April 2011 • Volume 45 • Number 4
OPRO Revitalizes Priorities for 2011 at Midyear Board Meeting Monica Elliott, OPRO Director, melliott@ufl.edu
News 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting Registration & Housing Open
To review the board’s work over the past year and plan for the next fiscal year, the Office of Public Relations and Outreach (OPRO) met November 30–December 1, 2010, at APS Headquarters. Our primary focus since the November 2009 board meeting had been to support the APS Education Initiative based on a three-step plan developed at that meeting. Step 1: Attract K-12 students to science by interacting with the students and their teachers. Step 2: Attract science-oriented high school students to plant sciences/biology undergraduate majors, either directly or via their teachers. Step 3: Attract plant sciences/biology undergraduates to plant pathology graduate programs. In support of this plan, OPRO sponsored, participated in, or supported a variety of activities. In 2010, the board again sponsored the APS Video Contest, but with an increase in categories. OPRO Revitalizes Priorities continued on page 51
Tisserat Named New Plant Health Progress Editor-in-Chief; New Senior Editors Announced
Ned Tisserat
Effective 2011, Ned Tisserat has been named editor-in-chief of Plant Health Progress, www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/php, together with four new senior editors. Tisserat received his B.S. degree from Colorado State University (CSU), his M.S. degree from Texas A&M University, and a Ph.D. degree from the University of WisconsinMadison in 1982. Tisserat was employed by Kansas State University as an extension specialist from 1984 to 2004. In 2004, he joined the Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management at CSU, where he currently is an extension specialist. His research and extension interests include diseases of small grains, turfgrasses, and ornamentals and development of new diagnostic and surveillance techniques for plant pathogens. Plant Health Progress Editors continued on page 52
In this Issue Editor’s Corner .......................................... 50 Public Policy Update ................................. 53 OIP News & Views ................................... 56
Division News ........................................... 56 People ....................................................... 59 Classified ................................................... 62
Photo by Ron Dahlquist, courtesy of Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA).
Don’t miss this opportunity to join APS and IAPPS in Honolulu, HI, U.S.A., August 6–10. Members, save up to $105 when you register by May 4! Why Attend in 2011? • Expanded program—more sessions, more workshops, more field trips, more science! • Unique location—APS is meeting for the first time in beautiful Honolulu! • Diverse attendance—attendees from more than 50 countries are expected! Stay at the center of the action at the Hilton Hawaiian Village or the DoubleTree Alana Waikiki. Rooms are available at considerable discounts to attendees. Get the best rate and help APS meet financial obligations made in order to secure these rates. The full registration brochure, with daily schedule, pricing, and full special session listings, is available online only. Register today at www.apsnet.org/meet. n
APS Journal Articles .................................. 63 Calendar of Events .................................... 64
April 2011 • Volume 45 • Number 4
Editor-in-Chief: Doug Jardine Managing Editor: Michelle Bjerkness Editor: Amanda Aranowski Design: Agnes Walker Advertising Sales: Karen Deuschle Phytopathology News (ISSN 0278-0267) is published eleven times per year by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) at 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Phone: +1.651.454.7250, Fax: +1.651.454.0766, E-mail: aps@scisoc.org, Web: www.apsnet.org. Phytopathology News is distributed to all APS members. Subscription price to nonmembers is $69 U.S./$81 Elsewhere. Periodicals paid at St. Paul, MN. CPC Intl Pub Mail #0969249. Postmaster: Send address changes to Phytopathology News, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Submission Guidelines Address all editorial correspondence to: Doug Jardine, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66506-5502 U.S.A. Phone: +1.785.532.1386; Fax: +1.785.532.5692; E-mail: PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org. In order to ensure timely publication of your news items and announcements, please send in material six weeks prior to the date of publication. Material should be no more than six months old when submitted. Submission of materials as electronic files, via e-mail, will speed processing. For information on submitting electronic images contact Agnes Walker at awalker@scisoc.org. Deadline for submitting items for the June 2011 issue is April 15, 2011.
APS Leadership Council President: John L. Sherwood President-Elect: Carol A. Ishimaru Vice President: Michael J. Boehm Immediate Past President: Barbara J. Christ Internal Communications Officer: Danise T. Beadle Internal Communications Officer-Elect: David M. Gadoury Treasurer: Randall C. Rowe Senior Councilor-at-Large: Carolee T. Bull Intermediate Councilor-at-Large: Anne E. Dorrance Junior Councilor-at-Large: Walter F. Mahaffee Divisional Councilor: David G. Schmale III Publications Councilor: Anthony P. Keinath Executive Vice President: Steven C. Nelson Editors-in-Chief APS PRESS: Margery L. Daughtrey MPMI: Gary Stacey Phytopathology: Niklaus J. GrÜnwald Phytopathology News: Doug J. Jardine Plant Disease: R. Mike Davis Plant Disease Management Reports: Frank P. Wong Plant Health Progress: Ned A. Tisserat The Plant Health Instructor: Anton B. Baudoin Board and Office Chairs and Directors APS Foundation Chair: Ray D. Martyn Divisional Forum Chair: George W. Sundin PPB Chair: Jan E. Leach Publications Board Chair: Anthony P. Keinath OEC Director: Darin M. Eastburn OIP Director: Sally A. Miller OIR Director: Brian D. Olson OPRO Director: Monica L. Elliott AMB Director: Scott T. Adkins AXMB Director: Gary C. Bergstrom Division Officers Caribbean Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Maria Mercedes Roca President: Lydia I. Rivera-Vargas Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Ronald D. French-Monar North Central Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: George W. Sundin President: Deanna L. Funnell-Harris Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Loren J. Giesler Northeastern Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Wade H. Elmer President: Russell J. Tweddell Vice President: Beth K. Gugino Secretary-Treasurer: Christian A. Wyenandt Pacific Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Jim E. Adaskaveg President: Jay W. Pscheidt President-Elect: Debra A. Inglis Secretary-Treasurer: Juliet M. Marshall Potomac Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Kathryne Everts President: Boris A. Vinatzer Vice President: Yilmaz Balci Secretary-Treasurer: Bingyu Zhao Southern Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Timothy B. Brenneman President: David Langston President-Elect: Raymond W. Schneider Vice President: Jason Woodward Secretary-Treasurer: Donald M. Ferrin
50 Phytopathology News
Editor’s Corner The Changing Face of Phytopathology News Doug Jardine, Kansas State University, PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org I would like to begin this month by thanking immediate past Editor-inChief Joyce Loper for sending me the approximately first 20 years of back issues of Phytopathology News. This allows me to have a complete hard copy set of all 45 volumes of the newsletter. With that in mind, it was my intent to write a “This Day in History” column for April. As I dug through back issues looking for items of interest, however, I noted that over the years, the appearance of the newsletter has changed, specifically the masthead. The first issue, published in January 1967, featured the newly adopted official seal of the society. The seal (right) was developed by the Special Committee Doug Jardine on Design of the Official Seal, chaired by S. E. A. McCallen. It was presented to and subsequently approved by APS Council at the 1966 APS Annual Meeting held in Denver. The seal features a shield with line drawings of a fungus, nematode, virus, and bacterium. Green and gold were also approved as the official colors. The shield would remain a fixture on the masthead through the December 1979 issue. The shield of course achieved its Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame when the APS retro T-shirt featuring it was worn by the character Leonard Hofstadter on the TV comedy, The Big Bang Theory. Over the years, eight different mastheads have appeared on the cover of the newsletter (left). A new logo, developed by the ad hoc branding committee, led by Eric Stromberg, made its appearance on the masthead in October 2001. A press release issued at the time included the following information, “The logo’s design is based on interviews with APS members and reflects the attributes members most associate with APS, ‘innovative, professional, forward thinking, global, collaborative, dedicated, and nurturing.’ The predominance of the leaves is used to communicate the key message that the overall goal of a plant pathologist’s work is to ensure the health of plants. States Stromberg, ‘We think the logo does an excellent job of reflecting who we are and what we do. Exactly the things a logo is meant to do.”’ The print versions have always been in black and white; however, the masthead made its color appearance in the April 2004 online issue. How many of you noticed not only a slight change in masthead design beginning with the January 2011 issue, but also that the masthead now appears in two colors? I am still trying to find more information on the development of the seal. If any of our more senior members have recollections on how the design of the seal came to be, I would be happy to hear from you. n
2010 Art in Phytopathology Submission: Dwarf Mistletoe over Lake Tahoe Brent Oblinger, USDA Forest Service Plant diseases can be just as beautiful as a place like Lake Tahoe, and we seem to encounter diseases in the most unexpected places wherever our travels take us. In forest pathology, we sometimes have the opportunity to work in beautiful surroundings and diseases add to the beauty and character of these landscapes. n
OPRO Revitalizes Priorities continued from page 49
Submissions increased over 2009, and all the videos were posted to the APS YouTube channel and submitted to the Chlorofilms video contest. OPRO plans to sponsor the Video Contest again in 2011. Kevin Ong and Anton Baudoin have joined an organizational steering committee of PlantingScience, whose goal is to develop plant-oriented modules for middle and high school students. While a number of APS members have become mentors for PlantingScience (www.PlantingScience.org), more mentors are always welcome. A new APS booth was displayed at the 2010 APS Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. This booth has a new backdrop and two stand-alone banners developed from the Science Museum displays that were used at the 2008 APS Centennial Meeting. These are now available to all APS members to use at their outreach events. OPRO’s booth was used at the national FFA convention in October 2010, with Nicole Donofrio and Alissa Kriss in attendance. The booth’s location in the “Teachers World” area this year, rather than the main floor, increased the number of attendees who had a serious interest in what APS has to offer. A new event for OPRO this year was the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) conference in November 2010, where the booth was also displayed with Michelle Grabowski, Michelle Bjerkness, and Karen Deuschle attending. APS was nicely positioned next to the American Society of Plant Biologists. This conference is attended by both high school and community college instructors, and the interaction was very positive and quite enlightening. OPRO plans to attend both of these events again in 2011. Another new national outreach event will be the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research to be held March 31–April 2 at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. While there won’t be room for the full display, David Gadoury will be attending on behalf of APS. A new career brochure, available to all members, was developed in 2010. This can be viewed at www.apsnet.org/CareerBrochure or requested from APS Headquarters. For 2011, a new youth poster is being developed with high school and community college students as the target audience. The overall theme is making a difference, and the focus will be on careers (plant pathologists in action) rather than on plant pathogens. Another outreach activity aimed at undergraduate students and their professors was the sponsoring of Undergraduate Experience Day at the 2010 APS Annual Meeting. Science professors and instructors at all the colleges in the Charlotte, NC, area were targeted, but we only had one attendee, who was a fountain of information. The primary problems are the timing of the annual meeting, which is just after the summer session for most colleges, and the fact that many of the professors and instructors are on nine-month appointments and may not be available to attend during the summer. The board felt it may be a more appropriate event for the division meetings.
Mycotoxin Committee Hamed K. Abbas, Mycotoxin Committee Chair, Hamed.Abbas@ars.usda.gov The Mycotoxin Committee is one of the many committees of APS and has an important role in accomplishing the goals of APS. This committee has many members from universities, government agencies, and industry. Many of the members of the committee are well known and have many accomplishments in their fields. The committee meets every year at the annual meeting of APS. In addition, the committee proposes symposia on mycotoxins to update and inform people about the latest research in food safety and mycotoxins. Another important goal is outreach to the next generation of scientists. The committee is also working on a textbook for use by university students. This committee includes people from all over the world. The overall goal of the Mycotoxin Committee is to make the world’s food supply safer and to exchange ideas between scientists in different areas of study and throughout the world. n
Save on every compendium in the store.
Another mandate of OPRO is service to all APS members. Thus, we surveyed APS members that are not located at land-grant universities. Results of that survey were published in the February 2011 issue of Phytopathology News.
APS Headquarters staff will continue to develop press releases, but they will be related to APS activities only. The board felt the universities and companies have their own communication departments, and it does not make sense to compete with them for news items on plant diseases and plant pathologists. However, it was felt that we need to encourage APS members to connect with their communication/publicity departments at their own locations to get stories out about plant pathology. Communications departments cannot develop a story if they don’t know a story exists, i.e., we need to toot our own horns! Clearly, 2010 was a productive year for OPRO. We look forward to 2011 and the variety of outreach efforts planned for the year with enthusiasm! n
From Apple to Wheat and more than
45 titles in between. Through May 17, 2011
While it is still undecided if we will have the OPRO booth at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Hawaii, we will definitely present a poster on OPRO activities and APS resources. We also plan to develop a bookmark promoting the outreach resources available on APSnet to be placed in registration packets. Plans are also underway to develop a symposium on how to interact (positively) with the media.
www.shopapspress.org Phytopathology News 51
Plant Health Progress Editors continued from page 49
Boyd Padgett was born in Monroe, LA. He received his B.S. degree at Louisiana Tech University in 1984, his M.S. degree in 1987 from the University of Georgia (UGA), and a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Louisiana State University (LSU) in 1992. He began his career with UGA as a peanut, soybean, and small grains extension pathologist. He is currently employed by the LSU Agricultural Center with a joint research/extension (25%/75%) appointment. Boyd is housed at the Macon Ridge Research Station near Winnsboro, LA. His responsibilities include conducting research trials and developing extension programs in cotton, field corn, grain sorghum, soybean, and small grains. The research component emphasizes disease management, epidemiology, disease forecasting, fungicide evaluations, and screening crop varieties for genetic Boyd Padgett resistance to pathogens. The extension component is used to disseminate research-based information to the agricultural community using on-farm demonstrations, field tours, state and regional meetings, and individual farm visits. The majority of his efforts during the past two years has focused on evaluating and developing management strategies for soybean rust, Cercospora foliar blight, and leaf rust in wheat. Jay Pscheidt is a professor at Oregon State University and an extension plant pathology specialist. He received his B.S. degree in bacteriology in 1980 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in plant pathology in 1983 and 1985, respectively, all from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a research associate II at Cornell University from 1986 to 1988 studying grape diseases. His principal duties are to lead a statewide extension program related to the diagnosis and management of diseases of all fruit, nut, and ornamental/nursery crops. Active programs include management of the hazelnut disease eastern filbert blight and testing the efficacy of many chemical compounds, biological agents, and techniques for management of various tree fruit, nut, and ornamental diseases important to Oregon’s agricultural industries. He has co-edited several books, Jay Pscheidt including the Compendium of Nut Crop Diseases in Temperate Zones and the annual regional publication The Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Management Handbook (along with its supporting website, The On-line Guide to Plant Disease Control). Pamela Roberts is a professor of plant pathology at the University of Florida (UF), Southwest Florida Research and Extension Center in Immokalee. She received a B.S. degree from Kansas State University in 1987, an M.S. degree from the University of Hawaii in 1991, and a Ph.D. degree from UF in 1996. Her responsibilities include extension and research on the integrated management of diseases on vegetables and citrus. Current extension and research programs focus on understanding the population diversity and ecology and applying novel or improved methods for management of bacterial and oomycete pathogens. She has served as a section editor for Plant Disease Management Reports. James Stack received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Massachusetts and a Ph.D. degree from Cornell University. He is director of the Great Plains Diagnostic Network (GPDN) and professor of plant pathology at Kansas State University (KSU). As the director of GPDN, Stack coordinates a nine-state project for the rapid detection and accurate diagnosis of highconsequence pathogens and pests. He is a principal investigator of a plant biosecurity project regarding emerging diseases and has collaborated on several international projects regarding plant biosecurity. Stack’s interests have centered on the accidental and intentional (e.g., biological control, bioterrorism) introduction of plant pathogens into natural and agricultural plant systems and span from preparedness and prevention to mitigation James Stack and recovery. The magnitude of global trade in plants and plant products ensures the constant introduction of pathogens into new environments. Of particular interest is developing a better understanding of the impacts to plant health and food security. Prior to joining KSU, Stack was on the faculty at the University of Nebraska and at Texas A&M University. Stack formerly worked for EcoScience Corporation as the director of applied research, leading the discovery, development, and commercialization of microbe-based disease management products. Stack’s research interests include pathogen detection and surveillance, pathogen ecology, and epidemiology. n Pamela Roberts
52 Phytopathology News
Don’t Miss This Hands-On Workshop—Microbial Collections: Practice and Management— at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting A hands-on workshop, entitled Microbial Collections: Practice and Management and sponsored by the APS Collections and Germplasm Committee and cosponsored by the Mycology Committee, will be held on August 5, 2011, at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. This workshop will cover general practical aspects of managing microbial collections. Presentations and demonstrations will be given by experienced curators from fungal, bacterial, and viral collections and a database expert. Topics include protocols for preservation, maintenance, and distribution of fungi; identification, preservation, and shipping bacterial germplasm in the International Collection of Phytopathogenic Bacteria (ICPB); maintenance and preservation of plant viruses on a budget; as well as an introduction on how to use informatics tools to improve the management of culture collections and associated data. Don’t forget to register for the workshop with your 2011 Joint Meeting registration! n
IMPORTANT APS DATES TO REMEMBER April 2011 26 Applications for the J. Artie and Arra Browning Plant Medicine and Health Travel Fund due May 2011 2 Election e-mail sent to membership 4 Advanced registration deadline for 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting 31 Online election closes 31 University Recruitment Challenge deadline June 2011 1 2011 OPRO Video Contest submissions due 2 Nominations due for the 2011 Outstanding Volunteer Award July 2011 1 2011 Art in Phytopathology submissions due August 2011 1 Seventh Annual Silent Auction items sent to Hawaii by this date
New Phytopath Policy Blog Launched from APS PPB
Access to the Phytopath Policy Blog requires logging in since this is a member-only benefit. To set up an alert so that you are notified each time a new post is published, click on the “Blog Archive” link on the left side of the screen. On the next page, click on the “Actions” pull down in the lime green bar and then click on “Alert Me.” n
Plant Pathologist Angela Records to Represent APS Interests in DC Angela Records, an APS member and an alumnus of the Public Policy Board (PPB) internship program, has joined Eversole Associates as a consultant. Records, who received her Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Texas A&M University and is completing a post-doctoral position at the University of Maryland, will work with Kellye Eversole on representing APS interests in Washington and on other activities. “Advancing science and technology initiatives to meet the needs of our world today and the likely challenges of tomorrow is at the core of Eversole Associates,” explains Eversole. “By bringing to our team a scientist of Angela’s caliber, I believe that we will be able to more effectively meet the needs of our clients. As a plant pathologist and APS member, I also believe that she will bring another dimension to the skills and activities that we can offer to the APS. We have enjoyed our past association with APS and we look forward to achieving more great things in the future,” Eversole added. Angela Records
Records joined in time to participate in the PPB meeting held in Washington in mid-March and will be a regular contributor to the Phytopath Policy Blog. n
AC Diagnostics, Inc. We Believe In Diagnostics New Products: Immunocapture PCR Kits, Food Safety Tests, and Lab Equipments . ELISA tests for 300 plant pathogens with 100% customer satisfaction.
Have you recently seen AND BE VE an APS member go above and beyond the standard performance of their role as an APS volunteer? Do you know of a committee chair that made things happen and the committee accomplished its goals? How about someone who started a group that didn’t previously exist but was needed by the APS membership?
The APS Public Policy Board’s DC Representative Kellye Eversole has created a new hub on APSnet for perspectives and updates on the latest public policy news as it applies to our science, our society, and our members. In her recent posts, Eversole covers the latest FY 2011 resolution in the House as it affects the USDA budget as well as the congressional earmark ban and funding cuts. Be sure to check the blog, available at www.apsnet.org/ members/outreach/ppb/blog/default.aspx, regularly for the latest updates.
Nominations Now Being Accepted for the Outstanding Volunteer Award ABO
Public Policy Update
The councilors-at-large want you to nominate volunteers who go above and beyond the standard effort for the 2011 APS Outstanding Volunteer Award. This is your opportunity to honor an APS member for the hard work they do for our society. They are the life blood of our society; they keep members informed and manage the details so the rest of us don’t even need to think about it. Basically, they make things happen for the society. It’s time to tell us who these individuals are so APS can show them our appreciation. Don’t let them go unnoticed! The Outstanding Volunteer Award recognizes individuals for excellent service in furthering the mission of APS through their volunteer efforts. To make your nomination, simply submit your nomination (nominees must be APS members) via e-mail to the attention of APS Councilor-at-Large Anne Dorrance (dorrance.1@osu.edu) with “APS volunteer award” in the subject line by June 2, 2011. The nomination letter should be saved as a pdf document and should be no more than one page. In the nomination letter, include a description of your nominee’s recent volunteer activities (within the last five years) and how the nominee excelled in the quality, timeliness, and/or scope of these activities. Please note that current council members of APS are not eligible for this award, and senior editors are not eligible in their area of responsibility. Nominations will be reviewed by the councilors-at-large. More than one award may be given annually. The recipient(s) will receive an APS plaque and will be honored during the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting by APS President John Sherwood. If you have any questions, please contact Dorrance. n
Please contact us for more detail information www.acdiainc.com; (479) 595-0320; infor@acdiainc.com Phytopathology News 53
University Recruitment It’s Time to Let Your Creativity Shine: Challenge Deadline 2011 Art in Phytopathology Contest Coming Soon! Kestrel Lannon, Graduate Student Committee Chair, krlannon@ncsu.edu Has your university’s APS membership grown this year? APS has asked its university members to help share the value of APS this year, and wants to make it a little interesting for your university. Every member counts, including graduate and undergraduate students, post-docs, and professional members, and each member who joins or renews during this academic year—ending in May—puts your university in the running for the University Recruitment Challenge.
Art in Phytopathology is a competition sponsored by the Graduate Student Committee (GSC) that is held at APS Annual Meetings. The competition is designed so students and members of APS can showcase their artwork in the area of phytopathology. The exhibit, first started in 2002, gives APS members an opportunity to showcase their artwork and artistic talent, and since its inception, hundreds of presentations have been displayed. This past year, at the 2010 APS Annual Meeting, 30 works of art were entered into the competition. The artwork included pictures of nematodes, acrylic paintings, fungal jewelry, diseased plants, mushrooms, and digitally altered photos. A few of the 2010 entries are pictured below.
Since the department sizes range in each university, the contest will compare universities on the percentage of new members they gain. To make it all worth it, the second-place university will receive an award of $250 for travel to the annual meeting, and the overall winner will receive an award of $500 for travel to help your university attend the annual meeting! There are many easy ways to share the value of APS. Tell others your story of why you joined and what you get out of your membership. Explain about what you’ve learned and who you’ve met at the annual meeting. Tell them to connect with APS on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Introduce your interns to the society. If you know a lapsed member, tell them to renew their membership. This year, every member really does count. Request that brochures or other information be sent to your university at apsinfo@scisoc. org. The challenge ends in May. Share APS and win! n
Filamentous Fungal Symposium On February 3, 2011, the Fungal Genetics Stock Center (FGSC), in cooperation with the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Biological Sciences, hosted the inaugural Midwestern Universities Filamentous Fungal Symposium. This one-day event included participants from Plant Pathology Departments from Kansas, Arkansas, and Nebraska in addition to participants from other universities in Kansas and Missouri. This symposium included five talks and a poster session sponsored by Boulevard Brewery and culminated with a talk by N. Louise Glass from the University of California-Berkeley. The event, which emphasized interactions between students and post-doctoral scientists, included a tour of FGSC and a pizza lunch for students to meet the keynote speaker. Planning is underway to build upon the success of the 2011 symposium in years to come. For more information, visit www.fgsc.net/muffs2011.htm. n 54 Phytopathology News
“Epidemiologists Model Disease” by Dan Anco
“Blue Vesicle” by Craig Cavin
“The Fungal Con Artist” by Sarah Thomas
The top entry in each of the categories, Microscopy, Whole Plant/Nature, Digitally Altered, Wacky Humor, and Art and Crafts, were awarded a cash prize provided by the APS Office of Public Relations and Outreach (OPRO). The winner of the Best in Show Award received an extra $50 for their artwork. The winners from this past year were: 1. Microscopy: “Rainbow” by Maria Velez-Climent 2. Whole Plant/Nature: “The Fungal Con Artist” by Sarah Thomas 3. Digitally Altered: “Epidemiologists Model Disease” by Dan Anco 4. Wacky/Humor: “Vintage Necklace” by Sarah Thomas 5. Arts and Crafts: “Blue Vesicle” by Craig Cavin 6. Best in Show: “Epidemiologists Model Disease” by Dan Anco Artwork submitted for the 2011 competition will be separated using the same categories. The entries will be judged on creativity/originality, aesthetic value, technical merit, color/shade, and relatedness to phytopathology. Entries can earn up to 10 points for each criteria for a total of 50 points. The winner in each category will receive $50, and an extra $50 will be awarded to the Best in Show. The GSC would like to solicit submissions for the 2011 Art in Phytopathology contest. All APS members are welcome to submit artwork, and graduate student participation is especially encouraged. Art in any medium is welcome. The GSC will present awards to the top entries at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Honolulu, HI. Rules for Entry: Submissions will only be accepted in a digital format. Two‐ or three-dimensional art must be scanned or digitally photographed for online submission. Entries must be in jpeg format with a minimum of 300 dpi. All artwork must be original, related to the general theme of plant disease, and have been created by a current member of APS. Each entrant may submit up to three pieces. APS reserves the right to use, reproduce, or publish submitted artwork. A slideshow of the digital entries will be displayed at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting and posted on APSnet after the meeting. Entrants should not bring artwork to the meeting. To Enter: Send your artwork as an e‐mail attachment to phytopathart@gmail.com. Please include the following in your e-mail: full name, job title, employer address, title of your artwork, permission for APS to reproduce or publish your submission, and a brief description of your artwork, including medium, dimensions, what the art depicts, etc. Entries must be submitted by July 1, 2011. If you have any questions, please send them to Kestrel Lannon at krlannon@ncsu.edu. n
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OIP News & Views
Division News
APS OIP Library Assistance Program Offers Titles for Donation
Join Us in Omaha for the North Central Division Meeting
Since 2003, the APS Office of International Programs (OIP) Library Assistance Program (LAP) has provided 1,036 books, compendia, and bulletins; 1,895 volumes of journals; and other educational materials to 97 universities and research/extension institutes in 61 developing countries. OIP is a global initiative designed to promote greater worldwide interaction among scientists and practitioners of plant pathology. Through LAP, OIP offers a wide array of titles for donation for institutions in developing counties in order to share plant pathology knowledge and expertise. These donations are greatly appreciated and widely used by libraries and institutions across the world. Losenge Turoop with the Department of Horticulture at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Kenya expressed his gratitude after receiving a donation, “I have received the books and other publications [that] APS donated to us. I am most sincerely thankful for your donation. We have virtually no pathology books in our university library. Thank you so much. If you have any additional books, kindly send them to me and they will go a long way in equipping our rather poorly stocked library.” A recent recipient of LAP, Gela Javakhishvili, Georgia State Agrarian University, wrote: “I would like to thank you for your attention and sending the publications. They will be extremely useful to all users…We appreciate your care and consideration.” At present, the following publications are available to be sent to libraries of universities or research/ extension centers in developing countries. If you are interested in these publications, you can request them and pay for the shipping (U.S. $200). Also, Chet Mirocha (University of Minnesota) has donated his books to LAP, which are on the following subjects: mycotoxins (44), host-parasite interactions (12), plant biology and plant pathology (38), food safety (3), chemistry (12), and analytical techniques (12). Contact Mohammad Babadoost (babadoos@illinois.edu) for shipping the publications. 1. Air Pollution, People, and Plants 2. Apple Scab: Biology, Epidemiology, and Management 3. Arabidopsis thaliana as a Model of Plant-Pathogen Interactions 4. Art of Phytopathology 5. Barley Yellow Dwarf, 40 Years of Progress 6. Compendium of Beet Diseases and Insects 7. Compendium of Onion and Garlic Diseases 8. Compendium of Peanut Diseases 9. Compendium of Rose Diseases 10. Crown Gall: Advances in Understanding Interkingdom Gene Transfer 11. Essential Plant Pathology 12. Host Wall Alterations by Parasitic Fungi 13. Insect Pests of Small Grains 14. Leptographium Species: Tree Pathogens, Insect Associates, … 15. Managing Diseases in Greenhouse Crops 16. Molecular Aspects of Pathogenicity and Resistance: Requirement for Signal Transduction 17. Multilingual Compendium of Plant Diseases 18. Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities in Crop Plants 19. Peanut Health Management 20. Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact 21. Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol. 5 22. Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol. 6 23. Potato Health Management 24. Soybean Diseases: A Reference Source for Seed Technologists 25. Taxonomy and Pathology of Cylindrocladium (Calonectrai) and Allied Genera 26. The Nature of Wilt Diseases of Plants 27. Tropical Plant Diseases, Second Edition 28. Turfgrass Patch Diseases: Caused by Ectotrophic Root-Infecting Fungi 29. Ultrastructure of the Root-Soil Interface 30. Wheat Health Management n
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The Desert Dome, at the Henry Doorly Zoo, will be part of a behind-the-scenes tour offered at the North Central Division Annual Meeting.
Attention North Central Division members and all those who would like to join us in Omaha, NE, for the North Central Division Annual Meeting, June 15–17. The theme for the meeting symposium will be “The water for food initiative: The role of plant pathology in managing crop production in reduced-water environments.” Speakers will highlight the University of Nebraska’s new Global Water for Food Institute and present topics relevant to plant pathology. In addition to the symposium, talks, and graduate student and post-doc presentations, attendees can elect to visit Omaha’s Henry-Doorly Zoo. The Henry Doorly Zoo is ranked one of the top zoos in the country. Perhaps its most unique feature is the Desert Dome, the world’s largest indoor desert exhibit, which is housed in a geodesic dome and has become a famous landmark for the city. In addition, the zoo also features the world’s largest nocturnal exhibit, Creatures of the Night, and America’s largest indoor rainforest, the Lied Jungle. Come learn more about the important conservation research being conducted on endangered plants and animals that has led to the naming of 21 new lemur species in Madagascar and much more. Join us for a special behind-the-scenes tour on June 15! The meeting will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel and Executive Meeting Center, located in downtown Omaha and a short walking distance from historic Old Market, a premier arts and entertainment area that includes unique dining and shopping attractions. The meeting is scheduled immediately before the College World Series (June 18–28). This is a special opportunity to attend an excellent scientific meeting; visit a world class zoo, great museums, and art galleries; and take in a nationally renowned sports event! To read more about the upcoming meeting, visit www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/nc/meetings. n
Workshop on PCR-Based Pathogen Detection Held A three-and-a-half-day workshop on nucleic acid-based pathogen detection for applied plant pathologists was offered January 24–28, 2011, at the University of Kentucky (UK) by Paul Vincelli, Bernadette Amsden, and Mindy Thompson. Topics covered during the workshop included basics of standard and real-time PCR, advantages and limitations of the principal DNA detection technologies, experimental controls, recognizing and dealing with PCR inhibition, use of PCR kits, multiplexing, PCR licensing, minimizing risks of sample contamination, fundamentals of using gels for diagnostic purposes, primer design, quantitation, arrays, sequencing and querying Seated (left to right): Monica Mezzalama, David Morgan, Bernadette of bioinformatic databases, Amsden. Standing (left to right): Kathy Nielsen, Paul Vincelli, Alberto interpreting and troubleshooting Botin, Philip Northover, Jenny Glass, Jordan Eggers, and Jesika Holcomb. PCR experiments, and emerging detection technologies. Intensive hands-on activities included designing and executing several realtime PCR experiments, extracting DNA from infected plant tissue, and pouring and running an analytical gel. Participants also toured the UK Advanced Genetic Technology Center.
APS Election Coming Soon! Watch your e-mail on May 2 for a link to the online ballot for the 2011 APS Election. Please check the APSnet online directory (log in required) to ensure we have an accurate e-mail address on file for you. Detailed instructions for voting for the election will be provided within the ballot process. Voting will close on May 31, 2011. (Members without an e-mail address on file with APS will be mailed materials). Next month’s issue of Phytopathology News will feature the new candidates running in 2011 and their profiles. APS needs your participation—cast your vote in May!
It is expected that the workshop will be held again in the winter of 2012 . n
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United Sorghum Checkoff Program and PMN Develop Three Training Webcasts for Sorghum Producers Through collaboration with the United Sorghum Checkoff Program, the Plant Management Network (PMN) has developed a series of three on-demand webcasts to help current and potential sorghum growers manage their crops more profitably. Herbicide-Tolerant Sorghum, Development and Management Considerations by Curtis Thompson, professor of agronomy at Kansas State University (KSU), introduces growers, consultants, and others involved in sorghum production to the new herbicide-resistant technologies for control of grass weeds post-emergence. The presentation also covers stewardship principles to preserve the technology and suggestions to optimize weed control. (www.plantmanagementnetwork. org/edcenter/seminars/sorghum/WeedControlBMPS) Sorghum and Corn: Crop Management in Stress-Prone Environments by Scott Staggenborg, professor of crop systems at KSU, compares the profitability of corn versus sorghum production, particularly in drought-prone environments. Staggenborg used crop performance test data from Kansas and Nebraska over the course of 13 years to evaluate corn and sorghum yields in more than 200 environments. Production budgets and sorghum-to-corn price ratios are used to determine scenarios where grain sorghum is more profitable to grow than corn. (www. plantmanagementnetwork.org/edcenter/seminars/sorghum/CornVSorghum) No-Till Grain Sorghum Production by Rick Kochenower, extension agronomist at Oklahoma State University, helps viewers in the southern Great Plains understand how to grow grain sorghum in a no-till system. The basics of no-till planting and fertility recommendations are discussed. Kochenower presents research that shows increased yields and test weights due to no-till. Other research presented suggests that increasing cropping intensity reduces evaporative water loss when compared with the traditional continuous wheat. (www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/edcenter/seminars/sorghum/Notill) View these and other presentations in the PMN Education Center at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/edcenter. n
PMN Develops New Home for Commodity-Specific Webcasts The PMN Education Center, a resource of the Plant Management Network (PMN), is now the central access point for PMN’s growing collection of webcasts (www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/ edcenter). To date, most of PMN’s webcasts have been developed for commodity-specific resources, such as Focus on Potato and Focus on Soybean. The PMN Education Center is meant to house webcasts for crops that do not yet have dedicated resources, such as tomatoes, turfgrasses, lettuce, forages, nuts, or literally any other crop. “The PMN Education Center will allow PMN to service any applied researcher or commodity group looking to publish a webcast,” says Miles Wimer, director of PMN. “And because of PMN’s multidisciplinary nature, researchers from any of the crop science disciplines can participate.” Webcasts in the PMN Education Center are searchable by keyword and can also be viewed by commodity, helping PMN’s readership of more than 350,000 individuals to quickly find the commodity and topic they are looking for. To learn more about publishing a presentation for the PMN Education Center as a form of outreach for your NIFA or other multistate grant research, please contact Phil Bogdan at pbogdan@scisoc. org or +1.651.994.3859. n 58 Phytopathology News
Gowan Joins PMN Partners Program The Plant Management Network (PMN) welcomes the Gowan Company (www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/ partners/profile/Gowan.asp) as its latest industry partner. Gowan Company is a family-owned provider of crop protection products. Bringing science, regulatory acumen, innovative investment, and focused execution to the problems of agriculture has earned Gowan the reputation of being “The Go To Company.” Gowan champions technology for agriculture and horticulture through innovative product development, public advocacy, and quality production. Gowan and other PMN partners are supporters of PMN’s nonprofit publishing mission: to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. Learn more about Gowan and PMN’s other supporting partners at www. plantmanagementnetwork.org/partners/profile. To learn how your company, university, or nonprofit organization can support PMN’s mission and gain from the benefits of partnership, visit www. plantmanagementnetwork.org/partners. n
New Master’s Program in Crop Protection at Göttingen University, Germany The University of Göttingen has announced a new master’s of science program in the area of crop protection. The program will be administered through the Department of Crop Sciences, which has long-term, comprehensive experience in research and training. The twoyear program is an international, job- and research-oriented program that follows an interdisciplinary approach of crop protection within the larger framework of crop production systems. The language of instruction is English. The crop protection study program will cooperate with research institutions and the agrochemical industry at different levels (internship, lectures, and practical courses) and provide the opportunity to focus on the topics and tools applicable and on demand for research in national and international crop protection. Interested students should contact Susanne Weigand (sweigan@gwdg.de) or visit www.uni-goettingen.de/de/135654.html. n
People Student Degrees/Awards Edward Luersman, plant health management major at The Ohio State University (OSU), was awarded one of 10 Presidential Scholarships, one of the most prestigious scholarships for incoming freshman at the university. Edward Luersman Luersman is also a member of OSU’s Honors Collegium, a select group of students chosen for outstanding academic achievement and leadership, and is an active member of the Department of Plant Pathology’s undergraduate student organization, PHARM. Luersman and Larry Madden, interim department chair, attended a presidential scholars luncheon hosted by the university’s Honors and Scholars Program on January 20 on the Columbus campus. Thomas K. Mitchell is Luersman’s undergraduate advisor. Eleven students fulfilled requirements for graduate degrees in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Georgia (UGA) during 2010. Kimberly Jackson completed an M.S. degree under the direction of Pingsheng Ji and Harald Scherm. Her thesis was entitled “Diversity and fungicide resistance of Phytophthora capsici on vegetable crops in Georgia.” Kimberly Jackson In addition to her research, she was also actively involved in training high school students in the young scholars summer research program and other outreach activities. Jackson currently works as an agricultural extension agent with North Carolina Cooperative Extension. Kameka Johnson received her Ph.D. degree in the laboratory of Ron Walcott. Her dissertation, entitled “Elucidation of the molecular hostpathogen factors that influence seed-toseedling transmission
of Acidovorax citrulli,” investigated the roles of type II and type III secretion and quorum sensing in watermelon seed colonization by the causal agent of bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits during the early stages of seed germination. Johnson was the recipient of the APS Luis Sequeira Student Travel Award and a SigmaXi Grant-in-Aid of Research. She was also an invited presenter at the 2010 APS I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium. Ping Lu defended her M.S. thesis “Effect of southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on cotton growth, yield, and fiber quality” in July 2010. Her research, conducted under the guidance of Bob Kemerait and Ping Lu Harald Scherm, involved greenhouse studies as well as extensive field trials that assessed the impact of risk management zones and variable populations of southern root-knot nematodes on cotton yield and fiber quality. Her work was supported by Dow AgroSciences and Bayer CropScience. Lu is currently employed by the Gowan Company in Yuma, AZ. Lucky Mehra completed his M.S. thesis “Fungal infection and postharvest quality of blueberry fruit in relation to berry flesh type, harvest method, and postharvest biofumigation” in December 2010. His project, Lucky Mehra completed under the supervision of Harald Scherm, documented that mechanically harvested fruit from novel southern highbush blueberry genotypes with crisp-textured berries had the same or lower postharvest disease incidence than handharvested fruit from commonly used cultivars with conventional berries. He also showed that several plant oil-derived biofumigants reduced postharvest disease incidence during cold storage, but these treatments also had negative impacts on sensory qualities of fruit and were unable to maintain antioxidant concentrations at higher levels than control treatments. Mehra was the recipient of the APS William J. Moller and Roger C. Pearson Student Travel Award and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree with Peter Ojiambo at North Carolina State University.
Katherine MillsLujan received her Ph.D. degree under the direction of C. Michael Deom. Her dissertation is entitled “Geminivirus C4 oncoprotein interacts with and is activated by Arabidopsis shaggylike protein kinases Katherine Mills-Lujan leading to disruption of brassinosteroid signaling and altered Arabidopsis development.” While pursuing her degree, Mills-Lujan was the recipient of a number of awards, including a University of Georgia Graduate School Assistantship; American Society for Virology and APS student Travel Awards; an Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award; a RUSKA Award for Microscopy from the Southeastern Microscopy Society; the Kenneth E. Papa Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Georgia Association of Plant Pathologists; and a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research. She is presently a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Biochemistry, Emory University School of Medicine. Lorna Nissen recently completed an M.S. degree under the direction of Timothy Denny and Phil Brannen. Her thesis was entitled “Characterization of Xylella fastidiosa strains that cause bacterial leaf scorch of southern Lorna Nissen highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum interspecific hybrid), and detection of the pathogen in plants and glassy-winged sharpshooters (Homalodisca vitripennis [Hemiptera: Cicadellidae]) in south Georgia.” Through use of novel PCR primers, Nissen determined that the X. fastidiosa strains that cause bacterial leaf scorch are not in the subspecies piercei. She also conducted extensive testing to determine best methods for recovery and detection of X. fastidiosa in the blueberry system. During her M.S. studies, Nissen received a travel grant to participate in the Technology and Capacity Building in Rural Honduras Program, an effort to expand distance diagnostics capabilities throughout Honduras.
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Jia Qiu received an M.S. degree in plant pathology in May 2010. Her thesis, entitled “Detection and mechanisms of resistance to sterol demethylation inhibiting fungicides in Cercospora arachidicola,” was completed under Jia Qiu the direction of Katherine Stevenson and Albert Culbreath. In addition to developing a rapid assay for determining tebuconazole resistance in this fungus, her research on potential mechanisms of resistance revealed mutations at codon 453 or 461 in the CYP51 target gene in four tebuconazole-resistant isolates of C. arachidicola. This is the first such report of molecular mechanisms of DMI resistance in the peanut early leaf spot pathogen. Hsien-Tzer Tseng completed his M.S. degree under the direction of Timothy Denny. His thesis, entitled “Evaluating the GspC protein in substrate specificity of Ralstonia solanacearum type II secretion,” showed that a core region Hsien-Tzer Tseng of GspC from this pathogen and several related betaproteobacteria is sufficient for functional protein secretion. While at the University of Georgia, he received the Cedric Kuhn Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Georgia Association of Plant Pathologists. Tseng is currently employed as a research assistant in the Department of Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University, where he is assisting Asimina Mila with research to investigate the risk that R. solanacearum strains from tobacco pose for tomato, pepper, and peanut. Three students within the University of Georgia (UGA) Plant Pathology Graduate Program completed the master’s in plant protection and pest management (MPPPM) degree, a professional, nonthesis program that produces graduates with comprehensive, multidisciplinary training in integrated management of insect, plant disease, and weed pests of agricultural, commercial, and home commodities. Alan Clark MacAllister interned with Jean Williams-Woodward conducting greenhouse fungicide and biological control efficacy trials to control Pythium aphanidermatum, Rhizoctonia
60 Phytopathology News
solani, and Thielaviopsis basicola on greenhouse crops. MacAllister is currently employed in the laboratory of Williams-Woodward and with KeyPlex, Inc. Amanda Tedrow, also advised by Williams-Woodward, interned with Roots Farm, an organic farm in Winterville, GA, and assisted in identifying plant diseases encountered at the farm and recommending management practices to reduce crop losses. Tedrow is currently employed with the UGA Cooperative Extension Service as an agricultural and natural resources extension agent in AthensClarke County. Nathan Tyson completed the MPPPM degree with David Langston as his program advisor. He interned with Bayer CropScience in their Temik Monitoring Program on Florida citrus as part of his graduate program. Tyson is now a field research associate with Monsanto.
Oscar E. Bradfute, Roy Gingery, and Curt Leben. McDaniel began his professional career as a collection scientist (curator) in the Plant Virology Laboratory at the American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD. In addition to his work maintaining the only comprehensive plant virus collection in the United States, he collaborated during those years with Vern Damsteegt and others at the Foreign DiseaseWeed Science Research Unit in Ft. Detrick, MD, to purify, sequence, and characterize new viruses and to prepare antibodies against them. During the same period, McDaniel also made contributions to plant pathology education and research through significant collaborations with Oney Smith and others in the Department of Biology, Biomedical Science Program, at Hood College, Frederick, MD, where he helped to sequence Soybean dwarf virus.
New Position
McDaniel was committed to education, suggesting the use of Tobacco mosaic virus as a lab-based teaching model, and his ideas and suggestions were integrated into the college’s non-majors biology course. Smith commented that “the students really enjoyed this activity… truly gave them ‘hands-on’ learning with a pathogen and host response.” In 2005, McDaniel joined USDA-APHIS-PPQ as an agriculturist, serving as a compliance officer in the APHIS Select Agent Program. He worked with the Plant Pest Quarantine and Veterinary Services sections to review and inspect facilities associated with work on select agents and toxins and prepared standard operating procedures and other documents for mission-critical processes and projects. He served as a liason between the Select Agent Program and regulated plant health individuals and groups. Most recently, in 2007, he joined the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Agriculture Programs and Trade Liason, as program manager in science and technology. There he led a team charged to develop a new DHS/CBP training program on agroterrorism and performed reviews and documentation of biodetection devices potentially useful to CBP field and laboratory staff. Participation in professional activities was a highlight of McDaniel’s career. As a long-time member of The American Phytopathological Society, McDaniel’s volunteer service appointments included membership in the Emerging Diseases and Pathogens Committee and the Biosecurity Advisory Committee. During his time at DHS, he was instrumental in working with the APS Public Policy Board to identify and prioritize issues of importance to the biosecurity of U.S. plant resources. He also was a member of the American Association of Government Accountants and of Sigma Xi. During his career, McDaniel received several awards, including the USDA-APHIS-PPQ Certificate of Appreciation Award in 2006 and the FDA/CDER Team Excellence Award in 2004. He also was named in the Who’s Who
Adam Sparks has taken a new position as a post-doctoral fellow of plant health and GIS with Serge Savary and Andy Neslon at IRRI in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. Prior to moving to IRRI in January 2011, Sparks was a post-doctoral Adam Sparks research assistant with Erick DeWolf, at Kansas State University, working on wheat Fusarium head blight modeling efforts. In Memory Larry Lee McDaniel, plant pathologist and virologist, passed away on May 4, 2010, in Germantown, MD, after a long illness. Born on April 13, 1953, in Philippi, WV, to Frank A. and Neva C. McDaniel, Larry Lee McDaniel he graduated in 1971 from Philip Barbour High School, Philippi, before earning a B.S. degree in natural science (biochemistry and mathematics), magna cum laude, from Alderson-Broaddus College, also in Philippi, in 1975. He went on to earn an M.S. degree in plant pathology from West Virginia University, Morgantown, in 1977, and a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from The Ohio State University in 1982. His Ph.D. dissertation research, “Characterization of a strain of Maize dwarf mosaic virus infecting oats,” was directed by Donald T. Gordon and members of his graduate committee included
Among Students in American Universities and Colleges in 2004, received an Honor Scholarship for his undergraduate study, and was a member of the National Honor Society. McDaniel’s colleagues remember his character, noting that he was the epitome of honesty and that he always believed in an attitude of service. He will be remembered professionally for his many contributions to plant pathology, and personally for his commitment, kindness, and a unique, whimsical sense of humor. Larry is survived by his wife, Grace Paulino McDaniel, formerly a technical supervisor (virology) with the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasure Center, Ft. Detrick, MD, and by his brother, Ken McDaniel. Jacqueline (Jackie) M. Mullen, age 65, passed away on January 23, 2011, at her home in Auburn, AL. Funeral services were held at Auburn United Methodist Church Founders’ Chapel in Auburn on Friday, January 28. Jacqueline (Jackie) M. Mullen
Jackie was born on October 30, 1945, in Boston, MA, the only child of Cyril M. Kupec and Ruth H. Roberts. She lived in Rhode Island until she was 15. The family then moved to Randolph, MA, where Jackie graduated from Randolph High School in 1963. She attended Northeastern University (Boston), receiving her B.A. degree in biological sciences in 1968. She met her future husband at Northeastern during their senior year, when both had been accepted to graduate school at Cornell University (CU). They married one year later in Ithaca, NY, on June 21, 1969. Jackie earned her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in plant pathology at CU in 1970 and 1974, respectively. The family moved to Auburn in 1975 with their two-year-old son when her husband accepted a faculty position in the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Their daughter was born three months later. Jackie taught part-time at Southern Union State Junior College (Langdale) and Auburn University, before she joined the Alabama Cooperative Extension System in 1979 as an extension research associate. She advanced to extension plant pathology specialist and director of the Plant Diagnostic Lab at Auburn, where she served from 1995 until her retirement in December 2009, after 30 years with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. During the latter years, she taught
courses in general plant pathology and clinical plant disease diagnosis in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology. She also authored four book chapters and innumerable extension publications. These extension publications have been widely distributed and are highly acclaimed as excellent reference sources by her peers and other colleagues. Jackie was an active member of The American Phytopathological Society (APS) for 41 years. As an active APS member, she was invited to participate as a member of both the Diagnostics and Teaching Committees and was also nominated and appointed to serve as chair of both of these committees. As a member of the Diagnostics Committee, she organized a oneand-a-half day workshop on the identification of Pythium species prior to the 1993 APS Annual Meeting. The workshop was highly praised by all attendees. In 1995, she was requested by APS to serve as a member of an ad hoc committee on publications for communicating with external audiences. More recently, she served as cochair of the Diagnostics Committee in 2004. In 2008, her clinic, The Auburn University Plant Diagnostic Lab, hosted the annual meeting of the Southern Plant Diagnostics Network. Jackie helped to organize this meeting, which included a taxonomic training on identification of Cercospora and related genera. The meeting included a tour of the new lab that she had helped to design and her diagnostic colleagues were very impressed. Mullen’s excellent plant pathology teaching and writing prowess gained her statewide as well as national recognition. From 1998 to 1999, Mullen was chosen as one of the reviewers for 19 APS Plant Disease Teaching Lessons (college level) to be published on the newly established website for the APSnet Education Center. She also served as a reviewer for a feature article manuscript “Plant pathology courses for agricultural awareness” published in Plant Disease. Jackie loved plants and flower gardening, reading, square dancing with the Village Squares, family vacation trips, and her precious grandchildren. She was a member of the Auburn United Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband of 41 years, Gary Richard Mullen of Auburn; a son, Alan Cyril (Marian Harris) of Cambridge, MA; a daughter, Diane Marion of Tacoma, WA; and two granddaughters, Charlotte (age 5) and Eleanor (age 2).
APS Emeritus Member James Cook Awarded Wolf Prize for Agriculture R. James Cook, former interim dean of the Washington State University College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource R. James Cook Sciences and emeritus professor of plant pathology and crop and soil sciences, will be awarded the Wolf Prize for Agriculture. The Wolf Prizes, awarded annually by the Israel-based Wolf Foundation, are given in agriculture, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, physics, and the arts, in order to promote science and the arts for the benefit of humankind. Cook will share the $100,000 2011 prize with Harris A. Lewin of the Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cook was chosen for the award for “Seminal discoveries in plant pathology and soil microbiology that impact crop productivity and disease management. Through an understanding of the factors that impact the ecology of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes, Prof. Cook’s work has improved disease control in wheat and barley and altered the paradigms of plant disease control in other crops.” Cook has been a member of APS since 1959. He served as president of the society in 1984. His previous service to APS includes serving as councilor-at-large; councilor of the Pacific Division; chair, vice chair, and member of the Awards and Honors Committee; member of the Public Policy Board; and member of the APS Foundation Board of Directors. He also served as president of the International Society of Plant Pathology (1988–1993). He has received the APS Ruth Allen Award (1997) and the APS Award of Distinction (1994) and was named an APS Fellow in 1980. n
Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123-7108, www.cancer.org; or to the Mercy Fund, Auburn United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 3135, Auburn, AL 36831. n
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Applied Research Manager, Nursery Under the direction of the nursery manager, R&D, and foundation, this position will identify, implement, and evaluate applied research trials within the Nursery Department and set nursery research priorities/manage resources necessary to execute the research plan and be responsible for the effective communication of information/results within the department, as well as with other personnel, and to coordinate with department staff in the commercialization of effective production solutions. Requirements: B.S. degree in agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, or closely related field; experience in agriculturalrelated research; a master’s degree and related experience; experience with research protocols/ analysis; ability to design experimental plots and gather/analyze/report data collected; training/ experience in plant health and pest management and plant/soil nutrition and agricultural practices; background in farming or experience in commercial plant propagation; personnel management experience; computer skills required for communications/management of data from field plots, analysis, and presentation of results; Excel skills; database skills desirable; excellent verbal/written communication; Spanish is very helpful; accuracy, detail orientation, organization, and analytical skills; teamwork, collaboration, and project leadership/ management skills; and must be a self-starter. Travel required, possibly 40% of time. Must have valid California driver’s license/maintain eligibility for insurance and be able to work an extended schedule, work in a field setting, and able to lift 40 pounds. E-mail resume/cover letter to recruiter Margie Way at margiew@ surfnetusa.com (+1.831.621.6250). For more technical information, contact Paul Brumback, Driscolls Strawberry Associates, 22000 Bend Ferry Rd., Red Bluff, CA 96080 U.S.A.; phone: +1.530.527.6621 or e-mail: paul.brumbaugh@ driscolls.com. n 62 Phytopathology News
Lights! Camera! (Plant Pathology in) Action! Enter your video today for the 2011 Video Contest and the chance to win $500. Two Exciting Categories this Year: • It’s a Microbial World After All • Central Concepts in Plant Pathology The grand-prize winner will take home $500 and the runner-up wins an APS Flip video camera. This year, the lucky winner of the special Judges’ Award will also receive a Flip video camera.
Learn more and upload your video at www.apsnet.org/members/outreach/opro/pages/ videocontest.aspx.
Register by May 4 to Receive the Best Rates Keep Up-to-Date with the APS-IPPC Joint Meeting on APSnet! ■■35 Special Sessions, including presentation titles
and speakers
■■18 educational field trips in Hawaii ■■7 workshops ■■4 unique APS Leadership Training Opportunities ■■Registration rates and deadlines ■■Significantly discounted hotel rates ■■Critical networking opportunities ■■Information for international attendees
Coming Soon to APSnet:
■■Technical Sessions ■■Meeting Abstracts
Thanks for an Outstanding Call for Papers!
The 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting will host more than 1,000 posters and 165 oral technical presentations chosen from more than 1,200 abstracts submitted during the 2011 Call for Papers.
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APS Journal Articles Phytopathology April 2011, Volume 101, Number 4 Networks in Plant Epidemiology: From Genes to Landscapes, Countries, and Continents. Decline as a Disease Category: Is It Helpful? Genetic Diversity and a PCR-Based Method for Xanthomonas axonopodis Detection in Passion Fruit. Interaction of Common Bacterial Blight Bacteria with Disease Resistance Quantitative Trait Loci in Common Bean. Spatiotemporal Spread of Cucurbit Downy Mildew in the Eastern United States. Explaining Loss Caused by Tomato spotted wilt virus on Tobacco with Boreal Winter Weather: A Bayesian Approach. Forest Type Influences Transmission of Phytophthora ramorum in California Oak Woodlands. New Virulence Groups in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli: The Expression of the Gene Coding for the Transcription Factor ftf1 Correlates with Virulence. A Single Dominant Locus Ren4 Confers Rapid NonRace-Specific Resistance to Grapevine Powdery Mildew. Meloidogyne Virulence Locus Molecular Marker for Characterization of Selected Mi-Virulent Populations of Meloidogyne spp. Is Correlated with Several Genera of Betaproteobacteria. Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Globodera Populations from Oregon and Idaho. Postharvest Dark Skin Spots in Potato Tubers Are an Oversuberization Response to Rhizoctonia solani Infection. Genetic Diversity in the 3 Terminal 4.7-kb Region of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3.
Plant Disease April 2011, Volume 95, Number 4 A New View of Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck. Site-Specific Septoria Leaf Blotch Risk Assessment in Winter Wheat Using Weather-Radar Rainfall Estimates. Quantification of Pseudocercospora fuligena in Tomato Lines Carrying Introgressions from Solanum habrochaites Using a qPCR Assay. Infection of Soybean Seed by Fusarium graminearum and Effect of Seed Treatments on Disease Under Controlled Conditions. Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Races Prevalent on Dry Beans in North Dakota and Potential Sources of Resistance. Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Are Potential Pathogens of Miscanthus × giganteus and Panicum virgatum Used for Biofuels. Witches’-Broom Disease of Lime Affects Seed Germination and Seedling Growth But Is Not Seed Transmissible. Evaluation of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for Rapid Detection of Erwinia amylovora on Pear and Apple Fruit Flowers. Analysis of a Prophage Gene Frequency Revealed Population Variation of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ from Two Citrus-Growing Provinces in China. Effect of Soil Temperature and Plant Age at Time of Inoculation on Progress of Root Rot and Foliar Symptoms of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome. Evaluation of African Cultivated Rice Oryza glaberrima for Resistance to Bacterial Blight. Effectiveness of Kasugamycin Against Erwinia amylovora and its Potential Use for Managing Fire Blight of Pear.
Effect of Silicon Nutrition on Oxidative Stress Induced by Phytophthora melonis Infection in Cucumber. Evaluation of Microbial Products for Management of Powdery Mildew on Summer Squash and Cantaloupe in Florida. Performance of Two Bioherbicide Fungi for Waterhemp and Pigweed Control in Pumpkin and Soybean. Analysis of Induction and Establishment of Dwarf Bunt of Wheat Under Marginal Climatic Conditions. Effects of Shade Intensity and Duration on Asian Soybean Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi. First Report of Catenaria auxiliaris Parasitizing the Reniform Nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis on Cotton in Alabama. First Report of Root Rot Caused by Binucleate Rhizoctonia Anastomosis Group F on Musa spp. First Report of Cryptovalsa ampelina and Eutypella leprosa Associated with Grapevine Trunk Diseases in Chile. First Report of Plasmopara obducens on Impatiens walleriana in Serbia. First Report of Cabbage Soft Rot Caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum in Malaysia. First Report of Pestalotiopsis clavispora and Pestalotiopsis spp. Causing Postharvest Stem End Rot of Avocado in Chile. First Report of Brown Ring Patch Caused by Waitea circinata var. circinata on Creeping Bentgrass in Arizona. First Report of Soybean Witches’-Broom Disease Caused by Group 16SrII Phytoplasma in Soybean in Malawi and Mozambique. First Report of Alternaria Leaf Spot on Eleutherococcus senticosus Caused by Alternaria tenuissima in China. First Report of Microcyclosporella mali Causing Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck Disease on Plum in Poland. First Report of the White Pine Blister Rust Pathogen, Cronartium ribicola, in Arizona. The Perfect Stage of Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe polygoni) of Beta vulgaris Found in Michigan. First Report of Coleus blumei viroid 2 from Commercial Coleus in China. First Report of Podosphaera fusca Causing Powdery Mildew of Cosmos caudatus in Malaysia. First Report of Leaf Blotch on Sorghum Caused by Bipolaris spicifera in Turkey. First Report of a Brugmansia sp. Infected by Tomato apical stunt viroid in Belgium. First Report of Target Spot of Tobacco Caused by Rhizoctonia solani (AG-3) in Massachusetts. First Report of Fusarium Wilt of Chicory (Cichorium intybus) Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Italy. Fusarium tricinctum Associated with Head Blight on Wheat in Argentina. First Report of the b-Tubulin E198A Mutation Conferring Resistance to Methyl Benzimidazole Carbamates in European Isolates of Monilinia fructicola. Newly Discovered Natural Hosts of Tomato chlorosis virus in Costa Rica. Exserohilum monoceras, Newly Reported on Late Watergrass in Turkey.
MPMI April 2011, Volume 24, Number 4 Effects of Jasmonic Acid, Ethylene, and Salicylic Acid Signaling on the Rhizosphere Bacterial Community of Arabidopsis thaliana.
A Necrosis-Inducing Elicitor Domain Encoded by Both Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Plantago asiatica mosaic virus Isolates, Whose Expression Is Modulated by Virus Replication. Growth Promotion of Chinese Cabbage and Arabidopsis by Piriformospora indica Is Not Stimulated by Mycelium-Synthesized Auxin. Pectin Methylesterase Is Induced in Arabidopsis upon Infection and Is Necessary for a Successful Colonization by Necrotrophic Pathogens. Linked, if Not the Same, Mi-1 Homologues Confer Resistance to Tomato Powdery Mildew and RootKnot Nematodes. Expression and Functional Roles of Bradyrhizobium japonicum Genes Involved in the Utilization of Inorganic and Organic Sulfur Compounds in FreeLiving and Symbiotic Conditions. Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus Carries an Excision Plasmid Prophage and a Chromosomally Integrated Prophage That Becomes Lytic in Plant Infections. Gene Encoding a c-Type Cyclin in Mycosphaerella graminicola Is Involved in Aerial Mycelium Formation, Filamentous Growth, Hyphal Swelling, Melanin Biosynthesis, Stress Response, and Pathogenicity. Controlling the Expression of Rhizobial Genes During Nodule Development with Elements and An Inducer of the lac Operon. The HDF1 Histone Deacetylase Gene Is Important for Conidiation, Sexual Reproduction, and Pathogenesis in Fusarium graminearum. Ralstonia solanacearum Virulence Increased Following Large Interstrain Gene Transfers by Natural Transformation. Silencing Genes Encoding Omega-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase Alters Seed Size and Accumulation of Bean pod mottle virus in Soybean.
Plant Management Network www.plantmanagementnetwork.org Plant Health Progress First Report of Phytophthora ramorum Infecting Mistletoe in California. Ascochyta Blight of Peas. Cucurbit Downy Mildew ipmPIPE: A Next Generation Web-based Interactive Tool for Disease Management and Extension Outreach. First Report of Phytophthora ramorum Infecting Grand Fir in California. Efficacy of Fungicides and Biopesticides for Management of Phytophthora Crown and Root Rot of Gerber Daisy. Identification of Brassica napus Lines with Partial Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Disease-Carrying Asian Citrus Psyllids Find Refuge in Abandoned Groves, UF Study Shows. Syngenta Introduces the Improved Standard for Mite and Insect Control – Agri-Mek SC Miticide/ Insecticide. Belay Insecticide Now Registered in California. Colorado State Forest Service: Insects Continue to Threaten Forests Across Colorado. Gowan Company Announces California Registration of Gavel 75DF Fungicide. Pioneer Hi-Bred Announces New Optimum Intrasect Insect Protection with Reduced Refuge for U.S. Corn, Cotton Belts and Canada. n
Phytopathology News 63
News The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 United States of America
Calendar of Events
APS Sponsored Events June 2011 15-17 — APS North Central Division Meeting. Omaha, NE. www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/nc August 2011 6-10 — APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI. www.apsnet.org/meet 6-10 — APS Pacific Division Meeting. Honolulu, HI. www.apsnet.org/members/ divisions/pac October 2011 12-14 — APS Northeastern Division Meeting. New Brunswick, NJ. www.apsnet.org/members/divisions/ne Upcoming APS Annual Meetings August 4-8, 2012 — Providence, RI. August 10-14, 2013 — Austin, TX. August 9-13, 2014 — Minneapolis, MN.
Other Upcoming Events April 2011 4-7 — Sixth IOBC Working Group Meeting on Multitrophic Interactions in Soil. Cordoba, Spain. Cordobamultitrophic2011@ias.csic.es 11-14 — International Congress of Postharvest Pathology. Lleida, Spain. www.postharvestpathology.com 26-29 — 4th Asian Conference for Plant Pathology (ACPP) Concurrent with the 18th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference. Darwin, Australia. www.appc2011.org
May 2011 23-28 — 4th International Workshop for Phytophthora, Pythium, and Related Genera: Systematics (Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Phylogeny), Detection, Databases, Ecology. College Park, MD. gloria.abad@aphis.usda.gov June 2011 1-3 — Second Argentine Congress of Plant Pathology. Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. www.aafitopatologos.com.ar 7-9 — Climate Change and the Implications for Plant Science Symposium. University of Guelph, Canada. www.plantscience.open.uoguelph.ca July 2011 18-21 — VII Latin American Mycological Congress. San Jose, Costa Rica. www.almic.org 23-30 — XVIII International Botanical Congress. Melbourne, Australia. www.ibc2011.com 24-29 — The 18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Oulu, Finland. www.eapr2011.com 31-August 5 — Disease and Insect Resistance in Forest Trees—Fourth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry. Eugene, OR. http://ucanr.org/sites/ tree_resistance_2011conference August 2011 2-6 — XV Intl. Congress on MPMI. Kyoto, Japan. http://mpmi2011.umin.jp 21-24 — Second Asian PGPR Conference. Beijing, China. www.ag.auburn.edu/auxiliary/ asianpgpr/meetings/2011
25-26 — Third International Scientific Seminar of Plant Pathology. University of Trujillo, Trujillo, Perú. www.facbio.unitru.edu.pe September 2011 5-7 — Resistance 2011. Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom. bart.fraaije@bbsrc.ac.uk 11-14 — 8th International Symposium on Mycosphaerella and Stagonospora Diseases of Cereals. Mexico City, Mexico. http://conferences. cimmyt.org/en/home-septoria-conference October 2011 16-19 — The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America 2011 Annual Meeting: Fundamental for Life: Soil, Crop, & Environmental Sciences. San Antonio, TX. www.soils.org/meetings April 2012 22-26 — Ascochyta 2012: The 3rd International Ascochyta Workshop. Córdoba, Spain. www.ascochyta.org May 2012 21-25 — 4th International Workshop for Phytophthora, Pythium, and Phytopythium. University of Maryland, College Park, MD. www.psla.umd.edu/faculty/Balci/workshop2011/ index.cfm August 2013 25-30 — 10th International Conference of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. www.icppbj2013.org n
For the most current listing go to www.apsnet.org/meetings/meetingcalendar.