Issue 15 | Thursday 26 May 2022
A conversation with the Head of College Mr John Weeks
Coffee and Prayer Meeting today It was wonderful to connect with parents and staff at the Coffee and Prayer meeting this morning in the College Chapel on the Junior School Campus. As always, it highlights to me how much we have to be thankful for and how connected our College Community is. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, 16 June, from 8:00 am to 8:45 am. Everyone is welcome. Senior School evacuation drill We held our Senior School evacuation drill yesterday, and it was great to see all students respond and evacuate in record time. Even with extra year groups on our Senior Campus this year, all students responded in a mature manner and assembled on the College oval calmly and safely. These evacation drills happen across both campuses and in Boarding twice yearly. Half-Yearly Assessments and Reporting Students in both the Senior and Junior Schools will be fully involved in class assessments and
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
work that feeds into their half-yearly reports. For years K-11, these reports will be provided to parents at the end of Term 2. Year 12 has already received their half-yearly reports at the end of Term 1, as this is the official halfway point for their HSC year. Senior School assessment tasks are posted on Canvas, and notifications are sent to parents via email. Please make sure you check Canvas regularly so you can see how the work is going and what might be coming up. Planning for 2023 We are well advanced in our planning for 2023 and, as you might already be aware, are holding an information night for new students and their parents for Kindergarten 2023. A number of meet and greets are scheduled around NSW and more information nights, and events will be coming soon, so please watch this space! 02 6331 3911
From the Chaplain Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain
The Secret of Contentment "Do everything without grumbling or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” (Philippians 2:14-16) I have recently been thinking about the secret of contentment. I recently read a funny joke illustrating the passage above: “The story is told of a monk named Brother John. Brother John entered the “Monastery of Silence,” and the Abbot said, “Brother, this is a silent monastery; you are welcome here as long as you like, but you may not speak until I direct you to do so.” Brother John lived in the monastery for five years before the Abbot said to him, “Brother John, you have been here five years now, so you may now speak two words.” Brother John said, “Hard bed.” “I’m sorry to hear that,” the Abbot said. “We will get you a better bed.” After another five years, Brother John was called by the Abbot. “You may say another two words, Brother John.” “Cold food,” said Brother John, and the Abbot assured him that the food would be better in the future. On his 15th anniversary at the monastery, the Abbot again called Brother John into his office. “Two words you may say today.” “I quit,” said Brother John. To this, the Abbot replied, “It is probably best; you’ve done nothing but complain since you got here.” This story, though humorous, hits home when we think about how often our words (and, even worse, our thoughts!) are marked by complaining and grumbling. [From the book: The Secrets of Contentment] The story illustrates that, if our conversations are filled with grumbling, it affects our mood and attitude towards life and other people. The Biblical books of Exodus and Numbers focus on the people of Israel’s journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom. Instead of being thankful to God for what they have, they grumbled and complained about everything that they didn’t have. This greatly upset
God, who then refused to let that generation enter into his "promised land". The Bible argues that the secret of contentment is rejoicing in God’s goodness and constantly giving thanks to him for who we are and what we have. If our minds focus on the positive, we will see him at work in our lives, and we shall find what we are looking for, i.e. contentment. As the Apostle Paul writes: Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thes 5:16-18). May this be something we apply to our own lives. Amen.
Western NSW Local Health District invites all parents to join the webinar:
VAPES AND YOUR CHILDREN FIND OUT WHY IT'S A BIG DEAL Dr Lyndon Bauer | GP Passionate about youth tobacco control Presenting on the risks of vaping Taylor Ryan | headspace Offering tips on safe communication with children Register using QR code or link by 21st June vapingwebinar Complete the post-webinar evaluation for a chance to receive 1 of 4 x $150 petrol vouchers
22nd June 7.30-8.30PM
Email enquries:
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Junior School Mr Chris Jackman Head of Junior School
Kindergarten 2023 Parent Information Night
campus after a couple of years of COVID restrictions. I would like to thank all of our parents and friends who organised and operated the canteen on the day. Also a big thank you to all of the parents who sent in cakes and treats to sell at the canteen.
We welcome all parents of potential 2023 Kindergarten students to an information session tonight, Thursday, 26 May, in the Junior School Library at 6:00 pm. This evening will provide an opportunity to meet the teachers, find out about the Kinder program, and also have a tour of some of our fantastic facilities on campus.
Biggest Morning Tea
HICES Cross Country Carnival
Use of Playground Equipment After School
This week we hosted all of the HICES schools for the annual cross country carnival. Congratulations to all of our runners who did so well representing the College both on and off the track. It was wonderful to see lots of spectators back on
Could parents please refrain from allowing their children to play on the College’s playground equipment after 3:15 pm. There is no supervision of this equipment by staff after this time therefore students should not be on the equipment.
Thank you to all the students and their families for supporting the Biggest Morning Tea last Thursday. We raised over $750, which we have donated to the Cancer Council. The selection of delicious cakes and treats that were brought in was amazing.
Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Deputy Head of Junior School
Junior School Art Exhibition Our Annual Junior School Art Exhibition commences on Monday, 30 May. The Exhibition will be set up in the Kemmis Building and feature a piece of work from every Junior School student. The Exhibition will be open for viewing each afternoon that week. During this time, we’ll also be hosting a range of quality artworks from IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia) schools. Known as the Travelling Art Show, we’ll be displaying this work for students and parents to view. Here’s a snapshot of what you need to know: When: Monday, 30 May - Friday, 3 June
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Where: Kemmis Building Time: 3:30 - 4:30 every afternoon What: IPSHA Travelling artworks and work from every Junior School student. Who: Parents, friends and students are all welcome to attend. CWA Public Speaking Ava Middleton (Year 3), Eleanor Guihot (Year 4), Emmeline Jacobsen (Year 5) and Lara Kearney (Year 6) are representing their class this week at the CWA Public Speaking Competition in Orange. We wish these four students well as they finalise planning and deliver their speech. continued page 4 02 6331 3911
New English Curriculum (K-2) Last Tuesday, Miss Murray and I attended a professional learning day with the AIS (Association of Independent Schools) relating to leading the implementation of the new K-2 English Curriculum. The day enabled us to look at the priorities of the new syllabus and embed a plan to lead staff between now and the end of the year. Lego Spike Challenge The challenge continues every Monday this term and sees students design and create a robot that aligns with the theme ‘Journey.’ As students design and build their robots. They also keep a digital journey of their learning. It’s great to see so many students thriving and enjoying the challenge!
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Senior School Mr Justin Adams Acting Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior School
NAPLAN Testing Complete Last week we completed our NAPLAN testing for Year 7 and 9 students. We wish to convey our thanks and appreciation to the students for the excellent manner in which they approached and completed the tests. The online format was a new challenge and one that we conquered without too much drama. The data from the NAPLAN tests will be available to schools in August this year. Next year (2023), the NAPLAN tests will be in March.
Police Youth Engagement Officer Presentation Last Tuesday, our Year 9 to 12 students had a guest speaker at their assembly. We welcomed back Constable Jane, who spoke to the students about the appropriate and inappropriate use of technology. Her message was very clear, and she outlined the consequences of inappropriate use of social media and phones and gave the students strategies to avoid getting into trouble. Whilst messages from Constable Jane and the school are often given to our students, the behaviour of young people on social media and their use of technology is a shared responsibility. Parents and carers are strongly encouraged to speak to their children about how they use their devices and to be open about what they are doing on them. If your child cannot share their passcode and device with you, there is a strong chance they are doing Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
things with their phone or social media that they do not want you to know about, which is probably not good. We encourage you to have a discussion with your child now. Fire Evacuation Drill We had a Fire/Evacuation drill on Wednesday. It is an important procedure to communicate and refine with the students and staff. The COVID disruptions over the past few years have limited our chances to rehearse for such emergency events. We will then review our procedures and processes in collaboration with our WHS committee and relevant emergency departments. Year 10 Camp Last week (18 May to 20 May), Year 10 students had their camp. continued page 6 02 6331 3911
The students and staff reported that they had a very good time. We look forward to reading about it and hearing from the students at our next assembly. A reminder that our Year 7, 8 and 9 camps are in late October and early November. More detailed information on these camps will be distributed in Term 3. Student Led Conferences
the garments are clearly labelled and that students use their lockers to store clothing when not being worn during the school day. On Active Afternoon days – the SASC track pants, SASC soft shell jacket, SASC ¼ zip soft pullover are acceptable items. We thank you for your support with the uniform.
Thank you to the parents in Years 8 and 9 who met with our teachers via zoom for our student led conferences. Many of the staff have reported that it was great to get to meet many of the parents and a very useful time to discuss the learning intentions and needs of the students. Our Year 11 student led conferences are on Monday and Tuesday, 6 and 7 June. Information on how to book a conference has been distributed via email to parents. June Long Weekend The Queen’s Birthday long weekend is fast approaching (11 to 13 June). A reminder that classes will cease on Friday, 10 June at 3:20 pm. For our distant boarding students, the travel day is Friday, 11 June with a return on Monday, 13 June from 2:00 pm. All students will resume classes on Tuesday, 14 June at 8:55 am.
James Burgess, Year 11, received a Highly Commended Award at the CWA Public Speaking Competition held in Orange on Wednesday.
School Photos – Year Group and Sports Team Photos A reminder is given that our 2nd day of school photos is on this Friday, 27th May. We will be taking our Year Group and Summer Sports Team Photos. Full formal winter school uniform will be required for the Year group photos, and summer sports uniform (white polo, SASC shorts, white socks and joggers) the appropriate summer (2021-22) playing uniforms will be required for the sports photos. Earlier in the year, we had our individual photos taken, but due to the COVID recommendations at the time, we were unable to take group photos. Any students that missed their individual photo or sibling photo and new students can have their individual photos taken. The schedule of photos has been emailed to the students, team leaders and staff. Uniform Reminder – it is Winter! We remind the students and parents that all students should be wearing the SASC Winter Uniform. As we approach an increasing number of cool days, we encourage students to pay attention to weather forecasts and to dress appropriately. This includes wearing layers, probably starting with an undergarment (singlet or thermal), school shirt, SASC woolen jumper (no hoodies), SASC blazer then the SASC winter coat. With all uniform items, it is strongly recommended that Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Ye a r 8 Study Skills Session Monday 30th May 3.20– 4pm Senior Library
Writing study notes & test preparation Organisational skills & planning your time Homework and Assessment tasks Revision and study routines Please bring a notebook and pen.
For more information and to RSVP, please contact: Sarah O’Neill-
A Year 7 session will be held on Monday 6th June.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Emily joins Country to Canberra Blogging Team Emily Brown, Year 11, has been selected on the Country to Canberra Blogging Team. Country to Canberra is an exciting online community that empowers young women to build their advocacy skills. They support girls that want to write about their lives and the issues they’re passionate about. Country to Canberra provides bloggers with national exposure and is a resume booster. It gives the blogging team the ability to advocate, share their views and increase their online presence Emily joins 20 other female bloggers from around Australia who are required to write a blog between 300-500 words once per month. She communicates with her blogging mentor regularly and expects her first blog to go up online very soon. Bloggers can choose the topics they would like to blog about, and Emily has chosen Toxic Productivity, a topic she says students struggle with a lot, the idea of constantly being productive. You to access the blog by going to http://
Bathurst, Parent/Carer session: supporting young people impacted by suicide headspace National are hosting an education session for parents and carers of young people to support their mental health, for the region of Bathurst. Information presented will: • Strengthen your understanding of mental health and wellbeing. • Increase your awareness of how to support young people impacted by suicide. • Explore the conversational approach to talking to your young person about their mental health. • Build skills and strategies to support your young person's mental health. • Build awareness of local, state and national support services.
headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health
When: Mon, 30 May 2022 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm AEST Where: KeyStone 1889, 99 Keppel Street, Bathurst, NSW, 2795 How do I register?
Click here to register via Eventbrite, or copy the URL below into your web browser: After you have registered, you will receive an email confirmation from Eventbrite. All those who register will receive a digital information pack after the session that includes key messages as well as links to resources and support services.
For more information email:
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
All Things Sport Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports Administrator
Our HICES Cross Country was a runaway success On Tuesday, we hosted the 2022 HICES Cross Country Carnival. Our entire team did themselves and the school proud. The SASC P&F ran an awesome canteen. From first-hand experience, I can tell you the sausage sandwiches were super duper! The school looked amazing and was the envy of many visiting schools. “We need a pool like that at our school!” demanded one visiting student. We also competed incredibly well. We finished 2nd in the Division One Aggregate category. We also had eight runners qualify for the upcoming CIS Cross Country Carnival, which will be held at Sydney Motorsport Park on Wednesday, 8 June. Here are the names of those legends I speak of… 8 / 9 Boys
Saturday Sport Attendance Thanks to everyone who has got into the habit of letting me know if you’re unable to attend your Saturday games. This has really helped our coaches manage playing rosters.
Nicolas Lenehan – 8th 8 / 9 Girls Ella Hunter – 1st Amelia Craft – 3rd
Remember, when you sign up for a particular sport, it’s a season-long commitment.
Chelsea Abel – 8th
Have an awesome weekend!
10 Boys
Sam Hunter – 4th 11 Boys Jake Kearney – 2nd
Lucy Tallentire – 6th
Senior School Campus Every Tuesday at 7:30 am rain, hail or shine
The good news is, we get to host HICES Cross Country again in 2023!
Benjamin Lenehan – 11th 12 / 13 Girls
(wet weather - run in the sports barn) Mr Luke Gillmer
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Equestrian students gearing up for the North West Equestrian Expo Our equestrian students have been particularly busy as we prepare for the North West Equestrian Expo at Coonabarbran. In the past week the students have had extra coaching in polocrosse, working horse challenge, cross country and showjumping. We are blessed to have such wonderful coaches who help out across these disciplines. We will have 35 riders and 39 horses represent the College at the Expo which involves competitions over 5 days – we have students competing in eventing, showjumping, 6 Bar, dressage, sporting, team penning, polocrosse, Warrumbungles way (Stockman's challenge) and hacking. On behalf of the College I would like to wish all our equestrian members attending the Expo the very best of luck but most of all have a wonderful time doing what they love. Mrs Libby Dawes, Director of Agricultural Studies and Equestrian
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
The SASC Netball Gala Evening is only nine days away! There is LESS THAN A WEEK to get your entries in, so make sure to get your entries in on time. Where do I sign up? Just click on this link and fill out the form for your team. A few reminders, •
only one person has to enter their team into the google form not all of the players of a team.
Please use your school emails to sign up.
Entries close on Tuesday 31/6 Week 7 at 9:00 pm.
We are seeking some volunteers for referees! (dinner provided for referees/helpers on the day) Please see this link for the volunteer form. (click here if link above does not work) forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeV_36
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
From the P&F Mrs Gem Green P&F Vice President Boarding P&F President
A sensational cross country running day was held on Tuesday, 24 May, where the Junior Campus hosted the HICES Cross Country event. The P&F was thrilled to cater for this with approximately five hundred students and staff attending from many independent schools across the region and metro areas. It is fabulous to actually be having a fundraising event after such a significant period of time since our last, which by all accounts would have been the Spring Fair of 2020. Enormous thanks to Lorna McGowan-Leet, who headed up the team for this event, along with Grant
Baker and Natalie Cranston. To every parent who volunteered their time or cooked up some goodies for the day, heartfelt thanks. Your time and efforts
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
are greatly appreciated. I hope the College HICES team running on the day were happy with their own times and performance! We hope to participate in many more fundraising events in conjunction with the College this year as the friend-raising and fundraising continues. Keep an eye out for how you can help and get involved via The Roar and social media pages. The P&F is also working with parents and getting many fabulous suggestions of how we can all connect more easily within our children’s year groups with other parents. Before the end of the term, we hope to be able to connect many more parents to others at the College. Stay tuned for more information through The Roar as well as Facebook. It’s a way off yet until the P&F AGM in October, and I am bringing this to the attention of all from now. We are seeking a President (currently vacant since 2020), Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Committee Members for these positions. The succession planning of these positions from now on is so we can assist new individuals into these positions in a highly supported way, over a period of months and not just a quick baton handover. The link to our Constitution and Handbook is below. It’s been an amazing and challenging time to have parents supporting each other over the last few years from all walks of life. I will continue my participation with our fab Boarder families on the sub-committee of the P&F, and as a committee member on the main P&F. It’s time for others to come towards us and be a part of this fabulous and passionate crowd of parents at SASC. Please ask any questions or if you are interested in a position, please call me on 0427 103 747 or email secretary. for more information. parents-and-friends/ 02 6331 3911
Junior School HICES Cross Country
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Year 10 Camp
Last week, 74 Year 10 students headed off from the frosty cold of Bathurst for a three day camp at Cataract Scout Centre south of Sydney. This was the first opportunity for this group after the restrictions of COVID since Year 7. After carefully loading the buses, the journey began on a familiar trip over the mountains. Shortly after arriving, the activities started, including Archery, High Ropes and a Bushwalk around the edges of this enormous site. While these activities presented different levels of challenges, it was also relieving that no one was shot, fell off the wires or got lost (for long). There was also an opportunity to just hang out (without the distraction of technology). The first evening presented a challenge of a different kind as camp staff invited groups of students to justify why their toys (banned in Invictusland apparently) should be allowed entry. Many creative talents
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
were on display, with all finally being permitted. The second day saw a shift in gears as the activities moved to Caving, Giant Swing and Abseiling. This was a great opportunity for students to be pushed out of their comfort zone, which some embraced willingly and some with trepidation. Most importantly, all the students supported their peers with encouragement and congratulations. Crawling into a small space, walking over a cliff or being hoisted in the air at the mercy of others is not an easy thing. A big shout out also to Mrs Nelson, who organised some teamwork activities to help further the aims of Invictus. As the camp progressed, the sense of camaraderie increased, and all welcomed the chance to socialise away from school. The second night included the service hosted by Rev Bennett, followed by a campfire. The last day had arguably
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
the highlight of the camp – Challenge Valley. Participants were advised to wear old clothes that could get wet and dirty with an expectation of significant mud involved. Crawling through pipes full of water, landing in water hazards and racing under cargo nets were all features. The hot showers after the event were certainly welcomed! The trip home was certainly quieter, and pillows came in handy for many. While photos help secure the memories, the experiences have had a lasting impact and all returned with high spirits. The chance to socialise with the whole group and take on new challenges were definitely highlights. Congratulations to all students for the way they conducted themselves and got involved in the activities, and thank you to the staff for helping make this such a wonderful experience. Mr Michael Germech 02 6331 3911
From the All Saints' College archives
As we work through the archives, we are very dependent on the information contained in the All Saints’ yearbook, The Bathurstian, which had a life of 140 years. The Headmaster, Mr Edwin Bean, first introduced it and published it in 1878 when the school was situated on the Hill above Bathurst. It was issued quarterly until 1882, when it briefly became half-yearly until 1886, reverting to a quarterly magazine. It was more of a newspaper issue in the early days with limited content and very few photos. The early printed issues were small – barely 20 pages with no photos, the cost in 1906 being sixpence. The later editions have been up to 228 pages, full-colour magazines recording the history of the school over that year together with photos of every member of the school family somewhere on its pages. Each magazine was filled with Head of College, department reports, student written articles, Old Bathurstians’ news, academic and awards information, sports reports, Parents and Friends news and many other features that made The Bathurstian a treasured memory for those who belonged. In the early days, many Old Bathurstians’ assisted in its production, most notable being T. Denny and W.A. Steel. The first copies were taken from a gelatine press. Later, when its circulation and revenue increased, it was printed at The Bathurst Times office. Except for a brief interval after the Great War, when the school was closed, its publication had been uninterrupted for 140 years, justifying its claim to be one of the pioneer school periodicals of the State. Later editions relied on various members of the school to compile and collect information for its production. One notable member to be behind many editions as well as the writer of a number of school history books was Albert Emms, who went to All Saints’ College from 1925 to 1930. He joined the teaching staff in 1930 and went on to hold many positions, including Secretary to the Headmaster, Bursar, Secretary to the
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
School Council and Old Boy’s Union Secretary. He left the school in 1974 and wrote The Founder and the Fabric to mark the first 100 years of the school. He also wrote The School That Moved From The Hill, a narrative 100 year history of All Saints’ College when it was situated on the hill where Bathurst High now stands to its move to Esrom House on Mt Pleasant Road in 1923. Many members of the school were involved in the publication of The Bathurstian over the years, and at times there were editorial committees of both staff and students who put the annual magazine together. One person who made The Bathurstian one of 'the finest yearbooks you would find in school today’ was Mr Robert ‘Bob’ Poole, editor of The Bathurstian from 1993 to 2015. He wrote in his editorial that the main aim of the Yearbook was to “provide a ‘historical record’ of the ‘happenings’ in the school throughout the year. It sets out to inform the community of the school’s achievements and the activities it offers; as well as leaving the students with a lasting memento of their school days and to provide the students with an avenue for expressing their ideas, artwork and photography expertise. It also gives recognition to the student's achievements in all these plus in the academic and sporting areas”. Bob worked very closely with his desktop publishers to create these special magazines, which are considered much more than a historical record but also much more personal - a treasure for students and their families to cherish for years to come. Since 2015 the editor and Desktop Publisher of the magazine has been in the hands of Mrs Cherylene Anderson, who had been working with Bob on the magazine since 2003 as a graphic designer, desktop publisher and photographer. With thr merging of All Saints’ College and The Scots School, the 2018 production of The Bathurstian was to be the last and final edition of the All Saints’ College Yearbook after 140 years of production! Although Cherylene was challenged with having to produce this final edition and the 2016, 2017 editions before, on her own, the 2018 final edition provides a wonderful concluding chapter of the school history. We in the All Saints’ College Archives Department would like to encourage any members of the School family from the past and present to come and see if we have spare copies of the different magazines to give away as we still have many from various years in storage. Some editions from the earlier years may not be available, but we would be able to provide printed or emailed versions of the same at minimal cost. We can be contacted at memory.sanders@ Mr Robert Poole. 02 6331 3911
Class of 2015 Reunion That the class of 2015 held their five-year reunion in 2022 is not a reflection on their arithmetical skills but can be summed up in one word: COVID. Last Saturday, a group of 2015ers held a get together in Bathurst, which included a tour of the Senior School Campus. They asked to visit a number of places that they were familiar with, such as the Art Room. Some of these places were much changed, such as the Werona Agricultural Centre and the Cameron Library Some of the longer serving members of the group were delighted to find that the quilt that Mrs Kinlyside’s Year 1 class had made in 2004 with sewn on hand prints was on display in the Museum. They also requested a visit to the Werona Agricultural Centre, the Art Room and some other areas of the school that they knew well. Members of the First XI Cricket team met up with an old friend, the veteran Toyota
bus that carried them to a number of out-of-town cricket matches. Some things had changed. The Pavilion was under construction when they left Scots. There was also a visit to the Museum where the quilt that they made in Mrs Kinlyside’s Year 1 class in 2004 was on display. It featured cutouts patterned on their six-year-old hands. Some other groups of past students are planning reunions for later in the year, including some catch-up ones that could not be held with the pandemic. Mr Andrew Maher
CLICK HERE CALENDAR DATES Friday 27 May 2022 Senior School Photos - Day 2 Year Group, Boarding, Summer Sport Teams. Saturday 28 May 2022 ISA Rugby Round 5 Monday 30 May 2022 Year 11 RYDA Mount Panorama Wednesday 1 June 2022 AICES Cross Country Friday 3 June 2022 North West Equestrian Expo Wagga Boarding Expo Matilda Showcase Rehearsal and Pizza Party 3.30-7.30 Saturday 4 June 2022 North West Equestrian Expo Wagga Boarding Expo ISA Rugby - Round 6 Sunday 5 June 2022 North West Equestrian Expo Music Concert Symphonic Winds Monday 6 June 2022 North West Equestrian Expo Yr 11 Student Led Conferences 3:45-8:30
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Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911