to address local plant disease issues. Natalie Goldberg, an extension plant pathologist with New Mexico State University, recently received the Outstanding First Detector Educator Training Award for an individual. She received the award Natalie Goldberg during the second National Plant Diagnostics Network meeting in Miami, FL. Goldberg’s program has reached more than 400,000 people through extended public awareness. More than 400 others from across New Mexico have become certified first detectors though her training courses. Gwyn A. Beattie, associate professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at Iowa State University, received the Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Award. She is the Robert Earle Buchanan Gwyn A. Beattie Distinguished Professor of Bacteriology for Research and Nomenclature. Jill Schroeder, Joan A. Dusky, and Krishna Reddy were recently named fellows of the Weed Science Society of America. In addition, several other awards were presented, including the Outstanding Research Award—Jodie S. Holt; Outstanding Industry Award—Janis E. McFarland; Outstanding Graduate Student Award—Vince Davis; Outstanding Extension Award—William G. (Bill) Johnson; Outstanding Early Career Weed Scientist

Award—Jason Norsworthy; Outstanding Paper Award, for an article in Invasive Plant Science and Management—Sarah Ward, Caren Fleischmann, Marie Turner, and Sharlene Sing; Outstanding Paper Award, for an article in Weed Science—Shiv Shankhar Kaundun, Ian Zelaya, Richard Dale, Amy Lycett, Patrice Carter, Kate Sharples, and Eddie McIndoe; Outstanding Paper, for an article in Weed Technology—Hugh J. Beckie and Xavier Reboud; and Outstanding Reviewers Award— Joe Yenish and Wesley Everman. In Memory Jorge Galindo Alonso was born in Mexico City in 1931. In 1954, after graduating as an agronomy engineer from the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, he began his career as a researcher in plant pathology in the Office of Special Studies of the Secretary of Agriculture. Galindo obtained his master’s degree from the University of West Virginia and his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Riverside. He was a critical, analytical, and visionary scientist, endowed with a great scientific and artistic creativity. He was an example of integrity, honesty, rectitude, and humility, with no desire of being in the spotlight. He led a modest life and was wholly dedicated to scientific works and teaching, as he believed these activities to be a means to serve society, and not the other way around. In 1959, with the creation of the Colegio de Postgraduados in the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura, he began his teaching activities together with Elvin C. Stakman, Alfredo Campos Tierrafria, Jose Guevara Calderon, and Sebastian Romero Cova, standing out as an excellent professor and researcher. His contributions have always been recognized for their meticulousness, rigor, and accuracy. Under his leadership, the Colegio de Postgraduados became the leading institution in teaching and research in the area of plant pathology in the whole of Latin America. Concerned with improving the quality of all graduated plant pathologists of the Plant Pathology Department of the Colegio de Postgraduados, he changed his original area of interest from agricultural mycology to plantpathogenic viruses. He initiated the research in this important group of plant pathogens, and thus became, together with Theodor O. Diener, one of the pioneers in the study of viroids and spiroplasms worldwide. His restless and visionary spirit also made him consider, at the end of the 1970s, that it was necessary to go beyond mere diagnosis and identification of plant pathogens, and advance into the understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of the diseases. He then considered that it was important

to form a human resource that would take care of developing the area of the physiology of pathogenesis, within the Plant Pathology Department. Thus, it was that in the autumn of 1985, the course of Physiology of the PlantPathogen Interaction was offered for the first time, and the research line on molecular biology and physiology of the plant-pathogen interaction was created.

Phytophthora, and information on the bisexual nature of heterothalic species. In the field of virology, he worked on the characterization and identification of the Tomato planta macho viroid.

Among the many contributions of Galindo, one of the most outstanding was to the knowledge of the sexuality and genetics of Phytophthora. His article, published jointly with M. E. Gallegly in 1960, set a new system to designate the mating types of the genus Phytophthora. This system obtained great acceptance and was issued worldwide. In 1964, Galindo and G. A. Zentmyer were the first to establish the presence of two mating types in Phytophthora cinnamomi. Other significant contributions to basic knowledge include: oospore germination of Phytophthora, cytological studies of the development of oogonia and anteridia in

Galindo passed away on January 26, 2010, as a consequence of a lasting disease. He leaves behind his wife, Coni, and his children, Rosa, Laura, and Jorge. Rest in peace, a great Mexican phytopathologist.

in the Army Corps during World War II for four years, including one year spent in China. He came to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, CT, in 1947 and became chief of the Department of Plant Pathology and Botany at the experiment station in 1972. He was known for his research on air pollution damage to plants and control of vegetable diseases.

Because of his contributions, he was elected a fellow of The American Phytopathology Society in 1972 and was a founding member of the Mexican Phytopathology Society (SMF).

As a fellow of The American Phytopathological Society, Rich served as treasurer and business manager of Phytopathology from 1952 to 1958 and as councilor of the APS Northeastern Division from 1964 to 1966. He was president of the Society for Microbiology in 1967. He was a member of the Governor’s Clean Air Task Force in 1968, and for three years, he served as a visiting biologist at the American Institute of Biological Sciences.

Saul Rich of Hamden, CT, passed away on October 30, 2009, at Whitney Center, where he and his wife, Helen, lived in retirement.

Rich leaves his wife, daughter, son, and daughter-in-law. n

He earned his B.A. and M.A. degrees at the University of California-Berkeley and his Ph.D. degree from Oregon State University. He served

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Phytopathology News 57

Classifieds Classified Policy You can process your job listing at www.apsnet.org/careers/jobpost.asp. Your posting will be live within three to five business days and will remain on the website for up to three months or until a listed closing date, at which point it will drop off the listing. Please note: Your online job listing will be edited by newsletter staff to a maximum of 200 words for the print listing in Phytopathology News. Fees for posting online are $25 member/$50 nonmember for graduate or post-doc positions and $200 member/$250 nonmember for all other positions. To have your job listing also included in Phytopathology News, simply select the option on the online form (there is an additional $55 fee). If you have any questions contact the APS Placement Coordinator (apsplacement@scisoc.org).

Research Plant Pathologist The scientist will use conventional methods and association genetics to identify novel resistance genes in wheat landraces from the National Small Grains Collection that are effective against new, highly virulent races of the stem rust pathogen. Duties will include conducting greenhouse and field evaluations for resistance, both in the United States in cooperation with the ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory and in Kenya in cooperation with scientists from CIMMYT and the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. Laboratory experiments will also be conducted using molecular methods to aid identification of new genes and improve stem rust phenotyping. This is a full-time temporary position not to exceed two years (possible extension up to two years). Recent Ph.D. degree in plant pathology or related field required. Knowledge of current molecular biology and plant genetics methods highly desirable. Citizenship restrictions apply. View posting: www.afm.ars.usda.gov/ divisions/hrd/hrdhomepage/vacancy/pd962. html. Salary: Salary range is $57,408–89,450 DOQ/E. Closing Date: December 31, 2010 (This closing date is not adjustable.) To apply, print a copy of vacancy announcement RA-10-057-L from the ARS Careers Website, and follow the instructions provided. If you are unable to access this announcement, contact Sandra Johns at +1.208.397.4162 ext. 111 for a printed copy. Contact: J. Michael Bonman, USDA-ARS, 1691 South 2700 West, Aberdeen, ID 83210 U.S.A. E-mail: Mike.Bonman@ars.usda.gov; Phone: +1.208.397.4162 ext. 108; Web: www.ars.usda.gov/careers.

58 Phytopathology News

Motivated Plant Virologist (Davis/West Sacramento) Growing plant testing lab is in need of a motivated plant virologist to join its dynamic team, initially part-time, transitions to fulltime. Job duties include client interaction, supervision, new method development, grant writing, attending tradeshows, routine lab duties, collaboration and partnership, and field visits, etc. Requires a Ph.D. degree in plant virology or plant pathology, must be proficient with PCR (including real-time PCR), ELISA, plant tissue culture, and general microbiology. Experience in viticulture preferred. Please respond to this posting with resume and references. Salary: $25/hr +/–. Closing Date: May 11, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) Contact: Alan Wei, AgriAnalysis LLC, 930 Riverside Parkway, Suite #30, West Sacramento, CA 95605 U.S.A. Fax: +1.530.757.4655; E-mail: info@agrianalysis.com; Phone: +1.800.506.9852; Web: www.agri-analysis.com. Assistant Professor Turfgrass Pathology The University of Connecticut Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture invites applications for a tenure-track 11-month faculty position at the rank of assistant professor in the area of turfgrass diseases. This position has 50% extension/30% research/20% teaching responsibilities. Develop an externally funded extension and research program. Participate in graduate student training. Work in cooperation with research/extension personnel and scientists in other disciplines and teach undergraduate courses (4 credit hours). Incumbent may be required to work at the University of Connecticut’s main campus in Storrs and/or other campuses. Maintain/enhance established disease diagnostic service for commercial turf and horticultural industries and provide expertise to support departmental efforts. Ph.D. degree in plant pathology or related field required. Undergraduate-level teaching experience and experience in clinical diagnostics and applied, field-oriented turfgrass pathology required. Preference given to post-doc/previous research experience. Closing Date: April 1, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) Applicants should submit a letter of application, including statements of extension and teaching philosophies and research interests; CV; transcripts; three letters of recommendation; and reprints of no more than three recent publications. Contact: Karl Guillard, University of Connecticut, Department of Plant Science, Unit 4067, 1376 Storrs Road, Storrs,

CT 06269-4067 U.S.A. Fax: +1.860.486.0682; E-mail: karl.guillard@uconn.edu; Phone: +1.860.486.6309; Web: www.cag.uconn.edu/plsc/plsc. Pathology Manager, Cucurbits, Davis The primary responsibilities for this position include design/implement/manage pathology programs geared toward developing, implementing, and applying pathology technologies for cucurbit species; manage, within the pathology cucurbit team, the monitoring of existing/emerging cucurbit diseases in main commercial markets; develop and optimize new technologies/methods in cucurbit disease phenotyping/monitoring, transferring technologies and/or protocols to internal application teams worldwide; lead/ manage scientific team related to cucurbits pathology activities worldwide; provide scientific support to other teams worldwide; develop yearly program budget, and upon approval, execute yearly operating plan to meet budget; manage pathology laboratory; represent the Business Unit at various functions and on working committees. Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in plant pathology/closely related field with 5+ years of relevant experience, M.S. degree with relevant experience considered, experience must include managing a pathology program and multiple projects management; knowledge of plant genetics/strategies used in plant breeding; must be able to travel both domestically and internationally and have ability to take part in coordinating scientific programs with small group of scientists. Closing Date: May 4, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) Contact: Send resume and salary history to Deb Olson, P.O. Box 4938, Modesto, CA 95352 U.S.A. Fax: +1.209.342.5447; E-mail: hr@hmclause. com; Phone: +1.209.579.7333; Web: www.harrismoran.com. n More Jobs Online In addition to the Phytopathology News classifieds, the APS online Job Center, available at www.apsnet.org/careers, is an excellent search tool for bringing job seekers and employers in the plant pathology field together. While you are there, make sure to sign up for free bi-monthly e-mail notifications of the most recent postings, and we’ll do the searching for you.

APS Journal Articles Phytopathology April 2010, Volume 100, Number 4 Phloem Cytochemical Modification and Gene Expression Following the Recovery of Apple Plants from Apple Proliferation Disease. Microbial Aspects of Accelerated Degradationof Metam Sodium in Soil. Spatial and Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Coconut Lethal Yellowing in Mozambique. Diversity and Biogeography of Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Fungi on Apple in the Eastern and Midwestern United States. Identification of Genomic Regions Controlling AdultPlant Stripe Rust Resistance in Chinese Landrace Pingyuan 50 Through Bulked Segregant Analysis. Evaluation of Resistance to Rhabdocline Needlecast in Douglas Fir Variety Shuswap, with Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction. Identification, Characterization, and Expression Analyses of Class II and IV Chitinase Genes from Douglas-Fir Seedlings Infected by Phellinus sulphurascens. Population Genetic Analyses of Fusarium asiaticum Populations from Barley Suggest a Recent Shift Favoring 3ADON Producers in Southern China. Genetic Differentiation Within the Puccinia triticina Population in South America and Comparison With the North American Population Suggests Common Ancestry and Intercontinental Migration. Rapid Differentiation and Identification of Potential Severe Strains of Citrus tristeza virus by Real-Time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays. Transmission Competency of Single-Female Xiphinema index Lines for Grapevine fanleaf virus.

Plant Disease April 2010, Volume 94, Number 4 Genetic Diversity and Geographical Distribution of Phytoplasmas Associated with Potato Purple Top Disease in Mexico. Genetic Diversity and Host Range of Verticillium dahliae Isolates from Artichoke and Other Vegetable Crops in Spain. Aggressiveness and Fungicide Sensitivity of Alternaria dauci from Cultivated Carrot. Identification and Evaluation of Sources of Resistance to Stem Rust Race Ug99 in Wheat. Virulence Phenotypes and Molecular Genotypes in Collections of Puccinia triticina from Italy. Forecasting and Management of Hop Downy Mildew. In Planta Quantification of Plasmodiophora brassicae Using Signature Fatty Acids and Real-Time PCR. Resistance to Grain Mold and Downy Mildew in a Mini-Core Collection of Sorghum Germplasm. Evaluation of Microbial, Botanical, and Organic Treatments for Control of Peanut Seedling Diseases. An Assessment of the Genetic Diversity in a Field Population of Phytophthora nicotianae with a Changing Race Structure. Comparative Infectivity of Cronartium ribicola Aeciospores and Urediniospores in Genotypes of Ribes nigrum. Insect Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to Pecan. Replication of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-7 (GLRaV-7) by Cuscuta Species and Its Transmission to Herbaceous Plants. First Report of Soybean Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) in Illinois. First Report of Nasturtium as a Natural Host of Cherry leaf roll virus on Amsterdam Island.

First Report of Curvularia lunata Causing Root Rot of Strawberry in India. First Report of Brown Rot on Plum Caused by Monilia polystroma in China. The Occurrence of Bean common mosaic virus and Cucumber mosaic virus in Yardlong Beans in Indonesia. First Report of Leaf Rust of Blueberry Caused by Thekopsora minima on Vaccinium corymbosum in the Western Cape, South Africa. First Report of Potato spindle tuber viroid in Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) in New Zealand. First Report of Helleborus net necrosis virus in Hellebore in New Zealand. Identification of Pyrenophora teres f. maculata, Causal Agent of Spot Type Net Blotch of Barley in North Dakota. First Report of Lentil Root Rot Caused by Aphanomyces euteiches in Idaho. First Report of Pithomyces chartarum Causing a Leaf Blight of Miscanthus × giganteus in Kentucky. First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” on Field Tomatoes in the United States. First Report of Fruit Rot of Loquat Caused by an Alternaria sp. in Taiwan. First Report of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Associated with Huanglongbing in Sweet Orange in Ethiopia. Grain Discoloration of Rice Caused by Pantoea ananatis (synonym Erwinia uredovora) in China. First Report of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Infecting Tomato, Tomatillo, and Peppers in Guatemala. First Report of Fusarium Wilt of Paper Flower (Bougainvillea glabra) Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Italy. First Report of Powdery Mildew on Carrot Caused by Erysiphe heraclei in Michoacan, Mexico. First Report of Fusarium lateritium as the Agent of Nut Gray Necrosis on Hazelnut in Italy. First Report of Black Leg of Hydroponic Basil in the United States Caused by Plectosporium tabacinum. First Report of Impatiens necrotic spot virus on Spiderlily in China. First Report of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus on Melon in China. First Report of Red Crown Rot Caused by Cylindrocladium parasiticum on Soybean in Guangdong, Southern China. First Report of Tomato torrado virus on Tomato from Australia. First Report of Crown Rot and Stem Rot Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 on Marmalade Bush in Italy. First Report of Occurrence of Benomyl Resistance in Botrytis cinerea Isolates on Raspberry in Serbia. First Report of Leaf Spot Disease of Maize Caused by Pantoea ananatis in Argentina. First Report of Sida golden mosaic virus Infecting Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Florida. First Report of Fruit Basal Rot by Ceratocystis paradoxa on Coconut in Taiwan. First Report in Argentina of Apple stem pitting virus Causing Pear Vein Yellows Disease in Pear. First Report of Sour Rot Caused by Geotrichum citriaurantii on Key Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) in Colima State, Mexico. First Report of Rhizoctonia solani Causing a Disease of Sunflower in India.

MPMI April 2010, Volume 23, Number 4 Role of the Sinorhizobium meliloti Global Regulator Hfq in Gene Regulation and Symbiosis. A Homeobox Gene Is Essential for Conidiogenesis of the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae.

Multiple Coat Protein Mutations Abolish Recognition of Pepino mosaic potexvirus (PepMV) by the Potato Rx Resistance Gene in Transgenic Tomatoes. Complete Genome Sequence of the Fire Blight Pathogen Erwinia amylovora CFBP 1430 and Comparison to Other Erwinia spp. Salicylic Acid Is Involved in the Nb-Mediated Defense Responses to Potato virus X in Solanum tuberosum. ACTTS3 Encoding a Polyketide Synthase Is Essential for the Biosynthesis of ACT-Toxin and Pathogenicity in the Tangerine Pathotype of Alternaria alternate. Molecular and Evolutionary Analyses of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato Race 1. Different Domains of Phytophthora sojae Effector Avr4/6 Are Recognized by Soybean Resistance Genes Rps4 and Rps6. Peroxisome Biogenesis Factor PEX13 Is Required for Appressorium-Mediated Plant Infection by the Anthracnose Fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. Expression of BvGLP-1 Encoding a Germin-Like Protein from Sugar Beet in Arabidopsis thaliana Leads to Resistance Against Phytopathogenic Fungi. Six New Genes Required for Production of T-Toxin, a Polyketide Determinant of High Virulence of Cochliobolus heterostrophus to Maize. Maize Leaf Epiphytic Bacteria Diversity Patterns Are Genetically Correlated with Resistance to Fungal Pathogen Infection. Armillaria mellea Induces a Set of Defense Genes in Grapevine Roots and One of Them Codifies a Protein with Antifungal Activity. Diversity at the Mla Powdery Mildew Resistance Locus from Cultivated Barley Reveals Sites of Positive Selection. Evolution and Regulation of the Lotus japonicus LysM Receptor Gene Family. The cAMP Signaling Pathway in Fusarium verticillioides Is Important for Conidiation, Plant Infection, and Stress Responses but Not Fumonisin Production.

Plant Management Network www.plantmanagementnetwork.org Plant Health Progress Differentiating Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae from Other Species Isolated from Foliage of Rhododendrons. Evaluation of Northern-Grown Crops as Hosts of Soybean Cyst Nematode. Fire Blight of Apples and Pears: Epidemiological Concepts Comprising the Maryblyt Forecasting Program. First Report of the Early Spore Stages of Sunflower Rust, Caused by Puccinia helianthi, in Nebraska. First Report of Sugar Beet Seedling Rust Caused by Puccinia subnitens in Nebraska. First Report of Twig Canker of Blueberry Caused by Sporocadus lichenicola (Corda) in Oregon. First Report of Dicyma pulvinata on Epichloë typhina and Its Potential for Control of E. typhina. Potato “Zebra Chip” Disease: A Phytopathological Tale. Risk of Wheat Midge Damage Higher in 2010. Danitol Insecticide Now Registered for Use in Many Specialty Crops. Dynasty Seed Treatment Fungicide Now Registered for Use on Sorghum. Voliam Xpress Insecticide Receives Label Expansion to Include Potatoes, Tree Fruit and Tree Nuts. Resistant Wheat Goes for the Gut to Protect Against Hessian Flies. Isagro USA Announces EPA Registration of Tenet Biorational Fungicide: SipcamAdvan Appointed as U.S. Distributor. Researchers Identify Predator of Coffee Berry Borer. n Phytopathology News 59

Phytopathology The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 United States of America



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Calendar of Events

APS Sponsored Events June 2010 6-8 — APS North Central Division Meeting. Rapid City, SD. www.apsnet.org/members/div/ northcentral 20-23 — APS Pacific Division Annual Meeting (in conjunction with the Canadian Phytopathological Society). Vancouver, Canada. www.apsnet.org/members/div/pacific

25-27 — Climate Change and the Implications for Plant Protection Symposium. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. www.cropprotection.open. uoguelph.ca 30-June 4 — XV International Botrytis Symposium. Cadiz, Spain. www.xvbotrytiscadiz10. com June 2010 3-4 — 3rd European Workshop on Lipid Mediators. Paris, France. http://workshop-lipid.eu

August 2010 7-11 — APS Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN. http://meeting.apsnet.org

6-11 — 12th World Congress of the International Association for Plant Biotechnology. St. Louis, MO. www.IAPB2010.org

24-27 — APS Caribbean Division Meeting. Managua, Nicaragua. www.apsnet.org/ members/div/caribbean

7-11 — Twelfth International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Saint Denis, Réunion Island, France. www.icppb2010.org

October 2010 27-29 — APS Northeastern Division Meeting. Northampton, MA. www.apsnet.org/members/ div/northeastern/

7-11 — XIth Meeting of IOBC/WPRS Working Group—Biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. Graz, Austria. www.envirochange.eu/english/events_iobc.html

Upcoming APS Annual Meetings August 6-10, 2011 — APS/IAPPS Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI. August 4-8, 2012 — Providence, RI. August 10-14, 2013 — Austin, TX. August 9-13, 2014 — Minneapolis, MN.

Other Upcoming Events

April 2010 6-7 — NPDN Regional Meeting. St. Paul, MN. www.npdn.org 17 — 2010 Cape Cod Horticultural Conference. Hyannis, MA. www.capecodextension.org 25-29 — 16th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium on Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds. Friedrichroda, Germany. www.Reinhardsbrunn2010.uni-bonn.de May 2010 3-6 — Fourth International Rusts of Forest Trees Conference. Florence, Italy. www.iufro.org/ science/divisions/division-7/70000/70200/70205/ activities/#c14972 18-20 — NPDN Diagnostician Basic Technique Workshop. State College, PN. www.npdn.org

13-18 — 21st North American Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Conference. Columbia, MO. http://muconf.missouri.edu/nasnfc 14-18 — XVI Biennial Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. denis.gaudet@agr.gc.ca 20-23 — Annual Meeting of The Canadian Phytopathological Society. Vancouver, Canada. www.cps-scp.ca/meetings.shtml 20-24 — International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium/Plant Virus Ecology Network. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. www.isppweb.org/ICPVE

25-30 — 3rd International Symposium on Tomato Diseases. Naples, Italy. www.3istd.com 26-28 — 34th International Carrot Conference. Kennewick, WA. www.pnva.org/carrotconf August 2010 1-6 — International Mycological Congress. Edinburgh, U.K. www.imc9.info 11-15 — 5th International Rice Blast Conference. Little Rock, AR. www.ars.usda.gov/irbc2010 14-18 — Phyllosphere 2010: Ninth International Symposium on the Microbiology of Aerial Plant Surfaces. Corvallis, OR. http:// oregonstate.edu/conferences/phyllosphere2010 16-18 —Fifth Symposium on Silicon in Agriculture. Viçosa City, Minas Gerais, Brazil. www.siliconagriculture.com.br 16-20 — ISHS 12th International Workshop on Fire Blight. Warsaw, Poland. www.fireblight2010.pl 30-Sept 3 — Second International Symposium on Genus Lilium. Tuscany, Italy. antonio.grassotti@entecra.it 31-Sept 3 — 8th International Conference on Pseudomanas syringae and Related Pathogens. Oxford, U.K. www.reading.ac.uk/Psyringae2010 September 2010 19-21 — Third Conference on Precision Crop Protection. Bonn, Germany. www.precision-crop-protection.uni-bonn.de

27-30 — The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing. Washington, DC. http://bio.org/worldcongress

April 2011 6-7 — 4th Asian Conference for Plant Pathology concurrent with the 18th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference. Darwin, Australia. www.appc2011.org

28-July 2 — Phytophthora Diagnositic Workshop. San Jose, Costa Rica. www.ncsu.edu/ project/OPDWebSpace/Phytophthora

August 2013 25-30 — 10th International Conference of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. www.icppbj2013.org n

July 2010 4-9 — 6th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew. Bordeaux, France. https://colloque.inra.fr/ gdpm_2010_bordeaux

For the most current listing go to www.apsnet.org/meetings/calendar.asp.

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