The Roar Newsletter Issue 8 Term 1 2019

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Issue 8


Thursday 21 March 2019

upcoming major events

Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates

The Highland Gathering is on this Sunday, 24 March. An enormous amount of work goes into the organisation of this event led by the Parents and Friends (P&F) Association and led by President, Lindsay Wilde a strong team of committed parents across the College in collaboration with our Marketing, Grounds team on promotions and preparations. In the days prior and on Sunday 24 March, we need all members of the school community, students, staff and parents, to commit to being involved. This is not only a major fundraiser, along with the Spring Fair, for the SASC P&F but also a wonderful community event which showcases our school to the wider community. I ask that you be involved and encourage friends, family and neighbours to attend on the day. It is always a great honour for me to invite a special guest to be the annual Highland Gathering Chieftain and to share the official duties of the day with them. It is my pleasure to announce that this year’s Highland Gathering Chieftain is Dorothy Keers. This is a great honour for us and Dorothy who has enjoyed a long association with the Highland Gathering. The following is a brief biographical sketch of our guest of honour: Dorothy Keers (nee McKenzie) was raised in the Sydney Scottish Community by parents who held several positions in the community. As a teenager, Dorothy belonged to several Scottish Community Younger Sets and was a Black Watch Drum Majorette, meeting her husband, now deceased, at a Scottish function. They had two children, a son who is a Pipe Major and a daughter who was a tenor drummer. Dorothy has held positions in various Scottish organisations over the years including Secretary of The Highland Society of NSW, Campsie Scottish Society, Pipe Bands Australia (NSW Branch) and of the Combined Scottish Societies of NSW. continued page 2

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

24 MARCH 2019

Highland Gathering

Scots Campus will host the annual Highland Gathering from 10:00 am-4:00 pm

28-30 MARCH 2019

Beauty and the Beast Students will perform the hit musical at BMEC.

3-4 April 2019

DaVinci Decathlon Years 5-6 and Years 7-8 will participate in this exciting event. For more events view our Online Calendar 02 6331 3911


Help guide: Canvas login & account setup for parents

Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates

Dorothy is employed full time as an Environment,Health and Safety Professional for 3M and is responsible for sites across Australia and New Zealand. Dorothy is currently Chieftain of Eastwood and Campsie Scottish Societies; Vice Principal for Rules and Administration for the NSW Branch of Pipe Bands Australia and is on the National Panel as a Pipe Band Contest Supervisor. I am pleased to announce Scots All Saints College has entered a new partnership with Westfund Health Insurance that will enable all employees and immediate families of College students to access reduced health insurance premiums in the form of a 5% discount and waiver of 2 month general treatment waiting period. This arrangement is an extension of a previous relationship The Scots School had with the health insurer. A number of parents have already taken up this offer over our 3-year association with Westfund. The new discount will apply to new policies and current customers are entitled to a pro rata discount on their premiums from 22 March 2019. Westfund is a Platinum sponsor of the Highland Gathering and their local team will be available at the event to answer any questions about your private health fund needs. Further details are included in the flyer on page 13. Our Senior Music and Drama students have been working very hard on the College Musical, ‘Beauty and the Beast’, which will be held at BMEC on 28, 29 & 30 March. I enjoyed observing them in rehearsal last weekend and can certainly attest to the enormous undertaking the production is. Tickets are on sale and I encourage everyone to make a real effort to attend this wonderful production. The Senior School enjoyed a scene on Assembly last week and the show promises to be an outstanding production. I wish to thank the Old Boys’ Cricket Team who played their annual fixture against our First XI and Second XI on Sunday. This is an important fixture on our calendar which speaks of our community which extends well beyond the time students spend at school. I know our SASC students gain much from the day even if we are rarely able to win the match. The First XI however got quite close this year with the match going down to the last over in a frantic run chase.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

If you are having trouble logging in to Canvas, or would like advice on setting notifications, please go to this link to watch the videos. Canvasparents1 Canvasparents2 Canvasparents3 Canvas can be accessed via https://scotsallsaints. Canvas is a virtual classroom. It is not intended to replace the real classroom but to supplement it. It is particularly handy when students need to catch up after absences due to co-curricular activities or illness. There are four main purposes behind the use of a virtual classroom: increased interaction, information sharing, parental involvement, and access to live calendar information. For Year 5-12 the virtual classroom is operational. For Kinder to Year 4, the calendar only is available for parents to view. Canvas facilitates more and varied interaction between students and teachers with the facility for collaboration, discussions, quizzes, and general announcements. This ties in with information sharing such as the provision of links to various resources, file sharing (which should save paper!), assessment dates, the details of tasks to be completed, and marks achieved. In relation to the capacity for parental observation within the virtual classroom, the full range of parental expectations are catered for. You can have notifications come through to you regularly so that you can monitor your child’s progress and proactively help them manage their time, or you can have all notifications switched off with the expectation that they will take full responsibility. To set how often you receive notifications in Canvas, select Account in the top left hand corner, then notifications. You can choose the appropriate option for each category (“Notify me right away”, “Send daily summary”, “Send weekly summary”, or “Don’t send me anything”).

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Today’s Reflection Mr Samuel Gittins Chaplain

God has fullness of life and fellowship in Himself. He does not need us to be complete. What an amazing thing that the God of the universe would call us into a relationship with Himself! This call is offered in the person and work of Jesus. After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” Matthew 3:16-17 [NLT-SE] 16

How many persons are there in the Godhead? There are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

Highland Gathering School Stalls

Donations Call Out We need your help with for the following items: From now until Saturday 23 March, the day before the Highland Gathering, please leave any donated items at either: All Saints Campus – The Chaplain’s Office adjacent to the uniform shop Scots Campus - For Tombola and Chocolate toss leave at Scots Campus Reception and Books at The Old Rugby Canteen adjacent to Galloway House. Modern Tombola:

Small, New items suitable for kids and adults (in jars or not, both are welcome).

Chocolate Toss:

Chocolate blocks and chocolate bars.

Book Stall:

Interesting books of any interesting subject

Think of these in the week before the Highland Gathering and drop them off on the Saturday and the morning of the Highland Gathering to the Tim Richards Pavilion at the main oval on the Scots Campus. Devonshire Teas

Scones, scones and more scones, jam and cream

Cakes Stall

Yummy Cakes, Muffins, Slices. Wrapped and with ingredients listed.

Plants Stall

Plants and Produce of any kind. Honey, Cuttings, Bulbs, Preserves, Pickles, Jams, Relishes, Fruit, etc.

Please let us know, via email, what you are supplying so we can manage stock. Contact us at highlandgathering.sascpfa@ The Highland Gathering Committee

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


HIGHLAND GATHERING THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Platinum Westfund Panorama Orthopaedics Durham Street Vets AC & HC Collins Transport Gold Stewart Street Vets Intentus Silver Busby Medical Practice Kelso Truck Tyres & Mechanical Verto Clansmen Mayfield Garden In kind Kennards Hire Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


The Scots All Saints First and Seconds teams and the Old Boys teams.

Weather holds off for Old Boys cricket Scots All Saints College Cricket first and seconds cricket teams joined the Old Boys for their inaugural match at the main oval on Scots Campus on Saturday. There was a great turnout of spectators to enjoy the game and watch the Old Boys win both matches. Captains Greg Radford and Charles Flude were presented with the Don Wiburd Trophy.

Greg Radford and Charles Flude holding the Don Wiburd Trophy.

Scots Old Boys who attended were: Kieran Ball, Patrick Bird, Roger Cantwell (Not in the photo),Clint Cole, Sam Darcy, P J Edwards, David Flude, Patrick Harris, Gordon Larkings, Angus Lennon, Barry Nott, Hugh Nott, James Nott, Greg Radford, Oliver Simpson, Bruce Webb, Robert Webb, Oliver Wythes. All Saints Old Boys: James Keech, Campbell Morris, Adam Plummer, Joshua Willcox

The SASC First XI roll the covers off for play to commence.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


After School Care

After School Care is a valuable program offered at Scots All Saints College from 3:20 pm – 6:00 pm every school day during term. The cost is a flat rate of $10 per single child or $15 per family per day. If you wish your child to attend, it is essential to place a note in the student’s diary. Afternoon tea is provided for children who attend but if your child would like to bring something in to eat, they are most welcome to do so (nut free please). After School Care sets aside time during each afternoon for homework. The team liaises with the class teachers to know what homework is set for the week so children are encouraged to complete homework during this time. At After School Care, we do daily sport and art activities. During this term, students have enjoyed activities such as cricket, soccer, handball, table tennis, play dough, origami, paper bag puppets, pet rocks, paper kites and paper flowers. We try to make every day a different and engaging experience for children of all age groups. It is requested that parents please label all of their children’s belongings as that makes it easier for us to return the belongings to the owner. If your child has lost anything during their time at After School Care, check the lost property in the Junior School office. We hope to see you soon. Kierin Thornton, Leanne Hornery, Emily Brabham & Georgia Davis

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

Toyo High School visit from Japan The College enjoyed a visit from students from Toyo School in Tokyo on Monday 4 March. After having a little experience of a typical Australian school day in Year 4, the visiting students joined Year 3 Japanese classes and enjoyed getting to know College students through speaking activities. They then introduced the Year 3 students to traditional Japanese ink brush calligraphy. The visiting students headed home at the end of the day with a very positive impression of the College and its students. Likewise, our students had a deeper understanding of the rich culture of Japan. 02 6331 3911


Careers Advice Mrs Helen Jones

Careers is always an interesting topic for discussion and very few of us are where we are today without the odd ‘curve ball’ flying our way. Working with young people who are at the end of their formal education journey is inspiring and brings great optimism for our future communities, environment and world! They are truly living in and entering a global world of work. Scots All Saints College – Careers Facebook Group We have launched our Scots All Saints Careers Facebook group. This is a closed group open to all current students and families as a means of communication, a forum for networking and a platform to disseminate information to all interested parties. All current pathway information will be posted here including: • Apprenticeship/traineeship opportunities • Gap year vacancies • Casual jobs • University courses • Application processes • Student Recommendation Schemes (SRS – AKA Early Entry) • Scholarships • Interesting careers/educational articles and more. Please feel welcome to join. groups/452128638659151/ University FACTS Day – 3rd May 2019 The annual FACTS (Facts about Careers and Tertiary study) will be held at CSU Bathurst during Week 1, Term 2. We are sending ALL Year 12 students to this event as the majority of NSW Universities attend, plus there will be representatives from TAFE NSW, Newcrest Mines, the ADF, NSW Police Force, Private Colleges and selected trades. This makes FACTS Day a great tool for helping our Year 12 students make decisions on their Pathways for 2020. Look out for the permission note on CareMonkey soon.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

‘Country to Canberra’ – Empowering Young Rural Women This not-for-profit organisation runs nationwide programs in support of rural and remote young women. They have an amazing program that connects young women (15-18) with incredible mentors to assist in goal setting, managing stress and planning their futures. Delivered online, with monthly worksheets to steer the conversation, young women are actively supported to achieve their goals. The mentors come from a diverse range of backgrounds, professions and ages. Applications are open now and close March 29 2019. Apply directly via their website below. Australian Catholic University – Careers Advisor Day I attended the Australian Catholic University (ACU) Careers Advisor Professional Development Day on Tuesday to hear about their current opportunities for our students and any changes to entry programs etc. ACU has multiple Campuses across New South Wales plus one each in Canberra and Ballarat. They offer a range of degrees including Law, Business, Allied Health, Nursing, Creative Arts, Philosophy and Global Studies however what they are really known for is their quality Teacher Education. No less than 89% of their Teacher graduates are in Full Time employment within 4 months of graduating which is a VERY impressive fact. Degrees need to have industry credibility for gainful employment to be found and that is certainly the case here. Regarding their Community Achiever Program (CAP) I ask the question that if voluntary work could include all the work our students do when they have to return home to their farms in light of the current drought. There has not been a provision for this in the past but ACU were very receptive, so watch this space!

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Pre-Kindergarten Open Day – Scots Campus Sunday 24 March 11am - 3pm Friends, families and guests are invited to visit the Pre-Kindergarten classrooms and meet the teachers on Scots Campus from 11am - 3pm as part of the Highland Gathering. Pre-Kindergarten is a transition program which is focused on building the necessary skills needed to prepare your child for school. The program offers a balanced approach to both structured and play based learning whilst building confidence and independence in your child before they start their formal schooling. If you are considering or are interested in enrolling your child in the Pre-Kindergarten program, please come out and see us on the day. This is a flexible program enabling you to enrol your child based on the days you need. We look forward to meeting you!

Student writing What I believe in By Loretta Francis “When my eyes start to flutter closed, the pain only gets stronger. I see things, things that don’t just go away after a while, things that frighten me and mankind as we know it. I spend an entire lifetime in this eternal second of suffering and hurt, and as hard as I try I can never make it out soon enough. Gasping for breath I awaken to the cruel reality that we together have made. The bitterness formed from the hatred of humanity travels to my fingertips, and as they type my sorrows away, the energy finds itself spewing into the words.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

It hides deep in their cracks, and when I finally stop to read over them, a blanket of emotion is draped over me. This is what I believe in, I speak from the voice in my mind. This, I say, can really not get any worse. I fall into a mass of unreal soft, and the thoughts are flushed from my brain, from my fingertips and from my soul…” ‘Oh how big the smaller things seemed’ I whisper, every word being sucked straight out of my mouth. The stark white lights make my eyelids flicker, and to think that we have found peace at last, is something that now eats away my dreams.

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


First Scots All Saints College Cattle Team prepares for Blayney, Bathurst and Sydney Royal Easter Show

The Cattle Team: Jake Mawhood, Bailey Ryan, Maddison Burns, Josh Kidd, Alysa Cranston, Will Mitchell, Victoria Webb, Felicity Webb.

30 students from the first ever Scots All Saints College Cattle Team have dedicated many hours over the past four months to train their steers for cattle judging at upcoming local, regional and Sydney shows, including the Blayney Show to be held this weekend. Students from Years 8 -12 regularly meet on the farm at Scots Campus every Monday and Wednesday morning at 7:00 am to prepare their Limousin, Angus, Blue E and Charolais steers for the ring. For the past 11 years, Agriculture teacher, Mrs Libby Dawes has been coordinating the highly successful cattle team and equestrian programs at the Scots School, now merged with All Saints College in Bathurst to become Scots All Saints College in 2019. Click HERE to read the full press release.

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Inter-House Cross Country 7-12

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Inter-House Cross Country 7-12

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


HICES Debating Round 2

Scots All Saints College took a contingent of Year 6 -10 students to Blue Mountains Grammar School last Thursday for round two of the HICES Debating competition. The Junior team of Imogen, Rohan, Lily and Sritha tackled the topic ‘That we should be more truthful about a child’s abilities.’ They were narrowly defeated but acquitted themselves with aplomb against strong Kinross opposition. The Middle teams (Zanthie, Sophie, Xavier, Emily and Jessica, Harriet, Luke and Jai) considered the notion ‘That the use of drones is a breach of privacy.’ This testing topic saw both teams showcase their debating prowess with a win for Jessica, Harriet, Luke and Jai and a narrow loss for Zanthie, Xavier, Sophie and Emily. The Senior teams faced a challenging impromptu topic where they were asked to debate the merits of quotas for indigenous members of parliament. SASC rose to the occasion with wins for the teams of George, Simi, Austin and Sophie and Isobelle, Digby, Charlotte and Jonah. The teams of Jessica, Isaac, Keeran and Robert and Jack, Lachlan and David suffered hard fought losses. The day was a great success and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Andrew Maher and Mrs Jo Nicholls for their assistance with team management and adjudication. We now look forward to Round Three at Kinross Wolaroi School in early April. Mrs Angela Davis

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911


Student writing How is the World Preparing for Severe Weather Events?

Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795




Employees and families of Scots All Saints College are entitled to a 5% corporate discount*

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790

+ 2 month General Treatment waits waived.* For all your enquiries email us at: or call us on:

1300 937 838

*Not available in conjunction with any other offer.

Excludes Ambulance Only and Extras Only cover. Employee number required as proof of employment. Offer available while a valid agreement exists between Westfund and Scots All Saints College. Family Registration No: Westfund Limited ABN 55 002 080 864 A registered private health insurer under the Private Health Insurance Act. A not-for-profit fund. J2571

By Digby Sharpham Severe weather events have numerous negative effects on nations so it essential that they are well prepared to handle them and deal with the effects as they can be costly, both to the economy and to lives. Switzerland has taken matters into their own hands and has created a machine that can capture carbon dioxide directly from the air. The world’s first commercial plant for capturing carbon dioxide from the air opened back in June of 2017 and since then the company that created it, Climeworks, has built another two in Iceland and Italy. The plant is capable of capturing 900 tons of carbon dioxide per year and in addition to this the carbon dioxide collected is fed to a greenhouse where it boosts the growth of the plants inside. In Iceland the gas is injected underground where it reacts with basalt and turns into rock in less than two years while in Italy the carbon dioxide is converted to methane and used as fuel for trucks running on green gas. Climeworks isn’t the only group attempting to save energy and help the environment. The United Arabs Emirates, one of the world’s biggest energy consumers and second in the Middle-East for water scarcity, created plans in late 2018 to build the worlds largest vertical farm. This is a huge step forward for the UAE as it imports 85% of its food and a very small portion of its land is considered arable. The farm will be worth 40 million dollars and will cover an area of 130 thousand square feet but will be capable of producing crops equivalent to 900 acres of farmland. While Climeworks and the UAE aren’t the only groups working to counter energy usage and severe weather events they are great example of what is already being done and if more countries follow suit they will be able to reduce energy usage and reduce the chances of severe weather events. 02 6331 3911


GIFTED & TALENTED EVENT FOR SENIOR STUDENTS This is a day for bright ambitious students who are interested in ideas. This focus will be on the capacity of gifted and talented students to more readily manipulate abstract ideas and make connections across school subject areas. Pupils will spend the day with like-minded youngsters all keen to reach the ceiling of their ability and share ideas.

The aim of this study day is to help gifted students to: 

Improve their thinking skills

Begin to be able to identify what is fundamental from what is trivial

Become intellectually creative

Identify assumptions and distinguish between good and poor arguments

Think systematically and rigorously about relevant modern-day issues

The conference is being held in Sydney at Ascham school on 22nd May at a cost of $45 per student. Please contact Mr Cant or Mrs O’Neill to express interest in attending.




Click here to Download PDF Cricket Senior draw can be found at Cricket Middle and Junior draw can be found at http:// Basketball draw can be found at http://websites.sportstg. com/assoc_page.cgi?c=1-9654-0-480831-0&a=COMPS&seasonID=5879724

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Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795

All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795

Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911

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