The key benefits of having ISO 9001
ISO 9001 CONTINUALLY IMPROVING OUR QUALITY ISO 9001:2015 is the international standard for quality management systems. Scotia Homes has been working hard over the past three years to develop and continually improve both our quality management system and the quality of our build.
NHBC Warranty NHBC, the National House Building Council, is the standard-setting body and leading warranty and insurance provider for new and newly converted homes in the UK. Its purpose is to raise house building standards to protect homeowners and it has been at the heart of improving house building standards for eight decades. The NHBC works together with house builders to ensure mandatory technical requirements are met, so you can be confident your new home benefits from a long history of experience.
SCOTIA at Highwood, Croy
OUR NUMBER ONE – C U S TO M E R S AT I S FAC T I O N We deliver homes that consistently meet customer requirements.
I M P R OV E D S TA K E H O L D E R R E L AT I O N S H I P S Improving the perception of the company with staff, customers and suppliers alike.
COMPLIANCE Ensuring our homes always meet statutory, regulatory and NHBC requirements.
IMPROVED RISK MANAGEMENT Greater consistency and traceability of products means problems are easier to avoid and rectify.
P R OV E N B U S I N E S S CREDENTIALS The fact that we are independently verified against a globally recognised industry standard speaks volumes for our ability to deliver quality.