Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is a non profit and non governmental organization that is independent, nationalist, non political, and non partisan with activity based programs. CIMSA consists of six standing committees related to health issues: Reproductive Health including AIDS, Public Health, Medical Education, Human Right and Peace, Research Exchange, and Professional Exchange. Having 27 active locals throughout Indonesia, CIMSA is affiliated with the International Federation of Medical Students' Association (IFMSA), the biggest students' organization in the world who has been recognized by the United Nations.
With the mission to empower medical students to be able to actively learn and create, and also to plan strategies and execute movements to improve the nation's health and well being, CIMSA continues its struggle to create a healthier, more secure, and more prosperous Indonesia where people can enjoy equal opportunities in education and health and also to improve lives and also reach prosperity and social justice.
The International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA) is a non profit, non governmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 133 National Member Organizations from 123 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students.
IFMSA is recognized as a non governmental organization within the United Nations system and the World Health Organization and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association. IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, to shape a sustainable and health future.
The Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) is one of the six standing committees of the International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA). SCORE was founded in 1991 as the Standing Committee on Electives Exchange (SCOEE). Because the term ‘Electives’ was too confusing, in 1998 the name of this IFMSA standing committee was changed to SCORE.

SCORE supervises and coordinates the IFMSA research exchange program, which on a national level is run by individual NMOs of IFMSA. SCORE is an assembly of National Officers on Research Exchange (NOREs) who represent their correspondent IFMSA NMOs. Along with the SCORE Director, his/her development and regional assistants, and the SCORE Supervisory Board, they act as the governing body of SCORE
Presently, SCORE involves more than 65 active NMOs, offering over 3000 research projects to provide over 2400 medical students worldwide the opportunity to participate in the IFMSA research exchange program and learn the basic principles of medical research such as literature studies, collecting data, scientific writing, lab work, statistics and ethical aspects related to the medicine.
NMO Unit(s) Type Notes
Brazil (DENEM) 2 Bilateral All months
Brazil (IFMSA Brazil) 2 Bilateral All months
Croatia (CroMSIC) 1 Bilateral All months
Egypt (IFMSA Egypt) 2 Bilateral All months
India (MSAI India) 3 Bilateral All months
Italy (SISM) 3 Bilateral October, November only

Japan (IFMSA Japan) 1 Unilateral All months
Kazakhstan (KMSA) 1 Bilateral All months
Malta (MMSA) 1 Bilateral All months
Mexico (AMMEF) 2 Bilateral All months
Norway (NMSA) 1 Bilateral Departure specific around July 2023 August 2023
Philippines (AMSA Philippines) 1 Bilateral All months
Poland (IFMSA Poland) 1 Bilateral All months
Portugal (ANEM) 2 Unilateral All months
Romania (FASMR) 1 Bilateral All months
Serbia (IFMSA Serbia) 2 Bilateral All months
Serbia (IFMSA Serbia) 1 Unilateral All months
Slovakia (SloMSA) 2 Bilateral All months
NMO Unit(s) Type Notes
Thailand (IFMSA Thailand) 1 Bilateral All months
Tunisia (ASSOCIA MED) 1 Bilateral All months
Turkey (TurkMSIC) 1 Bilateral All months
Peru (IFMSA Peru) 1 Bilateral All months
Sudan (MedSIN) 1 Bilateral All months
EXCHANGE PERIOD: April 2023 March 2024
SCORE EXCHANGE CONDITIONS: https://exchange.ifmsa.org/exchange conditions/score
Every available 1 slot is open for 1 medical student.

1. Buy the Application Form (IDR 150K) via bank transfer to Treasurer SCORE (Bank Mandiri on behalf of Yosafat Sebastian Prayogo, account number 1180012721527).
2. Send email to NAFO* with Cc to Treasurer SCORE** to buy the application form along with the proof of payment with the subjet [2nd Batch 23/24] Full Name_Bukti Pembayaran AF (e.g [2nd Batch 23/24] Fitri Annisa Herdian_Bukti Pembayaran AF)
3. After confirmed, you will receive a reply from NAFO containing the Application Form and a list of documents you will need for the application requirements:
a. Motivation Letter (max. 300 words)
b. English proficiency certificate (Not required for new second batch applicants, as you are going to take ILP English Test for it. However, you are allowed to attach your available English Certificate such as TOEFL, IELTS, etc.)
c. Curriculum Vitae (please include your organizational experience)

4. Submit all the required documents before November 14th, 2022, 23.59 GMT +7 through email to NAFO* with the subject [2nd Batch 23/24] Full Name_University (e.g [2nd Batch 23/24] Fitri Annisa Herdian_Universitas Gadjah Mada).
5. Please include your preferred time of interview within the range of November 19th – 20th 2022 in your submission mail.
6. For the English Proficiency Test on the 17th 18th November 2022, you will receive more information via e mail or LINE. Please make sure that your contact written on the AF is active.
7. You will receive a confirmation on the interview schedule.
8. All documents and interview results will go through a selection process.
*NAFO email address: nafo.score@cimsa.or.id

**Treasurer SCORE email address: treasurer.score@cimsa.or.id MECHANISM
*€555 for Unilateral Greece (€400 Unilateral Fee has to be paid upon arrival on the first day of the exchange to the Local Committee and €155 has to be paid to SCORE CIMSA Treasurer), ¥50.000 + €155 for Unilateral Japan (Unilateral outgoing student is required to bring ¥50.000 in cash to pay directly to the Local Committee and €155 has to be paid to SCORE CIMSA Treasurer), ₩70.000 + €155 for Unilateral Korea (Unilateral outgoing student is required to bring ₩70.000 in cash to pay directly to the Local Committee and €155 has to

be paid to SCORE CIMSA Treasurer). Once you receive the Card of Acceptance, ask your contact person regarding the fee. Please also check the Exchange Condition of your destination country for further information, as all statements are based on it. You must send the payment receipt to treasurer.score@cimsa.or.id with Cc to nafo.score@cimsa.or.id and your LORE’s email.