The Roar Newsletter Issue 39 Term 4 2021

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Issue 39 | Thursday 2 December 2021

A conversation with the Head of College Mr John Weeks

This is our final edition of The Roar for 2021. As we move into the final days of school, there are still a number of key functions being completed. The Orientation Day programs have been incredibly successful, and we look forward to a smooth start in 2022. All students who attend Orientation are receiving the 2022 “Start-Up” packs – those not able to attend will receive these by mail. Additionally, all of this information is to be found on the Scots All Saints College website: Junior School: junior-school-2022-commencement-pack/ Senior School: senior-school-2022-commencement-pack/ The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner will be held at Goldfields tonight for students, parents and staff within COVID Safe restrictions placed upon the venue operator. Final College assemblies will take place with staff and our young people and will be filmed and available on YouTube at the following times: K – 4: Monday, 6 December 2021 @ 10:30 am 5 – 8: Monday, 6 December 2021 @ 9:15 am 9 – 11: Tuesday, 7 December 2021 @ 2:35 pm

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

As I have said many times before, this has been a most disruptive year to plan our programs for young people and events for parents and the wider community. As 2021 draws to a close, the College is planning forward in a positive way. We have an extensive range of sporting, music, outdoor education and other co-curricular activities in place for 2022 to enhance the academic programs of the College and we look forward to much more parental engagement. Before I close, I want to extend best wishes to all our Year 12 students, as they move into the next adventure in their lives with further study or work. Two disruptive HSC years have not stopped them from powering through the turmoil of COVID to complete their examinations successfully. They receive their results on 20 January for ATAR’s and 24 January for full HSC results. To two very long-standing staff members, Mrs Ellen Robinson and Mr Marcus Croft, we thank you for your contribution to the life of the College, the support and education of so many young people, and we wish you a happy and healthy retirement. To all our young people, parents, teachers, support staff and supporters, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It’s time to look to a well-earned break, but most especially a time to celebrate the birth, life and gift of Christ. 02 6331 3911


From the Chaplain Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain

Psalm 139 23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting life. As school draws to a close, many senior students are finishing off various tests and exams to find out where they are at. For many of them and their teachers, the hope is that they find out what they have learned and what they still need to learn to improve through their errors.

CSU Excellence Award Scots All Saints College is proud to be a partner school of the CSU Next Generation Program. Charles Sturt's higher education programs are derived from its ethos ,to create a world worth living in, and play an important role in communities' social, economic, and environmental strength. Building a stronger relationship with CSU helps create opportunities for our students. This agreement benefits our students in many ways, one being the annual scholarship awards to a student in Year 11 and 12. Congratulations to Isabella Taylor, who was the successful nominee of this year’s Next Generation Excellence Award. The Next Generation Excellence Award is a meritbased award offered exclusively to one Year 11 student. The inaugural award is for high-achieving students who align with our institutional ethos of ‘creating a world worth living in’. Isabella received $1,000 that is unconditional. Thank you to CSU for their continued support of our students Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Since our attention turns to King David’s last thought in Psalm 139, we quickly discover that this, too, is David’s learning journey. David realises that there are deficiencies in his understanding of God’s character and nature, as well as deficiencies in his moral character. His heart is corrupt, yet this does not get in the way of an intimate relationship with his creator. Indeed, it is the very reason he wants to draw close to God. Despite being anxious, he is crying out, Lord, point out my failures, my offensive ways, and then lead me to everlasting life with you. King David does not see God as a moral universal arbitrator, policing humanity's weakness and failures, but rather an intimate merciful Father, who is willing to guide him, and us to everlasting ‘communal’ life beyond the grave. David had hope that God would deliver him. For us, the Christmas story this season reminds us of God's salvation plan, ensuring we have certainty about God's love and grace towards us. Amen

Term 1, 2022 will start on Monday, 31 January 2022. Boarders will return to College on Sunday, 30 January 2022 from 2:00 pm. 02 6331 3911


Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School

It’s hard to believe we’re at the end of another year. Thank you so much for working with us and supporting your child’s education in 2022. COVID provided some challenges once again, but with perseverance and adaptability, we have come through. A big thank you to you all for assisting your child during remote learning and to help maintain continuity of learning. We have a few special events to go before the end of the year, and we’re looking forward to a lovely Presentation Day on Monday to celebrate the year.

Kindergarten and Junior School Orientation Day Wednesday 1 December We welcomed nearly 40 new Kindergarten students to our Orientation Day on Wednesday, along with a variety of students in other classes. All students enjoyed being ‘bumped up’ for the day and experienced a taste of learning for 2022. Stage 2, 3 and 4 Triathlon- Thursday 2 December As the Roar goes live this week, our Stage 2 students are enjoying competing in the triathlon. It’s shaping up to be our warmest day in some time, and I’m sure all our entrants will enjoy the opportunity to run, swim and ride either individually or as part of a team. Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Junior School Presentation Day Assembly - Monday 6 December The Junior School Presentation Day Assembly will be held on Monday 6 December on the Chapel Lawn at 10:30 am. Students are to wear full summer uniform (including their hat). All Junior School students will return to class for the remainder of the day after the Presentation Day Assembly. continued page 4 02 6331 3911


Our Presentation Day Assembly will be filmed as parents and visitors are not allowed to attend due to COVID restrictions. Under updated Level 3 restrictions, fully vaccinated visitors (including parents and carers) are only allowed to attend if completing a specific role (such as presenting). Public Speaking Program- BYO Board Game- Monday 6 December The final task for our Public Speaking Program for 2021 is our Board Games Afternoon. Students develop so many skills through playing board games; brain development, concentration, language and teamwork skills, problem-solving, and sportspersonship are just a few. . On Monday, 6 November, we’ll be setting aside a session for students to play a range of board games with their peers. Students can simply bring along their favourite board game (age appropriate) and settle in for a session of fun, problem-solving, critical thinking and communication. So dust off the board games and get set to bring your favourite one in boys and girls! Home Readers Whilst students haven’t been using home readers since returning to school, there still might be a few readers at home. Could I ask that all home readers are returned by Friday, 3 December. Staff will undertake a complete audit of readers in preparation for 2022.

Preparatory School students receiving their graduation certificate.

Last day of term and Student Reports All students (K to 8) on Campus West will finish the term at 3:15 pm on Tuesday, 7 December. Reports will be handed to students at the end of the school day by their class teacher. Have a safe, restful and enjoyable Christmas and holiday season. I look forward to working with you and your child/ children in 2022. School commences on Monday 31 January. Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Preparatory School News

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Preparatory School News

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of All Saints Campus / Director of Middle School

As this will be my last article in The Roar for 2021, I would like to wish all of the students and their families in the Middle, Junior, and Preparatory School a safe and restful holiday. I look forward to seeing all of the Junior School students back next January and wish all of our Year 6, 7 and 8 students all the very best for their Senior School years. Middle School Presentation Day Assembly Middle School: Monday 6 December 9:15 am Our Presentation Day Assemblies will be filmed and live-streamed as parents and visitors are not allowed to attend due to COVID restrictions. All students need to be in full summer school uniform for these assemblies, including their school hat. Farewell to Year 6, 7 and 8 from Campus West On Tuesday 7 December, Middle School students are required to wear their sports uniform to school. They will celebrate the finish of the school year and their transition to the Senior School in 2022. All Middle School students will have a sausage sizzle provided for lunch on that day. Last day of term and Student Reports All students (K to 8) on Campus West will finish the term at 3:15 pm on Tuesday, 7 December. Reports will be handed to students at the end of the school day by their class/core teacher. Term 1 2022 Classes commence for all students K to 6 on Monday 31 January 2022. Junior School Captains 2022 Congratulations to Georgia Rennie and Nate Grabham, who will be the Junior School Captains for 2022. Junior School House Captains 2022 Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as House Captains for the Junior

School next year. Booth – Lara Kearney & Ned Anderson Cowan – Alexis Jarvis & Hayden Marr Cuthbert – Kate Lang and Darcy Smyth Dunlop – Hugh Brown & Monique Graham Mawson – Vesper Pearce & Lucy Tallentire Stage 3 Celebrate our achievements As our school year comes to a rapid close, we are enjoying the chance to celebrate the achievements of our Stage 3 students in different areas of school life. Over the past couple of weeks, we have acknowledged students who have been successful within the classroom, in particular subjects as recognised by our specialist teachers, and in winter sporting teams. As our students mature, it is important to help them build their intrinsic motivation to try their hardest, and we can do this by recognising students who achieve to a high standard (academic and extracurricular). Celebrating success is key to developing a positive culture at school that can drive self-esteem and motivation. This week we had the chance to recognise the Stage 3 students who participated in the Newcastle Permanent Primary Mathematics Competition.

Matthew Slater was awarded the winner of the Bathurst District Year 6 Division in the Newcastle Permanent Primary Mathematics Competition.

continued page 9 Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


This year the competition was held during online learning, so I was especially pleased that students made the effort to complete this exam online, on top of other schoolwork commitments. Our results were excellent, and on Monday, students were awarded their certificates for Distinction, Merit, and Participation. In particular, we celebrate one of our Year 6 students, Matthew Slater, who achieved a High Distinction and was awarded the winner of the Bathurst District Year 6 Division and attended a ceremony on Monday to receive his prize. Great work, Matthew! Last week was a chance for Stage 3 to farewell the Year 6 students and wish them well as they make the transition to Campus East. I wish all our College families happy and safe holidays. I look forward to seeing you in 2022! Mrs Jo Nicholls Stage 4 As we approach the end of term, Stage 4 students have been busy preparing for and completing their Yearly Examinations. Their commitment to careful revision and the way that they have conducted themselves during the examination period is commendable. Despite the rain last week, the students engaged in modified indoor Active Afternoon sessions on Thursday. For example, social and ISA tennis players enjoyed some indoor badminton, viewed a short inspirational documentary about Ash Barty’s tennis journey and took turns playing on a Nintendo Switch. Other coaches presented interesting off-field lesson plans that will benefit our students when they take to the courts and fields as the weather improves. For example, the touch football groups looked at individual and team goal setting and watched some short clips of national teams playing for a better understanding of what the game looks like when played at the professional level. Many students were presented with awards last week for their significant Winter Sports achievements, their contribution to CALQL8 and their success in the Australian Mathematics This week provides an opportunity for Stage 4 students to familiarise themselves with Campus East through a day of orientation activities, including a treasure hunt, school tour and Inter-House challenges. Thank you to Mrs Pearce, Mr Germech and their team of enthusiastic Year 10 helpers who have organised Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

this day of fun. A reminder that students should wear their House sports shirts to this Orientation Day. Mrs Catherine Dundon and Mr Chris Walsh

CALQL8 Mathematics Group Congratulations to the Year 7 and 8 students who participated in the CALQL8 Mathematics problemsolving group this year. The group met at 7:45 am each Thursday in Terms 2 and 3, where they developed their problemsolving skills and also competed in the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad. Despite the competition being cut short by COVID restrictions, the students participated with enthusiasm and represented the school with distinction. Angus Dowton (pictured) was the highest point scorer for our school, and his efforts also placed him in the top 10% of all students in the competition. Congratulations to all of the participants listed below. Mr Phillip Cant, Middle School Learning Support and Enrichment Year 7 Edward Cheetham Grayson Jacobsen Thomas Lenehan Henry McRae Stirling Miller Suhaila Murshed Eliza Rennie Jake Robinson Patrick Wells Samuel De Gabriel Hamish O’Brien

Year 8 Angus Dowton Henry Cornally Baxter Killiby Oscar Yordanoff Angus Argent-Smith Wilson Cooney Rohan Lesh Mia Rodenhuis Claire Thomas Miranda Wilesmith Olivia Anderson

Will O’Brien

Deliah Wu

Zac Sweetnam 02 6331 3911


Newcastle Permanent Primary Mathematics Competition

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Senior School Mr Andrew Weeding Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior School

The students on Campus East certainly haven’t been winding down, despite the looming end of term. With Year 9 engaged in STEM all week, Year 10 doing exams and Year 11 completing assessments, the campus has been a hive of activity. Furthermore, Year 12 finished HSC exams this week, and tonight they can celebrate at their Valedictory Dinner. Yesterday we welcomed Year 7 2022 for their Orientation. Thanks to the action-packed program organised by Mrs Dundon and Mr Walsh, combined with the leadership shown by the School Officers, the students had a very productive and enjoyable time. On Friday, we look forward to welcoming Year 8 and 9 2022 for their orientation. Today Mrs Jones and Mr Bailey spoke to the students in Year 11 (Year 12 2022) about how they need to consider the coming weeks as a Study Break. They must factor in an effective combination of rest and relaxation with revision and study. When they return next year they will have assessments straight away; they must ‘hit the ground running’. Today they were given an A3 planner, which provides a suggestion on how to plan their break. Academic Mentors are available to assist in completing this planner. Year 9 and 10 reports will be published online by Friday 10 December. This year Presentation Day will take a different look. Based on the COVID guidelines, we are following (issued by Association of Independent Schools) we decided to record the ceremony. All students will view the ceremony during Period 7 on Tuesday 7 December. The ceremony will be made available to the community to view through the College YouTube channel. It certainly has been a year of adjusting to guidelines and this is just another example. As this is the last Roar for the term, I wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas. It has been a pleasure to get to know the students, and I wish them all the very best for a restful and well-earned break.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Stage 5 What a busy end to the year! Stage 5 students have been challenged all year to continue developing in their academic journey of life and this has collectively resulted in some excellent performances in the End of Year Examinations. Students have sat a short exam in most subjects that they have been studying this year. These exams were multiple choice exams as the College has identified this as an area that we can focus on prior to Stage 6 to help improve HSC performance. By doing this, the students can apply multiple choice strategies in exams earlier. Well done to all the students that have worked hard to prepare themselves for this challenging academic period of the school calendar and have set and achieved goals for themselves this year. This week Year 9 have been engaged in a range of STEM projects. These projects have looked at Sports Science as it applies to the game of Golf, Animation and the Environment and the application of Robots and Drones in Agriculture. This opportunity allows students to immerse deeply into an aspect of technology that we so often hear about in the media. The progress made to date in all projects has been fantastic and we look forward to seeing the culmination of their work in the presentations tomorrow. A big thank-you to Year 10 students helping with the orientation for the current Year 7 and 8 students tomorrow. A lot of preparation has gone into providing an interesting range of activities and sharing some of the aspects of the senior campus. The leadership from this group with nearly 200 students attending is very much appreciated. Along with the Senior School presentation assembly next Tuesday we will be having year group award presentations. Academic, sporting and co-curricular awards will be presented in year groups. This will be a fitting celebration to a tumultuous but ultimately successful 2021. In our last stage report of the year we wish Year 10 all the best as they move into Stage 6 under the experienced and professional guidance of Mrs Jones and Mr Bailey. We know you will be in good hands. Year 9 well done on a tough year and we look forward to working with you all in 2022 to further progress your academic, social, cultural and spiritual journey. Wishing you all a safe and fun filled holiday with no Zooming and stay on Mute as long as you like! Mr Germech 02 6331 3911


All Things Sport Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports Administrator

Winter Sports Awards Last week we were able to present our Middle School Winter sporting teams with their trophies. Although it was a season cut short by lockdown, it was great seeing so many students proudly representing the College during terms two and three.

Slater finds his way On 20 November, Matthew Slater participated in the NSW Middle Distance Orienteering Championships in Ben Bullen State Forest. Matty recorded the third-fastest time for his age group. Way to go! Bathurst Tennis Club Championships A number of Scots All Saints tennis players cleaned up at the weekend’s Club Championships. Jake Robinson took out the U14 Singles title, defeating Eliza Rennie in Saturday’s final. Eliza and Jake then combined their powers for good, taking out the Junior Doubles title on Sunday. Well done, legends! A special thank you to Izaak Scott and Sarah Edwards, who carried me around the doubles court on Sunday. We were lucky enough to take out the A-Grade Men’s Doubles and A-Grade Mixed Doubles titles. Summer Sport Shout Outs Hats off to these champions Danny Monico, Georgie Hemsworth, Jake Kearney, Darcy Smyth, Charlotte Bennett, Meike Willis, Luc Fenton, Sophie Lewis, Angus Dowton, Nick Fogo, Chloe Shute and Oliver Graham. Have an awesome weekend sports fans!

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


From the P&F Mrs Gem Green P&F Vice President Boarding P&F President

2021 has proven to be more challenging than 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic. From the outset, I wish to acknowledge and thank all staff who have supported our students during this time and over the past 20 months. At times it has been relentless for all, and I’m grateful for the positivity, support and ongoing enthusiasm of the College staff in such challenging times. Thank you to Mr John Weeks for his leadership and big picture vision during this time. The Boarder P&F has continued with some great Boarding P&F meetings and ‘Let’s Connect’ meetings again this year, ensuring some virtual face-to-face events and hearing directly from staff during Covid times. It’s now 20 months since our last face-to-face meeting, and fingers crossed, we can meet up with all the familiar and many new Boarder Parent faces in 2022. Our sincere thanks to Director of Boarding – Mr Ant Le Couteur along with Heads of Houses, Kimberley Jones, Lucinda Wells, Lynne Woodlock, Andy Ball and all boarding staff for their care and nurturing support of all boarders at SASC. The SASC P&F, Boarding P&F and Friends of Pipes and Drums have great executives and teams in place. For the SASC P&F, thanks to Natalie Cranston, Treasurer, Kassandra Wythes, Secretary and Committee Members Olga Burgess, Sally Nevill, Tonia Cox, Tania Mitchell, Em Patterson, Ellie McNamara and Melanie Jacobson. For the Boarder P&F, thanks to Sarah Lindsay, Secretary, Andrew Gill, Vice President, Sue Webb, Treasurer and Committee Members, Sally Nevill, Jeremy Betts, Meg Hardie, Sally Argent-Smith, Em Patterson, Sally Morse, Clare Gill and Sally Davis. And finally, Friends of Pipes and Drums, thanks to Stu Green, President, and Scott Eastment, Treasurer, for all efforts with this sub-committee.

Mrs Pearce and Mr Germech.

Horses rescued Many thanks must go to Lynne Woodlock who safely coordinated an urgent horse rescue last week, after water flooded the Equestrian Centre – with the creek crossing a torrent. Many thanks also to Andrew Maher who assisted in making sure the students were safe whilst walking the horses along the road away from the flooded creek. To all the equestrian kids – all of them showed great maturity following instructions. Now let’s hope the sunshine comes out and we can get to repair the damage done at the centre! Libby Dawes, Director of Agricultural Studies and Equestrian

Save the date - the annual Evening Under the Stars event (which somehow did happen in 2020 and this year!) will be on again in 2022! So pop Saturday, 5 March in your calendar for this joint College and P&F event to kick off the 2022 school year. More information to come in the new school year. Wishing you and your families a healthy, safe and peaceful Christmas and best wishes to all for 2022. Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Careers Advice Mrs Helen Jones

UNSW | Careers in Business Monday, 13 December 2021, 4:00 pm - Tuesday, 14 December 2021, 5:30 pm Online Interested in studying business? Whether you are interested in our Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Information Systems or Bachelor of Actuarial Studies, there is a session to suit you. You’ll hear from industry representatives, current students and lecturers and be able to ask them your questions about studying and working in the world of business. Find out more: event/careers-business Capstone Editing Textbook Grant for Undergraduates

Where to look for Summer Work Looking for casual or short-term jobs over the upcoming summer break? There are loads of opportunities out there. This is a list of places where you can have a look at what’s on offer – you might find the ideal job, or you might just be inspired to find something similar near you. Start your Summer job search here: •

Straight up Student Super has updated their list of 40 places looking to hire Christmas casuals right now in 2021 – they’ve also featured another blog with 25 Summer casual jobs to look at

The Summer Jobs database also talks about plenty of job openings around the country – check it out and see if there’s anything near you.

Student Edge is yet another database that links to lots of major employers, you can search by state.

Seek always have plenty of jobs on offer.

Indeed is another recruitment site that list dozens of jobs you can browse.

The Student Job Board might have something for you too – you’ll need to check eligibility as this site might be more targeted towards uni students.

Aus Venue Co. promises a summer of fun and list hundreds of bartenders, hosts, floor staff, chefs and management staff jobs in their teams located in 170+ pubs, bars and restaurants across Australia.

Adventure Pro feature casual jobs in the outdoors if that sounds like your perfect summer job.

The Backpacker Job Board might sound a bit of a random place to look, but with overseas travellers in short supply again this year, employers might be glad to consider you for their vacancies.

This blog lists a few ideas of jobs to consider and contains a couple of links to relevant organisations as well.

Search for local job sites in your area like this one, Tourism North East in Victoria’s high country.

There are plenty of farmers crying out for workers all across Australia so have a look at sites like these, https://

Value: $3,000 AUD Open/Closing Dates: 4 March 2021 – 6 January 6 2022 The Capstone Editing Textbook Grant provides funds to one undergraduate student to assist in covering the cost of their textbooks for the duration of their degree. Find out more UOW The William Dor Transforming Futures Scholarship in Engineering and Information Sciences Value: $5,000 AUD per year Open/Closing Dates: 27 October 2021 – 28 January 2022 The William Dor Transforming Futures Scholarship in Engineering and Information Sciences will support three commencing students into their degree of choice within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences. Find out more

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


Orientation Day

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


n n u O A N cIng the 2O22 Senior School

i A s U C L M

The Performing Arts Academy invites all students in Years 6-11 to audition for a role in the 2022 production Matilda – The Musical. Keep a look out in your email inboxes for information and links to the audition tracks. Audition submission are due Friday 3rd December 5pm. Ms Sargeant – Musical Director

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911


L’adeiu à 2021 It was a spectacular ending to another remarkable year. To conclude, the Junior School French classes and Year 5 have put together a short recital for your amusement. To open, Year 4 performs “Le sommeil de l’enfant Jésus” (The sleep of baby Jesus), a French Christmas hymn/poem. A little bit of fun with Year 3R reciting L’Abeille (The Bee) and Year 3I with an affectionate poem ‘Le Bisou’ (The kiss). En fin, Year 5, in their separate class groups performing Mon Beau Sapin (My Beautiful Fir Tree). Et Voilà

Uniform Shop

Trading hours December 2021/ January 2022 The Uniform Shop will be OPEN term time Monday Wednesday Friday

8.00am – 2.00pm 12.00pm – 4.00pm 8.00am – 2.00pm

Additional Hours for Boarding Families – Pre Booked Boarders Only Tuesday 30 Nov 3.00pm 6.00pm Wednesday 1 Dec 4.00pm to 6.00pm Friday 3 Dec 3.00pm 6.00pm Wednesday 6 Dec 3.30pm to 6.00pm

Year 7 Festival du court métrage The final assessment for Year 7 was a speaking task. Students were required to record and present a dialogue in French. Please enjoy the ‘best of the best’, the most theatrical, creative and humorous productions for your entertainment. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Mrs Ann Maree Adamson Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

School Holidays December 2021 Monday 13 December

9.00am – 4.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Tuesday 14 December

9.00am – 4.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Wednesday 15 December 9.00am – 4.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only) Thursday 16 December

9.00am – 4.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

January 2022 Friday 14 January

9.00am – 2.00pm(Pre-Booked appointments only)

Saturday 15 January

9.00am – 12.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Monday 17 January

9.00am – 2.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Wednesday 19 January

9.00am – 2.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Friday 21 January

9.00am – 2.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Thursday 27 January

9.00am – 4.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Friday 28 January

9.00am – 4.00pm (Pre-Booked appointments only)

Monday 31 January

9.00am – 4.00pm (First Day of Term 1 general business)

Wednesday 2 February 8.00am – 2.00pm (Normal Trading Hours resume) Location Junior School Campus, 70 Eglinton Road phone (02) 8069 0470 For assistance outside of these hours, please contact Noone at the Chatswood Store Telephone (02) 9436 1700 02 6331 3911


From the Scots archives


A photo from one of Steve’s Land Rover expeditions to the Cape York Peninsula.

Steve Marshall.

The Past Students Association has had contact from Steven Marshall, (Scots, Year 12, 1975). After leaving school, Steve joined the Navy, and indeed in recent years has been back in uniform with them, among other interests. In 1986 he returned to Scots as a Science and Physics teacher and the officer responsible for liaising with Old Boys, all of them being boys at that stage before the Scots School went co-educational. He was also a parent. Since leaving Scots, Steve has become an enthusiast for Land Rover, and has published a book. Next year, Steve plans to drive across Australia at its widest point, from Cape Byron NSW to Steep Point WA crossing the Simpson Desert and the Gibson Desert in Land Rovers. This event is part of the build-up to a significant Land Rover 75 Year event being planned for Easter in 2023. The event is essentially an all Land Rover one, but if it is well patronised, a support crew will need to be there. The trip has been broken into three sections for those who cannot go the whole way or be away for a month. The plan is to leave Cape Byron on Anzac Day next year with an RSL send-off. The trip is planned as a salute to First Nations people, servicemen and women, Land Rover engineers and Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

the Leyland Brothers, who did this trip the other way in 1966. We will be ceremoniously returning to the Indian Ocean, from the Pacific Ocean, the quantity of seawater the Leyland Brothers “borrowed”. They filmed their adventure, and it was their second movie, which made them household names. It was called Wheels Across the Wilderness. There is a charitable purpose associated with the trip. Funds raised will go towards the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Westpac Rescue. Steve would be delighted to involve anyone from the school family, past or present. He is looking to connect with anyone who may be interested in joining him for one Steve’s book. to four weeks, in some capacity. He is planning to raise funds for the Flying Doctor Service and Westpac too by inviting tagalongs. But in the first instance, he is just looking to get a good group together. Steve’s Facebook page can be accessed https://www. 02 6331 3911



Millie's voyage of a lifetime Congratulations go to Millie Cupples (pictured third from right), Year 11, on setting sail for untold adventures aboard The Young Endeavour. We are sure she will have the voyage of a lifetime, and make some fabulous friends on her travels.


College Covid-19 Safety Plan

The Young Endeavour Youth Scheme selects young people aged 16 – 23, to learn the skills required to sail a historic tall ship. At the same time they develop attributes that make them more effective leaders, communicators and team members.

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View the Scots All Saints College Covid-19 Safety Plan here CONNECT TO SCOTS ALL SAINTS

The Senior School after school Homework Centre has finished for 2021. We look forward to welcoming you back in 2022.

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Mrs O’Neill wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday.

Campus East (Scots) Senior School, Boarding (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Campus West (Saints) Preparatory School, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School, Boarding (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Youtube 02 6331 3911

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