Issue 31
Thursday 7 October 2021
A conversation with the Head of College Mr John Weeks Welcome back! The final term of the year is now underway. Unfortunately, we are still in remote learning mode but hopefully we will be able to reopen soon. So what are the possibilities for a return to face-to-face schooling?
non-compliance. In order for schools to be compliant certain restrictions will remain in place and we have to work through these in a specific way. Over the next few weeks, as we move back to onsite learning and things clarify, we will let you know what is possible and what is not.
At the moment, on advice received in the past 24 hours (and always subject to change) the following might occur:
In brief, as of today:
1. The Bathurst LGA comes out of lockdown on Monday, 11 October and school could be open for everyone. This will be linked to infection numbers and vaccinations.
2. Visitors to College must wear masks and QR register at front office.
2. If the Bathurst LGA stays in lockdown, all schools should reopen on Monday, 25 October. For regional schools – all year groups can recommence. So, its ‘watch this space’
1. On site learning for children of essential workers only.
3. Parents can drop and pick up children. If you need to escort your child, wear a mask. Take the most direct route to classroom and car. Do not mingle or meet with others on school grounds. QR code in where required. 4. No school sport or community sport.
Ready for return to school You will have heard of Public Health Orders being issued to schools about vaccination requirements for all staff, contractors, visitors etc.
5. Special arrangements for Year 12 HSC students are in place and communicated directly to them.
There has also been a lot of press about ongoing restrictions to operations, gatherings, the HSC, farewells and formals.
6. Orientation programs are delayed but will be available after 18 October 2021. Lisa Ellery will contact you directly about this.
Be reassured that the College is fully compliant with the Health Orders which place severe penalties upon all of us for
We all hope that we reopen as soon as possible and be assured we will contact you immediately as we know. See you soon!
Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School
Return to School As I write, stay at home orders remain in place for Bathurst LGA until the 11th October. If stay at home orders are lifted on this date, students could return to school under Level 3 restrictions. If restrictions aren’t lifted it is possible that we will follow the NSW Health staggered COVID Safe return which would see students return in the following order: 18th October: Prep, Kinder, Year 1 and Year 12 25th October: All other Years If cases remain low, it is possible that students can return at a date prior to those stated above. Arrangements have already commenced where we have considered, physical distancing and limiting interactions between groups at entry and exit points, transitioning between classes, and during recess and lunch breaks to reduce contact between student cohorts and staff. As students return we will continue to review these arrangements. If cases in Bathurst increase significantly after a return, learning from home may resume until case numbers drop. This will be advised by NSW Health.
• We know that you are doing everything you can for your children. The best thing we can do during times like this is to continue to love and support our children. • For those children who are attending school, they continue to engage in the online learning program just like everyone else. • A brief daily optional Zoom meeting will be held for those students who would like their teacher to take them through the daily planning guide. The time for these Zoom Meetings will be posted in the planning guide. Pick up and drop off Parents are asked to remain in their vehicles at drop-off and pick-up to reduce the risk of congestion at peak school times. Parents are not permitted to enter classrooms and kiss, drop and move on is encouraged to minimise congestion. Parents that need to enter the school grounds for any reason are asked to wait on the chapel lawn and are reminded to social distance, QR code in and collect their child and quickly as possible. Preparatory School and After School Care
Important Points • We appreciate the immense challenge it has been for so many of you to balance your own work commitments as well as the remote learning of your children. Thank you so much for your efforts. • If restrictions continue, the Junior School remains open for those parents who are deemed essential workers by the NSW government. We will continue utilising Seesaw Home Learning for those families who are keeping their children at home and the daily planning guide will continue to be uploaded by 9am each day. • Students should aim to complete all activities from the daily planning guide each day. • In saying that, please don’t feel overwhelmed or under pressure about the work being posted for children. The daily planning guide has been designed Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
to work from left to right with reading being the most important activity children can be doing at the moment. Some days, students might be able to work through everything, yet on other days it might only be possible to complete a reading activity and something else.
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
The Preparatory School and After School Care will continue to operate as normal for those children that need to attend. A staff member will greet children at the gate in the morning where parents can sign their child in. A staff member will also be available at the gate to sign students out from 3- 3:30pm. Any adult who is collecting their child from After School Care after 3:30pm must not enter the room and should wait outside and a staff member will attend to you. Staff will continue utilising Seesaw Home Learning for those families who are keeping their children at home. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions around Seesaw. HICES Athletics Unfortunately, CIS and PSSA Athletics Championships have been cancelled for 2022 and as a result, the HICES Athletics Carnival has been cancelled as well. 02 6331 3911
From the Chaplain Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain
We can't wait till students return, please remember to wear summer uniform and a College sun safe hat.
Reflections on Psalm 139 – King David For the next eight weeks, we shall look at one of King David’s greatest songs, Psalm 139. Many of you know that King David shot to stardom during 1000BC when, as a 14-year-old boy, he saved the nation by taking down a giant-of-a-man, the Philistine, Goliath. In the ensuing years he would ascend to the throne and experience the highs and lows of leadership. Sin, however, was an ever-present companion, and this led him to use his office for personal gain. The prophet Nathan then charged him with corruption before God. David ended up confessing and repenting from his behaviour – you can read his words in Psalm 51. Despite repenting, God told him that as punishment for his behaviour, his household would fall apart. His children would rise up against each other. Within a few years, his own son overthrew him. This resulted in a civil war and David’s ‘beloved’ son, Absalom, was killed. David’s life, recorded in 2 Samuel, is both brilliant and tragic at the exact same time. He is still celebrated as one of Israel’s greatest leaders. You will know that the ‘Star of David’ features on the Israeli flag. What is special about the man, though, is how ruthlessly honest he is with himself. When you read his writings, he is both intimate and raw before God. Psalm 139 is a good example of David laying his life before God – his fears, failures, hopes and dreams, and asking for God to judge him and help him. The opening words of the Psalm reflect this: “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” Irrespective of our success and failures, God’s call remains the same to each one of us. Be real with yourself. Be real with God. Within this intimate relationship, sharing your fears, failures, hopes and dreams with God, you shall find what your heart desires – forgiveness, love, joy and hope. David did. And many of his writings in the Psalms reflect this.
Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of Campus West (Saints) / Director of Middle School
Welcome Back
Community Sport
I trust that everyone had the opportunity to spend some quality time with their families over the holidays. If the Covid-19 lockdown has provided anything positive, it has given us all more time with our close family members which is always greatly valued. Even though most children were learning remotely from home in the second half of last term, the holidays provided everyone with a break from study and a time to “re-charge the batteries”. This week the students have quickly adapted back into remote learning mode and have been very positive during their Zoom lessons. I would like to thank all of the parents and carers who has supported the remote learning approach and have assisted their children.
As it currently stands, there will be no community sport until the start of November. Students have signed up for their favourite sport and we look forward to participating in the local competitions once it opens up.
Transition to Face-to-Face Learning In the near future we hope to welcome back all students to face-to-face learning in class at school. The College will keep you up-to-date with any changes to the current arrangements as we are informed by Public Health and the NSW Department of Education. When students do return to school Year 7 and 8 students will have to wear masks indoors and it is recommended that they wear masks outdoors. Year 5 and 6 students may wear masks at school as well. We will continue to monitor and promote safe hygiene practices and social distancing. We are now in Summer Uniform so please ensure that your child has their school hat with them each day when they return. All children will be looking forward to catching up with their school friends in person and it will be wonderful for the teachers to have their students back in the classroom soon.
Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Year 5 Science Experiments – Online learning
Stage 3 We are (hopefully) moving towards the end of our lockdown in NSW, so it seems timely to reflect on aspects of online learning that have been a success. Last term Year 5 completed a unit in Science on ‘Light’. When taught in class, it is largely an experiment-based unit exploring the concepts of refraction, colour and shadows. With the help of our parents, the Year 5 students managed to complete a lot of the safer experiments at home. As well as giving the students a chance to develop their own understanding of these concepts, it also provided hands-on learning which is so important in subject areas like science and STEM. I would like to congratulate all the students for sending in their experiments, I loved seeing you learn in your home environments! Stage 3 Coordinator – Jo Nicholls Stage 4 It has been lovely to welcome students back into our Zoom classrooms this week. We encourage them to maintain the same level of commitment and interest that impressed us so much last term. Once again thank you for your patience at what has been an Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
incredibly challenging time for families. We look forward to continuing to work with and support all families into Term 4. We are very excited to have students returning to on-site learning soon. Mr Chris Walsh & Mrs Catherine Dundun – Stage 4 Team Leaders 02 6331 3911
Senior School Mr Andrew Weeding Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior School
As I write this article, I’m looking over the lovely grounds here on Campus East admiring the beauty that comes with the new season. The lawns look lovely, the birds are nesting and the days have that extra warmth. Despite the beauty that surrounds me, there are no students, so it doesn’t feel quite right. Hopefully, that will all change very soon and we can once again have back the most important components that make up the College. As we prepare for a return, I have outlined a plan based on current health guidelines. This will be sent to families in a separate email communication. Lessons for Term 4 have started well and the students are to be complemented for picking up where they left off last term. It is important that everyone keeps on top of their work, albeit in an online environment. All year groups have assessments this term. Year 9 and 10 have Yearly Exams to prepare for, Year 11 (who are now Year 12) have assessments that count towards their HSC, and then of course, we think of Year 12 who will start their HSC exams on the 9th of November. The lockdown has thrown us many challenges, but it has also been a time for staff and students to learn new skills. I would like to acknowledge the work done by staff in constantly working on creative ways to engage their classes over Zoom. I was particularly taken by an article Ms Sams submitted to the English Teachers Association for publication in their journal titled Metaphor. In her article she listed five advantages and opportunities that online learning has provided (i) improved ICT skills, (ii) improved presentation skills, (iii) different ways to engage students, (iv) the requirement for consideration for better lesson pacing and (v) different teamwork Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Message from Stage 5 Welcome back to what we hope is the beginning of the end – the end of lockdown that is. The last couple of weeks have whizzed by but the opportunity to get away from the computer screens was definitely a good thing There is a fair amount of optimism that face to face (or more likely mask to mask) teaching and learning will happen again soon. We want to congratulate all year 9 and 10 students for their energy and contribution to online learning for the second half of Term 3. We have also started this term with a positive mindset and everyone definitely seems refreshed. One of the most common themes to come out of the various lockdowns around the country has been how valuable kindness is in our world. When everyone’s stress level is a couple of notches higher on the Tension Meter, tolerance and understanding are very valuable. The patience of so many people has been sorely tested over this time and it would be a waste to forget what we have learned. When (not if) we return to learning at school again please remember how these positive attitudes have helped you get through the tough times and pack your kindness to bring with you. Hopefully, for a few weeks at least in the latter part of this year, social media will take a back seat to in-person interaction and what an opportunity to make the most of our time together before the school year ends. We look forward to seeing you all again - learning, laughing and being active on Campus East. Fingers crossed it is only a few more days! Mrs Cassie Pearce and Mr Michael Germech
opportunities between the members of her faculty. Thank you teachers, and bravo Ms Sams. I had the pleasure of meeting with the new prefects this week. As a leadership team, they are looking forward to the opportunities ahead and serving the students of the College. I wish all students the very best for the final term. 02 6331 3911
Student Wellbeing Mr Tom van Gend Head of Student Wellbeing K-12 The Bathurst Regional Youth Council recognises the ongoing impact the recent challenging times have had on young people and the local community and are running a community initiative in the form of a COMPETITION! Keeping Positive During COVID is a creative arts competition to encourage young people to have some fun during this period and create an amazing piece of art, visual or written text. What a great way to showcase your talent and have a little fun too! You have the chance to win a Bathurst Buy Local Gift Card valued at $50.00. Competition category details: Entrants can only choose one of the mediums from each category
Stage 6 Report Welcome back to Term 4, we eagerly await the students return to campus. Congratulations again to our Yr 11 leadership team, who have already met via zoom with Mr Weeding and ourselves. This productive first meeting outlined the student portfolios and the roles that the prefects will have within the school community. A very positive and enthusiastic meeting was held and we look forward to working with them over the next 12 months.
1. Visual Arts
Digital Art
2. Creative Writing
Non-Fictional Story (500 words)
Short Fic- Poetry tional (500 words)
Age Categories
7- 9
10- 12
Sketch or drawing
The last few weeks have been interesting for Yr 12, working towards the finishing line that was moved! It has not been easy at times, with degrees of uncertainty attempting to destabilise their final preparations. In true country form, these amazing young men and women have soldiered on displaying great tenacity and with a minimum of fuss. They say good things come to those who wait, and this will be evident on December 2nd when continues on page 8.
Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Dylan Boniface
we meet to celebrate all of their achievements and successes. The Yr 12 Valedictory Dinner will be held at the Bathurst Goldfields and at present every Yr 12 student can bring two guests (this could potentially increase), the other good news is that dancing will be allowed (kind of has a Footloose feel). We are working closely with the venue and will keep you updated. Ticketing costs will be finalised in the coming weeks and invitations will follow electronically. We had secured this date well before the V8 Supercars decided to share the mount with us, while potentially adding atmosphere we are aware of the difficulty this presents regarding accommodation for our boarding families. Thank you to Gemma Green who has been working with our families to find accommodation. If there are any boarding families still needing to find accommodation could you please contact Gemma ASAP. Likewise, if any local families are able to assist with this and host a boarding family for the night, could you please let myself helen. or Gemma know. We are hopeful as a school community we can absorb the accommodation requirements. We will be filming our Yr12 virtual graduation ceremony next week and look forward to sharing this with the Yr 12 students and their families via Zoom on Friday evening 22 October at 6:30pm. (it will then be posted on the website for all to view) It would be great if you could make a night of it, grab your son or daughter’s favourite take out dinner and celebrate this fantastic achievement together as a family. While different in presentation, what a great keep sake to have!! We will be watching this with the Yr 12 boarding students on campus on the night, so we can also make it a special night for them.
Boarding Leaders
Academic Leaders
Isabella Taylor
Dusty Fitzpatrick
Chapel Leaders
Angus Parsons
Rebecca Howes Joanna Morrison Co-curricular Leaders
Jack McCudden
David Hardie
Emily Browne
Senior House Captains
James Edwards
Mia Baggett
Cowan House Captains
William Thomas
Phoebe Moller
Dunlop House Captains
Yuet Tsz (Joslyn) Wong
Charlotte Lindsay
Social Justice Leaders
Gabrielle Toby
Lillian Oke
Senior House Captain
Mia Barcham
Baileigh-Grace Honeysett
Booth House Captains
Isaac Poole
Poppy Hobson
Cuthbert House Captains
Jack Cooper
Ella Duncombe
Mawson House Captains
Well done everyone on a great first week back. Ms Helen Jones & Mr Duane Bailey Benjamin Radford Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lucy Proctor
Guy Neill
Sophie Porter 02 6331 3911
All Things Sport Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports Administrator
Seventy seven.
Basketball At this stage, a competition start date has not been confirmed. The Bathurst Basketball Association has informed clubs that all players, spectators and officials over the age of 16 will be required to be double vaccinated in order to attend or participate in games. Cricket
Seventy eight.
Due to the cancellation of the ISA competition in Term 4, we’ll be entering all SASC teams in the Bathurst District Junior Cricket Association competition. A meeting is scheduled for this week to discuss the start of the competition.
Seventy nine. Eighty! COWABUNGA! We’re on the countdown (well technically it’s a count-up) to that magical double vaccination target. As you’ll be aware, once the double vaccination rate hits 80%, community sport can recommence. We’re currently working closely with local associations in the lead-up to our Basketball, Cricket, Tennis and Touch Football seasons. When season starting dates and registration details are confirmed we’ll let you know via Operoo. In the meantime, here’s a breakdown on the current state of play. Touch Football
ISA Tennis Plans are being made to hold as many rounds as possible in the Western ISA Tennis competition with St Stanislaus College and Kinross Wolaroi School. Matches will be held at the usual time, Saturday mornings. Swimming Once the 80% double vaccination target is met, indoor pools can re-open for ‘lessons only’. We’re currently planning the structure of our Term 4 SASC Swim Academy program and will be in touch with the details shortly. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask my inbox is always open.
ISA Touch Football has been cancelled for Term 4. We’re hoping for the competition to commence in Term 1, 2022. In the meantime, we’re planning to enter our teams into the Bathurst Touch Football Association competition on Monday afternoons to ensure our players get as much game-time as possible. The Bathurst Touch Football Association has informed clubs that all players, spectators and officials over the age of 16 will be required to be double vaccinated in order to attend or participate in games.
Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
NSW SEMI-FINALS OF THE EVATT COMPETITION We had a wonderful time attending the Evatt Semi-finals for Model UN (The second stage after the regional round, in which we were assigned to the USA). We were assigned the nation of Ireland in the competition and enjoyed taking part in the debates. Due to the lockdowns, we were unable to go to the University of Technology, Sydney, and the event was somewhat limited, as we were working over video. It was a great experience to participate in a challenging environment, and the competition was still very enjoyable and a wonderful learning experience for both of us. We look forward to potentially competing next year.
Harrex Upton
Luke Woodhead
Harrex Upston and Luke Woodhead – Year 10
DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN ORDER UNIFORMS ONLINE? Scots All Saints College ( Noone Uniform shop is taking online orders now! When ordering items don’t pay for postage, add the note: Pick up from the Junior Office. Orders can be collected on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Belinda Boshier in the Junior Office, Campus West (Saints) or contact Noone directly by phone: 02 8069 0470 or email:
Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Payment Options Through Edstart
College Covid-19 Safety Plan
Parents wishing to pay school fees by instalments can apply for an Edstart payment plan. You can spread your fees evenly across the school year or reduce your repayment amount with an extended plan over multiple years. Edstart will pay your fees to the College when they’re due every term and you can make weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments. You can adjust your plan or cancel at any time with no additional charges. Edstart can be used to fund tuition fees, including any overdue balances and other education-related expenses such as extracurricular activities. Watch the video below for more information or visit the Edstart website at to calculate a plan for your school fees. Please note, in providing information about Edstart, we do not provide any recommendations, brokering or advice services. We do not receive referral fees, commissions or other remuneration from Edstart.
View the Scots All Saints College Covid-19 Safety Plan here
New alumni
Stay connected with the new Scots All Saints Past Students Association via our website: alumni
If you have any queries, please contact Edstart on 1300 139 445 or chat with their team at
CONNECT TO SCOTS ALL SAINTS Online Calendar Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911