Phytopathology October 2010 • Volume 44 • Number 9
Exchange • Inform • Connect
New APS Journals Online Feature—First Look Check out First Look, APS Journals Online’s newest feature. First Look provides a full-text preview of papers that have been accepted and peer reviewed but have not yet been through the final editing process. This speeds up access to cutting-edge research and allows citations earlier than ever before. Authors must opt in to be included in First Look during the manuscript submission process. Get a first look at n
Got E-mail? The new APSnet website has allowed us to greatly upgrade our technological abilities. As a result, your updated information is vital to ensure it works best for you. Make sure you maintain a valid e-mail address on file with APS. If you think you may not have an e-mail address in our system, please contact APS Headquarters at +1.651.454.7250 or apsinfo@ n
In this Issue
The 2010 Annual Meeting—A Big Win for APS in Charlotte! The 2010 APS Annual Meeting was held August 7–11 in Charlotte, NC, and was a huge success by many measures, with more than 1,400 people representing 37 countries and 320 companies and universities in attendance. Thank you to the attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, and presenters who made this meeting another successful get-together for APS! New for 2010, the Opening General Session gave attendees the opportunity to get together at the beginning of the meeting for updates on APS society news and to recognize individuals who have made a difference throughout the year. Moving the Awards and Honors Ceremony to the beginning of the meeting gave attendees the opportunity to recognize and connect with leaders and award winners throughout their remaining time in Charlotte. The Opening General Session 2010 APS President Barb Christ kicked off the also included a tribute to the late revolutionary plant Opening General Session with the APS Year pathologist Norman Borlaug, as well as comments and in Review. direction on what to see and do at the meeting from the Annual Meeting Program Chair and incoming APS President John Sherwood. This session was very well attended and served as a great kick-off to the meeting. This year’s Plenary Session featured speakers from outside plant pathology, touching on topics such as diplomacy and science, the historical significance of plant pathology, and the importance of building networks to help scientists communicate with each other. Andre Drenth of The University of Queensland provided a history of plant pathology and its connection to human historical events, from the first recorded instances of plant diseases to plant pathology’s increasing role in understanding everything from food yield to ecological preservation. Ian Mulvany of spoke about the importance of building social networks and communications channels, specifically for plant pathologists, designed by us to meet our needs. He offered examples from other disciplines for everything from new venues for sharing research papers online to more effective ways to search for and locate news and updates in the field. Most importantly, he challenged plant pathologists
Editor’s Corner ................................... 138 Letter to the Editor ............................. 140 Public Policy Update . ......................... 141 APS Annual Meeting Highlights . ....... 144 Division News .................................... 146 Outreach ............................................ 147 OIP News & Views .............................148 People ................................................ 149 Classifieds ........................................... 150 Journal Articles ................................... 151 Calendar of Events . ............................ 152
Advertisers’ Index Opti-Sciences ............................. 141, 143 AC Diagnostics . ..................................139
Barb Christ addresses a full house at the Opening General Session. 2010 Annual Meeting continued on page 139
Phytopathology October 2010 • Volume 44 • Number 9
Editor’s Corner News
Exchange • Inform • Connect
Editor-in-Chief: Doug Jardine Managing Editor: Michelle Bjerkness Editor: Amanda Aranowski Design: Agnes Walker Advertising Sales: Karen Deuschle Phytopathology News (ISSN 0278-0267) is published eleven times per year by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) at 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Phone: +1.651.454.7250, Fax: +1.651.454.0766, E-mail:, Web: Phytopathology News is distributed to all APS members. Subscription price to nonmembers is $69 U.S./$81 Elsewhere. Periodicals paid at St. Paul, MN. CPC Intl Pub Mail #0969249. Postmaster: Send address changes to Phytopathology News, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Submission Guidelines Address all editorial correspondence to: Doug Jardine, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66506-5502 U.S.A. Phone: +1.785.532.1386; Fax: +1.785.532.5692; E-mail: In order to ensure timely publication of your news items and announcements, please send in material six weeks prior to the date of publication. Material should be no more than six months old when submitted. Submission of materials as electronic files, via e-mail, will speed processing. For information on submitting electronic images contact Agnes Walker at Deadline for submitting items for the November 2010 issue is October 15, 2010.
APS Leadership Council President: John L. Sherwood President-Elect: Carol A. Ishimaru Vice President: Michael J. Boehm Immediate Past President: Barbara J. Christ Internal Communications Officer: Danise T. Beadle Internal Communications Officer-Elect: David M. Gadoury Treasurer: Randall C. Rowe Senior Councilor-at-Large: Carolee T. Bull Intermediate Councilor-at-Large: Anne E. Dorrance Junior Councilor-at-Large: Walter F. Mahaffee Divisional Councilor: David G. Schmale III Publications Councilor: Anthony P. Keinath Executive Vice President: Steven C. Nelson Editors-in-Chief APS PRESS: Margery L. Daughtrey MPMI: Gary Stacey Phytopathology: Niklaus J. GrÜnwald Phytopathology News: Doug Jardine Plant Disease: R. Mike Davis Plant Disease Management Reports: Frank Wong Plant Health Progress: Ned A. Tisserat The Plant Health Instructor: Anton B. Baudoin Board and Office Chairs and Directors APS Foundation Chair: Ray Martyn Divisional Forum Chair: George W. Sundin PPB Chair: Jan Leach Publications Board Chair: Anthony Keinath OEC Director: Darin M. Eastburn OIP Director: Sally A. Miller OIR Director: Brian D. Olson OPRO Director: Monica Elliott AMB Director: Scott T. Adkins AXMB Director: Gary Bergstrom Division Officers Caribbean Councilor: Maria Mercedes Roca President: Lydia Rivera-Vargas Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Ronald French-Monar North Central Councilor: George W. Sundin President: Deanna Funnell-Harris Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Loren Giesler Northeastern Councilor: Wade Elmer President: Norman Lalancette Vice President: Russell Tweddell Secretary-Treasurer: Beth Gugino Pacific Councilor: Jim Adaskaveg President: Jay Pscheidt President-Elect: Debra Inglis Secretary-Treasurer: Juliet Windes Potomac Councilor: David G. Schmale President: Mary Ann Hansen Vice President: Boris Vinatzer Secretary-Treasurer: Yilmaz Balci Southern Councilor: Timothy B. Brenneman President: Boyd Padgett President-Elect: David Langston Vice President: Raymond Schneider Secretary-Treasurer: Donald Ferrin
138 Phytopathology News
With Apologies to Nature Doug Jardine, Kansas State University, I have been a long-time subscriber to the journal Nature. One of my favorite columns in the journal is “50 & 100 Years Ago.” I also enjoyed the glimpses into the past that were presented to us during the recent APS Centennial Celebration. With apologies to Nature for “borrowing” such a clever concept, I will occasionally give readers glimpses into the goings on contained in past editions of Phytopathology News. I can’t give you 50 and 100 years ago, however, since the newsletter only goes back 44 years. In addition, I personally have hard copies only going back to 1981. In the September issue of 1981, the front-page feature article was a recap of the 73rd APS Annual Meeting held in New Orleans, LA. The article reports attendance of about 1,400 with 582 oral and poster papers presented. Doug Jardine In addition, there were approximately 20 symposia, discussion sessions, workshops, and teach-ins. The social highlight was dinner and dancing to a Dixieland band aboard the “President” on the Mississippi River. Compare that to this year’s meeting in Charlotte where attendance numbers were not that different, but there was one field trip, four workshops, two leadership training opportunities, and 27 special sessions. Additionally, there were 15 oral technical sessions with 156 papers presented and an additional 715 posters. Clearly, we have become a much busier society. In October 1990, one cover story announced the naming of C. Lee Campbell as the newest editorin-chief of Phytopathology News. On the inside of that issue, there were nearly nine pages containing a list of candidates awarded advanced degrees in plant pathology from 43 universities. Ten years ago, the cover featured a photo of APS President Neal Van Alfen addressing participants of the Plenary Session at our most recent meeting held in New Orleans. Inside the issue was an article titled, “Graduate students speak out on how to improve APS.” This article summarized suggestions to improve APS made by students applying for APS Foundation Travel Awards. Some of the themes included in the list were “APS needs to work at increasing public awareness of traditional and basic plant pathology and the society,” “APS needs to make better use of the Internet,” “We need to increase the number of students entering the field of plant pathology,” “Initiate online seminars/meetings so members worldwide can attend,” and “Provide space at the national meeting to display photos, electron micrographs, and drawings of pathogens on hosts.” In viewing these suggestions, it appears we have initiated some and made progress on others, but there is still plenty of work to do. For instance, we will hear much more in the near future about APS’s plans to attract more students into careers in plant pathology. n
Logging In to the New APSnet! APSnet is now integrated with our member database, so that once members are logged in, you can sign up for a division meeting, purchase a journal subscription, renew your membership, buy a book, and receive your 10% membership discount. To log in, you must use your APS user name and password. If you can’t remember your password, it’s simple to reset it; just follow the links on the login page. Check the “remember me on this computer” option for even faster access to all that APSnet now has to offer! Once logged in, you can access unique member content, including the news capsule, member profiles, a detailed member directory, Phytopathology News, and more. Keep in mind that the education section, public outreach material, and general information continue to be open access for the public and nonmembers, allowing the society and its members to continue to advocate and participate in the exchange of knowledge with the public, policy makers, and the larger scientific community. Have questions about the new website or are having trouble logging in? Contact APS Headquarters at or 1.800.481.2698. n
Art in Phytopathology Contest Winners Announced for 2010
2010 Annual Meeting continued from page 137
to think about their own unique needs and what the world of technology can do for us. Finally, Kerri-Ann Jones, assistant secretary of the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental Scientific Affairs, spoke on the importance of international networks for scientific communities and roles our professional societies can play. In addition to the excellent science presented at the scientific sessions and technical posters, highlights included the many social activities and networking opportunities that took place throughout the week. At the Industry and Extension Social, attendees gathered at StrikeCity for bowling, Wii games, buffalo wings, spinach dip, prize drawings, and more. The night’s big winner, Meg McGrath of Cornell University, won an iPod Touch courtesy of Bayer CropScience. For the first time this year, APS President-Elect and 2010 Annual the Early Career Professionals Social incorporated a highly Meeting Program Chair Sherwood offers advice attended and well-recieved career networking opportunity, on what to see and do at the annual meeting during the Opening General Session. providing early career professionals the chance to interact directly with employers from industry, government, and academia regarding employment opportunities. New for this year, the Committee for Diversity and Equality Social included a mentoring strategizing session where speakers and attendees discussed their experiences with their mentors and presented information on how to become a mentor yourself. As always, the Final Night Party is a popular event for attendees to unwind, dance, catch up with old friends, and get to know each other. This year’s party featured three distinct regions representing the state of North Carolina. Some attendees relaxed in the beach region with fish tacos and flower leis, while others tried authentic North Carolina barbecue, received a tarot card reading, or had their caricatures drawn in the artsy mountain region. In the NASCAR region, attendees raced remote control mini NASCARs and snacked on chicken wings and nachos. Also, APS President Barb Christ officially passed the gavel to incoming President Sherwood, who then invited everyone to join APS next year in beautiful Honolulu, HI, for the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Whether you missed the action in Charlotte or just want to remember it fondly, see pages 144–145 for some of the highlights, and visit the new annual meeting website at for more photos. Plus, be sure to join the APS Facebook group for additional photos, videos, and updates throughout the year.
According to the annual meeting survey, more than 95% of attendees were satisfied or very satisfied with the content in the scientific sessions.
Again, a very special thanks to all the members and volunteers who helped us put together another successful APS Annual Meeting! n
2010 Best in Show Winner, Epidemiologists Model Disease
This year, APS members let their creativity (and sewing skills!) shine, submitting outstanding pieces of original art, featuring, of course, phytopathology themes. Art in any medium was accepted and categories included microscopy, whole plant/nature, digitally altered, wacky/ humor, crafts, and art. Submissions were judged by the APS Graduate Student Committee on five different criteria, including creativity/originality, aesthetic value, technical merit, color/shade, and relatedness to phytopathology. Winners were announced at the annual meeting and their submissions were showcased during a slide presentation prior to the Opening Session. This year, the Best in Show award went to Dan Anco, Ohio State University, for his piece, entitled “Epidemiologists Model Disease.” Anco’s maniquins (also epidemiologists) modeled plant-disease dresses featuring bacterial blight of strawberry, powdery mildew of grape, and Botrytis gray mold of strawberry. Anco also won first place in the digitally altered category for the piece. Other first-place winners this year were Craig Cavin, USDA-ARS, for his submission, “Blue Vesicle,” for the art category. Maria C. VelezCliment, Penn State University, won first place in the microscopy category for “Rainbow.” “Fungal Con Artist”—a fungus feigning to be a flower—created by Sarah Thomas, Cabi Bioscience, brought home first place in the whole plant/nature category. And finally, in the wacky/ humor category, Thomas again won first place for her “Vintage Necklace,” created from fungus. All of the entries can be viewed at www.apsnet. org/members/apsleadership/comm/Pages/ ArtinPhytopathology.aspx. We tip our hats to everyone who participated this year! For those of you who did not enter, may you find inspiration from this year’s contestants’ excellent display of originality and creativity! n Phytopathology News 139
Letter to the Editor Demographic Trends in Plant Pathology—An Industry Perspective David Ouimette, Dow AgroSciences LLC,, and Shane Parker, Syngenta, This letter is in response to the recent Feature Article in Plant Disease, “Disciplinary, institutional, funding, and demographic trends in plant pathology: What does the future hold for the profession” (Plant Disease, Vol. 93, No. 12, pp. 1228-1237). While the bulk of the Feature Article focused on the demographics affecting the university/academic situation in the United States, there was also reference to demographic issues that affect industry, which, for this letter, we define as those companies that are involved in the discovery, development, and commercialization of chemical and/or biological (biotechnology) solutions for unmet needs within the agricultural industry. In particular, this reference was especially timely for companies that are aggressively expanding their biological solutions platforms to meet new demands from the marketplace. As research and development activities continue to explode for transgenic crops with increased drought and salinity tolerance (agronomic traits) and improved healthy oil profiles and plant-made animal vaccines (output traits), there is also an increasing trend in the development of transgenic crops with input traits conferring disease tolerance (adding to the existing insect and herbicide tolerance input traits technology in the marketplace). Research in these areas requires increasing numbers of highly educated and trained plant scientists (such as pathologists). Once products are developed and come to market, other scientists are required to constantly evaluate and maintain quality standards over the product lifecycle. From an industry perspective and in a global context, this letter will address two critical areas directly related to the demographics discussed in the Feature Article. They are 1) hiring and retaining top scientists, and 2) skills and performance attributes required for successful careers in a dynamic industry environment. Since both authors are currently employed at large, multinational companies (Dow AgroSciences and Syngenta), the perspectives provided in this letter will have been derived from our experiences, but certainly many of the comments will apply to smaller companies as well. Hiring and retaining top scientists. As pointed out in the Feature Article, there has been a reduction in the number of plant pathologists emerging from U.S. universities, while at the same time, age demographics indicate a number of plant pathologists in both academia and industry (median age approximately 52–54 years old, respectively) can be expected to retire within the next 10–15 years. Given the combination of increasing need for quality plant scientists in industry, the shrinking pool 140 Phytopathology News
of potential new graduates, and the increase in upcoming retirements, it is not difficult to realize the dilemma facing companies as they compete with other companies or institutions (universities, government, USDA, etc.) for top plant pathology candidates. This was pointed out by the following quote from the Feature Article: “Thus, all employment sectors (academe, government, industry, and private practice) will compete for what may be an insufficient supply of graduates.” This is especially true for companies that require candidates with experience in applied or fieldbased research who have the willingness and ability to assess chemical or biological solutions within a complex field research program. In addition, there is also a desire for plant pathology candidates with a strong background in undergraduate majors such as crop science/agronomy, botany, plant physiology, and microbiology. As a result of the above-mentioned factors, it is imperative that companies take an aggressive and proactive approach toward identifying and engaging top candidates to fill positions. Since there is the inevitable ebb and flow of available positions for plant pathologists in industry (due to scientists from many other disciplines also being hired at the same time to fill research and project needs within the company), a desired goal is to preemptively develop a list of highquality candidates who have already expressed a desire to pursue a career in industry such that when a position becomes available those top candidates can be approached to apply for the open position. For example, in the case of Dow AgroSciences and Syngenta, teams of scientists within the various disciplines (plant pathology, entomology, biochemistry, chemistry, etc.) are responsible for developing and updating profiles of high-quality candidates to fulfill hiring needs within the company. Prospective students are often identified early in their graduate training because of desirable or specialized skills developed within particular laboratories and research programs. In regard to employee retention, what steps can companies take to reduce the likelihood an employee (who in the course of their employment likely possesses detailed proprietary information regarding the company’s technology) will voluntarily leave for another company, likely a competitor within the same market space? It can be argued that exceptional people leadership is the most critical factor in employee retention (and hence company success) since it has been repeatedly demonstrated by human resource professionals that the primary reason an employee voluntarily leaves a company is because of his or her direct supervisor. In
other words, if an employee has a poor-quality supervisor and limited options for moving to another area within the company, there is a high likelihood the employee will seek other options. While this seems intuitively obvious, it does not always apply in practice. The demographic trends mentioned previously have focused and accelerated the need to ensure that strong and effective people leadership is in place. It would be extremely foolhardy for any company, big or small, to push highly talented scientists out the door and into the arms of competitors due to poor people leadership. For this reason, productive and innovative leaders are pivotal to employee job satisfaction and retention. Skills and performance attributes for successful careers in industry. While the following comments and observations are not unique for scientists working in industry, it can be argued some skills may be more relevant due to the working environment and overall business goals within companies. Interestingly, technical and scientific competence are given as baseline attributes for new and current hires, since it is unlikely a candidate would be offered the position in the first place if these skills were lacking. In particular, attributes such as teamwork, interpersonal effectiveness/ communication skills, and workplace flexibility are critical for professional and company success, primarily due to the organizational structure within industry. Since teams are the primary vehicle for conducting business within industry, the majority of one’s activities require the ability to work effectively with colleagues from a wide variety of backgrounds and personality styles. And due to the highly competitive business environment, aggressive performance-based deadlines are the norm. In some endeavors, considerable cooperation exists between counterparts in other companies with a vested interest in the completion of projects. The number and significance of projects and deadlines demands industry scientists be proactive, organized, and forward thinking to meet the objectives in short- and long-term planning. Depending upon one’s role, it is also not uncommon to routinely interact with colleagues who are located in diverse locations around the world where there can be significant language and cultural barriers. Additionally, in some organizational structures, one can report to multiple people with different organization positions in various global locations. In terms of flexibility, it is highly likely plant pathologists joining industry will, during the course of their careers, have roles that will Letter to the Editor continued on page 146
Public Policy Update Harrington to Serve on APS Public Policy Board Tom Harrington, professor of plant pathology at Iowa State University (ISU), was selected to serve on the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) to provide input on regulatory issues related to plant pathology. Much of Harrington’s research has focused on exotic plant pathogens, including species of Ceratocystis and the new pathogen Raffaelea lauricola, which causes laurel wilt on avocado and native members of the Lauraceae in the southeast United States. He participates in the Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases and has been involved in the development and review of regulations concerning exotic insects and pathogens that are potential risks to our natural resources.
Tom Harrington
Harrington is a fellow of APS and the Mycological Society of America and has held leadership roles in both societies, including chair of the Forest Pathology and Mycology Committees for APS and service on the editorial boards of Plant Disease and Mycologia. He is also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Union of Concerned Scientists. He has been a department chair at both the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and ISU. He served on, and briefly chaired, ISU’s Institutional Biosafety Committee. Prior to his arrival at ISU in 1991, Harrington was on the faculty at UNH. He obtained degrees in plant pathology from Colorado State University (B.S. degree), Washington State University (M.S. degree), and the University of California-Berkeley (Ph.D. degree). n
Photosynthesis Investigation
Heat, Drought, Disease, Nutrient, Pathogens, Heavy Metals, Chemical, Air Pollution, Light Exposure, and more!
Thank you to the many donors and bidders who made the Office of International Programs’ (OIP) Sixth Annual Silent Auction another success! Nearly $1,900 was raised to support the Global Experience Program. The auction featured fun cultural items to bid on, including beautiful pearls from Asia, unique carvings and statues from around the world, and heavily sought-after dolls and woven articles from Mexico and Central and South America. More than 100 items were up for bid, with great variety for all bidders, showcasing the generosity of our member donors. OIP wants to offer its sincerest appreciation to the donors and bidders who made this year’s silent auction fun and successful.
Pulse Modulated Chlorophyll Fluorometers &
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Affordable Workhorse
Another big thank you to this year’s silent auction sponsor, Bioreba. Bioreba’s continuing support of this activity has been greatly appreciated. Watch for information on the 2011 auction coming soon! n
Solutions for all types of plant stress, Solutions to fit your budget as well. Proven Indicator of Stress:
Sixth Annual Silent Auction a Success!
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CCM-200plus Chlorophyll Content Data Logging Data Averaging GPS Compatible
8 Winn Avenue, Hudson, NH 03051 USA tel: 603-883-4400 fax: 603-883-4410 web: email: Phytopathology News 141
Phytopathology News Readership Survey: Results, Changes to Come In April 2010, APS members were sent a Phytopathology News Readership Survey. The response from membership was significant with 25% of members participating. The survey was sent to 4,327 members and 1,082 completed the survey. Members, thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. We value each and every response. In fact, three members received a gift from the APS PRESS Bookstore as our way of saying thank you. The results are in and the data’s been analyzed—below is a summary of the results. Although one member noted that, “The information is wonderful, I only need time to read it,” the rest of you are making it a priority with 61% of you noting that you’ve read the last four out of four issues (13% at three out of four, 12% at two out of four; and 8% at one out of four).
If the society were to take steps in the future in light of difficult economic conditions, the respondents indicated their preferred option would be to move the issue online with no print version (62%), the runner up was moving to every other month (9%). For now, we will continue to print 11 issues per year and offer the electronic-only version for those of you who choose that option. Members Are Making Reading Phytopathology News a Priority! 6% other 8% have read 1 of last 4 issues
12% have read 2 of last 4 issues
64% of survey respondants reported receiving the issue electronically. This is the same percentage of the overall membership who receive the issue online, making this a solid representation. Seventy-seven percent of respondents access and read the online version via the alert e-mail with a link to the PDF, whereas only 8% print the PDF and read a hard copy of the issue. Fortytwo percent of respondents found the hyperlink feature of the PDF “very useful.” To make the online version even more reader friendly, on the new APSnet, we now feature a newly implemented page-turning digital application for viewing the issue online. The PDF version will still be available for every issue; however, this new tool allows you to perform efficient keyword searches and flip page by page to read the latest issue with ease. Look for this new tool on APSnet! When asked about the look and style of Phytopathology News, readers were unanimous, with 95% of membership either rating the newsletter “excellent” or “good.”
13% have read 3 of last 4 issues
We received a lot of feedback on new content to be included in the future. Thank you for your suggestions. Several of those ideas will be implemented in the newsletter beginning in 2011. Some of the main suggestions included more international content, highlights on committee activities, and more information on other plant pathology societies.
How Do You Read Phytopathology News? 64% Electronic
Actions taken as a result of reading Phytopathology News included attending the annual meeting (38%), forwarding an article to a colleague (33%), recommending the society to a colleague (21%), and visiting the APS website (64%).
142 Phytopathology News
And below is a sampling of a few comments left by our avid readers.
Never Skip It! “As an emeritus member of APS, Phytopathology News, plus APS e-mails with other information, supplies valuable information to keep me informed of the latest issues. I rarely read the APS journals anymore but never skip Phytopathology News!” Tech-Savvy. “It is moving along quite well and adopting new media properly.” Informative. “My current position has less daily plant pathology interactions. I rely on Phytopathology News to keep me updated on the big topics in plant pathology, and I am very satisfied with the product.” What’s Happening? “Since I am a retired APS member and am not involved much in society activities, I look forward to receiving a printed copy of the newsletter to find out what is happening with the society, APS members, and events.”
3.98 3.96 3.70 3.68
Other members suggested that Phytopathology News highlight an APS committee each month, increasing awareness of the committees, particularly among new members. One member noted that “this would help get more people involved.” We couldn’t agree more! Our committees work tirelessly all year long and we look forward to shining the spotlight on these members and the work they do. Look for a “spotlight on committees” feature starting in 2011. If you are a committee chair or member and would like to see your committee featured in an upcoming issue, or if you have other ideas or suggstions for content you would like featured in Phytopathology News, please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief Doug Jardine (
61% have read 4 of last 4 issues
When we asked you to rank various features of Phytopathology News, the top four content areas based on average scores (out of 5 possible points) were: Calendar of Events (back page) Meetings (announcements/summaries from other societies) APS Journal Articles (tables of contents) People
collaboration.” We agree. The newsletter can only feature the items submitted by you, our members. International members, please feel free to submit articles, meeting summaries, and any news you think our readers would like to see. We’d like to see more from you, too.
36% Print
As one member noted, “Since our society has an important number of international members, I think it would be of interest to feature relevant work done outside the United States, so that the society in general can be aware of research done abroad and it might inspire more international
Sense of Community. “Phytopathology News helps to remind me about deadlines for meetings, abstracts, etc. It is very important as a venue for celebrating students who win awards. It helps build a sense of community.” Point of Pride. “I thank all of the contributors to Phytopathology News and I am an avid reader of this crucial means of communication … It is the, in my very humble opinion, point of pride for the society, which may be more valuable than the meeting itself.” n
APS Leadership Institute Hosts Inaugural Workshops at Annual Meeting Rick Bostock, University of California-Davis,, and Christine Smart, Cornell University,, APS Leadership Institute Cochairs Two workshops comprised the inaugural offerings of the APS Leadership Institute at the national meeting in Charlotte. An all-day workshop entitled “Leadership I: Finding Your Style” was presented by Teri Balser, a faculty member in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Balser also serves as the leadership development coordinator for the American Society of Agronomy. She has developed a leadership training program that she has presented throughout the country to scientific societies and other groups during the past several years. The Charlotte workshop focused on what it means to be a leader in a range of contexts, discussed different leadership styles, and through a series of exercises and case studies, raised participants’ awareness of their own styles and how these fit with those of others. Discussion also covered issues related to change management and change leadership. This workshop is particularly well suited to scientists and technical professionals, covering material in a way that fits the needs of leading and managing scientific organizations and working within volunteer organizations such as APS. The workshop had 30 registrants with different levels
for Monsanto, led a highly interactive session where participants, after having taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, discussed the results to gain a better understanding of their personality type. Participants then engaged in various exercises aimed at team building and understanding the dynamics within team environments. The workshop was organized and coordinated by Emilio Oyarzabal of Monsanto. The first participants of the 2010 APS Leadership Institute.
of professional experience and from various APS sectors, including university, government, and industry. Participants ranged from graduate students and early career professionals to midlevel and senior faculty, department chairs, and individuals holding management positions within their organizations. A half-day workshop, sponsored by Monsanto Co. and entitled “Enhance Your Team Performance—Understanding Your MBTI,” was geared toward graduate students and post-doctorals. Jim Zaits, talent manager lead
The APS Leadership Institute Committee was formed in 2009 and is now a standing committee within APS. The goal of the Leadership Institute is to provide APS members opportunities to equip themselves with the skills required to function efficiently in the current environment and to become leaders. The scope includes helping members develop leadership and administrative skills not only for their primary place of employment, but also within their service to APS and similar volunteer organizations. The committee is planning future offerings of the institute and is developing additional resources to help APS members realize their potential as effective leaders and managers. n
Discover the Superiority of Single IRGA Design for portable photosynthesis measurement Get automated IRGA drift correction for every measurement without the added time and hassle
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Complete programmable automatic micro-environmental control
BioScientific Ltd. LCpro+ with leaf chamber
8 Winn Avenue Hudson, NH 03051
Phone: 603-883-4400 Email:
Fax: 603-883-4410 Website: Phytopathology News 143
APS Annual Meeting Highlights
Enjoying snacks and beverages at the Welcome Reception with Exhibition and Posters on Sunday.
Carol Ishimaru of the University of Minnesota got a book signed by Clarence Kado, author of Plant Bacteriology.
During the poster viewing session on Monday, attendees received a complimentary beer and authors were present at their posters during designated times.
The APS Job Opportunities Board in the lobby of the Convention Center was a popular gathering place for students and industry representatives. 144 Phytopathology News
Plenary speaker Andre Drenth of the University of Queensland spoke on the history of plant pathology and its increasing importance in our time.
Alumni from the University of Kentucky caught up during the Alumni Socials on Sunday.
Racing mini remote control cars in the NASCAR region.
Relaxing in the beach area at the Final Night Party.
Julius Fajardo of Bayer CropScience facilitated the discussion at this table during the Graduate Student & Industry Lunch.
Dancing to local North Carolina band Liquid Pleasure, who played a mix of soul, R&B, and oldies.
After officially receiving the presidential gavel from Barb Christ, John Sherwood invited the crowd to the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Honolulu. (Special thanks to Mike Boehm and Carol Ishimaru for holding the Hawaiian backdrop!)
Director of the Annual Meetings Board, Scott Adkins, gets his caricature drawn during the Final Night Celebration. Phytopathology News 145
Division News Southern Division Call for Abstracts The Southern Division of APS has announced its call for abstracts for the 88th Annual Southern Division Meeting to be held February 6–7, 2011, at the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, TX. For more information about submitting an abstract or attending the meeting, see the September issue of the division’s newsletter at divisions/South/Pages/Newsletters. aspx. n
Letter to the Editor continued from page 140
require a range of capabilities in addition to their technical skills. Within Dow AgroSciences and Syngenta, plant pathologists have diverse roles, including R&D vice president, global project management (disease, insect, herbicide, urban pest), regulatory sciences, field research scientist, quality assurance, discovery research scientist, external technology licensing and acquisition, commercial vice president, production research, intellectual property management, and human resources manager. Contrary to this, others maintain careers in industry purely as plant pathologists but see their emphasis change over time from one crop, region, or production system to another. Likewise, with time, some scientists move from roles based in the field to the laboratory and vice versa as they progress through a typical career. As a field of science, plant pathology is very diverse and provides considerable opportunities to scientists. A career in industry offers an equally broad range of possibilities for a plant pathologist working alongside other scientists to meet the demands of the agriculture industry. Concerns in industry relating to attracting and retaining talent are not different from those shared by academia and government. Industry is proactively identifying and tracking students who have shown interest in working in industry. This strategy allows for evaluation of the suite of attributes in addition to technical excellence that are critical for success in the industry environment, such as teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, industry continues to focus on the factors that are of greatest importance to retention of employees, such as providing high-quality and effective employee management and development. Understanding and proactively addressing these workforce realities and communicating with prospective industry candidates we think will be an effective strategy for meeting the need for plant pathologists in industry in the coming years. n 146 Phytopathology News
Opening Session in Charlotte Incorporates APS 2009–2010 Highlights The APS Annual Business Report was presented to society members on Sunday, August 8, 2010, in a new format that was incorporated for the first time into the Opening Session of the APS Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. APS President Barb Christ provided year-in-review highlights during her term as president for 2009–2010, followed by a financial update from APS Treasurer Randy Rowe and a recap on membership from Danise Beadle. Listed below are the highlights from these presentations. Year in Review Christ kicked off the session noting how APS is a catalyst for “Creating Possibilities,” the theme for her presidential year and the meeting. She noted that APS is all about serving its members. Ideas from new initiatives come directly from the membership and are implemented in an effort to continue to create possibilities for members. A few such possibilities she indicated included strong leadership, building our community and networking, best serving our members and science, creating possibilities for the next generation and connecting with our global membership, further growing the society, and creating professional and personal relationships. She then took a look at the past year’s possibilities. Governance • Constitutional amendment ratified in May • 91% of voting members approved • Streamlined governance with reduction from 22 to 12 members on APS Council • New structure allows APS to better navigate challenges and opportunities • Implementation of structure official at end of meeting • New Divisional Forum formed (David Schmale and George Sundin); representatives from each of the six divisions to engage collaboration among divisions • Restructured Nominating Committee (Jim MacDonald); cross section of membership as representatives for in-depth process of talent identification and nominations solicitation New Initiatives • Visioning Forum (Chris Mundt and Linda Kinkel) • Annual Meeting Models (Anne Dorrance) • APS-CSPP Working Group (Yulin Jia) Continuing Inititiaves • Leadership Institute (Rick Bostock and Chris Smart) • International Seed Federation (Phyllis Himmel) USDA Interactions • USDA NIFA Stakeholder Participation (John Sherwood), based on member feedback, in coordination with the APS Public Policy Board; APS comments focused on ensuring RFAs meet the challenges of fundamental agricultural research and support the vibrant and integrated research communities to address both current and future challenges • IPM Voices (Soumaila Sanogo); feedback into new IPM Voices visioning process Moving Forward—APSnet • Re-imagined, rebuilt, and forward-thinking • Two years to prepare/create with more than 100,000 pages, 20,000 images, and cutting-edge technology • Easier to navigate/search, new features, and database upgrade • Live after meeting • Premiere “APSnet—The Smart Site” movie shown during the meeting • Collaboration tools coming in Phase Two Financial Update From a financial perspective, APS Treasurer Rowe noted that APS is projecting to finish the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, with a positive net income from operations (before audit) of $533,845. Total expenses for the year were $4,833,149. This highly favorable outcome was due to revenue being over budget approximately $38,000, while expenses were held under budget approximately $280,000. All three journals, APS PRESS, and the Portland annual meeting had substantial positive net revenues. Cash conservation measures implemented during FY09 and carried through FY10 significantly reduced expenses, which contributed substantially to the favorable net income from operations. Income from APS investments rebounded somewhat in FY10 with a net unrealized gain on investments of $249,924. The total fund return for the year ending June 30, 2010, was 11.74%, which exceeded the comparable benchmark return of 10.96%.
Membership Details on the latest membership statistics were provided by APS Secretary Beadle. Membership counts for June by fiscal year end indicate a decrease in members from 2009 to 2010 (4,939 vs. 4,845 members, a decrease of 94 members). By membership type, emeritus members were down three, group member/leaders stayed the same, life members stayed the same, post-docs down seven, students up 36, sustaining associates down three, and regular members down 117. Percentage of members outside of the United States decreased slightly to 34% this year; for the last two years it was at 35%. APS Membership Count by Type 1990–2010 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Regular Post-Doc Student Group Sustaining Assoc. Emeritus/Life
2002 2000 1995 1990 0
Members who passed away during the year were mentioned and a moment of reflection for the lives, memories, and contributions of the following colleagues was given: George N. Agrios, Robert Aycock, O. W. Barnett, Norman E. Borlaug, John S. Boyle, N. Dwight Camper, Mary L. Cheadle, Donald F. Crossan, Maria R. Davis, Johan Dekker, W. Harley English, Marco A. Flores, Efrat Gamliel-Atinsky, R. Gene Gilbert, Fred A. Gray, John Robert Hardison, Richard L. Kiesling, Christopher J. Lamb, H. Arthur Lamey, Larry L. McDaniel, John J. McRitchie, Gopi K. Podila, Saul Rich, Malcolm C. Shurtleff, James F. Tammen, Lois H. Tiffany, and David M. Webster. n
What Have You Missed on the APS YouTube Channel? First, you can get a glimpse of a variety of activities during the annual meeting. Revisit the excitement by watching short interviews with meeting attendees, take a peek at the fun of the Industry & Extension Social, and listen to the conversation at the Graduate Student and Industry Luncheon. Also, enjoy a bit of dancing during the much-deserved Final Night Celebration. It’s simple, just visit Once you’ve enjoyed reminiscing about the meeting, make sure you take a look at the latest clips that have been uploaded from Mycology Volumes 1 and 2, covering both lower and higher fungi. Also recently added are clips on bunt and smut diseases of cereal, eyespot disease of small grains, leaf rust, and more. The APS YouTube channel has garnered nearly 90 subscribers and 10,000 channel views, with more than 23,000 total clip views. If you would like us to favorite your videos, please contact Karen Deuschle at Together we can create a library of videos vital for use in the plant pathology community and help educate the public on our important science. n
Outreach “Pythium Suppression” Captures First Place in OPRO Video Contest A heartfelt thank you to all APS members who contributed a video this year to the OPRO Video Contest! We had fun viewing all the entries and making them available to the APS membership (and beyond!). We got plenty of YouTube hits for all the videos and hope to have a repeat performance, reaching even more people next year. Our grand prize winner, who took home a check for $500, was “Pythium Suppression” from Cornell University. Second in line was “Mummy Berry” from University of Maine, and a special Judge’s Choice Award was given for “The Role of Recognition” by the University of California-Davis. These lucky winners took home a Flip camera specially designed with the APS logo on the front. An honorable mention was given for “Snow” by David Sands. And finally, thank you to all APS members who voted and took a look at the hard work our scientists put into making these great entries. Try your hand at it next year—we’re looking forward to more entertaining and educational videos. If you haven’t checked out this year’s yet, it’s never too late. Here is the link to our YouTube site: n
Calling All Verbena Enthusiasts Malcolm Quigley, a retired British plant pathologist and endower of the Malcolm and Catherine Quigley Student Travel Award, seeks a plant pathologist interested in the powdery mildew disease of Verbena. Since 2000, Quigley has made annual foliage observations on the susceptibility of Verbena species and hybrids to the powdery mildew fungus. He has grown approximately 50 perennial and 280 annual varieties and continually seeks out new varieties. For each variety, he has recorded the presence or absence of disease symptoms throughout the growing season. Quigley has carefully recorded his observations for the 2000 through 2010 growing seasons and has them recorded in spreadsheets. He has a sincere interest in seeing that these observations are not lost and that they might be put to good use by interested parties. None of this work has been previously published. Any person interested in making use of these observations may contact Quigley directly at MalQuigley@ n Phytopathology News 147
OIP News & Views Proposals Requested for 2011 OIP Global Experience Program The APS Office of International Programs (OIP) is requesting proposals for the “OIP Global Experience,” a program aimed at helping APS plant pathologists work with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts. As agriculture worldwide is affected by globalization, it becomes increasingly important to foster and sustain plant pathological research and extension on a global scale. The program is open to all APS members to conduct short courses, workshops, or training programs in collaboration with a cooperating institution in a developing country. Teams of a senior and junior plant pathologist are encouraged. Development of training/extension materials for the workshop will also be supported by this program. Up to $3,000 ($4,000 for teams) will be available to successful applicants to support travel and training material costs. Host institutions are expected to provide in-kind contributions or matching funds. Proposals are requested for programs to be administered in 2011. The proposals (maximum of three pages for items 1–5, not including the budget, CVs, and letter of support) should be received on or before December 1, 2010. The proposals should be written in a 12-pt font and include: 1. Workshop/training course title and outline (list topics) 2. Brief description of the importance of the workshop to the developing country 3. Expected number and experience of participants 4. Expected impact of workshop and description of impact assessment method 5. Brief description of the location of the workshop and the facilities available 6. Budget and budget justification 7. One-page CV of person proposing the workshop and of the host country coordinator 8. Letter of support from the in-country coordinator An electronic version of the proposal (as a Word or PDF file) should be sent to Talo Pastor-Corrales ( and identified as “OIP Global Experience Proposal” in the subject heading. A final report must be submitted to the OIP Committee within 3 months following the conclusion of the program/course. If you have further questions, contact Pastor-Corrales, USDA ARS, SBGI Lab, Bldg 006, Rm 118, BARC-West, 10300 Baltimore Ave, Beltsville, MD 20705; Phone: +1.301.504.6600; Fax: +1.301.504.5728; E-mail: n
APS PRESS Grand Opening Sale—Save on All 300+ Titles! Save on everything in the new APS PRESS Bookstore through November 15, 2010. Members, save an extra 10% on the sale prices of 300+ plant science titles! New Features in the APS PRESS Online Bookstore
Immediate Open Access for MPMI Articles Did you know that you can purchase open-access rights when you publish in MPMI? This optional feature makes your research in MPMI available to the world immediately upon publication. Check out these immediate open-access papers now online. July • A Unique Glycine-Rich Motif at the N-terminal Region of Bamboo mosaic virus Coat Protein Is Required for Symptom Expression ( abs/10.1094/MPMI-23-7-0903) • Expression Pattern Suggests a Role of MiR399 in the Regulation of the Cellular Response to Local Pi Increase During Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis ( abs/10.1094/MPMI-23-7-0915) • Validation of a Candidate DeoxynivalenolInactivating UDP-Glucosyltransferase from Barley by Heterologous Expression in Yeast ( abs/10.1094/MPMI-23-7-0977) August • Phytoalexin Accumulation in the Interaction Between Rice and the Blast Fungus ( abs/10.1094/MPMI-23-8-1000) September • Diversity, Distribution, and Evolution of Solanum bulbocastanum Late Blight Resistance Genes ( abs/10.1094/MPMI-23-9-1206) n
• Get a FREE “Inside Look” at APS
PRESS titles with the new page-flip tool and you can now watch sample video clips of DVDs. Find these new features under the “Preview” tabs. • Read what others are saying under the “Editorial Reviews” tab. • Check out helpful resource areas for authors and educators, when you click “Resources” in the top menu of the bookstore homepage. • Find related titles fast—see them on every product page in Shop APS PRESS. • Suggest a new title for APS PRESS to publish in the new “Suggest a Title” form. • See APS member discount prices clearly displayed—log in to get your member savings plus the grand opening sale prices. Shop the new and improved online bookstore at n 148 Phytopathology News
IMPORTANT APS DATE TO REMEMBER November 2010 1 APS Awards nominations due. APS Treasurer nominations due. December 2010 1 Deadline for 2011 OIP Global Experience Program proposals
People Student Degrees Sahar Eid recently received her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Plant Pathology at Washington State University, Pullman. Eid received her M.S. degree from American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. Her Ph.D. thesis was on biological and molecular studies on caulimoviruses in natural and managed ecosystems. Eid’s Ph.D. supervisory committee included Hanu Pappu (chair), Amit Dhingra, Scot Hulbert, and Alex Karasev. Eid will be joining Karasev at University of Idaho as a post-doctoral associate.
He will be assuming responsibility for field trials assessing varietal disease resistance and fungicide efficacy and timing, and he will collaborate with agronomists at the station in cropping systems research. Wunsch also has interests in disease etiology, pathogen epidemiology, and pathogen diagnostics, and he will conduct research in these and other areas of plant pathology as needed. His extension responsibilities will be focused on the diseases impacting crops grown across North Dakota. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in May 2010 from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. At Cornell, he investigated the etiology of brown root rot of alfalfa and Fusarium wilt of birdsfoot trefoil, the distribution and host range of the causal pathogens Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. loti and Phoma sclerotioides, and the epidemiology of P. sclerotioides. He studied under the guidance of Gary Bergstrom. He received a B.S. degree in biology and a B.A. degree in economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and he served with the U.S. Peace Corps in Honduras prior to commencing his graduate studies. Presentation
(From left to right): Scot Hulbert, Hanu Pappu, Alex Karasev, Sahar Eid, and Amit Dhingra .
Zareen Dossey received her M.S. degree from the Department of Plant Pathology at Washington State University, Pullman. Her supervisory committee included Katerina Riga (chair), Lori Carris, and Tim Zareen Dossey Murray. Her thesis was entitled “Potential of green manure biofumigants and seed exudates in the control of Globodera pallida, the white potato cyst nematode.” Awards In June, Michael Wunsch joined North Dakota State University as a plant pathologist at the Carrington Research Extension Center. He has a 70% research and 30% extension appointment, and he will be working with the breadth Michael Wunsch of crops grown in North Dakota. Wunsch’s research activities in Carrington focus on disease management.
Scot Hulbert, professor of plant pathology and R. James Cook chair in cropping systems pathology in the Department of Plant Pathology at Washington State University, Pullman, attended the Borlaug Global Rust Scot Hulbert Initiative workshop and the 8th International Wheat Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, in June. He presented results of his ongoing research on delivering rust proteins into wheat plant cells using plantpathogenic bacteria and silencing rust genes in planta by expressing their RNAi constructs in wheat cells. Hulbert is pursuing these approaches for functional genomics of rust fungi, and the silencing approach is being examined as a possible rust control strategy. In Memory Grover Sowell, Jr., passed away in May 2010. Sowell was born in West Palm Beach, FL, on June 12, 1928. Sowell earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in botany from the University of Georgia, where G. E. Thompson was his major professor, and his Ph.D. degree from Cornell University. He was employed for 25 years as a research plant pathologist at the ARS USDA Georgia Experiment Station. Sowell was an active civic volunteer before his health declined. His service to his community
began in high school as a volunteer in the Civil Air Patrol as a plane spotter during World War II. He was a Boy Scout leader for Troop 2 and he was active in Toastmasters International, Griffin Kiwanis Club, the Human Relations Group, and the League of Women Voters. He was involved in the Georgia Conservancy where he helped establish the Cumberland Island National Seashore. He also helped establish a nature trail at Panola Mountain State Park in Decatur and a Boy Scout nature trail along the Flint River. The Griffin Boys Club honored him as man of the year. Sowell loved gardening and working outdoors. Sowell is survived by his wife, JoAnne Ratliff Sowell, children, grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Yigal Henis, professor emeritus of plant pathology and microbiology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Faculty of Agriculture of Rehovot, passed away in 2010. He was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1926. Yigal Henis He studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 1949 to 1955 where he was awarded an M.Sc. degree in bacteriology and biochemistry in 1955 and a Ph.D. degree in 1959. His academic teaching career began that year as lecturer in bacteriology at the Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot. He became a professor in 1974. In 1969, he was appointed head of the new Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at that university. Henis’s contributions to microbiology, especially to soil microbiology and plant pathology, are numerous. His studies cover a variety of topics, including physiology of fungal spore germination; morphogenesis and differentiation in fungi; biological control; biology of soilborne pathogens, including Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium dahlia, and others; interactions between soil pathogens and soil biota; soil suppressiveness; integrated control; bacterial diseases; microflora of stored products; degradation of pesticides and pollutants in soil; bioremediation; nitrogen fixation with emphasis on Rhizobium and Azospirillum; microbial ecology; cellulose degradation; edible mushrooms; water microbiology; and others. In Israel, he pioneered the area of environmental microbiology in agriculture. He published more than 200 publications, including articles (many in Phytopathology and Plant Disease), invited reviews, and books. People continued on page 150 Phytopathology News 149
People continued from page 149
Henis was heavily involved in teaching, both undergraduates and graduate courses, and established new courses. He supervised numerous graduate students, many of whom became leaders in research, extension, teaching, and administration. Henis was a visiting professor or scientist in universities and research institutions in the United States, Brazil, Europe, and other countries. He served in many national and international positions and on many scientific committees. He was the president of the Israeli Phytopathological Society and served as the coeditor-in-chief of Phytoparasitica. Henis’s contributions were nationally and internationally highly recognized. He was a fellow of APS and an honorary associate of the Israeli Microbiological Society. He was awarded the Kedma Prize for Plant Protection and the Cohen Award for Plant Protection. Upon his retirement, his former students held a special symposium honoring him. He had a warm personality and had an open door for students and colleagues and was ready to provide good advice. He stimulated new ideas and promoted new concepts. He will be remembered by all of us. n
If you have ever googled “smut” and were looking for corn diseases, you might be a plant pathologist. And if you’re a plant pathologist, you belong with APS. Thank you to our APS members! Your membership allows us to produce cutting-edge research, available at the annual meeting, and through books, journals, and specialized meetings designed specifically for you. So go ahead and search for “rot,” “decay,” “canker,” and “scab,” because we know what you’re really looking for. When the results show APS, you know that you belong here.
150 Phytopathology News
Classifieds Classified Policy You can process your job listing at Your posting will be live within three to five business days and will remain on the website for up to three months or until a listed closing date, at which point it will drop off the listing. Please note: Your online job listing will be edited by newsletter staff to a maximum of 200 words for the print listing in Phytopathology News. Fees for posting online are $25 member/$50 nonmember for graduate or post-doc positions and $200 member/$250 nonmember for all other positions. To have your job listing also included in Phytopathology News, simply select the option on the online form (there is an additional $55 fee). If you have any questions, contact the APS Placement Coordinator (
AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships Apply your science to serve society. For more than 35 years, the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships have provided scientists and engineers with a unique opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to national and international issues in the federal policy realm, while learning first-hand about establishing and implementing policy. Fellows select assignments in congressional offices or federal agencies. Most federal agencies offer fellows the ability to renew for a second year. Salary: Approximately $74,000–$97,000, plus relocation allowance of up to $4,000 and health insurance monthly reimbursements for fellows who receive stipends via AAAS. Applicants must hold a doctoral-level degree in social/behavioral sciences, medical/ health disciplines, biological, physical, or geosciences. Applicants with an M.S. degree in engineering and 3 or more years of post-degree professional experience also qualify. Degree requirements must be completed by deadline. Must have solid scientific/technical credentials and endorsement of three references, show a commitment to serve society, exhibit good communication skills, and demonstrate integrity, problem-solving ability, good judgment, flexibility, and leadership qualities. Must hold U.S. citizenship. Federal employees are not eligible. Closing Date: December 5, 2010. Contact: Shar Steed, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships, 1200 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005 U.S.A. Phone: +1.202.326.6613; E-mail:; Web: Post-Doctoral Research Associate and Project Manager Coordinate multistate project on evaluation of predictive models for management of anthracnose and Botrytis fruit rots of strawberries. Existing models and modifications will be evaluated in strawberry production
areas of the eastern United States (Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Iowa, and Ohio) in a 4-year project. Models utilize leaf wetness as determined by on-site and remote measurements and evaluation and modification of procedures may be necessary. Project also includes development of procedures for detection/ management of fungicide resistance. Position may also require training of stakeholders in utilization of models and resistance detection tools. A Ph.D. degree in plant pathology or closely related field is required as well as experience in using experimental and analytical methods in plant disease epidemiology and use of models for prediction of the need for fungicide applications. Candidate must have good communication skills and be well-organized and a good team worker. Experience in extension, education, and outreach valuable for effective performance in the position. Salary: DOE. Closing Date: November 1, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) Send a letter indicating research interests and career goals, a curriculum vita, and contact information (e-mail, telephone, and address) for three references to Natalia Peres (nperes@ Contact: Natalia Peres, University of Florida, Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, 14625 County Road 672, Wimauma, FL 33598 U.S.A. E-mail:; Fax: +1.813.634.0001; Phone: +1.813.633.4133. Assistant Professor The Department of Plant Pathology at North Dakota State University invites applications for a 12-month, tenure-track position at the assistant-professor level with approximately 60% research, 20% extension, and 20% teaching responsibilities. This individual will develop an externally funded research program. Although the research focus is open to all avenues of plant pathology, the preference will be for research that identifies practical solutions to disease problems. Advising graduate students in the department is expected. Teaching responsibilities will include a 400/600-level course and the development and teaching of at least one new course on turf diseases and their management. Minimum qualifications: Ph.D. degree in plant pathology or closely related field; demonstrated ability to conduct/publish research on diseases of turf, trees, and/or nursery plants; strong interpersonal/ communication skills; demonstrated potential as a teacher/extension presenter; and experience with field-based research. Preferred qualifications: post-doctoral experience; demonstrated experience with stakeholders; and demonstrated success with competitive grants. Closing Date: October 20, 2010 (This closing date is open until the position is filled.) Review of applications begins October 20, 2010. Contact: Gary Secor, North Dakota State University, Department of Plant Pathology, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 U.S.A. E-mail: gary.secor@ndsu. edu; Phone: +1.701.231.7076; Web: n
APS Journal Articles Phytopathology October 2010, Volume 100, Number 10 An Assessment of Mixed-Modeling Approaches for Characterizing Profiles of Time-Varying Response and Predictor Variables. Some Consequences of Using the Horsfall-Barratt Scale for Hypothesis Testing. Modeling the Competition Between Viruses in a Complex Plant–Pathogen System. Diagnosis of Pierce’s Disease Using Biomarkers Specific to Xylella fastidiosa rRNA and Vitis vinifera Gene Expression. Propiconazole Distribution and Effects on Ceratocystis fagacearum Survival in Roots of Treated Red Oaks. A Quantitative Review of Fungicide Efficacy for Managing Downy Mildew in Cucurbits. Factors Contributing to Seasonal Fluctuations in Rust Severity on Ribes missouriense Caused by Cronartium ribicola. Two Independent Quantitative Trait Loci Are Responsible for Novel Resistance to Beet curly top virus in Common Bean Landrace G122. Wheat Crown Rot Pathogens Fusarium graminearum and F. pseudograminearum Lacks Specialization. Cpkk1, MAPKK of Cryphonectria parasitica, Is Necessary for Virulence on Chestnut. Combinatorially Selected Peptides for Protection of Soybean Against Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Host Range, Biological Variation, and Phylogenetic Diversity of Eutypa lata in California. Quantification of Propagules of the Laurel Wilt Fungus and Other Mycangial Fungi from the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle, Xyleborus glabratus. Genetic Structure of Phytophthora infestans Populations in China Indicates Multiple Migration Events. The 3ADON Population of Fusarium graminearum Found in North Dakota Is More Aggressive and Produces a Higher Level of DON than the Prevalent 15ADON Population in Spring Wheat. Development and Application of a Multiplex ReverseTranscription Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for Screening a Global Collection of Citrus tristeza virus Isolates.
Plant Disease October 2010, Volume 94, Number 10 Verticillium Wilt: A Threat to Artichoke Production. Detection and Frequency of Lily Viruses in Argentina. Grafting for Management of Southern Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, in Watermelon. Lack of Evidence for Transmission of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Through Citrus Seed Taken from Affected Fruit. Biological, Physical, and Molecular Properties of a Papaya lethal yellowing virus Isolate. Oxytetracycline Dynamics on Peach Leaves in Relation to Temperature, Sunlight, and Simulated Rain. Influence of Temperature and Wetness Periods on the Development of Stemphylium Blight on Lentil. Characterization of Lagenaria mild mosaic virus, a New Potexvirus from Bottle Gourd in Myanmar. Isolation, Purification, and Biological Activity of a Phytotoxin Produced by Stemphylium solani. A Method to Induce Stem Cankers by Inoculating Nonwounded Populus Clones with Septoria musiva Spore Suspensions.
Inheritance of Resistance to Foliar Infection by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae in Anthurium. Application of cDNA Macroarray for Simultaneous Detection of 12 Potato Viruses. Evaluation of Verticillium Wilt Resistance in Mentha arvensis and M. longifolia Genotypes. First Report of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Tomato in Mauritius. First Report of Hiemalis Begonias Wilt Disease Caused by Fusarium foetens in Canada. First Report of Root and Crown Rot of Almond Caused by Phytophthora spp. in Turkey. First Identification of an Unusual Recombinant Potato virus Y Strain in Potato in Mexico. First Report of the Cyst Nematode (Heterodera filipjevi) on Wheat in Henan Province, China. Occurrences of Diplodia Leaf Streak Caused by Stenocarpella macrospora on Corn (Zea mays) in Illinois. First Report of Capsicum chlorosis virus Infecting Tomato in Taiwan. First Report of Soft Rot of Potatoes Caused by Dickeya dadantii in Zimbabwe. First Report of Spiroplasma citri in Carrot in Europe. A New Type of Strain of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria Causing Bacterial Spot of Tomato and Pepper in Grenada. First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ Associated With Severe Stunting and Necrosis on the Invasive Weed Pelargonium capitatum in Western Australia. First Report of Crotalaria spectabilis Fasciation Associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ in India. First Report of Eastern Filbert Blight on Corylus avellana ‘Gasaway’ and ‘VR20-11’ Caused by Anisogramma anomala in New Jersey. First Report of Myrothecium roridum Causing Leaf Spot on Garden Hydrangea in the United States. Stem Rot of Branched Broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Chile. First Report of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Co-infecting Pepper with Tomato chino La Paz virus in Baja California Sur, Mexico. First Report of Cucumber mosaic virus on Vigna marina in Taiwan. First Report of Twig and Branch Dieback of English Walnut (Juglans regia) Caused by Neofusicoccum mediterraneum in California.
MPMI October 2010, Volume 23, Number 10 Varied Movement Strategies Employed by Triple Gene Block–Encoding Viruses. Antiviral Role of Plant-Encoded RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases Revisited with Deep Sequencing of Small Interfering RNAs of Virus Origin. Getting the Most from the Host: How Pathogens Force Plants to Cooperate in Disease. Characterization of MoLDB1 Required for Vegetative Growth, Infection-Related Morphogenesis, and Pathogenicity in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Laser Capture Microdissection of Uredinia Formed by Melampsora larici-populina Revealed a Transcriptional Switch Between Biotrophy and Sporulation.
Pseudomonas syringae Virulence Factor Syringolin A Counteracts Stomatal Immunity by Proteasome Inhibition. Confocal Imaging of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola Colony Development in Bean Reveals Reduced Multiplication of Strains Containing the Genomic Island PPHGI-1. The Arabidopsis Downy Mildew Resistance Gene RPP8 Is Induced by Pathogens and Salicylic Acid and Is Regulated by W Box cis Elements. Regulation of Motility in Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora: Quorum-Sensing Signal Controls FlhDC, the Global Regulator of Flagellar and Exoprotein Genes, by Modulating the Production of RsmA, an RNA-Binding Protein. Disruption of the Bcchs3a Chitin Synthase Gene in Botrytis cinerea Is Responsible for Altered Adhesion and Overstimulation of Host Plant Immunity. Gluconate Metabolism Is Required for Virulence of the Soft-Rot Pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum. Regulatory Mechanisms of Exoribonuclease PNPase and Regulatory Small RNA on T3SS of Dickeya dadantii. Role of Cyclic di-GMP in Xylella fastidiosa Biofilm Formation, Plant Virulence, and Insect Transmission.
Plant Management Network Plant Health Progress Potassium Phosphite Mixed with Other Fungicides Reduces Yield Loss to Downy Mildew on Collard. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Iris yellow spot virus and Thrips in Colorado Onion Fields. Relative Virulence of Botrytis cinerea and B. mali in Apple Lesions. Survey of Fusarium spp. Associated with Fruit Rot of Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) in Ohio. Detection of Phytoplasmas in Watercress and Onion Plants from Mauritius. Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for the Control of Tomato Diseases in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions of the United States. Occurrences of Soybean Viruses, Fungal Diseases, and Pests in Illinois Soybean Rust Sentinel Plots. Adorn Fungicide Registered for Use in California. AgroSource Announces FireLine 17 WP Active Ingredient Approval by the National Organic Program for Fire Blight Control on Organic Apples and Pears. Cercospora Leaf Spot Showing up on Louisiana Crape Myrtles. Artificial Sweetener Could Help Soybean Plants Resist Rust Disease, UF Researchers Say. Pest Management Intensity Affects Wild Bee Populations, MSU Researchers Say. Avicta Seed Treatment Nematicide Now Registered for Use on Soybeans. Spider Mites May Be Active in Drought-Stricken Soybean Fields. Monsanto to Introduce Aphid Tolerant Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield Soybean Varieties for the 2011 Season. n
Phytopathology News 151
Phytopathology The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 United States of America
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Calendar of Events
APS Sponsored Events October 2010 27-29 — APS Northeastern Division Meeting. Northampton, MA. divisions/ne February 2011 6-7 — APS Southern Division Meeting. Corpus Christie, TX. members/divisions/south March 2011 9-11 — APS Potomac Division Meeting. Rehoboth Beach, DE. members/divisions/pot 19-22 — APS Caribbean Division Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico. members/divisions/carib June 2011 15-17 — APS North Central Division Meeting. Omaha, NE. members/divisions/nc August 2011 6-10 — APS Pacific Division Meeting. Honolulu, HI. divisions/pac Upcoming APS Annual Meetings August 6-10, 2011 — APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI. August 4-8, 2012 — Providence, RI. August 10-14, 2013 — Austin, TX. August 9-13, 2014 — Minneapolis, MN.
Other Upcoming Events October 2010 31-Nov 3 — ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Longbeach, CA. November 2010 14-18 — Cucurbitaceae 2010. Charleston, SC. 15-18 — 9th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology and the 6th Congress of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Fitopatologia. Portugal. 19 — 2010 Tomato Disease Workshop. University of Florida, Wimauma, FL. December 2010 7-9 — 2010 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, WI. forum10.html 12-15 — Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. January 2011 10-14 — 2nd International Conference on Huanglongbing. Orlando, FL. 23-26 — 47th Southern Africa Society of Plant Pathology Conference. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
February 2011 20-24 — 7th North American Strawberry Symposium combined with the North American Strawberry Growers Association Conference. Tampa, FL. April 2011 26-29 — 4th Asian Conference for Plant Pathology (ACPP) concurrent with the 18th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference. Darwin, Australia. May 2011 23-28 — 4th International Workshop for Phytophthora, Pythium, and Related Genera: Systematics (Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Phylogeny), Detection, Databases, Ecolog. College Park, MD. 26-28 — 2nd Argentine Congress of Plant Pathology. Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2011 23-30 — XVIII International Botanical Congress. Melbourne, Australia. August 2013 25-30 — 10th International Conference of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. n
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