February 2011 • Volume 45 • Number 2
Go Global with APS and IAPPS in Honolulu!
Joint Meeting August 6–10 Honolulu, Hawaii
APS will join the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) August 6–10 in beautiful Honolulu, HI, for the 2011 APS-International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) Joint Meeting. The APS Annual Meeting has never before been held in Hawaii, or with IAPPS, and offers an exciting opportunity for APS members to take advantage of Hawaii’s unique natural setting, exotic plant life, and central location in the Pacific Rim for our international attendees as well as connect with IAPPS members.
The scientific program will address international hot topics and global issues, such as food security in a changing world, pesticide resistance, wheat blast, parasitic weeds, new and emerging technologies, and much more. The program will also reflect our location in several unique ways, including sessions that focus on tropical crops, diseases, and forests, as well as educational field trips that will get you away from the city and out into the beautiful and exotic surrounding area. New for 2011! Scientific Program Extended Through Wednesday Afternoon To accommodate additional programming, the 2011 meeting’s scientific program extends through Wednesday afternoon with the Final Night Celebration taking place on Wednesday evening instead of Tuesday evening as in previous years. There are no scientific sessions offered on Tuesday afternoon, which will allow attendees to use Tuesday afternoon to explore the area with your colleagues at one of many educational field trips. Be sure to make your travel plans accordingly so that you do not miss any of the scientific program or the Final Night Celebration on Wednesday evening! Field Trips There are two types of field trips available this year in Hawaii—traditional premeeting field trips and new Tuesday afternoon field trips. Premeeting field trips will take place one to three days prior to the meeting and will provide attendees with opportunities to explore the region, as well as some of the outlying islands, more thoroughly. These field trips are scientific in nature and provide attendees with the opportunity to learn more about local crops and diseases. Premeeting field trips for the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting include: • Tropical Forest Pathology • Hawaiian Fungal Foray • Pre- and Postharvest Diseases of Tropical Fruits
Courtesy of the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) / Ron Dahlquist
Go Global with APS and IAPPS continued on page 28
News Call for Director of APS Office of Education The American Phytopathological Society (APS) Office of Education is being formed to coordinate and provide leadership to the efforts of the society in promoting the importance of plant pathology in curricula and the need to support the educational development of plant pathologists. APS Council is seeking a volunteer leader for a substantially expanded effort of national scope with the following immediate goals. 1. Identify and implement the most effective means to communicate and promote the content of the Education Center to primary and secondary educators Call for Director continued on page 24
Student Travel Award Applications Due March 22 The APS Foundation is accepting applications for its 2011 Student Travel Awards program beginning Tuesday, February 15. Based on a competitive process, awards of $600 each will be available to APS student members giving oral or poster presentations at the 2011 APSIPPC Joint Meeting in Honolulu, HI (August 6–10). Students who received an award in 2010 will not be eligible for another award until 2012. If you are interested in applying, go to www.apsnet.org/members/foundation/apply/ Pages/StudentTravelAwards.aspx on February 15 to access the online form. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Graduate Student Committee Chair Kestrel R. Lannon (krlannon@ ncsu.edu). n
In this Issue Editor’s Corner .......................................... 22 Committee Spotlight ................................. 23 Undergraduate Opportunity ..................... 24 Public Policy Update ................................. 25
Outreach ................................................... 27 Annual Financial Report ........................... 29 APS Foundation ........................................ 31 People ....................................................... 32
Classifieds .................................................. 34 APS Journal Articles .................................. 35 Calendar of Events .................................... 36
February 2011 • Volume 45 • Number 2
Editor-in-Chief: Doug Jardine Managing Editor: Michelle Bjerkness Editor: Amanda Aranowski Design: Agnes Walker Advertising Sales: Karen Deuschle
Editor’s Corner Celebrating President’s Day with APS Presidential Trivia Doug Jardine, Kansas State University, PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org February is the month that Americans celebrate the birthday of the country’s two most famous presidents. We celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 12 and our founding father George Washington’s birthday on February 22. Washington’s birthday was a federal holiday created by an Act of Congress in 1880. The holiday was celebrated on Washington’s actual birthday until 1971, when it was moved to the third Monday of February by the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. The term President’s Day made its appearance in the mid-1980s, mostly behind a push from advertisers, but also to recognize Lincoln’s birthday. But enough on President’s Day history. My theme this month is APS presidential history.
Phytopathology News (ISSN 0278-0267) is published eleven times per year by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) at 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Phone: +1.651.454.7250, Fax: +1.651.454.0766, E-mail: aps@scisoc.org, Web: www.apsnet.org. Phytopathology News is distributed to all APS members. Subscription price to nonmembers is $69 U.S./$81 Elsewhere. Periodicals paid at St. Paul, MN. CPC Intl Pub Mail #0969249. Postmaster: Send address changes to Phytopathology News, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Submission Guidelines Address all editorial correspondence to: Doug Jardine, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66506-5502 U.S.A. Phone: +1.785.532.1386; Fax: +1.785.532.5692; E-mail: PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org. In order to ensure timely publication of your news items and announcements, please send in material six weeks prior to the date of publication. Material should be no more than six months old when submitted. Submission of materials as electronic files, via e-mail, will speed processing. For information on submitting electronic images contact Agnes Walker at awalker@scisoc.org. Deadline for submitting items for the April 2011 issue is February 15, 2011.
APS Leadership Council President: John L. Sherwood President-Elect: Carol A. Ishimaru Vice President: Michael J. Boehm Immediate Past President: Barbara J. Christ Internal Communications Officer: Danise T. Beadle Internal Communications Officer-Elect: David M. Gadoury Treasurer: Randall C. Rowe Senior Councilor-at-Large: Carolee T. Bull Intermediate Councilor-at-Large: Anne E. Dorrance Junior Councilor-at-Large: Walter F. Mahaffee Divisional Councilor: David G. Schmale III Publications Councilor: Anthony P. Keinath Executive Vice President: Steven C. Nelson Editors-in-Chief APS PRESS: Margery L. Daughtrey MPMI: Gary Stacey Phytopathology: Niklaus J. GrÜnwald Phytopathology News: Doug J. Jardine Plant Disease: R. Mike Davis Plant Disease Management Reports: Frank P. Wong Plant Health Progress: Ned A. Tisserat The Plant Health Instructor: Anton B. Baudoin Board and Office Chairs and Directors APS Foundation Chair: Ray D. Martyn Divisional Forum Chair: George W. Sundin PPB Chair: Jan E. Leach Publications Board Chair: Anthony P. Keinath OEC Director: Darin M. Eastburn OIP Director: Sally A. Miller OIR Director: Brian D. Olson OPRO Director: Monica L. Elliott AMB Director: Scott T. Adkins AXMB Director: Gary C. Bergstrom Division Officers Caribbean Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Maria Mercedes Roca President: Lydia I. Rivera-Vargas Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Ronald D. French-Monar North Central Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: George W. Sundin President: Deanna L. Funnell-Harris Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Loren J. Giesler Northeastern Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Wade H. Elmer President: Russell J. Tweddell Vice President: Beth K. Gugino Secretary-Treasurer: Christian A. Wyenandt Pacific Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Jim E. Adaskaveg President: Jay W. Pscheidt President-Elect: Debra A. Inglis Secretary-Treasurer: Juliet M. Marshall Potomac Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Kathryne Everts President: Mary Ann Hansen Vice President: Boris A. Vinatzer Secretary-Treasurer: Yilmaz Balci Southern Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Timothy B. Brenneman President: Boyd Padgett President-Elect: David Langston Vice President: Raymond W. Schneider Secretary-Treasurer: Donald M. Ferrin
22 Phytopathology News
It’s a standard preliminary exam question in many departments to know that L. R. Jones was the first president of APS in 1909 and that Helen Hart was the first woman president in 1956, a span of 47 years. But did you know that it was another 31 years before we had our second woman president when Anne Vidaver assumed the position in 1987? Fortunately, the society’s leadership has become more reflective of the makeup of the membership with seven women presidents in the past 17 years and that number will continue to grow when Carol Ishimaru takes over the reins after our annual meeting in Honolulu. By the way, Carol Windels was president in 1999, giving Minnesota the distinction of having three of the 10 women presidents once Ishimaru is installed as president. Doug Jardine
Other interesting facts that you might not know about APS presidents are that there have been two Ortons, W. A. Orton in 1920 and C. R. Orton in 1939; two Barnetts, H. L. Barnett in 1973 and O. W. Barnett in 1992; and two Leachs, J. G. Leach in 1941 and Jan Leach in 2007. I have not done any research to see if there were any genealogical relationships among the namesakes. My research also indicates that there have been presidents from 28 different states and that The “American” Phytopathological Society has been led by two Canadians, H. T. Gussow in 1935 and J. H. Craigie in 1946. Among universities, Cornell has provided us with the most presidents with 12, followed by Wisconsin with 10, and Minnesota with seven. California has provided 10, with four each from the Berkeley and Davis campuses and two from Riverside. Ten presidents were employed by the USDA. Unfortunately, there has never been a member from industry who has served as president, but perhaps that will change in the near future with the creation of the Nominations Committee and the new procedures for determining qualified candidates. Be sure to see all of the past APS presidents on APSnet at www.apsnet.org/about/history/pages/PastPresidents.aspx. As a final disclaimer, due to editorial deadlines, I have not had my figures verified by APS Historian Paul Peterson. I am sure if I got anything wrong, Paul will let me know. Stay tuned for any necessary errata. n
2010 Art in Phytopathology Submission: Fungus Doodle H. David Thurston, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University
I had been doodling for several decades and even keep a scrapbook of the best. I used various items to make the doodles and decided one day to use various spores that cause disease in a design. Fungal spores are seldom seen in art, and I found they worked well in a doodle. I do doodles for my enjoyment and to avoid boredom in long meetings. n
Every Member Matters! Share APS and Win This academic year, all departments are being challenged to recruit new members for APS! APS members are invited to recruit students, post-docs, and colleagues from your university. For your efforts, you will be in the running to win up to $500 in travel dollars. This gives all members the opportunity to share APS with others in an easy way that can ultimately benefit the university. New members will count by what university they come from, so be sure your colleagues note their university on their applications. Each member that joins or renews during the 2010–2011 academic year puts your university in the running for the University Recruitment Challenge. Plus, the playing field has been evened. Since the department sizes range in each university, the contest will compare universities on the percentage of new members they gain. This year, every member really does count. Tell your friends to visit www.apsnet.org/join. n
Call for Papers! MPMI Focus Issue on Plant-Microbe Symbioses Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (MPMI) invites original research manuscripts for a special focus issue on plant-microbe symbioses. This focus issue will be edited by Krzysztof Szczyglowski, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, London, Ontario, and Michael Sadowsky, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. Articles should focus on the molecular biology and molecular genetics/ genomics of symbiotic interactions of microbes (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) with plants. The editors intend that this issue will bring added attention to areas of research that are of critical importance or that have shown significant progress in recent years. The target date for the special issue is November 2011. Deadlines • Submission of mini-reviews: May 1, 2011 (by personal invitation only) • Submission of original research manuscripts: June 1, 2011 • Final acceptance of all relevant manuscripts: August 1, 2011 Submission Format Authors should use the ScholarOne Manuscripts website for submission. For more details, please visit and upload submissions at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aps/mpmi or e-mail sadowsky@ umn.edu or Krzysztof.Szczyglowski@AGR.GC.CA with reference to the focus issue on plantmicrobe symbiosis. n
Have You Shopped the New APS PRESS Store Yet? When you browse www.shopapspress.org you will see fresh new features that make it easier to find exactly what you need. Product pages are now organized with tabs to present Descriptions, Contents, Editorial Reviews, and Previews. New APS PRESS books can be sampled with the new page-flip feature. Video clips now help educators see digital previews of APS PRESS teaching videos prior to purchase. The store search is new and improved; now, when you click on a search result, it takes you to a product page where you also see related titles. Browsing is better, too. The A to Z title list will get you there fast and the “subject” categories are there to help you find titles in your area of specialty. The new Shop APS PRESS eStore is now part of APSnet so it is in sync with your membership. You see your member savings on every product page in the store, and when you check out to make your purchase, your member discount is applied automatically. APS PRESS products are included in the APSnet search engine, too.
Regulatory Plant Pathology Committee Nancy K. Osterbauer, Regulatory Committee Chair, nosterbauer@oda. state.or.us, and Carla Thomas, Regulatory Committee Vice Chair, cthomas@ucdavis.edu The mission of the Regulatory Plant Pathology Committee is to 1) promote scientific communication of regulatory issues, 2) promote the importance of effective plant health regulation, 3) foster multidisciplinary efforts to protect agriculture and natural resources, and 4) encourage intra- and international cooperation of scientists concerning regulatory issues. More and more invasive species, such as Phytophthora ramorum, Raffaelea lauricola, Plum pox virus, Anoplophora glabripennis, and Globodera pallid, are being detected within the United States and North America each year. The constant threat to our agriculture, natural resources, food security, and quality of life is perpetually escalating due to global travel and trade. Our committee recognizes that it takes the coordinated efforts of plant health regulatory officials; diagnosticians; research, extension, and industry plant pathologists; nematologists; and entomologists to prevent these pests from having a devastating impact on our agriculture, urban landscapes, and natural resources. The Regulatory Plant Pathology Committee is dedicated to fostering communication among industry, researchers, extension, and regulators to ensure that quarantines and other regulatory actions taken are based on sound, peer-reviewed science and on early detection, rapid response, and mitigation. We welcome all members of APS that share that ideal. If you are interested in joining the Regulatory Plant Pathology Committee, contact Committee Chair Nancy Osterbauer (nosterbauer@oda.state.or.us) or Committee Vice Chair Carla Thomas (cthomas@ucdavis.edu). n
We hope you will find the new APS PRESS online store fast, easy, and smart. If you have suggestions or comments, please let us know: aps@scisoc.org. n Phytopathology News 23
Undergraduate Opportunity Applications for Cornell University’s 2011 Summer Research Scholars Program Cornell University’s Department of Plant Pathology and PlantMicrobe Biology at Geneva has developed a Summer Research Scholars Program where undergraduate students can participate in exciting research projects within the discipline of plant pathology and plantmicrobe biology. Students will have the opportunity to work with Barton Lab, home of the Department of Plant Pathology and Plantfaculty, their graduate students, Microbe Biology at Geneva, is located in the Finger Lakes region of New post-docs, and staff on research York State. projects that can be laboratory, field-based, or a blend of both. Many of the basic research projects have a translational alignment with practical problem-solving applications for the agricultural community. The goal of the program is to provide undergraduates with the opportunity to plan and conduct experiments, evaluate data, communicate results, and learn about opportunities in the broad scientific area of plant disease studies. Benefits include housing, round-trip transportation from home location to Geneva, including local transportation, and a $4,000 stipend. Learn more and apply online at www.scholars.pppmb.cals.cornell.edu. Review of applications will begin on February 4, 2011. All applications must be received by February 21, 2011. n
Reminder! Applications Due May 1 for 2011 Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation Awards The Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation Awards are named in honor of Richard C. Storkan, Gerald L. Hanes, and Robert L. McCaslin. Each had a long history of cooperation with the scientific community, and they were pioneers in developing effective soil fumigation through experimental research. The foundation was established in 1987 to support graduate student research. To date, more than $351,000 has been awarded to 61 promising scientists. In addition to unrestricted cash awards (which range from $5,000 to $10,000 and can be used for any purpose that will benefit the education of the student, including personal expenses), new awardees will also receive round-trip fares to the APS Annual Meeting and are presented their awards at a luncheon attended by their research advisors, previous awardees, and members of the Foundation Committee. The research for which the award is given is expected to be performed by the applicant during the academic year 2011–2012 and a one-page progress report is due one year from the date of the award. It would be appreciated if the foundation were acknowledged in research publications stemming from this award.
Call for Director continued from page 21
2. Develop and pursue opportunities for development of new high-impact content to increase public awareness of the value of plant pathology 3. Create, identify, and pursue high-impact opportunities to reach elite undergraduate scholars for recruitment as professional plant pathologists Candidates must possess excellent communication skills, leadership ability, and a passion for high school, undergraduate, and graduate education. The director is to develop an appropriately sized board to cooperate closely with and facilitate the positive interaction among relevant APS units (i.e., APS Education Center, Teaching Committee, Office of Public Relations and Outreach, Public Policy Board, Office of Electronic Communications, and Foundation) to leverage and enhance current programs. APS Council requests submission of nominations of candidates willing to serve for this position. Self nominations are welcome. All candidates are requested to provide a short CV and statement of interest that document experience relevant to this position. Please make your nominations by March 1, and submit materials by March 15 via e-mail to msmith@scisoc.org. If you have specific questions regarding this position, please contact APS President John Sherwood at sherwood@uga.edu. Evaluation of candidates will continue until an individual can be selected. Initial term of appointment will be approximately three years, to conclude after the 2014 Annual Meeting. n
A Practical Guide to
Turfgrass Fungicides By Richard Latin
A major aim of the foundation is to encourage research by offering financial assistance to graduate students who are working on soilborne diseases of plants. The research must be done in the United States. The foundation’s policy is to contribute to the education of the student. Grants are made on a yearly basis and may be renewed upon review by the committee.
24 Phytopathology News
“It is written at just the right level … the concepts of ‘when’ and ‘how’ and ‘why’ to treat with fungicides are better understood after reading Rick Latin’s comprehensive and comprehensible book.” —Margery Daughtrey, Editor-in-Chief, APS PRESS
©2011; 8" x 10" hard cover; 270 pages; 114 color images; ISBN 978-0-89054-392-4; 4 pounds; Item No. 43924
Order Online www.shopapspress.org Toll-Free 1.800.328.7650 U.S.A. and most of Canada. +1.651.454.7250 elsewhere
Applications must be received before May 1, 2011, for funding to begin September 1, 2011. Please submit six copies each of a short, two–three-page research proposal containing a concise statement of the objectives, methods and materials, and projected impact of the proposed research; a onepage resume (i.e., a brief education and research background, including a telephone number and e-mail address); and a letter (six copies) from the applicant’s major professor or research director. A budget is not required. Preference will be given to those proposals containing innovative, creative, and/or novel research approaches to the stated objective(s), and to the overall quality (organization, correct grammar, and spelling) of the written proposal. Send applications to A. Paulus, Chair Selection Committee, Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0122. If further details are desired, Paulus can be reached by e-mail (albert.paulus@ucr.edu) or by phone (+1.951.827.3431). n
Public Policy Update Public Policy Board Sets Priorities Jan Leach, PPB Chair, Jan.Leach@ColoState.edu To maximize our effectiveness in areas where our small group of volunteers can have the most impact for APS members, the APS Public Policy Board (PPB) met at APS Headquarters, December 7–8, 2010, to identify a Jan Leach set of priority areas on which to focus over the next three years. The priority areas described below are based on recommendations from APS members and APS Council and are issues that directly impact our members (e.g., regulatory issues) or are areas of previous focus that need continued advocacy or action to ensure success (e.g., National Culture Collection). We also take into account the advice of our Washington, DC, liaison, Kellye Eversole. Each priority area and the estimated percentage of time commitment for PPB activity is summarized in Figure 1. Priority I: Promote an education pipeline that attracts and broadly trains plant pathologists for the future. This priority dovetails with and supports the Coalition for a Sustainable Agricultural Workforce (CSAW) (www.sustainableagworkforce.org), which brings together professional scientific societies (including APS) and agricultural industry leaders to generate support to train future generations of agricultural scientists to work at universities, corporations, and government agencies. This priority builds on past PPB efforts to advocate for funding to educate plant pathologists (www.apsnet.org/members/ outreach/ppb/Pages/EducationInitiative.aspx). Now, PPB will develop a pilot platform that
promotes joint industry and public support for this education pipeline. Priorty II: Promote the development of a food safety network, including support for research, outreach, and regulatory efforts that enables food scientists and plant pathologists to solve problems related to human pathogens associated with plant produce. PPB has been promoting increased funding for fundamental and practical research to identify best management practices and to determine the contamination routes, environmental survival, and interactions between human pathogens and plants since 2008 (www.apsnet.org/members/outreach/ ppb/Pages/FoodSafety.aspx). We have argued that plant pathologists, with their expertise in understanding plant-microbe associations and interactions, should be part of research toward food safety solutions. For example, a PPB-led meeting proposal was recently funded that will bring together plant pathologists and food microbiologists to discuss research progress and gaps, and will lead the development of a Research Coordination Network. PPB will continue to advocate for interagency funding for collaborative research in food safety. Priorty III: Promote a National Plant Microbial Germplasm System (NPMGS) to protect, preserve, and enhance important plant pathogen culture collections. For several years, PPB has been promoting the development and funding of a long-term management plan for plant pathogen culture collections, including a common database that uniformly catalogues the content. Through PPB efforts, workshops have been held where national and international experts have grappled with how a NPMGS should be structured, and how it would be funded in the long term (www.apsnet.org/members/outreach/ppb/
10% Emerging Issues 25% Education 10% Regulatory 20% Food Safety
20% General Funding 15% Culture Collections
Pages/CultureCollections.aspx). These efforts led to the submission of an NSF Research Coordination Network proposal, a joint activity of the PPB and the APS Culture Collections Committee (Kevin McKluskey, lead PI). PPB will continue to advocate for support for a NPMGS. Priorty IV. Provide science-based guidance to regulatory policy issues of relevance to APS members. PPB and Eversole Associates continue to monitor and, where appropriate, comment on regulatory issues across the APHIS, EPA, FDA, and biosecurity arenas. Recently, PPB negotiated the placement of a subject matter expert at EPA (Frank Wong), which has considerably improved our insights into that agency. PPB will continue to advocate for science-based regulation, and we will work to inform APS members of emerging regulatory issues in a timely fashion. Priority V: Promote increased funding for research that supports both fundamental and applied questions relevant to agriculture and fosters and protects the pipeline of expertise for the future. We will advocate for industry and international partnerships. In addition, PPB will continue to monitor opportunities to interject plant pathology research, where relevant, and promote the funding of plant health research. Priority VI: Monitor and respond to emerging areas of relevance and possible positive benefits to APS members. For example, PPB will watch the Farm Bill as it develops to assess possible opportunities or risks for plant pathologists. We are monitoring various broad societal problems, such as climate change, energy needs, and health promotion, to ensure that plant health is considered. These priorities and the amount of effort PPB puts toward them will vary, depending on resources (human and financial), evolving relevance to APS members, and emergence of higher priority issues. We welcome member suggestions and comments on the priorities, and on what specifically PPB can do promote plant pathology and agricultural science in policy and funding decisions. Visit PPB’s webpage for regular updates and to learn more about how you can become involved, www.apsnet. org/members/outreach/ppb, or contact any member of PPB (see www.apsnet.org/members/ directories/Pages/PPB.aspx for full listing). n
Figure 1. Proportion of APS PPB effort toward priority areas Phytopathology News 25
New Webcasts on Potato Diseases Published in Focus on Potato
Reviewers (Always) Needed for Plant Disease Mike Davis, Plant Disease Editor-in-Chief, rmdavis@ucdavis.edu If it seems that you are asked to review Plant Disease manuscripts with greater frequency, there is a good reason. Submissions to the journal continue to increase at a fast pace. As examples, in 2007 we received 364 full manuscripts; in 2010, it will be more than 400. In 2007, we received 388 Plant Disease Notes, which have mushroomed to a projected 500 in 2010. All of these submissions require two reviews, a challenging task for editors responsible for finding willing volunteers. We all agree that one of the key elements of our science is peer-review evaluations of manuscripts to uphold our standards and sustain the high quality of Plant Disease. Participating in the process is an essential part of our society and our profession. If we publish in APS journals, we expect quality reviews. Therefore, we all must reciprocate because the need for qualified reviewers is greater than ever. Please make a commitment to our society and agree to review manuscripts as often as possible. If you cannot review a manuscript, suggest other potential reviewers. Members of the society who have not been asked to review papers can contact me or other members of the Editorial Board (http:// apsjournals.apsnet.org/page/pd_edboard) to express your interest and willingness to participate in this very important service to APS. For those who review manuscripts, the entire society appreciates your time and dedication. n
Corky ringspot and black dot are two yieldrobbing diseases that plague potato growers. Thanks to the help of Barry Jacobsen and Nick David, of Montana State University and North Dakota State University, respectively, growers and consultants have a new educational tool to manage these diseases. David’s presentation on corky ringspot of potato discusses Tobacco rattle virus, the causal agent of corky ringspot disease, as well as its vector, the stubby root nematode. The presentation also illustrates symptoms for diagnosis and identifies management practices to minimize corky ringspot. The black dot root rot presentation, authored by Jacobsen, discusses the causal fungus of the disease, Colletotrichum coccodes; diagnosis; potential yield loss; and its connection with Verticillium wilt and nematodes. Management practices for the disease are also discussed. View these webcast presentations, as well as others, on demand through the Plant Management Network’s (PMN’s) Focus on Potato website (www.plantmanagementnetwork. org/fop). Focus on Potato is a publication of PMN (www. plantmanagementnetwork.org), a nonprofit online publisher whose mission is to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. It achieves this mission through its applied, science-based resources. PMN is jointly managed by The American Phytopathological Society, American Society of Agronomy, and Crop Science Society of America. Stay aware of PMN’s latest webcasts, research articles, and other content by subscribing to the monthly PMN Update e-newsletter at www. plantmanagementnetwork.org/update/default. cfm. n 26 Phytopathology News
New Insecticide Trials Published on the Plant Management Network The Plant Management Network (PMN) is pleased to announce the posting of Arthropod Management Tests Vol. 35, the Entomological Society of America’s latest collection of insecticide efficacy trials, on the PMN website. Arthropod Management Tests, a resource published by the Entomological Society of America, offers short reports on preliminary and routine screening tests for management of arthropods. Pest management methods reported in this publication may be those using chemical pesticides as well as other materials, such as insect growth regulators, semiochemicals, traps, biocontrol agents, pest-resistant plants, and animals. Arthropod Management Tests is organized as a database. Users can search reports by host, author, scientific or common name of insects, and the brand or chemical names of any material evaluated. A list of reports and their titles is displayed that meets the search criteria with a link to each report, which consists of a summary detailing the trial, trial results, and pertinent trial data. This new volume, located at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/trial/AMT35/index.html, contains 223 searchable reports. More than 1,500 other insecticide trials from five previous Arthropod Management Tests (AMT) volumes can also be accessed through PMN at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/trial. Arthropod Management Tests, Volumes 30–35, are available for access on PMN for a small subscription fee. This subscription includes Plant Disease Management Reports of fungicides, nematicides, and biological controls; four peer-reviewed journals, including PMN’s Plant Health Progress journal; webcasts; targeted extension searches; image collections; proceedings; and more. To subscribe or learn more, visit www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/subscriptions. Arthropod Management Tests is distributed in part through PMN (www.plantmanagementnetwork. org), a nonprofit publisher of applied plant science resources. PMN is jointly managed by The American Phytopathological Society, the Crop Science Society of America, and the American Society of Agronomy. PMN’s nonprofit publishing mission is to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. n
Outreach APS Members at Non-Land Grant Colleges and Universities: Survey Results Monica Elliott, OPRO Director, melliott@ufl.edu In November 2010, the APS Office of Public Relations and Outreach (OPRO) sent a survey to APS members located at U.S. non-land grant institutions to gauge 1) involvement with APS, 2) utilization of APSnet materials (in the Education Center and elsewhere on the website), and 3) student interest in plant pathology careers. Fifty-three percent (43 out of 81) of these targeted members responded, and we thank them for their participation. Nearly 80% of the respondents had a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology and were primarily located at either a state-funded non-land grant university or a private four-year liberal arts college or university. Forty-four percent indicated that a plant pathology course was offered at their location. Thirty-five percent taught plant pathology as a dedicated course, while 93% incorporated plant pathology into other courses. In addition to teaching, 86% were conducting research. As evidenced by the results, this membership segment actively participates in APS functions—88% publish in APS journals, 68% serve as ad hoc reviewers for journals or APS PRESS, 6% as journal or APS PRESS edi-
tor, 21% as meeting session organizer, and 41% as volunteer for committee, advisory board, or governance position. When asked specifically about the APSnet Education Center, 56% had not used the materials. Of this subgroup, 41% indicated they were not familiar with the available materials and 36% indicated the materials did not meet their needs. Although 79% of their students were aware of careers in plant pathology, only 37% expressed interest, 35% were neutral, and 23% were not interested. While 51% of the members surveyed indicated they occasionally attend a national APS meeting, only 19% regularly attend, with 30% rarely or never attending. Student participation was about 16%. Financial support for the member and their students to attend APS meetings definitely would (47%) or probably would (21%) increase their participation. Similarly, financial support for undergraduate research definitely would (44%) and probably would (37%) increase member or student interest in plant pathology.
Approximately two-thirds of the respondents were not aware of the APS Foundation Howard Undergraduate Fellowship, the APSnet Undergraduate Internship listing, or APSnet Career Center resources, although most were familiar with the “Careers in Plant Pathology” brochure. The survey also solicited comments on how APS could best accommodate this survey group. Results varied, but some common themes did emerge: travel and research support for undergraduates, rescheduling the annual meeting to encourage student attendance, the addition of workshops and sessions on effective teaching, the promotion and advertisement of prospective internships (in college) and jobs in plant pathology (post-graduation) for undergraduate students, and promotion of the plant sciences in general. OPRO will be utilizing these findings as they identify and implement their key priorities and will be reaching out to this member segment in the upcoming year. For a full overview of current OPRO activities and a link to the board members, visit www.apsnet.org/members/outreach/ opro. n
APS Reaches Out to Biology Teachers According to a recent ad-hoc committee report in Plant Disease (93:1228–1237), the rate of retirements within the plant pathology profession will continue to increase. This will leave a wide variety of positions to be filled by the up-and-coming generations of plant pathologists. The APS Office of Public Relations and Outreach (OPRO) is working to introduce plant pathology to students prior
The APS booth helped educate NABT Annual Meeting attendees on incorporating plant science into their classrooms.
to entering college by encouraging teachers to include plant-related topics in their curriculum. In November 2010, the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) held their national conference in Minneapolis, MN. OPRO sponsored a booth in the exhibit hall to inform teachers about the science of plant pathology and the resources available to them on APSnet. Meeting attendees represented a variety of educational teaching levels, with 43% teaching high school, but nearly half at either a twoyear or four-year college. Regardless of what type of institution the teacher worked for, the response was fantastic! Teachers were engaged and interested in learning how to use plant pathology in their classrooms. “I had many great conversations about how to use plant pathology to illustrate concepts teachers were already covering in their lesson plans,” said Michelle Grabowski, OPRO board member and plant pathology extension educator from the University of Minnesota. Teachers were thrilled to learn about lesson plans, laboratory exercises, and disease lessons available in the APS Education Center. APS
members staffing the booth handed out 250 informational packets to teachers who were happy to have plant-related materials to teach. There was an overall consensus among participants that few plant-related topics are being covered in the classroom. Several teachers admitted a reluctance to teach plant sciences based on lack of teaching materials and their own animal science-based education. These comments illustrated the importance of the teaching materials available in the APSnet Education Center. All APS members can learn more about sharing lab exercises or lesson plans in plant pathology through the APS Education Center on the author information page at www. apsnet.org/edcenter/Pages/authorinfo.aspx. Do you ever visit local schools in your area? Are there career days or science fairs that you participate in? Help get the word out about the science of plant pathology. Find resources on careers in plant pathology and the new plant pathology career brochures at www.apsnet.org/ careers. n Phytopathology News 27
Go Global with APS and IAPPS continued from page 21
• Fruit, Vegetable, and Ornamental Field Tour • Turfgrass Field Tour • Application of Biotechnology to Meet the Challenges of Crop Production in the Tropics Tuesday afternoon field trips are designed to help you make the most of your time in Hawaii and are geared specifically toward plant pathologists with stops at local venues, such as arboretums, botanical gardens, farms, rainforest areas, and more. Visit www.apsnet.org/meet for a full list and descriptions. Workshops Learn to take scientific photos, find out about new grant opportunities, and gain hands-on experience on a number of scientific topics at an APS workshop. Workshops are an excellent way to learn something new in a small classroom setting and gain hands-on experience. This year’s workshops include: • Get Your Picture on the Cover of Science! Taking and Processing Excellent Photographs for Scientific Publication • Know New Pathogens: Why and How • Contemporary Methods in Population Genetics for Plant Pathology • Microbial Collections: Practice and Management • Coordinated Agricultural Projects: Making CAPs Work for You Special Sessions Special Sessions consist of invited speakers and topics chosen by the Annual Meeting Board under the guidance of Director Scott Adkins and 2011 Program Chair and President-Elect Carol Ishimaru. These sessions are carefully selected to represent the interests of both APS and IAPPS members and present a variety of information on both hot topics and traditional topics in the fields of plant pathology and plant protection. Listed alphabetically by section. Sessions are preliminary and subject to change. Emerging Pests/Invasive Species • Ag and Food Biosecurity: A Decade of Progress and Reality • The Developing Crisis, International Movement of Insects and Pathogens in Commercial Trade • Digital Identification Tools: Their Role in Biosecurity and Pest Management • IPM and Biological Control of Insect Pests, Plant Pathogens, and Invasive Weeds in the Pacific Islands: Where Are We Heading? • Wheat Blast—A Potential Threat to Global Wheat Production IPM-Biocontrol-Plant Disease Management • Better Use of Entomopathogenic Microbes in IPM 28 Phytopathology News
• Crop Health Management for Food Safety and Agroecosystem Health in Developing Countries • IPM Program for Vegetable Crops in the Tropics and Opportunities for IPM Graduates • Laboratory Methods for Detecting and Characterizing Fungicide Resistance • New Products and Services Plant Pathology—Diseases of Plants • Disease Complex Between Nematodes and Other Plant Pathogens • Management of Insect-Transmitted Plant Virus Diseases in the Tropics • New and Emerging Technologies in Turfgrass Disease Management • Omics Approaches for the Characterization of Interactions Between Human Enteric Pathogens and Plants: A Plant Pathologist’s Perspective • Phytopathological Phreakonomics • Schroth Faces of the Future in Nematology • Technology Outlook: Detection Innovations and Successes • Tropical Forest Pathology Plant Pathology—Epidemiology/Ecology/ Environmental Biology • 11th I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium: “Today’s Students Making a Difference in Plant Disease Epidemiology and Disease Management” • International Mycotoxin Issues in a Changing World • Why Care About Crop Loss? Impacts on Science, Production, and Society Plant Pathology—Molecular/Cellular/PlantMicrobe Interactions • Biology and Molecular Biology of Closteroviruses • Role of Fatty Acids and Lipids in HostPathogen Interactions • What Else Is There? New Genes, Metabolites, and Regulatory Pathways Involved in Biocontrol by Bacteria Plant Pathology—Biology of Pathogens • Fungal Comparative Genomics and the Impact of Next Generation Sequencing Professionalism/Outreach/Industry/Genetic Engineering • Challenges to the Production and Distribution of Quality Planting Materials, Seed, and Seed Systems for Farmers in Developing Countries • Innovative Chemical and Biological Approaches to Plant Protection • International Perspectives on IPM Education for Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Systems • MRLs: A Growing Agricultural Export Issue • Pesticide Resistance in Agriculture—A Global Issue
• Using Translational Biotechnology to Deploy Disease Resistance Traits in Crop Plants Weed Science • Invasive Weeds as a Threat to Agriculture and Human Health • Parasitic Weeds—The Drawback of the Hungry World Important Meeting Dates February 1 Mid-February March 15 May 4 June 29 August 6–10
Call for Papers Opens Registration Opens Call for Papers Closes Advanced Registration Deadline Regular Registration Deadline APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Honolulu, HI
We’re excited about the new educational opportunities that Hawaii offers and looking forward to a great meeting in this new location! The preliminary schedule, as well as full descriptions of the special sessions, workshops, and field trips, are available on the 2011 APSIPPC Joint Meeting website at www.apsnet. org/meet. n
2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting Abstract Submissions: February 1–March 15 Secure your place in the scientific program! Presenting an oral presentation or a poster at the meeting is the best way to ensure that your work is seen by the top plant pathologists in the world. Online submission of abstracts for the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Honolulu, HI, will take place February 1–March 15. • The March 15 deadline applies to submission of both oral and poster presentations. • Acceptance of oral presentations will be limited, so you are encouraged to submit early. • There is a limit of one (1) oral presentation per submitter or presenter. There is no limit to the number of poster submissions. Remember to fully edit and proof your abstract before submitting. n
Annual Financial Report Annual Audited Summary of APS Finances for Fiscal Year 2010 Randy Rowe, APS Treasurer, Rowe.4@OSU.edu The Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) and APS Headquarters staff met on August 5, 2010, in Charlotte, NC, to review financial matters related to the operation of the society and to refine the APS strategic Randy Rowe financial plan. FAC, headquarters staff, and leaders of APS business centers update and revise the strategic financial plan annually to ensure that funds are available to support all activities of the society. An overall society programmatic strategic plan is in place to put forth a strategy to meet the mission and vision for the future. APS Council and the officers regularly analyze the external environment and make progress toward assigning responsibility for developing and executing strategies to attain the goals of the society’s strategic plan. Having a strategic financial plan helps us, as a society, provide a focus for our resources and is used as a guide for the various committees and staff to do their jobs. Strategic targets inform everyone as to what is expected from their programs several years in advance so they can build and execute strategies over several budget years. The role of FAC in this process is not to get involved in strategy building, but rather to develop financial goals, build business plans to meet those goals, and monitor progress toward each goal. FAC continually asks the difficult questions such as which programs should break even and which are expected to generate surplus
to invest in our programs and services that best benefit our members. This plan continues to work for the society, allowing us to invest in our future. The FY10 budget from operations (excluding investments) was concluded with a surplus of $544,187. Much of this surplus resulted from a continued effort by staff and members to minimize expenses throughout the fiscal year. In addition, FY10 was a year of recovery for our investment portfolio. The APS investment portfolio, including the APS Foundation, had unrealized investment gains of $440,968. However, actuarial adjustments required by the employee pension plan resulted in an unfunded pension liability of $538,867 for the year. The 11 income and expense categories for the society are detailed in Table 1. Our total income ($5,116,883) was derived from ten sources as indicated in Figure 1, and our total operating expenses ($4,572,696) incurred during FY10 were partitioned as indicated in Figure 2. The income and expenses of the society for the most recent 17 FYs are presented in Table 2. The total assets of the society as of June 30, 2010, including restricted funds, were $7.1 million and current liabilities totaled $3.1 million. This resulted in total net assets of $4.0 million. Thank you for helping the society to continue our temporary cash conservation measures in FY10. These savings contributed to the positive net income from operations this year. We anticipate placing some of this money aside to invest in innovative activities for our members and the society. n
Fig. 1. Audited Income – 6/30/10 G&A 2% Annual Meeting 14%
Member Services 6% Auxiliary Meetings 5%
Phytopathology 17% APS PRESS 20% Plant Disease 15%
Plant Mgmt Network 7%
MPMI 14%
Fig. 2. Audited Expenses – 6/30/10 Member Services 13% G&A 26%
Auxiliary Meetings 5% Phytopathology 6% Plant Disease 8%
Annual Meeting 11%
Phytopathology News 1% MPMI 8% APS PRESS 18%
Plant Mgmt Network 5%
Table 2. Comparison of The American Phytopathological Society fiscal years 1994 to 2010 before reserve allocation Fiscal Surplus Year Income Expenses (deficit)
Table 1. Audited Summary of Income and Expenses—6/30/10 (Twelve Months) Net Before Income Expenses Overhead Member Services Auxiliary Meetings Phytopathology Plant Disease Phyto News MPMI Plant Mgmt Network APS PRESS Annual Meeting G & A (Overhead)
Net After Overhead
$324,335 6% $594,288 13% (269,953) (504,734) 236,712 5% 212,624 5% 24,088 12,642 875,203 17% 297,222 6% 577,981 462,306 782,903 15% 356,549 8% 426,354 277,726 10,754 0% 41,776 1% (31,022) (46,591) 718,064 14% 359,960 8% 358,104 237,219 366,839 7% 222,525 5% 144,314 1,189 1,003,950 20% 801,802 18% 202,148 21,670 714,996 14% 489,007 11% 225,989 82,760 83,127 2% 1,196,943 26% (1,113,816) –
Total $5,116,883 $4,572,696 $544,187 Surplus (Loss) $544,187
$ 544,187
FY10 $5,116,883 $4,572,696 FY09 $4,935,612 $4,508,102 FY08 $4,734,346 $4,712,582 FY07 $4,538,077 $4,327,412 FY06 $4,289,254 $3,754,227 FY05 $3,959,027 $3,819,096 FY04 $3,963,006 $3,700,013 FY03 $3,748,845 $3,864,217 FY02 $4,045,587 $3,997,846 FY01 $3,952,594 $4,059,101 FY00 $3,649,863 $3,724,910 FY99 $3,662,093 $3,692,259 FY98 $3,589,253 $3,431,727 FY97 $3,418,515 $3,216,088 FY96 $3,198,990 $2,974,105 FY95 $3,152,468 $2,907,285 FY94 $3,062,160 $2,902,793
$544,187 $427,510 $21,764 $210,665 $535,027 $139,931 $262,993 ($115,372) $47,741 ($106,507) ($75,047) ($30,166) $157,526 $202,427 $224,885 $245,183 $159,367
Phytopathology News 29
APS Northeast Division Gathers in Massachusetts for 70th Annual Meeting Beth K. Gugino, APS Northeastern Division Vice President, bkgugino@psu.edu The Northeastern Division of APS held its 70th annual meeting October 27–29, 2010, at Hotel Northampton, Northampton, MA. Robert Wick, University of Massachusetts, assisted by Frank Caruso, University of Massachusetts, handled local arrangements for a meeting that hosted 63 attendees who contributed a total of 39 presentations to the program. Before the meeting officially kicked off, attendees had the option of hiking up to Mt. Holyoke on what turned out to be a very rainy Wednesday
Nicholas Brazee (left) receives the Graduate Student Presentation Award from Beth Gugino.
morning. Fortunately for the group, the weather broke just long enough to keep the adventurous hikers mostly dry! Wednesday afternoon was reserved for the annual extension/industry meeting presided by Northeastern Division President Norman Lalancette, Rutgers University, that provides researchers and industry representatives an opportunity for an informal discussion about applied plant pathology. The evening social focused around a cocktail and music performed by several of our own very talented division members. The meeting kicked off on Thursday morning with a symposium entitled, “Challenges and perspectives of plant-parasitic and beneficial nematodes in plant production,” presided over by Wick. Presentations were made by the invited speakers, who included George Abawi, Cornell University; Don Dickson, University
Andy Wyenandt (right) receives the Early Career Achievement Award from Jim LaMondia. 30 Phytopathology News
of Florida; Jim LaMondia, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; and Parwinder Grewal, The Ohio State University. Symposium organizers capitalized on the fact that the invited speakers were already in town attending the Northeast Regional NE-171 nematology project meeting held during the two days prior to the division meeting. The morning was concluded by the first contributed paper session presided over by Geunhwa Jung, University of Massachusetts. Thursday afternoon, the Graduate Student Presentation Competition took place, presided over by Secretary-Treasurer Beth Gugino, who was joined on the judging panel by Margery Daughtrey, Andy Wyenandt, and Gaston Laflamme. Thirteen students participated in this year’s competition with participants representing Brock University, Cornell University, Rutgers University, The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), Université Laval, University of Massachusetts, University of New Hampshire, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Nicholas Brazee (University of Massachusetts; advisor, Wick) won the competition for his presentation entitled, “Armillaria species distribution and site relationships in Pinus and Tsuga-dominated
Norman Lalancette (left) passes the gavel to Russell Tweddell.
forestry research and the scientific community in addition to his seemingly limitless enthusiasm and devotion to the science of plant pathology. Wyenandt was honored for his significant contributions as a young scientist to vegetable pathology and his service to both APS and the Northeastern Division. The banquet came to a close with the passing of the American chestnut gavel from outgoing President Lalancette to Vice President Russell Tweddell, Université Laval. The program on Friday began with a second symposium entitled, “Emerging trends in plant health management,” presided over by Danny Rioux, Canadian Forest Service. Presentations were made by four invited speakers, including Bruce Clarke, Bingru Huang, and Don Kobayashi, Rutgers University; and John Kaminski, PSU. The symposium concluded with a panel discussion that included all symposium speakers in addition to David Rosenberger and Daughtrey (Cornell University) and Wyenandt. The meeting was concluded by a second session of contributed papers presided over by Jon Hulvey, University of Massachusetts.
Gaston Laflamme (right) receives the Award of Merit from Jim LaMondia.
forests in Massachusetts.” He received year-long memberships to both APS and the Northeastern Division, a one-year subscription to the APS journal of his choice, a $500 toward travel to an APS scientific meeting in the upcoming year, as well as an engraved plaque. On Thursday evening, banquet attendees were addressed by APS President John Sherwood, University of Georgia, and Lalancette. During the banquet, the division presented the Award of Merit to Laflamme, Canadian Forest Service), and the Early Career Achievement Award to Andy Wyenandt, Rutgers University, and announced Brazee as the Graduate Student Presentation Competition winner. Gaston was honored for his outstanding contributions to
(left to right) Northeastern Division Divisional Forum Representative Wade Elmer, APS President John Sherwood, Northeastern Division President Russell Tweddell, Vice President Beth Gugino, SecretaryTreasurer Andy Wyenandt, and Immediate Past President Norman Lalancette.
The division officers for 2010–2011 are Tweddell, president; Beth Gugino, vice president; Wyenandt, secretary-treasurer; Wade Elmer, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, divisional forum representative; and Lalancette, immediate past president. In October 2011, the Northeastern Division Annual Meeting will be held in New Brunswick, NJ, in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the Plant Pathology Department (now called the Department of Plant Biology and Pathology) at Rutgers University.
XV Congress of the Sociedad Española de Fitopatología George W. Sundin, Michigan State University, sundin@msu.edu, and Jesús Murillo, Universidad Pública de Navarra, jesus.murillo@unavarra.es
We thank the corporate sponsors for their support of this year’s meeting: AgraQuest, Bayer CropScience, Dow AgroSciences, DuPont, Syngenta, UPI, and Université Laval. To see the complete program, visit the APS Northeast Division website at www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/ne. Photos courtesy of Margery Daughtrey. n
APS Foundation Applications Due February 15 for Schroth Faces of the Future— New Perspectives in Nematology Symposium Applications for the Schroth Faces of the Future Symposium awards, created through an endowment established by Milt and Nancy Schroth, are due this month. Four awards are available and will provide funds of $400 each to the selected presenters to help support their travel to the meeting. The 2011 symposium, entitled Schroth Faces of the Future—New Perspectives in Nematology, is designed to acknowledge the new faces shaping the future of nematology. Speakers for the symposium will be chosen by a selection committee composed of nematologists and members of the Early Career Professionals Committee. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. (EST), February 15, 2011. Applications should be submitted as a single-merged PDF document via e-mail to Gilda Rauscher; see www. apsnet.org/members/ foundation/apply/Pages/ SchrothSymposium.aspx for details. n
Congress attendees gathered from across Spain and Europe, Latin America, and the United States.
The XV National Congress of the Sociedad Española de Fitopatología (Spanish Society of Plant Pathology [SEF]) was held in Vitoria, Spain, from September 27 to October 1, 2010. There were 352 registered attendees from throughout Spain and Europe, Latin America, and the United States, including current SEF President Maria Lopez. The scientific program consisted of 14 sessions dedicated to etiology and diagnosis, epidemiology, pathogenesis and resistance, and control, with 70 oral presentations and 320 posters. The program also included two sessions for the discussion of selected posters. The congress included four plenary sessions, each led by keynote presentations given by invited speakers of internationally recognized expertise on diverse topics of broad interest, including Thierry Candresse (INRA Bordeaux, France)—Plant viruses diversity and variability and their consequences on our ability to identify, detect. and control these phytopathogenic agents; Chris Gilligan (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)—Models for invasion and persistence of plant pathogens: Managing disease in the landscape; Bart Fraaije (Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom)—the use of crop archive samples to study adaptation of plant pathogens to agronomic practices and climate change; and George Sundin (Michigan State University, U.S.A.)—biofilms and fire blight: From basic research to field applications of disease management. Additionally, there was a symposium on genomics with invited presentations by Saskia Hogenhout and Pablo Rodriguez-Palenzuela, as well as a technical talk on next generation sequencing by Miguel Álvarez. All of the invited talks were of very high scientific quality and stimulated many interested questions and animated discussion from the numerous attendees. The SEF also organized a roundtable panel entitled “The control of plant diseases in the European context. The reduction in the availability of active ingredients.” The panel was composed of experts from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, the president of the Asociación Empresarial para la Protección de las Plantas (Business Association for Crop Protection), chemical companies, and national research institutes. The main conclusions of the panel were that the implementation of the new Community Directives in Europe would require experts in crop protection with Field trips provided attendees with an overview of the a professionalized technical training, and the main crops in the region. need to design and offer appropriate academic courses that will ensure an adequate technical training. During the meeting, three technical visits were offered to provide an overview of the main crops in the region and their phytopathological problems. The excursions were to the Rioja Alavesa, visiting vineyards; Northern Biscay, visiting forest sites; and Guipuzcoa, visiting apple orchards for cider production. The congress concluded with a rousing final night banquet with dancing that continued until 4 a.m. for most of the professors in attendance and until after 7 a.m. for the graduate students and post-docs! The XVI SEF National Congress will be held in 2012 in Malaga, Spain. Jesús Murillo was elected during the current meeting and will serve as vice president of SEF for the next four years. n Phytopathology News 31
People Student Degrees/Awards Sridhar Jarugula successfully completed his Ph.D. degree under the direction of Naidu Rayapati in the Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University. His thesis is entitled “Genetic diversity and molecular biology of GrapeSridhar Jarugula vine leafroll associated viruses.” He is pursuing post-doctoral research in Rayapati’s lab. Elizabeth Roche, a senior at Metro High School in Columbus, OH, was one of six students from Ohio selected to attend the Global Youth Institute, October 13–16, in Des Moines, IA. The Global Youth Institute is hosted by the World Food Prize Foundation, founded by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug. Roche was selected for the honor through an essay competition in which she wrote about Borlaug and his work in alleviating world hunger with the development of disease-resistant wheat varieties. At Ohio State University’s Department of Plant Pathology, Roche created a display honoring Borlaug and helped develop plant pathology outreach materials for a school project with Sarah Ellis, Pierce Paul, and Monica Lewandowski. She is currently engaged in a research project with Thomas K. Mitchell. Awards The National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) has received one of four 2010 USDANational Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Partnership Awards, which recognize exemplary work and outstanding contribution in support of the USDA mission and positive impact on agriculture. There are four categories of Partnership Awards: mission integration, multistate efforts, innovative program models, and effective and efficient use of resources. The NPDN received the award for innovative
From left, Jim Stack, Jeff Jones, Eileen Luke, Roger Beachy, Rick Bostock, George Hudler, and Marty Draper. 32 Phytopathology News
program models for its development of “… preparedness programs and interagency partnerships that have enhanced the security of crop agriculture in the United States.” Roger Beachy, NIFA director, presented the award to NPDN Executive Director Rick Bostock (Western Plant Diagnostic Network), who was joined by George Hudler (Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network), Jeff Jones (Southern Plant Diagnostic Network), Jim Stack (Great Plains Diagnostic Network), Eileen Luke (The Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems), and Marty Draper (NIFA) at a ceremony held at historic Fort McNair in Washington, DC, on October 6. Unable to attend but acknowledged during the ceremony were other members of the executive team Ray Hammerschmidt (North Central Plant Diagnostic Network), Kitty Cardwell (NIFA), and William Hoffman (NIFA). Although 35 individuals are specifically acknowledged for their exceptional efforts in the team award, the intent and spirit of the award is to recognize the hundreds of people across the nation for their contribution to the success of the NPDN. Mike Boehm, current vice provost for academic planning at The Ohio State University (OSU), was honored by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) as one of two recipients of the 2010 National Teaching Award at the Mike Boehm organization’s annual meeting in Dallas on November 14. The honor recognizes excellence in classroom teaching, use of innovative teaching methods, and service to students and to their profession. Boehm joined OSU’s Department of Plant Pathology in 1996 as assistant professor and became chair of the department in 2007, where he remained until June 2010 when he was tapped for his role in the provost’s office. Boehm, who led the department’s undergraduate program for several years, taught general plant pathology, developed new courses in bioterrorism and turfgrass disease management, and advised undergraduate and graduate students. He is known for incorporating realworld lessons into courses, such as Integrated Turf Management, where students work with industry partners to develop actual management programs for golf courses, sports fields, and landscapes. Current APS members who have also been honored by the APLU include National Teaching Award honoree Cleora D’Arcy (2000); regional teaching award recipients George Hudler (2000) and Gail L. Schumann (1994); and Diane Ullman as a new teacher award recipient in 1993.
Robert Noyd, professor of biology at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award by Carol Ishimaru, head of the Department of Plant Pathology, University Robert Noyd of Minnesota, at a special departmental ceremony and seminar in early November. This award was given to Noyd in recognition of his achievements in innovative teaching and his promotion of mycology and plant pathology in his “whole organism” approach to teaching biology. Noyd has taught for more than 30 years at the secondary school, college, and service academy levels. He includes plant pathology in lesson plans and regularly uses fungi as organisms of choice in teaching concepts of biological systems. Noyd is senior author of a soon-to-be-published textbook (Biology: Organisms and Adaptation) based on his pioneering approach to teaching biology. The Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter recently honored Clayton Hollier, professor of plant pathology and extension specialist, Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology, with the Extension Excellence Award. This award Clayton Hollier is given to recognize outstanding service of extension service employees whose objective is the building of morale and stimulation of performance to increase efficiency and successful programs. This award helps direct the public’s attention to the recorded performance of an individual and contributes to the awareness and appreciation of the high level of service by the LSU AgCenter to the public. Hollier was given this award for his dedication to plant disease detection and helping farmers combat these diseases in the field. A few examples of his outstanding activities/accomplishments in the past five years were his timely demonstration of the efficacious use of fungicides in improving wheat yield and grain quality; demonstrating that fungicides can control brown rust of sugarcane, thus improving yield and potentially sugar quality; having in place a response/action plan for managing Asian soybean rust; and agent training sessions in plant disease diagnosis.
Lee Hadwiger, professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University (WSU), was recognized for his 45 years of service to the university. On December 9, 2010, Hadwiger was recognized by WSU President Elson Floyd. Hadwiger’s research has been on the molecular genetics of host-pathogen interactions with special emphasis on disease resistance. A native of Oklahoma, Hadwiger received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Oklahoma State University and a Ph.D. degree from Kansas State University. At WSU, his initial research was on nonhost resistance in pea tissue induced by a bean pathogen Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli and on race-specific interactions between Flor’s flax isolines and races of Melampsori lini. He proposed the “Induction Hypothesis” based on his data and knowledge at that time about gene activation and host-parasite interactions. The pea endocarp was challenged with hundreds of known biologically active compounds to identify those that activated the pea defense response as indicated by pisatin accumulations and effects on secondary plant enzymes. Using specific inhibitors, Hadwiger with his coworkers showed that resistance was dependent on RNA and protein synthesis. Chitosan and fungal DNase were found to induce defense genes and total immunity to pea pathogens. A group of disease response genes (DRR genes) now referred to as PR genes were first cloned in his lab and evaluated transgenically in tobacco, potato, and canola plants. Research directed toward their promoters first implicated chromatin remodeling genes in the induction of the defense response, such as the gene, for the architectural transcription factor, HMG A, and nucleosome proteins, histones H2A and H2B. Recently, he discovered that there is an enhancement of ubiquitination and depletion of nuclear proteins associated with the transcription of PR genes in pea tissue within two hours after inoculation with the bean pathogen. Hadwiger is continuing research to characterize further the DNases released by plant pathogenic fungi and their role as major signals of nonhost disease resistance.
Elson Floyd, president, Washington State University (left) and Lee Hadwiger (right)
New Positions Karen Flint Ward joined the Department of Plant Pathology at Washington State University
(WSU), Pullman, as the coordinator of the WSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic eNetwork (PPDeN) and WSU plant disease diagnostician. She diagnoses plant health problems and collects and reports data on occurrences of plant diseases in WashingKaren Flint Ward ton, especially those deemed to pose a threat to agricultural security. Ward coordinates training for first detectors and develops educational materials and organizes workshops. She is the liaison among the WSU diagnostic laboratories, the PPDeN, government agencies, and the Western Plant Diagnostic Network (WPDN). Ward was formerly plant disease diagnostician at Utah State University in Logan, and conducted research on biological control of the weed Dyers’ woad (Isatis tinctoria) with the rust fungus Puccinia thlaspeos. She holds a master’s degree in plant pathology from University of California-Davis, and a bachelor’s degree in plant protection and pest management from the University of Idaho in Moscow. Don Henne has taken a new position as an assistant professor of vegetable integrated pest management with Texas A&M Agrilife in Weslaco. Henne previously served as an assistant research scientist working on plant disease-vector Don Henne interactions and epidemiology of potato zebra chip in Charlie Rush’s research plant pathology program with Texas AgriLife Research in Amarillo. In Memory Howard A. Scott, 84, of Fayetteville, AR, passed away on November 5, 2010. Scott, born in Fort Smith, AR, on August 12, 1926, spent most of his early years in Memphis, TN. After serving in the Military Police Howard A. Scott Corps, he attended the University of Memphis and received his B.S. degree in 1949. He taught grade and high school in Lima, MT, from 1949 to 1951. In 1950, he married Alta Renfro Hallett in Dillon, MT. He earned his M.A. degree from Montana State University and his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkley.
Howard began his career with USDA-ARS in Beltsville, MD. In 1967 he joined the faculty of the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, where he remained until his retirement as a university professor in 1991. Howard is recognized internationally for the excellence of his research in the area of virology, and especially for his contributions to the development and use of serology for the identification and characterization of plant and insect viruses. He devised a new method for purification of Cucumber mosaic virus that led to elucidation of the physical and chemical properties of the virus. With coworkers, he discovered and characterized Watermelon mosaic viruses 1 and 2. He modified the bentonite flocculation test, previously used in rheumatoid arthritis research, to allow for the detection of viruses in plant tissues. He developed a diffusion technique to detect nuclear polyhedrosis viruses in bollworms. He established that mouse ascites fluid provided an excellent source of antibodies for virology research. He and coworkers discovered and published on new plant and insect viruses and on new strains of these viruses. He and his colleagues conducted pioneering research on beetle-transmitted viruses that shows that ribonuclease in beetle regurgitant is the determining factor in whether or not a virus is transmitted by beetles to plants. A new gross wounding technique was developed to mimic feeding by beetles. This technique was used to determine the different ways that plant viruses infect cells and aids in the detection of germplasm resistant to viruses. He presented invited seminars to prestigious audiences in the United States and overseas. In 1985, the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization asked him to aid in the establishment of a virology research program at the Soybean Research Institute in Harbin, China. At the national and international levels, Howard developed an antiserum bank for the identification and characterization of plant viruses. He distributed antisera to scientists around the world. He served as a member of the Plant Virology Committee of The American Phytopathological Society (APS) on two occasions, and on the editorial board of the APS journal, Phytopathology. He is survived by his wife, Alta; four sons, Darel, of Red Rock, MT, John and his wife Beverly of Tulsa, OK, Jim of Fayetteville, AR, and Dan and his wife Sherry of North Little Rock, AR; and five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The community of plant pathologists benefited greatly from Howard’s research and teaching, and he will be missed by all who knew him and admired his contributions to our profession. People continued on page 34 Phytopathology News 33
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James F. Tammen, born in Sacramento, CA, on February 27, 1925, passed away peacefully on July 27, 2010, in State College, PA. A graduate of McClatchy High School, Sacramento, it did not take James F. Tammen him long to show his mettle. Enlisting in the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1944, he flew 35 consecutive combat missions over Germany earning an Air Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross, four Oakleaf Clusters, a Presidential Unit Citation, four Battle Stars, and along with his peers, received the gratitude of his country. Jim earned his B.S. degree, with honors, from the University of California-Davis in 1949 and his Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from the University of California-Berkeley in 1954. Following a stint at the University of Florida (U of F), he joined The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in 1956 as assistant professor of plant pathology in the then Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. Jim always will be remembered as a gentle, self-effacing, supremely considerate person, with proven mettle. He showed this again in 1963 when the Department of Plant Pathology was created, separate from the Department of Botany. Promoted by popular demand of the faculty to Department Head, he propelled his department in nine short years to be one of the top 10 nationwide. He did this by working with his colleagues, attracting new staff members, and forming “areas of excellence,” areas of specialization such as epidemiology, mushroom research, air pollution effects on plants, population genetics, and Fusarium research. He constantly urged cooperation in these endeavors both within and outside the department, always leading, never pushing. Soon an even wider horizon beckoned, this time as dean of the College of Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, and as director of International Programs in Agriculture at the University of Minnesota. His talents of persuasion and leadership resulted in a 10-year cooperative contract among the
university, USAID, and Morocco. In 1981, Jim accepted the presidency of Oglevee Associates, Inc. to satisfy and to cap his lifelong work in the diseases of ornamental plants. While at Oglevee, Jim developed and patented a pathogen-free production system for lilies. After serving a term as director for technology transfer at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the U of F, Jim retired and returned to PSU and remained actively involved in the Department of Plant Pathology throughout retirement. In 2006, at the request of the faculty, Jim was granted professor emeritus status by special action of the university to honor him for his role in developing the Department of Plant Pathology during his 13 years as head. Jim received many awards, recognitions, and patents centered on his work: the development of pathogen-free production of carnations and geraniums, and root disease control of poinsettia, chrysanthemum, and Easter lily. He was awarded the American Carnation Society Research Award, Award of Distinction International Geranium Conference. He was a member of The American Phytopathological Society for over fifty years, serving as president from 1974 to 1975 and was named an APS fellow in 1984. Jim’s beloved wife Marilyn predeceased him in 1995. He is survived by two daughters, Jeanne Arnold and Jan Menoher, and four grandchildren. He is missed by us all. Submission prepared by F. E. Gildow, R. L. Peplinski, and T. A. Toussoun. A Note from the Editor (extracted from the nominating statement prepared when Tammen was named an APS Fellow in 1984): Dr. Tammen’s contributions to The American Phytopathological Society and to the profession are many. As councilor, and subsequently as president, he recognized the importance of strong leadership and a strengthened central staff with greater responsibilities. His efforts helped in the creation of the Plant Disease Management Coordinating Committee, which brought together pathologists with diverse interests to meet common goals. He originated the Public Responsibilities Committee, initiated the Past Presidents’ Committee, and was active in creating the Long Range Planning Committee. He visualized the role the Society could play as a leader among sister societies when he served as co-founder of the Intersociety Consortium for Plant Protection. n
IMPORTANT APS DATES TO REMEMBER February 2011 1 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting call for papers opens 15 Schroth Faces of the Future—New Perspectives in Nematology symposium applications due 15 Student Travel Award application process opens March 2011 1 Nominations for the director of the APS Office of Education due 15 Online submission of abstracts due for 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting 22 Applications for 2011 Student Travel Awards due 34 Phytopathology News
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Assistant/Associate Professors—Mycology The University of Georgia invites applications for three tenure-track positions in the biology of fungi and fungus-like organisms to join a highly interactive multidepartmental group of plant and microbial biologists. 1) The Department of Plant Biology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences (FCAS) seeks applicants at the level of assistant professor, though candidates may also be considered at the level of early associate professor. 2) The Department of Microbiology, FCAS, seeks applicants at the level of assistant professor, though candidates may also be considered at the level of early associate professor. 3) The Department of Plant Pathology in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences seeks applicants at the assistant or associate professor level. Successful applicants will be expected to establish (assistant professor) or continue and expand (associate professor) a vigorous externally funded research program and instruct/mentor undergraduate/ graduate students. To apply, submit at www. plantbio.uga.edu/positions: 1) a single PDF of cover letter, including a statement of the position(s) the candidate is applying for, CV, and one–two-page statements of research interests/teaching philosophy; 2) a single PDF containing reprints of three research papers; and 3) three letters of recommendation submitted directly by references. For questions, please contact Stephanie Chirello at schirello@ plantbio.uga.edu or +1.706.542.1820. These positions are open until filled. n
Find more jobs online www.apsnet.org/careers/ jobcenter/pages/findajob.aspx
APS Journal Articles Phytopathology February 2011, Volume 101, Number 2 Genetic Analysis of Streptomycin-Resistant (SmR) Strains of Erwinia amylovora Suggests that Dissemination of Two Genotypes Is Responsible for the Current Distribution of SmR E. amylovora in Michigan. Evaluation of Kasugamycin for Fire Blight Management, Effect on Nontarget Bacteria, and Assessment of Kasugamycin Resistance Potential in Erwinia amylovora. Mutation of a degS Homologue in Enterobacter cloacae Decreases Colonization and Biological Control of Damping-Off on Cucumber. Cellulase Activity as a Mechanism for Suppression of Phytophthora Root Rot in Mulches. Disease-Reducing Effect of Chromolaena odorata Extract on Sheath Blight and Other Rice Diseases. A Test of Taxonomic and Biogeographic Predictivity: Resistance to Soft Rot in Wild Relatives of Cultivated Potato. In Planta and Soil Quantification of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris and Evaluation of Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Chickpea with a Newly Developed Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay. Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Rice Blast. Strigolactone Deficiency Confers Resistance in Tomato Line SL-ORT1 to the Parasitic Weeds Phelipanche and Orobanche spp. Identification of Resistance to New Virulent Races of Rust in Sunflowers and Validation of DNA Markers in the Gene Pool. Phenotypic Characterization of Potato Late Blight Resistance Mediated by the Broad-Spectrum Resistance Gene RB. In the Eye of the Beholder: The Effect of Rater Variability and Different Rating Scales on QTL Mapping. Characterization of a Synergistic Interaction Between Two Cucurbit-Infecting Begomoviruses: Squash leaf curl virus and Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus.
Plant Disease February 2011, Volume 95, Number 2 Control of Common Bunt in Organic Wheat. Citrus Sudden Death Is Transmitted by GraftInoculation and Natural Transmission Is Prevented by Individual Insect-Proof Cages. Recognition and Molecular Discrimination of Severe and Mild PVYO Variants of Potato virus Y in Potato in New Brunswick, Canada. Identification of Weed Hosts of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Cyprus. Quantifying the Within-Field Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Bean pod mottle virus in Soybean. Development of a Quick Quantitative Real-Time PCR for the In Vivo Detection and Quantification of Peach latent mosaic viroid. Real-Time PCR Quantification of Peronospora arborescens, the Opium Poppy Downy Mildew Pathogen, in Seed Stocks and Symptomless Infected Plants. Snake melon asteroid mosaic virus, a Tentative New Member of the Genus Sobemovirus Infecting Cucurbits.
Influence of Inoculation Date on the Colonization of Xylella fastidiosa and the Persistence of Almond Leaf Scorch Disease Among Almond Cultivars. Analysis of Xylem Fluid Components in Almond Cultivars Differing in Resistance to Almond Leaf Scorch Disease. Exogenous Applications of Abscisic Acid Increase Curing of Pierce’s Disease-Affected Grapevines Growing in Pots. Competitive Ability and Fitness of Alternaria alternata Isolates Resistant to QoI Fungicides. Occurrence and Yield Effects of Wheat Infected with Triticum mosaic virus in Kansas. Baseline Sensitivity of Cercospora zeae-maydis to Quinone Outside Inhibitor Fungicides. Reduction of Corky Root Infections on Greenhouse Tomato Crops by Soil Solarization in South Italy. Variation Within and Among Vitis spp. for Foliar Resistance to the Powdery Mildew Pathogen Erysiphe necator. Identification of Atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus Isolates to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination of Maize in Kenya. First Report of Nigrospora sphaerica Causing Leaf Spots on Chinese Wisteria: A New Host of the Pathogen. Occurrence of Grapevine Trunk Disease Caused by Botryosphaeria rhodina in China. First Report of Anthracnose Caused by Glomerella acutata on Chili Pepper in China. First Report of the Ash Dieback Pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (Anamorph Chalara fraxinea) on Fraxinus excelsior in Belgium. First Report of Crown Rot on Gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata) Caused by Fusarium proliferatum in Korea. First Report of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus in Squash in the Czech Republic. Severe Outbreak of Bacterial Canker Caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis on Tomato in Central Italy. First Report of Dieback on Hybrid Rhododendrons Caused by Neofusicoccum luteum and N. parvum in Spain. First Report of Root Rot on Rhodiola sachalinensis Caused by Fusarium verticillioides (Gibberella fujikuroi) in China First Report of Bacterial Wilt Caused by Ralstonia solanacearum on Mesona chinensis in China. First Report of Brown Felt Blight Caused by Herpotrichia juniperi on Cedrus libani in Turkey. First Report of Phytophthora ramorum on Rhododendron in Greece. First Report of Charcoal Rot Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina in Sunflower in Turkey. First Report of Botrytis hyacinthi on Pineapple Lily in California. First Report of Cercospora beticola Causing a Leaf Spot Disease on Acanthus mollis in California. First Report of Sweetpotato symptomless virus 1 and Sweetpotato virus A in Sweetpotatoes in Tanzania. First Report of Brown Rot of Peach Caused by Monilinia fructicola in Southeastern China. Powdery Mildew Caused by Golovinomyces cichoracearum on Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) in Italy. First Report of Bituminaria Witches’-Broom in Australia Caused by a 16SrII Phytoplasma.
First Report of Tomato spotted wilt virus on Gerbera hybrida in Serbia. First Report of Leaf Spot Disease of Peony Caused by Seimatosporium botan in China. First Report of Bark Dieback on Blueberry Caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea in Korea. First Report of Shallot latent virus in Garlic in Brazil. First Report of in vitro Fludioxonil-Resistant Isolates of Fusarium spp. Causing Potato Dry Rot in Michigan. First Report of Golovinomyces cichoracearum as the Causal Agent of Powdery Mildew on Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (Synonym Aster novibelgii) in Denmark.
MPMI February 2011, Volume 24, Number 2 The Role of Catalase-Peroxidase Secreted by Magnaporthe oryzae During Early Infection of Rice Cells. Characterization of Geminivirus Resistance in an Accession of Capsicum chinense Jacq. Callose Deposition: A Multifaceted Plant Defense Response. Functional Analysis of the Asian Soybean Rust Resistance Pathway Mediated by Rpp2. The Evolutionary History of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus Deduced from Genetic Variation, Geo graphical Origin and Spread, and the Breaking of Host Resistance. Response to Environmental Stresses, Cell-wall Integrity, and Virulence Are Orchestrated Through the Calcineurin Pathway in Ustilago hordei. Regulation and Symbiotic Role of nirK and norC Expression in Rhizobium etli. Genomic and Evolutionary Features of the SPI-1 Type III Secretion System That Is Present in Xantho monas albilineans but Is Not Essential for Xylem Colonization and Symptom Development of Sugarcane Leaf Scald. Germinating Spore Exudates from Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Molecular and Developmental Responses in Plants and Their Regulation by Ethylene. The Pseudomonas Secondary Metabolite 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol Is a Signal Inducing Rhizoplane Expression of Azospirillum Genes Involved in Plant-Growth Promotion.
Plant Management Network www.plantmanagementnetwork.org Plant Health Progress Ascochyta Blight of Chickpeas. Evaluation of a Dynamic Model for Primary Infections Caused by Plasmopara viticola on Grapevine in Quebec. Seed Transmissibility of Alfalfa mosaic virus in Soybean. A Comparison of Disinfectants to Prevent Spread of Potyviruses in Greenhouse Tomato Production. A Strain of Japanese Holly fern mottle virus Infecting Leatherleaf Fern in the United States. Mycobiota on Wild Oat (Avena fatua L.) Seed and Their Caryopsis Decay Potential. n
Phytopathology News 35
News The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 United States of America
Calendar of Events
APS Sponsored Events February 2011 6-7 — APS Southern Division Meeting. Corpus Christie, TX. www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/south March 2011 9-11 — APS Potomac Division Meeting. Rehoboth Beach, DE. www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/pot 19-22 — APS Caribbean Division Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico. www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/carib June 2011 15-17 — APS North Central Division Meeting. Omaha, NE. www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/nc August 2011 6-10 — APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI. www.apsnet.org/meet 6-10 — APS Pacific Division Meeting. Honolulu, HI. www.apsnet.org/members/ divisions/pac Upcoming APS Annual Meetings August 4-8, 2012 — Providence, RI. August 10-14, 2013 — Austin, TX. August 9-13, 2014 — Minneapolis, MN.
Other Upcoming Events February 2011 8-11 — Seventh North American Strawberry Symposium combined with the North American Strawberry Growers Association Conference. Tampa, FL. www.nasga.org 12 — 14th International Poster Session “Ecosystems, Organisms, Innovations.” University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. www.scribd.com/doc/44668962 20-23 — Maize Disease Genetics Workshop. Raleigh, NC. peter_balintkurti@ncsu.edu March 2011 21-23 — Joint Meeting of the 57th Annual Conference on Soilborne Plant Pathogens and the 43rd Annual California Nematology Workshop. University of California, Davis, CA. paulitz@wsu.edu April 2011 4-7 — Sixth IOBC Working Group Meeting on Multitrophic Interactions in Soil. Cordoba, Spain. Cordobamultitrophic2011@ias.csic.es 11-14 — International Congress of Postharvest Pathology. Lleida, Spain. www.postharvestpathology.com 26-29 — 4th Asian Conference for Plant Pathology (ACPP) Concurrent with the 18th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference. Darwin, Australia. www.appc2011.org May 2011 23-28 — 4th International Workshop for Phytophthora, Pythium, and Related Genera: Systematics (Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Phylogeny), Detection, Databases, Ecology. College Park, MD. gloria.abad@aphis.usda.gov
June 2011 1-3 — Second Argentine Congress of Plant Pathology. Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. www.aafitopatologos.com.ar July 2011 23-30 — XVIII International Botanical Congress. Melbourne, Australia. www.ibc2011.com August 2011 2-6 — XV Intl. Congress on MPMI. Kyoto, Japan. http://mpmi2011.umin.jp September 2011 5-7 — Resistance 2011. Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom. bart.fraaije@bbsrc.ac.uk 11-14 — 8th International Symposium on Mycosphaerella and Stagonospora Diseases of Cereals. Mexico City, Mexico. http://conferences. cimmyt.org/en/home-septoria-conference October 2011 16-19 — The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America 2011 Annual Meeting: Fundamental for Life: Soil, Crop, & Environmental Sciences. San Antonio, TX. www.soils.org/meetings August 2013 25-30 — 10th International Conference of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. www.icppbj2013.org n
For the most current listing go to www.apsnet.org/meetings/meetingcalendar.