The Roar Newsletter Issue 21 Term 3 2021

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Issue 21


Thursday 15 July 2021

upcoming major events

A conversation with the Head of College Mr John Weeks

Welcome back to Term 3! It has been a great start to the term, despite some Covid-related changes – our community continues to show how well we can pull together to keep us all safe. I wanted to take the opportunity to especially thank our parents and carers for the way they have prepared their children to accept the changes we now operate within. This includes wearing masks, Service NSW QR Code check-in’s and limiting parent visits to our campuses. According to the staff, these changes have been well accepted by all, and this is a credit to you and our students. As we’re all aware, the changes to our operations as a College, and a Region, continue to be at the advice of NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education. As much as possible, we are continuing with operations as normal. For example, Active Afternoon’s, Saturday community sports and other co-curricular activities will continue until we are advised otherwise. Where we are notified by NSW Health that changes need to occur, we will advise you as soon as possible. Areas that might change could be external excursions, camps, sporting events, etc. One area we would like parents to emphasis with students is the need to wear masks on buses and public transport. This has been issued as an order from NSW Health and is very important for all people travelling this way. There are some exceptions for mask wearing, and our bus drivers have been reminded to be vigilant in this regard. We thank the vast majority of parents and students who have been very positive and supportive of these changes. Please check Mr Roohan, Mr Jackman and Mr Weeding’s columns in The Roar for any changes relating specifically to the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. Our latest COVID-19 update can be viewed on page 13. For more information, please watch the NSW Health and NSW Department of Education websites. A very big thank you to all our students and staff who are working so well together to make these challenges as easy as possible. Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795


JS WAS Athletics

Junior WAS Athletics Carnival scheduled for Friday has been cancelled.

21 July 2021

P&F Meeting

The next P&F Meeting will held on Zoom at 5:30 pm.


Coffee & Prayer Meeting All Coffee & Prayer Meetings have been cancelled until further notice. For more events view our Online Calendar 02 6331 3911


From the Chaplain Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain

'Herod the Great’ saviour of the Olympic Games As you are aware, the Tokyo Olympic Games are only a couple of weeks away. My family has a great love of the Games as my wife (a former Commonwealth Games athlete) carried the torch for the 2000 Sydney Games, my brother came fourth in the Athens Olympic Games triathlon, and his wife came fourth and twelfth in the Beijing and London Olympic triathlons. Many of you may ask what my personal connection is to the Games? Sadly, none. I am an enthusiastic supporter who is the runt of the family! To start our Olympic series, I thought I would begin with Herod the Great’s connection with the Games. Many of you will know that Herod ruled as the political ‘King of the Jews' in Judea from 37BC to 4BC. As the Christmas story tells us, towards the end of his reign, he heard that the religious ‘King of the Jews’ had been born. During his long reign he executed anyone who threatened his grip on power, including his own son, so he sent troops to Bethlehem and the surrounding communities to dispatch all boys two years of age or younger. Matthew’s account of the events informs us that Mary and Joseph were forewarned and managed to flee with Jesus to Egypt before the abominable actions occurred (Matthew 2:1618).

Herod then built his own version of an Olympic city at Caesarea Maritima, which was completed in 9BC. The city featured an athletics track, stadium and theatre in which regular contests were held – with a major Games held every four years. Many of you will know that 66 years later (57AD) the Apostle Paul was imprisoned in this city for two years, awaiting his trial before Caesar in Rome. One can only wonder if the athletic imagery he uses in his letters comes from what he saw there. His most quoted passages are: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the Games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." (1 Corinthians 9:24-25). 24

I hope your household enjoys the Games action as much as ours will. Amen.

Diary Date

P&F MEETING A hearty online welcome to anyone wishing to join in online from your home or office to next week's SASC P&F Meeting. The first meeting of Term 3 is on Wednesday, 21 July commencing at 5:30 pm. The Zoom link is below and we look forward to seeing you there! https://us02web.zoom. us/j/89638967597?pwd=bi9TWWplS0hKS2NnQm5GWElPVS8rUT09 Until then, stay safe and healthy ! Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

During his reign, despite being the political ‘King of the Jews’, Herod embraced Greek culture, which influenced his building programs, the language, and even social interactions. In his 60s in 12BC, Herod attended the 192 Olympiad in Rome. According to ancient records, the movement was financially strapped and struggling to continue – a familiar story to today. Herod came bearing gifts and money, and was credited with financially saving the Games during this difficult period. According to the 1st Century Historian Josephus, as a result of his generosity, he was proclaimed ‘President of the Olympic Games’ for life. The movement would continue for several hundred years until 393 AD.

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

HSC Drama Showcase Thursday, 29 July 2021

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Tune in on Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom. us/j/82539508590?pwd=UXJ3aGZFL3pkRFltUjF4VUtjeUxqdz09 Meeting ID: 825 3950 8590 Passcode: 877971 02 6331 3911


Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School Welcome back! Whilst it may not have been the Winter break you were expecting, hopefully you’ve all managed to have some rest and quality time together as a family. At the end of last term things were heading in a positive direction in NSW and it looked like we were heading back to normality. A lot can certainly happen in three weeks! No doubt you’ve been following the College updates relating to the changes to routines for parents and visitors to the College. When entering College premises, all parents who exit their vehicle to deliver or collect their child will need to sign in through the Service NSW QR code which will be made available at all entry points near car parks and at reception. Anyone who is unable to sign in using a QR code can easily sign in at reception. When dropping off or collecting your child/ children, we ask that you maintain physical distancing and avoid entering classrooms. If you need to exit your vehicle, the Chapel lawn is the best place to maintain physical distance to drop off or collect your child/children. Postponement of the Opening of the Innovation Centre In light of the current COVID-19 restrictions and extended lockdown in Sydney and the Greater Regions, the official opening of the Innovation Centre which was to be held on Tuesday 13 July at 10:00 am, will be postponed to minimise visitors to the school. We will keep you updated on the new date in the near future. Parent-Teacher Interviews Parent-Teacher Interviews which were scheduled for next week have been moved to Zoom. Mrs Boshier will send you a link so that you can join the interview. The aim of the interview is to discuss your child’s Semester 1 report. Please have your child’s report and any questions you have with you for the interview. Bounce Back Being resilient means you are able to cope reasonably well with difficult situations or when things don’t quite go as planned and then ‘bounce back’. Throughout life, children will need skills and attitudes to help them bounce back. They will encounter everyday challenges such as making mistakes, falling out with a friend, moving house or school and losing in a sports competition. Many will also face challenges such as adapting to family break-ups, a stepfamily, an illness or death of a family member, or even dealing with COVID. Below are some key messages you could share with your child/children about bouncing back.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

• Life is mainly good but now, and then, everyone has a difficult or unhappy time. Things always get better even though sometimes they may take a bit longer to improve than you would like. It is important to stay hopeful and expect things to get better. • You will feel better and have more ideas about what to do if you talk to someone you trust about what’s worrying or upsetting you. • Unhelpful thinking isn’t necessarily true and makes you feel worse. Helpful thinking makes you feel better because it is more accurate and helps you work out what to do. • No one is perfect. We all make mistakes and find out there are some things we can’t do well. • If you can find something positive or funny in a difficult situation, no matter how small, it can help you to cope better. Home Reading Spending ten minutes reading every night is one of the best things you can do and our reading badge system provides that extra bit of incentive for students to strive and improve their reading. The start of a new semester is a good point to stop and set some reading goals for the rest of the year. A student who completes home reading on 30 occasions receives a Bronze Reading Award. A student who completes home reading on 60 occasions receives a Silver Reading Award. A student completes home reading on 90 occasions receives a Gold Reading Award. If a student reads on 120 occasions, they will receive a Reading Badge at the end of the year. Let’s get reading everyone! History in Focus Term 3 will see all Junior School classes focus on History. Kinder will commence looking at personal and family histories. Students will learn about their own history and that of their family and develop an understanding of how the past is different from the present. Stage 1 will explore family life in both the past and present and how family life has changed or remained the same over time. Stage 2 will learn all about Country and Place. Students will identify the original Aboriginal languages spoken in the local or regional area, identify the special relationship that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples have to Country and Place and respond to Aboriginal stories. They’ll also explore groups and places in our community and how they have changed over time. Active Afternoons You would have received correspondence from our Sport Administrator, Mr Mark Wilkinson in the holidays regarding Active Afternoons for Term 3. Students who didn’t play soccer or netball in Term 2 were given the option of selecting a new Active Afternoon activity for Term 3. Choices included; gymnastics, golf and martial arts. Any student that played soccer or netball in Term 2 continues in Term 3. If you didn’t make a choice for Term 3 please email mark.wilkinson@ 02 6331 3911


Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of Campus West (Saints) / Director of Middle School

Welcome to Term 3 It was wonderful to see all the students back at the start of the week for another busy term of learning. Although we are carefully navigating our way responsibly through these times of COVID-19, the College is still open for learning and I encourage all the students to make the most of the many curricula and co-curricular opportunities on offer this term. Our Year 7 and 8 students, in particular, have been fantastic at wearing masks in class and being sensible and responsible citizens in these challenging times of COVID-19. I also thank all of our parents and carers who have been abiding by our Covid-19 rules and procedures in order to keep everyone safe.

• Mikaylee Graf – 5M • Kestrel Ebsworth – 6G • Sam Lau – 6G • Henry Willis – 6H • Ben Lau – 7T • Sam Brown – 8C • Macy Wilton – 8S Year 5 and 6 Parent-Teacher Interviews On Monday 19, Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 July Year 5 and 6 parents have the opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher. These interviews will now take place online via Zoom. Parents will receive an email with the Zoom link. Chris Jackman, Head of Campus/Director of Middle School Stage 3

As a reminder - COVID-19 Rules for Visitors on Campus Grounds: • Parents and carers must wear a face mask if they have exited their vehicle and sign in using the QR code. • QR check in points will be located near the Prep gate and out the front of Esrom House. • Parents should not be entering classrooms during the school day. Car Park We have new car park arrangements for the main Campus West car park next to Esrom House. A full description detailing these arrangements will be emailed to parents soon once the final parts of the construction are completed. New Students The following new students are joining us this term: • Sam Gunning – 5N

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

This year we were really excited to offer a select group of Year 6 students Vertical Acceleration into the Year 7 Mathematics program in the Middle School. This is in addition to the Mathematics enrichment program, which takes place before school each week. The students were offered a place in the program based on a number of factors, including testing and assessment results, maturity and their willingness to challenge themselves academically. continued page 5 02 6331 3911


Each week the students attend a number of Year 7 Mathematics classes taught by Mr Patrick Sinclair. They complete all aspects of the assessment and teaching and learning with the Stage 4 Mathematics students.

and teachers has been very positive and constructive in its nature. If you do miss a meeting, please email that teacher or Stage Leader to organise another time for your meeting.

Jo Nicholls, Stage 3 Coordinator

The approach by parents/carers, students, and teachers to the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation has been amazing. Students are responding with excellent maturity with and social distancing, hand sanitising and mask wearing. The school has sanitising stations in all classrooms and a supply of masks in the middle school office that Mrs Cranney can hand out.

Stage 4

Chris Walsh and Cath Dundon, Stage 4 Team Leaders

It has been very pleasing to see how well these students have embraced this opportunity. I look forward to watching their progress and success over the years to come.

Welcome back to all Stage 4 Students to Term 3 after the mid-year break. We are excited to welcome some new students into stage 4 this term. We know our school community will make them feel welcome as they settle into their journey at Scots All Saints College. The term is already off to a quick start with parentteacher interviews starting across the Middle school campus. The feed back from parents/carers, students

Senior School Mr Andrew Weeding Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior School

The cooperation, agility and resilience shown by all students this week has been outstanding. The staff have had nothing but praise for the way the students have accepted the situation we are in, and are very appreciative. Year 10 Interviews These will run on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings next week. The students are expected to be in the interviews and to take a leading role in evaluating their performance in Semester 1 and setting goals for the next two terms. These interviews will provide a good foundation from which to consider subject selection for Stage 6. Please remember the question and answer session for subject selection is on Tuesday, 27 July, 5-7pm. Mr Jones has sent an email with all the details. Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Year 12 While we keep a very close eye on NESA communications about COVID-19, Year 12 students are reminded about the information available on the NESA site. Updates are posted regularly https:// covid-19/coronavirus-advice/year-11-and-12 and in particular they have a dedicated section for health and well-being Coding Opportunity CompClub is part of the Engineering Faculty at the University of NSW. They have offered to run workshops to introduce students to computer science and promote the fundamentals of coding. I am taking expressions of interest for students who are interested in participating in workshops that will include an introduction to Python and Game Development. The workshops are tentatively booked for 31 August throughout the day. Please email me if you are interested. 02 6331 3911


Boarding Mr Ant Le Couteur Director of Boarding

I am pleased to report that, under challenging circumstances, the return of boarders ran smoothly. Not even COVID-19 and the restrictions associated, can dampen the spirits and excitement that the boarders experience when returning to boarding to see their friends. All boarders were in good spirits. We welcome five new families to the Boarding Community this term. We have been extremely focused on getting all our boarders back to school without compromising the safety of anyone in the Central West. Measures have been put in place to assist the families and students affected by lockdown to return to school and boarding. Following NSW Health advice to all Boarding schools in NSW, communication from the Australian Independent Schools Association (AIS) and discussions with the Local Area Health Unit, the following measures were put in place to facilitate the return of boarders currently in lockdown in the Greater Sydney area to Boarding schools outside those areas: • Individual family/household complete the AIS Risk Assessment Tool. • Each boarder MUST have a COVID-19 test and receive a negative test result prior to returning. • Each member of the household MUST have a COVID-19 test and receive a negative test result prior to the boarder being permitted to return. • Return within 72 hours of the entire household receiving negative test results. • Due to the area in which some students reside, the risk may be determined as too high and they may still be asked to stay in Sydney until the lockdown is lifted. Remote learning will be available should this occur. • No public transport is permitted under any circumstance. • Limit the number of family members travelling to return boarders. • Travel must be the most direct route and without stopping. • Once back at school, boarding staff will closely Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

monitor all boarders. • Boarders returning from the lockdown areas need to present to the clinic prior to going to school or the boarding house for health screening. • Boarders returning from the lockdown areas need to present to the clinic each morning before going to school for 14 days after returning to school/boarding for health screening. • If a student develops symptoms, they will be isolated immediately, testing organised and parents called and instructed to pick up their child immediately. • Whilst an area is under lockdown, students will not be permitted to return to this area on leave. We hope that there will be no animosity directed at these students. The reality is that the students affected by lockdown have been the most scrutinised group of the College community and have complied with everything that was required of them to be able to return. I thank them for their co-operation and understanding. It has been a pleasure working through these challenges with the families involved. Leave Arrangements • Leave home to areas not in lockdown is permitted. • There will be NO town leave until further notice. • Activities that occur in the local community may continue in line with the local guidelines. • Online shopping and contactless delivery is permitted. • Boarders may go on leave to friend’s houses if they do not live in lockdown areas. Rich Freeman has been working on the activities for this term and making adjustments to his original plans to satisfy restrictions and still provide activities for the boarders. Hopefully, with the measures the NSW Government is putting into place this won’t last too long. If you have any questions or just want to have a chat, please don’t hesitate to call. 02 6331 3911


Welcome back to Term 3 from the library staff at Scots All Saints. With the current COVID-19 situation in NSW, we are extremely relieved to have been able to hold our fantastic Literature Festival at the end of last term! The current assembly restrictions have meant that our Campus West (Saints) Literature Festival photo competition winners have had to receive their prizes without the usual fanfare.

Winning entries in the Campus West (Saints) Photo Competition

Jake Kearney Year 4

Mr Anthony Roohan

Ellie Koffman Year 4

What’s happening in Term 3? The focus for this term is the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week (21-27 August). This year’s theme is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. Library lessons for most of the term will concentrate on studying the short-listed titles and working on associated activities culminating in our annual Book Week celebrations. The celebrations will consist of a Book Character parade for students from Preparatory School to Year 2, movie book trailers for students in Years 3 to 6 and Literature based trivia quizzes for Year 7 and 8 students. We will also be holding a Scholastic Book Fair during Book Week where students will have the opportunity to purchase from a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles. More detail to follow in future newsletters. A reminder that this year’s Premier’s Reading Challenge concludes on 20 August, for those students who are participating. Cate Mitchell (Head of Library and Information Services)

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Adrian Lamrock installed as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in NSW Congratulations to well-known Scots identity Adrian Lamrock, who has been installed as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in NSW for 2021. Mr Lamrock was Principal of The Scots School 1998-2003. He maintained a continuing interest in Scots. He was appointed to the School Board, becoming Chairman in 2013, when his predecessor in that position, Mr Col Langford, resigned on being appointed Moderator. He was Chairman of the Board until 2018. Mr Lamrock’s three daughters all attended The Scots School. The Lamrock family tradition of being educated in the Central West is a very long one. A relative was the first enrolment at the Cooerwull Academy in 1882. The Performing Arts Centre was named in his honour.

Our very best wishes go to Mr Lamrock for a successful term as Moderator. The COVID-19 situation permitting, his official duties will probably include a visit to the College.

Junior Judging success for Lillian On Monday 28 June, Lillian Oke travelled to the Trangie Research Station to attend the Trangie Junior Judging day. Throughout the day, competitors were given the opportunity to judge merino rams, Australian white ewes, beef cattle, fleece, cotton and grains. After the initial judging process, Lillian was lucky enough to make it through to the oral presentation of the merino judging, cattle judging and the wheat judging. Even though she was very nervous, Lillian competed to the best of her ability. At the end of the day, Lillian was awarded fourth place in the senior beef judging, first in the senior grain judging and first in the senior merino judging. It was an incredible experience for Lillian and she is very grateful for the opportunities she was given.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


All Things Sport Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports Administrator

Welcome back to the second half of 2021. It’s a bit scary saying that - it feels like we just started. We’re really excited to still have our various sporting programs up and running again in what are obviously really challenging times. We’ve taken baby steps at the moment and we’ll do our best to keep you informed of any changes. As always, if you have any questions, just flick me an email. I’m more than happy to help. Saturday Sport At this point, our Saturday sports are back in action this weekend with the exception of Rugby. I encourage everyone to follow the Facebook pages of your local associations to keep up to date with all the latest COVID news and weekly draws. Athletics Carnival House Winner and Age Champions We’ve crunched the numbers and we’ll be announcing our Junior and Middle School Athletics Age Champions and Runners Up at our Friday assemblies. We’ll share that with you grown-ups in next week’s The Roar. Also, congratulations to our winning Houses! Junior School Athletics Carnival Point Score 1 2 3 4 5

House Booth Dunlop Mawson Cowan Cuthbert

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Middle School Athletics Carnival Point Score 1 2 3 4 5

House Cuthbert Mawson Booth Dunlop Cowan

HICES Athletics HICES Athletics was scheduled to take place at Sydney Olympic Park on Monday 26th July. Unfortunately, the event has been postponed. As soon as we have an update, we’ll let you know. But when we get the green light from Gladys, we’ll have an awesome team ready to go. Our HICES team consists of Amelia Craft, Ella Hunter, Leila Markwick, Charlotte Knight, Georgie Hemsworth, Alicia Kicovic, Georgie Hemsworth, Hollie Black, Estee Zaitte, Lucy Tallentire, Vesper Pearce, Jessie Abel, Lara Kearney, Grace Patterson, Lara Kearney, Alexis Jarvis, Jessie Abel, Lucy Bennett, Zoe Banning, Sian Campbell, Sybilla Chapman, Maggie Rosewarne, Sasha Green, Nicholas Lenehan, Hunter McKee, Thomas Roughley, Sam Hunter, Dimitri Gould, Issac Munns, Jake Kearney, Ben Lenehan, Thomas Milgate, Rory Hutchinson, Dylan Monico, Darcy Smyth, Edward Anderson, Jenson Hornery, Alexander Host, Harrison Leet, Charlie Roohan, William Ryan, Isaac Scott, Peter Craft, Charles Croaker, Callum Munns and Ben Anderson. Have a great weekend (and wash those hands!)

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


From the All Saints' archives


E Block in 1998.

Edward Clarence Fitzherbert Evans.

The Evans Block was named after the eighth Headmaster, Edward Clarence Fitzherbert Evans (19481962). It was opened on 24 May 1998 by Ted Evans’ widow Mrs Astrid Evans. This Classroom block was funded by generous benefactors from all sectors of the school community and was the largest single building change of that decade. It was first used as classrooms for Languages and HSIE to replace the dilapidated demountables, first erected in 1977 as ‘temporary’ classrooms. These demountables have finally been removed and in their place is the newly built Innovation Centre. The Evans Block now functions as classrooms for the Scots All Saints’ Middle School. Each room has a plaque that acknowledges the names of the benefactors. Mr Ted Evans came to All Saints' in 1947 with the enthusiasm of a young man, being just 30 years old, and with ‘conspicuous ability in the field of education. It was indicative of his broad outlook on education Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

that he wrote:’ A boy’s all-round development depends in considerable measure upon the variety and richness of his experiences. The staunch forward of the first XV who, in addition to playing fine football, has acted as librarian, taken part in a play, delivered an after-dinner speech, spoken in a debate, and recited with the verse-speaking choir, has had the opportunity in all these activities of developing interests that will continue to enrich his life when school days are done.’ During his first year at All Saints’, Mr Evans laid the solid foundations for these broader interests, which he introduced into the life of the school. He introduced a Dramatic Club, A Public Speaking and Debating Society, a Chess Club, a Wolf Cub Pack, and a Hiking Club. With the reopening of Marsden in 1948, dancing classes were revived, and inter-school dances and tennis parties became a regular feature. continued page 11 02 6331 3911


Other activities included leatherwork, basketwork, art, photography and stamp collecting, picnics, tours, annual banquets and other cultural pursuits. Many improvements in the school were made possible by the direct labour of the boys and masters. Not only were the grounds kept immaculate by Mr Evans’ 'no litter' campaign - 'Hop in boys, it will only take you a couple of minutes'but fencing, roads, sheds, tree planting and a host of other jobs were done by the boys under the guidance of Mr Emms. On the sporting fields much was achieved, especially in football and cricket where Saints’ played Interschool matches within the Bathurst district interspersed with games against the Sydney schools and Wolaroi, (now Kinross). Tennis and athletics received a boost with some professional coaching and the provision of new courts and playing fields. Swimming became a major sport with the opening of the Bathurst Olympic Pool in 1953. It became the aim of the school to teach every boy to swim and as many as possible to qualify in life-saving. By 1959 basketball and soccer had become popular sports particularly with the Asian students. Under Mr Evans, therefore, the school rapidly regained its reputation in the field of sport, but by no means at the expense of its scholastic standard. Mr Evans educational policy was ‘to provide a complete primary course for boys from the age of seven upwards with a wide a range of secondary courses as possible ... courses with a direction towards agriculture, the professions, commercial and industrial callings’. When Mr Evans entered into his headmastership in 1948, he immediately attacked the problem of depleted enrolments. His first term opened with 108 (91 boarders and 17 day boys) enrolments. The enrolments for 1961 was 302 (253 boarders,49 day boys) and at the end of Evans’ regime there were 315 boys on the roll. Other areas of growth could be seen in the School Cadet Corps which had a very successful rifle shooting team which won the Championship of the West Shield for rifle shooting from 1950 to 1961 and were 21st in the whole British Commonwealth in the Earl Roberts Shoot in

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

E Block Quad in 2020.

1957. The School library was continually expanded during Evans’ regime and by 1962 held over 4000 volumes. The Bathurstian became an annual record of the activities of each school year, though there were periods when some significant events were omitted such as memoirs of the Watson period, opening of the McLeod Gates and the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the College in 1958. On the strong recommendation of Mr Evans an educational experiment was introduced in 1962 in an endeavor to effect economies in the teaching of a wide range of subjects required at both Marsden and All Saints’ in preparation for the Wyndham Scheme. Co-education would permit integration of specialist staff and the newly built modern science laboratories at All Saints’ would be fully available to both schools. The experiment was not an unqualified success and was abandoned in 1963. In 1962 Mr Evans announced his resignation, thus concluded 15 years’ tenure of office, which had seen the school grow from a small country school to one of the states’ leading colleges, standing in over 90 acres of beautiful grounds. Perhaps his most notable achievements lie in the scholastic attainments of his pupils and in the development of community service and self-help, which he considered part of every young man’s education. The retiring headmaster said: "I came here with visions and ideals. I leave with ideals unimpaired and the visions in some respects realized.” 02 6331 3911


Meet and Greet Regional Visits


Join us to learn more with our Head of Boarding Mr Anthony Le Couteur.

Click here to Download PDF


Tottenham - Wednesday 28 July, 6pm Condobolin - Thursday 29 July, 6pm Forbes - Friday 30 July, 12pm Coonabarabran - Wednesday 25 August, 6pm Coonamble - Thursday 26 August, 6pm Gilgandra - Friday 27 August, 12pm

Monday 19 July 2021 K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews Tuesday 20 July 2021 K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews Year 10 Parent Teacher Interviews 3:45-7:15 Wednesday 21 July 2021 K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews Year 10 Parent Teacher Interviews 3:45-7:15 P&F Meeting - Campus West (Saints) 5:30 pm Monday 9 August 2021 Trial HSC Tuesday 10 August 2021 Trial HSC Wednesday 11 August 2021 Trial HSC Thursday 12 August 2021 Trial HSC


Please email: or call 02 6331 3911 to reserve your place.

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Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


COVID-19 Update - Keeping our College Community safe COVID-19 Update – 15/07/2021 As you would be aware, the COVID-19 outbreak in Sydney has escalated and NSW Health is constantly reevaluating restrictions based on the numbers and locations of cases. With this in mind, we wanted to take the opportunity to update our community on the changes impacting our College. While the information from the various government departments can be overwhelming, most of the previous restrictions issued by NSW Health have not changed: • stay home if you are unwell; • get tested if you present with any symptoms; • self-isolate for 14 days if you have been in a ‘hotspot’ area; • social distance by staying 1.5 metres apart; • regularly wash and sanitise your hands; • cover coughs and sneezes. Face masks are now required to be worn by all staff, visitors and students from Years 7 – 12 while indoors. The College has face masks available for students who do not have one. There are some exceptions to mask wearing, which can be found here: rules/face-mask-rules#exemptions A reminder to our Middle and Senior School students that they need to be wearing face masks on all public transport and college transport. Masks must be worn before they board the bus and not removed until they are off the bus. Covid Safe QR Code All staff and visitors are required to sign in with the Covid Safe QR Code located around our campuses. We have one code for the entire college. Visitors to the College – are only permitted on College grounds if considered essential. Any essential visitors are required to: • wear a face mask; • hand sanitize; • sign in with the Covid Safe QR Code; • maintain social distancing. Drop off’s and Pick Ups – Parents/carers should remain in their vehicles and not move around on any of our campuses.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Where it is necessary for safety reasons, parents should park, apply a face mask and walk with their children to the gate, and return their vehicle. Any parent who leaves their vehicle needs to sign in with the Covid Safe QR code. On pick up, parents/carers should remain in their car until their child is waiting for collection. If you must leave your car, ensure you maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres and sign in with the Covid Safe QR code. The only exemption to this is Preparatory School drop off/ pick-up and After School Care collection because there is a legal requirement that parents sign their children in and out of these services. On these occasions, access is limited to one adult (and any other children who need to remain with that adult for safety reasons.) We request that anyone entering our campuses please limit the amount of time they spend on campus and adhere to social distancing. Uniform Shop orders should be placed online where possible and either collected by your child or shipped to you at home. If you do need to attend the Uniform Shop, please be vigilant with social distancing. Students who develop symptoms at school will be isolated in the Health Centre, and their parents/guardian called to collect them immediately. Any student with cold and flu symptoms will require a COVID-19 test. Please send through Covid-19 test results to the College via: before the student returns to school. For more information on Covid-19 in relation to schools, please visit: advice-for-families/schools-outside-of-greater-sydney1#A0 Immediate household members/Family If you are considered a close contact or have visited a COVID-19 ‘hot spot’ and if you do or do not develop symptoms of COVID-19, you and your immediate household/family must self-isolate and get tested. When a negative result is returned, students from that household can return to school. Once again, we would like to thank our College Community for the way you’ve adhered to these restrictions. We appreciate the support and understanding expressed by our parents and carers and are very grateful for the way you have always put the health and safety of our students first. Hotspots and areas of concern are as defined on the NSW Health website: latest-news-and-updates#latest-covid-19-case-locations-in-nsw All college protocols that have been put in place are above and beyond the current requirements of NSW Health. This is to ensure our community is well protected.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911

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