July 2011 Phytopathology News

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July 2011 • Volume 45 • Number 7

2011 Election Results In—Abawi and Jones There’s an App for That This just in—APS will have a mobile app for to Serve on APS Council the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. The app Congratulations to George S. Abawi, Cornell University, elected vice president (to serve as president in 2013–2014) and Jeffrey B. Jones, University of Florida, elected councilor-at-large for a three-year term. Both officers will begin their terms following the 2011 APS-IPPC Annual Meeting in Honolulu, HI. Abawi is a professor of plant pathology and international agriculture in Cornell’s Department of Plant Pathology and George S. Abawi Jeffrey B. Jones Plant-Microbe Biology. Jones is a professor in the University of Florida’s Department of Plant Pathology. Complete biographic sketches, as well as personal statements of leadership, appeared in the May 2011 issue of Phytopathology News (Vol. 45, No. 5). n

APS Announces the Creation of the APS Regulatory Affairs and Crop Security Award Over the last two decades the concern over food and crop security has grown significantly as has the role of plant pathology in addressing this expanding area of research and risk management. The American Phytopathological Society (APS) has had a major role in educating its members, congressional leaders, and the general public about the importance of plant pathology in this new and emerging field. The society has published numerous feature articles and several white papers with recommendations that highlight the need to focus current scientific resources on regulatory plant pathology issues and to identify new approaches and research that support the unique requirements of this important field. Regulatory plant pathology and crop security is an emerging and evolving field with its own particular attributes and accomplishment measures that draw from all aspects of plant pathology. However, many of the products and advances, which may significantly impact regulatory practices, national marketability of products, and international trade, do not lend themselves to publication in peer-reviewed journals. This aspect of the science often excludes member eligibility for nomination to existing APS awards. APS is pleased to announce the establishment of the new Excellence in Regulatory Affairs and Crop Security Award, which was recently approved by APS Council based on a motion by the APS Awards and Honors Committee. This motion was in response to a proposal from the APS APS Announces the Creation of Award continued on page 111

In this Issue Editor’s Corner ........................................ 110 Public Policy Update ............................... 112 APS Foundation....................................... 114

Division News ......................................... 116 People ..................................................... 120 Classified ................................................. 122

will be available for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android devices. Blackberry users will have access to a mobile website that will offer the same functionality. The new app will allow attendees to: • Access general event information • View program schedules and information about sessions and speakers • Create a personal schedule of people to meet, exhibitors to see, and sessions to attend • Complete session surveys and provide feedback Additional information will be communicated to attendees soon when the app is available— about two weeks before the meeting. n

Growing Global Awareness One Bid at a Time

The APS Office of International Programs (OIP) Silent Auction needs you!

Want to connect APS plant pathologists with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts? Then get involved in this year’s Seventh Annual Silent Auction to help raise funds to support the OIP Global Experience Program. It’s easy! You can donate an item, volunteer your time, or make a bid! Find out more at www.apsnet.org/members/ outreach/oip/Pages/SilentAuction.aspx. n

APS Journal Articles ................................ 123 Calendar of Events .................................. 124


July 2011 • Volume 45 • Number 7


Editor-in-Chief: Doug Jardine Managing Editor: Michelle Bjerkness Editor: Amanda Aranowski Design: Agnes Walker Advertising Sales: Karen Deuschle Phytopathology News (ISSN 0278-0267) is published eleven times per year by The American Phytopathological Society (APS) at 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Phone: +1.651.454.7250, Fax: +1.651.454.0766, E-mail: aps@scisoc.org, Web: www.apsnet.org. Phytopathology News is distributed to all APS members. Subscription price to nonmembers is $69 U.S./$81 Elsewhere. Periodicals paid at St. Paul, MN. CPC Intl Pub Mail #0969249. Postmaster: Send address changes to Phytopathology News, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121 U.S.A. Submission Guidelines Address all editorial correspondence to: Doug Jardine, Department of Plant Pathology, 4024 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 66506-5502 U.S.A. Phone: +1.785.532.1386; Fax: +1.785.532.5692; E-mail: PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org. In order to ensure timely publication of your news items and announcements, please send in material six weeks prior to the date of publication. Material should be no more than six months old when submitted. Submission of materials as electronic files, via e-mail, will speed processing. For information on submitting electronic images contact Agnes Walker at awalker@scisoc.org. Deadline for submitting items for the September 2011 issue is July 15, 2011.

APS Leadership Council President: John L. Sherwood President-Elect: Carol A. Ishimaru Vice President: Michael J. Boehm Immediate Past President: Barbara J. Christ Internal Communications Officer: Danise T. Beadle Internal Communications Officer-Elect: David M. Gadoury Treasurer: Randall C. Rowe Senior Councilor-at-Large: Carolee T. Bull Intermediate Councilor-at-Large: Anne E. Dorrance Junior Councilor-at-Large: Walter F. Mahaffee Divisional Councilor: David G. Schmale III Publications Councilor: Anthony P. Keinath Executive Vice President: Steven C. Nelson Editors-in-Chief APS PRESS: Margery L. Daughtrey MPMI: Gary Stacey Phytopathology: Niklaus J. GrÜnwald Phytopathology News: Doug J. Jardine Plant Disease: R. Mike Davis Plant Disease Management Reports: Frank P. Wong Plant Health Progress: Ned A. Tisserat The Plant Health Instructor: Anton B. Baudoin Board and Office Chairs and Directors APS Foundation Chair: Ray D. Martyn Divisional Forum Chair: George W. Sundin PPB Chair: Jan E. Leach Publications Board Chair: Anthony P. Keinath OEC Director: Darin M. Eastburn OIP Director: Sally A. Miller OIR Director: Brian D. Olson OPRO Director: Monica L. Elliott AMB Director: Scott T. Adkins AXMB Director: Gary C. Bergstrom Division Officers Caribbean Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Maria Mercedes Roca President: Ronald D. French-Monar Vice President: Judith K. Brown Secretary-Treasurer:  TBA North Central Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: George W. Sundin President: Deanna L. Funnell-Harris Vice President: TBA Secretary-Treasurer: Loren J. Giesler Northeastern Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Wade H. Elmer President: Russell J. Tweddell Vice President: Beth K. Gugino Secretary-Treasurer: Christian A. Wyenandt Pacific Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Jim E. Adaskaveg President: Jay W. Pscheidt President-Elect: Debra A. Inglis Secretary-Treasurer: Juliet M. Marshall Potomac Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Kathryne Everts President: Boris A. Vinatzer Vice President: Yilmaz Balci Secretary-Treasurer: Bingyu Zhao Southern Councilor/Divisional Forum Rep.: Timothy B. Brenneman President:  David Langston President-Elect: Raymond W. Schneider Vice President: Jason Woodward Secretary-Treasurer: Donald M. Ferrin

110 Phytopathology News

Editor’s Corner The Woes of Field Research Doug Jardine, Kansas State University, PhytoNewsEditor@scisoc.org One of the concerns in the plant pathology community is the increasing number of applied plant pathologists who are reaching retirement age and the lack of graduate students adequately trained in field research to replace them. This is especially true in academia and industry. Analysis of the situation often lays blame to a shift in research dollars toward more basic research with the idea that researchers will go to where the money is. This may be true, but there are other potential reasons for the shift. One that came to mind recently is that applied research can be just plain hard work both with regard to its physical nature and the often times unpleasant conditions it must be conducted in. In our publish-or-perish Doug Jardine world, it is much safer (with regard to getting the data one needs to publish) to conduct one’s research in an ice bucket on a lab bench, or in a climatically controlled growth chamber, or at the worst a greenhouse, where plants can be protected from the more serious excesses of drought, wind, cold, and heat. Typically experiments can be completed in a few hours, days, or weeks. Field researchers, on the other hand, will typically require two to three years to obtain the necessary data for publication. During that time, all kinds of peril can wipe out an entire year’s work in a matter of minutes. Famed comedian Jeff Foxworthy might reflect on the perils as follows: • If you ever had an on-farm cooperator accidentally harvest your plots for you, you might be a field researcher. • If you have ever had a tornado suck the corn plants out of your plot, you might be a field researcher. • If you have ever lost a plot to hail, you might be a field researcher. • If you have ever lost an experiment due to flooding one year and then drought at the same location the following year, you might be a field researcher. • If you have ever had to use a tape measure to lay out plots in a 30- to 40-mph wind, you might be a field researcher. • If you ever had to collect nematode soil samples in 105°F heat, you might be a field researcher. Most of the cited examples come from personal experiences over 25 years as a field plant pathologist. Do you have your own good stories? I would be glad to hear them and maybe revisit the topic in the future. I would also be interested in any rebuttal from the basic research community. n

2010 Art in Phytopathology Submission: The Miracle of Photosynthesis at Monterey Bay Kerry O. Britton, USDA Forest Service Research, Washington, DC The Miracle of Photosynthesis at Monterey Bay is an original design created at Asilomar Quilt Camp in August 2009. Asilomar Conference Grounds lie nestled in the dunes of the Monterey peninsula in California. There the Monterey pine gathers light and through the miracle of photosynthesis it sequesters carbon, reducing carbon dioxide and growing roots that stabilize the dunes at Asilomar Beach. Pitch canker, caused by Fusarium circinatum, continues to challenge the existence of Monterey pine in their small native range, but they are widely planted in the Southern Hemisphere. Grow, tree, grow! n

APS Announces the Creation of Award continued from page 109

Regulatory Plant Pathology Committee with supporting letters from the leadership of the National Plant Diagnostic Network and the Society of American Florists. This will be the only APS Excellence Award for which more than one individual can be selected, thus establishing the first award to recognize the collaborative efforts of teams in ensuring crop security. The new award recognizes outstanding contributions to regulatory plant pathology, crop security, and trade enhancement efforts by APS members. “Crop” is defined as a non-animal species or variety grown for food, livestock fodder, ornamental, silvicultural, fuel, or any other economic purpose. Individuals or groups eligible for the award include members who are federal, state, university, extension, and industry plant pathologists, molecular biologists, best management practices teams, and risk assessment specialists. Those nominated would be individuals or teams (led by an APS member) who have measurably contributed to an aspect of regulatory plant pathology and crop security by the following: 1. Developing/implementing ideas, concepts, or methods to creatively address crop security and regulatory problems; 2. Developing/implementing ideas, concepts, or methods to enhance early warning/detection of emerging disease events with consequences at the local, state, or federal level; 3. Implementing science-based methods that facilitate, enable, or provide scientific support for specific regulatory policies; 4. Formulating procedures or policies that lead to reduction of regulatory workload while facilitating trade; 5. Reducing or eliminating negative financial impacts due to regulatory/trade restrictions and activities on industry; 6. Reducing risks associated with commodity imports; 7. Opening new export opportunities for agricultural, ornamental, or forest products; or 8. Developing and implementing academic or extension programs in regulatory and crop security. When nominating an individual or group for this award, examples of the following supporting information should be included: 1. Completed and implemented best management program procedures; 2. Pest risk assessments linked to positive changes in a significant regulatory program; 3. Documentation of the development and implementation of methods or procedures for early indicators, warning, rapid detection, and/or identification of a pathogen of regulatory concern; 4. Training materials used in an implemented program to teach detection and identification methods of target plant pathogens; 5. Documentation of cost savings to regulatory agencies or a commodity industry as a direct result of the implemented plan or procedure; and 6. Documentation of peer-reviewed research articles supporting any of the above information also will be taken into consideration. Nominations for this award will be accepted in fall 2011 for the 2012 award year. Recipients will receive a certificate of recognition. Watch for nomination details in the August/September issue of Phytopathology News. n

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Diagnostics Meg Williamson, Diagnostics Committee Chair, mwllmsn@clemson.edu, and Eric Honeycutt, Diagnostics Committee Vice Chair, ehoneycutt@bartlettlab.com The Diagnostics Committee represents APS members concerned with plant disease diagnostics, including public and private diagnostic labs, consultants, researchers, and private businesses. The committee’s primary mission is to increase awareness and disseminate information related to the diagnosis of plant diseases that threaten our food, fiber, and natural ecosystems. The committee serves as a discussion group on issues concerning those involved with diagnostics. Committee members engage in regular communication through various venues. Many members post queries, which often include digital photos, to an online list-serve sponsored by AgDia, a commercial diagnostics company. A diagnostic lab exchange program, where diagnosticians visit other diagnostic labs to share knowledge and learn new methods, is a new activity being developed this year. The Diagnostics Committee proposes, sponsors, and cosponsors APS sessions that will enhance diagnostic plant pathology and increase visibility of diagnostics within the greater plant pathology profession. Recent committee-sponsored symposia include “Cryptic Foes: Gathering the Latest Advances on Pythium” at the 2010 Annual Meeting and “Can You Hear Me Now? Expanding Plant Pathology Coverage with Diverse Delivery Tools” at the 2009 Annual Meeting. The Diagnostic Committee booth at APS meetings has featured “Diagnostic Jeopardy” for many years. Previously a contest; answers are now shown to encourage greater participation. Most members are also active participants in the National Plant Diagnostics Network (NPDN). This organization was developed to provide a nationwide network of public agricultural institutions to quickly detect threatening pests and pathogens, identify them, and quickly report them to appropriate officials. At the upcoming NPDN meeting in November 2011, several symposia, including one on bacterial diagnostics, will be held. Anyone with an interest in plant disease diagnosis can join the Diagnostics Committee. Contact Committee Chair Meg Williamson (mwllmsn@clemson.edu) or Eric Honeycutt, vice chair (ehoneycutt@ Bartlett.com). n Phytopathology News 111

Public Policy Update Climate Change and the Global Food Crisis Mehdi Kabbage, APS Public Policy Board Intern, pcd@tamu.edu Understanding a complex topic such as and with rising temperatures in others, Earth’s climate is a challenging issue that insect infestations and viral diseases will will remain with us for decades to come. be more prominent. The first international However, our understanding of this wheat blast meeting held in Brazil in serious matter is of profound importance May 2010 highlighted the possibility that as it will allow policy-makers to take changing weather patterns may contribute the appropriate corrective measures and to the spread of this devastating disease. give climate change its due attention So far, wheat blast has been limited to among other challenges facing the South America, but there is fear that world. The science community has made changes in rainfall and temperature may tremendous strides in this context. It is contribute to the spread of this disease to now well recognized that our climate South Asia and Africa. This critical issue is changing and that the human factor confirms the need for further research plays a large part in causing these and investment in plant pest management Blast symptoms on wheat heads. (Courtesy A. Urashima; Reprinted from changes. Despite these remarkable in the context of climate change. Compendium of Wheat Diseases and Pests, 3rd edition. advances, alternative explanations are still being considered. Less polarizing In Washington and around the world, the creation of the Global Cassava Partnership debates and urgent scientific solutions remain in the inaction on climate legislation poses a for the 21st Century (GCP-21). These are just dire need. The impact of climate change affects serious hindrance on efforts to combat climate examples of alarming scenarios in a continent many areas of life, but only recently has food change. Though a turnaround in philosophy that is already in a precarious state. security been brought to the forefront of the was expected ahead of the UN Climate Change adaptation priorities. Conference held in June with respect to Asia is anticipated to face similar challenges. greenhouse gas emission, the climate phenomena According to a UK Met Office (UKMO) Climate change is expected to have a significant already put into spin are likely to result in major scenario, average crop yields in Pakistan are impact on agriculture and food production food shortages in the coming decades around expected to drop by an astonishing 50% in with potentially disastrous humanitarian crises the globe. Thus, more aggressive legislation this century. Indeed, the availability of water around the globe. Though average surface focused on short-term food security issues as in the Indus and Brahmaputra basins will temperatures have only increased by less than well as long- term efforts to substantially curb particularly be affected by climate change. A 1°C over the last century, it is important to take greenhouse gas emissions need to be considered into account changes in regional climates instead Utrecht University study3 published last year simultaneously. Adaptation is a key factor that in Science describes significant reductions in of the global pattern as a whole. The areas that will affect the severity of climate change impact glacier and snow coverage in the Himalayas, thus on food production. Small changes that include are likely to be the most affected are also the affecting melt water supplies to these regions. areas where the world’s one billion poorest live using different crop varieties or adjusting crop These waterways represent one of the largest and depend on agriculture for their survival. practices may help to an extent. However, irrigation networks in the world, and millions of These regions also have the fastest population more durable adaptation options, such as the this region’s inhabitants rely on them for their growth, the most fragile natural resources, and development of new crop varieties and expansion survival. Overall, the Intergovernmental Panel the weakest set of agricultural research and of irrigation, are imperative but are likely to on Climate Change (IPCC 2007) predicts a extension establishments. Africa’s geography be cost prohibitive to many regions. These 30% drop in yields in Central and South Asia by makes it chiefly vulnerable. A recent Science adaptations will require substantial investments mid-century. Rice production will particularly report1 suggests that South Africa could lose up by governments and global organizations, most be affected due to the sensitivity of this crop to to 30% of its maize crop, the most important of which face many other demands on their higher temperatures during the reproductive food source in this country and much of the resources. The world’s food security is a pressing stage, particularly at flowering. Though Africa continent, by 2030. Maize is a primary staple issue that has received limited attention to date. and Asia are regions of grave concern, the impact food that occupies much of sub-Saharan Africa References of climate change on food security in other and is commonly grown by poor small-scale 1. Lobell, D. B., Burke, M. B., Tebaldi, C., areas of the world should not be minimized. farmers in rural areas. These yield reductions Mastrandrea, M. D., Falcon, W. P., and Naylor, The IPCC forecasts a significant decline in crop are expected throughout the continent and R. L. 2008. Prioritizing climate change adaptation and livestock production in drier areas of Latin are attributed to temperature increases, which needs for food security in 2030. Science America and the Caribbean. Oceania is likely shorten crop growth periods, lower precipitation 319(5863):607–610. and soil moisture, and soil degradation. Cassava, to see reduced production from agriculture and 2. Osuntokun, B. 1981. Cassava diet, chronic cyanide forestry without urgent adaptation. another staple crop in a large portion of Africa, intoxication and neuropathy in Nigerian Africans. faces different challenges. There are conflicting World Rev. Nutr. Diet. 36:141–173. As plant pathologists, the dynamics of plant pest reports on how climate change will affect 3. Immerzeel, W. W., Beek van, L. P. H., and Bierkens, M. populations in these changing weather patterns cassava yields. However, increased atmospheric F. P. 2010. Climate change are of great interest and concern, although it CO2 levels will likely boost cyanide levels in will affect the Asian water is difficult to accurately predict the impact this plant, putting entire populations at risk of towers. Science 328:1382– of climate change on plant disease and pest developing konzo, a paralyzing condition that 1385. n management. Increased rainfall in some areas already affects 9% of the population in Nigeria 2 alone . This is one of the concerns that prompted will likely result in amplified disease pressure, 112 Phytopathology News

Charges for Disease Notes Increase

Council Explores New Initiatives, Discusses Priorities in April

Anthony Keinath, Chair of Publications Board and Publications Councilor, tknth@clemson.edu

Danise Beadle, Internal Communications Officer, danise.beadle@bayer.com With the new APS governance structure, the opportunity for APS Council to meet, aside from monthly phone calls, includes a trip to APS Headquarters in the spring of the year. This allows new members to more thoroughly understand the day-to-day processes staff fulfills to ensure the vibrancy of our society. Key results of this day-anda-half meeting were provided to the membership earlier in an electronic postcard, with a more complete report at this time.

The page charge for Disease Notes published in Plant Disease has increased to $250 for members and $350 for nonmembers. This is the first increase in price for Disease Notes in six and a half years. The Publications Board and APS Council approved this motion at their spring meetings. Between 2009 and 2010, the number of Disease Notes submitted increased by 10%. Finding two reviewers for each Disease Note remains a challenge for Plant Disease editors. In addition, Disease Notes require more editing than their short length would imply. Authors can assist the editorial staff during the review process by following these steps. • Authors should be sure that the topic of the Disease Note is of interest to an international audience and not merely an “archival” report. Disease Notes that report a new finding of a pathogen within the known geographical distribution of the pathogen are discouraged, unless phytosanitary regulations are involved. • Authors should have a native English speaker review their Disease Notes before submission. This step often will shorten the time a Disease Note spends in review. • APS members who are willing to review Disease Notes should contact the Disease Notes assigning editors to volunteer (bo-ming.wu@oregonstate.edu and jjhao@ msu.edu). An alternative to Disease Notes is a Plant Health Brief in Plant Health Progress, one of the peerreviewed journals in the Plant Management Network (www.plantmanagementnetwork.org), an online publishing effort of The American Phytopathological Society, American Society of Agronomy, and Crop Science Society of America. The charge for publishing a Plant Health Brief is $100 and includes up to four color photos. The main difference between a Disease Note and a Plant Health Brief is that Plant Health Progress does not have an impact factor. Observations on new diseases that are applicable to disease management are particularly well suited for publication as Plant Health Briefs. n

Primary emphasis of the meeting was addressing membership issues, beginning with the results of the membership survey completed in March of this year. A detailed summary of the survey findings will be published in an upcoming issue of Phytopathology News. A “health of the discipline” initiative was approved by APS Council to explore how APS might better work with departments and programs to maintain the strength of plant pathology. Topics will include what assistance APS can offer to offset the economic challenges to universities and departments and the lack of research funding for agriculture in general. In addition, are there potential actions that can be taken to have a positive effect on the future of plant pathology? A summit after the annual meeting has been proposed. Council also endorsed the Divisional Forum “Engagement Plan” aiming to strengthen the divisions of APS through targeted programs, including education outreach and promoting extension linkages. Council approved the Public Policy Board priorities for the next three years. The areas of focus include: • Promote an education pipeline that attracts and broadly trains plant pathologists • Promote the development of a food safety network • Promote a National Plant Microbial Germplasm System (NPMGS) to protect, preserve, and enhance important plant pathogen culture collections • Provide science-based guidance to regulatory policy issues of relevance to APS members • Promote increased funding for research that supports both fundamental and applied questions relevant to agriculture • Monitor and respond to emerging areas of relevance and possible positive benefits to APS members Extension of eligibility for the William Boright Hewitt and Maybelle Ellen Ball Hewitt Award to “within seven years of the Ph.D.” has been approved. Council also approved the creation of an Excellence in Regulatory Affairs and Crop Security Award, with nominations for this award to be accepted in fall 2011 for the 2012 award year. (See the full announcement on this new award, beginning on the cover of this issue.) Council agreed to provide fiscal and staff support for the operational needs of the APS Foundation necessary to advance their new strategic plan. An update to the annual meeting showed that more than 1,300 attendees are anticipated with over 1,000 abstracts received. Revision to the typical meeting schedule reflects no sessions planned for Tuesday afternoon to allow members free time for scientific field trips and excursions. Sessions will resume on Wednesday morning and afternoon with the final celebration that evening. Based on feedback from the membership survey, APS Council approved an action plan for capturing content at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Hawaii for online publication. Council reviewed the current FY11 budget and projected net income, plus approved the FY 12 operational budget. Appointments approved by APS Council included: 1. Office of Education director—Scott Gold 2. Financial Advisory Committee member—David Schmale 3. Auxiliary Meetings Board director—Rick Bennett 4. APS Foundation members—Bill Dolezal and Barry Jacobsen 5. Education Center/Plant Health Instructor editor-in-chief—Katherine Stevenson 6. Awards and Honors Committee member—Barbara Valent Congratulations to all. n Phytopathology News 113

APS Foundation Thank You APS Foundation Contributors Major Donor Recognition The following individuals are recognized for their significant contribution to the APS Foundation as determined by lifetime total donations. A comprehensive listing of all APS Foundation contributors since the inception of the foundation is available at www.apsnet.org/members/foundation/ contributors/Pages/default.aspx. APS Legacy Club $50,000+ The American Phytopathological Society Browning, J. Artie French, Edward R. Mathre, Don E. Niederhauser, John S. and Ann Schroth, Milton N. and Nancy L. Tarleton, Raymond J.

APS Executive Club $10,000 – $19,999

Alvarez, Anne M. APS Virology Committee Aycock, Robert and Elsie Chase Horticultural Research Inc. Coakley, Stella Melugin Dubin, H. Jesse† Goeppinger, Mrs. Walter Gutierrez, Mario Hastings, Dwight Keen, Noel T. (Dr. and Mrs.) APS Platinum Club $20,000 – $49,999 Monsanto Company Paddock, William C. Gorenz, August M. Tammen, Jim and Shurtleff, Malcolm C. Marilyn Syngenta Crop Protection Wallin, Jack R. and Janet Yulee Seed Company

APS Five K Club $5,000 – $9,999 Amador, Jose APS North Eastern Division APS Pan American Conference/Jose Amador Brakke, Myron K. (Dr. and Mrs.) Cali, Brant B. Cook, R. James† D’Arcy, Cleora J. Dezoeten, Gustaaf A. Dow AgroSciences† Eyal, Yona Flor, Harold H. Fry, William E.† Fulton, Jeanette L.

Grogan, Raymond G. Jacobsen, Barry J. Kontaxis, D. G. Leach, Jan E. and Tisserat, Ned A. Leavitt, George Martyn, Raymond D., Jr. Paulus, Albert O. Quigley, Malcolm Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Schafer, John and Joyce Scherm, Harald Sequeira, Luis Sherwood, John L. Stakman Fund Syngenta Crop Protection Thomas, H. Rex Vidaver, Anne K.

APS Presidents Club $2,500 – $4,999 Abawi, George S. Agdia Inc. American Society of Brewing Chemists Apple, J. Lawrence Arysta Aycock, Suzanne Barker, Kenneth R. BASF Corp. Chemtura Chevalley Hiss, Judith S. Daughtrey, Margery

Draper, Martin A.† Ford, Richard E. Fulton, Joseph P. Gleason, Mark† Jones, Alan L. Kelman, Arthur Kingsland, Graydon Landis International Inc. Litzenberger, Samuel C. MacDonald, James Madden, Laurence V.† McMillan, Robert Jr. McNabb, Harold S., Jr. Meiners, Jack P.† Metz, Paul*

Mitchell, John E. Muse, Ronald R. Ogawa, Marge Purdy, Laurence H. Schumann, Gail L. Seem, Robert C. Thomason, Ivan J. Tolin, Sue A. Tweedy, Billy G. Walkinshaw, Charles H., Jr. Williams, Paul H. Windels, Carol Zentmyer, George A. and Dorothy

2010-2011 Contributors Special thanks to the following individuals who made donations to the APS Foundation between June 1, 2010, and May 31, 2011. APS Millennium Club $1,000 – $2,499 Adaskaveg, James E.† Allen, Caitilyn Arthur, Karen S.† Aycock, Suzanne* Babadoost, Mohammad Beadle, Danise T. Becker, Christopher M. Bergstrom, Gary C. Boehm, Michael J. Bowen, Kira L. Brannen, Phillip M.* Carroll, N. Beth Daughtrey, Margery L. Deep, Ira W. Delp, Charles J. Elliott, Monica L. Fletcher, Jacqueline Frank, James A. French, Roy C. French, John R. Garnsey, Stephen M. Gray, Stewart M. Hammond, Rosemarie W. Harrington, Thomas C. Hartman, John R. Hillman, Bradley I. Klopfenstein, Ned B. McManus, Patricia S. Mellano, Michael A. Mellinger, H. Charles Moyer, James W.

Nelson, Steven C. Rowe, Randall C. Scholthof, KarenBeth G. Shain, Louis Steadman, James R. Stevenson, Katherine L. Stromberg, Erik L.† Sumner, Donald R. Tally, Allison H.

APS Five Hundred Club $500 – $999 Black, Mark C. Braun, Edward J. Brown, Lawrence G. Christ, Barbara J. Cuppels, Diane A. Damsteegt, Vernon D. Dickerson, Ottie J. Dillard, Helene R. Dorrance, Anne E. du Toit, Lindsey J.† Elmer, Wade H. Esker, Paul Forster, Helga C. Fravel, Deborah R. Frederick, Lafayette Gubler, Walter D. Hammerschmidt, Raymond Hanson, Linda E. Ishiguro, Kiyoshi Ishimaru, Carol A. Juzwik, Jennifer†

Karle, Harry P. Labavitch, John M.† Lapaire Harmon, Carrie Manion, Paul D. Martin, Robert R.† Miller, Sally A. Murray, Timothy D. Omura, Toshihiro Rosenberg, Dan Y. Scholthof, Herman B. Skaria, Mani Smart, Christine D.† Stambaugh, William J. Subbarao, Krishna V.† Van Der Zwet, Tom Vera Cruz, Casiana M. Walker, Jerry T. Watanabe, Tsuneo Welliver, Ruth A. Whitehurst, Garnett B. Zadoks, Jan C. Zoller, Broc G.

APS Patron Club $250 – $499 Alexander, Paul M. Barnes, John M. Benson, D. Michael Bonman, J. Mike Bulluck, Russell† Cantrell, Sharon A. Carley, H. Edwin† Charudattan, Raghavan† Cobb, William T.

Cubeta, Marc A. Datnoff, Lawrence E. Douglas, Sharon M. Engelhard, Arthur W. Everts, Kathryne L.† Freeman, Stanley* Gold, Scott Evan† Haugen, Linda M. Holmes, Gerald J. Jardine, Douglas J. Kanto, Takeshi Katan, Jaacov Kranz, Juergen F. Kuldau, Gretchen Lawn, Dennis A. Lichens-Park, Ann E. Marois, James J. McSpadden Gardener, Brian B. Merryfield, E. Anne Mulrooney, Robert P.† Nishijima, Kate A. Osborne, Lawrence E.† Oudemans, Peter V. Palevsky, Eric* Palm, Mary E. Samac, Deborah A. Schadler, Daniel L. Shiraishi, Tomonori Shtienberg, Dan† Signoret, Pierre A. Sipes, Brent S.† Sisler, Hugh D. Stack, James P. Stiles, Carol M. Sztejnberg, Abraham†

Westphal, Andreas† Wong, Frank P.†

APS Century Club $100 – $249 Allen, Michael F. Andres, Markus W. Bonello, Pierluigi Brown, Judith K.* Bruckart, William L. Bull, Carolee T. Canaday, Craig H. Charkowski, Amy O. Clark, Christopher A. Conway, William S. Dercks, Wilhelm Dewdney, Megan M.* Eastburn, Darin M. English, James T.* Fajardo, Julius E. Glenn, Anthony E. Grand, Larry F.† Haber, Steve Harman, Gary E.† Harmon, Philip F.† Igwegbe, Emmanuel Chuma Jewell, Nancy* Jia, Yulin Kerns, James Patrick Kuznia, Rita A.† Larsen, Harold J. Mauk, Peggy A. Moyer, Michelle M.† NCSU, Phytotron Staff*

Ong, Kevin† Pethybridge, Sarah J.† Prathuangwong, Sutruedee Raid, Richard N.† Savary, Serge S. Schisler, David A. Smith, Shirley N. Victoria, Jorge I. Willocquet, Laetitia Zomlefer, Wendy B.*

APS Contributor $1 – $99 Alabi, Olufemi J. Allende-Molar, Raul* Ann, Pao-Jen Ansa, Okon A. Backus, Elaine A.* Barbara, Derek J.* Burgos, Maria Luisa* Collins, Alyssa A. Creech, Buford J. Ding, Sheng-Li Ficke, Andrea Hadwiger, Lee A. Hall, Thomas J. Hoenisch, Richard William Jimenez-Gasco, Maria del Mar Jordan, Katerina S. Kalmowitz, Kathie E.* Kaneshiro Sueno, Wendy* Kelley, Keith*

Liu, Zhaohui Marek, Stephen M. Melnick, Rachel L. Mullis, Stephen W. Murillo-Williams, Adriana Nelson, Scot C.* Ngugi, Henry K. Noa-Carrazana, Juan Carlos Olson, Heather A. Paulitz, Timothy C. Perez, Beatriz A. Pierson, Elizabeth A. Richard, Steven S.* Riggs, Robert D.* Robertson, Alison E.* Schlub, Robert L. Scholz-Schroeder, Brenda K. Schubert, Timothy S. Spaine, Pauline C. Sparks, Adam H. Tavantzis, Stylianos M.* Tomaso-Peterson, Maria University of Illinois* Vogler, Detlev R. Wanner, Leslie A. Wisler, Gail C. Zlotnikov, Artur K.

Note: This listing is organized according to the honorary group to which the donor belongs as determined by lifetime total donations. (New donors are indicated by *; new club members are indicated by †.) 114 Phytopathology News

2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting: Visit the Website for Program and Registration Information



Joint Meeting August 6–10 Honolulu, Hawaii

Abstracts Now Available The 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting abstracts are available online and are fully searchable by title, author, or keyword. Please note that printed abstracts were not mailed as a supplement to Phytopathology as in previous years, so be sure to plan ahead and view the abstracts you need online prior to the meeting. Abstract printing stations will also be available throughout the convention center during the meeting.

Act Quickly—July 14 is the Online Registration Deadline You must register by July 14 if you plan to register online prior to the meeting. After that date, you may register onsite in Honolulu. Program with Room Assignments Available Online The final program for the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting is available online now. You’ll find a full list of speakers for both the Technical and Special Sessions, as well as abstracts and authors for more than 1,000 posters. Room assignments for all sessions, meetings, and socials are also available now. Connect with Your Colleagues on the Happenings in Honolulu A world-class meeting like this is exciting; connect and share your experience. Tweet using the hashtag #apsippc11, upload videos to www.youtube.com/plantdisease, or visit the APS Facebook page to create discussions, share photos, make comments, and post videos. The APS Facebook page has more than 1,000 followers from around the world and is still growing! APS will be posting photos and updates each day from the meeting, but you can join in the fun too by posting your photos and tagging yourself in our photos during the meeting. Visit www.apsnet.org/meet for full program information and abstracts. n

University Challenge Winners Announced! Congratulations to the University of Hawaii, winner of the 2010–2011 academic year University Recruitment Challenge. The University of Hawaii more than doubled their membership just in time for the APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Honolulu to make their department a winner, with a 221% increase in their membership numbers compared to the beginning of the academic year. Their membership increased from 14 members to 31. The University of Hawaii will be receiving $500 in travel funds to send department members to the meeting! Southern Illinois University was the second-place winner, doubling their departments’ membership, and the winner of $250 in travel funds. Just because the challenge is over doesn’t mean that members should stop sharing the value of APS. You are a vital part of growing our community. Tell others your story of why you joined and what you gain from APS membership. Explain what you’ve learned and who you’ve met at the annual meetings. Tell them to connect with APS on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Introduce your interns to the society. Thank you to everyone who participated in this challenge. Many universities got close to doubling their member numbers over the year. Thank you also for the work university departments do every year to share APS with students, post-docs, and others. n

Fungal Folklore Featured in New Book by Frank Dugan Conspectus of World Ethnomycology: Fungi in Ceremonies, Crafts, Diets, Medicines, and Myths is a fascinating follow up to Frank Dugan’s popular APS PRESS book Fungi in the Ancient World. This new scholarly work surveys the folk usage of fungi worldwide. A specialist in germplasm conservation and research, the author catalogs the scientific names of fungi used for food, medicine, and other applications by indigen­ous peoples, peasant farmers, hunter-gatherers, and others commonly referred to as “folk” in ethnographic literature. The book summarizes the most important groups and species of fungi used for food and medicine or in craft production by geographic region and provides a sampling of folklore pertinent to fungi in each region. The author delivers dozens of interesting mycological observations sure to be shared in lecture halls and at dinner parties alike and is a valuable reference for those interested in the history of human interactions with the fungus world. See complete contents and read an excerpt online. APS members qualify for a discount at www.shopapspress.org or 1.800.328.7560. n

IMPORTANT APS DATES TO REMEMBER July 2011 1 2011 Art in Phytopathology submissions due 4 Book your room for the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting by this date to guarantee convention rates 16 Votes due for the 2011 OPRO Video Contest August 2011 1 Seventh Annual Silent Auction items sent to Hawaii by this date

Pick Up Your APS Bumper Sticker The winning ideas of the APS Bumper Sticker Contest will be revealed at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Hawaii! Remember to pick up your bumper sticker and share your passion for plant pathology with others.

Phytopathology News 115

Division News Attention APS Pacific Division Members! The Pacific Division will be meeting during the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting in Honolulu, HI, on Monday, August 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You can preregister for the plated luncheon, short business meeting, and division awards ceremony when you register for the meeting. Recipients of Student Travel, Lifetime Achievement, and the Distinguished Service Awards will be announced for the division and past Pacific Division officers will be honored. The cost for the luncheon is $21 for members and $5 for graduate students. Graduate students are welcome to attend! Since there will be many Pacific Division members present in Honolulu, this year’s business meeting will be a great opportunity to visit and network with Pacific Division colleagues. Please plan to attend. For more information, contact Jay Pscheidt (pscheidj@science. orgegonstate.edu) or Debbie Inglis (dainglis@wsu.edu). n

Caribbean Division Heads to Puerto Rico, Brlansky Receives Wellman Award The XXI Annual Meeting of the APS Caribbean Division was held March 19–22, 2011, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The meeting, held jointly with the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, was also in conjunction with the centennial celebration of the founding of the University of Puerto Rico Mayagűez Campus. Caribbean Division President Lydia Rivera from the University of Puerto Rico presided over the meeting. An excellent program was arranged. Papers and posters were presented by researchers from

A beautiful view of San Juan. 116 Phytopathology News

various countries in the Caribbean and some outside. Additionally, many participants took advantage of various tours of Puerto Rico. One particular tour took place in the El Yunque

Division attendees enjoyed the science and the camaraderie during the Caribbean Division meeting.

Potomac Division Gathers in Rehoboth Beach, DE, for 67th Annual Meeting The 2011 meeting of the Potomac Division was held March 9–11, 2011, at the Atlantic Sands Hotel and Conference Center in Rehoboth Beach, DE, with nearly 90 guests in attendance. The Local Arrangements Committee was chaired by Tom Evans, with Nancy Gregory, Nicole Donofrio, and Kate Everts serving on the committee. The Executive Committee consisted of Mary Ann Hansen—president, Chris Dardick—immediate past president, Boris Vinatzer—vice president, and Yilmaz Balci—secretary-treasurer. The field trip to the Dogfish Head Brewery in Milton, DE, prior to the beginning of the program on Wednesday afternoon was attended by 34 people. The tour included a guided walk behind the scenes in the cellars, which included the wooden tanks and the packaging hall. The Wednesday afternoon program continued with the industry-extension update, chaired by Chuck Johnson, Virginia Tech. In the evening, a vendor show and social at the hotel was well attended and was a good opportunity for everyone to socialize.

Ron Brlansky accepted the Frederick L. Wellman Award from APS President John Sherwood.

National Forest. Ron Brlansky, University of Florida, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, received the Frederick L. Wellman Award by the Caribbean Bienvenidos a Puerto Rico! Division at the meeting. This award recognizes a scientist who has an outstanding career as a plant pathologist. It is the highest distinction bestowed by the division to a distinguished plant pathologist who has worked during his or her career for the betterment of the science and profession in the context of the Caribbean Division. Wellman, for whom the award is named, was the founder and first president of the Caribbean Division. n

Two symposia and two contributed paper sessions were held on Thursday and Friday. The Thursday program started with a welcome message by Division President Hansen and was followed by a seminar by the plenary speaker Brett Tyler (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Blacksburg, VA). The first symposium, “Use of molecular biology approaches to solve practical problems in plant health,” was chaired by Donofrio (University of Delaware [U of D, Newark, DE]. Three papers presented as part of this symposium were by Kerry Pedley (USDA ARS, Fort Detrick, MD), Randy Wisser (U of D), and Zhanji Liu (Delaware State University,

Outgoing Potomac Division President Mary Ann Hansen passed the gavel to incoming President Boris Vinatzer.

Lynn Rallos (Virginia Tech) and Sasha Marine (Virginia Tech) were both awarded first place in the student paper competition. Student travel awards were given to Jennifer Himmelstein (University of Maryland), Kun Huang (U of D), and Matthew Kasson (The Pennsylvania State University). The APS Potomac Division logo contest winner was Jonathan Eisenback (Virginia Tech).

Sasha Marine (left) and Lynn Rallos (right) were awarded first place in the Best Student Paper Competition.

Dover, DE). Following the symposium, three contributed papers were presented. Six students participated in this year’s paper competition. The excellence of the student presentations was noted by all in attendance. The student paper competition was followed by a presentation by John Sherwood, APS president, who gave an update on our society at the national level. Ann Lichens-Park (USDA NIFA) provided information on funding opportunities for plant pathologists from NIFA before the poster session. At the banquet dinner, the Distinguished Service Award was presented to Kate Everts by Arv Grybauskas for her outstanding contributions to plant pathology and the APS Potomac Division. Our award recipient’s work centers on sustainable and organic production systems, trying to understand the effects of various integrated agricultural practices on vegetable crop diseases and thereby develop effective management practices limiting the damaging effects of those diseases. Some of her ongoing projects include enhancing induced host resistance to diseases of vegetables on organic farms, adopting new IPM methods for cucurbit virus management, expansion and utilization of the ipmPIPE cucurbit downy mildew forecasting system for the DelMarVa peninsula, and managing Fusarium wilt on watermelon: New solutions to a reemerging problem.

The Meeting Resolutions, composed by Mannon Gallegly and Erik Stromberg, were read by Gallegly, and the gavel was passed from outgoing President Hansen to incoming President Vinatzer. A presentation by Charles Fithian, curator of archeology for the State of Delaware’s Historical and Cultural Affairs, entitled “The World of Jack Nastyface: The Archaeology of His Majesty’s Brig de Braak” concluded the dinner. During the business meeting of the membership, Hansen thanked the organizing committee, attendees, and the generous industry sponsors that allowed offering free registration to all participants of the student paper competition. The following industries made donations to the 2011 meeting: Dow AgroSciences LLC (Brian D. Olson), AgraQuest Inc. (Dennis L. Warkentin), BASF Corporation (John H. O’Barr and Gar Thomas), Acadian Sea Plants LLC (Robin E. Ross), Fisher Scientific (Michael Melch), Marrone Bio Innovations (Kristin Lofstedt), Syngenta Crop Protection (Chris Munsterman and Erin Hitchner), and United Phosphorus Inc. (Anthony L. Estes). Proposed changes to the Potomac Division’s Constitution and Standing Rules were discussed and final changes were approved by the membership. The revised Constitution and Standing Rules will be posted on the Potomac Division website. Members of the APS Divisional Forum were welcomed to the Potomac Division meeting

Winners of the Graduate Student Travel Awards (from left to right): Matthew Kasson, Jennifer Himmelstein, and Kun Huong, with Boris Vinatzer.

Friday morning’s first symposium, entitled “Thousand cankers disease: An emerging insecttransmitted disease,” was chaired by Balci. Four papers were presented as a part of this symposium. Speakers included Gary Griffin (Virginia Tech), Mark Windham (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Bruce Moltzan (USDA Forest Service), and Norm Dart (Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services). Following the break, two contributed papers were presented. Meeting participants dispersed after final comments by the past president and the president. n

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Arv Grybauskas (left) presented Kate Everts (right) with the 2011 Distinguished Service Award.

and an update on the Divisional Forum was presented by Everts and David Schmale. Secretary-Treasurer Balci announced the 2011 election results. Daniel P. Roberts (USDA ARS) was elected Divisional Forum representative and Bingyu Zhao (Virginia Tech) was elected secretary-treasurer. Virginia Tech announced that they would organize the next meeting and the meeting will be held in Winchester, VA.

The American Phytopathological Society Phytopathology News 117

Southwide Forest Disease Workshop Held at NREC, Quincy, FL The 35th meeting of the Southwide Forest Disease Workshop was held in Quincy, FL, February 8–10, 2011, at the North Florida Research and Education Center (NREC). Edward Barnard and Jason Smith (cochairs) hosted the meeting.

Southwide Forest Disease Workshop participants.

Topics discussed at the meeting included laurel wilt disease, pine declines, nursery treatments, PCR seed screen for Fusarium circinatum, Phytophthora ramorum assay and control, novel Fusarium canker disease on Torreya, and a Heterobasidion root disease survey in Florida, as well as Phlebiopsis gigantea stump treatments. The field trip was led by “Pat” Minogue with University of Florida to look at research plantings of Eucalyptus cones at NREC. Minogue also offered participants a chance to view integrated weed management practices for significant invasive plant species, Japanese climbing fern and cogongrass. At the Torreya State Park, Smith gave a tour of what remained of the natural Florida Torreya population in the park and discussed the Fusarium canker disease affecting the trees, one of the most endangered conifers in North America. The winner of the student paper presentation was Don Spence for his paper entitled “Assessing the risk of survival of the redbay ambrosia beetle and laurel wilt pathogen in wood chips.” The Outstanding Research Publication Award went to G. Matusick and L. G. Eckhardt for their paper “Variation in virulence among four root-inhabiting Ophiostomatoid fungi on Pinus taeda L., P. palustris Mill, and P. elliottii Engelm. seedlings.” Best extension paper was awarded to Eckhardt and R. Menard for “Declining loblolly pine stands: Symptoms, causes, and management options.” The Southern Forest Pathologists’ Achievement Award was awarded to Steve Oak for 30 years of work on pathology issues, including oak decline, littleleaf disease, pitch canker, and sudden oak death. Oak is a plant pathologist for the USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Protection Unit in the Asheville field office. Barnard was also honored with a “roasting” as we celebrated his long career in forest pathology with the Florida Division of Forestry and bid Ed good luck in retirement. The 36th meeting of the Southwide Forest Disease Workshop is scheduled to take place in conjunction with the Southwide Forest Insect Conference in Charlottesville, VA, in June 2012. n Steve Oak received the Southern Forest Pathologists’ Achievement Award. 118 Phytopathology News

PSU Department of Plant Pathology Initiates Tammen Endowment The faculty of the Department of Plant Pathology at The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) established an endowment in honor of James Tammen, the first head of plant pathology at PSU (1963–1976), president James Tammen of APS (1974–1975), APS Fellow (1984), and dean and director of International Programs in Agriculture at the University of Minnesota. It was through Tammen’s leadership and guidance that the Department of Plant Pathology at PSU quickly developed into one of the top academic plant pathology departments in the country, largely known for its focus on the newly developing discipline of plant disease epidemiology. The academic strength of the department today is a testament to his foresight and guidance. With the assistance of his wife, Marilyn, Tammen took a personal interest in the lives of graduate students and colleagues, and together they fostered a sense of family among all who were connected with plant pathology. The James and Marilyn Tammen Memorial Endowment for International Plant Pathology will provide funds to support international opportunities for students engaged in plant pathology studies abroad. Contributions should be directed to the College of Agricultural Sciences Development Office, Attention: Mark Theiss, 204 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802. Checks to PSU Tammen Endowment, code XCATM. More information can be provided by contacting Fred Gildow (feg2@psu.edu; +1.814.865.7448). n

Exclusive APS Foundation Raffle in Hawaii!

This year, one ticket buys TWO chances. Your raffle ticket gives you a chance to win either an iPad or a Kindle eReader.

APS Bids Farewell to Valued Staff Members, 139 Collective Years of Service Several long-time members of the APS Headquarters staff, including Miles Wimer, Steve Kronmiller, Jim Wicklatz, Phyllis Albertz, Diana Roeder, and Jan Kuhn, will be retiring in 2011, leaving behind a legacy of diligence and dedication to the Scientific Societies and touching the lives of all who had the pleasure to work with them over the years. Executive Vice President Steve Nelson notes that “This is a huge amount of staff experience to lose at one time! More than the productivity is the wonderful relationships this group developed over the years with the membership. The creativity and strong working relationships with committees and individual scientists resulted in many successful services and products. They have been training a number of promising young staffers in preparation for this transition who will be making their own legacy.” These retiring staff members were each honored at a celebration on Friday, May 20, when each member’s contributions to the societies were highlighted. They will be missed and not soon forgotten. into a layout by a different department. She explained that the editing job was very different from today. She worked on Phytopathology News as well as Cereal Chemistry. “Among the many authors and editors over the years, I especially valued knowing Dr. C. Lee Campbell of North Carolina State University (Phytopathology News editor, 1990–1995) and Dr. Z. Czuchajowska, of Washington State University (an associate editor and frequent author in Cereal Chemistry); both died much too soon in 1999,” she noted. Phyllis would like to thank the many great friends and mentors on staff at headquarters. Upon her retirement, she plans on going to Arizona to do some research for a book.

Left to Right: Jim Wicklatz, Miles Wimer, Phyllis Albertz, Jan Kuhn, Diana Roeder, and Steve Kronmiller.

Miles Wimer, 37 Years of Service In his nearly 37 years with the Scientific Societies, Miles has served in several capacities connected with APS publications, including as graphic services manager, director of publications, and director of Internet publishing. In these roles, Miles has been a key staff contact with the APS’s editorial boards, Office of Electronic Communications, committees, leadership, and other volunteer bodies. He has been instrumental in the development of APS PRESS, early iterations of APSnet, and many of the society’s publication initiatives. Most recently, Miles has led a multidisciplinary web-based project for the applied aspects of the plant sciences, the Plant Management Network, involving several other societies, land-grant universities, government agencies, and industry. Steve Kronmiller, 26 Years of Service This nearly 30-year veteran started his career as the graphic services manager, typesetting, keylining, and working with the graphic designers. His early roots in print graphics served him well as he moved with the electronic wave into developing online resources for the organizations. He has worked side by side with hundreds of members on very technical and scientific information, packaging it into useful tools for the members and their audiences. He has lead the movement of all of the methods

and journals into dynamic online interfaces, managed the digitization of thousands of journal back issues and image collections, and most recently directed the conversion of APSnet into a content management system. Steve wishes to say goodbye to the terrific leaders, authors, and volunteers from APS. “My 25 years working with you all has been interesting and meaningful. From hot wax (not just a cosmetic treatment way back when) to bytes on the Internet, the journey has been a joy and the fellow travelers have made it all worthwhile.” Jim Wicklatz, 26 Years of Service Jim joined the headquarters staff as a book editor in 1985 and has served primarily in that capacity since then. He edited 14 volumes in the APS Disease Compendium Series and three volumes in the Plant Health Management Series, among others, and contributed to the production of numerous other books published by APS. He was active in the production of the APS PRESS Slide Collections and in developing desktop publishing procedures for the headquarters Publications Department. Having never expected to retire early, he intends to take the summer off and plan his next steps. Phyllis Albertz, 19 Years of Service When Phyllis started in 1992, journals and newsletters were still being typeset and pasted

Diana Roeder, 19 Years of Service Diana’s been with the Scientific Societies since November 1992. First hired as a technical editor for the APS journal Plant Disease, she soon took over as editor upon the former editor’s retirement. Since she started, the technology has changed tremendously. “In the beginning my job was mainly editing and proofreading. Now, editing is only a small part, crowded out by processing of figures and pagination.” After retirement, she will continue to be the technical editor for Plant Disease, but on a contract basis and working mostly from home. She and her husband plan to spend more time together, since they are now both “retired.” As a recent retiree, Diana hopes to have more time for her two main hobbies, jewelry making and gardening. Jan Kuhn, 12 Years of Service Jan has worked for the Scientific Societies for 12 years, starting in January 1999 working for Elsie Hintz in Support Services. She worked with all the societies, but she noted that there may have only been four societies at that time. (We’ve come a long way, housing seven societies in 2011.) She previously worked with the submissions of Disease Notes for Plant Disease, and in August 2001, when an opening became available in the Publications Department, she transferred. Jan continued working on Disease Notes and also worked with the ASBC Journal. Jan said it was a quick 12 years and “the people have been the best part of the job.” After retirement, she will continue as a contract worker. Eventually, she would like to spend more of her time doing volunteer work, especially with young people. n Phytopathology News 119

People Student Degrees/Awards Alissa Kriss, a Ph.D. candidate in plant pathology at The Ohio State University (OSU), was honored with the William E. Krauss Director’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Studies for best research paper in 2010 by the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). The award is given to one graduate per year in the OSU College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences for outstanding achievement in research. OARDC Director Steve Slack presented the award to Kriss and faculty advisors Larry Madden and Pierce Paul at OARDC’s Annual Research Conference on April 21 in Columbus, OH. The award-winning publication, “Relationship between yearly fluctuations in Fusarium head blight intensity and environmental variables: A window-pane analysis,” was published in Phytopathology (2010, 110:784) and featured as an Editor’s Pick. Kriss received $1,000 and a framed copy of the publication. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and secondary mathematics education from Indiana State University and taught high school mathematics before joining the Department of Plant Pathology in 2007. Kriss is a member of the APS Office of Public Relations and Outreach Board.

Larry Madden, Alissa Kriss, Pierce Paul, and Steve Slack during the awards ceremony at the OARDC Annual Research Conference.

Stacy Mauzey recently completed a B.S. degree in biology from California State University at Monterey Bay. Mauzey has been working as a student intern with Carolee Bull at the USDA ARS laboratory in Salinas, CA, since Stacy Mauzey June 2009. Her research focused on elucidating the etiology of bacterial diseases of vegetables and resulted in peer-reviewed publications and presentations at the 2010 and 2011 APS Annual Meetings. She will be leaving the USDA ARS in July to begin an M.S. degree in the Department of Plant 120 Phytopathology News

Pathology at Washington State University under the direction of Timothy Murray and Brenda Schoeder. In addition, an article on Mauzey and her passion for plant science was recently featured in the Monterey Herald, available online at www.montereyherald.com/local/ ci_18110998. Megan Robinson received an M.S. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University (WSU). Her project focused on the genetic variation of Wheat streak mosaic virus in the Pacific Northwest and was Megan Robinson conducted under the supervision of Tim Murray. Robinson’s supervisory committee included Hanu Pappu and Tobin Peever. Robinson grew up on a farm in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. She obtained her B.Sc. degree in biological sciences at the University of Lethbridge in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, in 2008. While obtaining her B.Sc. degree, she worked as a co-op student at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada with Fran Leggett, Andre Laroche, and Dennis Gaudet gaining experience in microscopy and molecular techniques. After graduation she continued to work in the Laroche/Gaudet lab until moving to WSU to start her M.S. studies. Xiaopeng Wang received his M.S. degree in plant pathology in December 2010 from Michigan State University (MSU) under the direction of Mary Hausbeck. His thesis is entitled, “Susceptibility of cucurbit foliage and Xiaopeng Wang fruits to Phytophthora capsici.” He is currently working in the Plant Pathology Department at MSU. Muditha Weerakoon completed requirements for an M.S. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University under the supervision of Mark Mazzola. Her research was on utility of Brassica juncea seed meal as

Muditha Weerakoon

soil amendment and Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SS101 for long-term suppression of apple root infection by Pythium spp. Her supervisory committee included Tim Murray and Tim Paulitz. Weerakoon grew up in Thalapathpitiya, a suburb of Colombo, Sri Lanka. She earned a B.S. special degree (B.Sc.Special) in botany from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. During her undergraduate studies, she worked on micropropagation of rose through shoot tip proliferation and somatic embryogenesis. Weerakoon received a master’s of philosophy (M.Phil.) in molecular biology from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Her M.Phil. thesis was on the genetic basis of the cellulase activity of cellulolytic bacteria associated with decomposing rice straw. Prior to joining the department, Weerakoon worked as a research officer at the Department of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource of Sri Lanka. Jingying Zhang graduated with an M.S. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University. Zhang’s thesis research, carried out under the supervision of Gary Grove, was on the epidemiology of powdery mildew of Jingying Zhang grapes and cherries caused by Erysiphe necator and Podosphaera clandestina. Her supervisory committee included Dennis Johnson, Chang-Lin Xiao, and Naidu Rayapati. Jingying was born and grew up in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. She joined the Department of Life Science in Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong Province, in 2004 and spent the second year of college in Xiamen University as an exchange student. In her third year, she took part in the project, “Expression and utilization of the hyperthermostable endoglucanase from Pyrococcus horikoshii,” and received National Science and Technology Innovation funding for it. She received a B.S. degree in biotechnology in 2008. Awards Adipala Ekwamu, founder and regional coordinator of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) based in Uganda, was selected as one of “100 BUCKEYES You Should Know” by The Ohio State

Adipala Ekwamu

University (OSU) Alumni Association. Ekwamu, who earned his Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from OSU in 1992, was honored for his leadership in establishing innovative agricultural research and education programs in sub-Saharan Africa. A professor at Makarere University in Uganda, he’s also teamed with OSU and other universities to establish a training program that helps students from Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda earn agriculture-related degrees. In 2010, Ekwamu received OSU’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences International Alumni Award. His profile is featured on the alumni association’s Celebrating Alumni website at http://go.osu.edu/DEb. Yeshwant Nene, former deputy director general, International Crops Research Institute (ICRISAT), Patancheru, India, and current chair, Asian Agri-History Foundation, Secunderabad, India, was recently Yeshwant Nene honored by the Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi, with the Prof. A. P. Misra Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award (2008–2009). The honor was conferred “Considering his [Nene’s] unparalleled contribution in the field of plant pathology.” Nene is also a Fellow of The American Phytopathological Society. Tobin Peever, associate professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at Washington State University (WSU), was the recipient of the Faculty Advisor Excellence Award for 2011 from the WSU Graduate and Professional Tobin Peever Student Association. Nominated by his current and former students and post-doctoral fellows, Peever was cited for his commitment to student success both in the classroom and in the laboratory. The nomination statement highlights his open-door policy and his encouragement to produce highquality research, submit research proposals for experience, increase student participation at national and international conferences, and offer advice for future careers in science. Others cited Peever’s ability to teach difficult ideas in ways students can understand. Peever finds new ways to engage students and gives them experience by using hands-on projects, literature for group discussions, oral examinations, and mock research proposals.

Collaborations Philipp Gannibal, researcher at All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, Russia, and Andrew Armitage, a Ph.D. student at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom, visited Tobin Peever, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University, from April 22 to 25, 2011. Armitage and Gannibal met with members of Peever’s lab and discussed research of mutual interest, including the systematics, ecology, and evolution of Alternaria species associated with pome fruits, grasses, and solanaceous crops. Armitage and Gannibal also spent a day searching for the first morels of the 2011 season in northern Idaho and paid a visit to the Palouse Falls during their stay in eastern Washington.

Philipp Gannibal, Tobin Peever, and Andrew Armitage

Olinda Maria Martins from EMBRAPA Genetic Resources and Biotechnology in Brazsilia, Brazil, is visiting Carolee Bull at the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Salinas, CA. Martins is elucidating the etiology of two diseases (on strawberry and garlic) caused by bacteria related to Pseudomonas marginalis and a pathogen related to P. viridiflava causing disease on kiwi. As part of her work, she is developing a multilocus sequence typing scheme for organisms in the P. fluorescens group. In addition to her work in the laboratory, Martins is enjoying the Monterey Bay region and travels throughout California and the United States. Please come to meet Martins at her poster at the 2011 APSIPPC Joint Meeting.

of Lavras-MG. She is investigating the taxonomy of plant-pathogenic xanthomonads. In particular, she is investigating the etiology of a bacterial disease of the important nursery crop, Australian cedar (Toona ciliata). Ana Beatriz Zacaroni Zacaroni will continue to explore the natural areas of the United States while she is attending the APS meeting in Hawaii and hopes to meet you there. New Positions Youn-Sig Kwak joined the Gyeongsang National University in South Korea as an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Biology. His research focus is on fungal root diseases and biological control in strawberry, Youn-Sig Kwak rhizosphere metagenomics, and development of integrated omics system in fungi. Kwak received his Ph.D. degree in plant pathology from Washington State University under the supervision of David Weller, adjunct professor and research leader of USDA-ARS Root Disease and Biological Control Research Unit. Kwak’s doctoral dissertation was on “Impact of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol on Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and wheat in the take-all pathosystem.” Kwak’s research made significant contributions to biological control. He showed that production of antibiotic in the rhizosphere does not exert a selection pressure on pathogens in natural disease suppression fields. He published four refereed journal articles based on his Ph.D. research. After receiving his Ph.D. degree, Kwak worked at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) as a post-doctoral research associate. At BNL he conducted biodiesel research, especially on regulation and biosynthesis mechanisms of biodiesel in microalgae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii).

Olinda Maria Martins and Carolee Bull

Ana Beatriz Zacaroni arrived in May at the USDA ARS laboratory in Salinas, CA, to conduct “Ph.D. Sandwich” research with Carolee Bull. Zacaroni is a Ph.D. student with Ricardo Magela de Souza in plant pathology at Federal University

Tefera Mekuria

Tefera Mekuria joined the laboratory of Ken Eastwell, professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at Washington State University and located at the Irrigation Agricultural Research and Extension Center People continued on page 122 Phytopathology News 121

People continued from page 121

(IAREC), Prosser, as a post-doctoral research associate. Mekuria’s research focus is on developing monoclonal antibodies for detection of several important sweet cherry viruses. Prior to joining Eastwell’s lab, Mekuria worked as a postdoctoral fellow on diagnosis, molecular diversity, and epidemiology of grapevine viruses in Naidu Rayapati’s lab at IAREC. Mekuria examined more than 5,000 samples across vineyards in Washington and other states. His research results laid the foundation for understanding the distribution and genetic diversity of several grapevine viruses in Washington State. His findings were published in several peer-reviewed journals. In 2007, Mekuria obtained his Ph.D. degree at Oklahoma State University with Jeanmarie Verchot-Lubicz in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, where he studied the role of Potato virus X movement protein in the vascular movement of the virus. He earned his M.Sc. degree in horticulture in 1998 from the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India, and his B.Sc. degree in plant sciences from Alemaya University of Agriculture in his native country, Ethiopia. Before he came to the United States in 2002, he worked for several years in various research projects at the Ethiopian Agriculture Research Organization. Presentations Paul Christou, ICREA research professor and head of the Applied Plant Biotechnology Laboratory at Universidad de Lleida, Lleida, Spain, was the invited speaker jointly hosted by the Department of Plant Pathology along with Departments of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Crops and Soils at Washington State University, Pullman. Christou gave two seminars, “Multi-gene and multi-pathway engineering for creating nutritionally improved crops” and “Trials and tribulations of transgenic crops in Europe: A state of pain or anguish that tests patience, endurance, or belief.”

Teresa Capell, Hanu Pappu, and Paul Christou

Jennifer Colburn Clifford of the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at the University of California-Riverside presented an invited lecture, “Ralstonia solanacearum R3bv2 behavior in the rhizosphere environment and its relationship to bacterial wilt disease of tomato” at the USDA ARS in Salinas, CA, on April 15, 2011. In addition to sharing her research 122 Phytopathology News

with scientists from the USDA and regional seed companies, she spoke with undergraduate researchers and provided them with suggestions for research directions. Her visit was hosted by Carolee Bull, who made sure that she sampled the local specialties and regional sites. Ralf Dietzgen, principal research fellow and adjunct associate professor, Queensland Alliance for Agricultural and Food Innovation and University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, visited the Department of Plant Pathology, Ralf Dietzgen Washington State University, Pullman, March 18–19. He met with faculty, staff, and students and gave an invited seminar, “Negative-sense RNA virus protein localization and interactions in living plant cells.” Dietzgen’s research interests are in molecular virus-plant-insect interactions and virus biodiversity and evolution. His main focus is on the molecular taxonomy of negative-sense RNA viruses of the family Rhabdoviridae and the characterization of plant-adapted rhabdoviruses. Dietzgen’s other scientific interests are in the areas of biofuel crops and the genomics of papaya and mango fruit color, flavor, and health bioactives. Dietzgen chairs the Rhabdoviridae study group of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. In 2010, he was selected as the Government of Queensland International Ecosciences Fellow and is on study leave from January to May 2011, working with Michael Goodin at University of Kentucky, Lexington. Lacy Nelson, Arkansas P3 Center program assistant, and Ph.D. candidate Valeria Avanzato participated in Career Day at Eastside Elementary in Rogers, AR, on April 29. Nelson and Avanzato, who are both in the Department of Plant Pathology at the Valeria Avanzato University of Arkansas, brought diseased plant samples and other materials to introduce the first graders to careers in plant science. The students also learned about other professionals in the community, including firefighters, veterinarians, farmers, and artists. Photo courtesy of Kenley Smith. Usha Barwale Zehr, chief technology officer, Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company, Jalna, India, gave an invited seminar at the Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman. Her talk, “Innovation for Indian agriculture—Research efforts at Mahyco on pests and abiotic stresses,” highlighted some of the

research and development efforts in improving productivity of economically important crops. Mahyco is a leading seed company and pioneered the development and commercialization of Bt cotton varieties in India. Zehr also serves as the director of the Barwale Foundation. She is on the Board of Trustees of the Donald Danforth Plant Sciences Center, St. Louis, MO; International Rice Research Institute, Philippines; and CIMMYT, Mexico. Zehr met with graduate students, staff, faculty, and college and university administrators during her visit. Jack Rogers was a guest at Middle Atlantic States Mycology Conference at Clemson University on April 1–3. He gave a lecture concerning the history of pyrenomycete mycology in the region and on the potential of certain xylariaceous fungi as objects for research. Two of Rogers’ former Ph.D. students, Larry Grand of North Carolina State University and Julia Kerrigan of Clemson University, were in attendance. n

Classified Extension Plant Pathologist, Assistant Professor A position is available for a successful candidate to develop statewide extension and research programs on the causes and management of plant diseases in cropping systems of the North Central Region with an emphasis on small grains and canola at the University of Minnesota Northwest Research and Outreach Center (NWROC), Crookston, MN. This position offers the opportunity to develop and maintain a strong extension program and effective working relationships with client groups. The candidate will build an independent and collaborative applied research program that complements extension programming and focuses on improving disease management strategies. A complete application must include a detailed CV, academic transcripts, a statement of goals for research and extension, copies of up to four examples of research or extension publications, and three letters of recommendation. To apply for this position, visit www.umn.edu/ohr/employment and click on “Search and Apply for Job Posting.” Follow the online steps to login as a new user or as a return user. Once logged in, search for requisition number 171741 and apply for the position. For additional information, contact Dean Malvick (dmalvick@umn.edu, +1.612.625.5282) or Carol Windels (cwindels@ umn.edu, + The position is open until filled. Initial screening of applicants will begin on July 8, 2011. n

APS Journal Articles Phytopathology July 2011, Volume 101, Number 7 Multilocus Sequence Typing of Pseudomonas syringae Sensu Lato Confirms Previously Described Genomo­species and Permits Rapid Identification of P. syringae pv. coriandricola and P. syringae pv. apii Causing Bacterial Leaf Spot on Parsley. Insertion Sequence- and Tandem Repeat-Based Geno­t yping Techniques for Xanthomonas citri pv. mangiferae­indicae. Improved Resistance Against Botrytis cinerea by Grape­vine-Associated Bacteria that Induce a Prime Oxidative Burst and Phytoalexin Production. Control of Postharvest Botrytis Fruit Rot of Strawberry by Volatile Organic Compounds of Candida intermedia. Olpidium bornovanus-Mediated Germination of Asco-spores of Monosporascus cannonballus: A HostSpecific Rhizosphere Interaction. Exploring Soil Bacterial Communities in Different Peanut-Cropping Sequences Using Multiple Molecular Approaches. Sclerotinia Blight Resistance in Virginia-Type Peanut Transformed with a Barley Oxalate Oxidase Gene. Assessment of Resistance Pathways Induced in Arabi­ dopsis thaliana by Hypovirulent Rhizoctonia spp. Isolates. Differential Gene Expression During Conidiation in the Grape Powdery Mildew Pathogen, Erysiphe necator. Genetic and Pathogenic Relatedness of Pseudoperono­ spora cubensis and P. humuli. Penetration and Establishment of Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Soybean Leaves as Observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy. Soil Suppressiveness Against the Disease Complex of the Soybean Cyst Nematode and Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean. Genetic Differentiation of Puccinia triticina Populations in the Middle East and Genetic Similarity with Popula­tions in Central Asia. Gene Expression Profile and Response to Maize Kernels by Aspergillus flavus. Genetic Diversity of the Ordinary Strain of Potato virus Y (PVY) and Origin of Recombinant PVY Strains.

Plant Disease July 2011, Volume 95, Number 7 Fifteen Years of Verticillium Wilt of Lettuce in America’s

Salad Bowl: A Tale of Immigration, Subjugation, and Abatement. Polyphasic Characterization of Pigmented Strains of Xanthomonas Pathogenic to Cashew Trees. Evaluation of Vineyard Weeds as Potential Hosts of Black-Foot and Petri Disease Pathogens. Effects of Fuel Reduction Treatments on Incidence of Phytophthora Species in Soil of a Southern Appalachian Mountain Forest. Sensitivity of Monilinia fructicola from Brazil to Tebuconazole, Azoxystrobin, and ThiophanateMethyl and Implications for Disease Management. Characterizing Fenbuconazole and Propiconazole Sensitivity and Prevalence of ‘Mona’ in Isolates of Monilinia fructicola from New York and Pennsylvania. Validation of a Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for the Identification of Meloidogyne arenaria. Assessing the Adequacy of the Simulation Model LATEBLIGHT Under Nicaraguan Conditions.

Resistance of Closely Mown Fine Fescue and Bentgrass Species to Snow Mold Pathogens. Disease Severity and Microsclerotium Properties of the Sorghum Sooty Stripe Pathogen, Ramulispora sorghi. Molecular and Pathogenic Characterization of Fusarium redolens, a New Causal Agent of Fusarium Yellows in Chickpea. First Report of Clover Proliferation Group Phytoplasmas (16SrVI-A) Associated with Purple Top Diseased Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in China. First Report of a Group 16SrI Phytoplasma Associated with Amaranthus hypochondriacus Cladodes in China. First Report of Xylella fastidiosa in Peach in New Mexico. First Report of Ramularia didyma Causing a Leaf Spot on Ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus) Hybrids in California. Occurrence of a Fruit Spot Disease of Pomegranates Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes in the Prefecture of Komotini, Greece. First Report of Charcoal Rot Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on Mungbean in China. First Report of Phytophthora infestans Genotype US23 Causing Late Blight in Canada. First Report of Septoria Spot of Clementine Caused by Septoria citri in Italy. First Report of Damping-Off Caused by Cylindrocarpon pauciseptatum on Pinus radiata in Spain. Formation and Infectivity of Oospores of Pseudoperonospora cubensis, the Causal Agent of Downy Mildew in Cucurbits. First Report of Phytophthora drechsleri Associated with Stem and Foliar Blight of Gynura bicolor in Taiwan. First Report of Mycosphaerella pini Causing Red Band Needle Blight on Scots Pine in Norway. First Report of Phytophthora infestans Causing Late Blight on Solanum viarum in Colombia. The Occurrence of Charcoal Disease Caused by Biscogniauxia mediterranea on Chestnut-Leaved Oak (Quercus castaneifolia) in the Golestan Forests of Iran. First Report of Neofusicoccum mediterraneum and N. australe Causing Decay in Vitis vinifera in Castilla y León, Spain. Characterization of White Rust of Perennial Pepperweed Caused by Albugo candida in California. First Report of Fusarium Wilt on Philotheca myoporoides Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Italy. First Report of Basal Stem Rot of Apple Cactus (Cereus peruvianus monstruosus) Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Italy. First Report of Verticillium Wilt Caused by Verticillium dahliae on Coleus verschaffeltii in Italy. First Report of Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean Caused by Cercospora sojina Race 11 in Virginia. First Report of Pseudoperonospora cubensis on Cucurbita moschata in the Czech Republic. First Report of Powdery Mildew of Hexinia polydichotoma Caused by Leveillula lactucae-serriolae in China. First Report of Powdery Mildew on Ruth’s Golden Aster (Pityopsis ruthii) Caused by Golovinomyces cichoracearum (Erysiphe cichoracearum). First Report of Leaf Spot of Fan Columbine (Aquilegia flabellata) Caused by Phoma aquilegiicola in Italy. First Report of Black Spot Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on Paper Mulberry in China. First Report of a Leaf Spot on Basella alba Caused by a Bipolaris sp. in Florida.

First Report of Bean common mosaic virus Infecting Lablab purpureus in India. First Report of Tomato chlorosis virus Infecting Tomato in Georgia. First Report of Pear blister canker viroid in Pear Trees in Argentina. First Report of Tomato spotted wilt virus on Pepper in Montenegro. First Report of Leipotylenchus abulbosus in Iran. First Report of Heterodera ripae on Common Nettle in Spain. First Report of the Golden Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

MPMI July 2011, Volume 24, Number 7 The Type VI Secretion System: A Multipurpose Delivery System with a Phage-Like Machinery. Transcript Profiles in Sugar Beet Genotypes Uncover Timing and Strength of Defense Reactions to Cercospora beticola Infection. Pectobacterium carotovorum Elicits Plant Cell Death with DspE/F but the P. carotovorum DspE Does Not Suppress Callose or Induce Expression of Plant Genes Early in Plant–Microbe Interactions. The Helper Component Proteinase Cistron of Potato virus Y Induces Hypersensitivity and Resistance in Potato Genotypes Carrying Dominant Resistance Genes on Chromosome IV. Development of Functional Symbiotic White Clover Root Hairs and Nodules Requires Tightly Regulated Production of Rhizobial Cellulase CelC2. Melampsora larici-populina Transcript Profiling During Germination and Timecourse Infection of Poplar Leaves Reveals Dynamic Expression Patterns Associated with Virulence and Biotrophy. PvRACK1 Loss-of-Function Impairs Cell Expansion and Morphogenesis in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Root Nodules. Molecular Cloning of ATR5Emoy2 from Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis, an Avirulence Determinant That Triggers RPP5-Mediated Defense in Arabidopsis. Expression of an Oxalate Decarboxylase Impairs the Necrotic Effect Induced by Nep1-like Protein (NLP) of Moniliophthora perniciosa in Transgenic Tobacco. Resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Accumulation in the Tomato Wild Relative Solanum habrochaites Associated with the C4 Viral Protein.

Plant Management Network www.plantmanagementnetwork.org Plant Health Progress Influence of Adjuvants and Spray Timing of Movento on Aphid Contamination and Crop Injury in Baby Spinach. Mitigating Mummy Berry Disease of Blueberry. Stink Bug Control: Section 2(ee) Recommendations for Lannate, Vydate L. National Pesticide Information Center Launches New Website. Penn State Researchers Develop Stink Bug Monitoring Tool. Stamina F3 Cereals Fungicide Seed Treatment from BASF Receives EPA Registration. Presidio Fungicide Registered for Use on Potato. n

Phytopathology News 123


News The American Phytopathological Society 3340 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, MN 55121 United States of America

Calendar of Events

APS Sponsored Events August 2011 6-10 — APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Honolulu, HI. www.apsnet.org/meet 6-10 — APS Pacific Division Meeting. Honolulu, HI. www.apsnet.org/members/ divisions/pac October 2011 12-14 — APS Northeastern Division Meeting. New Brunswick, NJ. www.apsnet.org/members/divisions/ne December 2011 14-16 — 2011 Field Crop Rust Symposium. San Antonio, TX. www.apsnet.org/meetings/ topicalmeetings/fcrs2011/Pages/default.aspx February 2012 5-6 — APS Southern Division Meeting. Birmingham, AL. http://www.apsnet.org/ members/divisions/south/meetings Upcoming APS Annual Meetings August 4-8, 2012 — Providence, RI. August 10-14, 2013 — Austin, TX. August 9-13, 2014 — Minneapolis, MN.

Other Upcoming Events July 2011 12-14 — 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Peanut Research and Education Society. San Antonio, TX. ta-baughman@tamu.edu 17-21 — Plant Canada/Canadian Phytopathological Society Meetings. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. www.Plantcanada2011.ca; www.cps-scp.ca 18-21 — VII Latin American Mycological Congress. San Jose, Costa Rica. www.almic.org

23-30 — XVIII International Botanical Congress. Melbourne, Australia. www.ibc2011.com 24-29 — The 18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Oulu, Finland. www.eapr2011.com 31-August 5 — Disease and Insect Resistance in Forest Trees—Fourth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry. Eugene, OR. http://ucanr.org/sites/ tree_resistance_2011conference August 2011 14-19 — 44° Brazilian Congress of Plant Pathology. Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil. www.fito2011.com.br 21-24 — Second Asian PGPR Conference. Beijing, China. www.ag.auburn.edu/auxiliary/ asianpgpr/meetings/2011 25-26 — Third International Scientific Seminar of Plant Pathology. University of Trujillo, Trujillo, Perú. www.facbio.unitru.edu.pe September 2011 5-7 — Resistance 2011. Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom. bart.fraaije@bbsrc.ac.uk 11-14 — 8th International Symposium on Mycosphaerella and Stagonospora Diseases of Cereals. Mexico City, Mexico. http://conferences. cimmyt.org/en/home-septoria-conference 15-17 — Botrytis-Sclerotinia Post-Genome Workshop. Lyon, France. http://bspgw2011.univ-lyon1.fr/en October 2011 3-4 — The 2011 International Spinach Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. http://spinach.uark.edu 16-19 — The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil

Science Society of America 2011 Annual Meeting: Fundamental for Life: Soil, Crop, & Environmental Sciences. San Antonio, TX. www.soils.org/meetings November 2011 29-Dec 1 — Third International Phytophthora capsici Conference. Duck Key, FL. http://conferences.dce.ufl.edu/pcap March 2012 1-3 — Second International Symposium of Bio-Pesticides and Eco-Toxicological Network. Bangkok, Thailand. www.isbiopen.sci.ku.ac.th/ ISBIOPEN/Home.html April 2012 22-26 — Ascochyta 2012: The 3rd International Ascochyta Workshop. Córdoba, Spain. www.ascochyta.org May 2012 21-25 — 4th International Workshop for Phytophthora, Pythium, and Phytopythium. University of Maryland, College Park, MD. www.psla.umd.edu/faculty/Balci/workshop2011/ index.cfm July 2012 1-5 — Plant and Canopy Architecture Impact on Disease Epidemiology and Pest Development. Rennes, France. https://colloque.inra.fr/ epidemiology_canopy_architecture 29-August 2 — XV Intl. Congress on MPMI. Kyoto, Japan. www.ismpminet.org October 2012 Dates TBD — 1st International Workshop on Crown Rot of Wheat. Queensland, Australia. www.australasianplantpathologysociety.org.au/ Interest_Groups/Crown_Rot August 2013 25-30 — 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. www.icppbj2013.org n

For the most current listing go to www.apsnet.org/meetings/meetingcalendar.

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