Toula Process Portfolio

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Developing ideas for a ceramic sculpture... On this page I commence my design process for a ceramic sculpture I will be doing. I choose to work with the human body, since the subjects of my graphite drawing and photographs are all human. I therefore try to think of ways in which I can show the relation between the human body and reflection in one three dimensional piece. I also look at pieces by various artists, such as Johnson Tsang and Spencer Tunik, to fuel my thought process. Sources: Listed along the left, vertical edge of the screen

Here I begin to narrow down the ideas I developed on the previous screen. I also begin to work with clay to gain an understanding of how to sculpt portraits. On the top left I briefly define my overall direction for this piece. I choose to focus on reflections and people, with the intention of distorting the complexion. After deciding this I begin to build the foundation of my sculpture. I do this without having made a final sketch, as I wanted to let my imagination freely develop, and work as intuitively as possible.

Muse Constantin Brancusi 1912 Marble 46 x 23 x 22 cm

Sources: en-mind-series/

Developing ideas for a piece based on the concept of reality‌ On this screen I set a mantra for this project, and begin to collect visual material.

Sources: - ck-panthers-rise-new-tactics-were-needed#strea m/0 - ck-panthers-rise-new-tactics-were-needed#strea m/0 - - /capitalism-human-greed/ - - l/ - man-no-cry-t07502 - hwister - es-war-peace/ - 32/get-it-second-wave-style/

The left half of this screen displays my consideration of using feminism to communicate contrasting versions of reality. The right half features manipulated photographs of the Black Panther Party that I created in preparation of a dry point etching.

Sources: - ack-panthers-party-people-1.jpeg?w=1400&h=999 9 - 15/11/B3E067E0E1869B58EF1C6C19D26A6F6D1 -1920x1000-c-top.jpg -

On this screen I accumulate visual material to inspire my upcoming projects which are based on a set of criteria I was assigned by my teachers. This forced me to work within certain boundaries and restrictions.

Sources: - razil/ - rance/ - rance/ - ?tax=1&tax_name=medium_art_category&term_i d=33 - wer-and-equality-DyjglHAejqMXtw7EhXJW6w2 - omas-chatterton-williams/ - muhammad-ali-1966-1970?view=slider#2 - arlem-gang-leader-1948?view=slider - graphy-2/latoya-ruby-frazier-gordon-parks-powerf ul-legacy/ - r/paintings/girl_with_a_pearl_earring - -the-fader-interview-2015

On this screen I experiment with different portrait drawing styles, and color schemes. I also look at the work of a family friend, who is a graphic designer, to further inspire my aesthetic approach to this project.

Sources: - ment/ - - 13/08/20/what-the-butler-didnt-reveal-about-theblack-panther-party/ - elbert-howard-a-founder-of-the-black-panthers-di es-at-80.html - 4534404d3fe4c/ - ck-panthers-rise-new-tactics-were-needed#strea m/0

Here I begin to create compositions for portraits featuring a floral background, similar to the one in Oliver Bull’s work, as I find the contrast between the delicacy of flowers and violence interesting.

Sources: - /08/20/what-the-butler-didnt-reveal-about-the-blackpanther-party/ - - / - -finale-is-the-most-powerful-movie-ending-youll-seeall-year#.tuoRUA5pG - 5-red-japanese-cotton-fabric-flower-patterns-made-i n-japan-width-110-cm-x-1m.html - ed-rose-bouquet-on-black-background-vector-21300 995 - mer-2015/civil-rights-with-guns/ - 33/ - kendrick-lamar-element-video-gordon-parks-referen ces - -and-equality-DyjglHAejqMXtw7EhXJW6w2 - ce/

Here I settled on a composition for an oil painting. I also reflect on the progress I have made on a lino print that emerged from my extensive visual research. Then, I begin to plan a collage that will be my third piece within this series.

Sources: - ther-primer-11-books-and-films-on-the-movement/ - nth/women-black-panther-party/#77113 - ert-howard-a-founder-of-the-black-panthers-dies-at80.html 20/capturing_counterculture/4648/ son-reveals-the-real-black-panther-party/ - kendrick-lamar-element-video-gordon-parks-referen ces - 34404d3fe4c/

Developing a piece expressing elements of my experience growing up as a mixed child in Germany... On this page I establish my intention for this piece, brainstorm possible compositions, as well as techniques. I decided to use glue to do a photographic transfer onto wood.

Sources: -

Developing a piece inspired by stained glass windows... Here I trace back to my focus on Black Power, and the Civil Rights Movement, to create a piece of work that embodies glory and faith using an African American activist. I decided that Muhammad Ali would be a good subject, and then began to plan how I could turn his portrait into a stained glass window.

A compilation of photographs and ideas accumulated over the summer...

Reflecting on my grade 11 exhibition and planning my next piece...

Sources: Listed at the bottom left of the page

This is the final piece. I decided not to make it part of my exhibition as I am not entirely satisfied with the result. Nevertheless, the process of creating this piece was important. I printed it onto A2 paper and called it Ascension. It is purposefully pixelated to create ambiguity and allure to a lapse in judgement I identify in violent mentalities. The image is monochromatic, to concentrate on form and contrast. The skin of the subject is white to allure to a divine figure. The inclusion of a rifle, addresses the contradictory link between divinity and brutality endorsed by certain individuals.

Sources: Listed in the center of the bottom of the page

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