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May 13, 2016 edition

The Pulse

Your regular check up on SCKMC activities Share your thoughts, story ideas, and comments by e-mail to

SCK Clinic Offers After Hours Care

Hospital & Nurses Week Celebrated

Since SCKMC joined Summit Clinic to form a new medical clinic in 2014, hospital representatives have been working towards offering extended healthcare services beyond the traditional 8:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday. South Central Kansas Clinic (SCKC), located at 515 N. Summit, began offering such services on May 2nd. SCKC’s after hours services are available by walk-in only, meaning no appointments are allowed during the expanded times and patients are seen on a “first come-first serve” basis. The new hours are 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and 8:00 a.m. to Noon on Saturdays. Angela Ziegler is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) at SCKC who has over ten years previous healthcare experience ranging from inpatient and ICU care to urgent care and emergency medicine. Ms. Ziegler will be the primary provider of the after hour services. “I am very excited to be able to provide greater access to care to our community. The after hours clinic is for acute health problems such as sore throats, ear infections, and injuries,” Ziegler said. Ziegler stressed that the after hours services will not take the place of the hospital for emergency situations, or the daily functions of SCKC such as medication refills and follow up appointments. “It is filling a gap in our current care by providing time for the care of our most vulnerable, the single mom who can't miss work, those who have to rely on others for transportation to appointments, and those without a current healthcare provider,” Ziegler said. Ziegler has experienced first hand the need for local after hours care. “As a mother of five I know how common it is to have my children wake up on a Saturday morning with a fever or an ear ache and have no good options for their care. I must decide if I am comfortable waiting until Monday morning, driving 45 minutes to the nearest urgent care, or going to the local ER. None of these seem like a great option. Now the people of Ark City and the surrounding area have the perfect option with our Saturday morning clinic,” Ziegler said. For more information about South Central Kansas Clinic call (620) 442- 4850, or online at

May hosts two of the nation’s largest healthcare recognition weeks, National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week. SCKMC held events for both of these special occasions. National Nurses Week has been celebrated since 1954, although it was not officially recognized until President Richard Nixon issued a proclamation in 1974. Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale's birthday. To celebrate at SCKMC, raffle prizes were given away to nursing staff. In addition a chocolate festival, and biscuits and gravy breakfast were held. This year’s National Hospital Week celebration was held from May 8 – 14. SCKMC has scheduled a full slate of activities for staff in order to celebrate the efforts of the hospital team and the care they provide. Events included virtual bingo, a build your own sundae bar, donuts delivered to the departments by administration, a picnic lunch, and the annual years of service luncheon recognizing those individuals celebrating milestone anniversaries.

May Employee of the Month Congratulations Terry Blackburn, Respiratory Therapist, for being named the SCKMC Exceptional Service Award winner for May. Terry was nominated by both a patient and a coworker for her courteous and cheerful attitude, and always being willing to help out in other departments. Terry (pictured right) was presented with a certificate of appreciation by Senior Manager Jane Campbell. Terry will also have a special parking spot reserved for her throughout the month.

The Pharm Forum with Homer Mah, D.Ph. There has been prescribing and dispensing errors made between two drugs that sound alike and look alike. The two drugs of concern are antidepressant Brintellix (vortioxetine) and antiplatelet Brilinta (ticagrelor). The antidepressant Brintellix will be changed to Trintellix and it is expected to be available starting June 2016. Due to manufacturing lag time, people may still see bottles labeled with Brintellix during the transition period.

If you are a registered voter who lives within the city limits of Arkansas City, you will receive a mail ballot around May 4. It will ask the following question: Shall the City of Arkansas City be authorized to impose a one-percent (1%) Citywide retailers’ special-purpose sales tax (the “SCKMC Sales Tax”), the proceeds of which will be applied only for payment of debt service previously incurred to construct and equip South Central Kansas Medical Center (“SCKMC”), to commence on October 1, 2016, and expiring ten (10) years after its commencement? If you do not want to see a reduction or elimination of local healthcare services, along with your property taxes increased, please vote YES to this one-cent, 10-year sales tax and return your ballot to the Cowley County Clerk’s Office in Winfield by May 24.

How much is 1%? The median household income in Ark City is $37,139 with annual taxable purchases averaging $8,231. One-percent of those taxable purchases is $82 per year, or $6.84 per month. That equates to an increase for the majority of Arkansas City HOUSEHOLDS of approximately


Give the Gift of Health Only twenty-three cents per day to support healthcare services locally and prevent an increase in property tax.

Vote to Support Our Local Hospital And to Prevent Higher Property Taxes!

We are 6401 Patterson Parkway, Arkansas City 6401 Patterson Parkway, Arkansas City

(620) 442-2500

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