Scottish Christian Broadcast Magazine - Spring Summer 2013

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Warrior For God Interview with Alex Arthur MBE Holiness Opens Up A Different Mindset Rev Albert Bogle

Real Men Don’t Do Church? Rev Carl Beech

Music, Book Reviews and much more 1


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pha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision y • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland sion Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha otland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day


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Andrew White, The Vicar of Baghdad Key Note Speaker The Church The Gospel All Areas

Amy Orr-Ewing

Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics

Jonny Westerkamp Youth Alpha Europe

Bonnie Yule-Kuehne Alpha International

Nicky and Sila Lee Relationship Central

Pete Gilbert DNA Scotland

Key church leaders from across Scotland

Saturday 2 February 2013 10am - 4.30pm Queen’s Park Baptist & Parish Church sites

Glasgow Key national and international speakers Worship led by Thomas Dean and Powerpoint

An inspirational day of vision and equipping. A gospel powered invitation to explore how we can access all areas.

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New partnership seeks young evangelists


y • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland sion Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha otland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day pha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision y • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland sion Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha otland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day • Alpha Scotland Vision Day

The DNA : Alpha Scotland year in with God DNA and Alpha Scotland have launched an exciting new partnership to identify and equip a new generation of young evangelists to serve the local church in Scotland. “I think it’s one of the most pressing challenges we face as the church today” commented Alpha Scotland Director Paul Davie. “Many congregations have very few 18-30 year olds and so we need to act now to identify and train young leaders who will reach their peers for Christ. We can do this by offering this new mission focused discipleship year.” Pete Gilbert, Team Leader of DNA said “We are delighted to be partnering with Alpha Scotland to see more young people and students taking seriously the command to be disciples and to go and make disciples through running Alpha! We will work together to facilitate a tailored year programme for trainees placed with local churches across the nation”. The aim is for a first intake of 6 trainees in July 2013, rising to 20 per year in 2015. The year will aim to serve local churches by providing motivated young leaders who can serve the local church and help catalyse Alpha amongst a younger generation.

Alpha Chairman and Aberdeen businessman Allan Jack said “With over 500 churches networked through Alpha we need to continue to play our part along with others and this initiative will help share God’s love with a new generation”.

DNA has developed its Scottish ministry from its base near Inverness, with ‘DNAers’ currently in churches in Aberdeen, Inverness, Linlithgow and Glasgow. It partners with, amongst others, Urban Saints, The Baptist Union of Scotland and Scottish Network Churches. Over the last 25 years 1000 young leaders have been trained across the UK. DNA ‘alumni’ include Pete Greig, co-founder of 24-7 Prayer and Chuck Freeland, Senior Pastor at City Church Aberdeen.

If you want to play a part in this initiative or find out more email


Welcome to this the 3rd national edition of Broadcast magazine. I hope you enjoy the read and as you do are inspired and challenged by how God is moving and building His church in Scotland. As we enter this New Year of 2013 this edition of Broadcast focuses on the theme of Passion. We Scots are renowned as a passionate people. Our nation has achieved much more than might have been expected given it’s size and it’s population. In the sporting realms we can seem to do the impossible and surpass all expectation with a display of the pure grit and determination! With such a glorious Gospel to share we Scottish Christians are called to represent our Highest passion with everything we have, as we give our all for Jesus and His glory! Within the magazine it is encouraging to read Alan McWilliam challenge us to be a gallus, go anywhere, do anything, irrepressibly vital and passionate people. I like the idea that I; that we all; fit that

description and I pray that where a work remains, Lord have your way! The Christian road is an adventure and where we face challenges along the way it is a timely reminder from Fred Drummond’s article that we encourage and spur one another on to greater faith. I hope and pray the stories and reports act as a touch paper to ignite some fires across Scotland and fuel an army of history makers to live life out loud for Jesus! Surely with God nothing can stop us!

Ian Black Scottish Christian Broadcast


















Real Men Don’t Do Church?

El Gruer

Alan McWilliam ‘A Passionate Gallus People’


• Trypraying is for those who don’t do church. It opens a way for people to find Christ. • In March 2013 trypraying can be used everywhere in Scotland. • It invites everyone, gives a vision for a town /city, provides a project for a church and a simple activity for Christians. • For more information and literature contact (0131)-202-6449 4




Alex Arthur: Warrior for God

Holiness Opens Up a New Mindset

CD and Book Reviews

Banking on the Church

Cover Image Stephen Hunter of Central | Edinburgh and Page 12 George Gibson of Kings Church | Edinburgh Both images are kindly supplied courtesy of eli Photography

Scottish Christian Broadcast c/o The Steeple Church, Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4DG Telephone 07704773382 Email Scottish Christian Broadcast is a recognised name of Dundee For Christ, a charitable limited company registered in Scotland. Company Registered No. SC306609. Charity Registration No. SC037404 5

TRUE WORSHIP I have just recently re-read the Old Testament book of Isaiah. One of my favourite chapters is Chapter 58. I love this chapter because it highlights three areas I am passionate about: spiritual disciplines, unity and social transformation.

In the time of Isaiah the people of God were spending a lot of time in prayer and fasting. In verse 2 we are told that “day after day they seek me out, they seem eager to know my ways”. However, this apparent desire for God is not borne out of a desire for an encounter with the living God. Nor is it a sign of a repentant heart. Rather, it is a blatant attempt to gain some credit. It was corporate spirituality with an eye on the score card. The people of God trying to get a few extra brownie points. “Why have we fasted and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves and you have not noticed?” Their attitude in coming into the presence of Almighty God was all wrong. 6

At best it was duty but it does not ever seem to be seen as privilege. I am really excited about the rise in prayer among the people of God in Scotland. Almost everywhere I go people tell me of good numbers of people coming out to prayer meetings in local congregations. As well as the local stuff there is the work of Pray for Scotland, Parliamentary Prayer, Glasgow House of Prayer, 24/7 Prayer and a host of other initiatives. Could it be that this time of uncertainty, both nationally and in some sections of the church, is leading people back to the place of Prayer? It is my hope that this growth in prayer is a sign of a growing ache for Jesus in the heart of His people. To seek the Lord, not primarily because of what He can do for us but because He is worthy. To encounter the presence of Jesus and to remain in that place is the highest joy and greatest calling of our lives. One of the first signs that the prayer and fasting of the people was having little effect was their lack of unity. Can you imagine coming out of the prayer meeting and then rushing over and having a swing at someone? Think about

being in the presence of the Triune God who blesses unity, coming out and shouting, swearing and having a go at another worshipper. It seems ridiculous. “your fasting ends in quarrelling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists” Is disunity a sign of a lack of spiritual integrity? Is always wanting our own way really a good witness to the one who made himself nothing? In many towns and cities church leaders are meeting together. They are meeting to pray, support and encourage each other. Some are discussing town or city wide mission. As the Scottish Director of Evangelical Alliance I love the growing sense of coming together for the sake of the gospel. It is wonderful when people talk well of one another, encouraging each other to greater faith. In our recent history we seemed to delight in talking people down. In criticising without understanding and boundary building rather than relationship building. Wouldn’t it be great if part of the outworking of our prayer life was a humility that led to a culture of honour of others? The last criticism levelled by God to the people was that their spiritual life did not lead to a radical engagement with and for the marginalised. The kind of fasting God required should have led to a realignment of society. “To loose the chains of injustice, untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke, to share your food with the hungry, to provide the poor

We do not have space to look at each group mentioned. However, we can say that justice, mercy, hope and voice for the weakest and voiceless are things that God expects from His people. There can be no gap between our claim to be spiritual and our care of the marginalised. Perhaps we could say that spending time with the King will inflame us to live out Kingdom values. So the marginalised locally, nationally and globally should be our corporate responsibility. There are so many ways we can get involved. I love the work of Tearfund and Christians Against Poverty and it is great to hear about churches setting up food banks and a whole host of creative ideas and partnerships to bring hope and community transformation. I am also encouraged by those who bring a Christian voice into our cultures and places of power - the advocates for change. At the Alliance we are excited by the appointment of Kieran Turner as a new Public Policy Officer. His role is to build partnerships and engage with media and parliament on issues as wide as abolition of slavery, redefining of marriage, issues of well-being and hope. We hope to do this in a tone of grace and good news. We will be adding to the work of groups like Care, Christian Institute and others as well as the hugely helpful insights on culture that come from Solas. Our challenge is to make sure that our agenda matches God’s agenda. So that, as much as we can, our advocacy is based around gaining rights and bringing a voice for the marginalised. There are many things happening in and through the church in Scotland which encourage me. As well as things that cause me concern. The challenge for us all is to cultivate a holistic lifestyle that leads to changed worshippers and a changed world.


This all takes place in the context of true worship. The chapter is, I believe, a blueprint for integral mission. It is a demand from God for a consistent flow between internal sanctification and external action. Our prayer life must affect our actions and our actions must be informed by the needs we see all around us. I want to use this chapter as a foundation for discussing a few things that are taking place in Scotland.

“justice, mercy, hope and voice for the weakest”

wanderer with shelter, when you see the naked to clothe them”

Fred Drummond Fred Drummond is an Author, Speaker and Head of the Evangelical Alliance in Scotland. Fred also heads up the UK prayer for the Alliance 7

Tearfund communities where Tearfund is working with the local churches, there was a sense of empowerment in the individuals, a sense of a future, that things could be different - not by the white people bringing them aid, but because of what the local people could do for themselves.

Iain Macaulay and Tommy Macneil with Bishop of Kabale, Uganda

Tearfund Scotland’s Director Lynne Paterson recently travelled to Uganda with some of Scotland’s leaders.

Travelling recently with eight of Scotland’s church leaders to visit Tearfund partner PAG in Uganda was an experience I will not readily forget. Here are some of their reflections.

Faith Brennan Leader of CLAN Women and the Lighthouse Church, Musselburgh Going out to the villages and into people’s homes, you realise what poverty really means. Not only were people’s lives very hard, but they had no hope or expectation that they would ever be different. It was just heartbreaking. In the villages where Tearfund was partnering with the local churches, people received training that


empowered them to look at themselves and their resources in a different way. I met a lady called Hope, who was a widow with four children. She had seen herself as a woman of grief, living a life of desperation and sadness. But through the work of Tearfund her eyes had been opened. Hope had now started to farm more smartly, she started saving, she planted pine seedlings and eucalyptus trees. Within about eighteen months she had money in the bank and really believed there was a future for her. The main thing was that she was no longer a woman of despair. She had become her name. She was Hope. It wasn’t that the church gave her money – the church showed her who she was, and she did it herself. That was just wonderful to see. I’ve rarely seen a charity that is doing development work so well.

David Malcolm Minister of Queen’s Park Parish Church I always had an image of what poverty looked like, but the reality was nowhere

Minister of Martin’s Memorial Church of Scotland, Stornaway Faith Brennan visiting a banana and coffee plantation close. Infants who have one meal a day and are put to bed to sleep to take away the cravings of hunger - that really hit me hard. We visited villages where Tearfund has begun working with the local church to improve people’s well-being as well as bring transformation spiritually. The impact that they’re having is tremendous. There’s hope, there are dreams and there are visions. There are well established businesses, families and communities transformed through the empowering of God’s word.

Bill Hybels says that ‘the local church is the hope of the world’, but I’ve seen that in a way I’ve never seen before on this trip. I have been deeply challenged but profoundly inspired by Tearfund’s work. I think what they do, their commitment to every person, to the poorest of the poor, their commitment to communities that people are maybe not aware of, it’s wonderful. I think their heart and what they do just represents Christ. If you partner with Tearfund you will be partnering with Christ in what He’s doing in the world.

Alan McWilliam Chairman of CLAN and Minister of Whiteinch Church of Scotland

Senior Pastor of Stirling Baptist Church

I believe that what Tearfund are doing here has the potential to eradicate the roots of poverty in Uganda. That’s a huge claim to make, but I really do believe that it’s possible. A small investment from us can bring huge transformation. So many of us are tired of just giving and giving, feeling like the money just disappears. Investing in this work will bring huge returns and will see many people transformed and brought out of abject poverty.

Tearfund are at the forefront of shifting how we tackle poverty, moving from addressing consequences to addressing causes. When we visited the

To give regularly to Tearfund and help cut poverty at the roots, visit

As a result of seeing the work of Tearfund, I can firmly believe now, in my heart, that the work that Tearfund does to empower individuals, to empower a church, to empower a community, is definitely the way forward. It’s tried, it’s tested and it works.

Alasdair Black


I’m not sure there is any experience in the world like waking up at dawn to a cockerel crowing outside your hut in an African village, helping with the morning chores, then following this with an open air ‘bath’ behind a fragile bamboo screen with an occasional chicken for company. The beauty and simplicity, the novelty of experience, can almost make you forget the harsh daily reality that lies behind it. Almost.

Tommy Macneil




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REAL MEN DON’T DO Men believe themselves to be selfsufficient, all-capable and in no need of a crutch, so why be a Christian?

That’s for wimps and women isn’t it? And nothing at all happens in church that is of any relevance to men, does it? And let’s face it; frankly a church meeting on a Sunday is just boring and filled with romantic sentimentalism isn’t it?

We need to face hard facts and ask tough questions! We have all seen the statistics and we know there is a problem. We are quite simply haemorrhaging men from the UK church at an alarming rate of knots. In fact, according to Tearfund research, 75% of men in the UK are either antagonistic or apathetic towards the Christian faith. It’s those men I have in mind as I write; the men who are way outside of our churches and don’t even have it on their radar. In 2006, further Tearfund research showed that the profile of most churches is typically about 35% male (after polling

“let’s unashamedly gear some ministry towards the men” 12

7,000 British adults). Anecdotally our own less scientific research backs that up. We find that the percentage is often 30-35% male. If you have more than 40% men in your church you are doing quite well! Most men completely by-pass church. They see it as a place that according to a BBC radio survey is for wimps, women and irrelevant! Lets not make the mistake of thinking that when the “wheels come off” in a man’s life they look to the church. A small minority might, but for the most part their perception of what/who Jesus is and stands for will be quite the opposite of what they feel they need in a crisis. So what are we going to do to put hairs back on the chest of the Gospel? Men today still look for robust and strong environments to forge friendships. They may not express it like this but men really do desire authentic relationship. Men want a “band of brothers” that they can stand shoulder to shoulder with. So, they shoot off to the pub, to the match, curry house or the lodge meeting! In reality men don’t expect to find a band of brothers in a church, so they just don’t look there! An additional problem is that church culture can be quite feminine and therefore difficult for many men to get

to grips with. Think of church décor. Lots of children’s pictures, flowers and banners. Then there’s the worship. Songs are often about feelings and subjective. Teaching is often generic and talks about concepts rather than every day practicalities. Volunteer jobs in the church can also tend towards the more feminine aspects of character; loving, sharing, nurture, compassion. Men seek adventure and challenge and whilst love and compassion are important traits for men, the wild and adventurous aspects of their personalities can be completely starved in church. So we need to create an environment that makes the Christian faith accessible to the average UK man and church a place worth hauling themselves out of bed for.


By now, after just a few lines you are either outraged and want to email me to complain or you are starting to get excited.


So in conclusion let’s unashamedly gear some ministry towards the men. CVM has a whole range of strategies, resources, blokes camps, conferences and teaching/ training to help reach men and keep them gripped by the message of Jesus. Check out our website for more. Our Scottish Director Stephen McGuire is doing a cracking job launching our work across Scotland and would love to help you develop your men’s work. To find out more just get in touch via the CVM office. Rev Carl Beech General Director CVM twitter: carlfbeech




Great read ng, resh, re evant B b e teach ng, creat ve deas and honest d scuss on – find t a n the magaz ne or today s Chr st an woman.

To find out more about how you and your church can o n th s movement then p ease contact our D rector for Scot and Stephen McGuire Ema

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Some o our readers have been w th us s nce the very first ssue and many more have o ned us a ong the way. They te us they ke “the var ety o art c es and contr butors�, they apprec ate “a magaz ne that s based on Chr st an pr nc p es� and are re eved to find “a orum that a ows peop e to be honest and prov des encouragement and support�.

scot and@cvm org uk

CVM Office 01246 452483


30 years Celebrating L AM LOTZ ANNE GRAH up, On growing roles and g roles jugglin j women God’s call to God’s

BE YOUR OWN OWN BEST D FRIEND FRIEN w tto ow Ho Ho How att your ea fea fe efe e ef defea defeat defea de def er critic ne ner n nne nn inn iin inner

VALUE FOR MONEY Make a family M for m meal just ÂŁÂŁ3.35 ju

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Equipping and resourcing you to share Jesus with the men around you

Inspiration and ideas

for the month





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I don’t ask him to sense. When I wake, to which top I should guide my choice as turn up for work! wear, or whether I should you turn to the my life is his gift to Isaiah 30:21 says: “Whether a But I also believe that your ears will hear my gift to him if I live right or to the left, me, and potentially, saying, ‘This is the way; him and dovetails [word] behind you, it in a way that pleases translates ‘word’ as if I live to bring walk in it’.� (note NIV into his universal purpose; to love and salvation ‘voice’). the comfort of God’s we see examples in contact with. Throughout Scripture, the people I come promise to guide his we make our choices of God fulfilling his Consequently, how he guided Abraham God, or otherwise, people. Through angels of has potential to honour city; through pillars seek his promise to to pray for a wicked so it is important we guided the Hebrews – then follow it. cloud and fire he a guide those choices territory; through situations arise, through unknown Otherwise, when difficult a sheep-fleece he rejected, when we are miraculous event with when we are hurt or a leadership role; into or tempted, Gideon guided bored, distracted, disillusioned sky he guided sensitive by our own feelings, through a star in the we might be guided of a Saviour; through or else those of the Magi to the birth in opinions and desires, his people to trust prophets he guided ways of the world. his divine Word choices through in and, result Messiah; might the his Such guidance or scribes, God guides with ungodly words written down by his that dishonour God godly way of living. clothing; people into a right and behaviour, even inappropriate he has fulfilled his of resources Moreover, God ultimately indwelling through the misuse through the possessions, talents), promise to guide us given to us (money, lives (John 14:16us time he has given of his Spirit in believers’ or by wasting the in the New and our own interests 17; 16:13), demonstrated (for example, while we pursue occasions seeking his. Testament on many agendas instead of Acts 16:6).

The Promise

SEE . . . the

7th October.


wonder Three Reaso T guidance, and then ns to Wa and sincerely seek God’s Watch‌ inclinations or manipulated The HungerDo you ever genuinely the voice of your own promise you’ves simply followed ifGame It’s Le Tissier looks at God’s your own plans? Anne Scripture to confirm us how scriptures that teach to guide us, and the

mise of Prom G sP God’


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Two new publicatio ns aim to help us think through story turns live well. how to to tragedy? Life explored This is Your Place In The Big Story: by Jerry in God’s Sittser in Grace Revealed Plan, by Unfolding A Heidi (Zonderva ISBN 978 ISBN 9 78184 Johnston (IVP n 0 Twenty years310 24325 0). those asking 474 5791) is for ago, he lost the questions: daughter, his What are wife we car accident. and mother in can I make here for? How a He explored a difference the soul how find those grows through ? To answers A Grace loss in we are taken on Disguised. a journey Now he brings his through God’s story story up to date to explore the lies the key because there redemptio theme of to our own and our true identity. story redeem n and how God can the story But what of all our * We have lives. things go happens when five copies wrong? When chance to win, simply of each book to our Big send Story and/or your name give away. For your WA/Grace and address Revealed at the address to WA/ on page 43.

womanalive September

The Purpose

“He guides me in paths Psalm 23:3 tells us, his name’s sake�. This of righteousness for promise – guidance is the purpose of the God’s will and his that enables us to uphold transformed ways as we are increasingly Jesus. into the likeness of given us common I believe God has

26 September womanalive

Receiving the Promise

Humility in what is right and “He guides the humble (Psalm 25:9). teaches them his way� conscious of our Humility is being on God and absolute dependency that out in our daily consequently living choices. routines, lifestyles and

path offers us poignant when our This may feel more it is suddenly to choose from, when more than one turn by a dead-end. or seemingly cut short the way filled with obstacles, disillusionment regarding Such confusion or we seek God’s us to our knees as forward often takes the good guidance on the matter. differentiate between But the psalmist doesn’t God longs to Rather he teaches that times and the difficult. way constantly. guide us in the right or do you tend to hallmark of your life opinions, UIs such humility aown resources, initiative, rely on your so on? understanding and

Seek God’s promise

– through given you his word his guidance: he has by his God has promised Word made flesh, and through Jesus, the As you were guidelines in Scripture; growing up, were (NIV aware you a bedtime story, Spirit living within us. of your father’s on the Word of God never ever played a game international Psalm 119, A devotion so here fame and with me, never fixed me Read and reflect on And I believe that impact? ways. It’s a long passage, e a snack – you know on that day I was guides us in God’s the I was born just before things you think born again into God’s Study Bible), which of a father doing. my father had a family. get you started: big My meeting in LA that grandparents helped are a few thoughts to put everything on ed to raise us and 4-5) the they radar. But we were fabulous. Was it a straightforward precepts ‌â€? (verses were shielded from I say that to encourage XFS BMSFBEZ BXBJUT “You have laid down path to preaching my father’s fame. We women who are DF JO QSBZFS XIFO IJT BOT and teaching? were not allowed single ngle parents. You t %P ZPV BTL (PE GPS HVJEBO for example, on how to use your money,interviews to do can do it with God’s help. I married young and and we weren’t intent on But I would rather you in his Word? Principles, exposed to the by the time I was respond to a person have press, except once Billy Graham as a 26 I had three children priorities, or how to in a while, there part-time art-time aged five, three and what to make your was a photo opportunity. other man as a full-time father than any 10 months. I was just So I knew my -time father. He busy and I drifted causing you harm ‌? UIBU UIF QTBMNJTU TQFBLT father taught travelled a lot, knew me a lot about what from Trust not on your God – I didn’t mean VT UP GFFM UIF TIBNF he told people about at God is like, and living, nor do we all your heart and lean to, but I did. Somebody t (PE EPFT OPU XBOU him, Jesus, but the scope his integrity and his humility “Trust in the Lord with confession and repentant told me about an of it I didn’t understand. mility have impacted organised Bible study of; and, through sincere in all your ways acknowledge me And I’m not sure in my own ministry. and own understanding; I decided I wanted it would have made y. It was a wonderful pathsâ€? (Proverbs 3:5-6). to be in one. Nobody have to. any difference unless home: Christ-centred, If we do sin against you.â€? and he will direct your not guidance. might I God’s that that d, Christ-loving following was somehow Word in my heart and emphasised as, Christ-serving. Trust is paramount to to follow. So “I have hidden your “Because of your we may be reluctant father’s ministry you’ve got not trust God implicitly, OBW CVJMU JOUP B DBS first need to (verse 11) to behave that wayâ€? the promise, we may PG (PE T 8PSE MJLF B TBU and that was never conveyed So was there a ‘saintly before we can receive t *U NBZ CF IFMQGVM UP UIJOL for directions, it automatically ntly glow’ around of his love and faithfulness. to us. the engine and ask th the My mother adored house at all times? and already have readdress our knowledge Do you trust When you switch on on? guidance walk for to my you pray father and so I did asking when you you. Not at all! I’m the UWhat ‘water’ is God guides you. Similarly, he will use it to direct too. But it meant that I was second ond child so I had out of the boat’? pretty much your mind and heart, raised by a single aan him enough to ‘step older sister, a UBLF UJNF UP AIJEF God’s Word built into be a pitfall to parent and grandparents younger ger sister and understandingâ€? can MJWF B HPEMZ MJGF PS EP ZPV tw two because it was estimated younger brothers. Furthermore, our “own t %P ZPV SFMZ PO TFMG FGGPSU UP meditate on and remember it, providing make judgements My oldest sister was my father travelled to guidance. We easily boss bossy 60% of the time when Word in your heart; like older sisters are not even hearing God’s God’s things hand? but to not value, is I are face was e and my younger at growing up. So your Bible he never brother, Franklin, about people and situations ongoing guidance when don’t always (verse 18) tucked me in bed, never read was just a strong-willed on the surface. We things in your law.â€? me child – so, in between always as they appear forces and so I may see wonderful them, there was a S MPTU JO ZPVS #JCMF complexity, driving “Open my eyes that lot going on! When you’re Nothing, would start it, so know the background, DF CVU GFFM DPOGVTFE CZ P open I decided to establish being as they are. raised in a family t %P ZPV TFFL (PE T HVJEBO do, often! God loves like it just that, what you share and allso I could be in it! on that result in situations of the psalmist – I is a common experience So, at 26, I found Then pray this prayer from God. He is all-knowing myself that’s unique – nobody teaching 500 women however, is hidden can plant his guidance. y else in the world who’d never been will guide, but we hearts into which he would know what in a Bible study before F DPOGVTFE *G XF BTL IF understanding. on them, or it’s like to be in either. And I did that, opinions and so act t (PE EPFT OPU XBOU VT UP C and 59-60). that every family except your week, for 12 years. UAre you quick totoform seek guidance obey (see verses 34 siblings, gs, so there’s a bond I never missed a set them aside and must then choose to class there that I appreciate. are you willing because I wanted towards selfish gain. so much to know understanding? your statutes and not God and from God’s supreme to come into that “Turn my heart towards ‌â€? relationship with him. from worthless things You’ve said “God Turn my eyes away has no o grandchildrenâ€?, Choice ancient paths, so what was your How did you find HVJEBODF .JHIU IJT (verses 36-37). and look; ask for the personal sonal journey to the time to do XIFO ZPV TFFL (PE T “Stand at the crossroads it ‌â€? (Jeremiah that becoming a Christian? when you were seeking guidance for t 8IBU NPUJWBUFT ZPV way is, and walk in a young mum? be a result of your ask where the good I was raised to know I kept a basket of apparent lack of response this prayer. Jesus toys under my desk us and love Jesus, pursuits? If so, pray 6:16a) answer. But that and my mother so the children could selfish gain or worthless to guide us, he will was very your only play with them ery consistent in When we ask God to hear. It my steps towards having family devotions if they came to the my ways ‌ turned be quite what we want study, and they every very morning and “I have considered 59-60). answer may not always had to evening – I didn’t learn to be quiet to obey‌â€? (verses of our hearts, or attitudes, ‌ motives hasten particularly and will I certain cularly like them play around me. statutes ‌ Z ZPV EP OPU GFFM (PE JT may pinpoint be put right. I got actually! But I remember interrupted a thousand *G OPU NJHIU UIBU CF XI that first need to one Easter, when times during the day, t $PVME ZPV TBZ UIJT lifestyles and behaviour live out the basic I was seven or eight but you train yourself that you seek? have to choose to years to just get right back ars old – it was a giving you the guidance Indeed, we may first our ancestors into your concentration. 97-104). Good Friday – and – the godly ways that direction ‌â€? (verses d I was watching It’s funny how you further guidelines of Scripture insight, understanding, teach your children HVJEBODF JO IJT promise of God’s an (PE T “Wisdom, the old TFFL that XF black-and-white order XIFO by nd-white movie your example, so QSPNJTFE followed – in they learn to love Would you like such t 4VDI BSF UIF UIJOHT portraying the the things that you life of Christ meditation and obedience. guidance will follow. love. God’s guidance, When they catch Word through sincere called King of Kings decide not to follow you on your knees s by Cecil B Furthermore, if we that leads to in prayer or catch you guidance? DeMille. I was on an alternative path 105). reading your Bible as watching the for my pathâ€? (verse we may find ourselves – not that you are trying to my feet and a light scene of the crucifixion (1 Timothy 1:19). to show them you PE T 8PSE 8IFO “Your Word is a lamp bring spiritual shipwreck and need to pray – it’s contagious. GPS HVJEBODF BTJEF PG ( from God’s ways? Then I remember mber We don’t have to t 8IFSF FMTF NJHIU ZPV MPPL being UHave you taken a detour Word, “what be perfect, thank goodness, convinced and ask again from God’s but we need to be (PE T QSPNJTF PG might that not be helpful? impacted this image to mind, that path. saved and we need SFBEJOH BOE BCTPSCJOH then choose to take that he died to have a personal ed – not just as t )PX DPNNJUUFE BSF ZPV UP note verse 148. is the right way to followâ€?, walk with the Lord that Word – his someone is through genuine who was guidance and authentic. crucified Peace d (Jeremiah 6:16b). by the rest for your soulsâ€? How do you manage Romans – but that â€œâ€Ś and you will find but if we seek your ‘quiet times’ he promise to guide us, in a busy life? Prayer truth Not only does God actually y died for my by it, there is a paths; guide me in your The important thing it, and choose to live O Lord, teach me your all day his guidance, trust sins. And I can is to set aside time assurance and “Show me your ways, and my hope is in you every peace, contentment, day. I do it in the are God my Saviour, morning. But because further promise: rest, remember worried about mber as a and teach me, for you I’m not a morning person of us are stressed or satisfaction. So if any little girl telling I get up and do this promise, and longâ€? Psalm 25:4-5. my stretches and exercises, let’s look again at â– the way forward, God then I walk twod that I was and-a-half miles God has for us. womanalive September 27 to Starbucks, get choose the guidance sorry ry and asking a triple espresso, come back and that’s when him to forgive I do it because I have to wake myself up. me and cleanse The first thing I do is pray and ask for me, and claiming the Lord’s blessing, then I go through a portion Jesus as my Saviour. 8 May womanalive of Scripture – and I’m asking myself what does

Woman Alive talks


Anne is a speaker and author named by the New York five most influential Times as one of evangelists of her the generation. Her father, has called her “the Billy Graham, best preacher in the family� and she events across the has spoken at world to hundreds of thousands of people. with Ali Herbert about She spoke her heart for encouraging women to discover a fresh encounter with God

Annee Graham m Lotz



OCT OBE R 2012

Into the Word

Mor Mo More M ore good g d th things ings g

Clean our a cultural beaches phenome Join o the he Beachwatc What next for fantasy-hun non & 16th B Weeken Weekend h September h Big now that gry cinemagoe d (15th the ) and help and d record rs, ecord the have both Harry Potter and Twilight tto clean rubbish left up drawn to beaches. series le on our ches. a close? hes. DVD, the s. Find ur Fin out Now first film in more at org/beachw g/beachwa a www /beachwatc the Hunger out on www.mcsuk franchise chwatch m atch h or call arrived in Games . 01989 566017. cinemas proved that 5660 last spring, there was Enjoy our and grim world no need heritage to fret. The of the bestselling Over ver er 4000 40 translated 000 properties novels perfectly normally – many of ormally closed to the screen, film was clo them a global to the pu opening pe public – hit. Strangely, and the ening their dark and the doors will be violent tale, for such from 6th-9 S Septembe Septe September eptember a 6th-9th ember The mber for seems to th f Heritage 6 have touched Hunger Games alll about a Ope Days. Open abo bout people, a cultural pe peo IIt’s places and nerve. and IIt offers d is organised organ community c munity a complex by volunteers, volunte out utt for activities heroine Katniss K a so look Everdeen in your are heritageope heritage (Jennifer area or visit ok rritageopend ta in a futuristic Lawrence) ww www www. lives k go governmen society where the corrupt t annually Wear the for a televised selects 12 wrong shoes teenagers battle to Help He Help p raise awareness little the sister Prim aw awarenes death. (Willow Shields) When her gynae gyn gynaecolog about naecologic be aecologica e killed. But Kat Katniss volunteers ical rather than wearring your all cancers this month wearin wearing Be Becoming to go in her is chosen, ecoming ente enters a month by wellies to an unwitting just playing the competition place – and o the on game, sh work o the he school e second symbol of where she orr slippers s sc manages run. The and third resistance, she must kill camp campaign to turn it Funny Feet mpaign instalments or paign is organis she i Feet on its head. organised – to a full-blown inspires a nationwide It’s It’ Ap Appe ’s a real Appeal. ppeal. eal. Vis V www.eveapby the E Visit Eve re rebellion. unrest leading ve eye-open calll 020 7605 ca er We might peal.o – in 7 not live k 0100 01 to regist out register and or utt more opening op pening warnings under a totalitarian more. ore d find regime, but for our culture. senses? se enses? And The Hunger How much how can Games has bad ba we hold ad questions do we allow some eyeentertainme for a Hollywood onto our true identity a iin an image-obs nt to dull our action blockbuste +The Hunger essed society?moral r. Games is Not released on DVD on * Sophie Septembe September Lister is a 3rd researcher and writer Fo For for The Dama or more articles Damaris and study Trust too toolsfortalks olsfortalks.c guides .com om see culturewatch .org an and


30 ye

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Cele brat ing

Wha t’s ’s youkeepiinn from g

God ? Prayer for the


s Reec cco og oggn n niis prro p iisi s ng ob o n bl ble llem in in Go e s Tru your sti d’s prom ng ises

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CVM Scot and s part of CVM an nternat ona movement of men who s mp y want to te other men about Jesus We equ p the church tra n eaders set up and enab e men s groups produce evange st c resources run conferences and evange st c men s camps and much more

For over 30 years, we ve shared deas, o ered adv ce, h gh ghted many ssues and brought together women who share a common cha enge or exper ence.

womanalive May ayy 9


o n Alive Woman ŠW

201 2012 22012


00 February woman





If you wou d ke to d scover Woman A ve for yourse f or treat a fr end, we’re offer ng readers of Scott sh Chr st an Broadcast ng a one year subscr pt on for ust £23 – sav ng 30% on our cover pr ce of £2.75.


Jo Saxton talks to Lucind challenges facing womena van der Hart about the today


things I’ve lear being a 21 ned about st

Christian century woman

Jo Saxton is a speaker, is currently author and based in a director Southern has two of 3D ministries California daughters . She is British, , where her aged six The Smart and seven. husband but Girl’s Guide pastors a Her latest to Living church. Jo book, Life Welll was published High Heels and Holiness: earlier this year

It’s vital deep into that we dig understandin who we are. g

women’s opportunit empowerment, y to do all there has left is sorts of There are women so overwhelm things. But it ‌ I observe our culture, many messages ed by choices that women out there and a do all of unwittingly in often say, this, and seep into number of them I don’t know “I could start. I’m to be sure the Church. The picture not sure where to who we how I’m equipped are supposed It is hard identity question, is limiting. of femininity we’ve going to to do it.â€? to be. The been given be which we something things I’ve I think of the most hoped to think experience feminine about during was just – and is the menstrual d – giving often taught our teens birth, or cycle just for our as if it is pretty or teens dainty. They – and they are all over again. – becomes reallysomething not tears. But that wouldn’tare blood, sweat pertinent and Identity is archetype given; we of femininity. fit into our culture’s of voices have allowed women who’ve I’ve to give us all kinds asked whethermet too many women of identity. strong – I’d encourage every age There is whether they are and back and a lot taught strength too whether is feminine, ask where every stage to come women being strength in identity. We is aggressive. we are or isn’t automatica princesses. churches about placing our said in an I think it’s Strength that we reactoften discover that attempt are a woman. lly aggressive been by to sense the things because to, and react capture of worth I think of invested you a woman’s given birth, against. Have and value too much women the point had to wrestle ‌ but of our sense who’ve we our relationship when we, they will with the of identity as Christians, we miss this. Yes, never give s, in our fact that our ability in we emphasise who’ve had birth, or to conceive getting married, this makes serve a king, and women we have? in or in the us princesses, technically and I think, to recover from Actually, kind that miscarriage we are called of job “You want but the reality our identity whosee we strong.â€? s, a woman to represent are. is is When we to be to God and It’s really important found in the king. we are calledlook into Scripture ask, “Who to “What do we see that do you say return you say we are also to relationship I am?â€? I’m with God, that mean in the world worth?â€? “What does but with womencalled to represent experiences him. I think in which we often Scripture’s I live?â€? Our Our world over-emph but the other shouldn’t define covenant communic asise our theology, message, empower way around. have had but women for four kids, ates that even if We are the kingdom we don’t you you are meant like you called to message. haven’t had represent that is in to look proactive any. God, whether the about being It is good to communitie context of our be have to families, healthy, s, or our critique our but we called to workplace. the images Sometimes We are all There is we , we have commission make disciples. often still with ourselves to be really live by. controversy The great applies to woman is give one honest about our supposed over what us. When ourselves half of the expectation feminine? to be. a we only message, essence of s of What makes What makes her comparing and our bodies: it isn’t the what God feminine? full are we her less will never called us Our culture pressurisin and competing to be, so feel than that is conflicting. ? Are is so sexualised g ourselves we If we are complete. particular to conform we opportunit But there – images? have bought waiting to be rescued, y is massive It to healthy, the advancesfor women as well. into the it’s another is one thing to if we passively idea that Because be an airbrushed to try and in terms wait we have of technology of conform to engage with until life happens image. to There is and more God intendedit, we could miss before we “You’re beautiful.â€?to say to a the life that for us. woman than It is a valuable say to a woman, thing to but God than that. says more to us â–

Strength isn’t someth to be afraid iing of.

I’m ’ amaze much our d at how perceptionChristian derived fromof women is fairy tales.

We need to W return to issue of body the image.

It’s a conflic experience. ting

womanalive September

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30 years Celebrating AM LOTZ ANNE GRAH up, On growing and juggling roles women God’s call to

BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND How to defeat your inner critic

VALU E FOR MON EY Make a family meal for just ÂŁ3.35 FOR YOU TO es Pretty watch from Accessorize anian vva llva yylva ylv Sylv Sy Sylva d a Sylvan nd n and an a Fa y Fa Famil












discover OCTO BER 2012


Cele bratin g 30 years

p and the Love, friendshican make difference we

INSP IR t10 ED BY AU go t M ake od thingsTU M N an t W apple de to do in a whea ssert tsh bouq eaf uet ‘IT’S GOD’ YOU S THAT VI EW OF We ce MAT lebra TERS’ te amaz ing wosome men

REAL LI FE ‘II co L ulld dn’tt dn sto to op o p pu ulllin llllli g lli my ha u aair ai iirr o ou uttt’’

Treat yourself or a friend to Woman Alive, the magazine for today’s Christian woman.

Wha t’s youkefepiinng rom


As you were growing up, were you aware of your a bedtime story, father’s international never played a game with fame and impact? me, never fixed me And I believe that a snack – you know on that day I was the I was born just before things you think born again into God’s of a father doing. my father had a family. big My meeting in LA that grandparents helped put everything on to raise us and the they radar. But we were fabulous. Was it a straightforward were shielded from I say that to encourage path to preaching my father’s fame. We women who are and teaching? were not allowed single parents. You to do can do interviews and we it with God’s help. I married young and weren’t exposed But I would rather by the time I was to the have press, except once Billy Graham as a 26 I had three children in a while, there part-time aged five, three and was a photo opportunity. other man as a full-time father than any 10 months. I was just So I knew my busy and I drifted father. He taught father travelled a lot, knew me a lot about what from God – I didn’t mean he told people about God is like, and to, but I did. Somebody Jesus, but the scope his integrity and his humility told me about an of it I didn’t understand. organised Bible study have impacted me And I’m not sure in my own ministry. and I decided I wanted it would have made It was a wonderful to be in one. Nobody any difference unless home: Christ-centred, that was somehow Christ-loving and emphasised as, Christ-serving. “Because of your father’s ministry you’ve got to behave that way� and that was never conveyed So was there a ‘saintly to us. glow’ around the My mother adored house at all times? my father and so I did too. But it meant Not at all! I’m the that I was pretty second child so I much had an raised by a single older sister, a parent and grandparents younger sister and two because it was estimated younger brothers. My oldest sister was my father travelled bossy 60% of the time when like older sisters I was growing up. are and my younger So he never tucked brother, Franklin, me in bed, never was just a strong-willed read me child – so, in between them, there was a lot going on! When you’re would start it, so I decided to establish raised in a family like it just that, what you share so I could be in it! is a common experience So, at 26, I found myself that’s unique – nobody teaching 500 women who’d never been else in the world would know what in a Bible study before it’s like to be in either. And I did that, that every family except your week, for 12 years. siblings, so there’s I never missed a a bond class there that I appreciate. because I wanted so much to know God and to come into that relationship with him. You’ve said “God has no grandchildren�, so what was your How did you find personal journey the time to do to that becoming a Christian? when you were a young mum? I was raised to know I kept a basket of Jesus and love Jesus, toys under my desk and my mother so the children could was very consistent only play with them in having family devotions if they came to the study, and they every morning and had to evening – I didn’t learn to be quiet particularly like and play around me. I got them actually! But I remember interrupted a thousand one Easter, when times during the day, I was seven or eight but you train yourself years old – it was to just get right back a into your concentration. Good Friday – and It’s funny how you I was watching teach your children an old black-and-white by your example, movie so they learn to love portraying the the things that you life of Christ love. When they catch called King of Kings you on your knees by Cecil in prayer or catch you DeMille. I was watching B reading your Bible the – not that you are trying scene of the crucifixion to show them you and need to pray – it’s contagious. We I remember don’t have to be being perfect, thank goodness, convinced and but we need to be impacted saved and we need that he died – not to have a personal just as walk with the Lord that someone who is genuine and authentic. was crucified by the How do you manage Romans – but that your ‘quiet times’ he in a busy life? actually died for my The important thing sins. And I can is to set aside time every day. I do it in the morning. But because remember as a I’m not a morning person little girl telling I get up and do my stretches and exercises, God that I was then I walk twoand-a-half miles to Starbucks, get sorry and asking a triple espresso, come back and that’s when him to forgive I do it because I have to wake myself up. me and cleanse The first thing I do is pray and ask for me, and claiming the Lord’s blessing, then I go through a portion Jesus as my Saviour. 8 May womanalive of Scripture – and I’m asking myself what does

Woman Alive talks


Anne Graham Lotz

Into the Word

our path offers us orre poignant when more feel m feel ay fe may his m This Th T when it is suddenly urn to choose from, tu ne turn n on tthaan one ore than mo more by a dead-end. o seemingly cut short les, or bsstaclle obstacles, itth ob with lleed w fill filled regarding the way io or disillusionment onfussion confusion h co uch Su Such as we seek God’s kes us to our knees takes n tak often warrd of orw for forward attter. matter. he m the n th on i ancee o uidan u gu guidance between the good oesn’t differentiate doesn’t misst do almi sal psalmist thee ps But th that God longs to lt. Rather he teaches ficult ffi difficult. he dif the n th mes aand tim times w constantly. ght way ig he rright h uss in tthe uide u gu guide life or do you tend to lity a hallmark of your umiilit humility ch hu opinions, UIss ssuch resources, initiative, o ur own ou you on your ely on re rely nd so on? and ng an ng ndin stan n rst u under understanding

ance idan Guid â–ź

wond and then wonder g God s guidance, rely seek God’s sincerely manipula genuinely and sincerely ev genuinely ns or manipulated ou ever you D yo Do inclinations you yo r own inclinations the voice of your the promis f God’s promise simply followed e simply u’ve yyou if you’ve Tissier looks att God’s Tissier own plans?? Anne Le ur own confirm your re to confirm Scripture Scr pture Scriptu ow that teach us how t res tha scriptu scr he scriptures and the s and ide us, guid o guide to

ise ooff Promis ’s Pro d’s God

hi to d t ask him I don’t sense. When I wake, to which top I should guide my choice as turn up for work! wear, or whether I should my life is his gift to But I also believe that my gift to him if I live me, and potentially, him and dovetails it in a way that pleases if I live to bring into his universal purpose; to love and salvation ‘voice’). the comfort of God’s we see examples in contact with. Throughout Scripture, the people I come promise to guide his we make our choices of God fulfilling his Consequently, how he guided Abraham otherwise, people. Through angels to honour God, or of potential pillars has city; through seek his promise to to pray for a wicked so it is important we guided the Hebrews – then follow it. cloud and fire he a guide those choices territory; through situations arise, through unknown Otherwise, when difficult a sheep-fleece he rejected, when we are miraculous event with when we are hurt or a leadership role; or tempted, guided Gideon into bored, distracted, disillusioned sky he guided sensitive by our own feelings, through a star in the we might be guided of the of a Saviour; through those else or Magi to the birth in opinions and desires, his people to trust prophets he guided ways of the world. his divine Word result in choices the Messiah; and, through his Such guidance might or scribes, God guides with ungodly words written down by his that dishonour God godly way of living. clothing; people into a right and behaviour, even inappropriate he has fulfilled his of resources Moreover, God ultimately indwelling through the misuse through the possessions, talents), promise to guide us given to us (money, lives (John 14:16us time he has given of his Spirit in believers’ or by wasting the in the New and our own interests 17; 16:13), demonstrated (for example, while we pursue occasions seeking his. Testament on many agendas instead of Acts 16:6).

The Promise

you turn to the Isaiah 30:21 says: “Whether a your ears will hear right or to the left, saying, ‘This is the way; [word] behind you, translates ‘word’ as walk in it’.� (note NIV


Receiving the Promise

The Purpose

“He guides me in paths Psalm 23:3 tells us, his name’s sake�. This of righteousness for promise – guidance is the purpose of the God’s will and his that enables us to uphold transformed ways as we are increasingly Jesus. into the likeness of given us common I believe God has

26 September womanalive

Inspiration and

Humility in what is right and “He guides the humble (Psalm 25:9). teaches them his way� conscious of our Humility is being on God and absolute dependency that out in our daily consequently living choices. routines, lifestyles and

ideas for

the month



Mor good More M g odd th thinggss tto do

Clean an our b beaches Join n the he e Be Beachwa tch Big & 16th B Weekend th h Septemb (15th er) and help and nd record help to clean cord ord d the t rubbish up beaches. eaches. left on our left hes. es. Find Fi out Fin more at org/beach rg/beachw at www.mcs www mc eachwatc chwatch watch watch uk. h or call 01989 566017. 5 Enjoy our heritage Over ver er 4000 0 propertie pro s – many normally no orrmally many of ally closed clo c them to the public opening ope pe publ – ening their th doors the will be from fro Septemb Septem Se eptembe ptem err for Heritage 6th-9th alll about Open Open Days. about people, abo Days It’ss p places and and d is organised organ commun it ity by b volunteer volunteers out ou ut for fo f activities eers a i acti in your area s, so look heritageo or visit www. pendays.



A TEA of Cord or the life-savin PARTY this month and help g work of Our picture to raise vital Meningitis shows actress UK. funds to Meningitis aid the peace-b and TV persona Time 4 Tea uilding work with party lity Lisa Faulkner balloons, campaign this autumn ’s Fantasy colourful who registers and for the event. bunting, invitation her recipe is includedCake. Lisa (left) Emily on is backing s and a collectio To sign up 0117 3033344 in a or find out n box, which special party pack the . more visit Or sign up along www.meningitisukwill be sent to for anyone Peace Day peace-building .org/time organisation on 4tea or call posters and 21st September. Cord’s Peace The event activity ideas of Cake campaig is sponsor are available from www.cored by Yorkshire Tea n in the run-up to Internatio and invitation nal s, recipe fcake or call 01926,

isee Seek God’s promis

– through given you his word his guidance: he has by his God has promised Word made flesh, and through Jesus, the guidelines in Scripture; (NIV Spirit living within us. on the Word of God Psalm 119, A devotion so here Read and reflect on ways. It’s a long passage, guides us in God’s Study Bible), which get you started: are a few thoughts to 4-5) ‌ (verses ecepts ‌â€? precepts prece BXBJUT woman aliveBOTXFS May 9BMSFBEZ BXBJUT “You have laid down IJT O IJT BOTXFS BMSFBEZ JO QSBZFS XIFO JEBODF JO QSBZFS XIF P ZPV BTL (PE GPS HVJEBODF example, on how to use your money, t %P ZPV BTL (PE GPS HV for intent on you in his Word? Principles, respond to a person priorities, or how to what to make your TQFBLT you harm ‌? QTBMNJTU QTBMNJTU causing UIF UIF UIBU UIBU TIBNF UIF TIBNF GFFM UIF T st Trust UP GFFM VT UP lean not on your XBOU VT OPU XBOU EPFT OPU living, nor do we PE EPFT th all your heart and t (PE with d wit orrd th LLord him, st in the rust Tru ““Trust confession and repentant ways acknowledge of; and, through sincere ndiing; in all your derstaand de understanding; w unde own o 3:5-6). have to. ur pathsâ€? (Proverbs you ectt your you. you.â€? di direct ill dire will do against he w we If sin aand h not guidance. m heart that I might ount to following God’s amo ram our Word in my paramount So ust iss para rust Tru Trust “II have hidden your reluctant to follow. mplicittly, we may be implicitly, B DBS P B DBS Go im to trusst God not trust no (verse 11) MJLF B TBUOBW CVJMU JOUP we may first need PG (PE T 8PSE MJLF B TBUOBW CVJMU JOU IJOL PG (PE T 8PSE UIJOL receivve the promise, n receive we can e before b U NBZ CF IFMQGVM UP t *U NBZ CF IFMQGVM UP U for directions, it automatically and faithfulness. the engine and ask knowle kno edge of his love have our knowledge ess ou eaddress readdress rea read readdres When you switch on on? Do you trust guidance and already od asking you to walk when you pray for God you. ater’ iiss Go a ‘water’ at ‘wa What UWha guides you. Similarly, he will use it to direct step out of the boat’? your mind and heart, ‘step AIJEF AIJEF ou to ‘st ough enough him eno God’s Word built into EP ZPV UBLF UJNF UP can be a pitfall to UP MJWF B HPEMZ MJGF PSS EP ZPV UBLF UJNF UP own understandingâ€? SU UP MJWF B HPEMZ MJGF P “o o “own more, our Furtheerm F Furthermore, P ZPV SFMZ PO TFMG FGGPSU t %P ZPV SFMZ PO TFMG FGGP make judgements and remember it, providing guidance. We easily heart; to meditate on od’s g God’s ar g God earing hearing ven he eve even God’s Word in your but things are not to hand? it tions at face value, hen your Bible is not d situations about people and ongoing guidance when don’t always on the surface. We your law.â€? (verse 18) in appear things they as so and always forces I may see wonderful #JCMF complexity, driving “Open my eyes that TFE CZ PS MPTU JO ZPVS Nothing, know the background, JEBODF CVU GFFM DPOGV open being as they are. t %P ZPV TFFL (PE T HV do, often! God loves and allon that result in situations of the psalmist – I Then pray this prayer from God. He is all-knowing his guidance. however, is hidden plant can he but we hearts into which F BTL IF will guide, understanding. on them, or UP CF DPOGVTFE *G X opinions and so act t (PE EPFT OPU XBOU VT and 59-60). UAre you quick totoform seek guidance obey (see verses 34 set them aside and must then choose to are you willing towards selfish gain. not and understanding? statutes your from God’s supreme “Turn my heart towards ‌â€? from worthless things Turn my eyes away Choice ancient paths, HVJEBODF .JHIU IJT (verses 36-37). and look; ask for the XIFO ZPV TFFL (PE T “Stand at the crossroads it ‌â€? (Jeremiah seeking guidance for t 8IBU NPUJWBUFT ZPV way is, and walk in be a result of your ask where the good apparent lack of response this prayer. pursuits? If so, pray 6:16a) answer. But that selfish gain or worthless to guide us, he will your When we ask God to hear. It my steps towards want we turned ‌ what ways quite my be “I have considered 59-60). answer may not always or attitudes, ‌ to obey‌â€? (verses motives of our hearts, M (PE JT statutes ‌ I will hasten may pinpoint certain XIZ ZPV EP OPU GFF be put right. *G OPU NJHIU UIBU CF that first need to t $PVME ZPV TBZ UIJT lifestyles and behaviour live out the basic that you seek? have to choose to giving you the guidance Indeed, we may first our ancestors ‌â€? (verses 97-104). – the godly ways that guidelines of Scripture understanding, direction JO IJT God’s further “Wisdom, insight, TFFL (PE T HVJEBODF that the promise of QSPNJTFE XIFO XF followed – in order Would you like such t 4VDI BSF UIF UIJOHT meditation and obedience. guidance will follow. God’s guidance, Word through sincere decide not to follow Furthermore, if we that leads to guidance? on an alternative path 105). for my pathâ€? (verse we may find ourselves to my feet and a light 8IFO (1 Timothy 1:19). “Your Word is a lamp bring JEF PG (PE T 8PSE spiritual shipwreck MPPL GPS HVJEBODF BT from God’s ways? Then t 8IFSF FMTF NJHIU ZPV UHave you taken a detour Word, “what ask again from God’s JTF PG might that not be helpful? this image to mind, TPSCJOH (PE T QSPN that path. V UP SFBEJOH BOE BC then choose to take t )PX DPNNJUUFE BSF ZP is the right way to followâ€?, Word – note verse 148. his through guidance Peace (Jeremiah 6:16b). rest for your soulsâ€? â€œâ€Ś and you will find but if we seek promise to guide us, Prayer Not only does God there is a in your truth it, me by live guide to paths; it, and choose O Lord, teach me your all day his guidance, trust assurance and “Show me your ways, and my hope is in you peace, contentment, are God my Saviour, further promise: rest, worried about and teach me, for you of us are stressed or satisfaction. So if any this promise, and longâ€? Psalm 25:4-5. let’s look again at â– the way forward, God has for us. September 27 choose the guidance

Wear the wrong shoes Help raise awarenes s about gynaecol ogical wearing your cancers this month by on the schoolwellies to work or slippers run. The campaign Funny Feet is organised Appeal. Visit by the Eve call 020 0100 to register .uk or out more. and find

40 Septembe r womanalive


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rom omise Anne is a speaker iisse es es and author named by the New York five most influential Times as one of evangelists of her the generation. Her father, has called her “the Billy Graham, best preacher in the family� and she events across the has spoken at world to hundreds of thousands of people. with Ali Herbert about She spoke her heart for encouragi ng women to discover a fresh encounter with God


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What next eno enon on on for fantasy-h now that ungry cin cinemago the nemagoer ers, s, have both Harry Potterr and Tw Twilight series drawn to a close? DVD, the Now ow first film in the Hunger out on franchise arrived in Games cinemas proved that last spring, there was and grim world no of the bestsellinneed to fret. The translated g novels perfectly to the screen, film was a global and the hit. Strangely dark and , for such violent tale, a The seems to have touched Hunger Games a cultural nerve. It offers

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Katniss Everdeen Katni (Jennifer in a futuristic society where Lawrence) lives governm the corrupt ent annually for a televised selects 12 teenager battle to s little sister the death. Prim When her be killed. Katniss volunteer(Willow Shields) But rather is chosen, s to go in than just Becomin enters a playing the her place g an – and game, she competition where the second unwitting symbol manages she must of resistanc and third kill or to turn it instalmen e, she inspires on its head. ts – to a a nationwid It’s a real full-blown e unrest rebellion. eye-ope leading – ner We might in not live under opening a totalitaria warnings for our culture. n regime, but senses? The Hunger And How much Games has bad questionshow can we hold do we some eyefor a Hollywoo onto our true identity allow entertainm ent to dull our d action in an image-ob blockbus +The Hunger sessed society?moral ter. Games is Not released on DVD on * Sophie Septemb Lister is a er 3rd researche r and writer For more for The Damaris articles and Trust toolsfortalk study guides see culturewa and


. . . the 7th Octobe r. For details Queen’s Diamonds – a special visit exhibition yalcollection.o or call at Buckingham Palace 020 7766 until 7300. How to


live meaningfully


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El Gruer

With a gap in her schedule, we managed to grab a quick chat with the poet that has been shaking up Scotland. So for those who aren’t familiar with you, can you tell us a wee bit about yourself? Well, El in a Nutshell- I was born and brought up in Inverness and then went to study Creative Writing at Lancaster University. After graduating I worked with a youth and schools missionary project in Northern Ireland and then in Canada, using creativity to disciple young people. In 2011 I returned to Scotland to step out as a full-time poet with the heart to write and speak truth in a fresh way into the length and breadth of our nation.

What exactly is it that you do? That is a good question- ironically it is quite hard to put into words what I do. Part of my time is spent sharing poems with people, which is the performance aspect but this comes in many forms. On stages at big events or festivals like CLAN, Greenbelt and Resurrection Day or in smaller contexts like concerts in people’s homes, church gatherings, arts conferences, coffee shops, pubs, weddings and hospitals. When I am not sharing I am writing, I don’t distinguish between a


mainstream or faith- based environment, I write and perform for all people. I have also partnered with different groups and organisations on short term projects, for example running a creative literacy course for young people in a homeless and vulnerable situation with Barnardos or teaching in workshops with English students in schools. I also collaborate with musicians and filmmakers on artistic projects- I don’t see poetry having any boundaries, so I am always open to new ways of using words to serve people.

Where has this gifting taken you? As long as I can get somewhere and someone can put me up then I am happy to go and share anywhere. This has taken me all over the place, from a theological college in the very north of Scotland to a children’s hospital in the very South of England, from a pub in Ireland to a wedding in the USA. I know I am just to be faithful with every opportunity.

What inspires you? Almost everything, though most of all it would be the widest spectrum of human experience. I am fascinated with

brokenness and wholeness. I love to give voice to topics, emotions or experiences that we do not often speak about, I believe there is great capacity for healing when we put speechlessness into words.

Looking at your lifestyle- it seems quite unusual, can you tell us about it? Ok- well I suppose some people might define it as ‘living by faith’ but to me it is more living in constant trust and thanksgiving. I feel very strongly that I am not to charge for anything I do. As long as I can get somewhere and people can put me up I will come and share. If people choose to give a donation then I will gratefully receive it but this is a gift God has freely given to me and so freely I will share. I have a real heart for all people and am passionate about being a carrier of truth in the mainstream arts. I rely completely on God’s provision- which is actually a very exciting place to be. My guaranteed monthly income is £0 but yet I have always had 3 square meals, a bed at night and have also been able to run a car, whilst dotting about all over the country!

What obstacles have you had to overcome? With the poetry, I would have to say people’s need to pigeonhole me. What I do is a hard thing to explain or get your head around unless you have seen or heard it live. It doesn’t comfortably fit into any existing genre really. Some might feel more comfortable defining me as a spoken word artist or a wordsmith. I prayerfully consider each set of poems, taking into account the type of event or audience and use poems that I feel will

best serve in that context so it will be different every time. I don’t feel the need to be pigeonholed or defined in set terms -I am just a poet that loves Jesus! In terms of personal challenges, moving around can be very lonely at times so that is something I have to navigate through.

Your mission statement is share can you unpack this for us? I see the stewardship of a gift as being extremely important. I wanted to have something to keep the poems accountable to. Technically, there are many things I could write but if they are not going to bring life to people then I won’t write them. As a concept for a poem first comes to me, I pray about it. I then examine my heart on it and ask myself- if this coming from a place of love? Then I examine if it dreams in line with the gospel. If it passes those checks then I will write it and finally share it.



An interview with . . .

Outside of poetry or ‘church’ what does El like to do? I love to paint when I get the chance and have a good rummage in charity shops, or explore vintage and antique stores. And catching up with friends over a frothy coffee is good for the heart!

Where can we find some of your work and follow your journey? FB: El Gruer Poetry Twitter: @elgruer 19

Homeless Hopeless Less is not always more Help someone rebuild their life today and change Scotland for good. Call 0131 561 8930 or email to ďŹ nd out how you can help 20

Bethany Christian Trust is a registered charity no SC003783 Giving homeless and vulnerable people hope and a future



Why Scotland “Surely you don’t believe in a book written by a bunch of illiterate desert shepherds? The Bible is a lot of rubbish”. The young man was very confident in his understanding and rejection of the Bible. Too confident. And illogical (how could illiterate people write the Bible?!). I asked him if he had actually read the Bible. No – he had just read about it on various atheist websites. So the answer was simple. Why not just read the Bible? I was brought up with the Bible and at one point in my teenage life I suspect I would have sided with my atheist antagonist. But then I met some people who not only read the bible, said they believed and it seemed to make a difference. So I started again. As a 16 year old I began reading at 1 Kings – not the best place to begin. I ploughed on into 2 Kings and was on the point of giving up, when after a series of events, I became a Christian. I saw the Bible in a whole new light and for the past 32 years have read it at least once a year. For the past 25 years I have been teaching it three to five times every week! So what does it mean to me?


Firstly it is an astonishing book – unlike any other. It is not an academic book yet is stretches my mind and makes me think unlike anything else I have ever read. It is not a self-help book yet it has been a greater help to me than everything I know. It is not a religious book and yet it has led me to God. It is not a political book and yet it has shown me why our world is in such a mess. It is not a book of morals and yet it has helped clarify for me right and wrong. In other words the Bible is my food, meat and drink. I do not read, study or preach it as a ‘professional’ just doing my job. It is the Word of God. Through it God speaks not only to me, but also to His Church and indeed to the whole world. People are ‘born again… through the living and enduring word of God” (1 Peter 1:23). Those of us who love and care about Scotland are concerned about many problems that exist in our society – family breakdown, substance abuse, poverty, educational decline, racism,

crime and unemployment are all things we should and do care about. Indeed the Christian Church is often (rightly) to the fore in dealing with these issues. But there is no greater need in our society than the current famine of hearing the Word of the Lord. It is as Gods Word is heard, heeded and acted upon, that the ripple effect spreads throughout the whole of society. It was Tolstoy who observed that everyone talks of changing society, no-one thinks of changing their own heart. And yet that is where the Bible comes into its own. It brings change, life, hope, meaning, guidance and above all Christ to Christless, hopeless, meaningless, confused, lost souls. And the change the Holy Spirit brings through the Word he has inspired is nothing but miraculous. Indeed even as I write I have just returned from visiting a young man in prison, who having found himself

in a cell on his own, began to read the Bible, and as he read Matthew’s Gospel, experienced in himself a profound change. The Bible brings light into darkness, life into death and love into damnation.



needs the Bible Of course there are great difficulties in the Bible – what else would you expect? There is variety of genre, apparent (though not real) contradictions, and even the apostle Peter found some things hard to understand! But as the living and enduring Word of God, it is still as fresh, and dynamic as the day it was first revealed. My young friend I mentioned at the beginning, decided to go and read the Bible. My last letter from him stated that he was now beginning to understand and it scared him that it all seemed to make sense. Indeed it does…

David Robertson Director Solas Centre for Public Christianity Minister of St Peters Free Church, Dundee



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The popular male group from Northern Ireland make the trip across the Irish Sea to Scotland.


Singing and leading worship all over the UK since 1999, Michael’s mission is to encourage the church - and we are confident he will encourage the audience in Perth!


Well known for his Psalms set to music series of recordings, Ian has firmly established himself as part of the Christian contemporary music scene. Ian introduces LIAM BONTHRONE on stage.

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Revival FM is Scotland’s FIRST full time Community Christian radio station - broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Tune in on 100.8FM across west Central Scotland or across the UK and the world online at Here we trust and pray you will be blessed, encouraged, inspired or perhaps even challenged by our music and ministry. Revival FM - where hearing is believing!


I love the Tartan Army. The Scottish football team’s supporters are some of the most amazing people in the world. I am of an age where I remember learning the words to “We’re on the march wi’ Ally’s Army”. We used to sing it as we went off to school each morning! The thought of “going to the Argentine” was something that gripped us even after the Peru disaster. (3-1, enough said) Nevertheless what I loved was the bravado of the Tartan Army boys. Gallus is probably a better word. The impression of them that I received, as a very young boy, was that they were “Go anywhere, do anything” kinds of people. I loved the fact that there would always be a couple of wee Scottish, ginger, sun-burned lads, swimming in whoever’s fountain happened to be closest. There was an irrepressible vitality that endured even the worst of the football team’s results. Now I know with hindsight there were some not so great aspects of the Tartan Army’s exploits, but there was something about them that just made me come alive - they had passion! Passion is a strange thing. You see it in all sorts of places and all sorts of people. For example I am one of the tens of thousands of Rangers fans who are currently week by week defiantly


expressing something of our passion (I do hope the supporters of the SPL teams are enjoying life without us!) Or, to get off the football chat for a moment, how about just watching the faces of the One Direction fans as they adoringly sing along. Or if you want a passionate argument have a go at Mac, iPad or iPhone to any Apple aficionado. We see passion being expressed all around us. So here is my contention - Scots are a passionate people! I really believe that it is part of our fundamental make up to be “gallus” - to be a go anywhere, do anything kind of people. We know that that is true in history. There was a point in the early part of the last century where you could pretty much guarantee that either the doctor, the teacher or the minister in any mission base in the world would be a Scot. We have a huge capacity for adventure.

gallus I believe that to be passionate is to be like Jesus. I think it is an authentic quality that should denote every follower of Christ. We should not be lukewarm, placid or grey. We are called to be people who live life, and live it to the full. And like the Tartan Army we should be irrepressibly vital regardless, or perhaps despite, the results of our team (the Scottish Church). Of course we are facing problems, decline, even possible divisions. But that can not be our main focus or agenda. I am not saying that we ignore these things, but rather that we do not allow them to be our main thing. We are able to choose what we focus on, what we give our energies to. I believe that it is time for us as Scottish Christians to seek out other people of passion and spend our time and energy with them. There are people who are passionate about praying - let’s join

them. There are people passionate about reaching the lost - let’s join them. There are people who are passionate about serving the least, last and lonely - let’s join them. We do not need to accept the passive, grey status quo that seems to be the lot of so many. Let’s be who God made us to be - Scottish Christians - go anywhere, do anything, irrepressibly vital - passionate!



gallus “I really believe that it is part of our fundamental makeup to be “gallus”

That irrepressibly vitality is also something that has been seen time and time again in the business, banking, science and engineering fields. We have been world leaders, innovators and pioneers that have pushed forward many areas of life, changing the world as a result. Alan McWilliam Chairman of Christians Linked Across The Nation


And you’ve been boxing since 10?

Photos courtesy of The Scotsman Publications Limited

Scottish Christian Broadcast interviews boxer Alex Arthur MBE Alex, if I could just start right back at the beginning, you have been the world super featherweight boxing champion, is that right?! Yeah, that’s right mate!

And you’re Scottish, where were you born? Well I was born in Edinburgh, you know, I’m an old Wickie, I was born in Wick in Edinburgh and I’ve never lived anywhere else in my life. I first went to school at the local church site, very close to Edinburgh’s famous landmark, the Holyrood Palace, on the Royal Mile. And then strangely, as a teenager, my parents 28

sent me to Leith Academy, which was further away, but very close to my boxing club… which was more beneficial to me than school was! (laughs)

How did you get into boxing? Was there a need to be a little bit quick on your toes at Leith academy?! No, no, no! It was nothing to do with that at all. My dad was a big boxing fan. It wasn’t uncommon for him to wake me up in the middle of the night to watch the live fights, you know, the big fights, Mike Tyson and these sort of guys. But my dad never wanted me to box, I asked him if I could box and he didn’t

Seems to be a good method of evangelism, feeding people! … and because my dad was gone, my mum was looking after two young lads on her own, I ended up on the football team and took up boxing all at once.

So that’s how you became a Christian. What age did you first give your life to Jesus? Oh, I was very young. It must have been around that time one of the elders of the church asked me “Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?” We would say prayers at school; a Christian way of life was still popular in primary school at that time; we’d sing hymns and pray before the meals at school and stuff like that. I knew that I wanted a relationship with Jesus, He was like one of my family, so when she asked me if I wanted to give my heart to the Lord, I obviously said yes. And I’ve been at church ever since!

What church do you go to? I go to the Life church. I still call it the Apostolic church. I ended up back in the same church I first went to when my dad went to prison. After many years of us being together my wife wanted to become a Christian

as well. She came from a Roman Catholic background. She was brought up in a similar way to me, her school taught her to pray and her parents encouraged her, but she was never convinced to come with me to church on Sundays. One Sunday before church I was watching the famous American pastor Chester Clark and my wife found him really funny. She asked me if that was what churches were like. I explained that while not all are like that, Christian churches are generally upbeat, with a mixture of people and age groups. Jesse Duplantis was coming to Edinburgh a couple months later so we went to see him. There was a fantastic band playing; all the people who turned up were all really young fresh-faced upbeat Christian and afterwards my wife gave her life to the Lord! We were really impressed with the host church which was Dean Bridge and so I decided after 12 years that I’d move church, for my wife’s sake, and for our little boy Alex that had just been born. I became very, very close with the pastor of that church, we attended it for about 5 years, and Peter Adam, who was friends with all the American pastors, became one of my best friends, a massive influence and a big part of my life and my boxing career. Sadly he died in 2008 aged just 59 and after he died the church just wasn’t the same for me. I was struggling to go every week and to be in the place where I first met my pastor and developed such a strong relationship. So one Sunday walking to Princes Street I turned back to my old church; still don’t know why I did it; and it had completely changed! It had a refreshing new young pastor called Adrian Galley, lots of young people had come back, it was just really upbeat, and we’ve been there since.


Alex Arthur Warrior for God

Yeah, since I was 10 years old. I guess the famous connection is that I started going to boxing and church at the very same time, because my friend, who was my only connection to go to a boxing club, also attended the local church with his family, so he’d take me to boxing and then we’d meet his parents back at the church, or something along those lines. So I had to go along with him. And the church ran a football team for the youngsters, so I went back there on a Sunday, and you got juice and crisps and, you know, treats for youngsters…


want me to. So I played football and he really wanted me to stay in school. Unfortunately, my dad went to prison for a long while in the late 1980’s, and when he went to prison I decided to take up boxing, because he couldn’t stop me, so that’s how I ended up boxing.

That’s wonderful! Have you ever had any issues reconciling your Christian faith with….erm… punching someone’s lights out?!

Of course I have, I mean obviously I don’t come from a squeaky clean background, my dad was a violent criminal, and I’ve seen a lot of things young men shouldn’t witness in their lives growing up, and


I am, in my eyes, a warrior for God, just like all the great men in the Bible were. I think it’s all about skill, and of course the objective is to knock your opponent down, but it’s a skillful game full of respect and admiration for each other, that boxers have, more than football players or in any other sport I can think of. And the great men from the Bible; take David for example; he’d stone a man to death and then chop off his head, that’s what he’d do to his enemies. I punch mine until he hits the floor, and then I give him a hug after the match. So, if you think about it (laughs)…they’re quite extreme!

The whole theme of this new magazine is going to be one of passion. With the girls outnumbering the guys in church I feel it’s healthy we have more male Christian role models like yourself… Yeah, most definitely! I’m with you there, mate. I like to think a lot of people come to the Lord because he chose me to bring a lot of people back from where they belong, and 90% of the time they are men, you know?

So have you found yourself with a lot of opportunities to witness in the world you work in, at the gym and such? 30

Most definitely! Any chance I get, especially in the boxing world and, you know, in the environment I come from, any chance I get. What was good about the other week, me and Darrell Tunningley, we were talking about our backgrounds, and we looked at the fact that it was two guys from backgrounds like that standing there at the church, at the beginning of the Alpha course, trying to convince people that coming to the Lord was the best decision you could make in your life, and when you look at the two guys that are asking for this to happen… I think it speaks volumes.

That’s powerful. So what are the challenges facing you now, are you going to continue to box and try to get a World title fight? Yeah, that’s the main aim. I’ve never given up hope, and I’ve had a lot of problems but that’s all behind me now, and I’m working for next year to make a big statement in the boxing world, and I’m hoping to come together with Ricky Hatton so hopefully we can arrange a title fight for ourselves, so that’s the plan.

Fantastic. Finally, how can the Church community in Scotland pray for you, is there anything we can pray for you about?

Scotland The Brave?

What’s this? #bravescotland trending worldwide on twitter? As a proud Scot this grabbed my attention! It was of course because of the release of the new Disney film set in Scotland of title ‘Brave’ –a land of brave people. The film trailer makes it look good fun so I do hope to see it soon. The high profile of the film will be a welcome boost to our tourist industry in this most ‘drookit’ and ‘dreich’ (Scots for wet and dreary) of summers (though beautiful in St Andrews today as I write this). The film title got me thinking about whether ‘brave’ was a word that could ever possibly summarise an entire people! Are we Scots really braver than any other?! Scotland the Brave goes the anthem!? Any truth there? Dunno, but glad to accept it! (Hey, who wants to be known as a nation of cowards?! ) Clearly we have some debt to Mel Gibson I feel… When you watch the trailer you hear lots of stirring lines. “Are you willing to pay the price for freedom will cost?”

I guess for mine and my family’s, for our well being overall, because I’ve achieved so much in my life. And, if it’s with the Lord’s blessing, to keep going and become a champion again, that’s good for me, you know?

‘If you had the chance to change your fate – would you?’

Thank you so much for taking the time out Alex, we really appreciate it

As I reflected as to whether the Scots are any braver than any other nation, it dawned on me that whether we always

No problem, I’ll help any way I can.


certainly my own current witness doesn’t come anywhere near that, so of course I have, of course I’ve that issue raised many a time. How can you be so close to your family, a family of criminals, when you’re a Christian? And also of course the boxing, how can you beat a man up terribly when you’re a Christian, another one of God’s children and so on? And, do you wanna know something? It just all goes over my head, none of it affects me in the slightest.

Both lines pose a challenge indicating a truth that bravery requires an active step forward.

feel like it or not the people of God are called to take that step forward and to be a brave people. Bible verses command it such as “Be strong and courageous and do it.” 1 Chronicles 28:20 and “Do not permit yourself to be fearful“ John 14:27

As I listened to a talk on the persecuted church the other week it really made me appreciate how brave some Christians are having to be. With a calling to support our brothers and sisters in Christ perhaps today you could be connecting with organisations such as Open Doors or the Barnabas Fund and find out a little more about their work with the persecuted church and find out how to support and pray for them?

Perhaps today God is calling you to be brave in your own life, to take that step forward and as the praise song goes to ‘be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you’. “I will never leave you nor forsake you” says God’s word Hebrews 13:15

Maybe today is your day to stand fully on that word, to get out of the boat and see that with God’s help you can do it. In the meantime, I’d love to know if the film Brave is worth the watch!

Ian Black Director of Scottish Christian Broadcast


Bernice Ama Baidoo is fourteen and lives in Ghana where millions of children want a Bible but cannot afford one.


“I have come to know Jesus as my Saviour as I read the Bible. My friends are very surprised to see the changes in my life. I thank God for this Bible.”

the BIBLE changes lives Pray. Give.Volunteer. Find out how YOU can make a difference today.


£15 The Scottish Bible Society, 7 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5XU, Tel: 0131 337 9701, Fax: 0131 337 0641 – Scottish Charity No. SC010767 A company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No. 238687- registered office as above (Formerly The National Bible Society of Scotland) 32




Opens Up A Different Christians within all our denominations find themselves having to engage with ethical issues that for past generations seemed settled and unambiguous. Even within conservative evangelicalism a new generation are seeking to find a way to understand those Christians who hold to a different perspective. In doing so, or by even engaging with those who would seek to re-define ethical attitudes in the light of scientific research and biblical interpretation, many find themselves caught in the crosscurrents of an unsettled sea. Others have described our post modern experience as being like a soul tsunami. When the tide is on the turn, currents can run in both directions at the same time. It may not be clear to a casual observer which direction is dominant. When there is lack of certainty that is the time when people feel insecure and anxious. It is for such a time as this that we are reminded of our calling to be holy. I believe a renewed understanding of holiness in the church could be the one thing that keeps us all united in the face of a changing cultural ethical landscape.


Holiness may help us define the purpose and meaning of our future as Christian communities while we live in the crosscurrents. From politics to the business world; from the business world to the world of faith; It seems to me that people are questioning many of the long held principles of what might be described as “societal norms,” indeed the question that Pilate asked Jesus remains in currency today “What is truth?” This search for truth needs to be openly acknowledged by all in the church.

“I would like to see within all our churches a greater willingness to explore what it means to live in this tension”

Mindset Those of us who believe we have a duty to hold to the historic truths of the church may require to exercise a generosity towards those who take differing interpretations from what we might hold to be scriptural. Indeed patience needs to be exercised by all before heading into long sterile debates. I’m aware of a growing number of Christian people who have stopped attending church because for them what is being talked about and modelled in many of our churches is far removed from their everyday experience and the things about which they were once passionate. For them their truth has led them out of church. The disturbing thing is that many of these Christians were at one time leaders within their church. Some of them are now what could be described as believers in search of their emerging homeland. When you speak to this group of people they don’t seem to have lost their passion for the teachings of Jesus, somehow they have become disconnected from organised religion. They will turn up at festivals and events that have a vaguely Christian connection but for the rest of the time they sustain themselves through personal Bible reading and prayer, academic reading, films, book

clubs and the occasional social evening mixing with others who once were part of the organised “Christian Club,” we call Sunday Worship.

When you examine the reasons behind their dis-ease it often stems from a changing perception of what they once thought to be an undeniable truth. What we and they are experiencing is a revolt against a simplistic approach to church that seeks to equate spiritual growth and passion with an unthinking approach to scripture and an unwavering loyalty to any kind of authority that demands a conformity of thought. Often this group of people don’t realise that there are many people like themselves who live within the community of the church living through these tensions.


We are living through pretty challenging times especially for people of faith. Is it possible to be passionate about anything in today’s society and hold to a given truth without being branded as having a closed mind?

The great challenge for the church in mission and worship today is to go beyond mimicking the techno gismo culture of the post modern 21st century and begin to connect with the real issues that are at the heart of the human condition. The longing for community, the need to be forgiven, coupled with a passion for equality and fairness. These issues of course are at the heart of the gospel, which in turn speaks to the loneliness and alienation which has become the hallmark of our western civilisation. continued on the following page.... 35

“I think, the first element in bringing about a holy mindset in another is having a generous spirit towards those who may think differently.” It also means that we need to think more deeply about what it means to live in tension. Discovering faith in Jesus Christ is seldom an instant encounter. Many talk of it as a journey. This journey will involve us all asking questions and receiving partial answers and perhaps from time to time living with conflicting answers. While experience this kind of journey one can feel a certain amount of stress. We need to understand the difference between being in stress and under stress. The former is to experience the healthy stress that holds a bridge up. The latter is to understand the effects of being continually under stress until you reach breaking point. I think we should regard what I have just described as being the healthy stress that holds the bridge up. I would like to see within all our churches a greater willingness to explore what it means to live in this tension. Holiness is an ontological word that describes the very nature and being of God, it describes his identity. Now it is the work of the Holy Spirit to shape us into the likeness of God our Father’s identity. The scripture teaches us that we are being made holy, by the presence of the

Spirit at work in our lives. This means we are not instantly holy; holiness is a process through which we grow in grace and find ourselves being grafted and moulded into the body of Christ. Is it such a strange thing that holiness is the destination of our journey?

Theological Perspectives for Leadership in the 21st Century Church

When Jesus calls us to follow him he invites us to become like little children. He invites us to be disciples, to be learners, to be willing to become that which we are not yet. He calls us to become holy. I believe when the Holy Spirit begins to work in the life of a man or a woman a boy or a girl he does so from before we were born. He is at work changing us from glory into glory so that one day we will be reflected images of his amazing glory. All this means that we need to have a doctrine of the church that allows us to live in tension, to rebuke each other when it is necessary and to also encourage and inspire one another: so that we may all attain the full stature of Christ. This kind of iron, sharpening iron, can only happen when we are confident that we belong to each other, that we are covenanted to each other.

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My plea is that we leave room in the church for all who wish to be followers of Christ who in the words of the communion liturgy “earnestly repent of their sins and wish to live in charity with their neighbours according to his commands,” such people must “draw near and take this sacrament to their comfort.”

guildford, uk

kansas city, usa

One more thing, it is the Spirit of God that reveals to us our sins. When the Spirit shines his light into the darkness of all our hearts all we can do is cry “Abba Father” So in answer to my opening question, yes I do believe it is possible to be passionate and convincing about what we believe. I think, the first element in bringing about a holy mindset in another is having a generous spirit towards those who may think differently.


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Albert Bogle Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 36




 Bob











PAUL & ESTHER EDE Esther and I chose to join Invest because it was the only course like it available in Scotland. Other courses touch on the theological perspective and discipleship but don’t combine both in an easy to access format, for people looking to explore a possible call to church planting. I turned Invest into a placement for one of my years of study at ICC.






Induction weekend, four weekends and Graduation day to cover the teaching and personal development. Visits to missional projects/church plants and input from experienced practioners.

Placements are tailored to individual availability – with a minimum of 3 hours a week. There will be individual mentoring from missional/church planting practitioners and the opportunity to reeect on what they are learning, to look at how their perspective on the future is developing and ask any questions which arise.

Invest lls a much needed gap in the Scottish scene. It is pioneering a format that will become essential in the future as the church is forced to come to terms with the challenging missional context that Scotland has already become. For those called to lead the next generation of ministries it is great to get alongside experienced practitioners in an environment of encouragement. The content is diverse and challenging. The practical focus is very helpful, but well-balanced by times of reeection and discussion. The teaching is very good, with input from Peter Neilson and other church plant practitioners really hitting home. The pastoral care we received was excellent and the hospitality impeccable. It gave us both the increased

A minimum of 3 hours a week of personal study and reeection.

conndence we needed to actually put ourselves forward as team leaders in a pioneer church-planting context. We Gather a body of work and information from the teaching sessions, assignments, their own study & reeection and from investigative trips to be a resource for the future. Conduct a Mission Audit of their context.

would highly recommend the course to anyone considering a call to planting churches in Scotland today. n help lead Clay Community Church in Possilpark, Glasgow (, having been the Esther and I now founding team leaders.


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Letting dreams live Ten-year-old Suyianga stares at the sky; vast and blue against the parched earth of Olulunga, a community to the northwest of Nairobi, Kenya. In the distance he spots a plane and a smile curls around the corner of his lips. Suyianga dreams that one day he will be the pilot guiding the plane on its course to an exotic destination. It may seem like a ridiculous dream for a child who lives in a borrowed mud hut bound together by precariously crooked branches, but it’s a dream that could be a reality thanks to the support of Sugianga’s sponsor.

FOR A CHILD LIVING IN DESPERATE POVERTY By the time she was just 10 years old, Elisabeth Ovalle from Guatemala was the sole caregiver for her family, including her disabled father. But her story changed forever when a student, also called Elisabeth, sponsored her. Now little Elisabeth is discovering a new story, full of opportunity, hope and love.

Suyianga’s parents are casual labourers who move from one farm to another looking for work. On a lucky day, they may earn about 100 Kenyan shillings (70p). But these days are few and far between. In the last few seasons the rains have failed, making their efforts to clothe their children and quiet their rumbling stomachs desperately hard. Without regular work, the couple could not afford to maintain the 300 Kenyan Shillings (£2) they need for the monthly rent of their hut and found themselves on the streets. “Sometimes, we slept outside or looked for shelter from well wishers,” remembers Janet, Suyianga’s mother. The family eventually found shelter at the home of Sugianga’s uncle. His tiny hut is barely big enough for five children and their parents but they are grateful for a roof over their heads. “I felt sad to leave our house because we went to live in a different place. Sometimes we went without food and I did not enjoy that,” remembers Suyianga.

We believe God is calling us to change the stories for more children who, like Elisabeth, have known only hunger, disease, neglect and the terrible disadvantages caused by poverty and we need your help.

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But in August 2007, the family was offered a lifeline when Suyianga was registered as a sponsored child at the Compassion assisted Olulunga Child Development Centre. Here, he began to attend school regularly for the first time in his life. In addition, the project ensured he was well fed and clothed and received

medical care and attention. To start with, he struggled at school but over the years his performance has gradually improved. Elkanah, the project director, noticed one very significant thing that has helped to improve Suyianga’s results at school. “His life was impacted after his enrollment and more so when he began to receive letters from his dear sponsor, Hye Young Chung [from Korea],” he says. “Suyianga is more confident about himself, despite his background, and this is as a result of the encouraging letters he receives from his sponsor.” Suyianga keeps a stack of these letters close to hand. One reads: “God created you for a great purpose. I hope you live a wonderful life making that great purpose come true.” This kind of encouragement speaks into the soul of this young man who faces adversity on a daily basis. As Sugianya thumbs through the well-read pages, he pulls out his favourite letter from 8 April 2010. “This letter shows that I am special and that I am able to dream,” says Suyianga, with a smile as he gazes at the sky. “I want to one day become a pilot.” It’s a huge dream, but one that keeps Suyianga focused on studying hard. The renewed hope in the life of this young man has also ignited hope in the lives of his parents and siblings. One day they dream of owning their own house and having their own plot of land to farm. It’s a dream that really could come true. Join with us in this global, life-changing ministry by sponsoring a child today. 01932 836490 Kate Sharma Compassion UK 41






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We have a team of trained speakers all over the country who are just itching to get out and about to share their enthusiasm for the work of The Leprosy Mission Scotland with talks, presentations, games and films to suit any age group in any setting. To arrange for one of us to come and speak, give us a call or email and we’ll be in touch to discuss what we can do for and with your church or group. We’re waiting to hear from you. 01786 449 266 Scottish Charity No. SC022411 Registered in Scotland No. SC356041



Street Prayers by Albert Bogle

This book has been brought together to encourage a wider audience to recognise that prayer need not be limited to highly technically theological language. Indeed prayer in its most effective form is the instantaneous cry of the heart. I often refer to these prayers as ‘street prayers’ simply because they are not pieces of polished prose, but instantaneous thoughts that have come to mind while reflecting about passages I’ve been reading in the Bible or thoughts and prayers that have come to me while sitting on a plane or a train. I guess they are the thoughts of a traveller connecting with the world around. Right Rev Albert Bogle

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Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 2012 Published by Astwood Publishing. Distributed by Sanctus Media Ltd

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New Scottish Hymns Headed up by producer/songwriter Greg de Blieck and under the wider auspices of outreach ministry New Scottish Arts, this collection of Celtic-orientated hymns from some of Scotland’s top Christian folk artistes draws upon the strong tradition of Scottish hymn writing whilst offering up something new to the nation’s congregations. In tying with its title, de Blieck has wisely plumped for a Scottish feel to proceedings and therefore whistles, fiddles and the odd reel tastefully abound together with the native tones of folk star Emily Smith and in-demand singer/songwriters Steph Macleod, Ellyn Oliver and Yvonne Lyon. In reality, this album mixes completely new songs with adaptations of established hymns and, for the most part, this works well. For instance, de Blieck originals such as “Psalm 139 (Were I To Cross)” and “Death May Approach” – sung by Smith and Oliver respectively – certainly contain the memorable melodies and theological poetry that makes the hymns of yesteryear so special whilst new music set to the words of hymn writer James



Montgomery arguably makes “According To Thy Gracious Word” this release’s stand out track. Elsewhere, relatively low key performances from Steph Macleod on the likes of “How Can It Be?” and “Oh What A Saviour” stray musically into modern worship territory despite the former using Charles Wesley’s “And Can It Be” as its starting point. Yvonne Lyon makes a fleeting appearance with the tender “God Most High” to round off an enjoyable collection of songs that further cements the truth that the Scottish Christian music scene is most definitely on the up. Reviewed by Lins Honeyman for Cross Rhythms

of musical styles, drawing the listener in to experience something special. It delivers in quantity (16 tracks) as well as quality. Scott is a seriously gifted singer/ songwriter who by his own admission finds inspiration from the likes of Bruce Springsteen. His music is reminiscent of a past age with powerful vocals and strong instrumentation. Musically he is hard to pin down but you are quickly drawn in to experience the passion and the story. There are tracks that make you think and wonder such as ‘Christina’s View’. However tracks such as ‘The Romance of American Skies’ have you searching for the keys to your sports car as you head off at speed to explore Route 66. The tracks are all original and benefit form hearing more than once. As a result your favourite changes as you move through this interesting musical landscape. Here is someone who loves music and is able to take you on a musical journey with ease. Scott shares through the music he performs what the heart of the matter is for him. Scotland has produced many gifted singer/songwriters over the years and to that list add Scott Nicol. Scott is well known in Ayrshire but with the release of ‘The Burning Days’ things may be about to warm up more widely for him. Available from

The Burning Days Scott Nicol

Reviewed by David Aird, Producer of Heart of the Matter

Scott Nicol’s album ‘The Burning Days’ was released in July 2012 after a surprise concert tour in the States. The album is a triumph for Scott and the team who have produced material across a wide range

Very good


Glory to Glory Michael Trotter As well as heading up the worship team at Glasgow Elim Church, Michael Trotter also leads worship at various other events around the central belt of Scotland. Michael is an anointed worship leader, accomplished musician and gifted songwriter all of which are on display on this impressive debut album. Beautifully produced by the talented Stu Kennedy, Glory to Glory is a collection of inspiring, uplifting worship songs, many of which would work well in a congregational setting and are well crafted by Michael. There are several stand out tracks including the hook filled opener ‘Body of Christ,’ with lyrics that encourage the church to ‘come alive and rise up’ and ‘go forth to the hurting and broken’. The heartfelt cry of ‘Lord we ask for more’ in ‘Pour Your Fire’ shows that Michael is a man who isn’t satisfied with lukewarm song singing but has a passion to take folk into a deeper worship experience. The string arrangement in ‘Glory to Glory’ is stunning and ‘My Lovely Child’ has a





Poor 51

Available from

principles whilst “OMG” sees Cheshire take a blasphemous abbreviation and turn it into a poignant tale of transition from non-belief to a willingness to trust in God during desperate times. Cheshire and crew even have time to reference 1950s science fiction (and admittedly the heavier topic of tolerance) in “Let’s Kill Klaatu” to round off a rollercoaster of an album that, like the band itself, gets better and better with every listen.

Reviewed by Allan McKinlay Singer/songwriter/worship leader

Available from Reviewed by Lins Honeyman for Cross Rhythms

has already become a popular song sung in annual youth festivals Imagine Scotland and Soul Survivor, who featured it on their live album ‘We Are The Free.’ The quality of the recording by Nick Scholey is decent and the production/ arrangement of the songs don’t stray too far away from the familiar Soul Survivor sound and style. It is very encouraging to see that God is raising up a group of dynamic, talented worship leaders

man, highly intelligent, compassionate, principled, a kind respectful man of unshakeable faith - who could run! As fast as the wind! In the short Golden period in my swimming career I received a booklet entitled “Scotland’s Greatest Athlete - Eric Liddell”. The story made a huge impression on me and in later years I have used his inspirational story many times in school assemblies. A story worth telling and re-telling. A Scottish hero, a modest Christian determined to serve his Master all the days of his life but fast on the track or on the wing. His 47.6 for the 400m would be a superb time even today! “The Lord stood by me and strengthened me that by me the preaching should be fully known” 2Tim. 4:17. I recommend this book wholeheartedly. Read it with pride in a man of true faith.



You Never Give Up EP Fairisle Records Founded in 2011 by Daniel Young, Fairisle Records are a new independent record label based in Aberdeen. On their website they state that they are ‘a record company with a heart for music and an even bigger heart for Jesus.’ I have to say that this first release from Fairisle is brilliant and features the label’s 3 artists Chris Morton, James Gregory and Zak Robb. The song writing is strong on this EP which includes four new worship tracks that are honest, authentic and definitely inspire the listener to worship. For me the two tracks that stand out are Chris Morton’s ‘The One Who Saves’ and the title track ‘You Never Give Up’ which

Very good

Reviewed by Allan McKinlay Singer/songwriter/worship leader


Things We Need For The Journey Superhero Glasgow rockers Superhero have been plying their trade for well over a decade now and this is the latest in a long line of quality releases thanks to the impressive song writing skills of lead vocalist Tim Cheshire and an intuitively tight performance from his band. With a delightfully edgy tone to their current sound, not to mention a fantastic vocal delivery from Cheshire, Superhero stomp, holler and rock their way through 10 accomplished tracks that could easily see them compete with mainstream counterparts such as Scouting For Girls and Keane without sacrificing the underlying Christian thinking that cleverly forms the basis for most of their songs. For instance, anthemic “Children Of The New Generation”, the title track and the joyously sanctified tubthumper “Troubles” all point towards Biblical

& songwriters in Scotland and it is very exciting to see what comes next from Fairisle because these guys have all the right ingredients and potential to make an impact in the UK worship scene. Watch this space.



warm, fun, infectious melody which talks of Father God’s affirming view of His children. I’m not really into comparisons but Michaels vocal reminds me a little of Michael W Smith in places but has it’s own uniqueness too. This is a strong debut from a worship leader who has a bright future.

RUNNING THE RACE Running the Race is the most refreshing, uplifting and inspiring book on Eric Liddell that I have read. It is encyclopaedic in its coverage of his early years, boarding school, university, athletics, rugby and missionary work in China. But the race Liddell is running throughout the book is for the Lord Jesus Christ! This is not so much a book about a celebrity but about a modest


Reviewed by Ian Black BBC Sports Personality of the Year 1958


Poor 53


SCOTTISH CREATIVITY came into being 3 years ago, the result of years of chatting and dreaming between a group of friends in Scotland and the USA. The aim of is to provide a platform for quality Christian digital material. Since those early days the vision has been stretched, developed and grown… just as we have as we’ve taken on this challenge. What an exciting process to be part of! In starting our vision was global, and remains so, but very quickly our sights were firmly fixed on Scotland. Scotland is a country with a wealth of creative talent and yet so often we don’t look at/appreciate what God has provided us with in our own land. In the last 6 months the Scottish Christian music sector has experienced: music industry nominations and awards; new albums; new singles; new artists; new collaborations; new events – including Revolution where the Interserve stage had a whole line up of amazing Scottish musicians playing to a packed out tent.


But the creative industry doesn’t just cover music there’s books and poetry and teaching, there’s art and graphics, and so much more. At you can discover the creative talents of many Scottish artists, and of course those from further afield. Come and visit us at and enjoy samples of the products that are available for digital download. If you prefer physical copies check out our Amazon store at The last 6 months have been an encouraging time for many in the industry, but there’s still so much more to come...



“Go to a quiet place, get out your Bible, read it deeply, get on to your knees and pray like you mean it”

provision and the God who makes things grow... Passion – a vision for church planting


The apostle Paul had no such memory problems. Paul’s encounter with Jesus Christ was akin to someone walking into a glass door – unexpected and extreme! On that Damascus road he was stopped in his tracks! He says, “About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, `Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?’“ `Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. “ `I am Jesus of Nazareth...’ (Acts 22) It was out of the reality of that encounter that a passion for Christ and his kingdom was born. Paul says; “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son....” (Rom 1.8) Paul was not looking for Jesus –

Jesus sought Paul - and that experience of Christ changed this man forever and engendered in him a passion for God and his mission! “I am obligated” Paul said, “both to Greeks and non-Greeks, to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel.....” (Rom 1) Paul’s passion emerged from the reality of his encounter with - and response to Jesus Christ. With this in mind we offer what follows hesitatingly! We are no heroes. All we are is down to what Christ has made of us. It was AW Tozer who once said that, “Every convert he ever boasted of - backslid!” And so we say, Soli Deo Gloria (to the only God - glory) and here goes with our part of the kingdom story in Central Baptist, Dundee....

Provision – during the process of prayer and discussion, God gave us a retired missionary couple who had been involved in rural and urban church planting in South America. Living in Carnoustie, they had begun to think about what might be done in that town (which lies about 20 minutes by car up the coast from Dundee). The hard work of this couple laid the foundation for what was to follow. We formed a team around them (releasing some of our best people) and team training began. It wasn’t always easy, sometimes team relationships were strained, but grace was shown and the plans progressed. Services began in a local hotel. During the planning stage God had moved a group of Christians in a small fellowship who felt their work was coming to a conclusion to contact us. Having taken the decision to conclude their work, they offered us their building. The sheer grace with which they did this was amazing! A gift day at

Central covered an outstanding loan on that building. God had provided again. Carnoustie Community Church (now called) had a home.

And the God who makes things grow.... The Carnoustie church now has a student pastor (another example of God’s provision). It is small but growing, usually 40ish on a Sunday. A Christianity Explored course is now being run in a local Italian Restaurant. God is good! We give thanks to God for his provision and are now awaiting God’s timing as we plan the Lochee plant!


An actual conversation overheard between two students in Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow a few years ago, and reported in the press, went something like this; 1st student – ‘It’s at times like these that you wish you had listened to your mother!’ 2nd student – ‘Why – what did your mother say?’ 1st student ‘I don’t know I wasn’t listening!’

was planted in our hearts. As a leadership we prayed and discussed this on retreat and then shared our sense of leading with the church family. This was a vision birthed in prayer and in the word. The church budget was tight, we wrestled with the problems of expansion in a recession etc., but we believe that church planting pleases God! We thank God for a church family that was prepared to back plans, not for one, but for two churches, one in Carnoustie and the other in Lochee, Dundee.

Christians are sometimes prone to forgetfulness, a wee bit like those students in Kelvingrove Park, prone to forget that the power at work in Paul’s day is the same power at work in ours. We echo the words of Paul to Corinth, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” (1 Cor 3.6) What was it that made Paul so enduringly passionate about mission and in particular church planting? For Paul God was not some philosophical abstraction, but the One to whom he owed everything. How can we tap into Paul’s passion? I can only speak from my own experience! Go to a quiet place, get out your Bible, read it deeply, get on to your knees and pray like you mean it. Ask God to forgive you for your spiritual mediocrity and to fill you with his Holy Spirit. Then discern his plan in the fellowship of others and - go for it! Soli Deo Gloria! Jim Turrent Lead Pastor, Central Baptist Church, Dundee




Mapping As the network grows we have been privileged to lead the Artists Network at the European Leadership Forum held in Eger, Hungary. Earlier this year we introduced to the conference for the first time a week long Artist-in-Residency Project. The successful applicant was Dundee based artist Owen Daily. A graduate of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design with both a BA and MFA in Fine Art & Printmaking, Owen currently teaches Design at Dundee College. We meet regularly as he has become involved in the Morphe network. In this edition of Broadcast Owen shares the ideas behind his Pilgrim Mapping Project produced in Hungary. He also explains how the project is developing as it featured in the recent Solas Centre For Public Christianity (SolasCpc) conference as part of the Morphe Exhibition “Behind the Cloud of Unknowing”.

“The Pilgrim Mapping Project was an ambitious, one week experiment which took Jacob’s experience at Bethel and Nicholas Bourriaud’s book ‘Relational Aesthetics’ as its starting point. Using a large scale wall drawing as a discursive site, conference attendees were invited to participate in the project by offering the artist a brief account of their own memorable encounters with God. These were then transcribed onto the drawing where they formed the paths of the Pilgrim Map. Like Jacob’s pillow, the map became a unique site marking a point where eternity intersected time and space.

As part of the project I produced a specially prepared artists’ book (The Pilgrim’s Companion), plus badges, and A1 posters with quotations from artists, critics and a children’s book.

The overwhelming response to the map left me transcribing the remaining stories back home in Dundee. I continue to receive emails and messages from people at the conference.

The underlying aims were to engage an international, non art, academic audience with particular models of contemporary art practice which go beyond the typical aesthetic discussions or notions of art as commodity. I wanted to test if these alternative models were viable and relevant in a Christian discussion of the arts.

At the recent SolasCpc Conference the experience was similar, revealing the project to be a successful working model. Around 50 people contributed their personal encounters with God and a new map was drawn up and worked on throughout the day.

For many personal reasons, getting this opportunity was hugely significant. It took weeks of preparation, particularly designing the book, but it really paid off. The whole experience was fantastic; tiring and rewarding. Meeting so many people and having the opportunity to raise the profile of the arts as a valid method of inquiry was I believe, very valuable.


There are many elements to the work of Morphe Arts. Some of these include mentoring artists of varying disciplines throughout Scotland, holding exhibitions, and running arts events and conferences.

I am thankful to all who have made this project possible. It will remain a significant point in my own spiritual journey as an artist”. To see more images of The Pilgrim Map project go to To buy a copy of The Pilgrim’s Companion email Cully. Morphe Arts


To know more about Morphe Arts visit or email


What are you doing this summer?


post-Christian (?) Scotland In the not too distant past school children used to get the belt if they did not do their Scripture readings for homework. That’s certainly a way to get people to read the bible, but it’s unlikely to get them to love it! When I was in primary school, I remember being shocked to discover that two people in my class did not go to Sunday school. When my kids were at primary school if there were two or three kids in their classes who did go to Sunday school it was seen as something surprising. There’s no doubt that the spiritual landscape of Scotland is changing fast. And for some Christians this is scary, as they feel that we are losing the influence that we’ve enjoyed for many generations. Being part of a minority is never easy.

New from ICC for Summer 2013 Summer schools from International Christian College Church after Christendom August 19th-23rd A week for Christians to explore Biblical teaching on the church and the practical challenges of how we can plant and develop churches which will thrive in our new cultural landscape.

Evangelism and Conversion August 26th-30th A week for leaders and those with an interest in theology to explore in more depth some biblical, theological and sociological perspectives on the themes of evangelism and conversion. 60

For more information: 0141 552 4040

In reality of course the picture is more complicated than that. In our cites especially there are a number of large and growing churches, overflowing with young people, involved in a range of exciting missional projects. Indeed, if you are part of one of those churches it’s tempting to say “What’s the problem? We’re on the edge of great new days for Scotland.” However, we need to temper that optimism with an awareness of the challenge faced by many churches, especially in some of our housing schemes, our small towns and our villages. So, how do we prepare people for mission in today’s Scotland? Perhaps it helps to think about the way Jesus commissioned his disciples in Acts 1:8, to be witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. The distinctions Jesus made in this commission were not only geographical but also spiritual. In Acts we see that mission in Jerusalem was done very differently to mission in the gentile world, the “ends of the earth”. Here in Scotland we may be geographically

very close but need to realise that we live in a very diverse spiritual landscape. We need to reach those who are still in our “Jerusalem”, namely those who still feel part of a Christian heritage. We’ll find these folk in our churches, perhaps particularly in small towns and rural areas, and among children growing up in Christian families. Then there are our “Judea and Samaria”. These might be people with some Christian “memory”, perhaps through school assemblies, childhood involvement in Sunday school or a youth group. And then there are our “ends of the earth” people. These are people with no Christian background, who know Jesus only as a swear word, and who sometimes have very negative images of Christians and of Christianity. For people like this, coming to faith may be a long process – like the Athenians in Acts 17. Among this group too there will be those who are spiritual seekers, who have encountered Christ in a mysterious way, but need the explanation – like the Ethiopian in Acts 8. We don’t need to be overwhelmed by these challenges – Scripture and history tell us that the Gospel can take root and bear fruit in any and every culture. But if we’re going to engage in authentic mission in Scotland we need an honest appraisal of how things are, as well as an expectant trust in God to give us a vision of how things could be. How reassuring then that along with the commission to mission in Acts 1:8 comes the promise of the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Our vision at ICC is to train leaders and to help resource the church to engage in creative, hopeful and spirit-led mission in a new Scotland. David Miller Vice-Principal International Christian College




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BANKING ON THE The Trussell Trust

It read: “Hi, my name is Stephanie* from Perth, I was widowed 3 years ago and live alone with my 8 year old son, I dont get income support or help with housing and I have a mortgage to pay of £165 a month. I live on widowed parents allowance and child tax credit. I am desperately short of money and all my money pays bills. I wondered if I could apply for some help with food.” Stephanie left a telephone number I was able to use to get in touch with her and based on my knowledge of the area, I was able to think of a nearby church only 100 yards from her front door. A short call later and one of the elderly church deacons assured me he would take her for groceries the following morning. I spoke to Stephanie a week later and she was full of gratitude for the help she received. She spoke fondly of the care and compassion she experienced. She shared that the church deacon not only bought her a variety of groceries but also a roast chicken, which she hadn’t the money to buy since the death of her


*Name and some details have been changed

husband three years earlier. However, what most astounded Stephanie was the fact that he bought her a bouquet of flowers, which appeared to reflect the value he placed upon her as a human being. She began to cry as she explained how special such a selfless act of generosity made her feel. It also gave her great delight to tell me that she had been able to procure a job. In a month’s time, Stephanie and I will stand side by side in the church, who willingly helped at her point of need and tell them why they need to launch a Foodbank in partnership with The Trussell Trust. The Trussell Trust is a Christian charity and launched its first Foodbank in Salisbury in 2004 as a response to emerging local need. In 2004, they began to pioneer Foodbanks through churches nationally. Currently, they have 285 Foodbanks throughout the United Kingdom and have grown from one to 20 in Scotland since the beginning of 2011, seven of which have launched in the last four weeks.

All Foodbanks are pioneered through the church in partnership with The Trussell Trust. This has an historic precedent in that the church has always played a crucial role in crisis response. John Rothney Stephen, in his fantastic Glasgow University thesis submission in 2011 on the subject said: “Famine relief efforts to alleviate complete destitution during the period 1846 to 1850 and beyond had an established precedent in those developed a decade earlier in the severe famine of 1836 to 1838. In both cases a wide spectrum of religious and secular bodies were involved in fundraising to ensure the distribution of food to the needy through the organisation of ad-hoc local famine relief committees. The records reveal that the Presbyterian Church was only one of a number of denominations with a lead part in local famine committee affairs.” This is not that dissimilar to how Foodbanks operate today. We work in partnership with a variety of local frontline workers who refer people in genuine need to Foodbanks. They operate on a 100% referral basis to avoid creating a dependency culture and subsidising chaotic living, which in cities like Dundee is very important.

Christian who chooses to take seriously the fact there are over two thousand Biblical references concerning reaching out to the poor, the widow, the needy, the orphan and victims of injustice – it is core to the Christian faith. The Trussell Trust is simply working with churches keen to lay hold of that rich heritage once again. Ewan Gurr is the Scotland Development Officer for The Trussell Trust and is responsible for the development and support of foodbanks in Scotland. Additionally, he is the Project Manager of Dundee Foodbank, which has been operating for seven years and is currently Scotland’s busiest foodbank. Dundee Foodbank has provided emergency food relief to over 1,800 men, women and children since April.


A few weeks ago, as the working day was drawing to a close, I received a distressing email at the Dundee Foodbank office.


“ the church has always played a crucial role in crisis response”

The truth is, if you were looking for education, healthcare, welfare or spiritual nurture in the mid-nineteenth century, you did not have to look further than the church. This is nothing new to any 69

Christians in Scottish Education We aim to serve, equip and encourage christians who have a personal or professional interest or involvement in scottish education, while seeking to promote christian principles and values in education. facebook/ChristiansinScottishEducation

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We will also be joined by the National Youth Choir of Scotland, New Scottish Arts, John Kitchen, Origin Scotland, Givin’ it Laldae and other contributors. Workshops will include song writing, improvised music, developing musicality in toddlers, music with people with dementia, change management in church music, AV clinics, Scottish Rap, and how to play hymns meaningfully.

National Music Event 2013 An event for everyone interested in using music to enhance the life of church and community. Friday 15th March 7:00pm – Saturday 16th March 18:00pm St Cuthbert’s Church, Lothian Road, Edinburgh. > Noel Richards – International Worship Leader, and writer of ‘All Heaven Declares’ Enabling Contemporary Worship > John L. Bell – of the Wild Goose Resource Group and Iona Community Singing for Everyone > Paul Mealor – Reader in Composition at the University of Aberdeen and Composer of ‘Ubi Caritas’ for the Royal Wedding Ceremony. Composition in Worship and Outreach > Fischy Music – Peerless Pioneers of Children’s music for churches, schools and families. Singing with Children

> Lunch and refreshments are included in the ticket cost. > Early bird rate of £35 if booking before the 1st October. £40 per ticket thereafter. Group bookings of 9 tickets and get one free. Some financial support may be provided for those who need it. Email below for details. > To book online please go to or contact Mission and Discipleship Council on 0131 225 5722 > Please note an additional ‘Fringe event’ open to all will take place on Saturday evening to explore opportunities to network with other church musicians from around the country. With music from Noel Richards and others. Entry £7.50. Includes refreshments. > For up to date information about the programme, workshops, venue, travel and accommodation please visit the Church of Scotland Website To subscribe to the Different Voices Magazine please go to ‘resources’ section. Scottish Charity Number: SC011353 © COS218 05/12

Mission and Discipleship Council 72


Different Voices

National Music Event 2013

The event is designed to gather people involved in worship and outreach and offer ideas and resources for music can enhance both church and community life. It is not just for Musicians but anyone interested in Worship and Outreach. Friday Evening Worship Event This will be a time where we model ways that local churches might host worship, making use of local musicians (and other artists) in ways that are attractive and accessible for people not already part of the church. We will then invite those who wish to remain after the event to ‘debrief’ the evening, ask questions and reflect on how they might adapt the ideas. This in part is also to model the practice of debriefing worship – a very healthy type of conversation that we could benefit from.

Saturday Morning and Afternoon Event This will be the ‘main event’ and consists of twelve workshops throughout the day and a time of closing worship. A full description of all of the workshops can be found here: worship/music_for_worship/different_ voices/national_music_event

Saturday Evening Event


Part concert with International Worship Leader Noel Richards and part discussion. This is primarily to gather as many musicians and non-musicians interested in the use of music for worship and outreach. We will explore ways we can work across the country, presbyteries

Craving time out from study or work? Longing to do something

different for your gap year?

or parishes in ways that support the work we do with music. We will harvest some good ideas that will directly support, encourage and connect church musicians. Some ideas might be: • a new Scottish hymn book of nonpublished/amateur music; • a regular slot on UCB radio for local praise bands, connecting writers with singers/musicians that could road test their new compositions; • connecting ‘lone musicians’ who struggle in a community with others so that they might collaborate and enhance one another’s musical ministry. Our hope is that we will all leave with ideas of what we can be doing locally to resource one another, as well as some big ideas of how we could collaborate regionally and Nationally. Graham Fender-Allison Worship Development Worker Mission and Discipleship Council Church of Scotland 121 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4YN t: 0131 225 5722 f: 0131 240 2207 m: 07971677491 e: w:



Be the and for young people in Scotland and on a short international mission trip. Registered in Scotland as a charity (no. SC011222) and a company limited by guarantee (no. SC54297). Registered Office: 70 Milton Street, Glasgow, G4 0HR. 75

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

BROADCAST Scottish Christian Broadcast is about Connecting Christian Scotland.

Welcomes you to a meeting with Neal & Sandra Schafferius Meeting Venue:

To win Scotland for Christ the church in our nation will need to be working in close partnership. To do this effectively will require excellent communication between every partner to ensure every effort is coordinated avoiding any duplication of effort or areas of provision left uncovered. Scottish Christian Broadcast(SCB) is designed to be the one-stop shop communications network in our nation that helps to better ‘Connect Christian Scotland’.

Holiday Inn (next to Zoo) 132 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH12 6UA For dates and times see website. Neal’s desire is to lead people into God’s presence through worship. Sandra’s heart is to preach God’s Word and see people healed and set free in ever y area of their lives. N & S Ministries Registered Charity Number: SC042247


Redeeming Our Communities Scotland Showcase People of goodwill working together towards safer, kinder communities Everyone knows these are challenging economic times, but this also presents a unique opportunity for joined up work between the church, local authorities and statutory organisations. ROC can help YOU to make the dreams for your community a reality! Mark your calendars for Wednesday 23 October 2013 an evening to celebrate innovative community projects and hear inspirational stories at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Register on our website to receive updates about this event and more. | 76


In addition to this growing bi-annual magazine SCB is the number one communication platform on social media for Christians news, events, jobs and more; supported also by a monthly e-newsletter that reaches around 2000 people. The first Scottish Christian Broadcast magazine had a print run of 7500, jumping to 10’000 for the second and now 12’500 for this new edition.

Broadcast Magazine What is the cost? Its FREE!

How many are printed and how often? The magazine is printed twice yearly. This Spring Summer 2013 edition has a print run of 12’500. The forthcoming Autumn Winter 2013 edition which will come out July 1st will have a print run of 15’000.

Where is it distributed? Throughout Scotland’s Christian bookshops, cafe’s, colleges, outdoor centres and churches. We are looking for Broadcast magazine church reps to take responsibility to ensure your church allocation is received and distributed. Please email or Tel 07704773382 for information.

How can I get copies for my church? The magazine is FREE and can be collected from any number of collection points across Scotland (see our Magazine Collection points list). If none of these are convenient we can arrange delivery to you/your church. If you would like a magazine display holder (see pictured) we can also supply one of these for FREE.

How can I Advertise? Advertising starts from as little as £99 and when you book we will advertise via our extensive social media platform for free. We believe this offers the church the best value advertising in Scotland. 77

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For further information contact Sharon Rose, OM Regional Coordinator for Scotland T: 0141 572 0050 E:




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Operation Mobilisation. Registered office: The Quinta, Weston Rhyn Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland)

transforming lives and communities


Accommodation options available on the university site. Paying by installments available for both tickets and accommodation.


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