scope features | kelsie realf (sub-editor) georgia hick (sub-editor) anis lutfi (sub-editor) halligan quinn (sub-editor) sport | jessica drummer (sub-editor) rizal redzuan (sub-editor) arts | nicholas o’hara (sub-editor) antony scholefield (sub-editor) david simmons (sub-editor) james jeffree (sub-editor) graphics |ben thangkam
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volunteering x types of... four letter word kununurra photos arts sport
from the
from the
Matthew McLean Nominations Now Open For The 2013/2014 BUSA Management Committee Nominations are now being accepted for the following positions: Executive: • President • Secretary • Treasurer Recreation: • Vice-President (Recreation) • Cultural Clubs and Societies Director • Social Director • Campus Life Director Education: • Vice-President (Education) • Advocacy Director • Special Interest Director Sport • • •
Caroline Stanley Hi Bondies! Welcome to Week 12! It’s the final Scope of the semester - how quickly the time has gone by. I only have three more editions of Scope before the end of my term on BUSA. It’s a very sobering thought, and makes me realise how much fun I have had in this position over the last 12 (almost) months. On that note, I urge you all to read Matt’s report opposite this column, detailing the election process and information for the upcoming BUSA elections. Being involved in BUSA is certainly one of the greatest things I can imagine doing with your time at Bond and I urge you all to seriously consider putting yourself forward if it is something that you are interested in doing!
Vice-President (Sport) Sporting Clubs and Events Director Sporting Projects and Development Director
Administration: • Corporate Relations Director • Publications Director • Promotions Director • IT and Multimedia Director You may nominate for an individual position alone or as a group for any of the above divisions. Nominations will also be accepted from postgraduate students for the position of Postgraduate Student Liaison and from international students for the position of International Student Liaison. Elections Information: Information on these positions, on the elections process and BUSA itself at: Election By-Laws: The election by-laws can be found here: Nomination Form: The 2013/2014 BUSA Nomination Form can be collected from the BUSA office or downloaded online at: For any further information please contact Chair of the Electoral Subcommittee Matthew McLean at
But other than planning for student politics, everything else in the uni has gone pretty quiet as everybody prepares for study week. Hopefully everybody has gotten most of their assignments out of the way and can really get stuck into exams. End of semester bash is just on the horizon, and there will be things like Protrakstination to get you through the hard study times over the next two weeks. Best of luck! If you haven’t gotten into any TV series of late, don’t start now but make sure you keep yourself sane by taking breaks from the slog of study. Love, Caro x
Volunteering: good for the h By Michelle Pham Two different definitions of ‘Generation Y’:
This is not the case.
1) A generation of spoiled, self-indulgent, selfimportant whiners who were born to the self-indulgent, self-important baby boomer doper generation. Entertainment, video game, computer, tech/gadget, and Ritalin addicts who can’t function unless a computer is nearby or a gadget is attached to them at all times. Constantly in search of thrills such as sex. Many are very tech-savvy but lack social skills with opposite sex.
There is plenty of evidence to show that Gen Y is not as spoilt, narcissistic, selfish and impatient as everyone else thinks. What traditionally may be considered as laziness should in fact be interpreted as Gen Y working harder and faster than other generations before them. With information constantly changing and updating, less emphasis is put on pure intelligence, and more emphasis is instead put on work ethic and productivity. Employers these days are looking for someone who has done well academically, but being balanced, personable and altruistic as well won’t hurt.
2) The generation of people coming after the slacker and media influenced generation x. A generation known for superficiality, egos, mixture of urban and suburban cultures, school shootings, import cars, multi racial-ethnic-religious-national mix of people in society, spiritual seeking and searching, and the generation changed by 9/11 and who will be the generation that will change the world. Admittedly, I found these definitions on Urban Dictionary, but I believe they reveal a bit more about the personality of Generation Y compared to the stockstandard definition that contains the dates that Gen Y falls within. There is some truth to them. Gen Y has been copping a lot of shit lately about being ‘the dumbest generation’, ‘generation me’, and ‘the laziest generation ever’. There is this perception out there of Gen Y not working hard enough because they feel a sense of entitlement, or right, to automatically hop to the top based on their on-paper skills and achievements alone.
It might come as a shock to some of you, but nowadays volunteering has adapted to cater for the creativity, enthusiasm, and innovation brought to the table by Gen Y. Consequently, community service among young people has reached unprecedented highs. Last year, Volunteering Queensland published a report that recommended ways to enhance the volunteer experience for young people. They found that young people want their volunteering to be “flexible but structured, professional with ownership and leadership opportunities, they want to use new technologies but value both online and social interactivity, and they want opportunities where they can really make an impact”. Recently, there has been a shift towards donating time, as opposed to donating money.
heart and soul…and future What t h is me ans is G e n Y and you ng p e opl e as a w hole are s e ek ing out more hands -on volu nte e r ing opp or tu n it i es. If I c an ar t i c u l ate t h is elo qu e nt ly : L e ss of t his f u nd r ais i ng b a ke - s a le bu l lsh it , more ac tu a l ly ge tt i ng out t he re and doing shit you rs elf. A not i c e able dif fe re nc e b e t we en G e ne r at i on Y and t he ge ne rat ions b e fore t he m is t hat G e n Y want s to b e able to s e e w hat t ang ibl e d i f fe re nc e is b e ing made. G en Y ’s s ens e of e nt it l e me nt or ig ina l ly p e rc e ive d by ot hers has b e e n e ro de d by t h is ne w found s o ci a l re sp ons ibi l it y. And empl oye rs t hes e d ays are st ar t ing to re c o g n is e t h is s o c i a l re sp onsibi lit y, and t he va lu e of volu nte e r work. A lt r u is m as i d e, g ive n t he ple t hora of vol unte er opp or tu n it ie s out t he re, t he re are many d if fe re nt sk i l ls t hat c an b e de velop e d t hrou g h volu nte e r work w h ich c an t he n b e t r ansl ate d to a sk i l l us e f u l in any j ob or c are er. T h rou g h my volunte e r work ove r t he ye ars I have c ome into c ont ac t w it h , and de velop e d i nte r p e rs ona l sk i l ls to c ate r for, p e ople f rom a l l d i f fe re nt wa l ks of life. Working w it h ch i l d re n you re a lis e t hat p at ie nce is a v ir tu e pre tt y fast , and doing char it able ac t iv it i es ove rs e as put s you in go o d ste ad as a g lob a l c it i ze n i n an inc re asing ly g lob a lis ing world. That b ei ng s ai d, t he pur p os e of t h is ar t icl e is not for you to go out and volu nte er
s o t hat it lo oks go o d on your resume – I’m simply out l i ning more re as ons w hy you shou ld volu nte er a longside t he fe elings of s elf-f u lf i lment t hat are ne ar imp ossible to des cr ib e. Volunte ering is not on ly int r insic a l ly re warding (and, as res e arch now sug gests, phy sic a l ly re ward ing , as it c an b e att r ibute d to improvement s in c ardiov as c u l ar he a lt h and ment a l he a lt h), but c an a ls o assist you in gaining t he upp er hand in t he work force. B ond of fers many dif ferent volunte e r op p or tunit ies, f rom helping out at t he Ter r aces t hroug h t he Student Phi l ant hropy C ou nci l, to t r ips to Sr i L an ka and Nep a l w it h B ondAid. Ne w opp or tunit ies p op up e a ch s emes ter, and t here are a numb er of opp or tu n it i es avai l able t hroug h t he ne w B ond Univers it y R e d Cross S o ciet y – t he of f ici a l B ond ar m of R e d Cross. Wit h BURCS you c an volu nte er at Angel’s Kitchen (w hich prov ides a w ar m , home-co oke d me a l for over 60 ne e dy and homeless f rom a cross t he G old C o ast e ver y Sund ay ), and Youngc are (a not-for-prof it organis at ion b as e d in Br isb ane w hich address es t he issue of young p e ople w it h hi g hne e ds dis abi lit ies liv ing in age d c are ). As president of BURCS (yes, t his is a shamel ess plug), we are work ing tow ards est ablishi ng rel at ionships w it h ot her organis at ions on t he G old C o ast –s o ke ep your e yes p e el e d for excit ing ne w opp or tunit ies.
Theres only X types of
Things that are more limited than you think they are
The world has existed for about 4.45 billion
years. As of this afternoon, there are about 7.1 billion people on earth, and in 2011 the total number of people ever born was estimated at a fairly substantial 107 billion. You’d think that with numbers so mind-numbingly large, planet earth and the human race would contain some things that are just too big or diverse to quantify or categorise. But people like categorising things, so we try to do it anyway. Here are some attempts to categorise, quantify or count things that seem infinitely big, diverse or intangible… but apparently aren’t. Gold Gold has been a symbol of wealth, power and arbitrary sporting success for thousands of years, so the idea of calculating all the gold that there is in the world seems like a fairly absurd one. Yet this is exactly what commodities researcher company Thomas Reuters GFMS attempts to do every year. And their conclusion is that the total weight of all the gold on earth is…171, 300 tonnes. Which sounds like a lot, but would only form a 20.7 metre by 20.7 metre cube if methodically melted down. This would make it the second most-expensive cube of all time, behind the Xbox One. Stories Narrative theorists have tried for countless year to create categories that could encompass the plot of every book, play, movie, graphic novel, sitcom, puppet show or poorly written online erotica you’ve ever encountered. One influential idea is that all stories are one of, or a combination of, these 8 basic plot types: 1. Achilles: the hero/villain is destroyed by a character flaw. 2. Candide: the hero who is unstoppable. 3. Cindarella: the dream-come true scenario where goodness is eventually rewarded. 4. Faust: fate catching up with someone to collect a debt. 5. Circe: the hero/heroine is pursued by something villainous/evil. 6. Orpheus: in which a character deals with something being lost/taken away. 7. Romeo and Juliet: the love found-lostmaybe regained plot. 8. Tristan: the love triangle. In 2004, author Christopher Booker wrote a 728 page book in which he argued that there were even fewer categories, at 7. Whatever the number is, it still won’t answer how we’re supposed to classify all the terrible fanfictions out there with no plot whatsoever. Jokes After studying 20 000 examples of humour across different centuries, civilisations and levels of crassness, a British evolutionary theorist concluded that there are only 8 patterns of joke.
So, every joke you’ve ever heard fell into one, or a number, of these categories: 1. Positive repetition: think oft-repeated comedic catchphrases. 2. Division: where a joke is broken up and told by different people. 3. Completion: where you have to complete a phrase or scenario. 4. Translation: when something is converted from one thing to another. 5. Qualitative recontextualisation: when something familiar is changed. 6. Applicative recontextualisation: when words have a double meaning. 7. Opposition: think irony and sarcasm. 8. Scale: when things are exaggerated. Most jokes fall into 2 of these, apparently. But it is hypothetically possible for a joke to combine all of them, so keep working on that Yo Mama joke. Noses Abrahim Tamir, a science professor at Israel’s Ben Gurion University, decided to categorise human noses. He looked at a total of 1793 faces-1081 males and 712 females, and identified only 14 types of nose. And they were: Celestial, Fleshy, Greek, Hawk, Roman, Snub, Bulbous, Bumpy and 6 other noses the study didn’t bother to name-including an incredibly rare nose found on only 0.05% of faces. The most common nose was the Fleshy type, which made up 24.2% of all noses. Questions of science aside, an obvious drawback for this study was that it only applies to Caucasians. Let’s hope-for Tamir’s sake and ours-that he avoids surveying any gender-specific body parts. Facial attractiveness Researchers at the University of Toronto claimed to have identified the ideal female face using ratios. A distance between the eyes and mouth that is 36% of face length, and a distance between eye pupils of 46% of face width, makes for the perfect face. The study also identified Canadian country star Shania Twain as having this perfect ratio, so make of that what you will. And for the men, the University of New South Wales did a study on the ideal beard length, because science. Their findings: heavy stubble was judged to be most attractive by females, whereas light stubble, heavy beards and cleanshaven faces were all judged as being less attractive. So, according to psychology your mum is only half-right.
THE four LETTER word By Charlot Daysh
tatistics show that University is one of the places where people are most likely to find their future spouse, so yes, there is fair chance that you may find your soul mate here at Bond.
Love is a lot of things but one of the things it is not is magic – it’s neurobiology. Falling in love equals intense psychological feelings. Many people would describe it as the best feeling in the world. The feeling is mostly just a chemical reaction in your brain (sorry for ruining the magic). Three key brain chemicals cause the euphoria; norepinephrine, dopamine and phenyl ethylamine. These chemicals produce amphetamine-like effects, and make you feel high. When you cannot stop thinking about your love interest blame it on low levels of serotonin, this is what causes the obsessive thinking. Oxytocin (also referred to as the cuddle drug) is released during touch, and makes you feel close to your bo bo. Oxytocin is important for your well being and may also reduce stress levels, so cuddle up!
Eventually the brain cannot produce enough of the chemicals to keep your euphoria going, and those electrical feelings start to fade. Some people also known as love junkies literally use love as their drug. They are addicted to the feelings of being in loves. We all know that person who jumps straight from one relationship to another, they are constantly searching for the love high. They are in love with being in love (but lets be honest who isn’t?). However, the people who go too far may develop an obsessive love disorder (yes, it is actually a disorder!).
Why do we choose one person over another? Two of the factors suggested by research are proximity and similarity. Proximity often reflects shared interests, and mere exposure effect makes us like people more. People tend to find partners who are equally attractive as themselves, and who have similar interests. We typically like people who are similar to us because familiarity equals predictability, which means that we may feel more comfortable around the person. The other suggested main factors are physical attractiveness, reciprocity and sociobiology. Also, remember that you have to love yourself before you can expect someone else to love you!
We will all experience a couple of heartbreaks (or many) during our lives. If you have already experienced one you probably know how horrible it is. There are some things you can do that may help and I am not referring to the phrase “the best way to get over someone is to get under someone”. Exercising, and healthy food (Especially get enough Omega 3) are natural mood boosters and may help you shake off the blues. However, the greatest medicine of all is time, so just hang in there!
THE PROJECT By Rhys Larsen
The Gold Coast is really cold.
more. But despite all of this excitement, we were there for a different purpose. I still don’t really know for myself what this purpose was. I guess in laymen’s terms, we were there for the children. We were there to help an organisation called Save the Children bring a semblance of order to the chaos that is youth crime and substance abuse. To give much needed attention to children who more often than not fall under the radar. But this was just the tip of the iceberg.
hat’s the first thing I thought when I stepped out of the plane at Kununurra Airport, Western Australia. Here a Winter’s day is a comfortable 30 degrees. Fresh from a 4 hour flight and stop over in Darwin, Bella Hayden, Courtney Macdade, Emily Macdonald, Jack Kruger, Jenaya Keats, Kyle Macmillan, Sammie Bradbury and myself were ready to begin our two weeks of ‘the Project’. And what a two What we were really there to do is weeks it would be. open our eyes. For years, the media has From the moment we set foot off portrayed the indigenous community the plane, it was pedal to the metal: in negative ways. This is made easy Checking in to a classy backpackers, through the use of statistics that show walking barefoot to the local shopping a high percentage of crime is commitcentre (that wasn’t much bigger than ted by indigenous Australians. And the Blocks) and patrolling the local yet, what we found was completely drive-in cinema (the only cinema in different. Sure, Kununurra certainly had some questionable adults, but we town) for drug and alcohol use. weren’t there for them. Our focus was We were definitely not in Kansas any- the children, and what a wonderful focus it was.
Instead of juvenile delinquents, our time was spent with ordinary children. We laughed, we played and we let the carefree nature of their youth take each of us on a different journey. Our activities ranged from devising ‘Amazing Race-like’ treasure hunts, collecting cane toads and doing hair and makeup (girls only). We could never have imagined that so many little things, taken for granted by us every day, could bring so much joy. On a personal level, I was thrilled to observe that these children weren’t damaged. Obviously they haven’t been granted the same opportunities as many nonindigenous Australians, but their potential to achieve great and wonderful things was still intact. All in all, the Kununurra Project was one of my greatest experiences at Bond. I would highly recommend participation in the project for anyone... I guarantee you won’t regret it.
week twelve Photographers: Ben Thangkam | James Mulholland Events: Don’s | BASIC
Songs for any (exam-related) Situation
ARTS++ We’ve all got exam playlists. Most feature generic, upbeat, bass-heavy pop hits that keep your feet tapping and heart beating. Sometimes, however, you need something more specific. Here are some ideas.
Study buddy session? ‘Army Of Two’ (Olly Murs) 24-hour study buddy session? ‘Day ‘N Night’ (Kid Cudi) Haven’t eaten for a day? ‘I Will Survive’ (Gloria Gaynor)
By Antony Scholefield
Need to get away from revision? ‘Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be’ (AC/DC) Trying to remember Week 2 content? ‘Faded’ (Kate DeAraugo) Trying to remember Week 1 content? ‘Forgotten’ (Linkin Park) Trying to work out where your study time went? ‘Friends And Alibis’ (Escape the Fate)
Haven’t eaten for two days? ‘Who Wants To Live Forever’ Last-minute revision? (Queen) ‘No Time For Later’ (The Trews)
Finally got around to eating? Really last-minute revision? ‘I Just Wanna Live’ (Good Char- ‘4 Minutes’ (Madonna) lotte) Public Speaking exam? Didn’t attend lectures, and they’re ‘Never Done Nothing Like That not streamed? Before’ (Supergrass) ‘Use Somebody’ (Kings of Leon) Exam seems too easy? Looking back over your old notes? ‘Paranoid’ (Black Sabbath) ‘All These Things That I’ve Done’ (The Killers) Getting your marks back? ‘Bad News’ (Kanye West) Trying to understand your old notes? Getting your law marks back? ‘Decode’ (Paramore) ‘Shot Down In Flames’ (AC/DC) Colour-coded highlighting system? Failed your exams? ‘How You Remind Me’ (Nickel- ‘I Fought The Law And The Law back) Won’ (The Clash)
Big Scary – ‘Not Art’ Review By David Simmons It is really exciting to witness the direction Australian music is going these days. Sure, in the past we’ve had our fair share of amazing musicians: Nick Cave, INXS, even Kylie Minogue, but recently the quality of music has focused less on
the ability to write a piece of music and instead on how well an act will sell. I blame Australian Idol! But along comes Big Scary, a Melbourne duo formed in 2006 that produce brilliant music, with their latest effort titled Not Art, which is everything but.
‘Belgian Blues’ explores the experimental side of Big Scary with its psychedelic, almost Arabic sounds, that hark to the sounds of Tame Impala. ‘Harmony Sometimes’ is a beautiful piano ballad, sung by Jo Syme, and is truly haunting.
Not Art opens with the progressive ‘Hello, My Name Is’, a track that opens quietly but builds to stadium filling power chords. If this is the band saying Hello then they really got my attention.
Another standout is ‘Invest’ and it sounds quite like Grizzly Bear in terms of harmonies and general sound. It captures that very cool vibe that artists in the Australian indie-rock community should really be attempting to find themselves. ‘Why Hip Hop Sucks In ‘13’ is another great piece, incorporating syncopated piano riffs and complex chord structures.
‘Luck Now’, with it’s math rock drum patterns and use of piano as a lead instrument is one of the highlights on the album. I’m sure you’ve heard it on JJJ, and rightly so. ‘Twin Rivers’ follows in a similar style to ‘Luck Now’ but excels so much more, maybe because of the lyrics that resonate with me as a law student (haha): “Gonna have to wake up. I don’t want to have to wake up, get up, get changed. I don’t want to have to wake up again this morning.”
With a few more listens, Not Art could be up there with some of my favourite albums of the year. Best Track: ‘Twin Rivers’ Rating: 8.5/10
By Nicholas O’Hara-Boyd
when – oh, did I mention it’s all based on a true story? – Ed Warren (the real life paranormal investigator the film is inspired by) met with producer Tony DeRosa-Grund and played him the tape of his interview with a woman possessed by a demon whose voice, when the tape is played back, is inexplicably silenced from the conversation. This was but one creepy and significant piece of evidence he presented to DeRosa-Grund during their brief initial interaction. (If this isn’t sounding like your cup of tea, run for the hills now.) The Conjuring tells the tale of two paranormal investigators (Warren and his wife) in the early-70s who, reluctantly, head along to investigate an old abandoned Rhode Island farmhouse where a family have been encountering terrifying satanic and supernatural manifestations. The couple discover, however, that it is not merely the house that is haunted, but the family that is now possessed from the evil spirits feeding off their souls. Ultimately, it’s up to the investigators to try and calm the dark forces before they latch onto others and destroy everything in their path. The success of this film (ranking at an incredible 8.1 on IMDb as this goes to print – outclassing masterpieces such as Manhattan and 8½) is in part owing to its creativity. There’s no real reinventing of the wheel on this one, we’ve seen it all been seen before – it’s just been done better. It’s slow burning and employs the progressively popular freehold camera aesthetic, which sells it as more credible and less predictable, two things that’ll play on your mind as you’re clawing at your armrests and clenching your jaw. The story doesn’t heavily rely on deus ex machinas in the way most other supernatural films tend to – all of the plot decisions are logical and sensible. The other thing I forget every time I see a horror movie in a cinema is that, when you’re in that environment, everyone’s energy feeds off one another’s – every twitch, every shudder, every breath can be heard. Which, it turns out, is bloody annoying when there’s a kid with Tourette’s in there, too. In a tense scene, leaning forward in your chair, inhaling slowly, only to hear a loud honking “meep!” behind you really frustrates the experience, affording me with a series of micro cardiac arrests.
I’m not one of those arrogant wankers who avidly try to convince whoever dare ask them, with a feigned conviction and sincerity, that they’re not scared of anything, man. I’m scared of plenty of things: cancer, shark attacks, the developmentally challenged masquerading as bouncers in Surfers Paradise, opening inappropriate Snapchats in front of family. However, I’d make the case that I don’t scare easily and it takes a bit of oomph to get me jumping. The Conjuring, however, had me performing so much angst-driven cardio I lost enough calories to dip into a state of malnutrition, and came out to find my testicles lodged up inside of my body. In short, don’t go on a date or you’ll be jumping into each other’s arms like Shaggy and Scooby. Go with someone you’re James Wan is the Malaysian-born Australian filmmaker who not afraid to scream or shudder around. And definitely don’t became famous after his 9-minute short Saw went on to be go with a creepy young girl in a white blouse who claps in the made into a feature in 2004, before later being butchered as dark – if there’s nothing else you take from this film, make it an unrelenting Hollywood franchise. Soon after, he released that having one of those in your life is no way to live. Dead Silence and Insidious becoming established very much as an auteur of the genre. His latest chef-d’oeuvre came about Franco’s housewarming guests, bar the boys (Seth, Jay, Craig, James, Jonah and Danny), dead they must band together to survive. Friendships are tested, and somehow they live for days off weed and no water. The film captures the essence of a spoof but with an original plot. The film references disaster films continually, but holistically is its own. The film’s plot is refreshing, with a good balance of cliché and originality that ensures you know where you are but doesn’t make you too comfortable.
The in-joke is on you. By James Jeffree Often you hear friends talk about films they’ve seen that are so bad their good. This is the End takes it one step further. The film is good, brilliant even, because it’s deliberately bad. Every stupid idea Seth and the boys could invent has been packed into one film. And these stupid ideas mean the film is very Pythonesque. Strangely, it works. Set in James Franco’s house, the premise of the film is simple: the apocalypse is upon mankind. With all of
The film’s strength lay in its strong cast. Not just the main cast, but also the long list of cameos throughout. Special mention needs to be made to a coke-addicted Michael Cera, and a surprise cameo by Channing Tatum. But more than the cameos, the way the six guys play off each other is excellent. The jokes are tight, and the exaggerated personas blend well. They not only satirise themselves but the Hollywood stereotype as well. The film’s only let down, is its reliance on vulgarity. At the same time, this is part of the films charm, and if you cannot handle gore it’s not the film for you. The film fulfills all expectations. It’s an in-joke between the cast shared with all, which makes it especially great. If you loved Pineapple Express, Superbad, or any film with these guys involved, the film is definitely for you.
Bond Hockey By Coach Jonathan Paul
Ever wanted to play an exciting, fast, action packed sport? Now is your chance! The newly formed Bond University Hockey Club is welcoming new players of all abilities. The club was formed in Semester 131 and was officially given club status in Semester 132. With new training equipment and access to the Gold Coast Hockey Association Turf, the club was in a strong position to form a team for the Northern University Games in Brisbane. After a long promotional campaign, we managed to form a team of 12 highly dedicated and athletic girls. Commencing in Week 2 of this Semester they began training under the watchful eye of their coach and President of the Hockey Club, Jono Paul. Sessions were light hearted, filled with banter and often did not involve the level of focus Jono would have liked (at least the girls were having fun turning Jono’s hair grey). In Week 9 the team made the journey to Brisbane to contend at the Northern University Games. Their first game against Griffith University resulted in an impressive 0-0 draw. This was a huge improvement on 2012 where they lost 11-0 against our archrivals. After three days of competition and some fantastic hockey, the girls proudly walked
away with the Bronze Medal. Due to the success at the games, Bond will be sending a team at the Australian University Games to be contended here on the Gold Coast from the 29th of September – 4th of October. We have trials for people who would want to represent the University at it. Details are below: When: 31st July 2013 (Wednesday night Week 12) Time: 8.30pm – 9.30pm Where: Gold Coast Hockey Association Turf, Southport Contact: au - ASAP to register your interest If you think you are not ready to take to the field just yet, don’t worry. The Bond Hockey Club has recently developed links with local hockey club, The Capri Sharks. The links will allow members of the Bond Hockey Club to get involved in the local competition from 2014 onwards and receive discounted playing rates through the Capri Sharks Hockey Club. More information will be posted on the clubs Facebook page over the coming months so make sure you like it!!!
https://www.facebook. com/bonduniversiplay. It tyhockeyclub some of the best Tennis that Bond has seen
attracts in a while, but also gives people a chance to socialize on the day and participate in entertaining Tennis. People may ask why the Bond Open? The simple answer would be that prizes are up for grabs, trophies and medals are there to be won and the title of Bond Open champion is there to be claimed. It’s also a great way to get great match practice, under pressure in preparation for University Games and other competitions.
nn is at Bo nd Te By Luis Kennedy
Tennis at Bond has always been a popular sport for Bondies, especially during the Summer season.As always there are competitive and social players that play Tennis, and this has always been a key focus for the Bond Tennis Club. Since 2010 the Club has introduced more events and options for Bondies with weekly competitions, social tennis, tournaments, coaching and participating in University Games. The main event each semester is the Bond Open, which is a simple tournament for intermediate and advanced players who want competitive match
This year the Bond Netball Club sent 4 great teams to Northern University Games, two mixed and two women’s. In the lead up to the games we trained exceptionally hard and it paid off this year with mixed qualifying again for AUGs and women’s qualifying for the first time in years. Our women’s 1 team started off undefeated but when faced against UNE (University of
Recently at Northern University Games (NUG) in Brisbane saw Clive Wright claim a Gold Medal in the Men’s Singles, which was a great result for Bond. Success at NUG has traditionally translated into success at AUG (Australian University Games), which is being held on the Gold Coast this year in September. Anyone interested in representing Bond at this event can go on to the Facebook website or e-mail Luis Kennedy (the President) for more details. Point of contact: Official Bond Tennis Club Page: bondunitennisclub/ Club President E-mail:
New England) didn’t come away with a win. We also lost our semi final against Griffith University. The Griffith team was made up of a few state players, which really tested our team however, we gave it our all and really showed how talented our team was. All in all it was an unforgettable week of netball, and getting drunk. It is a wonder how we played so well hungover 4 days in a row. Our coach Steve was particularly impressed with Alex Hamlyn from the women’s side and Fiona
Weleilakeba from the mixed side, who both displayed a great determination and talent on court. If anyone is interested in trialing for our AUGs teams trials will be held in the Sports Hall on Sunday 4th August 2-4pm and Tuesday 6th August 6-8pm. For more information contact Renee Williams at renee.williams@ By Renee Williams
Too sexy for a sport that wears clothes By Michaela Orsmond
Since I joined the Bond Water Polo Club, I never got bored of it. Boys and girls just are awesome in this club, always friendly and ready to help the other in any situation. It is a small club, but a big family. I have been around Bond since 2010 and joined the bond water polo in May 2011. I used to be a swimmer and a soccer player back home. But since I got a knee injury I couldn’t play soccer anymore. Swimming was fun, but playing with a ball is way less boring. I knew absolutely nothing about the sport but the team welcomed me in, taught me the rules and how to play. They got me addicted to the game; I am now playing for the university at the Uni Games, and the Gold Coast League. Out of the water it’s all about having a good time and friendship, often with a couple of drinks at Dons, a break from water.
You know youre a seasoned Water Polo player when either a) You can lick your arm and taste the chlorine OR most importantly b) You no longer think the Polo caps look weird. Water polo is arguably one of the toughest sports in the world, combining the toughness of Football, the fitness of swimmers and the ball skills of Basketball. BUT then you also add: getting kicked repeatedly, a clouded field of vision with water splashing everywhere and some other person hanging on top of you trying to dunk you under water if they can get away with it. Bond Water Polo has developed in leaps and bounds over the last few years. We’re a team, through and through, no matter which division, gender or league you play for, in or out of uni, you are a part of an unbelievable and supportive group of people. Accolades over the past two years alone include teams medalling at both the Northern and Australian University Games. It’s an incredible feat for such a demanding sport, but a testament to the player attitude, commitment skills and talent of the team. But who would expect anything less? We are the incredible Bond Bull Sharks after all. We’re made for the water, and in the case of Water Polo, too sexy for a sport that wears clothes. Depending on their time as part of the team, everyone has a slightly different Polo experience and you can read a two year contemplation from Xavier, a one year reminisce from Nick or a fresh Fresher’s view from Rob. However there is one thing that every member of the Bond Water Polo team can agree on, we’re always happy to welcome new members. No experience required! Just come down to the Bond pool on a Monday or Wednesday night at 6:30 and join our team targeting gold at the Australian University Games!
I joined Bond polo in January of 2012, in my first semester. I’d played a little in high school and was keen to stick with it, because it’s been a great way to meet people and make friends, and get fit in the process. Bond polo has always had a great mix of rookies and superstar players, and definitely has something to offer people at all levels. More recently, the men’s team embarked on an unforgettable tour of Brisbane at the Northern University Games, capping it off by bringing home the bronze medal. This was an absolutely outstanding effort in a tightly contested competition, which took a lot of heart considering a disproportionate number of our meals consisted entirely of Powerade and McDonalds, and a number of boys were caught creeping back into the team hotel in the wee hours of the morning (but, as they say, what happens on tour stays on tour). So in my eyes it’s onwards and upwards for the successes of Bond Water Polo.
Having arrived at Bond at the start of this semester, I had no idea what to expect when I decided to start playing Water Polo again after a year away from the Sport. I knew that Bond had a strong focus on sport and therefore felt intimidated at my first training, standing around the athletic team, eyeing out the pool, and wondering whether I would be able to keep up with the team. That training went very well, the team was very open, friendly and accommodated for all levels of skill in the pool. And up until today, that chemistry that binds the team together and allows them to perform is still present and gets stronger every day. At NUG, Bond Water Polo placed 3rd amongst a contingent of very strong teams, including a QUT outfit mainly composed of Queensland State Players. The team is now determined to challenge for Gold at AUG and is training with unprecedented motivation, intensity and focus in order to make that dream a reality. It truly has been an honour to be part of this team, and with the current development of a women’s team, Bond Water Polo is growing, and we do not want this to stop; this is certainly not the last time you will be hearing about us!
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