Your COVID-19 Safety Plan General Business details Business name
Scots All Saints College
Business location (town, suburb or postcode)
Campus East, WhiteRock, 2795
Completed by
Belinda Lesh
Email address
Effective date
11 September 2021
Date completed
2 October 2021
Wellbeing of staff and customers Exclude people who are unwell from the premises. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Staff or Students are not permitted to enter the College if they have any signs or symptoms of Covid-19, or any other illness. Day Students are to report to the College Nurse if symptoms present and arrangements
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to return home will be made. Boarding students will be isolated immediately and a risk assessment will be undertaken by the College, parents and Health team to determine the most appropriate arrangements (ie. If boarder is able to return home until symptoms resolve, or if isolation within the boarding facility are more appropriate.) Staff will refer to the Covid-19 Health and Safety protocols for staff and students.
Provide staff with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing, wearing masks, and cleaning. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Signage and posters are located in prominent areas throughout the College displaying NSW Health information regarding mask wearing, Physical distancing and Hand sanitising. The Covid marshal is available via mobile phone for urgent queries. General queries can be directed to the Nursing team at any time. Masks are available at each staff room, reception, the dining hall and the Health Centre. Information on testing locations and can be obtained from the College nurse at all times. All members of the College community can access The Covid-19 Health and Safety Protocols for staff and students. Covid-19 updates are available on the College website as well as in the weekly newsletter 'The Roar".
Display conditions of entry including requirements to stay away if unwell and record keeping. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Conditions of entry are clearly marked at the entrance to the College. Signage is posted at all entrances stating 'No parents or Carers past this point'. Signage regarding QR codes and the wearing of masks are at each location and at prominent locations throughout the College. Communication is sent out to families of the College regularly via e-mail outlining dropoff and pick-up procedures. This information is also available in the weekly newsletter
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‘The Roar’ which is available on the College website Boarding parents and students are advised of drop-of procedures before returning to the College. Parents are unable to leave their vehicle and are not permitted to enter the boarding house. All staff are required to QR in on arrival. Visitors/contractors must have permission from the Head of College before entering the premises.
Other types of venues or facilities within the premises must complete COVID-19 Safety Plans where applicable. If contact details are captured electronically upon entry to the main premises on the relevant day, additional collection of contact details via electronic methods may not be required if there is no other public access to the sub-premises. However, additional contact details and time of entry must be captured where these sub-premises are gyms, entertainment facilities, hospitality venues, nightclubs and retail premises. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Visitors and contractors must sign a declaration at reception before entering the College in addition to QR code sign-in. All visitors and contractors must have permission from the Head of College before entering the premises.
Encourage staff to access COVID-19 vaccination. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this As per the Public Health order all Staff and visitors entering the College must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. These records are kept by the College.
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Physical distancing Capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres of space in indoor areas of the premises and one person per 2 square metres of space in outdoor areas of the premises. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this As of September 30 2021 our school remains at level 4 restrictions. This means that our students will learn from home and parents must keep children at home. The College remains open for families that need it. When restrictions for our area change students and staff will return with reduced mingling between year groups and on-site activities. The College will continue to be guided by Public Health Orders, NSW Health and advice from the Association of Independent Schools of NSW.
Ensure 1.5m physical distancing where possible, including: at points of mixing or queuing between seated groups between staff. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Reducing close physical contact and maintaining distance between students is encouraged and supported through the Covid-19 Health and Safety Protocols for Staff and Students. Staff are required to maintain a distance of 1.5 metres from others. Staff rooms and offices remain at 1.5 metre distances between desks and seating. Zoom meetings are regularly utilised and phone conferences are available. Dining Hall Covid-19 protocol remains in place ensuring seating is limited per table to maintain the 4 square metre rule. Take away meals are available to encourage students to eat outdoors.
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Social interactions between year groups is minimised where possible. Boarders are restricted from entering any other residential area other than their own. These practices are reviewed regularly in-line with Public Health Orders and NSW Health advice.
Agree Yes Avoid congestion of people in specific areas where possible. Tell us how you will do this Parents are asked to remain in their vehicles at drop-off and pick-up reducing the risk of congestion at peak school times. This is communicated via regular e-mails from the Head of College and in 'The Roar' newsletter available on the College Website.
Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside the premises, such as pick-up and drop-off zones. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Parents are asked to remain in their vehicles at drop-off and pick-up reducing the risk of congestion at peak school times. This is communicated via regular e-mails from the Head of College and in 'The Roar' newsletter available on the College Website. Parents that must enter the school grounds for any reason are reminded to social distance, QR code in and collect their child as quickly as possible.
Ventilation Review the COVID-19 guidance on ventilation available on NSW Government and consider which measures are relevant to your premises before completing this COVID-19 Safety Plan.
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Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems throughout the College are well maintained, serviced regularly and cleaned. Records of this are kept with the College maintenance team. Settings that recirculate the air are not used. Each classroom and staff areas have heating/air conditioning units allowing more air circulation in common areas. When the weather is acceptable doors and windows are able to be opened to increase outside air intake and allow adequate ventilation and airflow throughout each room.
Use outdoor settings wherever possible. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Outdoor settings are used where possible throughout the college. Take-away dining hall meals are available to encourage students to eat meals outdoors.
In indoor areas, increase natural ventilation by opening windows and doors where possible. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this When the weather is acceptable doors and windows are able to be opened to increase outside air intake and allow adequate ventilation and airflow throughout classrooms and staff areas. Staff are encouraged to try to get a cross breeze so that the air coming in from one window moves across the room and exits from another window.
In indoor areas, increase mechanical ventilation where possible by optimising air conditioning or other system settings (such as by maximising the intake of outside
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air and reducing or avoiding recirculation of air). Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Each classroom and staff areas have heating/air conditioning units allowing more air circulation in common areas. Settings which recirculate the air are not used.
Ensure mechanical ventilation systems are regularly maintained to optimise performance (for example through regular filter cleaning or filter changes). Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Mechanical ventilation systems are regularly maintained, cleaned and serviced. Records of this are kept with the College maintenance team or dated with a sticker on each device.
Consider consulting relevant experts such as building owners or facility managers, ventilation engineers and industrial or occupational hygienists to optimise indoor ventilation. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Professionals are consulted as needed to maintain and optimise indoor ventilation throughout the College. Regular building maintenance and up-keep is provided by the College. The Head of College and facility managers will continue to improve and upkeep indoor ventilation throughout the premises as needed. The College will continue to be guided by Public Health Orders and NSW Health guidelines.
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Hygiene and cleaning Face masks must be worn by staff and customers in indoor areas, unless exempt. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this While in indoor and outdoor settings within the College, masks or face coverings are required for all staff and all students in year 7 and above. Masks are strongly recommended indoors and outdoors for primary students. Disposable masks are available at multiple locations across the campus. Two reusable face masks have been provided for each boarding student and a washing system for those masks put in place for each boarding residence. A list of students with a medical exemption from wearing masks are emailed to all staff.
Adopt good hand hygiene practices. Have hand sanitiser at key points around the venue. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Hand sanitiser is available at multiple prominent locations across the College, 'How to handrub' posters provided by NSW Health are also displayed near all wall sanitising stations. Sanitiser stations are located ay each entrance to the dining hall and staff members monitor students entering and exiting to ensure good hand hygiene practices.
Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels or hand dryers. Agree Yes
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Tell us how you will do this Cleaning staff check supplies of soap and paper towels each day. There is a back supply of these items on hand to ensure the College remains well stocked.
Clean frequently used indoor hard surface areas (including children’s play areas) at least daily with detergent/disinfectant. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces several times per day. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Cleaning across the College occurs daily in less utilised areas and three times per day in communal areas. Cleaning solutions are at an appropriate strength and are used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions . This has been confirmed through a recent cleaning audit across the College. Disinfectant wipes are available in each classroom to ensure hard surfaces, such as desks, can be wiped down between students when needed. The dining hall has a good supply of disinfectant wipes and each student is required to wipe their area down before leaving.
Record keeping Use the NSW Government QR code system to collect an electronic record of the name, contact number and entry time for all staff, customers and contractors. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Each person entering the College is required to QR code in.
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The College also utilises WOL (Who's on Location) system which tracks staff that are present on the premises. Contractors/visitors are required to sign a declaration on entering the College and this information is kept on file. Visitors are not permitted to enter the College grounds without permission from the Head of College.
Processes must be in place to ensure that people provide the required contact information, such as by checking phones for the green tick to confirm they have checked in (keeping 1.5m physical distance between staff and patrons). QR codes should be clearly visible and accessible including at entrances to the premises. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this QR codes are clearly visible at all entrances to the College, as well as at separate buildings within the premises. Students locations within the College can be tracked via edumate and timetables.
If a person is unable to provide contact details, for example due to age or language barriers, another person may provide contact details on their behalf. If it is not possible for check-in to occur, keep a record of the name, contact number and entry time for all staff, customers and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. These records must be provided in an electronic format such as a spreadsheet as soon as possible, but within 4 hours, upon request from an authorised officer. Agree Yes Tell us how you will do this Sign-in sheets at reception are converted into a spreadsheet and kept on file.
I agree to keep a copy of this COVID-19 Safety Plan at the business premises Yes
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