The Roar Newsletter Issue 29 Term 3 2021

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Issue 29


Thursday 9 September 2021

A conversation with the Head of College Mr John Weeks

The Week ahead You have most likely heard that the Bathurst LGA will remain in lockdown with the current stay-at-home orders in place until our region is “deemed low risk and has seen zero COVID cases for at least 14 days”. What this means for our College Community is an extension of remote learning until the end of term on Thursday, 16 September 2021. While we were anticipating this, it is disappointing that our children and staff have not been able to reconnect even for a short time. Our Year 12 students met via Zoom yesterday and all end-of-school celebrations have now been postponed until next term. As I write there is no certainty around the date for the return to on-site learning in our specific region.

25 October 2021 – Scheduled return to schools in a staggered way 9 November 2021 – HSC to begin We have become used to lots of changes due to COVID-19, so I will keep you well informed of any additional changes which impact school operations. As we head into the holiday period it’s a good time to speak to your doctor about the suitability of vaccinations for COVID-19. These are now widely available for everyone over the age of 12. Again, thank you to all members of our community for your ongoing support to each other. If anyone needs to chat because it’s just ‘getting to me’ you can reach the College Counsellors via or one of the other support services below: Beyond Blue: For articles on personal wellbeing including 'how to maintain healthy lockdown habits’ please visit here

At the NSW state level, the government is still advising that schools will begin to reopen from Monday, 25 October 2021. I hope our LGA and region will open earlier.


In a nutshell the timetable is as follows:

Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service

16 September 2021 – Last day of Term 3

Visit their website

Call helpline 24/7 on 13 11 14

Chat online to a trained counsellor 24/7 here

4 October 2021 – School Holidays end

Call: 1800 512 348 for telephone support

5 October 2021 – Term 4 scheduled to begin on-site or online

Join the online forum here

17 September 2021 – School Holidays begin

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


From the Chaplain Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain

Hard times, but a hope everlasting I know some of us are frustrated with the difficulties of life at the moment, and maybe one or two of us are upset that our hopes for the year have not worked out. I, therefore, thought I would share the story behind the famous hymn: Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus. What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! The lyrics were written by a man named Joseph Scriven (1819 - 1886) after a particularly bad series of events. It all started in 1842. Joe was engaged and the night before his wedding his fiancée drowned. Grief struck he decided to leave Ireland and immigrate to Canada. A few years later a second fiancée would also die, this time of pneumonia, before they married. Then in 1847, he received news that his mother was dying in Ireland. He got on board a boat and sailed back to Ireland to see her before she died.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

During the voyage he wrote a poem called, “Praying without Ceasing”, based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. This would be eventually turned into the above-mentioned hymn. The point of his words was that life can be incredibly difficult, even in his case, overwhelming. However, what a friend we have in Jesus, who hears our prayers, bears our sorrows, and secures salvation through his death and resurrection. Unfortunately, his mother died just before he made it back to Ireland. The Bible constantly reminds the reader of how difficult life can be. It encourages us to "pray to God without ceasing", putting all our worries, anxieties, and fears before him. God never promises that life will be easy, but he does promise to relieve our burdens, lead us to joy and to give us the eternal peace and certainty we all desire. The poem continues: O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer! Amen. 02 6331 3911


Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School

As you’re all aware, the regional restrictions have been extended beyond Friday, 10 September. The Junior School remains open for those parents who have essential work commitments. We thank the majority of our families who have been able to keep their children home. We have had less than 30 Junior School students on campus each day, which has meant we’ve been able to maintain the health and safety of our staff and students with many of our staff working from home. The students continue to do an amazing job working from home. Junior School students have enjoyed the opportunity to see their peers and teachers on Zoom and they’re certainly keeping our teachers busy with tasks being submitted on a regular basis. Thank you so much to all of the families who are working incredibly hard out there in working from home themselves and supporting your own child/ children’s learning.

everything, yet on other days it might only be possible to complete a reading activity and something else. • We know that you are doing everything you can for your children. The best thing we can do during times like this is to continue to love and support our children. • Each class teacher will set up a weekly Zoom Meeting where your child will be invited to join to catch up with their teacher and their classmates. The time for these Zoom Meetings will be posted on the planning guide. Week 10 Workbooks As I write this article on Wednesday morning, we are still awaiting news from the government as to whether or not our current restrictions will be extended. If restrictions are extended, Junior School teachers will provide another workbook full of activities for the final week of term. If restrictions are extended, Week 10 workbooks will be available for collection from 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm Friday 10 September or Monday 13 September between 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Visual Arts from home!

For those children who are attending school, they continue to engage in the online learning program just like everyone else. Important Points • We will continue utilising Seesaw Home Learning for those families who are keeping their children at home and the daily planning guide will continue to be uploaded by 9:00 am each day. • Students should aim to complete all activities from the daily planning guide each day. • In saying that, please don’t feel overwhelmed or under pressure about the work being posted for children. The daily planning guide has been designed to work from left to right, with reading being the most important activity children can do at the moment. Some days students might be able to work through

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Preparatory School and After School Care The Preparatory School and After School Care will continue to operate as normal for those children that need to attend. Should current restrictions be extended, Preparatory School Staff will prepare work packs for Week 10 for parents to collect. Should restrictions be extended, staff will also continue utilising Seesaw Home Learning for those families who are keeping their children at home. If restrictions are extended, Week 10 workbooks will be available for collection from 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm Friday 10 September or Monday 13 September between 8:00 am and 10:00 am.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of Campus West (Saints) / Director of Middle School

Well done Online Learners! I have been so impressed by the level of engagement of all our Middle School students over the past four weeks of remote online learning. Everyone has gone to great lengths to ensure they are participating in the online lessons and submitting the required tasks. Hopefully, we will be back to a somewhat more normal school life soon but, in the meantime, I encourage everyone to keep up the great work at home.

Learning online If you’re on a Zoom with your teacher, stay focused. Avoid reading chats or looking at other tabs. learning-packages/remote-learning-advice-forstudents-and-parents/remote-learning-advice-forstudents

A special thank you to all of the teachers who have been working tirelessly to provide a quality, comprehensive educational program for the students at home. Tips for Online Learning for Students Stay connected Keep in touch with your teacher and classmates during this challenging time. Reach out to your parent, carer or teacher if you need additional help. Set up your workspace Work in a quiet area, at a desk or table, and try to limit distractions. Your normal routine Eat breakfast, brush your teeth and get dressed in the morning. Build in fun Take some time to be creative. Ask questions If you don’t understand something, ask your teacher or classmates. Take breaks Take breaks away from your work. Move around and try not to sit down all day. Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Stage 3 The bright side – independent learning Well, we are another couple of weeks along our online learning ‘journey’ for 2021 and the Stage 3 students have lived up to our expectations. They have shown themselves to be adaptable, enthusiastic, and engaged. Did you notice I didn’t mention anything academic in that sentence? This week I would like to pay tribute to the emerging skills of these students to be independent learners. continued page 5 02 6331 3911


Independent learning can be defined as a learner who has control and ownership over their learning. They learn by their actions to regulate, direct and assess their progress towards learning goals. While we may not always expect this in Years 5 and 6 students, our current situation means we do, and I believe that is a really positive outcome of being in lockdown. Independent learners in Stage 3 do require modeling, scaffolding and support through their learning, and this is being provided by their great teachers. Academic activities are varied, fun and engaging and feedback to the students is consistent and constructive. We have peppered this with a chance to connect on a social level too, with a variety of theme days varying from silly hats (as you can see in our picture!) and pet days to emoji and riddle challenges and a scavenger hunt! So why isn’t my concern academic? There is an intrinsic desire to achieve academically for independent learners. We are still setting tasks and challenges for the students to ensure they continue to progress academically, but we are balancing that against our desire to nurture our Stage 3 students to develop independent learning skills for their long-term progress in their schooling. Mrs Jo Nicholls Stage 4 Although Campus West (Saints) has been much quieter without the usual busy chatter and movement around the buildings, Stage 4 students have been actively engaged in learning across the full scope of the curriculum. They have participated in discussions, zoom lessons, quizzes and physical exercise. They have submitted comments, questions, suggestions, formative

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

tasks, and assessment tasks. During Core classes they have watched clips about kindness, discussed ideas to express gratitude and read tips about how to study effectively online. Some students have even introduced their pets to their peers (virtually, of course). On Thursday, 26 August, students from Year 5 to Year 8 participated in a virtual online seminar hosted by the AISNSW. The goal of the seminar was to demystify the engineering and technology industries for students and to allow them to see what exactly a career in these fields may look like. The speakers gave a general insight into the field of software engineering, shared their personal experiences about their career trajectory and how they first became interested in the tech industry. Following the presentation, there was a live coding demonstration to give students an understanding of what programming is and how it relates to everyday life. The students also got an opportunity to ask questions through an interactive Q&A session at the end of the seminar. While many families across Australia were not able to celebrate Father’s Day in the usual way last Sunday, the day provided us all with a reminder of the importance of family and the value of kindness and gratitude. This coming Thursday, 9 September is R U OK Day. Keep up the positive conversations between friends, families, and colleagues during these trying times. Remember, the key is to listen. You do not have to have all the answers. You can find more information at the following website Mrs Catherine Dundon and Mr Chris Walsh 02 6331 3911


Senior School Mr Andrew Weeding Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior School

The senior students continue to push on with resilience and determination. Year 12 have returned from their exams and have recommenced their HSC preparation as though it is ‘business as usual’. They are an incredible group of young men and women. This morning we had a brief year meeting to outline the plan for the weeks and months ahead and the students were amazing in the way they responded to the messages which included a plan for their study break and arrangements for Term 4. We are acutely aware of the importance of certainty and as soon as we have further direction on an exam timetable and school based restrictions we will communicate accordingly. Year 11 had their first experience of online exams this week and adapted to it extremely well. Here is hoping it will be the last time they do exams like this! Year 9 and 10 also continue to impress with their attitudes and effort to online learning. I’m sure they will enjoy the Zoom free day tomorrow. All students are encouraged to compile their work from Canvas this evening and complete it in their own time tomorrow. This may leave some time for the treasure hunt the team leaders have challenged the students with! Stage 5

job with their online learning. The degree of motivation and organisation the students in Year 9 and 10 are displaying is impressive and they should all be aware of how positive the comments have been from their teachers. It is sometimes hard to balance the continuation of school work and the need for a leisure outlet in times like this. I encourage any student who is finding that balance hard to obtain to communicate this with either myself, Mr Germech or their class teacher. I strongly believe communication is the key as things can always be achieved more easily when people know the circumstances. Secondly, as a stage, the students participated in a fun ‘Music from 2000 to 2020’ Kahoot and a ‘Brain Teaser’ Kahoot last week in stage meetings. Needless to say, they got more correct than either Mr Germech or myself. We currently have a photo scavenger hunt challenge running. These 10 selfies are due on Friday and hopefully we will see the amazing creativity these students have as they search for the perfect tree or the worst two colours together! I hope everyone is staying well and are able to support each other both within their immediate family household and their extended family and peers over zoom. Mrs Cassie Pearce and Mr Michael Germech

Firstly, a big congratulation to all students. The majority of students are doing an exceptional

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Cubism through French Eyes The splendidness of isolation leads us to create ways of staying connected with each other and to a cultural heartbeat which keeps our morale alive. Crisis breeds creativity! Bonjour Bathurst presents to you this week a virtual exhibition. The result of the collaboration between two departments, Art and French. Students in Year 8 were set an integrated project this term, with the purpose of learning about art, in particular ‘Cubism’ through the French language. The focus being to encourage communication in French, using art as a vehicle. As Picasso once said ‘Without great solitude, no serious work is possible” – so in that spirit, turn off Netflix and tune into Bonjour Bathurst and explore the world of Cubism through our student’s eyes as they discuss its magic and how they connected with it. Then enjoy a virtual display of selected pieces of work. Upcoming stories... Bonjour Bathurst has been conversing with Morgan Turinui , former Wallabies player, who throughout his 16 year career, spent three of those playing and coaching in France. He is now a well sought after sports commentator.

Do the right thing – always check in

Mrs Ann Maree Adamson

More information © NSW Health November 2020.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


From the All Saints' archives MARSDEN BOARDING HOUSE SOME INTERESTING FACTS Today, the Junior boarding house on the All Saints’ Campus is known as Marsden House with Lyon Wing. Both these names originally came from historical figures associated with the foundation of the Marsden School for girls, which merged with All Saints’ in 1977. The choice of the name ‘Marsden’ was made by the school’s founder, Bishop Long, after the Juliet May Lyon. Reverend Samuel Marsden, who was one of the greatest churchmen in early Australian history. He was partly responsible for establishing the great pastoral industries which saved early Australia and at one stage was the only clergyman in the whole country! His grandson, Samuel Edward Marsden, was born in Bathurst, the first person born in Australia to become a Bishop, and was the first Bishop of Bathurst. The Lyon wing was named after the first Headmistress of Marsden, Miss Juliet Lyon, who was Headmistress from 1925 to 1930. She was born in Australia but educated in England and Scotland. It was said that she was related to the Royal family as a second cousin to the late Queen Mother. She was considered to be one of the leaders in her profession and her wide experience and proved capacity were unsurpassed in Australia at the time. She was a most successful Headmistress of St. Margaret’s School, Brisbane, New England Girl’s School at Armidale and finally as Headmistress of Marsden she did a tremendous job building up the school from its foundation to one of the most prominent Church of England Schools in the state.

Marsden Gates.

described her as ‘wise, cultured, practical, idealistic, experienced, admirably equipped by training and personal endowment to guide and shape the future womanhood of Australia’. When the Boarding House was opened in 1987, it was used for both Girls and Boys boarding, known as Lyon House and Kemmis House. At one point, there were up to 50 boarders in each house. There were rumours, (or maybe truths), that with such close living quarters there were occasional broken boundaries but it was considered that the arrangements were in keeping with the ‘family’ philosophy held by the school governance and many long-term friendships made between the boys and girls. In 2011, the House was incorporated into Marsden House, Kemmis renamed Lyon Wing and used for girl boarders only. Being fewer in number at this time, the boy boarders moved into Watson House. Today, (or in non COVID times) there are over 20 boarders in each wing, mostly in Year 7 and Year 8 and it does accommodate younger students at times. Mr Anthony Le Couteur is Head of Boarding and at present supervises the boarding on site. Boarding facilities have been upgraded and the House today is considered a ‘home away from home’ where there is plenty of space and plenty of comfort in a safe, caring environment.

She resigned reluctantly, as after the very strenuous work at Marsden, it was essential for her own sake that she had a long rest. Miss Lyon died in 1950 while caring for her cousin in England. Her character was ably summed up by her friend Bishop Long when he 1987 - All Saints' new boarding house. Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911



AGISTMENT TERM 4, 2021 Please find the link for agistment and lesson booking forms for Term 4 – I realise there are still some uncertainties but if we are back at school, I do need to be organised – so if you are intending on bringing a horse back please fill out both forms below. To complete the forms below – they can only be done once, so if you have more than one child please complete one from your son or daughter's email address. Agistment Booking Form forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSee8KYy0w3qryITRAAuv5VGVPuAR75blYZKfisS5i8PzBjorw/viewform?usp=sf_link Lesson Booking Form

NO DRAW THIS WEEK CALENDAR DATES Thursday 9 September 2021 Year 11 Exams Friday 10 September 2021 Year 11 Exams Thursday 16 September 2021 Term 3 concludes Monday 4 October 2021 Boarders return 2:00pm Tuesday 5 October 2021 Classes commence

CONNECT TO SCOTS ALL SAINTS Online Calendar forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnLORmttHsya9u8RUQ1OxUsUH6qLoyd5LUb6yNPvtk2D-Zhg/viewform?usp=sf_link

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Mrs Libby Dawes, Director of Agricultural Studies and Equestrian

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

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