A catalogue of works from the Music Sales Group
For further information on music published by Alphonse Leduc please email promotion@musicsales.co.uk or contact your local Music Sales office.
Hire Material NORTH AMERICA Email: rental@schirmer.com Telephone: +1 845 469 4699 REST OF WORLD musicsalesclassical.com/rental
Olivier Messiaen
Olivier Messiaen
Material on Sale NORTH AMERICA Alphonse Leduc Robert King Inc. 50 Corporate Drive, Suite 770 Pembroke, MA 02359, United States Tel: + 1 508 238 8118 Fax: + 1 508 238 2571 Email: ecommerce@rkingmusic.com robertkingmusic.com REST OF WORLD Music Sales Limited (Alphonse Leduc) Sales and Distribution Centre Newmarket Road, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 3YB, UK Telephone: +44 1284 702600 Email: sales@musicsales.co.uk musicsalesclassical.com
CAT07975 Messiaen US 4pp COVER copy.indd 20-1
24/02/2017 11:59
Messiaen by Robert Sherlaw Johnson Omnibus Press OP52844
Robert Sherlaw Johnson’s pioneering work on the music of Olivier Messiaen has become the foundation stone upon which all Messiaen scholarship is based. In it he discusses all Messiaen’s main works, exploring his musical language, the development of his technique, his individual approach to harmony and rhythm, the theological and symbolic aspects of his music, and his use of birdsong. The appendices include a complete chronological list of works, a bibliography, and a list of bird names. Messiaen died in 1992 aged 84. In between the publication of the last edition of this book in 1989 and this final, updated version, he composed a further set of masterpieces that are more than a postscript to his compositional oeuvre. This new edition brings the book fully up to date on these and other works and offers additional assessment on Messiaen’s influence as a composer.
Song Th rush
CAT07953 Messiaen UK 4pp COVER.indd 2-19
Olivier Messiaen studying birds through binoculars, The Alps, 1973. With the kind permission of the Olivier Messiaen Foundation.
Robert Sherlaw Johnson (1932-2000) was a lecturer in music at the University of Oxford and a fellow at Worchester College. He was also a composer and pianist of note who recorded a number of Messiaen’s works, including the Catalogue d’oiseaux, of which he gave the first complete performance in Britain at Coventry Cathedral in 1973. This edition of his Messiaen study has been updated by Dr Caroline Rae.
24/02/2017 11:39
Olivier Messiaen at the organ of the Église de la Sainte-Trinité, Paris, 1931. With the kind permission of the Olivier Messiaen Foundation.
Olivier Messiaen “In the artistic hierarchy, birds are the greatest musicians on our planet” Olivier Messiaen Olivier Messiaen considered himself as much an ornithologist as a composer, organist and pianist. Inspired in large part by his study of birdsong and his strong catholic faith, his output counts among the most fascinating of the twentieth century. From the age of 11, Messiaen attended the Paris Conservatoire where, a few years later, he was awarded various first prizes (including counterpoint and fugue, piano accompaniment, organ and improvisation, history of music, and composition). A student of Charles-Marie Widor, Paul Dukas and Marcel Dupré, he became Organist at the Église de la Sainte-Trinité in 1931, a position he held until his death in 1992. In the 1930s, he taught at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris and at the Schola Cantorum. There, he met André Jolivet, Daniel-Lesur and Yves Baudrier with whom he formed the famous Jeune France movement in 1936. In 1941, after a year imprisoned as a POW in Stalag VIII-A, he returned to the Conservatoire as professor of harmony and then professor of composition in 1966. His students included Pierre Boulez, George Benjamin, and Karlheinz Stockhausen. A devout Catholic, much of his output was influenced by his faith, as many works testify (such as La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ, L’Ascension, Le Banquet Céleste, Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte-Trinité and even his only opera Saint François d’Assise). Above all, Messiaen was fascinated by the birdsong that he heard and transcribed in his garden, and then featured in his compositions: Catalogue d’oiseaux, Petites Esquisses d’oiseaux and Traité de rythme, de couleur et d’ornithologie all conceived in this way. He said “nature offers an exhaustible treasure of colours and sounds, forms and rhythms, an unequalled model of total development and perpetual variation, nature is the supreme resource!” Messiaen received numerous accolades throughout his career. He was elected Membre de L’Institut de France in 1967, he was awarded the Calouste Gulbenkian Prize in 1969, the Erasmus Prize in 1971, and Ernst von Siemens Music Prize in 1975. He also won the Wolf Prize in Arts in 1983, The Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy in 1985, and the International Paul VI Prize in 1988, all testimony to, and recognition of, his having created some of the greatest French music of the era.
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 3
24/02/2017 11:26
Piano Catalogue d’oiseaux (1956-58)
Vol.4 La Rousserolle effarvatte (Reed Warbler) AL22943
Alphonse Leduc
L’Alouette calandrelle (Short-toed Lark) La Bouscarle (Cetti’s warbler)
Le Chocard des Alpes (Alpine Chough) Le Loriot (Golden Oriole) Le Merle bleu (Blue Rock Thrush) AL22937
Vol.6 Le Merle de roche (Common Rock Thrush)
Le Traquet stapazin (Black-eared Wheatear)
Vol.3 La Chouette hulotte (Tawny Owl) L’Alouette lulu (Woodlark) AL22941
La Buse variable (Common Buzzard) Le Traquet rieur (Black Wheatear) Le Courlis cendré (Curlew) AL22947
Des Canyons aux Etoiles (1971-74) Alphonse Leduc Solo Piano Part – AL27607
Couleurs de la Cité Céleste (1963) Alphonse Leduc Solo Piano Part – AL23624
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CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 5
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CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 6
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La Fauvette des jardins (1970) Alphonse Leduc
L’Ascension (1933-34)
Petites Esquisses d’oiseaux (1985)
Le Rouge-gorge Le Merle noir Le Rouge-gorge La Grive musicienne Le Rouge-gorge L’Alouette des champs Alphonse Leduc
Majesté du Christ demandant sa gloire à son Père ii. Alléluias sereins d’une âme qui désire le ciel iii. Transports de joie d’une âme devant la gloire du Christ qui est la sienne iv. Prière du Christ montant vers son Père Alphonse Leduc AL18826
Rondeau (1943) Alphonse Leduc
Le Banquet Céleste (1928) Alphonse Leduc AL22893
Sept Haïkaï – Japanese Sketches for Piano and Orchestra (1962)
Golden Oriole
Alphonse Leduc Solo Piano Part – AL23479
La Ville d’en haut (1987) Alphonse Leduc Solo Piano Part – AL28829
Un vitrail et des oiseaux (1986) Alphonse Leduc Solo Piano Part – AL27703
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 7
24/02/2017 11:27
Eurasian Curlew
Les Corps Glorieux (1939) Alphonse Leduc
Vol.1 Subtilité des Corps Glorieux Les Eaux de la Grâce L’Ange aux parfums AL20068
Vol.2 Combat de la Mort et de la Vie AL20071
Vol.3 Force et Agilité des Corps Glorieux Joie et Clarté des Corps Glorieux Le Mystère de la Sainte-Trinité AL20072
Livre d’Orgue (1951) i. Reprises par interversion ii. Pièce en trio (pour le dimanche de la Sainte-Trinité) iii. Les Mains de l’abîme (pour les temps de pénitence) iv. Chants d’oiseaux (pour le temps pascal) v. Pièce en trio (pour le dimanche de la Sainte-Trinité) vi. Les Yeux dans les roues (pour le dimanche de la Pentecôte) vii. Soixante-quatre durées
Livre du Saint-Sacrement (1984) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii.
Adoro te La Source de Vie Le Dieu caché Acte de foi Puer natus est nobis La Manne et le Pain de Vie Les Ressuscités et la Lumière de Vie Institution de l’Eucharistie Les Ténèbres La Résurrection du Christ L’Apparition du Christ ressuscité à Marie-Madeleine La Transsubstantiation Les Deux Murailles d’eau Prière avant la Communion La Joie de la Grâce Prière après la Communion La Présence multipliée Offrande et Alléluia final
Alphonse Leduc
Alphonse Leduc
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 8
24/02/2017 11:27
Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte-Trinité (1969)
La Nativité du Seigneur (1935) Alphonse Leduc
Alphonse Leduc
La Vierge et l’Enfant Les Bergers Desseins éternels
Messe de la Pentecôte (1948-50) i. Entrée (Les Langues de feu) ii. Offertoire (Les Choses visibles et invisibles) iii. Consécration (Le Don de sagesse) iv. Communion (Les Oiseaux et les sources) v. Sortie (Le Vent de L’Esprit)
Alphonse Leduc
Vol.2 Le Verbe Les Enfants de Dieu AL19269
Les Anges Jésus accepte la Souffrance Les Mages
Monodie (1963) Alphonse Leduc
Vol.4 Dieu parmi nous AL19274
Offrande au Saint-Sacrement (1930) Alphonse Leduc AL29357
Prélude (c.1928) Alphonse Leduc AL29414
Garden Warbler
Verset pour la fête de la Dédicace (1960) Alphonse Leduc AL23042
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 9
24/02/2017 11:27
Ondes Martenot
Fête des belles eaux (1937)
Le Merle noir (1952)
6 Ondes Martenot
Flute/Piano Alphonse Leduc
Alphonse Leduc Full Score
Strings Thème et Variations (1932) Violin/Piano Alphonse Leduc AL18496
Vocal Chant des déportés (1945) Sopranos/Tenors/Orchestra (2+pic.2.2+ bcl.3/4331/pf/3perc.glock/str) Alphonse Leduc Score – AL29017 Score/Parts – Hire Only
Harawi (1945) Soprano/Piano
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.
La Ville qui dormait, toi Bonjour toi, colombe verte Montagnes Doundou tchil L’Amour de Pirtoutcha Répétition planétaire Adieu Syllabes L’Escalier redit, gestes du soleil Amour, oiseau d’étoile xi. Katchikatchi les étoiles xii. Dans le noir Alphonse Leduc AL20527
Reed warbler
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 10
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CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 11
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CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 12
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La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ (1963-69) Choir/Solo Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Xylorimba, Vibraphone, Cello/Orchestra (3+2pic.3+ca.3+ ebcl+bcl.3+cbn/6.3+ptpt.3+btbn.3/6perc/str) Alphonse Leduc
Opera Saint François d’Assise (1975-83) Alphonse Leduc Libretto
First Septenary
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.
Full Score
Récit évangélique Configuratum corpori claritatis suae Christus Jesus, splendor Patris Récit évangélique Quam dilecta tabernacula tua Candor est lucis aeternae Choral de la Sainte Montagne
Full Score – AL24357
Second Septenary viii. Récit évangélique ix. Perfecte conscius illius perfectae generationis x. Adoptionem filiorum perfectam xi. Récit évangélique xii. Terribilis est locus iste xiii. Tota Trinitas apparuit xiv. Choral de la Lumière de Gloire Full Score – AL24364 Score/Parts – Hire Only
Act 1 1st Tableau: La Croix AL28132
2nd Tableau: Les Laudes AL28194
3rd Tableau: Le Baiser au lépreux AL27228
Act 2 4th Tableau: L’Ange voyageur AL28219
5th Tableau: L’Ange musicien AL28703
6th Tableau: Le Prêche aux oiseaux AL27268
Act 3 7th Tableau: Les Stigmates AL27469
8th Tableau: La Mort et la Nouvelle Vie AL27618
Vocalise-Étude (1935)
Vocal Score
High Voice/Piano Alphonse Leduc
Act 1 (Tableaux 1-3)
Act 2 (Tableaux 4-5) AL29604
Act 2 (Tableau 6) AL29605
Act 3 (Tableaux 7-8) AL29606 Score/Parts – Hire Only
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 13
24/02/2017 11:27
Solo Instruments with Ensemble
Common buzzard Full Score Vol.3
Solo Piano, Horn, Xylorimba, Glockenspiel and Orchestra (2+pic+afl.2+ca.2+ebcl+ bcl.2+cbn/3.2+ptpt.3.0/7perc/str(60331))
viii. Les Ressuscités et le Chant de l’Etoile Aldébaran ix. Le Moqueur polyglotte x. La Grive des bois xi. Omao, leiothrix, elepaio, shama xii. Zion Park et la Cité Céleste
Solo Piano Part – AL27607
Des Canyons aux Etoiles (1971-74)
Full Score Vol.1 i. ii. iii. iv. v.
Le Désert Les Orioles Ce qui est écrit sur les Etoiles Le Cossyphe d’Heuglin Cedar Breaks et de Don de Crainte
Full Score Vol.2 vi. Appel interstellaire vii. Bryce Canyon et les Rochers rouge-orange AL25314
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 14
Concert à Quatre (1990-92) (Completed Yvonne Loriod/George Benjamin/ Heinz Holliger) Soli Flute, Cello, Oboe, Piano and Orchestra (3+2pic.3+ca.3+Ebcl+bcl.3+ cbn/4.3+ptpt.3.1/7perc+mba.xyl.glock. xylorimba.cel/str)
i. ii. iii. iv.
Entrée Vocalise Cadenza Rondeau
Full Score – AL28864 Score/Parts – Hire Only
24/02/2017 11:27
Couleurs de la Cité Céleste (1963) Piano and Wind Orchestra (0030/2.3+ptpt.3+btbn.0/6perc)
Large Ensemble L’Ascension (1932-33)
Solo Piano Part – AL23624 Pocket Score – AL23623 Score/Parts – Hire Only
3.2+ca.2+bcl.3/4331/timp.2perc/str Alphonse Leduc
Sept Haïkaï – Japanese Sketches for Piano and Orchestra (1962) Soli Piano, Xylophone, Marimba, 2 Clarinets, Trumpet and Small Orchestra (1+pic.2+ca.2+ Ebcl+bcl/0110/4perc+xyl.mba/8vn)
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.
Introduction Le Parc de Nara et les Lanternes de pierre Yamanaka cadenza Gagaku Miyajima et le torii dans la mer Les Oiseaux de Karuizawa Coda
Majesté du Christ demandant sa gloire à son Père ii. Alléluias sereins d’une âme qui désire le Ciel iii. Alléluia sur la trompette, Alléluia sur la cymbale iv. Prière du Christ montant vers son Père Study Score – AL20720 Score/Parts – Hire Only
Chronochromie (1959-60) 3+pic.2+ca.2+bcl+Ebcl.3/4.3+ptpt.31/ perc(6)/str Alphonse Leduc Study Score – AL23077 Score/Parts – Hire Only
Solo Piano Part – AL23479 Study Score – AL23478 Score/Parts – Hire Only
La Ville d’en haut (1987) Solo Piano, Brass, Wind and Percussion (3+pic+afl.3+ca.3+ebcl+bcl.2+ cbn/6.3+tpt.3.1/4perc) Alphonse Leduc Solo Piano Part – AL28829 Score – AL27567 Score/Parts – Hire Only
Un vitrail et des oiseaux (1986) Solo Piano/Brass, Wind and Percussion (3+afl.3+ca.3+ebcl+bcl.3/0100/5perc.xyl. mba.xylorimba/(no str)) Alphonse Leduc Solo Piano Part – AL27703 Score – AL27434 Score/Parts – Hire Only
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 15
24/02/2017 11:27
Éclairs sur l’Au-Delà (1988-1991) Orchestra (6+3+1.3+1.6+1+2+1.3+1/ 6.3+2.3.3/perc(15)/str) Alphonse Leduc
Vol.1 – Full Score (Nos.1-6) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.
Apparition du Christ Glorieux La Constellation du Sagittaire L’Oiseau-lyre et la Ville-fiancée Les Élus marqués du sceau Demeurer dans l’Amour... Les Sept Anges aux sept trompettes
Vol.2 – Full Score (Nos.7-11) i.
Et Dieu essuiera toute larme de leurs yeux... ii. Les Étoiles et la Gloire iii. Plusieurs oiseaux des arbres de Vie iv. Le Chemin de l’Invisible v. Le Christ, lumière du Paradis AL28842
Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum (1964) Mixed Wind/Brass Ensemble (3+2pic.3+ca. 3+Ebcl+bcl.3+cbn/63+ptpt.41+sxhn/6perc) Alphonse Leduc
Des profondeurs de l’abîme, je crie vers toi, Seigneur: Seigneur, écoute ma voix! ii. Le Christ, ressuscité des morts, ne meurt plus: la mort n’a plus sur lui d’empire iii. L’Heure vient où les morts entendront la voix du Fils de Dieu… iv. Ils ressusciteront, glorieux, avec un nom nouveau – dans le concert joyeux des étoiles et les acclamations des fils du ciel v. Et j’entendis la voix d’une foule immense… Study Score – AL23681 Score/Parts – Hire Only
Un oiseau des arbres de Vie (Oiseau tui) (orch. Dingle) 6+pic.3+ca.6+ebcl+bcl.3/6100/ 10perc/pf/str Alphonse Leduc Score/Parts – Hire Only
Un Sourire (1989) 3+pic.3+ca.33/4100/perc/str(no DB) Alphonse Leduc Study Score – AL28156 Score/Parts – Hire Only
Sh ort-toed lark
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 16
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CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 17
24/02/2017 11:27
Books (in French unless otherwise stated)
Conférence de Bruxelles (French/German/English) (1958) Alphonse Leduc AL22785
Conférence de Kyoto (French/Japanese) (1985)
Tecnica de mi lenguaje musical (Spanish) (1944) Alphonse Leduc AL27702
Tecnica del mio linguaggio musicale (Italian) (1944) Alphonse Leduc AL29041
Alphonse Leduc AL27485
Conférence de Notre-Dame (1977) Alphonse Leduc AL25636
Traité de rythme, de couleur et d’ornithologie (1949-1992) Alphonse Leduc
Book 1 AL28892
Lecture at Notre-Dame/ Konferenz von Notre-Dame
Book 2 AL28922
(English/German) (1977)
Book 3
Alphonse Leduc
Book 4
Lecture at Kyoto/Konferenz von Kyoto (English/German) (1985)
Book 5 Vol.1 (Chants d’Oiseaux d’Europe)
Alphonse Leduc
Book 5 Vol.2 (Chants d’Oiseaux Extra-Européens)
Technique de mon langage musical (1944)
Book 6
Alphonse Leduc
Book 7
Technik meiner musikalischen Sprache (German) (1944) Alphonse Leduc AL23673
Technique of my musical language (English) (1944) Alphonse Leduc
Vingt Leçons d’Harmonie (French/English/German) (1944)
Twenty Lessons in Harmony in the style of several important composers in the ‘Harmonic History of Music’ from Monteverdi to Ravel Alphonse Leduc AL19891
CAT07953 CAT07975 Messiaen UK US 16pp INSIDES.indd 18
24/02/2017 11:28
Messiaen by Robert Sherlaw Johnson Omnibus Press OP52844
Robert Sherlaw Johnson’s pioneering work on the music of Olivier Messiaen has become the foundation stone upon which all Messiaen scholarship is based. In it he discusses all Messiaen’s main works, exploring his musical language, the development of his technique, his individual approach to harmony and rhythm, the theological and symbolic aspects of his music, and his use of birdsong. The appendices include a complete chronological list of works, a bibliography, and a list of bird names. Messiaen died in 1992 aged 84. In between the publication of the last edition of this book in 1989 and this final, updated version, he composed a further set of masterpieces that are more than a postscript to his compositional oeuvre. This new edition brings the book fully up to date on these and other works and offers additional assessment on Messiaen’s influence as a composer.
Song Th rush
CAT07953 Messiaen UK 4pp COVER.indd 2-19
Olivier Messiaen studying birds through binoculars, The Alps, 1973. With the kind permission of the Olivier Messiaen Foundation.
Robert Sherlaw Johnson (1932-2000) was a lecturer in music at the University of Oxford and a fellow at Worchester College. He was also a composer and pianist of note who recorded a number of Messiaen’s works, including the Catalogue d’oiseaux, of which he gave the first complete performance in Britain at Coventry Cathedral in 1973. This edition of his Messiaen study has been updated by Dr Caroline Rae.
24/02/2017 11:39
A catalogue of works from the Music Sales Group
For further information on music published by Alphonse Leduc please email promotion@musicsales.co.uk or contact your local Music Sales office.
Hire Material UNITED KINGDOM Email: hire@musicsales.co.uk Telephone: +44 1284 705705 REST OF WORLD musicsalesclassical.com/rental
Olivier Messiaen
Olivier Messiaen
Material on Sale UNITED KINGDOM AND REST OF WORLD (EXCEPT NORTH AMERICA) Music Sales Limited (Alphonse Leduc) Sales and Distribution Centre Newmarket Road, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 3YB, UK Telephone: +44 1284 702600 Email: sales@musicsales.co.uk musicsalesclassical.com NORTH AMERICA Alphonse Leduc Robert King Inc. 50 Corporate Drive, Suite 770 Pembroke, MA 02359, United States Tel: + 1 508 238 8118 Fax: + 1 508 238 2571 Email: ecommerce@rkingmusic.com robertkingmusic.com
CAT07953 Messiaen UK 4pp COVER.indd 20-1
24/02/2017 11:39