Issue 3 | Thursday 17 February 2022
A conversation with the Head of College Mr John Weeks
Congratulations Year 12 2021 student Callum Duncan-Keen has received the NSW Premiers Award for All-round Excellence in the NSW Higher School Certificate. Callum achieved the perfect ATAR of 99.95, one of only 45 in the State. Congratulations, Callum, on this recognition from the Premier. Senior School Co-curricular The extensive range of co-curricular activities has now been published with the times, dates and contact staff listed. With the exception of the Active Afternoon sports programs, which occur within the school timetable, co-curricular is an ‘opt-in’, ‘opt-out’ program. Students can sign up for as many options as they like (or parents can cope with), and these activities can be great fun for building friendship groups. Please click HERE to review the current options. These will be continually revised throughout the year, with others added to the program. Feel free to contact the relevant staff member if you require more information. Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
The College Musical Students have been working hard since last year on our first College Musical in two years. Matilda – The Musical is scheduled for live performances in the first week of May. I have been listening to the rehearsals from my office… it will be amazing! More details soon about bookings, so watch for this information in The Roar. Introducing new staff Over the next few weeks, I will profile the new members of staff who have joined Scots All Saints College this year. Introducing Mr Warren Stocks Mr Stocks is The Student Management Officer for the Senior School and works directly with students and parents each day. He is there to follow up student absences, monitor return to school, oversee outside appointments during the day, follow up student concerns, and manage student transport, camps and student compliance issues around uniform and student behaviour. Mr Stocks is a very experienced member of staff who has worked in this role before and looks forward to engaging positively with students and parents as we work together at the College. Welcome Mr Stocks! 02 6331 3911
From the Chaplain Rev. Michael Bennett Chaplain Journeying towards Easter with a choice On December 6, 1829, two men, George Wilson and James Porter, robbed a United States mail courier. Both pleaded guilty and were sentenced to death. Porter was executed, but Wilson had influential friends. They pleaded with the United States President, Andrew Jackson, for a presidential pardon to spare his life. The President granted the pardon. However, Wilson refused it. In the confusion, the matter was taken to the US Supreme Court to overturn Wilson’s refusal, but hey stated: “[For a] pardon … Delivery is not complete without acceptance. It may be rejected. If rejected, we have discovered no power in court to enforce it. It may be supposed that nobody being condemned to death would reject a pardon but, if they do, the rule must be the same.” George Wilson was too proud, and he rejected the pardon and was executed. As we journey through the Easter story, we read of two men before the Roman court – Barabbas and Jesus of Nazareth. According to Governor Pilate, one man, Barabbas, was guilty of his crime, and the other, Jesus, was innocent (Luke 23:13-16). Since Governor Pilate realised Jesus was innocent, he tried to release Jesus with the Passover Pardon, which reflected the spirit of the festival. The chief priests rejected this idea and instead sought to have the guilty man set free, and Jesus executed (Matthew 27:1-2). Unlike Wilson, Barabbas accepted the pardon and got out as soon as possible. For me, the two stories encapsulate the church’s message of redemption. A Christian is not pure, holy, good or perfect but is rather a pardoned-sinner set free. The weight of the believer’s sins does not evaporate, as that would not be ‘just’. Rather, it is placed on the shoulders of an innocent substitute. All of us are offered this pardon. Romans 10:9 explains how an individual accepts it: ’If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.’ There is a great movie that came out in 1961, titled: Barabbas. The namesake and star of the movie is Anthony Quinn. In the scene where he is released, he goes to the foot of the cross and he stares at the man nailed in his place. Quinn is brilliant in the scene, as his facial expressions and emotions convey the weight of what has just happened. As a result, his life is changed forever. May it be so with ours also! Amen.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Bus service to and from Abercrombie House The College is providing a bus service to and from Abercrombie House as follows: DEPARTURE TO ABERCROMBIE HOUSE • 5:15 pm Pick up Senior School near the flagpoles • 5:35 pm Pick up Junior School carpark near Reception DEPARTURE FROM ABERCROMBIE HOUSE 10:00 pm for arrival at: • 10:20 pm Junior School • 10:35 pm Senior School
Join us for the 2022
Evening Under the Stars A special social evening for Scots All Saints College Prep to Year 12 Parents Saturday, 5 March, 2022 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm Abercrombie House 311 Ophir Road, Bathurst DRINKS AND CANAPES PROVIDED COST $45 per person PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE ASAP via this link Tickets must be purchased online by F r i d a y , 25 F e b r u a r y f o r c a t e r i n g p u r p o s e s .
This is a COVID-19 safe event. Scots All Saints College is closely following current NSW Health guidelines and advice. Please follow COVID safe practices when attending, and adhere to all venue entry requirements. You can purchase tickets at 2022sascparents. or follow the link on the invitation. 02 6331 3911
Junior School Mr Chris Jackman Head of Junior School
Student Representative Council Semester 1 The Junior School Student Representative Council (SRC) is made up of peer-elected representatives from each class, Kindergarten to Year 6. Each class elects a boy and a girl to represent them for a semester. The representatives meet with Mr Jackman (Head of Junior School) and Rev. Michael Bennett during Friday lunch break every fortnight. They bring ideas and suggestions gathered from members of their class during class meetings that they chair. All students are made to feel comfortable to contribute at these meetings. When representing their class, the SRC members have the privilege of being the “voice” for their peers and have the responsibility to table all ideas from their class and not just their own. The SRC also has an influence on our Servant Leadership Program, which involves our students supporting community organisations and fundraising for worthy causes. Congratulations to the following students on being elected to represent their class this semester. KW Oscar Middleton & Georgie Hibberson KM Stella Naylor & Spencer Ryan 1WE Ella Emanuel & Benjamin Brown 1WA Adelaide Long & Levi Hillyar 2AS Paddy Lenehan & Isabella Munns 3H Thomas Roughley & Mia Gilmore 3I Nicholas Lenehan & Mackenzie Coweel
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
4W Elizabeth Alexander & Austin Smyth 4G Sadie Chapman & Max Banning 5MU Eleanor Koffman & Ewen Kerridge 5MC Emmeline Jacobsen & Thomas Milgate 6N Darcy Smyth & Bridget Li 6H Harrison Leet & Isla Fitzgerald Swimming Carnival The Junior School Swimming Carnival will take place on Friday, 18 February at the Junior School swimming pool. Unfortunately, due to Covid Risk Management Plans, parents and carers will not be able to attend the carnival. In order to not mix cohorts, the Carnival will not be conducted in the usual format. Year 5 and 6 will compete at 9:15 am, Year 3 and 4 after recess and Infants classes after lunch. Mobile Phones at School Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones, or smart watches whilst on campus between 8:30 am and 3:15 pm. If a student needs to bring a mobile phone to school, they are to hand it to their class teacher, where it will be placed in a basket for the day. They need to collect it at the end of the school day. Chris Jackman, Head of Junior School 02 6331 3911
Mr Anthony Roohan Deputy Head of Junior School
New resources also arrived this week for our Kindergarten Investigators program. Kindergarten had a great time exploring them yesterday as part of their final unit for the term. They’re looking forward to more investigating in Term 2!
Home Readers Thank you very much to the parents who were able to assist with covering our new home readers. A big thank you to Theresa De Gabriel, Lauren Fallow, Kassandra Mangan, Sarah McGrath and Kylie Naylor. We couldn’t have done it without you, and the students are enjoying their new books. There’s still a few left to cover, so if you are able to assist, please pop in and see Belinda in the front office. Stage 2 Camp Notification On Thursday, 31 March 2022, Stage 2 teachers and myself and Stage Two students will travel by bus to Taronga Western Plains Zoo for our overnight Stage 2 camp. The camp is a fantastic opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of Semester One Geography content, build friendships and develop their independence. The camp will also include a tour of the Cathedral Cave at Wellington Caves and an ancient landscapes and fossil tour as well as three action-packed activities at Burrendong Sport and Recreation Camp. Plans are currently being finalised and presents tremendous value at approximately $250. Further details will be sent to Stage 2 parents shortly. STEM Lessons Year 5 received a Zoom visit from Katie Vidal from She Maps earlier this week. We’ve teamed up with Katie, who will work closely with myself and our Stage 3 students this year as part of an introduction to our drone and geospatial program. Katie met with Year 5 students and discussed where and how drones can be used, as well as the importance of staying safe when using drones.
Stage 3 Kreative Koalas Kreative Koalas is an action learning program that engages primary school students in sustainability awareness, understanding and action through art, design, creativity, teamwork and project development. This year, I’ll be working with passionate Stage 3 students who are eager to do something about global issues at a local level. The program involves creating an artwork on a giant fibreglass koala that features a sustainability theme, a local community action project and digital learning journey. Next Tuesday, I’ll be hosting an Information Session for interested Stage 3 students in the Innovation Centre at 1:15 pm. If we have enough passionate and interested students, we will submit an expression of interest in early March. If successful, I will meet regularly with these students as we undertake a community action project. Anthony Roohan, Deputy Head of Junior School
Meanwhile, Year 6 recently completed their 18 hole Sphero bot golf course and integrated a range of STEAM-based skills as they programmed their bots around the gruelling course. Year 4 flew to the moon (VR style) as part of their work on designing a vehicle to explore the moon whilst Year 3 travelled to the Pinnacles and the Great Ocean Road (VR style) to see how the earth’s surface has continued to change over time. Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
Mrs Jo Nicholls Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Co-ordinator
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing With our school term well underway, it was wonderful to hear from the Junior School classes on how they are incorporating our wellbeing program Bounce Back into their classrooms, tailoring the messages to match the cognitive level of their students. This fortnight, I visited the Year 1 classrooms to see what they were learning. During Bounce Back lessons, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Wells asked the students to design wooden cutouts of themselves and decorate them to represent their individuality. This fun activity is helping the students develop an overall sense of each other and how they belong, which is essential to their wellbeing and ability to flourish at school. Year 1 has also introduced a weekly way to acknowledge kindness and compassion across the year group. A student is chosen for their observed kindness or compassion and given a kindness bag tag. I had the pleasure of seeing Georgia receive her tag this week. Keep up the great work, Year 1! Mrs Jo Nicholls, Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Junior School Co-Curricular Music Just a reminder about a few of the key co-curricular offerings in Music. Wednesdays 8:00–8:50 am – Sinfonia Strings– Music Centre – Years 2-6 1:15-1:40 pm - Infants Choir – Infants Music Room 3:15 – 4:45 pm Junior School Orchestra - Music Centre Thursdays 8:00-8:50 am – Infants Strings - Infants Music Room 8:00-8:50 am - Primary Choir – Music Centre Please contact for further details. Highland Dancing Highland Dancing times are as follows. Any families still owing 2021 dancing fees will not be able to commence. Please note that Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) is now at 8:30 am. 8:30- Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) 1:10- 1:50 pm- Stage 2 2:30- 3:00 pm- Kinder 3:20- 4:00 pm- Stage 3 Please contact if you have any questions. 02 6331 3911
Senior School Mr Justin Adams Acting Deputy Head P-12/ Head of Senior School
With utmost respect to the sudden departure of Mr Weeding, I am honoured to serve in the position of Acting Deputy Head of College and Head of Senior School. The position requires a lot of responsibility to the students, families and staff of the College, and I will endeavour to do my very best every day. I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. I am particularly looking forward to getting to know our new students at the Senior Campus this year. To give you some background of my journey in education and to help you get to know me a little better, I will share with you a little at each opportunity in The Roar. My name is Justin Adams. I am the second eldest of four. I was born in Lithgow and have lived in several regional NSW towns including, Inverell, Parkes, Orange, Junee and Bathurst. I am a Christian, and have attended the Bathurst Presbyterian Church since moving back to Bathurst in 2004. I am married and have two children who attend Scots All Saints College. I have had many roles in various schools including: PDHPE teacher, Year Advisor, Head of Department, Sportsmaster and Director of Co-Curricular. Car Park – Pick Up and Drop Off This week I have assisted with the supervision of the car park movements. I thank the parents and students for their co-operation. The traffic is flowing well, and the safety has much improved. We look forward to the line marking and signage that will be added. An updated flow diagram and refinement of procedures, particularly for our senior students who drive to school, is being worked on at present and will be communicated in due course. Snake Awareness and Safety It is not unusual for the Senior Campus or, in fact, any school in Bathurst to have snake sightings,
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
particularly at this time of the year. Please be very aware of areas around the College's boundaries where long grasses and bushes can be home to snakes. Do not enter areas that are overgrown with grasses or plants. We remind students to be cautious of snakes and remind them of some simple rules regarding sightings. 1. When left alone, snakes present little or no danger to people. 2. If you see a snake, keep calm and move yourself and anyone with you away from the area. 3. Don’t attempt to capture or harm snakes, instead advise the supervising teacher so that they can report the sighting. Co-Curricular Programs An information letter was distributed via email to students and parents regarding co-curricular opportunities for our students (7-12). We encourage students to take advantage of the opportunities presented, and we look forward to the development of our programs. Swimming Carnivals With consideration of the COVID-19 prevention strategies, we are preparing for our Inter House Carnival to be held in our own pool with three Stage based carnivals next week. Stage 4 (Years 7 & 8) will be on Tuesday, Stage 5 (Years 9 & 10) will be on Wednesday, and Stage 6 (Years 11 & 12) will be on Thursday. (Please note that a modified Active Afternoon session for Years 9 & 10 students will run on Thursday afternoon. Details will be communicated to the students via email and daily notices). The electronic timing system and the undercover setting will allow us to run a near-full program of events and still be able to determine our age champions and do so with reduced risks of transmission and out of the sun. Mr Wilkinson will have details of the proposed program of events and the procedures for the carnivals. For all three carnivals, the students will attend periods 1 to 3, then attend the swimming carnival from the end of recess until the end of the day. Students are asked to wear their House shirts to school and make sure that they bring their swimmers, towel, goggles, swimming caps and water bottles. 02 6331 3911
Stage 5 Report The beginning of a school year is always exciting, and the introduction of Year 9 to the Senior School Campus and Stage 5 increases this feeling. Most of the students participated in an Orientation Day at the end of last year and should be commended for the amount of information that they retained from that day.
going, starting the year strong, organised and motivated. It has also been pleasing to see the guidance and support they have given our new campus students. Under the current guidelines, we are not meeting as a whole stage but rather back in year groups. We meet fortnightly to touch base and use this time to disseminate information and for students to build on social learning.
New classrooms, teachers and even some new subjects have created a steep learning curve for Year 9. As Year 9’s team leaders, we encourage the students to ask questions when they are unsure and take ownership of their learning so that the year can be a truly unique experience for every student.
Year 12 have been surveyed by their academic prefects, who are now working to create study groups. These groups will run during our team meeting, allowing students to build upon their collaborative learning and study skills. All the while fostering and encouraging each other to do their best.
As Stage 5 students are no longer new to high school routines, striving to reach for greater knowledge and understanding of our academic subjects and our community, environment, and most importantly, ourselves should be reflected upon regularly.
This week, Year 11 participated in a seminar from CSU with a visit from their student engagement officer. The presentation covered all facets of Uni life, from applying and scholarship to what degrees were on offer. CSU has six campuses across NSW and offers 72 different degrees, ranging from science to drama, engineering to nursing, vet science to medicine.
These reflections will happen from time to time in formal settings, such as year meetings and class evaluations and reports, but are also encouraged to be regularly informal and personal with parents and other significant people in their lives. We invite this discussion as a proactive measure of learning and a way of raising areas of concern as well as achievements. As parents of our Stage 5 students, please feel free to contact us through email: Cassandra.pearce@ or Michael.germech@ We look forward to sharing the journey on what will almost certainly be another year of changes and challenges. Cassie Pearce and Michael Germech Stage 6 Report With Week 3 nearly under our belt, we are pleased to report how well both Year 11 and Year 12 are
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Wednesday night was the final for the Bathurst Lions Club Youth of the Year Award. Our College was proudly represented by Dylan Boniface in Year 12. Dylan wowed the audience with his impromptu and prepared speech. Dylan had two minutes to answer each of his impromptu questions, one of which was “how do you encourage young people to be leaders” and the other one was “ what makes a good communal space for young people”. Dylan won this section of the competition and was recognised as the best speaker on the night. Thank you to Bathurst Lions Club for hosting this event and creating this opportunity. Reminder, we have our Stage 6 Swimming Carnival next Thursday, 24 February. We are looking forward to a wonderful afternoon of sportsmanship and house spirit. Helen Jones and Duane Bailey 02 6331 3911
All Things Sport Mr Mark Wilkinson Sports Administrator
It’s SASC swimming carnival time! Tomorrow we’re kicking things off with our Junior School carnival. The carnival will take place at our Junior Campus pool, and we’ll be breaking things up into three separate sessions to keep things COVID safe. Session 1 – Years 5 & 6 Session 2 – Years 3 & 4
ISA Tennis success Just two and a half weeks into the new school year and we already have our first ISA representatives for 2022. On Tuesday, Sarah Edwards and Izaak Scott were selected in the ISA tennis team. They’ll now go on to represent the ISA against the best players from GPS and CAS associations. Sarah will also go on to compete at the CIS trials in a couple of weeks.
Session 3 – K – 2 The weather forecast looks amazing, so it will be super important you throw some sunscreen and a SASC bucket hat on the kids before they leave home tomorrow morning. We’ll also be reminding everyone to slip, slop and slap throughout the day.
U18 state success for Lily Kable
Our Senior School carnival will take place over three days at our Senior Campus pool.
If those backpackin’ beans are still up north in April, chances are they’ll run into our very own Lily Kable.
Tuesday, 22 February – Years 7 & 8 Wednesday, 23 February – Years 9 & 10 Thursday 24 February – Years 11 & 12 Regular timetabled lessons will be held in the morning, with our Senior School carnivals starting at the end of recess and running through to the end of the day. All students are required to wear their Summer sports uniform, including house polo and bucket hat. Students are encouraged to swim in solid-colour (blue or black) swimmers and house swimming caps. Due to the current COVID restrictions, we won’t be having spectators at our carnivals. I understand how frustrating this is, and I’m hoping things will be back to normal sooner rather than later.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Did you hear about the baked beans that backpacked around Australia? They ended up in Cairns!
This week Lily was selected in the NSW U18 State Hockey team. Lily will now go on to represent the state at the 2022 Hockey Australia U18 Championships which will be held this April, in you guessed it, Cairns. What makes this achievement even more awesome is that Lily is only 15 years old. Great job Lily!
Summer sport shout outs Hats off to these legends who had a great week in the sporting arena… Isabelle Jones, Eliza Rennie, Owen Hooper, Chelsea Stocks and Alicia Kicovic. 02 6331 3911
Books wanted for Matilda: The Musical Do you have unwanted books at home taking up space? The Performing Arts Academy need LOTS of unwanted books for the sets for Matilda: The Musical. Please drop your books at Reception on either campus, or send them to school with your students to leave with Ms Sargeant at the Senior School Performing Arts Centre, or the drop zone at the Junior School Music Centre.
Do you know a Young Carer?
Young Carers are under 25, and look after a family member who has a medical condition, a disability or a mental health condition. Young Carers can get support through the Young Carers Support Program.
Congratulations Lillian Oke Massive congratulations to Lillian Oke, who attended the Western Group Young Judging and Paraders Finals in Dubbo last weekend and was incredibly successful! She has now qualified to compete at the upcoming Sydney Royal Show, where she will compete in the Merino and Beef cattle judging and the Beef cattle parading. It has been a privilege watching Lillian develop her passion and skills in Junior Judging over the past six years - she has always been a natural - Lillian joined the cattle show team when she was in Year 7 and has been a committed and wonderful team member, mentor and now team leader. What a tremendous role model she is for our new cattle and sheep show team members. Mrs Libby Dawes, Director or Agriculture
Supports include: Camps
Social Activities
Help with Educational Resources After School Activities Counselling
The Young Carer Program is FREE to access. If you are a young carer yourself, or you know a young carer, call 1800 422 737 for further information or to register.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
After School Care at Scots All Saints College
KINDERGARTEN TO YEAR 6 After School Care will be available, on request from 3:15 pm- 6:00 pm. There is a flat charge of $15 per child or $20 per family (ie 2 or more children). Penalty fees will be incurred at the rate of $10 for every fifteen (15) minutes after that time.
PREPARATORY SCHOOL Junior Campus After School Instruction will be available, on request until 6:00 pm. Between 3:15 pm and 5:00 pm there is no extra charge. Between 5:00 – 6:00 pm there is a charge of $15 per child or $20 per family. Penalty fees will be incurred at the rate of $10 for every fifteen (15) minutes after that time.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
SCHOOL STUDENT TRAVEL PASSES Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel Students/parents should confirm with StudentsSchool who needstudent a travel pass but have not yet travel information for passes. parents and students their nominated operator if they do not receive a applied need to apply or update their details as pass. soonTravel as possible. If outside Greater Sydney, parents School Passes should contact their local bus operator to discuss CODE OF CONDUCT their travel needs. All students required to need complytowith the Students who need a School Opal card or travel pass but have notare yet applied New Student Opal cards (including new Term Bus Student code of conduct. The code of conduct apply or update their details as soon as possible. Passes) will be sent to the student’s nominated aims to ensure the safety and well-being of school within two weeks of their application In thepostal Opaladdress network, students should travel with a Child/Youth Opal card until theyIt receive children and other passengers. is important that being approved. Students living in rural and regional parents ensure their child is aware of this, as their valid School Opal card. If outside Greater Sydney, parents should contact their local (R&R) areas will receive their travel pass from their failure to comply with the code of conduct can bus operator to discuss their travel needs. nominated transport operator. It may be issued via result in a suspension from travel. school or becards sent directly to them home.Bus Passes) will be sent to the student’s New their Student Opal (including newatTerm nominated postal address within two weeks of their application being approved.
BOARDERS PASSES – Renewal and New
Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas will receive their travel pass from their nominated transport operator. It may be issued via theirYear school or be sent directly to athem 11 students who were issued pass in Boarders who live in New South Wales are entitled to at home. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should previous years should check their passes NOW to free travel to their home address from the College ensure they did not expire at the end of last year. confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass. and return. However, in order to qualify for this, they need to have a Concession Pass. If the pass has expired, they will need to renew it Boarders who have been here for a while will already as requests for free travel could be rejected by Transport for NSW if the pass is out of date. New Termshave of Use one. Given that a return trip to Dubbo or Sydney could cost over $90.00, it is worthwhile taking students to the College will also need to apply for a pass. the time to Opal apply. cards Parentsmust can lodge theand application Students using tap on tap off in line with the Opal terms of use. online Concessions application and enquiries | Please contact Mr Maher if you have any questions The to Heads of Houses and Mr aboutofthe Boarders’ Passes or of need further All students are required comply with the Student code conduct. The code conduct Maher also have paper and electronic copies that assistance. aims to ensure the safety and well-being of school children and other passengers. It is students can fill out. important that parents ensure their child is aware of this, as failure to comply with the code of conduct can result in a suspension from travel.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
NSW SCHOOL VACCINATION PROGRAM Each year NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school vaccination program. In 2022 the following vaccines will be offered: YEARS
VACCINE Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
NUMBER OF DOSES 2-doses at least 6 months apart
Year 7 Years 10
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine
Single dose
Meningococcal ACWY vaccine
Single dose
Parent Information Kits that include an information sheet, consent form and privacy statement will be sent home to parents/guardians. To consent to the vaccination of their child, parents/guardians are advised to: •
read all the information provided
complete the consent form, including signing their name next to the vaccine/s they would like their child to receive
return the completed consent form to their child’s school
ensure that their child eats breakfast on the day of the school vaccination clinic.
Please note that, to improve vaccination completion, students will be opportunistically offered catch-up vaccination for any missed doses, including: • during Year 8 (for HPV and dTpa vaccination) and during Year 11(for Meningococcal ACWY vaccination) for consent signed in 2021 • during Year 9 or Year 12 to students in Years 9 and 12 (who were in Years 7 and 10 respectively in 2020) who missed vaccination during 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 disruptions. PHUs will minimise school disruptions by offering extended catch-up vaccination during routine Year 7 and 10 clinics. Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by writing to the school Principal or phoning the school. The Procedure for Withdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Health website at A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated at each clinic either as a physical card or a text message sent to the mobile number recorded on the consent form. Details about vaccinations given at school will also be uploaded to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) to support complete vaccination histories.
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
From the All Saints' College archives
ALL SAINTS’ A TRUE FAMILY SCHOOL In the past, All Saints’ College was called a family school as many generations of the same family followed in the footsteps of their parents, grandparents and even great grandparents. The Johnstone family is one family who can record four generations of their family have attended All Saints’ since 1903! Most of the family came from properties in the Nyngan area. Frank Johnstone was at the school from 1946 to 1949, and his brother Edward, better known as Ted, Johnstone was there 1949-1953. Ted’s father-in-law Thomas Murchison attended All Saints from 1903 to 1907, and Ted’s own four went to All Saints’ as boarders from 1976 to 1992. Lloyd was there 1976-1982 and was school captain, Rugby captain and a prefect. Lynne Woodlock (Johnstone) attended All Saints’ from 1978 to 1984 and was a prefect, House Captain, and is now a teacher and house parent of Ives House. Her brother Craig was there from 1980 to 1986, and was a prefect and Bean House Captain, and youngest brother Glenn, 1985-1992 was School Captain, Prefect, Rugby Captain and Cricket Captain. Lynne’s two daughters attended All Saints’ as boarders. From 2008 to 2013 and Ruby
2013-2018, Alice Woodlock was a Prefect and Bean House Captain. Lloyd’s son Luke Johnstone attended All Saints’ 2015-2016. Today, there are many other families who have had long connections to both schools as the tradition of sending their children or grandchildren to Scots All Saints College continues to make it a ‘True Family School’! Mrs Memory Sanders, Archives
Lynne Woodlock (Johnstone).
Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911
College Covid-19 Update
Starting 14th February: 3.25pm– 4.30pm in the Learning Centre
2. WEDNESDAY BEFORE SCHOOL HOMEWORK CENTRE Starting 16th February: 8.00am– 8.40am in the Learning Centre
Staff available to help with homework, assessment tasks, time management and study skills Year 12 Academic Prefects will help answer homework & classwork questions and check understanding
Available for all serious students; please arrive with work to complete. Due to Covid restrictions, students will be separated into Stage groups.
Click on our Covid-19 guidelines: Senior School and Junior School CONNECT TO SCOTS ALL SAINTS Facebook
For more information, please contact Sarah O’Neill:
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Junior School Campus Preparatory School, Junior (Years K–6) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Senior School Campus Senior, Boarding (Years 7-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6331 3911