2 minute read
Supporting Foundation through scholarships
Mr John Flecker, Chair of Foundation
We are now well into 2023 and remain in the apparent new global norm of financial volatility. Australia, Perth, and Scotch College are great places to be in these times.The long-term nature and cautious management of Foundation’s assets and investments continues to hold us in good stead. This, along with an uptick in College enrolments and subsequent endowment fee income enables Foundation to continue to support the College in many ways.
One avenue of support is by way of FoundationScholarships. There are currently eighteenFoundation Scholarships in place. It is fantastic to see eight of those Foundation Scholarships supporting Boarding positions and you will see that our 2023 Annual Appeal is aimed at boosting our Indigenous scholarships, ensuring that we can offer positions to youngIndigenous boys who otherwise would not be able to attend the College.
Foundation also supports the College exploring new endeavours. One such endeavour is around the potential for on-line learning offerings beyond the currentCollege cohort and how such offerings could have spin off applications or accelerate improvements in core College operations.
Foundation’s cornerstone supportingmechanism is via loans to the College tofacilitate appropriate capital works andessential refurbishments. Loans to theCollege are budgeted to peak at $11min the near term.
With relevance to such capital works and refurbishment, we are very pleased thatSimon Anderson will be joining the Board of Foundation as a Council Nominee. We welcome Simon for his wise counsel generally and particularly his insight as Chair of theCollege’s Masterplan Committee.
I’d also like to thank Aaron Hood for his service to Foundation as he retires from theFoundation Board to take up a position on the College Council, where I’m sure he will continue to add great value.
Help us grow a community for all
Annual Appeal 2023
Today’s young people are imbued with the power to shape our future, and an enriching education is the most critical step.
We need your support to continue providing life-changing opportunities to emerging Indigenous leaders of the future.
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