The Roar Newsletter Issue 16 Term 2 2019

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Issue 16


Thursday 30 May 2019

upcoming major events

Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates

I wish to thank all the parents and students who attended the Term Two Parent Weekend Chapel Service on Sunday. The message from the Chaplain was a very relevant one for all students. The historical slideshow was very well constructed and interesting, reflecting on the foundations of All Saints’ College, Marsden Anglican Girls’ School, The Scots School and Scots All Saints College. The Dedication of the Cameron Library immediately following the Chapel Service was also a wonderful occasion. It is certainly a requirement for all students to attend the Parent Weekend Chapel Services on their campus unless given leave for very good reason and I ask that parents support this. Each campus has two Parent Weekend Chapel Services a year to enable us to celebrate very significant aspects of our College. As a reminder, the Parent Weekends are as follows: Term 1 is held on the All Saints Campus for students and families in Kindergarten to Year 8 to induct the Year 8 School Leaders and Year 6 House Captains and to welcome new members to the College community. Term 2 is held on the Scots Campus for students and families in Years 9-12 where we celebrate our historical and Christian foundations in a very special Foundation Day Service. Term 3 is held on the All Saints Campus for students and their families in Kindergarten to Year 8 where we celebrate our historical and Christian foundations in a very special Foundation Day Service. continued page 2 Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

31 May - 4 June 2019

North West Equestrian Expo The Equestrian Team will be representing the school at this major event in Coonabarabran.

5 June 2019

Try Kindergarten Morning Meet the teachers, see our classrooms, try our facilities in a special session.

15 June 2019

Highland Jazz Night

Held in the Aikman Hall this night showcases some of our talented students.

For more events view our Online Calendar All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates

Term 4 is held on the Scots Campus for students and families in Years 9-12 to induct the new School Prefects and House Captains for the following year in the Senior School. It was really disappointing that some Senior School students chose not to attend on Sunday without seeking leave in advance. I have no issue when students have a good reason and am very happy to grant leave but to just not come does not help us build a culture of excellence. I wish to thank the parents, staff and students who attended the Farewell Function for Gillian and I on Saturday night. We are humbled by the generosity and good will of so many people who we have worked with over the last 8.5 years, firstly, as Headmaster of The Scots School for 7 years and more recently, Scots All Saints College for the last 18 months. We are very grateful for the very generous gifts we were given from the P&F, the Boarders P&F, the staff and the College. I also wish to thank and acknowledge those who presented speeches to reflect on our time at Scots and Scots All Saints College. Gillian and I feel truly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community and we wish all students, parents and staff all the best for the future. With Genevieve in Year 12, we will still be around and living on campus as parents for the rest of this year, before embarking on some extensive travel from November.

It was my great pleasure to attend the Middle School Soloists’ Concert on All Saints Campus on Wednesday night. It was a wonderful showcase of musicianship from students who are mostly only beginning their music studies or have only been learning for a few years. All the music teachers, the students and their parents should be congratulated for such excellence. Music at Scots All Saints College is incredibly important and that has been very evident this week through this concert and the performance of the Big Band at the Senior School Assembly this week. The Highland Jazz Night is fast approaching on Saturday 15 June. I must say that this is my favourite event of the College Calendar and I can’t wait to see how it will be this year in its new format. The Aikman Hall is usually full to capacity for this occasion. The Highland Jazz Night showcases our Pipes and Drums, Highland Dancers and our music students. It is quite an informal night where guests are seated at tables of 8-10 with food and drinks supplied by the guests. Supper can also be purchased from the server.

I want to wish the Big Band and the Equestrian Team all the best as they depart for Port Macquarie and Coonabarabran Horse Expo this week on very significant College excursions. The students in these two groups are very passionate about their skills and interest in music and horses and will gain much enjoyment and challenge from the opportunity.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Scots All Saints College

Highland Jazz Night Saturday 15 June 2019 6:00 pm for 6:30 pm

Aikman Hall, Scots Campus

Adults $20 Students $5

Tickets at the door To book a table email or call 0408 324 744 02 6331 3911


Today’s Reflection Mr Samuel Gittins Chaplain

A 'Fall from Grace' It is a term we are familiar with in the political and sporting arena but it has a deep history. What we forget is that we have all chosen to follow in the footsteps of our forebears and tripped over the temptation to choose autonomy against God: 6 The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.7 At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves. 8 When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Genesis 3:6-8 [NLT-SE] Having chosen to rebel, their eyes were opened, they felt shame, they hid themselves from each other and from the Lord God who gave them life and love. Fortunately for us, God’s love remains.

Late College bus pick up times Monday: Scots Campus at 5:00 pm to the new Telstra Shop (formerly the Acropole) and then to students homes. Tuesday – Thursday: All Saints Campus at 4:45 pm and Scots Campus at 5:00 pm to the new Telstra Shop (formerly the Acropole) and then students homes. Friday: Scots Campus at 5:00 pm to the new Telstra Shop (formerly the Acropole) and then to students homes. Lithgow students from All Saints Campus Monday – Friday at 4:55 pm to the new Telstra Shop formerly the Acropole).

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

A rare photo taken in 1952 at the opening of Cooerwull House on Scots Campus with Rev Alan Dougan, who would have to be the nearest person there is to a founder of Scots. Mr McLucas the second Headmaster and Mr A. K. Anderson who was Headmaster of Scots in Sydney when the Branch School was established.

Archives Alive Both The Scots School and All Saints' College have substantial heritage and memories from the past stretching back more than 218 years combined. It is the intention of Scots All Saints College to preserve and celebrate the memorabilia and records from the past of both schools. On Scots Campus, Mr Andrew Maher has been appointed as Archivist. He has been given the task of organising and cataloging the many items held in the Betty Ives Archives Centre. Mrs Ives began collecting material for the archives during her time at the school. The All Saints' College Old Bathurstians' Union (OBU) is also preserving their records for upcoming displays. Mrs Denise Weeks is providing considerable expertise to support the archives project across both campuses. Future plans include a display area to exhibit items of memorabilia in one of the downstairs rooms in Karralee. Also, memorabilia displays are being developed for Esrom House. Areas are also being set aside to store and conserve photographs, items of clothing and much more from the early years of education in Bathurst.

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School

It was great to see so many parents at our Information Night on Tuesday and share with you some of the exciting new programs taking place in our College, including the implementation of our Bounce Back Wellbeing program, THRASS, Student Report and Showcase and Seesaw Digital Portfolios. A great deal of planning and work has gone on behind the scenes and I thank the Junior School Staff for their time, energy and eagerness to implement. Well done to Sybilla Chapman and Tess Yordanoff who presented excellent speeches at the CWA Public Speaking finals last Tuesday and to all the students who participated in the HICES Cross Country in Orange. Special mention must go to Elle Tasker, Chontelle Burgess, Lincoln Craft and Izaak Scott who will now represent the College at CIS. Pre-K are off to BMEC on Friday 31 May to watch a special live performance titled Me and My Shadow. Me and My Shadow is a gentle, magical, visual poem for children, using paper, light, shadow, colour, water, music, sound and words to create a world of play where the imagined becomes real. I’m sure that Me and My Shadow will ignite the imagination of our students in a poetic way that explores the trials and joys of friendship. Students from our Scots Campus Pre-K will visit our Kindergarten classes next Wednesday for their ‘Try Kinder’ day. The morning is also open to any other students interested in enrolling for Kindergarten 2020 who were unable to attend the previous day on 16 May. Seesaw Digital Portfolio Hopefully, you’ve all received a letter relating to the Showcase Portfolio and Seesaw Digital Portfolio. Attached to the letter were instructions on how to join Seesaw. We have begun utilising Seesaw by uploading photos and descriptions of what the students have been doing in class and will continue to build on this throughout the year If you didn’t receive your letter or QR code then please speak to your child’s teacher. Bounce Back Through Bounce Back we aim to teach our students how to ‘bounce back’ when they inevitably experience sadness, difficulties, frustrations and challenging times. This award-winning program supports teachers and

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

schools in their efforts to promote positive mental health, wellbeing and resilience for both students and teachers and build safe and supportive class and school learning environments. The Bounce Back acronym stands for the following: B - Bad times don't last. Things get better. Stay optimistic. O - Other people can help if you talk to them. Get a reality check. U - Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset. N - Nobody is perfect - not you and not others. C - Concentrate on the positives (no matter how small) and use laughter. E - Everybody experiences sadness, hurt, failure, rejection and setbacks sometimes. They are a normal part of life. Try not to personalise them. B - Blame fairly - how much of what happened was because of you, how much was because of others and how much was because of bad luck or circumstance? A - Accept the things you can't change, but try to change what you can first. C - Catastrophising makes your worries worse. Don't believe the worst possible picture. K - Keep things in perspective. It's only one part of your life. Earrings Please be reminded that as per our handbook girls who have pierced ears may wear one set of gold or silver studs or sleepers. Piercings must be in the earlobe only. Apart from ear piercing for girls, all students must not have any other visible forms of body piercing (eyebrows, nose, lips, tongue, etc). Junior School Student Report I introduced many parents to our new Junior School Report at the information evening, and outlined some of its key features and aims. Below is a summary: The new student report has been developed in order to: • allow teachers to make professional judgements about student achievement. • provide clear, concise feedback for parents about student progress. • provide a clear link between assessment processes and feedback to parents and students. • use the A - E reporting equivalent scale to provide a common language across the College. continued page 5

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


• focus on the use of objectives to show level of achievement. • provide feedback on personal development and social interaction. Red Carpet Disco - Friday 14 June - 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm Come dressed in your most glamourous clothes (parents too) and walk the red carpet like a movie star at the ‘Red Carpet Disco.’ FOJAMS will be preparing some delicious sausage sandwiches and will also be selling a range of drinks and lollies. The disco is always a highlight and will be a great night of fun, laughter and dancing. Mr Roohan can’t wait! (Move over John Travolta!) All students will participate in a fun workshop run by Footsteps Dance Company in the days leading up to the disco so they will be ready to dance the night away. A small charge will be added to accounts to cover the cost of the workshops.

Assembly Schedule

Week 1A

Date 3 May


10 May

3A 4B 5A 6B 7A

17 May 24 May 31 May 7 June 14 June


21 June


28 June

9:00 – 9:45 am 9:45–10:35 am Whole Campus Assembly – Bickerdike No assembly – MS – 7T (Year 8 WAS Cross at camp) Country JS –2 Everest MS – 7P JS – 1 Otters MS – 7H JS – 1 Pandas MS – 7S JS – Kindergarten MS – 7D No class MS – 7W MS – 7C Language Day Assembly – Term (Language Awards Festival) Whole Campus Assembly – Bickerdike

Pupil Free Day Please note that Tuesday 11 June is a pupil free day giving students an additional day at home over the long weekend. Gulgong Eisteddfod - Speech & Drama Success Congratulations to the following Scots All Saints College speech and drama students who performed at the Gulgong Eisteddfod on the weekend: Joshua Inwood, Isabella Owens, Neel Shah, Matilda Rosewarne, and Emily Nicoll. All students performed beautifully and for a couple of them it was their very first time on stage! A special mention to the following students who received special prizes: Emily Nicoll: 1st & 2nd Place in her two poems

Pre-Kindergarten have been exploring Solar Systems within our Term 2 STEM unit. We have particularly enjoyed our Buddy Time each Friday with Year 6. Last week we were investigating what we would need to build and design our own launch pads to fly to the moon!

Neel Shah: 1st & 3rd Place in his poem and reading Matilda Rosewarne: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place in her 3 events Matilda was also awarded the Most Promising 11/12yrs performer overall trophy. All students are preparing for the upcoming Bathurst Eisteddfod in August. Congratulations also goes to Ben Reynolds who recently performed in a strong field at the Parramatta Eisteddfod and was awarded special highly commended certificates for his sections. Natalia Burgess also came away with lots of prize money last week at the Cowra Eisteddfod!

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Middle School Soloists’ Recital The first Middle School Soloists’ Recital was held at All Saints Campus Music Centre yesterday. Forty students in Years 5-8 performed over two concerts. The performances provided an excellent opportunity for friends and family to see and hear what the middle school students have been working so hard on this year and they did not disappoint! The audience was entertained by music from Mozart to AC/DC and everything in between. The school would like to thank the instrumental teachers for their hard work in assisting the students' preparation, the parents for their support on the night and for providing individual lessons and most of all the performers. Elizabeth Tamsitt, Coordinator Performing Arts K-8

Register your interest now for Kindergarten 2020

Try Kindergarten Morning

Take the first steps to a life-long love of learning

All Saints Campus Wednesday 5 June 9:00 am - 11:00 am Bring your child to experience our engaging and rewarding junior school environment. Meet the teachers, see our classrooms, try our facilities in a special session in readiness for ‘big school.’

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790


Call 6331 3911 now to reserve your place or email 02 6331 3911


Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of All Saints Campus / Director of Middle School

CWA Success Congratulations to all of the Middle School students who represented the College at the recent Country Women’s Association (CWA) Public Speaking Competition at James Sheehan High School in Orange. Well done to Lillian Gittins (Winner of her section), Grayson Jacobsen (Highly Commended), Zanthie Hewett (Highly Commended), Paige Hatton and Jai Valabjee. HICES Cross Country Congratulations to the cross country team for winning the overall point score for Division 2. Well done to Lincoln Craft who came third in his age group meaning that he will be representing HICES at the CIS Cross Country Carnival at Eastern Creek. Da Vinci Decathlon Representatives Students from our Middle School travelled to Sydney this week to compete in the state championships of the Da Vinci Decathlon. Such competitions provide opportunities for students to challenge themselves and develop their problem solving skills. Well done to the following students for representing the school this week at the Da Vinci Decathlon. Year 8: Sophie Baker, Amber Gay, Xavier Haynes, Noah Siede, Jessica Mills, Libby Nicholls, Harrex Upston, Victoria Webb. Year 6: Sritha Atluri, Tyler Copson, Lincoln Craft, Lillian Gittins, Aston Hornery, Baxter Killiby, Ava Purvis, Oscar Yordanoff. Bell Shakespeare Performance Last week the Middle School students were entertained by the Bell Shakespeare production Romeo and Juliet. The play was presented in a modern and interesting format which engaged the students' attention.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Big Band Tour Some of our Middle School students will be travelling to Port Macquarie this weekend to participate in the Big Band Blast. On the way they will be visiting our Lithgow Campus and putting on a performance for the students. School Assistant Nurse We welcome Mrs Melanie Abel to the All Saints Campus staff as our Assistant Nurse. Mrs Abel will provide the students with quality first aid care and will be a valuable asset to the College. Middle School Assembly Roster Week Date 9:45 – 10:35 pm 5A 31 May 7S – Kemmis Building 6B 7 June 8D – Kemmis Building 7A 14 June 8W – Kemmis Building 8B 21 June 8C (Language Festival) – Kemmis Building 9A 28 June Whole Campus Assembly - Bickerdike Long Weekend The week after the Queen’s Birthday long weekend classes start back on Wednesday 12 June. Tuesday 11 June is a pupil free day.

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Senior School Mrs Tracey Leaf Head of Scots Campus/Director of Senior School & Boarding

SOLVING PROBLEMS GOD’S WAY In staff devotions on Monday I shared a story based on Matthew 18:15 ‘Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained a brother.' The story detailed how a college boarding house found itself with a poor reputation for dissent and disunion. In fact, it was considered the worst house on the campus. No one wanted to live or work there. The Head of the House despaired of the conflict and calling the students together declared a new rule – that from now on, students with an issue against another must follow the Biblical mandate set out in Matthew 18:15. The students began to implement this new policy and within weeks the tone and atmosphere in the boarding house changed. The students continued to put into practice the words of Matthew 18:15 and by the end of the year, that infamous dorm had become a model for the rest of the school. As a College founded on Biblical principles and the Christian faith, the mandate in Matthew is also a message for Scots All Saints College. It’s important to us that students and parents feel they can contact us when issues arise. Often issues turn out to be misunderstandings and a lot of time and emotion is wasted on matters that turn out to be small or nonexistent. It’s also true that we cannot help with issues of which we are blissfully unaware! If the concern or question relates to a specific academic subject, please contact the class teacher and the Head of Department. If the matter is a welfare concern, please contact Mr van Gend. Our Year Group Coordinators are also available and willing to assist with any questions or concerns. It may be appropriate at times for you to directly contact the Heads of Campus or the Headmaster. Whatever the situation, I encourage you to contact us. It takes a village to raise a child and we are honoured by the opportunity to partner with you in the education of your children. COLLEGE ASSEMBLY Our weekly Senior School Assemblies (Tuesdays 10:35 am - 11:00 am) are wonderful examples of the varied events and activities that are a regular part of our

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

calendar and academic program, as well as a chance to highlight student achievements. Our assembly this week was another fine showcase of student talent and achievement. Assembly opened with an awesome performance by our Big Band, which will head off on Friday morning for Port Macquarie to the ‘Big Band Bash’. Not only will our students get to perform for a large audience, they will also participate in workshops designed to strengthen their skills and knowledge as well as see professional musicians in action. It’s a long journey there and back and we would value your prayers for a safe and happy trip! In February some of our senior students, led by Natalia Burgess, ran a Valentine’s Day fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House. The team sold carnations, successfully raising money to assist the ongoing support of families dealing with cancer. Natalia presented the cheque on assembly to the representative from Ronald McDonald House Orange. Thank you, Natalia, for your commitment to helping make the lives of others a bit easier. We also heard from the coordinator of Bathurst Youth Council, Dianne Jarman and Natalia Burgess was able to share with the students her experience of being a member of the Youth Council. Gabrielle Boshier the current Youth Mayor of Bathurst Regional Council shares Natalia’s sentiments that being a part of the Bathurst Regional Youth Council has been a fabulous experience. We encourage any of our young people who are considering the opportunity to chat to either of these students to get more information. Mrs Dawes presented the certificates for the Young Rural Achievers Awards and again we would like to congratulate Felicity Webb who won ‘Champion Intermediate’. Well done, Felicity! SENIOR SCHOOL ASSESSMENT CALENDAR Please be checking your student’s academic calendar for assessment tasks and events. Assignments have a way of creeping up when a student has a busy schedule and the best way to alleviate last minute panic is to be aware of what is due and to be consistently working on the task. Study Skills have been a feature of Year Group meetings lately and next week our students will have another session with Elevate Education focusing on time management skills. COONA HORSE EXPO All the best to the girls participating in the Coonabarabran Horse Expo. We wish you a safe and successful trip!

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Name of the College Yearbook announced – The Lion Throughout Term 1, Scots All Saints College held a competition for Year 7-12 students to develop a suitable name for the new College Yearbook. More than 60 entries were received. Many entries related to symbolism within the College and others were totally unrelated. Student representatives, Year 12 Captains, Gabrielle Boshier and Bradley Gardiner joined Year 8 Captains, Emily Brown and Zane Newham to discuss their preferences and present a shortlist of suitable names to the College Council who then had the challenging task of deciding on the most appropriate name. After much discussion is was agreed that our new College Yearbook would be known as The Lion. This was the choice of many students who placed entries into the competition. Most of the reasoning was linked to the lion on the crest, the new symbol for our new College, the lion as represented on our uniforms and a celebration of excellence throughout the College year. This title also linked with the new College weekly

enewsletter, The Roar so it was a natural choice for most. As there were so many entries with the name The Lion, it was impossible to choose just one to win the $1500 BYOD laptop prize. Therefore, it has been decided to retain the prize to be donated on behalf of the College for the upcoming community fundraising event, The Spring Fair, to be held on Sunday, 8 September. It will go down in the history books that in 2019 our students as a collective body chose the name of the new Scots All Saints College Yearbook! Production is already underway for The Lion and we encourage teachers and students with contributions in the form of photos, story ideas and content to get their reports through to the Communications and Marketing team via 2018 Yearbooks for All Saints’ College and The Scots School are expected to be finalised for distribution by the end of Term 3. Mrs Mel Monico, Director of Community Engagement & Marketing

A lesson in diplomacy Scots All Saints College hosted the regional round of the renowned Evatt Competition, a Model United Nations Security Council diplomacy competition for students in Years 9-12. It aims to educate young people about Australia’s place in the world and empower them as active citizens by developing public speaking, negotiation, teamwork, research and diplomatic skills. Judges from United Nations Youth convened the day and the teams judged the most effective diplomats proceed to the NSW State Finals. Mrs Sarah O'Neill, Senior Independent Learning Centre

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Co-curricular Mr Justin Adams Director of Co-curricular

RFS Cadets Our rural fire service cadets completed their training on Monday. We thank the members of the O’Connell Rural Fire Brigade for giving up their time to train our students. The students have reported that they really enjoyed the program and are very grateful to the RFS staff for training them. The Field Day and Graduation will not be held until October. This is where our students take their skills into a competition against other schools. We are planning to run some practice sessions early in Term 4 to prepare the crews for this fun day. Life Guard Training Our Life Guard training is going well with about 7 or 8 students attending. Yesterday their training session was on using a defibullator (trainer version) and a spinal board on dry land. Next week the students will need to perform the spinal board procedure in the pool. We thank our swim coach and coordinator Sharon Inwood for running this valuable course for our students. Winter Sport – attendance Thank you to all the parents and students in helping get prepared for the start of the winter season. We are now well underway and many of our teams are starting to form some great combinations. We remind students and parents that attendance at training and matches is extremely important and that should a student need to miss a training session or a weekend fixture that written notification is given in advance to the supervising staff member or

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

master in charge of the sport. There have been some students missing training without explanation which is quite a concern and causes unnecessary stress for the staff member. Please be warned that repeat offenders will be given disciplinary actions. Cadets Our cadet leadership group have been busy training in procedures for army activities. Our company Sergeant Major Caiban Lucas has been doing a fantastic job leading the students through the course work including movement by day/night, camp routines, personal hygiene when in the field and drill. Next week, the students will experience cooking in the field using ‘hexi stoves' and ‘tangier’ cooking equipment. Winter Sports Tour 2020 We are investigating the possibility of a winter sports tour in 2020. Before we proceed much further we feel that it will be invaluable to survey the student and parent body to determine the type, location and length of tour. A CareMonkey survey was sent out today to all Year 9, 10 and 11 students and families. Please respond to the survey by 7 June. Big Band Tour We wish the ‘big band’ a great trip as they head to Port Macquarie this weekend for a short tour. We thank Mr Clipsham and Mr Ball for their dedication to organizing this tour and look forward to the reports from them next week.

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


space to inspire

John McLucas returns to school after 66 years Mr John McLucas paid a visit to the College on 24-25 May, his first in 66 years. Mr McLucas is the son of Alan McLucas who was the second Headmaster of The Scots School from 1949 to 1953. Mr McLucas was only six years old in 1953 when the family moved to Queensland after his father was appointed as Headmaster of his old school, Brisbane Boys Grammar. Despite his young age, Mr McLucas junior had memories of living in Karralee and the Headmaster’s residence which was newly built in 1951. More recently it was the Kindergarten classroom in Cooerwull. He remembers his mother putting buckets out on the floor of the new building when it rained because the roof leaked. The McLucas family became great friends with Ted and Nell Ray, the school’s neighbours. This continued after the McLucas family moved to Brisbane and subsequently to Sydney where Alan McLucas became Headmaster of The Scots College for nine years. John McLucas was delighted to discover that Miss Lorna Ray, the current neighbour at Scots Campus and daughter of Ted and Nell was still in residence in the family home. They made contact over the weekend. Miss Ray remembered John as a small boy, coming to the Ray house for Sunday roast lamb. Having already contributed a number of photographs to the Betty Ives Archives Centre, Mr McLucas provided some letters. These include correspondence about the McLucas Prize which was awarded for Contribution to School Life to a Year 12 Student of The Scots School.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

ABOVE: John standing next to his father's photo.

LEFT: John (front) pictured with Brett Whiteley in 1949. 02 6331 3911


Equestrian News Our Scots All Saints College Equestrian Team are in a very busy time. Last week Megan Redpath was presented with a Junior Sports Award for her selection in the National Interschool Championships coming up in late September this year in Sydney. Megan and her horse, Rothswaite Venice Beach (aka Doreen), will be part of the NSW team and will be one of four riders in her height class to compete in Eventing, where each rider completes a dressage test, showjumping round and a cross country course, with the winner the rider who receives the lowest penalties overall. Last Monday many of our equestrian team ventured to Mudgee to participate in an eventing clinic with Carlene Barton and Jennifer Wood, both amazing coaches. The riders had lessons in both Showjumping and Cross Country in preparation for the North West Equestrian Expo held in Coonabarabran. All riders rode fabulously and took away plenty of tips to improve their performance. Seventeen riders from the Scots All Saints College Equestrian team will head to the annual North West Equestrian Expo today to compete and we wish them all the best of luck. Libby Dawes, Agriculture Farm Coordinator

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Literature Festival – space to read 17, 18 and 19 June 2019 Sue Whiting is another of our wonderful author/illustrators presenting during our Literature Festival.

the best-selling The Firefighters, the award-winning A Swim in the Sea and the narrative nonfiction Platypus. Her latest book is Missing, a suspenseful mystery for readers aged 10+.

Sue Whiting Sue Whiting loves telling stories. A former primary school teacher with a special interest in literacy education and children’s literature, Sue Whiting has worked in the publishing industry for almost twenty years, both as an author and editor of books for children and young adults. Sue has written numerous books in a variety of genres: fiction and nonfiction, picture books through to YA, including

After School Homework Centre Year 7 and 8

Every Monday Afternoon (3:20 pm – 4:45 pm) All Saints Campus Library Bring along homework and assessments to complete and gain assistance Contact Mr Phillip Cant ( or Mrs Kerry Robinson ( for more information.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Sue is passionate about storytelling and loves to share her knowledge of and passion for books and writing with anyone who cares to listen!

SAVE THE DATE – SATURDAY 10 AUGUST 2019 from 6pm Introducing the new Scots All Saints Gold Lion Ball

First formal Get together for Friends of the College Community Parents, staff, past students and community are invited to come along to celebrate our amazing College in our Foundation Year. Black Tie (kilts welcome) Goldfields, Bathurst Tables of 10 available Ticket information coming soon! 02 6331 3911


David and Gillian Gates' farewelll

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Foundation Day Chapel Service Parent Weekend - Scots Campus

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Cameron Library Dedication Scots Campus

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911



This week we have selected some the 12 Red netball team and their coaches Daisy Heilman and Bronte Doyle. Lucy Roohan How long have you been playing netball? 4 years What is your favourite position? GK What is your favourite Sporting team? Adelaide Crows What is your favourite health food? Cherries What is your favourite thing about netball? Playing games on the weekend.

Eliza Rennie How long have you been playing netball? 6 years What is your favourite position? GK What is your favourite Sporting team? The Australian Diamonds What is your favourite health food? Chocolate (with fruit and nuts to be healthy) What is your favourite thing about netball? I love playing the game and being active.

Ebonny Speight How long have you been playing netball? First year What is your favourite position? WD What is your favourite Sporting team? Green Bay Packers What is your favourite health food? Vita-weat What is your favourite thing about netball? Playing in a team and its fun.

Claire McKay How long have you been playing netball? 4 years What is your favourite position? GK What is your favourite Sporting team? SASC 12 Reds What is your favourite health food? Berries What is your favourite thing about netball? Playing with my friends.

Imogen Ellis How long have you been playing netball? 2 years What is your favourite position? WA What is your favourite Sporting team? Adelaide Crows What is your favourite health food? Kiwi Fruit What is your favourite thing about netball? I like getting to know the people in my team.

Caitlin Dunstall How long have you been playing netball? 3 years What is your favourite position? GD What is your favourite Sporting team? Sunshine Coast Lightning What is your favourite health food? Mandarin What is your favourite thing about netball? Working as a team.

*ABSENT – Lily Grey, Anja Atkins, Abbie Hall Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Bronte Doyle SASC 12 Red Netball Coach How long have you coached netball? 3 years What is the best thing about coaching? I like helping the girls learn new skills and watching them improve and enjoy themselves Favourite netball team? GWS Giants Favourite netball Player? Gabi Simpson Who is a coach that inspires you? Roselee Jencke (Firebirds coach) Daisy Heilman SASC 12 Red Netball Coach How long have you coached netball? 3 years What is the best thing about coaching? I find it rewarding to see the girls grow and I love having fun and laughing with them. Favourite netball team? GWS Giants Favourite netball Player? Serena Guthrie Who is a coach that inspires you? Julie Fitzgerald (GWS coach) Harriet Koffmann How long have you been playing netball? 3 years What is your favourite position? C What is your favourite Sporting team? SASC 12 Reds What is your favourite health food? Watermelon What is your favourite thing about netball? Interacting with different people and making new friends. 02 6331 3911


HICES Cross Country It was a stunning day in the Central West as 14 HICES teams descended on Orange Anglican Grammar School for the HICES Cross Country carnival. This event always presents lots of opportunities for our students. There is the opportunity to spend the day outdoors in a fabulous location, to support team mates in an enthusiastic and vocal manner, to meet students from other schools and make positive and firm connections, to participate in something that you have skills in, to challenge oneself, to achieve individually and also as a team, finally, and most importantly to have fun. I believe every member of this year's team ticked off most if not all of these opportunity boxes. It really was a terrific day made even sweeter by claiming the Division 2 overall point score shield. This success will see Scots All Saints College move into Division 1 in 2020. Congratulations to all the students who contributed to the success of this day. Further congratulations must be extended to Chontelle Burgess (3rd), Elle Tasker (5th), Izaak Scott (10th) and Lincoln Craft (3rd) for their selection in the HICES team. These students will compete at the NSWCIS Championships in June and we wish them FOLD the best of luck. Kay Nelson, Coordinator of Sport K-8


Friday 31 May 2019 Big Band Tour Coonabarabran Horse Expo Saturday 1 June 2019 Coonabarabran Horse Expo Sunday 2 June 2019 Coonabarabran Horse Expo Monday 3 June 2019 w thatCoonabarabran Horse Expo Tuesday 4 June 2019 Coonabarabran Horse Expo ers on.AICES Cross Country (Horsley Park) . Wednesday 5 June 2019 see itTry Kindergarten Morning 9:00 am - 11:00 am uch. Friday 7 June 2019 Classes conclude 3:20 pm Monday 10 June 2019 Queen's Birthday Public Holiday Tuesday 11 June 2019 Pupil Free Day Staff Professional Development Day Boarders return 2pm Wednesday 12 June 2019 Classes recommence


SPORTS DRAW Click here to Download PDF Rugby draw can be found at https:// uploads/2019/05/2019-Season-ISA-RugbyDraw-Division-2.pdf

Netball draw can be found at http:// pages/public/rv/draw.aspx?entityid=39136

Hockey draw can be found at https:// Soccer Season Draws Under 6 Under 7 Under 8 Under 9 Under 10 Under 11 Under 12 Under 14/15 Under 16/17

Information Pack

Scots Campus

on. Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12),


Scots All Saints College is participating in the Woolworths Earn and Learn Program. There will be collection points in the Junior, Middle and Senior School offices. So start collecting your stickers.


Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Let’s stick together with Earn

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

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02 6331 3911

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