Issue 9
Thursday 28 March 2019
upcoming major events
Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates
The Highland Gathering was a wonderful occasion on Sunday despite the unusually warm conditions. We had excellent attendance and the rain stayed away until it was time to pack up! Thank you to all the parents who were involved in so many ways. Thank you to the Friends of Pipes and Drums for organising the Pipe Band Competition and also to Mr Gill MacKenzie and Mr Millaine Longmore. Thank you to Mrs Libby Dawes for an outstanding Equestrian Show Jumping Competition with 180 entrants. Thank you to Mrs Gillian Gates for her organisation of the Highland Dancing and local Dance Troupe displays and to Mr Justin Adams for his games. I am very grateful for the enormous commitment of the Highland Gathering Committee led by Mr Lindsay Wilde, President of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association. Lindsay has been the P&F President and Highland Gathering Convener for the past 6 years. This is Lindsay’s last year in both roles and I wish to publicly convey my sincere gratitude for the exceptional leadership he has provided. I have enjoyed working closely with Lindsay and his committee and we will miss his leadership and outstanding organisational skills. I wish to thank everyone involved who organised stalls and activities, built the castle and tents and did a great deal more besides, often behind the scenes, to ensure the success of such a large undertaking. It was an honour for me to be able to share the day with Mrs Dorothy Keers who was named Chieftain for the Highland Gathering in recognition of her long term commitment to the event and to the Pipe Band competition. continued page 2
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790
28-30 MARCH 2019
Beauty and the Beast Students will perform the hit musical at BMEC.
3-4 April 2019
DaVinci Decathlon Years 5-6 and Years 7-8 will participate in this exciting event.
11 April 2019
Easter Service and Hat Parade This will be held on the Chapel Lawn at 2pm on the All Saints Campus. For more events view our Online Calendar 02 6331 3911
Out and about with the Headmaster Mr David Gates
Dorothy enjoyed the activities of the day very much and loved moving around the stalls and activities in between her official duties with the Pipe Band Competition. The School Cattle Team enjoyed outstanding success at the Blayney Show on Saturday and are primed for Sydney Royal in less than two weeks. Sydney Royal is the Cattle Team ‘Grand Final’ and one of the real highlights of the College calendar. We have a large team this year and the students who have been involved in Cattle Team over the last two terms have developed a whole range of personal skills through this program. Not only do they learn a great deal about steers and preparing them for showing but they also learn to work together as a team and develop resilience as they face challenges, take on responsibility, mentor younger students, develop patience and humility, have fun and a great deal more. Mrs Dawes provides an exceptional educational program which is unique in its format. This program’s outstanding success at the Sydney Royal over the past eight years is testament to her commitment and expertise and the leadership and support provided by senior students and parents. As always, I am looking forward to joining them for the main judging day on Friday 12 April. Our Senior Music and Drama students have been working very hard on the College Musical, ‘Beauty And The Beast’, which will be held at BMEC this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I enjoyed observing them in rehearsal again last weekend and can certainly attest to the enormous undertaking that a production of this magnitude represents. Certainly, this production is a timely representation of the enormous benefits of the merger of the two schools to form Scots All Saints College. As I sat and watched rehearsals over the past two Saturdays, I saw students and staff from both our previous schools working together in an exceptional way. Not only will it be an incredible production but as an educational opportunity for the students it is amazing.
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
I particularly want to acknowledge the work of the staff involved in this challenging production: Charmeon Jooste (Director), Leigh Morrisey (Producer), Jon Clipsham (Musical Director), Patrick Sinclair (Stage Manager), Liz Casey (Dance Choreographer), Greg Jones (Assistant Stage Manager) and Lucinda Wells (Stage Assistant). It will be an exceptional production and there are still some tickets available so don’t miss out. Leading national author, speaker and Managing Director of the Positive Psychology Institute, Dr Paula Robinson will be visiting Scots All Saints College on 4-6 April to introduce teachers and parents to the science of Mental Fitness to help build habits of wellbeing at school, work, and life. Dr Paula Robinson has worked with over 500 schools throughout Australia and Scots All Saints College is delighted to be the first College within the Central West region to adopt this new ethos into its student wellbeing and pastoral care approach. Dr Robinson believes harnessing positive energy in our daily lives can have profound benefits for mental health which should be a priority for every school. Please read the full article regarding this initiative in this edition of The Roar to find out more about Positive Psychology and the parent forum to be held next week. The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in NSW, Rev Kamal Weerakoon, is also visiting Scots All Saints College over the next week to speak to students and staff. He was at Lithgow Campus on Wednesday 27 March and will be at Scots Campus and All Saints Campus next week to speak at all Chapel Services and to the staff at Monday’s Staff Meeting. We look forward to welcoming him to our College and hearing him speak to us on the Christian Mission of the College. Scots All Saints College is a vibrant learning place with an enormous array of educational opportunities both inside the classroom and well beyond. On Monday this week we welcomed many prospective students to join us for our ‘Try Middle School Day’ on All Saints Campus. They enjoyed a rich day of learning, making friends and becoming familiar with the College they will be a part of for the next six to eight years. I was very encouraged by the numbers in attendance and their enthusiasm; all this bodes well for the student intake at Year 5 and Year 7 next year.
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Today’s Reflection
So while we may not know or understand the what or why of tomorrow, we can know in Jesus Christ we have an enduring hope.
Mr Samuel Gittins Chaplain
What are the decrees of God? The decrees of God are His eternal plan, according to the purpose of His will, by which, for His own glory, He has foreordained whatever comes to pass. [WSC Q’n.7]
Olympic star water polo coaches our team in lead-up to regional festival
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
We are not here by mere chance nor blind fate. God is in control.
Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan. Ephesians 1:11 [NLT-SE]
Scots All Saints College took a Water Polo team to the NSW U12s regional festival over the weekend. Dual Olympic Water Polo superstar Nikita Williams coached the team for three weeks in the lead up to the festival. It was a fabulous weekend in the pool and out. Students had the best time with some great results in the water. We are proud of how our Middle School students have embraced this sport. We are very fortunate to have access to great on campus swimming facilities and instructors to encourage this passion.
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Junior School Mr Anthony Roohan Director of Junior School
Stage 2 Camp Our Stage 2 students had a great time on camp. The boys and girls had an action packed few days featuring rock climbing, bushwalking, damper cooking, initiative games, orienteering and even a special game of spy hunter with some mysterious guests! It was a great opportunity to make some new friends, sleep in a cabin and clean up after dinner. There were regular opportunities to learn about God and reflect at the end of each day. I can’t wait for the next one! Harmony Day Harmony Day was celebrated across both the All Saints and Lithgow Campuses. The message of Harmony Day is that everyone belongs in this great country of ours no matter where you come from. It was great to celebrate the day with a delicious range of food for afternoon tea in Bathurst and a lovely lunch in Lithgow. Thank you to all the parents who contributed and gave up their time to make a dish. They were all delicious! The students also enjoyed a range of Harmony Day activities in and out of the classroom including a ‘cultural hunt’ where they learnt about items from different countries that families kindly brought in to share with us. Highland Gathering Thank you to everyone who helped out at the Highland Gathering. Many of you volunteered some precious hours to cook or serve on a stall. It’s a great community event and we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you! Beauty and the Beast Junior School students will attend a rehearsal of Beauty and the Beast on Friday 29 March at 11:00 am. Please complete the permission in CareMonkey. Students need to wear their full school uniform to this event.
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Stage 2 Camp.
Winter Sport Training Training continues in Week 10 for our Stage 2 based teams. No training will be held in Week 11. Training for all age groups will commence on Wednesday 1 May from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm. Week 10 Friday Assembly Our Week 10 Assembly will have a different feel to it as we welcome Pre-K to our first assembly of the year. Class awards will be presented to several students from each class for a specific area of learning from Term 1. We’d love to see you there. continued page 5
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Crazy Sock Day - Monday 8 April Junior School students can wear some crazy socks to school on Monday 8 April to help raise money for our sponsor child Masila. Masila is a young boy who has been our school sponsor child for the past 4 years. He lives in Kenya and attends the Makindu Hope Academy. Project Hope is a locally run charity and was set up by Carla Robinson who lives in Bathurst and travels to the school each year. All of the money our students raise goes directly to the schooling and immediate needs of Masila and his family. He enjoys sports and is achieving great results in his Maths and English studies. Students are asked to donate a gold coin to participate in this day. Parent-Teacher Interviews Just a reminder that interviews will be held on Monday 8, Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 April. If you haven’t completed the online booking form please do so as soon as possible. To access the booking system go to the Scots All Saints College Webpage: https:// Click on the menu bar at the top right of the screen. Click on families and then on parent teacher interviews (pto). Click on obtain password and enter your email address (the email address that you registered with the school) and your pin will be emailed to you. Easter Service and Art Exhibition An Easter Service and Hat Parade will be held on the Chapel Lawn at 2:00 pm on Thursday 11 April at the All Saints Campus. Our Pre K and K-2 students will each lead us in song and our Chaplain Mr Gittins will lead us in prayer and share an Easter message with us. All Pre-K and K-2 students are encouraged to design and create an Easter hat to parade in following the service. Hats should be brought in to school and given to the classroom teacher before Wednesday 10 April. Following the Easter Service and Hat Parade you are welcome to view our Visual Arts Exhibition featuring the work of all of our students. After viewing the exhibition students are free to go home with their parents but must ensure that they inform their teacher first.
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790
Soloist’s Recital - Junior School As part of Scots All Saints College’s annual music calendar, students are invited to perform in the Junior School Soloists’ Recital. All students, especially those who have individual music lessons, are strongly encouraged to take up this excellent opportunity to perform for their peers, family, teachers and friends. The concert will be held in the Performance Room at the Music Centre from 4:00 pm Tuesday 7 May 2019. Any student wishing to perform should complete the form emailed earlier this week. Year 4 Leadership I’ll be meeting with Year 4 students this week to discuss our new leadership model with them. Small teams of Year 4 students will be assigned to a specific class and will meet with them twice a term to listen to their ideas and assist in the care and management of our school. Areas that they’ll be discussing and leading others in include the environment, student wellbeing, sport and recreation and special events. This is a very exciting opportunity for our Year 4 students.
Harmony Day. 02 6331 3911
Middle School Mr Chris Jackman Head of All Saints Campus / Director of Middle School
The weeks continue to fly by in a blur of exciting activities and events within the school community. The Highland Gathering was a wonderful success and I would like to thank the Parents and Friends for all of their work in organising this event. This week the College has taken over BMEC with their musical ‘Beauty And The Beast’. The students and teachers involved have been busy preparing and I look forward to an entertaining night. Recently we hosted many students for a new experience called ‘Try Scots All Saints College Middle School for the Day’. The day consisted of a range of subject specific activities and lessons that provided the students with a taste of what the Middle School is all about. Judging by the many smiling faces at the end of the day it was very worthwhile. Next week we are hosting the very first ‘Da Vinci Decathlon’ to be held in the Central West. The Da Vinci Decathlon is an academic interschool gala day run in the spirit of an Olympic Decathlon with 10 events of an academic nature. Teams of students compete in a range of disciplines which challenge their mind and ability to work together. We have numerous local schools participating and it should provide a unique opportunity for the students of our region. Parent teacher interviews are coming up in Week 11 and I encourage all parents to take the opportunity to meet with their child’s core teacher for an update on how they have settled in to their new school. Later in the year we will provide the opportunity for parents to meet with subject specialist teachers. In Week 2 of next term, Year 8 students will be travelling to Kangaroo Valley for their annual Outdoor Education camp. There will be a parent information night about the camp on Monday 8 April in the Kemmis conducted by Mr Steve Fox from the Outdoor Education Group (OEG).
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790
Try Middle School for a Day students. 02 6331 3911
Senior School Mrs Tracey Leaf Head of Scots Campus/Director of Senior School & Boarding
As I write this week’s column for The Roar I’m very much aware of the activity around me, across the Scots Campus and beyond. Schools are dynamic places; there’s never a dull moment! The SASC Cattle Team is busy preparing the steers for the Royal Easter Show (9-14 April) and the members are to be congratulated on their success at the recent Blayney Show! A small group of staff and students involved in our musical production are off-campus enjoying the St Stanislaus College musical matinee, ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’. This afternoon our musical team (staff & students) will be back at BMEC, rehearsing & continuing preparations for our performance of ‘Beauty And The Beast’. We wish them well for tonight’s opening at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available through the BMEC website. Here on campus our debating team is preparing for Round 3 of HICES at Kinross next Friday, whilst down the road at La Salle, our SASC Chess Team is competing in Round 1 of the Western Division NSW Junior Chess League Competition. Pre-K have had an exciting week – it’s all about ‘P’ this week (the letter and the sound) and our youngest students have enjoyed dress-ups and activities based on ‘P’. If you have a Pre-K student in your life you’ll be aware of the anticipation growing in regards to tomorrow’s visit by a Prince and Princess! Year 12 are gearing up for their assessment block next week. It’s always encouraging to see our senior students focused on the task at hand in class and we have been delighted to hear anecdotes from boarding staff and parents of the hard work being done at home and in the boarding houses. I would like to encourage Year 12 to speak with their teachers if they need any assistance. Highland Gathering My warm thanks to the P&F, staff and students who organised and supported the 2019 Highland Gathering. This annual fundraising event is a highlight in our calendar but we are aware that a tremendous
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790
amount of time and effort goes into the planning and execution of the day….all for the benefit of our College. Please know that we are grateful for your ongoing support. Traffic Matters I have been increasingly concerned about the congestion and traffic on this campus. In an effort to manage the risk to students and staff I would like to remind parents and visitors to this campus of some facts: • The speed limit on the Scots Campus is 15km/h • Cars must park in the top car park if parking for longer than ten minutes • The ring road is ONE WAY. Driving past the swimming pool to get to the sports centre/tennis courts/ovals/pavilion etc. means you are driving the wrong way. • Visitors using the swimming pool must park in the car park, not on the road in front of the facility. • Cars must not park on the left-hand side of the front driveway between 3:20 pm and 5:10 pm. This endangers students, blocks the buses and seriously impedes the afternoon traffic flow. • P-plate drivers must exit via ‘Gate 1’ (the gate closest to the car park) Uniform Students have been reminded that if the weather is cooler, they must first reach for their school jumper, then their blazer. The winter coats (from both schools) are not to be worn until Term 2 and 3. Likewise, we have reminded students that the ‘hoodies’ were never a part of the formal uniform of either school and must not be worn. We are aware that the uniform shop is still stocking items of the new college uniform. Our concern relates to students wearing the old Scots and All Saints uniforms incorrectly. Year 11 Parent/Teacher Interviews These interviews will be held on Wednesday 10 April (3:30 pm – 6:45 pm) in the Aikman Hall. Instructions on how to access and book through PTO have been emailed and PTO is now open for bookings. If you have a student in Year 11 and have not received this email, please contact me ASAP. The College Executive believes that senior school students should attend these interviews with their parents. End of Term One The official last day of term is Thursday 11 April. Boarders requiring travel arrangements to be organised must do so through Mr Andrew Maher. International students must liaise with Mrs Margaret Mackay. 02 6331 3911
POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY INSTITUTE Introducing Positive Psychology - Special Parent Forum presented by Dr Paula Robinson Paula Robinson, PhD Thursday, 4 April 2019 6:00 pmDr Aikman Hall, Scots Campus Consulting With tough assignments, full schedules and day ReadPsychologist, more about the new Author & Speaker to day family responsibilities, life can be Positive Psychology approach in Psychology, & challenging for both parents and theirSpecialising children. in Positive our latest mediaWellbeing release click Mental Fitness for Individuals, Organisations, Schools It is not surprising that families forget to focus here. on their own wellbeing which can lead to stress, & the Community poor family relationships, feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Strategies for Powerful Parenting Following a career as a senior executive, Dr Paula Robinson is now a The good news is that anyone can acquire the In this fun and interactive session, Dr Paula Director of author, speaker and Managing tools you need to stay mentallyregistered, fit. Just likeconsulting Psychologist, Robinson will reveal a few important strategies for the Positive Psychology Institute. Paula specialises in the science, application physical fitness, maintaining mental fitness Powerful Parentingand andPositive help answer the questions and integration of traditional Psychology Psychology. Paula has requires regular activities and practices. parents need with to know including: completed her Bachelor of Science first class honours and her Ph.D in Creating habits to improve your strength, with mental focus, well as numerous • a Tips andfitness strategies toasre-establish effectiveresearch endurance, flexibility and team Positive can helpPsychology the studies, book chapters, invited presentations, workshops and strategic positive communication whole family achieve optimal functioning, change programmes for government, private organisations, schools and the whether that be on the field, in your • has How to create peace at and joy in your in wider community. Paula been invitedmore to present conferences relationships at home, in the classroom or in the home Australia, Paris, Doha, Singapore and China on her work with schools and workplace. organisations. Paula has over 500 schools, andlove • worked How towith develop lasting bondstraining of mutual We invite all parents from Kindergarten to Year implementing both large and andsmaller respectscale Positive Education initiatives for 12 to come to a special parent leaders, forum presented teachers, students and parents. Paula has performed numerous • How to know what’s really going on in your by Dr Paula Robinson to learn evidence-based expert advisory panel and media roles and is currently a lecturer for the teenager’s life School, Laureate Universities and practical activities that can helpUniversity you and of your Wollongong, Sydney Business family improve your wellbeing and thrive at No need to RSVP Graduate simply come alongof Education. Paula guest lecturer at Melbourne University’s School nd edition of her first book in applied Positive home, school and work. has recently released the 2 Who: Parents and carers of SASC Kindergarten to Psychology in education, Practising(Please Positivenote Education: A Guide We are delighted to welcome leading Yeartitled 12 students. this forum is for to Improve Wellbeing Literacy in Schools which has received exceptional international author, speaker and Managing parents only and not intended for students) reviews and the Director of the Positive Psychology Institute andfirst edition has sold out. Date: Thursday, 4 April 2019 CEO of APPLI Dr Paula Robinson who will be Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm visiting Scots All Saints College on 4-6 April to commence introducing staff and parents to the Venue: Aikman Hall, Scots Campus, O’Connell science of Mental Fitness to help build habits of Road, Bathurst wellbeing at school, work, and life. We will film this forum for out of town parents, Dr Paula Robinson has worked with over 500 boarding families and those who can’t attend in schools throughout Southeast Asia and Australia person. and Scots All Saints College is delighted to be the To discover more about Dr Paula Robinson, please first college within the Central West region to view her bio here. Please feel free to visit these adopt this new ethos into its student wellbeing S Y D N E Y : S U I T E 4 1 6 , S T J A M E S T R U S T B U I L D I N G and pastoral care approach. 1 8 5 E L I websites Z A B E T S T S Y D N E Y N S W 2 0 0 0 H U N T E R R E G I O N : 3 8 and K E N T U B M A N D R I V E M A I T L A N D N S W 2 3 2 0 Dr Paula Robinson said harnessing positive T E L + 6 1 2 9 2 6 4 3 4 7 4 M O B + 6 1 ( 0 ) 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 9 7 energy in our daily lives can have profound – oMr p a u l a @ p o s i tDirector i v e p s of y c Student h o l o g Wellbeing y i n s t i t uK-12 t e . c m Tom . a u van i v e p s y c h o l o g y i n s t i t u t e . c o m . a u benefits on mental health which should wbew aw . p o s i t Gend priority for every school and family.
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Your say: Feedback cattle team who “Well done to the Blayney Show on e were involved in th tic paraders results as nt Fa . the weekend ol!! The quality and and beautiful scho t alone training of le quantity of animals es - is second to do kids Libby Dawes solute magician!!! ab an none. She is she achieves what w ho om th fa ot nn I ca she does with that she does!!! The job e teaching with on cattle team - let al lts, equestrian and su re re tu her Agricul azing …. Good luck the rest of it is am er Show.” for the Sydney East tle Judge Blayney Show Cat
“Congratula ti on the Foun ons dation Commence m services yes ent te It was my p rday. rivilege and pleasure to attend.” General Ma na of Presbyte ger rian Church – M r Jeof Falls
In celebration of Dr Paula Robinson’s visit, we are starting a new feature in The Roar to acknowledge some of the positive feedback Scots All Saints College has received this year. As a new College, there have been many challenges but also so many rewarding moments and we thank you for your kind words of support and recognition. If you would like to share any feedback, please continue to send your comments through to info@scotsallsaints. Director of Community Engagement and Marketing, Mrs Mel Monico
“We were very impressed with the enthusiasm and caring nature of the teachers” New parent 2019 via email
Congratulati o newsletter, ns on the new The Roar. It is fresh, bright, quic k interesting. to scan through, and Lo next week’s oking forward to edition alrea dy! Sandra Hew ett (mum o f two boarders) T ottenham
“How beautiful is the Year 2 Foundation video! We loved it. What a wonderful thing for the kids to watch and for all of us to keep as a lifelong memento. Thank you so much for all your work in getting this absolutely lovely piece of history.” Year 2 Parent via email
to extend “The Highland Gathering Committee wish rents/ dpa gran a sincere thanks to the 90+ parents/ to time r friends receiving this email for offering you day. It help with the Highland Gathering last Sun oticed unn not and was also very much appreciated just also by the Committee, that many of you help was continued to step in where you could see needed.” All The Highland Gathering Committee Scots Saints College P&F
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790
“Reiterating o conversatio ur n, I wanted to again say th a you did to a nk you for all s enrolling ou sist with r daughter in SASC mid-t erm 4 last y to ear, her spirit inc reased immediately !” New parent 2019 via em ail 02 6331 3911
Co-curricular Mr Justin Adams Director of Co-curricular
Winter Sport Begins It is a busy time for our sports program; our winter sports have begun, training has started, skills are being taught and teams are being sorted. Some recent events have included the netball clinic and team trials, rugby skills day and squad training sessions. We are working on sport information notes for netball, rugby, football (soccer), hockey and fitness. These will be sent out via CareMonkey with a reminder for parents to update any medical/injury/illness conditions, a request for permission to travel for training and games as well as to call for any parents who may want to lend a hand. We are also currently finalizing registration procedures for netball, football (soccer) and hockey. The governing bodies for these sports use online registration methods which whilst supposedly making things easier, have created a few challenges for us due to the merger. We ask for your patience and understanding as we get the online registration pages set up. If all goes to plan there will be a once only registration and charging process (no additional student charges on accounts) and the process will also allow families to apply Active Kids vouchers to reduce their costs. Army Cadets Our Year 9 Army Cadets have been doing activities on Wednesday afternoons including: • Navigation, including taking compass bearings, • Basic first aid procedures, • Setting up camp equipment (using hoochies), • Building team skills and applying initiative to solve problems, • Learning about codes and standards in the Australian Army, • Basic physical training (obstacle course) and personal concealment.
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
• In the final weeks we will also be doing some more training in field formations, standing in parade, marching, a swimming test and some games. We will be calling for Year 9 Cadets to join in the Bathurst ANZAC day parade. Information will be distributed to Cadets in the coming weeks. All other students are also encouraged to represent the College at the march.
Rural Fire Service Cadets The RFS Cadet group continues to grow. We now have more than ten students learning about basic fire safety, fire behavior, the use and care of firefighting equipment including the fire truck, pumps and hoses, procedures and communications, working in a team and as part of the RFS. The students have been really enjoying learning the skills and will use their training to count towards Duke of Edinburgh awards. continued page 10
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Highland Gathering The Highland Gathering helped showcase many of the co-curricular activities available to our students and also the expertise of many of the staff who coordinate and deliver the programs. Congratulations to all the students who contributed and demonstrated their talents and skills and thank you to Mrs Dawes (Equestrian), Mr Mackenzie (Pipes and Drums), Mrs Durie (Highland Dancing), Mr Pitcher (RFS) and Madison Burns and Caiban Lucas (Cadet leaders) for their skills and commitment to our co-curricular program.
Cattle Team success We congratulate the students for their success at the Blayney Show. It was an enormous day for the students, staff, parents and cattle. The Cattle Team truly is a team effort that is expertly, passionately, lovingly and professionally led by Mrs Dawes and gratefully supported by a band of dedicated parents. Thank you for representing our College so well at Blayney. We wish the team every success at the Royal Easter and Bathurst Shows in the coming weeks.
NSWCIS SWIMMING 2019 Five super swimmers represented Scots All Saints College at the NSWCIS swimming carnival. This carnival attracts the finest swimmers from all Independent schools across NSW. After a very positive experience at the HICES carnival Ava Purvis, Ruby Thorne, Harry Thorne, Chontelle Burgess and Iggy Knight stepped up their training regime in preparation for one of the most hotly contested swim meets in the month of March. Swimmers successful at NSWCIS continue their pathway to NSWPSSA where they will meet the high performing students in the Public and Catholic education systems. Ava Purvis has been a wonderful example of how one can set a goal, work hard and achieve it! Ava secured a position in the HICES team after a brilliant swim in the 12 Yrs 50m freestyle. Ava performed incredibly well at NSWCIS placing 15th overall. Ruby Thorne has had another incredibly successful season in the pool. Her dedication and commitment to swimming is excellent and she is deserving of these wonderful results. Ruby competed in 4 heats and 4 finals throughout the day. Her outstanding swim in backstroke and butterfly finals, 2nd and 3rd respectively, means that she has secured a place in the NSWCIS
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
team to compete at NSWPSSA. Ruby also achieved 4th and 7th in the breaststroke and freestyle finals. Congratulations Ruby on this exceptional achievement and we wish you the best of luck as your swimming journey continues. Harry Thorne’s schedule was busy, swimming in 4 heats and 1 final at NSWCIS. Harry is a hard working athlete whose preparation has been outstanding. He should be incredibly proud of his achievement, finishing just outside final contention in breaststroke and backstroke. Harry’s exceptional swim in the butterfly heat placed him in the final. His passion saw him in real contention in the final, finishing 5th overall. Congratulations Harry on a wonderful meet. Chontelle Burgess was on a mission after locking in the second fastest time in the 9 Yrs 50m freestyle heat. Her swim in the final didn’t disappoint as she powered down the pool with determination, skill and of course speed. Chontelle hit the wall hard confirming her rank of second and securing her position in the NSWCIS team to compete at NSWPSSA. Chontelle’s performance in the U10 backstroke as a 9 yr old was also admirable. Congratulations Chontelle on a sterling performance at NSWCIS. Iggy Knight, new to competition swimming, competed in the 8 Yrs
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790
50m freestyle. His quiet and calm approach to racing is obviously his secret weapon and key to success. Iggy swam courageously in his heat securing a position in the final which is a huge accomplishment as a ‘rookie’ swimmer. Congratulations Iggy on your overall 9th position at this high level. Our representative swimmers should be very proud of their achievement and the way they represented Scots All Saints College at this very competitive swimming meet. All the best to Ruby and Chontelle who will compete at NSWPSSA. Coordinator of Sport K-8 , Kay Nelson 02 6331 3911
Cattle Team’s great results
On Saturday 23 March the Scots All Saints College Cattle Team exhibited 25 head at Blayney Show. This was our first show of the season and for some students their first ever show exhibiting cattle. What wonderful results the team achieved! To take out all steer classes was wonderful. In the lightweight class Josh Kidd and Lillian Oke’s steer won the class. In the middleweight class Sophie Bingley and Oliviah Grimshaw’s steer won the class and in the heavyweight class Bailey Ryan and Kody Robinson’s steer walked away with the blue ribbon. Bailey and Kody’s steer then went on to take out Champion Steer overall
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
with Josh and Lillian taking Reserve Champion. The students then competed in the Junior Paraders competition – every student made me proud with many making the finals. Special mention to Kirilee Scott who took out Reserve Champion Parader out of many competitors. Congratulations to all students on such a wonderful show. Off to Sydney Royal in two weeks! Mrs Libby Dawes – Agriculture, Equestrian and Cattle Team Coordinator
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Highland Gathering Showjumping Competition On Sunday 24 March our Scots All Saints College Equestrian Team hosted their first showjumping competition. More than 50 riders from various schools ranging from Mosman High to schools in the Blue Mountains, Young and Condobolin. The courses were professionally built by our course designer, judge and parent, Mr Gary Hamer and we thank him very much for his time and efforts. Riders found the courses fun and challenging with some riders sailing through them whilst others found a few difficulties.
Our own Scots All Saints College riders rode extremely well with many ribbons and prizes being achieved throughout the day. The team spirit was wonderful to see. Congratulations to both Lana Eastment and Sophie McAllan who rode their first 105 cm rounds. Congratulation also to Hannah Jonker for winning Reserve Champion in the 45 cm on Sugar, the cutest pony around and Megan Redpath for taking Champion in the 85 cm on her lovely Rosthwaite Venice Beach (affectionately known as Doreen!). A huge thank you to all the parents and riders who helped throughout the day. Mrs Libby Dawes – Agriculture, Equestrian and Cattle Team Coordinator
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Highland Gathering 24 March 2019 SCOTS CAMPUS
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911
Victory for Mock Trial team
Student writing ‘Factfulness’
The Scots All Saints Mock Trial team celebrated on the steps of the Bathurst Court House after winning a case against their first round opponents, Denison College of Secondary Education, Bathurst High Campus last Thursday. The Bathurst double-header provided an incredible experience for both teams to appear inside the iconic Bathurst Court House, as part of the statewide competition which helps build legal skills among high school students. The core Scots All Saints team members for this Mock Trial were George Butler, Jonah Siede, Charlotte Russell, Jessica Settree, Callum Duncan-Keen and Taylah Cooper. They were supported at the Bathurst Court House by other team members including Oscar Stocks, Simi Atluri, Morgan Watts, Jack van Yzendoorn and Robert Jeffries. This particular case was centred on a scenario of break, enter and steal, with Scots All Saints appearing for the prosecution and Denison College of Secondary Education (Bathurst High) for the defence. The winning Scots All Saints team was advised by consulting solicitor Fiona Sams of Bathurst. Pictured on the steps of Bathurst Court House are the Mock Trial team members with their teacher Ms Christine Sams and the Mock Trial magistrate Ms Dannielle Ford, an Associate Solicitor from Cheney Suthers Lawyers in Orange.
Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790
By Hans Rosling So the news, yeah I know it’s boring and old and for old people and generally just old, but I suppose it could be good to know about the worlds happenings, or more accurately what certain political leaders *ahem* are up to. Of course there is the new and exciting social media drug which we’re all addicted to, however that comes with its own cons too. What’s fake and what’s just political backwash to hypnotise you into a brainless follower of THE INSTITUTION … or what’s the latest fitness tea that will definitely solve all your problems. News is a massive network of people shouting at you to give them your attention but that is a hard thing to grasp these days. Why watch the news where polar bears are dying, there’s a war going on, someone got robbed and a fire destroyed half of some exotic and rare animal’s habitat. Why watch it when it’s all so negative? That’s exactly the point, bad news attracts viewers. If it’s all rainbows and sunshine, news becomes boring and uneventful, the good doesn’t feel all that good. Hans Rosling’s book ‘Factfulness’ talks about this subject in depth, how we perceive news from information hubs and their effects on our brain. We know that the world is falling apart without much factual evidence to back it up, and we choose to believe the exaggerated tales of politically controlled pretty faces. Factfulness explains that the world isn’t in such a bad state as you probably believe, not to say there are no problems, just that they are not as big as you thought. Turns out we are being brainwashed into following the institution. Maybe read up on some evidence before accepting information as fact, and while you’re at it give Factfulness a read. Or don’t because I might be trying to control your thoughts right now … woah. 02 6331 3911
Production of
This is a day for bright ambitious students who are interested in ideas. This focus will be on the capacity of gifted and talented students to more readily manipulate abstract ideas and make connections across school subject areas. Pupils will spend the day with like-minded youngsters all keen to reach the ceiling of their ability and share ideas.
The aim of this study day is to help gifted students to:
Music By Lyrics By Book By Alan Menkin Howard Ashman &Tim Rice Linda Wolverton Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia). All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia
Improve their thinking skills
Begin to be able to identify what is fundamental from what is trivial
Become intellectually creative
Identify assumptions and distinguish between good and poor arguments
Think systematically and rigorously about relevant modern-day issues
The conference is being held in Sydney at Ascham school on 22nd May at a cost of $45 per student. Please contact Mr Cant or Mrs O’Neill to express interest in attending.
Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre March 28-30 Tickets from BMEC
Click here to Download PDF Cricket Senior draw can be found at Cricket Middle and Junior draw can be found at http:// Basketball draw can be found at http://websites.sportstg. com/assoc_page.cgi?c=1-9654-0-480831-0&a=COMPS&seasonID=5879724
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Scots Campus Pre-K, Boarding (Years 5-12), Senior School (Years 9-12) 4173 O’Connell Road BATHURST NSW 2795
All Saints Campus Pre-K, Junior School (Years K–4), Middle School (Years 5-8) 70 Eglinton Road BATHURST NSW 2795
Lithgow Campus Pre-K–Year 6 1 Col Drewe Drive LITHGOW NSW 2790 02 6331 3911