The Roar Newsletter Issue 17 Term 2 2022

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Issue 17 | Thursday 9 June 2022

A conversation with the Head of College Mr John Weeks

North West Equestrian Expo 2022 Competition was fierce with 120 schools in attendance and 550 horses and riders completing a range of equestrian events over six days from Thursday, 2 June to Tuesday, 7 June 2022, in Coona. We are extremely proud of all the riders that competed – for some, it was their first competition, but all represented the College very well. Almost all riders came home with ribbons and performed to the best of their ability. Mrs Dawes has provided a more detailed breakdown of our results on page 13 of The Roar. Year 12 to Wollongong University As the year draws to the half-way point, many of our Year 12 students are considering what life might look like after school. Some have travelled to Wollongong yesterday to try out Wollongong University and sample the accommodation on offer – by staying overnight and living life as a UOW student. Many excited faces boarded the College bus with students from Stannies and Mackillop, eager to see what their next big step might look like. I look forward to hearing what they thought when they get back to school. Prayer Meeting Our next Coffee and Prayer Meeting will take place in the Junior School Chapel on Thursday, 16 June 2022, from 8:00 am to 8:45 am. Please come along and catch up and connect with other parents and staff from the College Community. I look forward to seeing you there. Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Junior School Athletics Carnival The Junior School are holding their Athletics Carnival next Friday, 17 June 2022, with activities commencing at 10:00 am and finishing at 3:00 pm. Parents are very warmly invited to come along and cheer the children on. Please park in the carpark closest to Eglinton Road and make sure you rug up warmly. Music Showcase at BMEC All SASC music students from K – Year 12 will be performing in our Music Showcase at BMEC on Friday, 17 June 2022, from 6:00 pm. To come along and watch some great music, get your tickets from the BMEC website: au/scots-all-saints-2022-musical-showcase.html New starters Elizabeth Wischer will be starting with the Boarding team on Monday, as Head of House – Galloway and Boarder Wellbeing Coordinator. Elizabeth will be welcoming all the Galloway girls back to the house after the long weekend and getting to know everyone. Rebecca Lyle will be starting with us next Tuesday, as Christian Studies teacher on the Senior Campus. We wish them both all the very best as they join the SASC Community. Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday As many of you will know the Queen celebrated her Platinum Jubilee this week, with a raft of festivities and excitement in the UK and further afield. To do a job for 70 years is certainly a big achievement and one that is well worth celebrating. We will all get the chance to celebrate the Queen this weekend, with Monday being the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday. I hope our Boarders have a lovely break with their families, and we will see you all back next Tuesday. 02 6331 3911


From the Chaplain Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain

Thank you for supporting our charity drive Isaiah 58:10: "If you give food to the hungry and satisfy those who are in need, then the darkness around you will turn to the brightness of noon." As you may know, some of our Senior School students have been purchasing items for Toiletry Bags (aka Dignity Packs) for the needy in our community. The inspiration for the idea came from some of our Year 12 students – Alex Strutt and the Social Justice Prefects Emily, Mia and Gaby. They were hoping to have a week focused on Woman’s Health issues and they wondered what they could do to support women in need – raise money or collect items? When I mentioned the idea at the local charity providers, which included organisations like Hope Care, Anglicare, Salvation Army, and Uniting Care, they said there was a desperate need for toiletry bags (also known as Dignity packs) for homeless woman and men.

A BIG thank you to all those students and families who contributed to the cause. Amen

Sandra Martin from Hope Care with the Year 7 and 8 students and the Dignity Packs.

For three weeks, I have been inviting the school community (through Chapel and a previous The Roar article) to contribute to the collection of items for the toiletry drive. Some students have purchased a variety of items themselves or pooled their resources with friends and have then put together complete packs. Our goal was 30 packs – 10 male toiletry packs and 20 female packs. Unfortunately, we fell just short with 25 packs (8 male packs and 17 female packs), with one infant pack and some nappies. Year 7 students were incredible inspiring, pulling together eight toiletry packs within their friendship groups. The Boarders also captured the vision with another six packs. Sandra Martin from Hope Care picked up the packs at Thursday's Years 7-8 Chapel. They shall be shared amongst the various local charity providers and distributed immediately to those in most need in Bathurst.

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911



6PM FRIDAY 17 JUNE BMEC Theatre, Bathurst Enjoy a night of entertainment from all of our Junior and Senior School musicians. $25 per ticket to be purchased through BMEC box office, scan the QR code or online:

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Junior School Mr Chris Jackman Head of Junior School

Showcase at BMEC - 6:00 pm Friday, 17 June. Doors will open from 5:30 pm. Every choir and ensemble will perform from Kindergarten through to Year 12 with over two hours of live music from our talented students. Tickets can be purchased here: www.

New Lower Carpark

Inter-House Athletics Carnival

As you would have noticed, we have recently sealed and re-organised the lower carpark in the Junior School. Below is a hand-drawn sketch of the carpark. Please note the direction of travel through the carpark and the drop off zone. Drivers should pull up parallel to the side of the carpark in the drop off zone and not park there permanently. This new carparking arrangement will allow for quicker movement through the carpark, increased level of safety for the children and more carparking spaces.

On Friday, 17 June, all of the Prep and Junior School students will be participating in the Inter-House Athletics Carnival. Parents are most welcome to come along and watch their children compete. The P and F are planning on running a canteen for the children on the day. Use of Playground Equipment After School Could parents please refrain from allowing their children to play on the College’s playground equipment after 3:15 pm. There is no supervision of this equipment by staff after this time therefore, students should not be on the equipment.

Mr Anthony Roohan Deputy Head of Junior School

Junior School Art Exhibition Winter Sport We are nearly halfway through the winter sports season, and it is great to see our students enjoying their Saturday matches. Please note that if your child has committed to a competitive team in soccer or netball, they are expected to play for the entire season. If they cannot play due to illness or an important family event such as a wedding, please message Mark Wilkinson on

It was great to see so many families enjoying the Visual Arts Exhibition. The students were very proud and excited to showcase their work. Thank you all for visiting!

BMEC Music Showcase It is with great excitement we invite you to join us for the 2022 Scots All Saints College Music

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

continued page 5 02 6331 3911


the English and Mathematics section. Reports will be sent home with students on the final day of Term 2. Life Education The Life Education team is looking forward to visiting the students at Scots All Saints College next week. All students will take part in a 60-90 minute session with Healthy Harold. Session days are as follows: Thursday 16 June: KW, Year 2, 4G and 3I Friday 17 June: Prep Banksia Monday 20 June: Prep Eucalypt, 4W, 5MC and 6N Tuesday 21 June: Prep Banksia, 1WE, 5MU and 6H Wednesday 22 June: Prep Wattle, KM, 1WA and 3H

Assessment and Reporting Teachers have been busy finalising assessment data and preparing Semester One reports. Now that we’ve come together as a K-6 campus, we’ve made a few minor adjustments to the report so that we can give you the best feedback possible. Adjustments include giving you specific feedback in the form of checklists for English and Mathematics and the addition of future goals to

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Chess Update Chess is gathering momentum at the Junior School campus with an enthusiastic and talented cohort of Chess players attending Chess Club each Wednesday at lunchtime. Participants have been learning many new strategies and skills whilst playing each other. The knowledge of the game being displayed so far is continued page 6 02 6331 3911


outstanding! Mrs Inglis and Mr Hunter encourage any students interested in playing Chess to come down to the library at 1:15 pm Wednesdays. Kreative Koalas and the Great Platypus Survey This week our Kreative Koalas team met with Michael Inwood from the Winburndale Waters Action Group. Michael spoke at length with the students about the recent local extinction of the platypus in Winburndale Rivulet and how this tragedy could have been avoided. If you’d like to know more about what the Kreative Koalas are up to, you can read here: p1F3Ir-5ai Kreative Koalas is also looking for families to get back to nature and help collect some data on the local platypus. Despite numbers being on the decline, our Kreative Koalas team want to protect and restore platypus habitats and promote responsible land use practices and water management techniques to ensure that platypus numbers remain viable. We’re asking all families in our school to take part in our survey and spend some time together looking for this beautiful Australian creature. Please refer to the email with the survey link and tips for spotting a platypus for further details.

Lego Spike Challenge The challenge is coming to an end, and students will be continuing to finalise their vehicles over the next week. Students have had to design and create a robot that aligns with the theme ‘Journey.’ They were also required to keep a digital journey of their learning. It’s great to see so many students thriving and enjoying the challenge!

Federal Government studies Last Friday, Year 5 experienced preferential voting as part of our Federal Government studies. They voted for their favourite fruit. After many preferences being redistributed Watermelon finally received 50% plus one and was declared the winner on the day. The students enjoyed this activity and learnt a lot about our voting system. Mrs Murray

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Preparatory School Prep Wattle has been busy exploring and creating around the letter ‘d’. We were excited to cook Donuts with Mrs Hornery last Friday, cut and glue to make ducklings, as well as some Dinosaur Maths – measuring heights. The cold days have been filled with lots of fun in our beautiful playground with the Autumn leaves. We were proud to visit the Junior School Art Exhibition to see our multi-layered ‘Flower Collage’ hung with all of the other magnificent artworks.

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Senior School Mr Justin Adams Acting Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior School

Acknowledging Student Achievements We had the great pleasure of presenting $5 vouchers to the students who had received a significant amount of merits (AW1’s) in the first few weeks of our revised award and discipline system. We know that the students appreciated the vouchers and have already spent them at the Outdoor Café. Below is the list of students who are to be congratulated on their excellent work. We encourage all students to strive for their best with all that they do so that hopefully, we can reward them in the next assembly. Stage 4 Award Recipients: Henry Davis, Astrid Gavey, George Milgate, Danny Monico, Matilda Penfold, Annabelle Webb, Annabelle Baker, Emily Tallentire, Annabelle Kerridge Stage 5 Award Recipients: Lily Moore, Bree MacKenzie, Patrick Barnett, Shay-lee Riley, Lachlan Munns, Alexis Fraser, Emma Reid, Jaiden Cogdell, Harriet Collins Stage 6 Award Recipients: Annabelle Rennie, William Munro, Dusty Fitzpatrick, Harrison Price Cattle Team Presentation and Awards At assembly last week, we had the opportunity to hear a report from our Cattle Team Leaders and also the chance to present some awards to the students who demonstrated outstanding skills, commitment and leadership in the Cattle Program. We thank Charlotte and Harriett for their excellent presentation and congratulate the students who received awards.

Year 11 Student Led Conferences Thank you to the parents and Years 11 students who met with our Year 11 teachers via Zoom this week. Many of the staff have reported that it was great to get to meet many of the parents and a very useful time to discuss the progress, learning intentions and the learning needs of our students. There seemed to be a common message from our teachers and advice to the students and parents. As a Year group, Year 11 are going very well and mostly have made the adjustment to senior study a very positive one. There also seemed to be a focus on our students developing study routines and methods for revising classwork whilst still being able to manage their time for assessment tasks, sport, work and other family. This will be a priority for our Year 11 as they dig into the final term of Year 11. continued page 9

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795


Year 7 and 8 Study Skills Workshops We thank Mrs O’Neill for her recent study skills workshops with Years 7 and 8. Throughout the workshops students were briefed on some key ideas for study including: •

Getting organised

Establishing a good routine

Goal setting

Managing distractions

How to revise

Making effective study notes

In particular, students discussed the negative effects of distractions. They learnt ways of managing these distractions, particularly from devices, in order to maximize focus and attention and establish good sleep routines. Year 9 and 10 students will be given the opportunity to attend workshops for study skills in Term 3. Uniform Reminder – it is Winter! We remind the students and parents that all students should be wearing the SASC Winter Uniform. As we approach an increasing number of cool days we encourage students to pay attention to weather forecasts and to dress appropriately. This includes wearing layers, probably starting with an undergarment (singlet or thermal), school shirt, SASC woolen jumper (no hoodies), SASC blazer then the SASC winter coat. With all uniform items it is strongly recommended that the garments are clearly labelled and that students use their lockers to store clothing when not being worn during the school day. On Active Afternoon days – the SASC track pants, SASC soft shell jacket, SASC ¼ zip soft pullover are acceptable items. We thank you for your support with uniform. Revised Date for Senior Athletics Carnival Tuesday, 30 August has been set as the revised date for the recently postponed Senior Inter House Athletics Carnival. This date is after the Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations and due dates for Major Works. We hope that our weather patterns at the end of winter are friendlier than they are at the moment.

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

United Nations Evatt Competition Last Saturday, four Year 11 students representing Scots All Saints went to Macquarie Anglican Grammar School in Dubbo to compete in the UN Youth Australia’s Evatt Competition. A week prior to the competition, two pairs of delegates were assigned countries and two resolutions. Scots All Saints students, and UN Youth delegates Ella and Emily, represented the Russian Federation, while their fellow students Luke and Harrex represented the United States of America. Prior to the competition, both pairs of delegates researched and developed their positions in relation to two resolutions: The question of extradition and the question of food security in West Africa. On the day of the competition, the students debated, amended, and voted on the two prepared resolutions and one impromptu resolution. During this time, they were constantly judged on their performance by the chair. Lastly, the competition provided a

fantastic opportunity not only to meet other likeminded students but also to develop the skills of public speaking as well as negotiation. Congratulations Ella, Emily, Harrex and Luke, for your initiative and enthusiasm in participating in this valuable competition. Mrs Sarah O’Neill, Senior Learning Support and Enrichment


Write a Book in a Day Fundraiser Fete

Scots All Saints College is participating in the Write a Book in a Day challenge. On 15 June 15, three teams ranging from Years 7 to 9 will spend the day writing and illustrating an entire book! We are participating not just because of our love for writing and drawing. The competition is for a great cause. All of the money raised and the completed books will go towards the Kids Cancer Project. We are aiming to raise $1000 before the writing date. To help raise the funds, we have a special event planned… On Tuesday, 14 June, during lunchtime, the Write a Book in a Day team is holding a Fundraising Fete! All the money contributed will be donated to the Kids Cancer Project. Stalls with fun activities will be set up on the Senior Campus. At these stalls, students and teachers can play games, snack on baked goods and enter a raffle to win various prizes! Students are encouraged to bring cash along and get involved in the Fundraising Fete. Can’t make it on the day? There are ways to donate directly towards our school’s involvement. Below are the links for the donation pages. Specific students can also be sponsored on the page. By Chido Mutyiri, Year 9 Competitor Our Year 7 team: teams/?id=157 Our Year 8 team: teams/?id=159 Our Year 9 team: teams/?id=161 Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on 14 June! Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795



House Debating 2022

House Debating is back and it looks a little different… This year, our House Debating Competition will form part of the Literacy Festival and will take place on 16 June alongside the Monologue Competition. There will be spots for TWO entries of individual speakers from each house in both the JUNIOR (7,8,9) and SENIOR (10,11,12) Divisions. Each house has been assigned a topic and a case for each age division. The nominated house speaker for each division must prepare a 3 minute speech arguing the case for this topic. Your speech will be scored by Mrs Davis on the day and house points will be accumulated to determine a winning house. To sign up, give your name and house to Mrs Davis. Remember, first in, best dressed. Entries close Tuesday, 14 June.

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


All Things Sport Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports Administrator

No Saturday sport

EMAIL US YOUR SPORT PHOTOS Calling all keen sporting parents if you have a photo of students in action we’d love to add them to our photo library please email:

A reminder that our Hockey, Soccer, Netball and Rugby competitions will all be put on hold this Saturday so we can celebrate the Queen’s birthday long weekend. Enjoy the sleep in! CIS Cross Country Our representative Cross Country season came to an exciting end at yesterday’s CIS Cross Country Carnival at Sydney Motorsport Park. Eleven of our finest runners competed alongside the very best in NSW, with a number of our students finishing in the top half of their races. On top of that, they were all incredible representatives of our school. Congratulations to Emily Bennett, Angus ArgentSmith, Lincoln Craft, Lucy Tallentire, Jake Kearney, Jessie Abel, Sam Hunter, Ella Hunter, Amelia Craft, Benjamin Lenehan and Nicholas Lenehan. Junior Athletics Carnival Our attention now shifts to athletics. We’ll kick things off next Friday at 10:00 am with our Junior School Athletics Carnival. The carnival will be held at our Junior School, and parents, families and cheer squads are more than welcome to attend. Students are required to wear their Winter sports uniform along with their coloured House polo shirt. Our Senior School Athletics Carnival, as well as our WAS, HICES and ISA representative carnivals, will all be held in Term 3.

Western NSW Local Health District invites all parents to join the webinar:

VAPES AND YOUR CHILDREN FIND OUT WHY IT'S A BIG DEAL Dr Lyndon Bauer | GP Passionate about youth tobacco control Presenting on the risks of vaping Taylor Ryan | headspace Offering tips on safe communication with children Register using QR code or link by 21st June vapingwebinar Complete the post-webinar evaluation for a chance to receive 1 of 4 x $150 petrol vouchers


22nd June 7.30-8.30PM

Email enquries:

JOIN THE RUNNING CLUB Senior School Campus Every Tuesday at 7:30 am rain, hail or shine (wet weather - run in the sports barn) EVERYONE WELCOME Mr Luke Gillmer

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


North West Equestrian Expo 2022 It doesn’t get much better! Scots All Saints College Equestrian team took a massive 34 riders and 39 horses to compete at the North West Equestrian Expo in Coonabarabran from Thursday, 2 June to Tuesday, 7 June. With 550 horses and 120 schools, it was always going to be a huge six days! With five days of competition, we were all extremely busy from dawn to dark – we competed in a vast array of events, including eventing, combined training, working horse challenge, polocrosse, showjumping, dressage, sporting, warrumbungle way, pentathlon and team barrels - our riders have done amazingly. All of the riders performed extremely well across the board. For some of our riders, it was their first competition, and through hard work and dedication, they excelled. Special mentions must go to the following riders: • Minna Poole taking out the 95cm Showjump Champion and winning the Pentathalon! • Victoria Webb 4th in the 1* Eventing • Lucy Cleton winning the Combined Training (Division 1A) – this was Lucy’s first ever competition!! • Lochlan Shoemark Champion Preliminary Dressage and overall Reserve Champion Boy (point score) for 13-year-old boys • George Morse, Fraser Gill and Annabelle Webb being awarded the runners up in the Division 2 polocrosse. It must be mentioned that this team was the youngest by far and were up against a team made up of Year 11 and 12

• • •

• •

students in the final! A team to be watched over the coming years. Bree MacKenzie winning the 60 cm ODE Amelia Triggs winning her Warrumbungles Way (Stockhorse Challenge) Scots All Saints College taking out 8th in the team barrels out of over 100 teams – the team was made up of Olivia Pitt, Bree MacKenzie and Charlie MacKenzie! Annie Triggs, Brydie Ford and Gracie Morse taking out runners up in the Team Penning out of over 30 teams. The prestigious ‘Salmonidae Team Eventing Trophy’ awarded to the school with the highest achievements in the One Day Event Phase was awarded for the second year in a row to Scots All Saints College, with Victoria Webb, Amelie Johnson and Molly Corbett making up the team.

continued page 14 Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Just about all riders brought ribbons home, and even more importantly, all riders rode exceptionally well and had many personal bests! There are many thanks to be made …’ Special thanks to the riders – you have all worked very hard and made a great commitment, and your results are evidence of this – week in and week out, you work hard, and your progress and achievements have been a joy to watch. Your support of each other and the way you work as a team is inspirational – it makes me very proud to stand back and watch you represent the College with such pride! Special thanks to all of the parents – you also have made a huge commitment, your support of the program and support whilst at Coona has been amazing. Thanks for all of your fun around our camp fire! Special thanks to Paul Chapman – Paul set up our camp for us, ensured we had enough firewood, pulled us out of the mud and was always there to help! We are so appreciative Paul! Special thanks to Jennifer Wood and Grace Dawes for all of your help whilst at Coona – the students are very lucky to have you help them warm up, and your expertise, patience and care are amazing. Special thanks to Bruce Inwood for his continual care of our equestrian centre and for keeping everything in perfect working order. Special thanks to the school – the support of the school in terms of our equestrian program (facilities and the program itself) has allowed our riders to follow their passions and represent the school successfully. Mrs Libby Dawes, Director of Agricultural Studies and Equestrian

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


HICES Debating Round 5 Friday, 2 June, saw our debaters in Year 8 and Year 11 undertake the last of their debates in the round robin stage of the HICES Debating Competition.

Did Marie-Antoinette Really Say “Let Them Eat Cake”? We will never know, it is more likely she said “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”. Aside from this fun French fact, Year 8 students are currently learning expressions and grammar related to cooking. As an authentic experience, they were required to follow a recipe in French. They very much enjoyed the challenge and, in particular, the final result. Mrs Ann Maree Adamson

First to step into the arena were the Year 8 team of Stirling Miller, Eliza Rennie, Olivia Mills and Grayson Jacobsen to discuss the merits of rolling back legislation around the fencing of backyard pools. The team presented a solid case with a variety of convincing arguments but were narrowly bested by their opposition from Kinross Wolaroi School. Next to step into the fray were our Year 11 debaters, Luke Woodhead, Charlotte Bertwistle, Jessica Mills and Emily Brown. They considered the issue of bullying and the legal responsibilities of students and parents. In an impressive display, our team presented a thoughtful and nuanced case and were unlucky to emerge unsuccessful from their encounter with their opponents from St Paul’s Grammar School. We look eagerly now to the results table published next week to learn whether any of our teams will progress to the knockout phase of the competition. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students and staff who have contributed to the successful participation of Scots All Saints College in the HICES Debating Competition this year. Particular thanks go to Mr Andrew Maher for his generous assistance throughout. I encourage all budding debaters to look out for the upcoming information regarding House Debating and to consider signing up for HICES Debating in 2023. Mrs Angela Davis, HICES Debating Coordinator

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Setting & achieving goals

Organisation and schedules

Revision and study notes

Assessment task and exam strategies

Individual and small group sessions available. See or email Mrs O’Neill to make an appointment:

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911



Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911



National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) 2023

HSC Music Extension Recital

Applications are now open for students who want to be a part of the National Youth Science Forum in 2023! The NYSF Year 12 Program offers an exciting range of in-person and digital science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences for participants across Australia. If you’re a year 11 student (in 2022) and passionate about STEM, apply now! In 2023, the NYSF Year 12 Program will run from 10 to 24 January. Students will have opportunities to: •

participate in tours of science and technology facilities, and learn about cutting edge research;

engage with industry partners and research providers;

learn about university and STEM career pathways;

mix with other like-minded students from all over Australia; and

network with former NYSF participants to further increase understanding of STEM related study and career experiences.

NYSF offers Access and Equity Scholarships to students who require additional financial assistance due to experiencing financial or other forms of disadvantage or will incur additional costs to fully participate in the Year 12 Program. Information regarding Access and Equity Scholarships, including how to apply, will be sent to successful program applicants later in the year. Applications are open until 14 August. Find out more and apply here: https://www.nysf. Please see Mrs O’Neill for more details:

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


From the All Saints' College archives


Following the wonderful production of Matilda staged recently by the Scots All Saints College Performing Arts Academy, we have been encouraged to look back at the many previous drama and musical productions held at All Saints’ College. Drama has always been a part of the school’s history and many of the productions were steered by the various teachers of the time. Probably one of the first we can find here in archives is a drama script, The Revisor, written by the then headmaster Edwin Bean, described as a farcical tragedy acted by ASC Players in 1886. Another historical drama production was “Hearts of Oak”, produced by the All Saints’ College Amateur Dramatic Society in 1897, featuring students A.F. Avern, G.S. Avern, H.M.Green, V. Dulhunty and M.Penzer, as well as teachers on the staff. We also have a program from another play performed by the All Saints College Dramatic Club at the Masonic Hall in 1929, Lord Richard in the Pantry, with a cast of ASC students such as D.R. Portus, G.H. Blazley and R.M. Suttor.

When the eighth Headmaster came to the school, Edward Clarence Fitzherbert Evans (1948-1962), he laid a solid foundation for wider interests in the life of the school, and a Dramatic Club was formed. He introduced an Annual School Play Week in 1950, which involved actors from both All Saints’ and Marsden School and audiences from the Bathurst Community. In 1953 the school produced its first three-act play, Treasure Island, featuring some wellknown Old Bathurstians’, Allan Blanch, David Treharne, David Coote, David Tiller, and the late John Lingham and Robert Woods. The first complete Shakespearean play was produced in 1956, King Henry 1V. with the Headmaster Mr Evans as Falstaff. Later Shakespearean productions Julius Caesar and Hamlet took place with most of the students involved in some way.

Mr Hewett. The musical director was Mr Paviour, and most of the other staff members were involved in the production in numerous ways. The cast and crew were made up of nearly every boy from All Saints’ and some girls from the sister school Marsden, amounting to over 120 players, with historical scenes taking place on and around a stage, a half sized model of The Endeavour. The headmaster spoke of the pageant as ‘an educational and artistic experience’ and will always be ’something inherently a part of the school of 1970, something given to the school and reflecting the school and its staff’. We have copies of the Vision70 scripts here at school in the archives and numerous photos which can be copied for those who would like them. There are also some photos from earlier Shakespearean productions as well. If you would like copies, please contact via email at

Another huge production which took place in 1970 was the historical pageant Vision 70 written and directed by the Headmaster Mr Gebhardt and teachers Mr Baines and

Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Lids4Kids Initiative


Emily Brown, Year 11, has started up a Lids4Kids initiative through the Coffee Crew to recycle plastic bottle lids. The aim of the charity is to recycle plastic bottle lids to repurpose them to make 3D printed prosthetic limbs for children and overall reduce plastic waste. Almost all plastic bottle lids are accepted, including those from milk bottles, water bottles and ice tea bottles. If you're unsure, feel free to check which ones we can take using the infographic attached. So, if you’re frequently getting drinks from the canteen, drop the lid off at the PAC and put the bottle in the return and earn bins around the school.

information, and do not hesitate to ask Emily any questions you may have. https://www.

Emily said the goal is to reach 500 lids (the average requirement for one prosthetic hand) by the end of the term, and she needs your help. Emily encourages everyone to think twice about where their empty bottles and lids are going.

This is a fantastic opportunity to help reduce waste in our school community, so get keen to keep our school clean!

NO DRAW THIS WEEK CALENDAR DATES Friday 10 June 2022 Distant Boarders Travel Day Monday 13 June 2022 Queen's Birthday Public Holiday Boarders return from 2:00 pm Tuesday 14 June 2022 Fundraiser Fete for Children's Cancer Research Wednesday 15 June 2022 Write a book in a DAY! Years 7/8/9/10 Showcase Final Rehearsal Friday 17 June 2022 Bell Shakespeare Years 7-12 Junior School Athletics Carnival Music Showcase at BMEC Showcase Finale Rehearsal Saturday 18 June 2022 ISA Rugby - Round 7 Tuesday 21 June 2022 Wool harvesting Workshop 9/10 Sheep Team Wednesday 22 June 2022 Winter Art and French Film Festival Thursday 23 June 2022 Fast 5 Netball - Do it for Dolly Term 2 classes conclude 3:15/3:20 pm


Here’s a link to the website for further

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Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911

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