The Roar Newsletter Issue 3 Term 1 2019

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Issue 3


Thursday 14 February 2019

upcoming major events

Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates

Our first Parent Weekend of the year is next weekend, 22-24 February. The purpose of the Parent Weekend is to encourage the whole College community to make a special effort to attend events and to mix with other parents, staff and students to celebrate our community. In creating the College Calendar, the staff try to arrange a number of special events for these weekends. The weekend concludes with a Chapel Service with a very particular focus each time.

16 FEBRUARY 2019

Twilight Picnic

Our College community Twilight Picnic on the JS Oval at All Saints Campus 4pm to 7pm.

The Parent Weekend each term is for the whole College but the Chapel Service will be specific to one campus each term. The Term 1 and 3 Chapel Service will be on the All Saints Campus and the Terms 2 and 4 Chapel Service will be held on the Scots Campus. Students who attend the College on these campuses are required to attend and we encourage all parents to join them. The Chapel Services have a very specific purpose in addition to giving thanks, building community and supporting the Christian Mission of the College as follows:

Grandparents Day

Term 1 at All Saints Campus: Induction of College Captains, Leaders and House Captains.

Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day held at All Saints Campus

22 FEBRUARY 2019

Term 2 at Scots Campus: Foundation Service where we remember the historical foundations of the two schools which formed the new College and build the new history for future generations of students. Term 3 at All Saints Campus: Foundation Service where we remember the historical foundations of the two schools which formed the new College and build the new history for future generations of students. Term 4 at Scots Campus: Induction of College Captains, Prefects and House Captains.

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Senior Swimming Carnival

Years 7-12 will be holding their Inter-House Swimming Carnival For more events view our Online Calendar

continued page 2

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

1 MARCH 2019 02 6331 3911



Out and about with the Headmaster There are a number of events planned for this Parent Weekend as follows: • Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day on Friday 22 February for students in Years 4, 5 and 8. • All parents are encouraged to make a special effort to attend sporting fixtures this weekend to support the students and get to know other parents. • The ACER Scholarship Examination will be held at 9am on Saturday in the Kemmis Building; applications for scholarships have closed but those sitting the examination need to arrive at the All Saints Campus 8.30am. • While students are sitting the ACER Examination, Mr Chris Jackman will lead a tour of the All Saints Campus for parents with information opportunities as we move around the campus. • The Boarders’ P&F will meet in the Scots Library at 4pm on Saturday; all boarding parents are encouraged to attend. • The Parent Weekend Chapel will be held at 9.00am on Sunday on the Chapel Lawn. This is compulsory for all students and parents are strongly encouraged to attend too. All Saints Campus Leaders’ Induction Service On Sunday 24 February a special Chapel Service will be held where the leaders of the All Saints Campus and the Year 6 House Captains will be inducted. The service will begin at 9am for about 45 minutes followed by a morning tea. Both will be held on the lawn outside the All Saints Chapel. In the case of inclement weather the service will be held in the Bickerdike Centre. All parents and friends of the College are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend. All of the students from Kindergarten to Year 8 are required to attend and will be sitting in their year groups. Students will need to be in the full College summer uniform with their wide brimmed hats (where available). Pre-Kindergarten students and their families are also very welcome with the Pre-Kindergarten students to be seated with their parents. This is a very special occasion for our College and so we look forward to seeing you there.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Boarding Parents are welcome to stay in Marsden House for the upcoming Parent Weekend. Marsden House is at the rear of the All Saints Campus near the pool and is on the left hand side of the building. Tea & coffee facilities are available; there are no room bookings. Parents are to supply their own linen but blankets and doonas are supplied. Cost is $20 per night per family paid as a fundraiser to the Boarders’ P&F. Account details are as follows: Name: Scots All Saints College P & F BSB: 032 814 Account Number: 506736 The front gates to All Saints Campus close at 9pm. If you are arriving later or need late access, please contact Jenny Donnelly to arrange a key beforehand.

NUT FREE SCHOOL Just a friendly reminder that Scots All Saints College is a nut free school and as such students are not permitted to bring any food containing nuts to school. We have a number of students who are severely allergic to nuts and exposing those students to nuts could be very dangerous. If your child does suffer from a severe allergy or anaphylaxis and you haven’t already supplied an up to date action plan it would be appreciated if you could do so as soon as possible. Students requiring an EpiPen should keep it with them or in the front pocket of their school bag at all times. Any other medications that may be required should be taken to the class teacher or school office. 02 6331 3911


space to inspire Academic year started: 1975 at Scots School Academic year finished: 1980 What are you doing now? Renovating!

Doug Thost

Other stuff too… I’ve been driving a fuel truck for a helicopter company during the recent Tasmanian fires this summer (glamorous eh?). I often have an Antarctic contract over summer, but not on this occasion.


After school I studied Geology at UNSW, graduated with first class honours, worked in a gold mine, went back to Uni and worked towards my PhD in Antarctic Geology, which ultimately led to a career with the Australian Antarctic Division and a slight segue into Glaciology, studying glacial retreat on Heard Island, amongst other things. Antarctica inspired me to become a better photographer, and I have been semi-professional in that sphere as well. I have travelled to Antarctic twentysomething times now, and have been voyage leader on the RSV Aurora Australis and CSIRO RV Investigator on several occasions. Currently, my drone business ticks along, as does my photography. My science career is long gone, but I’m always trying something: drone technology is amazing, and if I had my time again I’d probably be doing robotics and aeronautical engineering! What I enjoyed most about school? Friendships. Sport. Impersonating teachers. What did you value the most about what you learnt? Studying can be hard. But ultimately, it pays off. How has school prepared you for the real world? I’m not sure it did! Boarding was a bit like living in your own little world, especially in (what was then) a sleepy country town like Bathurst. And it was a boys’ school back when I went… Not as bad as “Lord of the Flies”… but co-ed is the way to go if you want some real world preparation!

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

“It’s hard not to be influenced by peer group pressure, but don’t be afraid to be original, or to go in a different direction. ”

What is one word to describe your time at the college and why? That is a tough question. How do you distill six years into a word? Perhaps ‘transformative’ in that I went from a boy to a young man while at school. I still had a lot to learn though! What has inspired you on your chosen career path and why? My original career was in science: geology specifically. My science teacher, Mr Ian Pike (Pikey, to us kids) was an inspiration, with his humour and knowledge. I always enjoyed science, and was OK at it at school. I particularly liked geology, and saw it as a way of seeing the world, not just as a career. What is the message to other students at the College? A: Try to think outside ‘the square’. It’s hard not to be influenced by peer group pressure but don’t be afraid to be original, or to go in a different direction. Mentors are good people: try and find one in a field that interests you. Encourage people who try. It’s not just about you. 02 6331 3911


Parents’ and Friends’ profile President of Scots All Saints College Parents’ and Friends’ Association, Mr Lindsay Wilde explains the group’s role and how it works collaboratively with its sub-committees to support the development of the College. Scots All Saints College P&F – This main overarching group works for the overall benefit of the school community by organising social and fundraising events through sub committees. They also provide the financial services and support to the various subcommittees. SASC P&F represents parents to communicate concerns and coordinate efforts for College improvements. Other roles including maintaining general funds and working with the College and sub-committees to spend fundraising money for student and college community benefits. The sub-committees have their own funds and authority to spend in their areas of interest or work with the SASC P&F on bigger projects. Meetings are held twice a term on Wednesdays at 5:30pm in Week 2 in the All Saints Campus Library and Week 7 in the Tim Richards Pavilion, Scots Campus. • Boarders’ P&F – Meets regularly with the College to improve the boarding experience for students. They organise social and fundraising events to build community and friendships. • Friends of Equestrian (FOE) – Currently on hold, waiting for a committee to work with the Agriculture department for the benefit of the students involved in equestrian activities. • Friends of Pipes and Drums (FOPD) – Works with the Band Master to manage events and fundraise for the Pipes and Drums. They help to organise tours and provide support for the band at community events. Meetings are held most Parent Weekends and as required. See The Roar newsletter for notices. • Friends of Rugby (FOR) – This sub-committee works to raise money for the Rugby teams through BBQs at community events and running the Canteen at home games. Meetings are held most Parent Weekends and as required. See The Roar newsletter for notices. • Friends of Netball (FON) – This sub-committee works to raise money through BBQs at community events for the Netball teams to assist

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

• •

with equipment and social events. Meetings are held most Parent Weekends and as required. See The Roar newsletter for notices. Friends of Lithgow – Works independently to organise social and fundraising events for the Junior School at Lithgow Campus. The Committee has regularly made significant contributions to school and learning experiences for Lithgow classes. Friends of Junior and Middle Schools (FOJAM) – An independent committee organising fun and fundraising events for our Junior and Middle School community. This committee aims to regularly make significant contributions to school and learning experiences for students at All Saints Campus and Pre-K at Scots Campus. Meetings are held on Mondays at 7pm in Week 2 and Week 7 of each Term in the All Saints Campus Library. Friends of Music (FOM) – Seeking a proposal to be made for a new FOM Committee to be established via the Scots All Saints College P&F. Highland Gathering – This committee plans and manages the annual Scots All Saints College Highland Gathering at the Scots Campus to bring a taste of the Scottish Traditions to Bathurst and the Central West. Actively works with the Friends of Pipes and Drums who manage the Pipes and Drums competition held at the Highland Gathering. This is a whole College event and major fundraiser for the P&F. Meetings held every Wednesday at 5:30pm in the Tim Richards Pavilion to plan the event scheduled for 24 March 2019. All volunteers from across the College community welcome. Continued page 5 02 6331 3911


Parents’ and Friends’ profile • Art Show – This committee is raised annually to plan and manage the Art Show. We are currently looking for people be involved in this committee to ensure its ongoing success. • Spring Fair - This committee is raised annually to plan and manage the Spring Fair held on the first Sunday in September at the All Saints Campus to engage with the Bathurst Community and showcase the College across the Central West. This is a whole school event and a major fundraiser for the P&F. • Special Purpose Committees –Special purpose committees may be raised for a specific purpose and duration. For example, the Pavilion Committee at Scots which raised funds to get the Tim Richards Pavilion built. The Scots All Saints College P&F will actively engage with the College Executive Leadership Team and Business Management Team and work for the benefit of the students and the social standing of the College in our communities, locally and where our boarders hail from. For further information, please review the Constitution and Handbook via this link: https://scotsallsaints.nsw. Contact Lindsay Wilde via email president sascpfa@

We Need You for the first Scots All Saints College Highland Gathering - 24 March Watch out in next week’s The Roar for opportunities or come along to our next meeting on Wednesday 20 February in the Tim Richards Pavilion at Scots Campus.

Today’s Reflection Mr Samuel Gittins Chaplain

The Bible refers to itself as “God’s Word” Why am I here? To live according to our purpose is to find a meaning that is bigger than the ups and downs we experience we go through. So, what is our purpose? What does the Bible teach? We exist to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Romans 11:36 [NLT-SE] Yes, joyful are those who live like this! Joyful indeed are those whose God is the LORD. Psalm 144:15 [NLT-SE] Made for glory and joy… good!

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School

Swimming Carnival Our first ever Scots All Saints Swimming Carnival is shaping up to be a great day. The carnival begins at 9:15am with war cries. K-2 students will be involved in across the pool races and sprinkler fun at the start of the day. Last week’s recipients of Junior School Awards.

Twilight Picnic I’d like to invite everyone to our Campus Picnic to be held on the Junior School Oval this Saturday 16 February from 5pm-7pm. Bring a rug and a picnic basket and enjoy a lovely evening getting to know one another. Junior School Assembly This week our K-2 awards will be handed out at their morning gathering in front of the Kindergarten classroom before students head up to the swimming pool. Stage 2 awards will be handed out in front of the Year 4 rooms at this time as well. There will be no Junior School Assembly next Friday (22 February) because of Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day. Awards will be handed out at the morning gatherings on this day. Public Speaking You should have all received information relating to our Public Speaking Program this week. This week is a planning week and as part of their homework students should be working on their planning template. Please speak to your child’s teacher or send me an email anthony.roohan@ if you have any questions about the program.

Year 1 in the classroom.

Recycling Bathurst Return and Earn have given two Return and Earn otto bins to the school. At lunch times there will be a labelled cardboard box in each of the eating areas for recyclables only. Disposable water bottles, popper juice boxes (straw removed, plastic off, original shape), cans and up-n-go milk boxes are all acceptable. Please encourage your child to use these bins as we raise awareness of waste and recycling.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of All Saints Campus / Director of Middle School

I am impressed by the manner in which the students have settled in so quickly to the Middle School routines. We are blessed to have such caring and considerate students who have been looking after each other so well. The students are very busy with their academic program and the teachers have set high expectations from the start. I encourage all of the students to make the most of the opportunities at Scots All Saints College and to get involved in extra curricular activities such as the water polo competition at lunchtime or the chess competition. I look forward to seeing everyone at our Twilight Picnic on Saturday 16 February from 5pm – 7pm on the Junior School Oval. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the parents of other students in your child’s year group. I encourage everyone to introduce themselves and work towards building our new College community. Next Friday is Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day for Year 4, 5 and 8. I look forward to meeting all of our special guests for the day and, most importantly, I know the students will love having them in to show them their school. I will see many of you tomorrow at the K-6 Swimming Carnival. It will be exciting to see our students competing in their first event for their new House.

After School ILC Homework Centre Year 7/8 Homework Centre Will be held in the All Saints Campus Library each Monday afternoon from 3:20pm – 4:45pm. Mrs Kerry Robinson will be staffing the Homework Centre. Senior School Homework Centre The After School ILC Homework Centre will be open Mondays from 3:30pm to 4:45pm at the Scots Campus Library. Cherylene Anderson Humanities, English, Science and Mathematics

specialists will be available.


FW: Assembly Roster

Bring work to complete and a water bottle.

All Saints S Campus Assemblyy Roster Weeek 3A 4B 5A 6B 7A 8B 9A 10B 11AA

Datee 15 Feebruary 22 Feebruary 1 Maarch 8 Maarch 15 M March 22 M March 29 M March 5 April 12 April

9am – 9.45am 9.45 – 10.35 pm No Assembly A – K to 6 Swimm ming Carnival No Assembly A - Grandparentss Day No Assembly A – 7 to 12 Swimm ming Carnivaal JS - 3 Wollemi MS - Year 6M Campus Assemb ly – Kemmis Lawn JS - 3 Kanangra MS - Year 5M Campus Assemb ly – Bickerdike Centre JS - 2 Fuji MS - Year 6H No Assembly A – School holidaays

Kindd Regards,

Year 7an
Vaccinations Chr ris Jackma

place on 12 March.

will take

Heaad of All Saints Campuss / Director of Middle SSchool

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Senior School Mrs Tracey Leaf Head of Scots Campus/Director of Senior School & Boarding

This Term is already starting to feel like it is racing away, which is often the case when schedules are busy or when we’re having fun and here in the Senior School, we’re experiencing both! Earlier this afternoon while on bus duty, I welcomed home the Year 11 Biology students who spent today at Sydney Olympic Park on a field trip exploring the mangroves. (I believe a report will appear next week). Many thanks to Mr Dundon and Mrs Knight who planned this excursion and accompanied the students. Learning can take place in a variety of spaces but I think you’ll agree it’s always fun to exchange the classroom for time in God’s creation, learning more of the world around us! This week, the new furniture for our library was finally installed and our senior students wasted no time in finding comfortable areas to work, both individually and in small groups. It really has been wonderful to see them utilising the spaces that were designed and built especially for them. Assembly this week featured the ‘SASC Big Band’, under the direction of Mr Clipsham. They brought us amazing jazz! If you have the opportunity to see our young people play, grab it with both hands! Our College benefits in so many ways when students and staff share their talents and gifts with our community. Thank you to the SASC Big Band and Mr Clipsham.

Mai Takagi and Yuma Okamoto.

Mrs Nelson with Thantakorn Thawatwongdechakul and Goma Uno.

Lunar New Year Celebrations A number of Year 7 - Year 12 international students from countries including Korea, Hong Kong who board at Scots All Saints College had loads of fun at a special dinner in Bathurst to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Just a reminder that students are required to wear a school hat when outside. Fortunately the days are somewhat cooler lately but this does not diminish the damage that can occur to our skin when we are outside in the sun. I would ask that parents assist us in ensuring students have the correct hat available. The Senior School wishes the younger students well for the K-6 Swimming Carnival this week; the first major Scots All Saints College sporting event for 2019. We trust you will have a safe and fun time. Siu Kwan Tang with ice cream and chocolate.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Zijie Chen’s came up with the idea for the dinner. 02 6331 3911


Co-curricular Mr Justin Adams Director of Co-curricular

After less than two full weeks this year it is really exciting to see that many of our co-curricular programs are up and running. This cannot be done without the outstanding work of our talented and dedicated staff. We thank the students for responding and getting involved with the various co-curricular programs and also our parents for their support. There is a wide variety of co-curricular activities for our students to get involved in. Our summer sports teams are back into the second half of the season and despite changes to some sports training sessions, coaching arrangements and new transport logistics things seem to be developing some routine. We thank the students and parents for their support and patience during this transitional phase. The sports coordinators Mr Gardner and Mrs Nelson are busy at present preparing for the swimming carnivals and will be calling for winter sport nominations next week. Keep an eye out for a CareMonkey communication. Mr Clipsham, Ms Tamsitt, Mr Ball and the rest of the team in the music department have a huge range of musical offerings for students to join or try. Please seek out these staff for more information about their ensembles and music tuition programs. The Highland Dance classes have also begun with a very good response from the student body. New dancers are always welcome – even if you just want to try it out to see if you like it. Our teachers Mary and Kim are very friendly, passionate and experienced instructors. Information about Junior School classes can be sourced from Mr Roohan. The Middle School class (suitable for girls in Years 5-8) is held on a Thursday afternoon at the All Saints Campus from 3:30pm to 4:30pm and the Senior School (7–12) class is also on a Thursday at the Scots Campus from 5:15pm to 6:15pm.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Information for these classes can be sourced from Mr Adams. Our swimming program has also resumed with Learn to Swim lessons and Junior Dolphins Squads for our Junior School students on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 3:45pm held at the Scots Campus Indoor Pool. Further information and confirmation of lesson times can be sourced from our swimming coach and swim teaching coordinator Sharon Inwood at Our senior squads are training on Thursday mornings (6:45am – 8am) or Thursday afternoon (5:15am – 6:15pm). Discounted rates are available for late enrolments – students can start next week if they like. We draw your attention to some swimming carnival preparation clinics being offered to our students on the next two Saturday afternoons. These clinics will have two experienced Bronze Level coaches who will be there to give all of our students the chance to get some instruction on their swimming in preparation to our carnivals and representative carnivals. The swimming clinics will run from 7am to 8:15am at Scots Campus Indoor Pool. This Saturday (16 Feb) is open to students in Years 7–12 and the following Saturday (23 Feb) is open to students in Years 7–12 and any Junior School students selected to represent the College at WAS/HICES. continued page 9

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Co-curricular Our Cadets program commenced this week. The recruit program (Term 1) is compulsory for students in Year 9 and open to Year 8 students who would like to gain leadership rank positions in the future. Our Equestrian and Cattle Team programs are also up and running. Mrs Dawes has the students working on preparing their cattle for the show season approaching later this term and our horse riders have started their lessons on Monday afternoons in preparation for events later in the year. The Royal Bathurst Show Awards are open and will close on 15 March. The Young Rural Achievers awards have categories ranging from 12 years to Open division. There are also Literature competitions open to Primary and Secondary aged students.

More information and entry forms will be distributed on each campus or can be forwarded via email from Mrs Dawes or Mr Adams. The Pipes and Drums have resumed band practice with the senior band members and have had their first band job. Mr Mackenzie and his team will be confirming the tuition program for Middle School students in the coming weeks. The Rural Fire Service Cadets program will be starting on Monday (18 February) from 5pm on the Scots Campus. This program is aimed at students 15 -18 years and teaches them the skills necessary to control fires and respond to emergencies. It is run by volunteers from the O’Connell RFS and is a highly valued program for many of our rural students and families. The program is free of charge and will involve some firefighting competitions later in the year.

Importance Notice for parents/guardians of students: Click on the links the read 2019 Student Residential Address and Other Information collection notice Frequently Asked Questions– 2019 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection



10am to 4pm Scots Campus, O’Connell Road

SPORT REPORTS Cricket and tennis


SPORTS DRAW Click here to Download PDF Senior cricket draws can be found at http:// Middle and Junior cricket draws can be found at au/ CONNECT TO SCOTS ALL SAINTS Online Calendar Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911

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