SASC The Roar Newsletter Issue 2 Term 1 2019

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Issue 2


Thursday 7 February 2019

upcoming major events

Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates

Now that we have been back at school for a week, it is pleasing to see that daily routines seem to be in place, students are feeling more comfortable and the very new students to our College are settling in well. I particularly wish to welcome new students and families to our College. I wish you all the best as you make new friends and settle in to what I believe will be our wonderful new College built on the foundations of two very good independent schools in Bathurst and Lithgow. I have enjoyed visiting quite a few classes on All Saints Campus and attending the Middle and Junior School Parent Information Nights this week. I have been very impressed with the professionalism of our staff and the high quality of their presentations. I wish to thank each of them for what has been a very busy week. We held two wonderful Commencement Services today where we celebrated the commencement of not just another academic year but the beginning of our new College. The purpose of the Commencement Service was to give thanks to God for his wonderful provision and to acknowledge and thank all who have given so much time to the huge process of integrating two schools over the last 17 months. This service provided all who were present with a challenge for the year ahead as we considered how far we have come in bringing two schools together. A challenge to encourage our community to think about what they want this new College to be.

15 FEBRUARY 2019

Swimming Carnival (K-6) Our first Inter-House Carnival will be held for Kindergarten to Year 6.

16 FEBRUARY 2019

Twilight Picnic

23-24 FEBRUARY 2019

I would like to thank the School Chaplain, Mr Samuel Gittins, for his leadership of this service and all those who took part.

Term 1 Parent Weekend

An important event in the life of our new school.

You can read my Commencement Service Address here Continued page 2

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Our College community Twilight Picnic JS Oval at All Saints Campus 4pm to 7pm.

For more events view our Online Calendar All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Out and about with the Headmaster The beginning of the new College year has not been without its challenges; this was to be expected. I ask all parents however to be mindful of how happy the children have been and how hard the staff are working. Many staff from both schools have undergone a major translocation to a new campus and many have also moved to a new building on the same campus. We are working hard to iron out any wrinkles whilst being fully committed to student wellbeing, academic learning and a rich and varied co-curricular offering. I have witnessed students happily engaged in the classroom, giving their best in swimming trials and committed in sporting teams with their peers. I am spending a good deal of my time on both Bathurst campuses observing the children in action, talking to them and being available to parents. Similarly, I look forward to visiting the Lithgow students, parents and staff next Tuesday afternoon. I encourage parents who have a concern or don’t understand something to ask the class teacher or the Director of their section of the College; we are here to help. I am very excited about the real opportunity to build a College of excellence and a strong community; I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you over the next few months. David Gates Headmaster

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Welcome and appreciation gifts

As a special welcome and reward for loyalty to our First Families and Foundation Students in our inaugural year as Scots All Saints College, our team and the College Council have organised gifts of badges for all students across our three campuses. In addition, a pack for Senior, Middle and Junior School families with a wall calendar, major events calendar fridge magnet and sports cap will be distributed to parents and carers via the eldest sibling. Please look out for these packs and accept them as a symbol of appreciation and unity of the College community within Scots All Saints College. Our wonderful team of teachers and staff, who are committed to making this College a regional school of excellence, will also be provided with a special keep cup in appreciation for their dedication and efforts.

New release - Year 2 Foundation Students – ‘Values and Dreams’ video Teachers had an advance screening for Year 2 parents this week at Information Sessions. A short film was developed last year featuring our current Year 2 students. We asked them some questions about their values, dreams and hopes for the future. We even discovered who their heroes are! We hope to follow these students through their time within their new College and see how they grow over time at five years, in Year 7, and again in Year 12. Fast forward, these students will be the first Year 12 students to graduate from the College at our 10th anniversary in 2029! Please continue to support and celebrate these lovely young people and all of our students throughout their journey with us. Please click on the picture below to view the video. David Gates Hamish Thompson Headmaster College Council Chairman

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Foundation Commencement Services MIDDLE AND JUNIOR SCHOOL

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Foundation Commencement Services SENIOR SCHOOL

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


From the Chairman of the SASC Council Welcome all to our new College… Scots All Saints College. We are all new this year, even if we have been here before. I hope you are settling into new College life. As a parent, I know it can take some time to settle in and find a routine, especially when processes and procedures are new. As we all find our groove, on behalf of the College Council I thank you for your patience, co-operation and collaboration as we work together to make our College the regional school of choice within NSW and indeed, Australia. As we continue to strive to make things 100%, we know we are not quite there yet. However, we are focussed on continuous improvement to make them that way. I have been hearing that there is a good feel about the College on the new Scots Campus and All Saints Campus and the teachers have extended a warm welcome to ensure students feel very much at home in their new environment. I would like to thank the leadership team of Tracey, Greg and Chris along with Brett Gore, John Weeks and Noel and his team who have been working tirelessly over the holidays to present both Campuses so well for the student’s arrival. There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes and the dedication and focus of all staff should be commended. It is through their passion and professionalism that has led to much change in a very short period of time. Thankfully the recent rains have helped the grounds make a pretty picture. Although the local lightning strikes played havoc with our telephones and IT systems! A lot of work has progressed over the holidays. Some of our highlights include: • upgrades to Thompson and Ives Boarding Houses, • a significant makeover and redesign of the Senior library space, • major Internet and Computer Technology upgrades; • rebranding of key assets and infrastructure such as the buses, and our Campus signage which is still underway; • movement of a lot of classrooms including the redesign of the Reiki Japanese Language Centre to become the Middle School office;

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Hamish Thompson Chairman of SASC Council “Our focus now is to settle-in the changes we have made before we embark on the next phase of improvements to develop our College.”

• air conditioning in many classrooms where there was previously none; • improvements in many classrooms including new furniture. • A newly designed website with content to showcase our diverse educational offering. I would encourage jump online and take a look at We have been waiting for our students to return to school so we can update our image library with students in our new uniform. We are pleased many students have taken the opportunity to switch to the new uniform. We have a brand-new uniform that has been very well received. Progress is being made on the winter sports uniforms and we hope to reveal these shortly. Thanks to everyone who made the effort to purchase the new College uniform and/ or the sports uniform to be ready for Day 1. We now have three different uniforms that help tell our story of two schools becoming one – stronger together, united by our Christian values and quest for excellence. On behalf of the Council Council, thank you all for your patience in this time of change. Our focus now is to settle-in the changes we have made before we embark on the next phase of improvements to develop our College. We wish you all well in the year of firsts ahead. 02 6331 3911


Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School

There have been lots of happy faces around the Junior School this week as the students settle into their new class. Thank you to everyone who came along to the Parent Information Sessions. You should also have received some preliminary information from your classroom teacher about the year ahead and term overviews will also be sent out soon.

Great start to the year for Pre-Kindergarten students

Meeting new friends, playing and having fun together in our new school.

With the exception of Monday morning or the class teacher being on playground duty, students should take their bag to their classroom and read to their teacher or a parent. In the afternoon Junior School parents picking up their children should do so from the Suttor Garden near Kindergarten or area in front of the Year 3 classrooms. Students (K – 6) not collected by 3.30pm will be sent to After School Care. Please write in your child’s diary what they need to do each afternoon so we can ensure they get to where they need to be. Our first Junior School Assembly will be held this Friday and will be led by our Year 4 Action students. We’ll be introducing some of our new awards which form part of our K- 12 Student Recognition Levels. Next week your child will start working on a speech which they will present to their class in Week 6. Students will have three weeks to prepare and you will receive some information as to what they need to do over this three week period. In 2019, we’ll be using CareMonkey to keep you updated with notifications and for you to continually update medical information and permission for school excursions. You’ll also be able to notify us if your child is sick and unable to attend to attend school. You should have received an email inviting you to join CareMonkey and we hope to have it up and running soon. There has certainly been a lot of information going out to parents and carers so please ask if you need anything clarified.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of All Saints Campus / Director of Middle School

We have had a wonderful start to the new school year in the Middle School and the atmosphere amongst the students is very positive. They tell me that they are enjoying meeting their new teachers and are loving having the opportunity of making new friends. I have been very impressed by the student’s enthusiasm and beautiful manners. Thank you to parents who were able to make it to the Parent Information Nights this week. If you were unable to attend please ask your child’s teacher for any information that was distributed on the night. Our first Middle School assembly will be this Friday 8 February at 9.45am in the Kemmis Building and will be hosted by class 5N. Parents are most welcome to attend.

House colours on display at the swimming heats.

The Year 5 and 6 students have their Swimming Carnival coming up on Friday 15 February at the All Saints Campus pool. All parents are welcome. The Year 7 and 8 students will participate in their swimming carnival on Friday 1 March at the Bathurst Aquatic Centre. Again, parents are welcome to attend. In 2019, we’ll be using CareMonkey to keep you updated with notifications and for you to continually update medical information and permission for school excursions. You’ll also be able to notify us if your child is sick and unable to attend to attend school. You should have received an email inviting you to join CareMonkey and we hope to have it up and running soon. Please call Mrs Cranney in the Middle School Office if you have any questions about upcoming events.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Senior School Mrs Tracey Leaf Head of Scots Campus/Director of Senior School & Boarding

What a wonderful start to the academic year! My thanks and appreciation go to the teachers who have worked so well, individually and as new teams, to ensure a smooth launch as a Year 9-12 Campus. Welcome to our new teachers and students - we’re thrilled you have chosen to join us at Scots All Saints College! Special mention must be made of our returning students who have displayed resilience and enthusiasm throughout the past 18 months. We may have a kalediscope of uniforms but it’s been obvious to us that they are already united as a new cohort of the new College - their youthful optimism is contagious! Welcome to our Boarders; new and old. We are excited about the review that has been underway and the improvements planned. Our new team that is working exceptionally well together to navigate the changes and challenges.

Senior School Symphonic Winds and Big Band’s first rehearsals.

The ‘new’ library is almost complete and ready for business. The new furniture and learning spaces look fantastic and our thanks go to the team behind this renovation. We are very much looking forward to utilising this facility during the day and for Boarders Prep in the evenings. Please check your calendars for important upcoming events including the inaugural Year 12 Parent/Student Function 6:30 9:00pm (Friday 22 February) and the 7-12 Swimming Carnival (Friday 1 March). In 2019, we’ll be using CareMonkey to keep you updated with notifications and for you to continually update medical information and permission for school excursions. You’ll also be able to notify us if your child is sick and unable to attend to attend school. You should have received an email inviting you to join CareMonkey and we hope to have it up and running soon. It’s important to us that parents feel they are adequately informed and I thank you for your patience as we continue to develop our lines of communication. Please know that you are welcome to contact the school if you have questions or need information clarified.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Co-Curricular Music Program The Middle and Senior School Co-Curricular Music Program enables students to explore and develop their musical skills and ideas in a range of open and auditioned ensembles. Regular performances and tours enable our students to play instruments, sing in choirs and work in small contemporary bands. Highly competent Junior School students are also invited to join the program, at the discretion of the Coordinator of PK-8 Music.


To find out more and fill out the form to join the Co-Curricular Music Program click on the link HERE.


10am to 4pm Scots Campus, O’Connell Road



SPORTS DRAW Click here to Download PDF Senior cricket draws can be found at http:// Middle and Junior cricket draws can be found at au/

What is the soundtrack to your life?

This term at Bx Youth we are looking at the book of Psalms, that has a song for every situation. Plus we will be doing obstacle courses, playing Mario Kart and eating tasty food. Come check out Bx Youth, Friday’s 7-9pm at the Presbyterian Church hall.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

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