RainSoft Pipeline 2020

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Many dealers are finding ways to work around the crisis.

October 2020, Issue 9


Meet our newest dealer Humberto Estrada on the back page.




Tom Gerstner has a great sense of humor and always has a good story to tell. So it is only fitting to hear that Anderson Water, Power & Air – with headquarters in Rochester, New York and serving all of the western region in the state – is proud to have maintained healthy staff and sales levels throughout this pandemic.

When life gives you lemons why not make lemonade?

“Tough times never last – tough people do,” says Tom, the company’s president.

He keeps this mantra on repeat for when he hears of someone being presented with a challenge. “In comparison to 2019, our sales volume was about the same but in the middle of a pandemic, that’s like hitting a home run.”

Tom says his territory in upstate New York was not devastated like New York City. He recalled there was tougher times in the days after September 11, 2001 and a few major ice storms. Throughout this pandemic, Tom has not disappointed his team and has added to his mantra. “We

Employees adhere to safety guidelines in the office and when they meet in the conference room. From left to right: Lea Montello, Jeff Hay, Joe Erbland and Haiden Gerstner.

are all in this together and we will make it through this pandemic stronger than ever.”

Anderson’s management team took measures to communicate and reassure employees and customers with the implementation of new procedures. This included providing staff with a vast supply of N95 masks, bleach, peroxide, and UV wands, in addition to installing hand and UV sanitation stations and air purification systems to help curb fears.

“We maintain a minimal amount of staff in our offices,” says Tom. “Everything gets the UV-wand treatment twice, before and after each home visit. This ensures a higher level of trust and everyone is thankful for it.”

With existing customers, Anderson began a text message campaign and offered free sanitation kits. The business the Anderson team has built over the years has garnered a loyal following; people trust the peace of mind they receive. It also explains why they benefit from strong referrals.

“We are blessed to be an essential business and have a responsibility to our community,” sums up Tom. “So we rolled up our sleeves, put the proper precautions and preventions in place, and kept on going.”



has been in the news since March when COVID-19 arrived in the U.S. Through it all, Austin and Brandon Keck and Jay Toblin at A&B Marketing in Jacksonville have found a way to lead their team and customers through it all.

“COVID-19 is no doubt changing the way we are living our lives, but all we can do is make hay while the sun shines,” said Austin. “Hurdles are things that happen to you in all stages of life but they are called hurdles for a reason – you can get over them. Our business has changed so much in my lifetime but you adapt and overcome.”

He said the first order of business involved adjustments in the office. They reduced the number of planned meetings as a group and now spent more time meeting individually.

“We are a people business. This shows that each individual’s health and wellbeing is the number one priority,” said Austin. “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Our main focus as a company is to maximize the positives in our business. Having an attitude of gratitude for what we do have – and a strong sense of teamwork and appreciation for every department – is just as essential.”

That gratitude, Austin says, helped A&B make their projected numbers for the second quarter.

“One big thing about our phone room is they are doing an amazing job to reassure folks that we are taking any and all safety precautions. We are wearing masks, gloves, booties, using disinfectant wipes and observing social distancing standards. Safety was our priority from the beginning. In our office, we are continually disinfecting high traffic areas, using copious amounts of hand sanitizer and social distancing. We have been very

blessed to be working through these trying times.”

Some passed down advice is also helping.

“My dad, Mike Keck, always said that eventually people see the solutions we offer as a need, and not a want. We focus on showing people the benefits of what we do and they choose to become involved,” remarked Austin. “The last four letters of enthusiasm are: I Am Sold Myself. Our belief is what we do sets us apart wholeheartedly.”

New sales reps have produced outstanding results, paving the way for future success.

“Shelby Linton finished #5 in the world in March and Chris Patrick was #4 for the month of April. These gentlemen are very good and have done an amazing job in showing the customer that we are there for them,” said Austin, who indicated corporate efforts continue to be strong.

“The support from RainSoft has been wonderful, from multiple conference calls to what ideas are working for what people and the way the RainSoft family comes through for each other!”

“Everything gets the UV-wand treatment twice, before and after each home visit. This ensures a higher level of trust.”



The updated versions of the RainSoft Remind App and EC5 OxyTech look great and are now available. The Remind App retains existing functionality such as monitoring alarm situations and the ability to make remote changes such as salt adjustments. Some of the new updates allow the user to review diagnostics such as water and salt use history.

“This provides the customer with an opportunity to understand what their water habits are,” said Scott Harmon, RainSoft Manager of Technical Support. “It allows them to see the fluctuations in their water use. Based on what they learn, they may have questions or concerns if the amount varies greatly from their norm.”

The updated version, when paired with the latest EC5 version of 3.0 Firmware, adds the ability to start or schedule a regeneration remotely via the Remind App. The Vacation mode has received a boost – the EC5 will now alert users if water is in use in the home while the homeowners are away from the property. If that happens, you should see an email notification of a water use alert.

“For users with multiple homes or devices in that home, we have added the ability

to create additional locations and add more devices to one’s RainSoft Remind account,” said Jim Downs, Pentair’s Senior Engineer. “A user can have up to three locations and three devices that connect to those locations.”

Downs says other advancements were made to the back end of the program.

“This includes updates to our server and to the connection and communication protocols used to improve communication speed and function with the newer EC5 and Remind App. Since the launch of the EC5 in 2015, technology has made many improvements in the IOT (Internet of Things) world. We continuously monitor and explore technology improvements to evaluate if that technology is a viable option for our system’s needs.”

“A user can have up to three locations and three devices that connect to those locations.”


The EC5 OxyTech is a new and improved version of the current EC4 OxyTech. It has new WI-FI enabled technology and allows the EC5 to pair with the RainSoft Remind App.

With the new Remind App, you can now have an EC5 conditioner and EC5 OxyTech System on one account in one location. The EC5 OxyTech continues to use the same treatment media offered with the EC4, and with the same iron filtration reduction capabilities.

“The EC5 OxyTech,” says Harmon, “is more aesthetically appealing and has new controls for integration with the newest version of the EC5 Remind App. This makes the system unique and more user-friendly. The big difference with the ergonomics of the EC5 is it has a spring hinge and button for a higher quality feel to it. The front housing has a much better and secure fit, which customers will really appreciate.”

Take a look at these new EC5 OxyTech features to better understand what it has to offer:

• Wireless communication with the new Remind App, remote regenerations and system diagnostics.

• A larger graphic display to enhance the user interface.

• EC5 designer control for best-inclass look in water treatment systems. Installing an EC5 OxyTech in front of an EC5 conditioner system will give your installations a professional and consistent appearance.

• Like the EC5 conditioner, the EC5 OxyTech uses the RPS Motor Drive system. Service technicians will appreciate this upgrade as the RPS simplifies motor assembly and

eliminates switches or electrical errors associated with switch problems.

• Flow based regenerations with a calendar override for both the filter and air tanks. This gives the installer much greater flexibility to adjust your customer’s system to be the most effective reduction, while maximizing water efficiencies.

“The current EC4 schedules regenerations based on the day of the week, not water use,” explained Downs. “The air tank can sometimes run multiple regenerations per day, but that has proven to not be needed and leads to excess water usage. Planning regenerations based on time or days compared to water use is a trend in our

industry that water professionals are turning away from.”

Downs says the EC5 OxyTech has other attractive benefits.

“The program also has a filter mode option,” he says. “This allows you to set up the EC5 as a standalone filter. The single filter option allows for greater flexibility with problem water applications. Remote monitoring and timely service reminders are critical to alert users when the filter media needs attention. New EC5 filter systems are being planned for future release once certification is completed.”

Performance data and sell sheets will be available in the pipeline. Any questions about this product should be directed to Harmon via email: Scott.Harmon@pentair.com.

From the Field:


Russell Prophater (pronounced prof-ahtier) is the kind of person who would be successful at anything he chooses to do. He owned a construction company for 2-1/2 years before a terrible car accident left him unable to work for six months. Luckily, his younger sister Ashley was working at Pure H2O in Columbus, Ohio. And lucky for Pure H2O - nine years later, he’s earned RainSoft’s #1 world ranking through July for inside sales representatives.

“I was hired as a survey taker. It was going to be a temporary job until I found my next path to take,” said Russell. “When I saw how much the other employees were making or could make, I began discussions with my manager about an appointment setter position. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

Not surprisingly, he wears dual hats. He just celebrated his work anniversary last month, and this October will mark three years serving as Pure H2O’s assistant manager.

“I’m very proud of Russell. He maintains his #1 world ranking while doing double duty,” explained marketing manager

Kevin Freas, who noted that Pure H20’s Stacie Winston was ranked #3 through June 30. “Russell did a lot of my training and he’s been instrumental in helping me with the team and operating the business model.”

As Kevin’s assistant, Russell helps with the training and hiring of new inside sales reps and provides advice to them on how to improve their sales presentations.

“I explain to them all the things I do to help me be successful,” he says, “whether it is stressing the importance of concentrating on the next day’s appointments or how you get better

results when you verbalize in a way that assumes the appointment is going to be set without a doubt of rejection.”

Russell also works with Pure H2O’s outside sales reps, assigning leads and helping resolve technician problems. “I’m also in Outside Sales training now, so I will be able to run appointments on my day off.”

A busy guy for sure but he still finds free time for his wife Dawn, son Jamieson, and daughter Baylee. The kids are only 4 and 2-years-old. “They motivated me to go from being good at what I do, to being great. I’ve been successful because of the hard work I do, but it would not be possible if it wasn’t for the amazing team we have here at Pure H2O.”


experience. Before coming aboard, she spent five years working in payables and receivables for a homeowners association. Her boss says her work ethic led Fiorella to become the GM.

“She does everything inside our business until 4 p.m., then runs to a couple of appointments every day and all day on Saturdays,” remarked Brian Nicholson, her supervisor and owner of the business since 2015. Miami Water & Air is located in Kendall, a southwestern suburb.

“I had zero sales experience. Now I’m one of the top sales reps and run a company with more than 100 employees,” says Fiorella. “I love what I do and would not change it for anything in the world. Honestly, I don’t run a lot of appointments. My job is to manage. But it is becoming so natural to talk about the benefits of having clear water, so now I want to do more and more.”

She says being young – she’s 33 – and ambitious helped her to quickly adapt and has helped her in the field.

“I visited a home where a Haitian family did not speak a word of English,” she remembered. “I decided to do a Google Translate presentation because I didn’t want to reschedule or lose the opportunity. Now they have great water too. It just shows that with your best, you will accomplish what you want.”

When Fiorella does get some free time, she goes dancing and visits nice restaurants to try different foods. But she does have another job - she’s Mom to 14-year-old Amy and 13-year-old Steven.


Fiorella Quintana is living the American dream. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, she is making a statement as general manager of Miami Water & Air. In June alone, she had 47 appointments and helped 41 people obtain great water. What’s amazing is she was hired as the company’s receptionist in 2016 and had no prior sales or water business

“They help me push myself to do more for them. My goal is to create an empire just for them,” she says. “This job is not just about having dreams, it’s about working very hard to make them come true. When you love what you do, you will see how your empire starts growing and money will come your way. Stop dreaming and start working hard until you get what you need.”



Everyone has their own life lessons and some are more unique than others. Josh Lightoot qualifies in the latter category. He wouldn’t be the rock star Installation Manager at Florida Energy, Water & Air (FEWA) if it wasn’t for his metal band breaking up in 2007.

“I started the band Imperial with my best friend when we were 16. I was lead guitar and back up vocals,” said Josh. “From when I was 18 to 23, we toured 8-9 months of the year around the U.S. We were signed by Pluto Records (part of the Warner Music Group) and released a few albums including We Sail at Dawn.”

His supervisor, Jason Spinney, hired Josh away from the local Home Depot store where his job was collecting shopping carts from the parking lot.

“We first brought Josh on as a seasonal telemarketer setting appointments.” said Jason. “He helps me a lot with permit issues and customer contact, and often goes above and beyond the call of duty.”

“I started as a seasonal employee when I was in town between tours, then as a delivery driver when the band broke up,” recalled Josh. “I have always been motivated to excel and FEWA has been a great place to grow. The hard work and perseverance is paying off.”

Life on the road in a band was hard with long hours. It helped prepare Josh for his current role where he’s responsible for all new installations, including scheduling, dispatching, inventory and follow-up. He also recruits and trains and manages a crew of 22 workers in the Tallahassee, Tampa and West Palm Beach offices, and at the headquarters in Orlando. That requires six-day, 60-80 hour workweeks and sometimes more like in June when

he managed 676 jobs!

“The toughest part of the job is working with my department so they have personal time with their families and being a voice of encouragement in their lives,” reflected Josh. “Second, the goal is to finish each job 100% on the first visit, but sometimes weather, customer schedules and other things prevent that.”

Josh spends his free time with his wife, Meghan, and their two children, Ava and Killian. They enjoy traveling and going to the Florida theme parks.

“I am grateful for my career at FEWA and for the potential Jason and the other partners saw in me,” he says. ”I’m encouraged to see the growth and success FEWA continues to have, even in these trying times, which is passed down to everyone here.”

different ways. See if you agree with these basic human needs, in no particular order.

SIGNIFICANCE. We need to be thought of as more than a nobody. We want to be significant, important, liked and wanted. Some find significance in helping others, in sales or making big bucks by giving big service. (Your prospect wants to feel significant when buying from you. If your customer calls with a concern, make them feel special.)

CERTAINTY. We all want certainty in life. It is comforting to know where you’ll sleep, that you have money for a meal and so on. (Your prospect wants to know that if they buy from you, you will be there to take care of them.)

Miller Time by Don Miller

This original Don column ran in 2001. Considering all that has taken place this year with the COVID-19 pandemic, Don’s advice still resonates as we deal with the challenges that life offers us on a daily basis:

We all want to be different and to know where we are headed and how to get there.

On a Delhi temple written 2,000 years ago was this dictum: “Know thyself.” We need to know what makes us tick and how to control our thoughts and emotions. The Chinese say that a victory over oneself is better than a victory over thousands in battle.

Each of us meets his or her needs in

UNCERTAINTY. This sounds contradictory to the prior basic need, but it refers to the need for variety. This is why we visit different restaurants, order different food and wear different clothes. (Your prospect wants to see an enthusiastic, exciting demo.)

LOVE AND CONNECTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE. The worst torture is solitary confinement for long periods. (You want to connect with your prospect. If you like them, they will like you. Pay them a small, sincere compliment.)

GROWTH. Everyone wants to feel as if tomorrow will be better than today, that next year will be better. (Your prospect wants to feel this system will be better for them.)

CONTRIBUTION. All cultures and religions advocate helping those who are less fortunate and giving something back to the community. (Your prospect wants to give you referrals and help friends when they feel good about your and their purchase.)

As you meet prospects and others, look at how you might help them meet their six basic human needs. Good selling! the Field:/Advice Columns:


Onething you can say about Rainsoft’s newest dealer, Humberto Estrada, is he’s ambitious. Only 26 and a single dad to a 4-year-old son, he was in the water business for two years before he opened Aqua Innova in January and learned about RainSoft while doing an Internet search. Two months later, Humberto signed on as RainSoft’s representative in El Paso, Texas.

The way he’s approaching it is it’s nothing short of a fantastic opportunity, pandemic or not.

“I decided I wanted to run my own water company after I learned the whole process and when I felt I was ready for it financially. At my previous company, I learned how to do the water demonstration,” he said. “When I saw RainSoft on the Internet and learned

about the company, I knew I was in the right place. I was ready to become a dealer as soon as Peter Rushmore called me. We started the process right away during the pandemic and here we are.”

Humberto said how soon he could become a dealer and the requirements RainSoft had were factors that influenced his decision.

In August, Aqua Innova’s offices were still under construction. Humberto’s 40

employees have been working from their home offices, a good thing considering the rising coronavirus rate all of Texas experienced in July and August. Having products such as the Ultrefiner II and RainSoft alkaline filter to offer, they understand the opportunity in front of them.

“There are between 900,000 to one million people in the El Paso area and the drinking water supply is not the best quality,” reflects Humberto. “It’s been challenging during the pandemic but the way we adjusted to it was to make plenty of phone calls, knocking on doors, advertising through social media and asking for referrals. Eventually by the end of this year, people will know what Aqua Innova is doing for the community and the quality of our products.”

From the Field: International Dealer Profile
“I was ready to become a dealer as soon as Peter Rushmore called me. We started the process right away during the pandemic and here we are.”

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