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The big step to Middle School
Over the past term, 104 Year 6 students have taken the first steps of their Middle School journey.
This has included 29 new boys that have been warmly welcomed into the college.
Year 6 is a period of transition for the boys as they grow into adolescence. It is our hope that every student feels a sense of belonging and can thrive both academically and socially. So far the boys have enjoyed being part of a vibrant, safe, and caring environment that promotes academic excellence, socialemotional wellbeing, and independent thinking.
It certainly has been a busy start to the year for Year 6s where they have enjoyed connecting with their peers and with the larger world around them. Many were anxious as they joined from other schools or progressed from the Junior School but their enthusiastic approach to learning and caring natures have made the transition easier.
Mr Michael Campbell Year 6 Coordinator |Middle School Teacher
I’m a new student to Scotch College and the past few weeks have given me a great insight into the inner workings of the College. I have been able to experience my first JPSSA Sport season. I was quite nervous at first because I have never done JPSSA before and I thought that we were going to get decimated. However, we won our first game and that boosted my confidence and helped me make more friends. I went from being lonely with no friends to now having a couple of good friends and some great supportive teammates. The thing that most helped me settle in was touching base with some of my friends from previous schools who have been at Scotch for a while, and they guided me through my transition into the college and helped me fit in.
The thing I am enjoying the most would have to be Stem Design lessons because there is so much creative freedom and so many tools at your disposal.
James Nicholls
I was anxious at the start of the year and did not know what Middle School would be like. I met a bunch of new boys and I tried to make them comfortable at Scotch. I think there are a few differences between Junior School and Middle School. There is a lot more independence in Middle School because we are allowed to walk to classes by ourselves. There are also many more teachers. I have enjoyed the summer JPSSA season because I played competitive basketball with all my friends.
Ari Cole
On the first day of school, I was quite nervous. I had no friends at all. I really didn’t want to go. I walked into Scotch and when I arrived, I sat next to a nice boy. He said ‘Hello my name is Jack’. I said ‘Hi, I’m Ted’. He gave me a high five and I instantly felt more comfortable next to him. Throughout the term I have made so many more nice friends which feels amazing. At my old school we didn’t get provided with a lot of homework but at Scotch we do. I love it! It’s challenging and hard but also fun.
Ted Gilchrist
At the start of the year, I was excited as it was a massive step up from my previous school. It was filled with fantastic opportunities that no other schools could offer. I was also nervous however, I was pleasantly surprised to find out how many people I knew from Tennis and other clubs. I love the independent nature of Scotch and all of boys who attend it. The thing that helped me settle in the most were the teachers. They were very supportive and
helpful making it easy to work. All in all, I think that all the homework, technology and new things are just another step in my journey towards becoming a more independent and confident person.
Louis Collison
I have felt excited about my transition into Middle School as there are so many more things can do. For example, co-curricular clubs, different subjects, new technology and that doesn’t even scratch the surface. The thing that has helped me settle in was the foosball table in the Middle School Quad as so many Year 6s play there at recess and lunch. I mostly enjoy the Design subjects. Now I’m learning about woodwork and next term I will be switching so Food Design which is my personal favourite.
The past term has been very dynamic and busy. Lots of homework, travelling and packed schedules. This is my first year at Scotch. When I first started, I felt a bit nervous and anxious, but I soon started talking to a few of my classmates and now I have many friends. I think that the company of my friends and the comfortable environment gradually helped me become more confident. What I am most enjoying about Scotch is probably the Clubs on offer, JPPSA and the table tennis table outside. When I came to Scotch, there was a lot more homework and travel which makes it challenging, but I have learned to plan my day and now it is less stressful.
Eric Deng