Scottish Christian Broadcast Magazine - Spring Summer 2014

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More Than Gold

Are you in the running?


Rosanne Semple

Discipleship Among Youth

Chris Franklin

in partnership with


Add your voice to the biggest evangelical movement in the UK We’re looking for more voices. We’re looking for more people who want to help us speak to government and make sure that the Evangelical Alliance brings real, lasting change to people and communities. Will you join us? You’ll also get a free bi-monthly copy of idea, access to members-only resources and much more. Join us. We’re better together.

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Editorial Advisory Board Fred Drummond, Evangelical Alliance Scotland Alan McWiilliam, Christians Linked Across The Nation Andy Bathgate, Scripture Union Scotland Jim Turrent, Central Baptist Church, Dundee

Editorial Thanks Fred Drummond, Alan McWilliam, Andy Bathgate, Jim Turrent, Aline Lidwell, Stephen McGuire, Ruth Walker, Rev Iain McFadzean, Ian Wills, Rosanne Semple, Barry Douglas, Chris Franklin, Lynne Paterson, Stephanie Heald, Karl Martin, Caroline Johnston, Lins Honeyman, Fiona MacKay, Ian M Black, Sandra Black.

Magazine Delivery Scottish Christian Broadcast (SCB) is printed twice a year and is free to collect from any one of the Collection Points listed (see centre pages of magazine for full listing). If none of these venues are convenient we are delighted to post out to your church in multiples of 10. SCB ask churches to consider a donation. Please make cheques payable to Dundee For Christ and post to the address below. All contributions very gratefully received to help cover print, design and delivery costs. Thank you.

How to contact us Scottish Christian Broadcast The Steeple, Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4DG t: 07704773382 e: scottishchristianbroadcast ScotChristBCast scottishchristianbroadcast

Advertising Contact Scottish Christian Broadcast for a media pack. Scottish Christian Broadcast is a recognised name of Dundee For Christ, a charitable limited company registered in Scotland. Company Registered No. SC306609. Charity Registration No. SC037404. Design Layout: Katherine Laidlay Cover Design: David Henderson Design Cover photo:


WELCOME Welcome to this new Spring Summer 2014 edition of Broadcast magazine with our theme ‘Running The Race’ What a year we have in store in 2014! The Commonwealth Games return to Scotland and the eyes of the world will be on Glasgow in the summer. We eagerly anticipate watching athletes compete at the highest level; sportsmen and women who have trained for months – years even – to go for gold and ‘glory’. Talent is key of course, but so are the qualities of guts and perseverance that have got them to this point. A never give-up or say die attitude is often the true mark of a champion. It’s inspiring and an attitude we strive to emulate as we run the Christian race for Jesus, a champion who is worth more than gold! Yet how do we stay the course and endure? Where do we get our inspiration and stamina? Fred Drummond shares within the magazine how the disciples journeyed with Jesus, it was as they watched his example that they were enabled to keep going. It was his patience, guidance, power and presence that shaped the disciples. Reading stories of race winners like Rosanne Semple inspires us to move out of our comfort zone and to run our own race attempting great things for His glory. Her passionate commitment to share Jesus has been and continues to be truly inspiring. It is a privilege to be partnering ‘More Than Gold’ in this edition of the magazine. This year we have an opportunity almost unlike any other to rise up in acts of hospitality and mission and More Than Gold are looking for you to get involved. There is much to read about how you can get involved. I hope and pray you enjoy the read and these stories and reports act as fuel for prayer and to action as God calls. Let us encourage one another as together we make this year count for the Kingdom and the King! Every blessing Ian Black But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 ESV

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Ian Black




Keep On Running The Discipleship Deficit Fred Drummond

The Commonwealth Games are Coming - MORE THAN GOLD Aline Lidwell

How can I reach my friends? Church Planting in Scotland Alan McWilliam

FIGHTING FIT Stephen McGuire



An Interview with Rosanne Semple


Barry Douglas Aberdeen FC Chaplain

Whole Life Discipleship 1 Thessalonians 1 Jim Turrent

in partnership with

Discipleship Among Youth Chris Franklin



RUNNING It doesn't matter whether you are in the 100 metres or the marathon, every race involves a start. However, there is something very sad about watching a marathon on TV and seeing people giving up. Maybe it takes place after a mile or five or maybe halfway but for some reason people just stop running. Is it because of faulty training or starting too quickly or lack of cheering from the crowd? I am sure there will be countless reasons but the main point is people didn't make it to the finishing line. There is a discipleship deficit. People are hearing the call to follow Jesus. They are starting on the journey but for some reasons people are giving up. Actual figures of those giving up in the race are disputed but there is huge concern amongst many church leaders about the vast numbers of those, particularly young adults, who are giving up. I feel the conversation about how we are helping to disciple people is a vital one. We need an honest appraisal of what is going wrong and how we can correct it. My hope is that this small reflection may help stimulate this important conversation. Can I suggest three reasons why we are finding it hard to help people run the Christian race for life? Firstly, we live in cultures that stress the instant. We are relativist and we worship the now. Can you think of the last time that you heard words like perseverance, stickability, long-suffering used positively?


Ideas of long term commitment, or starting down a road and just keeping at it are not seen as ideals to be aspired after. Even the Royal Golden Jubilee appears to have been celebrated, at least partly, because it is so unusual for people to stick together for so long and through so much. It is acceptable to really feel committed to an idea, a job or a person today but that is no guarantee of the same feeling tomorrow. It is how I feel now, in this moment, that is most important, later will take care of itself. That does not mean that the feelings of the moment are not genuine, it does mean that keeping going in the difficult times is not high on society's agenda. When we are bombarded by images, ideas, tv and movies that strengthen the ideas of instant gratification and happiness, then to daily follow Jesus is truly counter- cultural. To trust, even when things are painful, to keep moving forward when you feel like giving up, these values have to be taught, highlighted and lauded by the church. We have to challenge the pervading cultures of the west and instill new values for converts.

Evangelical Alliance

Evangelical Alliance


Are we giving people the right tools for running the race?

The Discipleship Deficit shy away from talking about the cost. Could it be, in the age of decline, and our desire for numbers, that we have omitted to spell out what following Jesus involves? Are we tempted to present a costless gospel that relies on promises of success and joy but says nothing of dying to self or taking up the cross? Jesus instructs people not to start building if they are not going to finish. We are told plainly that unless we take up a cross daily we can't be a disciple. Of course, the gospel is good news and to know Jesus is the most wonderful thing that can ever happen to an individual. To experience his saving love and forgiveness and to be filled with His hope is what we were created for and we must speak that out powerfully and boldly. However, to follow Jesus faithfully in this world will involve struggle, hardship and difficult times and we do people a disservice when we don't explain these things to them. Thirdly, it is clear that many of our churches have not put enough energy into creating intentional models of discipleship. Many churches are struggling with time capacity issues, but I think there is nothing more important than spending time helping people follow Jesus.

with Him. They watched Him, listened and shared with Him. Then he sent them out to do what He had done, testing their faith. Then He reviewed, taught and encouraged them. It was journeying with Jesus. It was active, learning, sharing and growing together. It was seeing how Jesus lived that enabled disciples to keep going. It was his patience, guidance and power, that presence ,that shaped the disciples. Have we considered mentoring new converts? How close do we allow others to get to us? Are we available on the terms new converts need us? How are we helping disciples grow in their faith. Are we sending, reviewing and encouraging? I am not trying to give answers but to push an issue to the centre of our conversation as church. However, I do urge all leaders, in church, business and other sectors of culture, as Christians, how much time are we investing in others? Could we take a couple of people and actively mentor them? That could be an investment of time that lasts way beyond us.

Are we giving people the right tools for running the race? Jesus called people to follow him and be

Secondly, I wonder whether people give up because when we call people to follow Jesus we


Author, Speaker and Head of Evangelical Alliance in Scotland


More Than Gold first saw the light of day in the lead up to the Olympic Games in Atlanta, USA, in 1996. Since then the More Than Gold brand has been used for Commonwealth, Pan-American, All-Africa, Indian Ocean, Olympic and Paralympic Games. Glasgow 2014 has picked up the baton from London 2012 and is here to ensuring the Church makes the most of this incredible opportunity. More than Gold 2014 is a catalyst bringing people, churches and ministries together ensuring that we make the most of the 2014 Games by; • providing genuine and generous Christian hospitality. • mobilising the Christian community via the church network to volunteer and serve. • offering pastoral or chaplaincy support, including helping with action in support of the social issues which will be accentuated by the Games. • hosting the party providing quality entertainment via big screen family events in churches and their halls, Christian performing arts entertainment and other festival type events. • encouraging Christian communities to use the games to develop sports opportunities for children and young people through clubs, activities, schools and camps. • supporting and equipping people to see and utilise opportunities for mission. • calling the Church to pray for the success of the event and for all those involved including athletes, organisers, support agencies such as the police, fire and ambulance personnel, plus the wider public and the Commonwealth Games family.


Catalysts cause important change to take place and More Than Gold 2014 ultimately aims to build a legacy of Christian love beyond 2014 in the City of Glasgow and throughout the commonwealth nations. There are multiple ways that you and your church can partner with More Than Gold 2014 and this historic event. Many people have been preparing resources and opportunities so you can do this. Hopefully you have read about many of these in this helpful magazine. Our website is the hub and best place to start and stay connected. Sign up for e-news, facebook and twitter updates and celebrate with us all God does in our nation!

“Let’s be known for our amazing Scottish hospitality - Comm’on, open up your home” Thousands of Athletes family members have been hosted over the years by the Athlete Family Homestay Programme and for Glasgow 2014, the Scottish Government have invited us to coordinate a Volunteer Homestay Programme for the official volunteers (Clyde-siders). Homes are needed in Glasgow and its surrounding area but also around the other venues. This is a unique opportunity to offer hospitality and friendship and we anticipate many Christians will want to open up their homes. To find out more go to



Comm’on the Commonwealth GAMES

are coming,

are you in the running?” “Comm’on this is our opportunity to serve – let’s be the first to volunteer and help” More Than Gold takes social justice works seriously and is liaising closely with Christian organisations dealing with homelessness, prostitution and human trafficking. We have four of the UNGift boxes in Glasgow during the games, helping people engage with the issue of human trafficking. Could you join a team and help? Many churches in the immediate vicinity of venues are planning to host and support Games staff, volunteers and visitors. These churches have a tremendous opportunity to show hospitality and service in Christ’s name. Could your church be one of these? Street Pastors work every week on the streets of Glasgow, are known and trusted. More Than Gold is partnering with them to recruit and train volunteers as Games Pastors to assist visitors, particularly at transport hubs and anywhere else organisers advise. Please volunteer!

“There are seventeen sports in the commonwealth games and as many ways to do mission. Comm’on, together we can reach the nations.”

Many organisations including The Scottish Bible Society, The Salvation Army, Youth for Christ, Firestarters, CLAN, Scripture Union and Christians in Sport are partnering with More Than Gold 2014 to produce resources, training and opportunities to help people engage in mission during the Games. Every church and community throughout Scotland will be impacted by this event and people will be talking about it. There are lots of things we already do like children’s holiday clubs, youth cafes, coffee mornings, festivals and worship services that we can give a commonwealth or games theme to. What could you or your church do? More Than Gold is keen to see as many ecumenical celebrations as possible bringing people of all denominations together to celebrate and pray for the city and the Games. Whatever you have a heart for or want to do we hope to have a resource, training event or mission opportunity that helps. Please take time to visit our website and make these games, your games!

Aline Lidwell

Communications Manager, More Than Gold




Tearfund Scotland Director Lynne Paterson, Rev David McCarthy, Rev Howard Espie & Rev John Craib meeting with a self-help group

Rev David McCarthy meeting with Meseret


TEARFUND A life transformed

Rev Howard Espie taking part in a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony

Self Help Groups

Howard Espie sat beneath the Ethiopian sun, along with around fifteen women. He heard story after story of how their lives had been transformed, along with thousands of others, across a country that is best known for its images of poverty and suffering. 2013 - Looking back ‘The kingdom of God is at hand and I’ve seen it face to face…and I cannot be the same.’ At Tearfund Scotland, the highlight of our year has been the privilege of taking several Scottish church leaders, including Howard, to Ethiopia, to experience this first hand. Over ten years ago, Tearfund worked with the Kale Heywet Church, who have now grown to nine


million members, to examine what it really meant for their congregations to be salt and light. Taking an idea from India, Tearfund and Kale Heywet worked together to set up a programme of Self Help Groups that offer practical hope for the poverty that afflicts so many. Rather than giving handouts, the poorest of the poor come together to save small amounts of money each week. Loans are then given to start small businesses.

David McCarthy, Rector at St Silas Episcopal Church in Glasgow, was particularly touched by meeting a lady called Meseret. When Meseret moved to the city of Nazret with her husband Belay and their first child about ten years ago, they were so poor that some people thought they were beggars. They lived in a furnitureless single room and slept on the floor. Belay fed his family by bringing home scraps of food he saved from the lunch he received while working on a building site. Despite misgivings about what could be achieved by saving small amounts each week, Meseret went along to the group where the training from the church helped change her mindset from one of powerlessness and dependency, to a realisation she could change her life by tackling problems alongside others in the same situation. When Belay left Nazret to find work, Meseret had to put this training into practice to start making her own living and to pay the rent, so she took out a loan to buy charcoal and started selling it. Her first step on the Self Help Group journey had been taken and she was soon able to feed her children well. Quickly Meseret came to see that the group provided not just savings and loan opportunities, but a social setting that soon began to feel like family, where problems could be shared and addressed and a sense of community fostered. Meseret’s confidence has grown and she now runs hairdressing and jewellery-making businesses as well as doing a part-time job at a local council. The 29-year-old’s next plan is to open a shop. Meseret said, ‘The economic change has been very significant. We have bought land and built a house but this is just the beginning. I have great plans for the future.’

Meseret uses her newfound confidence to speak up for women and children’s rights or as she puts it to be ‘a voice for the voiceless’. But she admits the biggest change is spiritually. ‘ For me, Self Help Groups are not just about economic change, it’s about a life change with Jesus. It was a great privilege for me to join the group and to come to know Christ. I’ve a clear view now of what I believe and who my God is.’

Looking towards 2014 Most Self Help Group members start their saving by cutting out a cup of coffee every day to give them the few pence needed to change their future. In solidarity with them, Tearfund Scotland’s focus in 2014 is to encourage people to save the cost of a coffee a week and instead to give this £10 a month to help establish a new Self Help Group. Our goal is to galvanise support from Scotland that will enable a further 500 Self Help Groups to start in Ethiopia, helping thousands more people like Meseret use their ideas and skills to set up small businesses and improve their children’s futures. All this will take is 500 people giving £10 a month. Howard has already committed to this vision ‘I’m going to do it one cup at a time too. We’ve got to cast this vision. It’s life changing and it’s simply beautiful.’ To find out more about how you can support the growth of the Self Help Group programme visit or call us on 0141 332 3621. You can also order a resource for your church, which includes a film of David McCarthy meeting and interviewing Meseret.



Molita will be cheering you on!


Penny Gospel

WORTH GIVING AWAY! Do you want to see God’s Word in the hands of people all over Scotland? The Penny Gospel is a special edition of Luke’s Gospel with life stories of sports men and women who believe that faith in Jesus Christ is worth More Than Gold.

Order your mu ltiple copies t oday at pennygo and find .uk suggestio how to d ns on istrib Penny G ute the ospel.

The 2014 Commonwealth Games offer a great mission opportunity and our vision is to see the Penny Gospel given out to thousands of people in the run up to and during the Games. To do this, we need churches to pick up the baton and order multiple copies of the Penny Gospel to give to people in their community. Priced at only a penny, it’s worth so much more to those who read it. Richard Hanson/Tearfund

Run, jog or walk to show your support for people in poverty. Join us at the Bupa Great Women’s 10k Glasgow, 11 May 2014.

Join in the team and take up the challenge to reach thousands with God’s Word!

TO FIND OUT MORE: Call: 0141 332 3621 Email: Visit: Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland)


The Scottish Bible Society, 7 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5XU, Tel: 0131 337 9701, Fax: 0131 337 0641 – Scottish Charity No.15 SC010767





the time has come for a radical commitment to creating new patterns of church

"How can I reach my friends? They will never come to my church. How can I go to them?" This is the beginning of a discussion that I have had on numerous occasions over the last 10 years. Time and time again I have heard the angst of those who love the Lord, love his church and love the lost. What can be done to connect with those who will never darken the doors of our church? I vividly remember my friend Carole explaining how there was no way any of the police that she worked with would ever come to my church! Not because of the preaching, she assured me, but because being a police officer is such an isolating profession. She went on to look at creating a church presence in the midst of her working environment - a "Cell Church" model! Another friend called Heather was passionate about reaching and discipling those who had come from a spiritual seeker background. She once brought a lady who had come to faith from this background to our church. As a modern charismatic church I thought our worship was vibrant, there were spiritual gifts being exercised, the preaching was as good as I could make it, and there was a prayer ministry time afterwards. The lady turned to Heather after the service and asked, "When do you do the spiritual stuff?". Our church was just not what this lady needed, and so Heather established Source, which is a church for those coming out of a spiritual seeker background. Over the last 10 years the Forge Scotland team have had the privilege of training 60 people in Scotland on how to reach out to those the church is currently not connecting with. We have taught them how to create new churches and mission projects which will extend the reach of the gospel here in Scotland. We have seen them going on to establish 25 new churches or mission projects all over Scotland (and one in England!).


With the latest Tearfund church attendance statistics telling us that the evangelical population of Scotland is now less than 2% there is no doubt that the time has come for a radical commitment to creating new patterns of church that will reach those the church is not currently connecting with. In the next 10 years the conservative estimate is that over 500 churches will close. That represents 500 communities that have no living witness within them.

Heather at a Source Gathering

Forge Scotland, along with our partners, are committed to training hundreds of church planters to go back into these communities to establish again a vibrant, worshipping, witnessing church in every community and network in Scotland. We believe that we must not passively watch the gentle decline of the church in Scotland. We believe that there is a new passion being released within the body of Christ to create these new patterns of church life. In the last year we have begun to support those starting new works through a network of regional hubs in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee (Inverness and Aberdeen coming soon). We will launch our first annual conference in March (2729) next year, entitled "Reactivating a Missionary Nation" with Alan & Debra Hirsch as the keynote speakers. We would love anyone interested to come and join us in the Forge/Invest year long course, the monthly regional hubs or the annual conference.

Helen Brough who runs Lattice in Fintry, Dundee

Paul & Esther Ede of Clay Community Church, Glasgow

All of this is simply to make it possible for us to answer those tricky questions, "How can I reach my friends? How can I go to them?" For more info go to

ALAN MCWILLIAM Director Forge Scotland

Carole McQueen

Heather Thorpe with Source






beyond the breakfast or curry night and start to build real, authentic relationships amongst the guys in our churches. Let’s stand together, shoulder to shoulder and support, encourage and look out for each other. Let’s start to reverse the loneliness epidemic that is engulfing the men in this country.

Whilst this renewed interest in physical health and wellbeing is a good thing, I reflect and think about the spiritual health of our nation. As Paul reminds us, physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)

No one to share their insecurities with; No one to share their struggles about the dangerous flirtation with the girl at work; No one who understands the pressures of balancing the ever increasing demands of work and family life;

As I travel around the country encouraging churches to think about men’s ministry and all that goes along with it, I continually hear “we do men’s ministry, we have the odd breakfast or curry night”. When I investigate further I find that it doesn’t go beyond that and I hear statements like, “men don’t like talking about their emotions” or “men have a tendency to avoid transparency”, therefore little attempt is made to get beyond the breakfast or curry night and the superficial relationships they often create.

No one to turn to when the financial pressures mount and they can’t face talking it through with their wife; they have no friend to turn to for help when the lure of internet porn is turning into an addiction.

Despite the illusion that men don’t need to share their feelings, struggles or fears, evidence tells us otherwise.

Perhaps this helps explain the sad news article I read this week about the pastor of a thriving congregation of 800 who shot himself in his driveway as the congregation sat waiting for him to preach?

Most men over 35 don’t have any real friends and experience loneliness. They have plenty of contacts in their iPhones, hundreds of Facebook friends and Twitter followers, a ton of acquaintances, but no real friends.


Instead we have loads of “friends” who we chat to about the superficial things in life: the football, the new beer or the girls in the pub. Is it any wonder that the biggest killer for men under 50 in the UK is suicide?

As we are inspired to start thinking about our physical fitness, let’s also remember our spiritual fitness. Let’s unashamedly move our men’s ministry

Struggling to know where to start? CVM has a whole range of strategies, resources, bloke’s camps, conferences and teaching/training to help reach men and keep them gripped by the message of Jesus. Check out our website for more.

Cyclist: Jonathan Biggin, Photo: Robyn Stewart

After the success of the London Olympics, Andy Murray winning Wimbledon and the forthcoming Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, there is a huge swell of enthusiasm around the country at the moment for sport. Kids are dreaming of becoming the next Andy Murray or Sir Chris Hoy. Grown-ups are embarking on training plans and dreaming of marathons in 2014. Or perhaps you are like me and thinking that just getting to 5km never mind 26 miles without collapsing in a heap would be a remarkable achievement!


CVM Scotland Director • Twitter: stephen4232 23




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Meet Cook, Mac and Florence as you unpack a new church-based holiday club resource with a Scottish flavour!

As Scotland gears up for Glasgow 2014, More than Gold is helping churches make the most of the opportunity it provides. We’ve produced a Games-themed holiday club resource, just right for a 5-day mission event in your community. So decorate your premises as a stadium, shout your national chants, pass the baton, stand on the podium and play the games – we invite you to share with children and young people who our King Jesus is, what he has done for us and how we can become fit to serve him! There’s a 5-day drama series called Party at the Palace, based around Jesus’ parable of the wedding banquet but with some very Scottish characters. We’ve got daily aerobics with Auntie Jessie from Aberdeen, a theme song, crazy “commonwealth games” to stage each day, craft ideas, video clips shot on location in Fife, memory verses, small group materials, take home sheets – in fact everything we can think of to make a fantastic week of activities! There are strong links throughout to the Commonwealth Games, which will be in the forefront of everyone’s mind next summer. The Fit for a King resource DVD is available now from fitforaking, or find out more at


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Muddy Pearl Muddy Pearl is a new Christian Edinburgh-based publisher run by husband and wife team, Stephanie and Richard Heald. Having just published their first three books, SCB wanted to know: What’s the story? Since 2008, as Richard worked on construction projects in the Gulf, Stephanie commuted to London to manage a Christian publisher. “The contrast was compelling: in the Middle East multinational churches of 1200 with many new believers had no trained pastor, certainly no bookshop. Books were incredibly precious: if anyone brought one in, it would pass from friend to friend.

International Christian College is a registered charity no: SC028032

Think again 0141 552 4040

Training for Contemporary Mission and Ministry 30

“Watching our first book, RT Kendall’s Ambition come off Bell & Bain’s binding press in Pollokshields last month was wonderful – like having another baby!”

Why the name, “Muddy Pearl”?

“In London the HTB bookshop seemed a treasure trove.

Books are precious. The truth that the Lord has given to his leaders and teachers is something to be treasured, shared and passed on. It may take a bit of digging, cleaning and polishing, but it is absolutely worth it. Muddy Pearl captures the process of working with an author to find and shape that gem of wisdom at the heart of every great book.

“The UK church is incredibly rich in resources. We need to share what we have with the world.”

What’s your distinctive?

What happened?

For more information:


Glasgow’s vibrant churches mean streets are full of energy bringing light to dark places.

This publisher was born in a prayer room: with a week of prayer in Edinburgh amidst turmoil in the trade – digital, takeovers, bankruptcies – Stephanie spent it laying the Christian publishing trade and her career before God. The last thing in the world she expected was to emerge with a call to start something new. As it turned out, Edinburgh is a great place to start. “Almost by accident we stumbled upon Edinburgh’s Christian Book publishing history: great names like Thomas Nelson, T&T Clark, sending the gospel out from Scotland. The expertise and networks remain. Publishing Scotland was enormously supportive - our designers, production, printers and distribution are all local.

In a sense there’s nothing new about what we’re doing. We join in and continue, as best we can, the great work that others have done for years. Just repairing our wee bit of the wall. But our hope is that we will: Publish prayerfully. Tempering commercial concerns with constructive ways to share profit. Publish carefully, with real editorial excellence. Publish for unity, holding together the traditions of Word and Spirit and encouraging dialogue.



In 2012, just months before our congregation was scheduled to move out to demolish and rebuild our new church building, a colleague asked me a simple question: “Do you think the community around the church will miss you?” That’s the kind of question we reflect on “theoretically”, but we were about to find out the answer in reality. For 12 months we would be removed from a community we had been part of for 106 years, and the question hung in the air would we be missed? We’ve always sought to be a church connected to our local community and in the east end of Glasgow we’re aware that Parkhead has its share of struggles and challenges - but it’s home for us. For 12 years we’ve been raising funds to invest in our community and bless them (not just us) with a new, open and hospitable building, characteristics that we feel reflect the real church, the people. That spirit of hospitality is rooted in two simple principles: 'Love God. Love People'. But how do we show love to people when we don’t really know them - we don’t know their circumstances, their


challenges, their joys or their sorrows? Getting to know them takes time, and takes time to listen. We run a Drop in Centre at the Church with hot food and drinks. It’s always busy. To the outsider it probably looks like many other community cafés, but it’s much more. We don’t just serve food to the community, we eat with the community, listening to their life and sharing ours. We eat, we listen, we talk, we laugh, we cry, we pray. It’s not very complicated but it does seem to work. We call

"Do you think the community will miss you?"

this our “listening post”. Here we hear! The long term result is that increasingly they know us and we know them, like friends, and as we do we’re better placed to respond in love to what we hear. Interestingly, the claim against Jesus was not that he fed people, but that he ate with them, and seemed to have become the “friend of sinners”. That is an entirely different ministry. Of course from this place of listening we have been able to respond in different practical ways. We have heard our friends talk about financial struggles or a lack of food, and so from a few bags of groceries in those early days we now produce vegetables from a community garden with some other community groups (also our “friends”) and we run a food store. From stories of long term unemployment we now host a 3 day-a-week employability course provided

by a local housing association. And to our surprise, as we ate and listened we heard our friends ask questions of life and death, of faith(less), hope(less), and love(less). From those small conversations and questions, ALPHA began, which in turn gave birth to a life and faith group called FRESH. Here people of such varying backgrounds and situations meet to eat, talk, listen, encourage, pray, and support one another. It is a beautiful thing. It is the Church. We do many more things as the church – kids clubs, senior adult groups, youth cafés, health and fitness bootcamps, charity fundraisers, arts and crafts, music groups and of course public worship – just like many other churches, and through it all is woven this spirit of hospitality. As a pastor, sometimes I just stop and watch as they talk and laugh and listen and pray, loving God and loving each other. It’s not perfect, it’s not complex, but it is the Church. In the end, our 12 months away turned out to be a humbling year. I met residents and organisations alike, and nervously I wondered what they might say. And do you know what they asked?:“...and when will you be back? We miss you.”


Parkhead Nazarene

Parkhead Nazarene




I have a story to tell

My grandfather started Bertram Mills Circus at Olympia in London at Christmas time and my father started the tenting circus and took it all over the country in the summer. At 19 I had the honour of being hostess to The Queen when she came to our circus.

My mother taught me that the Bible was all myths and legends, my father taught that Christians needed a crutch and were weaklings to be avoided. So we were an unbelieving family. However, we did all go to church once, to pray when France collapsed and invasion by Hitler seemed inevitable. King George V1 encouraged the nation to pray. God answered our prayers; 380 000 men were rescued from the beaches of Dunkirk and the Channel stayed totally calm to allow the evacuation to take place. Looking back that surely was an answer to the nation’s prayers. But it did not change our lives. We went once and didn’t go again. Incidentally years later my husband and I were married in that very church. When France collapsed my father sent us to my mothers family in Canada and in 1940 at age 13 age thirteen I went to an Anglican school in Toronto where I was confirmed - it was expected, but it meant very little to me. We were taught a gospel of good works and to lead a good life and we might get to Heaven. When I came back to this country I did Brownies and Guides, made pots of marmalade for the sick


and I even gave up my job to look after my step brother’s fourth child. I myself married when I was 21 and by the age of 26 had two children and was living in Scotland. But I regularly went to England to see my mother and my godson and it was then my stepbrother, who had been saved three months before, taught me about Jesus.

the Bible wasn’t taught. But my husband came to faith five years later. He asked the Lord to save him and we started reading the Bible together. People heard that the daughter or Bertram Mills had been saved and was giving a testimony. I was invited to speak all over the area which was hard to do with five children but all very exciting.

That night my step brother did not realise that what he had said to me resulted in such a battle with The Lord. “How do I know you are there Lord and if Jesus is your son, what about Buddha and all these things and is the Bible true, and my mother had said the Bible was myths and legends and more.” I got out of bed and knelt by my bedside and asked Jesus to save me. It was a blasphemous conversion. But I didn't want to go to hell and asked Jesus to save me. That decision turned my life upside down. My husband, my parents and my in-laws all thought I had gone mad. It was devastating. I was ostracised by everyone I knew. The local Anglican minister with a long face said, “Well, I hope it lasts.” He didn’t understand either.

But from the Scripture Union notes “Invitation to live” that my step brother gave me was the thing that helped me through. The notes on St John’s gospel were brilliant – I had never read the Bible before – the message from St John’s gospel was totally different from anything I had ever heard before!

My world was upsidedown and it nearly wrecked my marriage. The next five years were so difficult – awful in many ways. I was in a dead church where

I invited Stuart Briscoe and we ran 2 weeks of evangelistic meetings in towns around the Glasgow area. It was very exciting and many young people were saved. I had been desperate to reach out to the under privileged and we started a café in Greenock for downandouts. Stuart Briscoe gave me the Cross and the Switchblade to read. When the rough boys started to backslide I was looking for answers and found these in the book and was baptised in the Holy Spirit and started to speak in tongues as a result. This was 12 years after I was saved. It was like being born again.

My own spiritual development continued, especially when I heard about the Lydia prayer fellowship. Later I shared the Lydia Vision and travelled all over Europe teaching women how to pray. This involved seven steps to the throne – first praise Him, then ask to be cleansed of all your sins, bind all the power of the enemy, lay down all your burdens on the Lord and ask God what is on His heart for today. Then in groups of three or four listen to the Lord and pray what He gives you. Be obedient to what He gives, be steadfast to continue until you have finished, and be thankful that He will answer. Are you encouraged by the church in your area? We have a fabulous church where everybody is baptised in the Holy Spirit and His gifts are regularly used. There are churches in most of the denominations that are on fire for Jesus but there is still resistance to the Holy Spirit in many traditional churches. It is very exciting that I am 85 and still able to go to speak to Firestarters, SU Groups and old folks homes and my husband and I lead the Healing Rooms in Mid Argyle. When you are listening to the Holy Spirit you can’t help but be excited. It’s thrilling! It’s marvellous!





Christian Resources Exhibition returns to Scotland Some 120 exhibitors were present for the return to Scotland of the Christian Resources Exhibition at the Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh on the 27th & 28th November 2013. 'It was great to welcome CRE back to Scotland,' said Elaine Duncan, chief executive of the Scottish Bible Society. The atmosphere was warm, welcoming and very relaxed. The range of exhibits never fails to impress and people spoke of being encouraged through being there.'




INTERVIEW WITH BARRY DOUGLAS Barry Douglas, pastor of Aberdeen’s Seaton Community Church and chaplain at Aberdeen FC, and his team of volunteers at the Granite City’s food bank are making a difference to the lives of those in need in the local community. Lins Honeyman investigates. How did setting up a food bank come about? I was a pastor at Aberdeen’s Kings Community Church and a group of us felt called to plant a new church in Seaton. Seaton is a large housing estate in Aberdeen with a population of around 6000. It’s also the 13th poorest area for child poverty in Scotland. Together with another pastor, I had gone to a conference run by the Trussell Trust (an organisation that helps local communities combat poverty) and it just so happened that no one had


started a food bank in Aberdeen. We’ve been running the food bank for just over seven months and, in that period, we’ve fed over 900 people.

What do you put the increased need for food banks down to? Recent welfare reforms like the ‘bedroom tax’ have caused a number of challenges for people but it’s not just folks who are claiming benefits that come to us. Often people think that food parcels are to do with homeless people but, out of those

Jesus encouraged his disciples to feed the people lifestyle but it’s also exceptionally pressurised because your success is measured in the space of 90 minutes. If you have a bad game, you face a huge amount of pressure – not only from fans but from players who would like to replace you. We’re called to be light in that environment and to come alongside to help, support and encourage the players.

What are your plans for the immediate future?

Some people must feel reluctant about having to ask for food. Yes, there are some people who feel the stigma of having to use a food bank. We’ve had some families who have come for food and the children have stayed in the car because they were so embarrassed. Generally though, we convert the food bank into a café to make it as welcoming and informal as possible. It’s still very difficult for people to admit they’ve got challenges but we’ve seen some remarkable stories of people we’ve been able to help and who have gone on to get their lives sorted. We’ve also had a few salvation stories through food banks and that’s just wonderful.

In addition to your role as a pastor at Seaton Community Church and your involvement with the food bank, you’re also the chaplain of Aberdeen Football Club. I’ve been the chaplain at Aberdeen FC for three years now after being taken on by an organisation called Sports Chaplaincy UK. The role involves working quite closely with the manager and the staff and it’s mostly about listening to people. You might think being a footballer is a very glamorous

In April 2014, we will be launching a new ministry in conjunction with an organisation called 'Make Lunches' to provide free lunches during the school holidays for children who would normally get a free school meal. During the holidays, the uptake of our family food parcels increased dramatically. Initially, we couldn’t understand why we were giving out so many family parcels until one mum explained that lots of people couldn’t afford to feed their children during the school holidays. In an area like Seaton, 43% of children get a free school meal and, when the school closes, some of these kids don’t get fed. It’s a huge undertaking – we’re just a small church – but we feel called to do it.

How can people get involved in the work that food banks do? There are lots of things people can do. One of them is get involved in helping at a food bank. Also, you can help provide food for the food banks and, if you’re unable to get involved in the day-today side of things, please pray for these ministries. More information on Seaton Community Church and food banks can be found at and

Interview by


Singer/songwriter and performer based in Perthshire 39



900 people, only three have been homeless. In fact, we’ve had people who have just fallen on difficult times – whether it’s through losing a job very suddenly, or being ill and their sick pay running out – and there’s a broad spectrum of people who come to the food bank. Also, energy bills are exceptionally high these days and people struggle to make ends meet. As Christians, we’re reminded that Jesus encouraged his disciples to feed the people and I believe that we at Seaton Community Church are called to do that.



Some time ago, I read The Heavenly Man. Inspirational. So when Brother Yun was speaking near us, Niki and I headed off to hear him. It was AMAZING. Brother Yun preaches through an interpreter. After about four minutes, he says something that sounds like: ****^”*{&++++@@@****. His interpreter lady calls out: ‘All those who need to repent of sins and welcome Jesus into hearts right now – come to front.’ They are a well-oiled machine. And people come. Scores of them. It’s amazing. But it’s also frustrating. Because it takes me forty minutes of carefully worded and pored over exposition to have any hope of seeing a response. And Brother Yun has said pretty much nothing! Midway through the sermon, Brother Yun becomes more animated than ever. He launches into “”””****^^^$*****””””@@@*** and the interpreter says: ‘All those who are church leaders come to front – NOW!!!!!’ I hate that. I do it to others. Mercilessly. I’m at the back and I’m staying there. Niki looks at me and jabs me in the side with her accountability elbow. She says nothing. But she means: ‘You’d better do as he says.’ I shake my head. Niki digs me again. Resistance over. I STAND.


Brother Yun calls out, ‘@@@****____********”””””” $$$££@@@,’ and his interpreter calls out: ‘All those who have a problem with pornography come to front NOW!’ I am the only one standing. At this moment, I have a decision to make. Do I sit down really quickly, looking like a little boy caught with his hand deep in the sweetie jar? Or, do I man up and walk down to the front? In case you’re wondering: I have issues. Pornography isn’t one of them. But, there I am standing, and what am I to do? I walk. The walk of shame. I can see members of my congregation nudging each other. I know what they’re thinking. ‘Aha!’ And they smile, pastorally. When I eventually get to the front, God meets with me. God meets with me, and as I look back, I know that this was a defining moment in my ministry. There are many moments in life where kneel – or sit or lie prostrate - are exactly the thing to do before the Lord. But the Jewish people would stand to pray. There is something very deliberate and strong about that. Something public. But also



I STAND something exposed and vulnerable. And it is from this place of meeting with God – of hearing from God, of learning and knowing who he is and how he sees us – that we can truly stand in our faith. That we can stand firm in battle. That we can stand out from the crowd. And here’s the thing. If you are willing to stand, to meet with God, to make yourself vulnerable before the Lord, you’ll find he has this habit of showing up. He will. Place yourself openly and absolutely in his hand and you can be sure he will not let you down. Fact. And you will find he will do more than you could ever ask or imagine. For me, my ‘stand’ has led, at least in part, to writing this book. So stand is, paradoxically, an invitation to action. A provocation to involvement. A call to really live. This book’s concern is to cause an uprising, a pursuit of God and his purposes and a taking hold of life. So stand. I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40 v 1-3 Karl’s first book, Stand is published by Muddy Pearl, Edinburgh.


Senior Minister of Central: Jesus at the Heart in the city of Edinburgh 43



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whole life discipleship

As we sat round the table over dinner, considering how to truly live out our faith at work, we pondered this question. What is whole life discipleship? “I don’t know!” “It's looking for God in all the opportunities” ' It's being open to what good works God had prepared for us to do “ “It's knowing all the days are not an accident, but God has a purpose for all that happens” “It’s living an integrated life” The group, which included a GP, a psychologist, a university administrator, a scientist, an accountant, a businessman, an HR specialist, a retired teacher, reflected that we live as if the different parts of our life are separate. We operate separately in our church life, home life and work life; unintentionally but nonetheless separately. Paul reminds us that this is not how Jesus views life for “everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels - everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.” (Colossians 1 v 15-17)


Bishop Graham Cray speaking about 21 Century discipleship said, “Discipleship is about living it. It is about living the difference that Jesus makes in whatever context your daily life puts you in….” Whole life discipleship is living intentionally in every moment, every situation, every work decision, every relationship, every leisure pursuit… listening for God in each encounter and expecting God to work, and seeing God work in our whole life. st

39% of respondents to the recent Evangelical Alliance’s 21st Century Evangelicals: Working Faithfully research said that, “my Church provides regular teaching about the biblical understanding of work. Mark Greene of LICC observed in the Great Divide that, “98% of Christians are neither envisioned nor equipped for mission in 95% of their waking lives.” Mission Scotland is working to help people embody whole life discipleship. The Transforming Work programme responds to the challenge we all face of discipleship on our frontlines, in this case the workplace. Mission Scotland’s Transforming Work project was developed in association with

LICC and with the help of over 100 young workers in Scotland, to envision and equip participants to live as whole life disciples in their workplace; helping them see how they could play a significant role in changing the way that work gets done for the better in their workplace.

Whole life discipleship is living intentionally in every moment It’s a 12-18 month programme of intentional discipleship that opens eyes to see that the Gospel can impact the actual work we do, the lives of our colleagues and the institutions we serve. It’s helping us experience that as whole life disciples we make a transformational impact for the Gospel. As one current participant said: “It simply, though impactfully reveals God's perspective of work. He has opened the eyes of many of us to the realities of what God is already doing in our workplaces and also to that which God has planned to do through each of us in our workplaces. Taking hold of these truths has motivated us to align with God's plans and move forward to serve Him in His way where we work every day. Our work becomes our mission. It takes on a whole new importance."

More information on 'Transforming Work' can be found on It was as a young(ish) worker, puzzled by the dilemmas of a busy work life, a young family and active church that I felt weary of the demands of running the Christian race. I knew that I had to, “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 12v1&2) but it seemed that I was being asked to run on several running tracks at the same time. Surely there has to be more to life than this! As I stumbled through this dilemma over the next few years, God made it clear that he gives us only one running track, the one of whole life discipleship. What he seemed to say to me was, “Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life and place it before God as an offering. “ (Romans 12 v 1)


Chair, Mission Scotland 51



Running the race

1 Thessalonians 1 “An organisation…”, said a manager to an acquaintance of mine, “…is only as strong as its weakest link - and you are the weakest link!” Not exactly a statement out to the top drawer of management technique, or one that would in any way encourage that employee! All who love Jesus want to be better disciples of his. We want our lives – our whole lives – to count for him. I want to encourage you towards whole-life discipleship, not by inducing guilt by presenting a picture-perfect, air-brushed vision, but by directing you to a great, yet gritty biblical example to follow from your brothers and sisters in the first century church located in Thessalonica.

Gospel Power The Apostle Paul writes, “For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.” Paul and the others had gone to Thessalonica and had spoken the gospel. The Holy Spirit planted that word into hearts with power and the impact upon them was evident in what they became and were becoming. Discipleship emerges, not primarily out of our choice, but out of what God has made us by the power of the gospel at work within us. If you love Jesus, if your desire is to live under his rule in your life, it is a signal that his Spirit has been at work through his word.

God’s word, working through God’s Spirit, is the most powerful force in the universe and in the church. Father, Son and Spirit wonderfully conspire to pour forth their power through speech, to accomplish their single will through words. (Jonathan Leeman, Reverberation, 9 Marks, 2011, p61)

“You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Thessalonians 1 5-6) If you are a Christian, take a moment to think about those who have influenced you for the Lord. There are a number of people in my life whose impact has been massive; a youth leader whose interest in a group of quietly rebellious church kids made such a difference; a family friend who encouraged me to read Christian books – by buying me some! (What a great thing to do!) Both of these men lived lives that spoke to me in different ways.

The gospel is all about changed lives. The kingdom of God advances one person at a time as individuals are born again by God’s Spirit and increasingly transformed into the likeness of Christ. (Sophie De Witt, One-to-One, Authentic, 2011, Pxv)

We ought to be those who are being influenced and influencing for Jesus. And the ripples of this concept are not to be contained within the community of faith. A whole-life concept of discipleship is one that transcends any false sacred/ secular worldview. And please note the joy of the Thessalonians! As they saw the word of the gospel worked out in the

lives of Paul and the others and as they followed their example, these Thessalonian believers discovered a circumstance defying joy in Jesus! If serving Jesus gives us a face like someone sucking a lemon - then something’s wrong! Joy in the Christian life is linked to obedience.

Glorifying Lives “And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia— your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead-Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.” (1 Thessalonians 1 7-10) A whole-life approach to discipleship requires a grasp of the whole message of God (Acts 20v27). In these testing days in Scotland we need a generation of believers who really understand and are shaped by the gospel; a people who – like the Thessalonians - are not afraid to proclaim the whole message of God; who have grasped that Jesus is at work in places long before they arrive; who live in the light of God’s sovereignty and see their circumstances as an opportunity; a people whose lives and lips speak for Jesus in strategic places. The Thessalonians became a model, but it was the Lord’s message that rang out. 1 Thessalonians 1 is not a presentation of whole-life discipleship perfection, but of disciples responding to the circumstances they faced and doing so with gospel-shaped minds and the Holy Spirit’s enabling. Whole-life discipleship is not about perfect teeth and a crinkle-free life. It is often about how we fail; how we deal with a difficult workplace; how we respond to hard family circumstances; how we reflect the grace that has been shown to us in a myriad of different ways; how we discover that wonderful by-product of obedience – joy! I found the account of the Thessalonian church inspiring. I hope that you do too.



Lead Pastor, Central Baptist Church, Dundee 53



Whole Life Discipleship

Great Examples

Youth Making disciples is one of, if not the most important directive and distinctive of the Church. We are to be, above all else, Disciple-Making Churches. If a church is not following this simple but clear command, it is dying. The only reason that The Church has remained for the past 2000 years is that through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit the people of God have faithfully held, contended for, and delivered the faith once entrusted to the saints, from one disciple to the next. From one generation to the next.

As clear as the mission is, discipleship can still be overwhelming and confusing in its execution. Nonetheless, the importance of the call has outweighed my nagging doubts, and I have pushed forward in the journey of discipling others. Here are a few things that I have emphasised in my ministry with youth in discipleship

A white-hot faith for The Lord is contagious

The Command is clear. Go and make disciples. 1. More than a Programme It has been said before, that discipleship is: “Life on life for life.” This little phrase helps to counteract one of the most misunderstood notions of discipleship (especially youth discipleship), which is that discipleship can be reduced to a program, a curriculum, or a class. While it can consist of those things, it also is, and must be, more than that. The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica and said, “we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” Discipling another means that we share the entirety of our faith that transcends every area of life. And to do that, we must allow our lives to intermix with another. This can be the most intimidating part of discipling because it is the most costly. Discipling beyond the borders of the classroom means that other areas, and time commitments, become available to those we mentor. This can include spending leisure time together, eating family meals together and working on projects and activities together. Whatever we do, if we do it together, we discover what Paul means when he said he shared his very life.

2. A Zeal Worth Following If Discipleship is modelling faith for another, then the model which casts the mould must be important. Too frequently, we consider discipleship as teaching a class about the Bible, and since we regard the Bible as holy and worthy to be followed, we conclude that the protégé will willingly fall in line. However, we miss the fact that the protégé is also watching the faith of the mentor and coming to their own conclusion of whether that

faith is worth following. Paul told his listeners, “Follow me as I follow Christ”. Paul consciously shined a spotlight on his own faith, and invited others to examine his faith and come to their own conclusion if it was worth following. A white-hot faith for the Lord is contagious. But a lukewarm faith, which teaches a Bible class, is not worth following.

3. Seeing the Bigger Picture Discipleship is a process of helping Christians learn and live out the entirety of Jesus’ teaching and way of life. Unfortunately, youth ministry discipleship oftentimes separate the youth from the larger church body, and in doing so, robs the youth of the full picture of the Christian life. Healthy youth discipleship should strive to incorporate the youth into the entire congregation. I have found the corporate gathering is a fantastic classroom for the disciple. It is extremely helpful for the protégé to be near the discipler in church where they can then observe them as they worship and engage in church fellowship. All that the discipler has taught is then cemented in the practice of authentic worship. Additionally, it is there in corporate worship that the discipler can connect the protégé with other mature Christians and thus expand the breadth of discipleship in their life.



Youth Pastor, Trinity Church of the Nazarene, Perth 55

Discipleship among Youth

Discipleship among Youth

Discipleship among


New album out now

Soul Survivor,


The Flood

Around 22,500 teenagers and youth leaders attended the three Soul Survivor events this summer, with a further 6,600 at Momentum making it the largest event we’ve run for the 20s and 30s age group. Overall there were 1656 who gave their lives to Jesus in the main meetings and there were many physical and emotional healings. Soul Survivor Director and event host Mike Pilavachi, said, “It’s been an amazing summer and seems like we’ve seen God do more than ever before. At Soul Survivor there were many physical healings as well as countless teenagers beginning to let God deal with deep pain and brokenness. We loved seeing the young people going deeper in their relationships with God and growing in confidence in praying for one another. Again we’ve been thrilled at how many brought non-Christian friends with them, 1593 of whom gave their lives to Jesus over Weeks A, B and C. What a joy!”


To celebrate this year's event, Integrity Music is releasing a full 2CD album, reflecting anthems from Soul Survivor and Momentum. Featuring Beth Croft, Sam Bailey, Tom Field and Rend Collective Experiment.

• 63 people giving their lives to Jesus.

Advert video, see here: user/WeAreWorshipMusic Highlights from the three Soul Survivor conferences included: • Teaching and seminars covering: praying for people and moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, inner-healing, justice, worship, prayer, leadership, sex & relationships, porn, evangelism, and the persecuted church, with Robby Dawkins and Danielle Strickland speaking in the main meetings. • Worship led by Beth Croft, Sam Bailey, Rend Collective Experiment, and Tom Field. • Over 8000 signatures for the Soul Action STAND petition aimed at ending slavery


Momentum saw its highest ever number of delegates with more than 6600 people in their 20s and 30s attending. Highlights included: • Social activities to encourage community included Coffee for Six, a ceroc/jive evening, wine-tasting and a picnic. • Seminars covering a theology of work, dealing with conflict, abortion, sex, poverty, community, singleness, porn, money, church planting, communication, dealing with pain & disappointment, a theology of play, and calling. Mike said, “We were thrilled to see so many of what is often called the ‘lost generation’ of the Church, gathered together and passionate about seeking God. In our teaching and ministry God placed an emphasis on community, speaking into people’s loneliness and gathering us as a family. There was a great passion to worship, learn and receive from God, with joy and healing being released to many.”

New event Soul Survivor Scotland In 2014 we will be holding a five-day conference in Scotland in addition to our three regular Soul Survivor events. Dates for summer 2014 are: Soul Survivor Scotland: 15th-19th July (Aberdeen) Week A 25th - 29th July (Stafford) Week B 12th - 16th August (Somerset) Week C 17th - 21st August (Somerset)


Rend Collective Experiment's "My Lighthouse" NEW SOUL SURVIVOR DATE:

ABERDEEN 15-19th July 2014 57

For many families where both parents work full-time, Sunday has come to mean 'family time' whether that involves doing the supermarket shop together, taking part in leisure activities or seeing friends or relatives. Attending church is, for them, sadly no longer considered relevant. Hardly surprising then, that one of the country's fastest growing mission fields is that of chaplaincy in the workplace.


Work Place Chaplaincy Scotland (WPCS), the direct successor to the former Scottish Churches Industrial Mission, is the embodiment of Scotland's Christian churches’ commitment to showing the love of God in action in the lives and work of real people in real places with real hopes, joys, worries and burdens. “In today's uncertain times, there has never been a greater need for churches to be fully engaged

“Research by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Scotland, shows that a pro-active approach to staff well-being has a positive effect on not only morale and absence rates, but productivity. Iain McMillan, director of CBI Scotland is a trustee of WPCS as is his opposite number, Grahame Smith, head of the Scottish Trades Union Congress. Both are convinced of the unique benefits of WPCS and that it has a vital role to play in the country's future.

“When staff are happy at their work a positive atmosphere is created and quality relationships and creative work are nurtured. Having a job is good, but having a career where everyone from the boss to the new apprentice is motivated and works as a team, and where production prospers, is significantly better. It is in this context that the chaplain can assist with positive working practices through pastoral support and a listening approach. A burden shared really is a burden halved. “To be effective, chaplaincy is a ministry of translation, translating the good news of the Gospel into words and actions that have meaning and impact on individuals who perhaps have had no contact in the past or in the present with any form of church or faith community. “Chaplaincy is arguably one of today's most important mission fields and as such will require vision, commitment, finance and faith from all involved.”

“WPCS seeks to share the love and compassion of the Gospel in a way that is accessible and understandable to all. Our function is not to make converts for any particular denomination but rather - in collaboration with all local churches, secular organisations and employers - to offer Christian service to all in the workplace regardless of any denominational affiliation or none.

Painting by Aline Lidwell, July 2011

ACCORDING to census figures revealed this year, 54% of people – around 2.8 million - in Scotland describe themselves as Christian. Given society's preoccupation with work and money, one could be forgiven for thinking that figure might have been lower.

“For those in employment, coping with changing work patterns, possible cuts in pensions, a wage freeze or the threat of redundancy is hugely stressful. An analysis of hours worked in the Labour Market released in December 2011 by the Office of National Statistics, showed that more than half the UK population (52.1 per cent) worked 31 to 45 hours per week and just under a fifth (19.4 per cent) worked over 45 hours per week. If workers feel under constant pressure in the workplace, that means they are spending a significant part of each day struggling to cope.

Aberdeen; Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh airports; local authorities like Dundee City, Perth and Kinross, Falkirk, Stirling, Clackmannanshire and Aberdeen City councils; retail giants like Boots, John Lewis, Harvey Nichols, Tesco, Morrison's and Asda, Royal Mail in the Borders and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service nationally, all use WPCS. Demand is such that more volunteers are urgently needed.

“Since I was appointed just over three years ago, I have seen WPCS grow at an almost unbelievable rate. I am convinced God is in this. At first being National Director of WPCS felt a bit like being Prime Minister of Rockall – an impressive title but responsible for hardly anyone. In a very short time however the charity has evolved from a tiny organisation comprising two or three individuals, into a widespread mission with 82 volunteers and 11 staff chaplains based across Scotland from Aberdeen to Ayr. “To date, some 1200 outlets: from shopping centres like Braehead in Paisley; Falkirk's Howgate: The Gyle in Edinburgh and Union Square in


National Director, Work Place Chaplaincy Scotland 59



Fastgrowing mission field of chaplaincy in the workplace

with all people, wherever they live or work and there is a growing understanding amongst many in business, local government and major employers, of the need to provide good quality welfare support for all in the workplace and that this support includes pastoral and spiritual care,” explains the charity's National Director, Rev Iain McFadzean.




RECOMMENDS... does hint at a developmental artist willing to take a chance.

that works incredibly well - for lead and backing vocal duties respectively.

Available from

However, it is the quality of Hutchison's songs that shine through amidst his son's sensitive production and the McKinlay/Lyon factor to add further weight to the argument that the Scottish Christian music scene is indeed a burgeoning one in terms of new worship music. Although proceedings start with the more generic folk worship feel of "The Reason For It All" and "You Are My Refuge", Hutchison really proves his worth in songs such as the pianoled "Show Me Your Way", "The Greatest Heart Of Greatest Love" and "Who Do You Say That I Am" which evoke the memorable melodies of hymns of old. Lyrically, Hutchison's style is poetic and God-centred with tracks such as "This I Know" and "Doxology" containing the theological and artistic depth missing from some of today's worship lyrics. All of which makes this humble yet accomplished release one to seek out.

Reviewed by Lins Honeyman for Cross Rhythms

Audience Of One Amie Aitken This five track debut EP sees Scottish singer/ songwriter Amie Aitken team up with Sound Consultancy producer Andy Baker to offer up a collection of easy going songs that reference Aitken’s relationship with God. Aitken currently seems most at home in the airy pop territory of the title track – a song that deftly denounces a previous lusting for fame in exchange of being alone with God – whilst the inviting “Take My Hand” showcases Aitken’s warm vocal style as well as her skills as a piano player. Elsewhere, the edgy defiance of “Meet My Maker” and the intriguing “Last Breath” – the latter co-penned with Baker – show a more complex side to Aitken’s writing and tell of God’s love in a way that promises good things to come should Aitken continue in this vein. Also included is a rerecorded version of Aitken’s previous single “This I Know” – better known as the Sunday school perennial “Jesus Loves Me” - and, whilst this track doesn’t quite match the calibre of its more developed counterparts on this EP, it



Available from

Reviewed by Lins Honeyman for Cross Rhythms

Songs For This Journey Stephen Hutchison Inverness-based songwriter and pianist Stephen Hutchison's debut release sees him team up with his son - acclaimed Glasgow producer Iain Hutchison - for a collection of gentle worship songs that have been tried and tested in his local church. Without losing any of its home grown charm, this is a consummate affair that sees Hutchison cannily choose to tap into the considerable skills of in-demand Scottish artistes Allan McKinlay and Yvonne Lyon - a combination

Very good

Something More Sam Gallagher Samuel Gallacher’s new CD which came out towards the end of 2013 is wide ranging and high energy. Sam it would seem is a ‘one man band’ as he develops all aspects of his new album from lyrics through to vocals, production and art work. Pace and temp vary from track to track and the lyrics appear to be asking many questions. It is unclear if the answers are given within each song, but relationships and doing the right thing come close to the front in many of the pieces. The album benefits from the brief involvement of Ellyn Oliver in the track ‘Leave tonight’ where the vocals work well together. Many of the tracks need to be listened to carefully to understand the full depth of meaning. The instrumentation across all the tracks is powerful and memorable. It is clear that a lot of care and attention has gone into the production of this new album from Samuel Gallacher. The final track which is called ‘Something More’ leaves the listener with just that question!




There is obviously more to come from Samuel in the future but if you are looking for music which is fresh and original this might just be the one for you. Available from

Reviewed by David Aird Producer for Heart of the Matter Black Diamond 107.8fm

I won a digital copy of "Amazing Love" through SCB's facebook page and am thoroughly delighted that I did! It's hard to pick out highlights from the album as each song stands alone so well. The album is aptly titled, as it is impossible to listen to it without being reminded that nothing can or will separate us from the love of God.

important things in life and act on them. Michael has carefully put together original material which encourages everyone to meet Jesus at the cross just as he did in 2004. This is just a start as many of the tracks portray, e.g. WWJD and This Love. ‘Your Treasure’ is a gem of a track. Each song is a pointer as people approach various crossroads of their life.

My personal favourites are both piano based. "You are Love" - an impassioned statement of who God is and His love for us - and "God Is With Us" with beautifully simple lyrics and haunting vocals - Do not fear my friend, for God is with us... we choose to worship you Lord, you are with us.

It is a privilege to review an album of such beauty, power and passion which clearly shows the way in which Christ changed the lives of those involved in this project. As a studio album it is at the top of the market. I would imagine that a live performance would incorporate how these remarkable songs came to be written and would send the audience out to live lives that are ‘worthy of the Gospel of Christ’ or possibly look at the Good News for the first time.

Clive's recording of Matt Redman's 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) is another favourite of mine and of both my daughters, who listen to it on repeat! The uplifting "Abide In You" is yet another favourite and it progresses into a wonderful rendition of Abide With Me. In an interview with The Blue Fish Project (www. earlier this year, Clive stated that ...I am writing songs for the church and for anyone who will listen. EVERYONE should listen to this album. And then listen to it again, because it gets even better next time round. Available from

Amazing Love Clive Parnell Clive Parnell is the former lead singer in Indigoecho and Mystery Tent. As well as pastoring at Kirkliston Community Church, Clive has recently released his second solo album, "Amazing Love".





RECOMMENDS continued...

Reviewed by Kirsti Jones, Scottish Christian Broadcast Competition Winner

Very good

Meet Me At The Cross Michael McMillan & The Hope Street Band

If you are looking for an album which is enjoyable to listen to while making you think, go no further than Michael’s ‘Meet Me at the Cross’.

Michael McMillan has been involved in music since the age of 13 and the intervening years have not always been kind to him. However out of the difficult and challenging times of his life, valuable experiences were gained and these have been beautifully condensed into a wonderfully crafted album which as Michael says contain ‘songs from the heart of the streets to the streets of your heart’.

Available from

Reviewed by David Aird Producer for Heart of the Matter Black Diamond 107.8fm

The album which incorporates the Hope Street Band challenges the listener to take note of the

Scottish Christian Broadcast CD recommendations in partnership with




EATACD .COM is an online store with an unique range of Christian media. You can download products from our website –, or buy physical CDs/ Books from our Amazon store has a fantastic, ever growing catalogue of Christian media. Quality products from independent artists from Scotland and beyond. You may know some of these artists or you may not, why not get to know some new artists today – go make yourself a cuppa, get comfy, and have a virtual wander round listen to 45 second samples of any of the songs on the site; browse the collection of ebooks, and read a sample chapter; have a look at the photography samples; download a free Eikon product to get to know the Eikon range of Sunday School resources. You'll discover lots of great products from a group of amazing artists.


Music is the largest category of products at, and it was exciting to see so many positive things happing in the Christian Music scene in Scotland in 2013: lots of new music releases from talented Scottish artists; packed out Christian gigs in fab venues, like King Tuts, Oran Mor, Liquid Rooms, and more. We're looking forward to what's ahead for 2014, and you can be part of it too. Support your local artists – get out to see them at events in your area, encourage their ministry by buying their products, supporting them as they communicate God's message to people in the church and beyond.


The Big Picture

The Big Picture


Big Picture For nearly 70 years MAF has been using light aircraft to reach people living in some of the world's most isolated communities. We work with partners including Tearfund, World Vision and Compassion to transport essential medical care, food supplies, and church workers enabling physical and spiritual care to reach thousands of people who are cut off due to formidable geographical barriers, natural disasters or political unrest. And all this is made possible through our partnerships with local Churches. This is the Big Picture: individuals and churches across Scotland working with MAF to ensure that the most remote and vulnerable people get the help they need. What if there are no roads? What if your child is sick and needs to see a doctor? What can you do? MAF flies aircraft to reach such people.

Boys will be boys It is a normal sort of day when a boy falls and hurts himself. Perhaps many of us who have sons take for granted the difference that a good health system can make. On his way to wash in the river at Hesalibi on Sunday, Masiaba (pictured) slipped off the steep track, breaking his arm and smashing his face. But normal life in Hesalibi does not include an ambulance or doctors, and the nearest hospital at Kiunga is literally more than a week’s walk away. Life does, however, include a God who cares and provides for His people in these isolated areas. God cares enough to call the MAF staff who work in remote Papua New Guinea for just such a time as this.

The village requested help from MAF, and on Monday morning, Andy Little in the MAF Airvan, was dispatched to Hesalibi, an hour’s flight away, to collect Masiaba for the half-hour flight to the Kiunga hospital. There a surgeon would be able to fix his arm so he can go back to doing what boys do best – just being a boy!

Each participant will carry a picture down the wire and each of these images will reflect an aspect of the work MAF is doing. The 1000 pictures will then be built into a huge, stunning photomosaic – the Big Picture – which shows the impact our aircraft make as they bring help and hope to isolated people.

MAF and the Commonwealth Games

We’re particularly excited that, immediately after the event, the Big Picture will be displayed in the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood.

Papua New Guinea is just one of ten Commonwealth countries which MAF serves and as part of Glasgow 2014 we are looking forward to celebrating all that is being achieved for the Kingdom in these countries. MAF Big Picture 2014 is a fantastic opportunity to become a World Record holder and help raise funds for MAF’s work in the Commonwealth. Our friends at the Abernethy Trust will be setting up a huge zip wire, and we’re looking forward to an amazing event involving people of all ages. The Big Picture will be taking place in the grounds of Hamilton College on Saturday 7 June 2014 and we’re aiming to have 1000 people using our Zip Slide that day with each one becoming a world record holder!

Come along with your family, your youth group or your church. There is a big stage with music and dancing and throughout the day there will be family entertainment, games, refreshments and much more. Partnership is a big word for MAF. We fly over 1500 partner organisations every year, multiplying their efforts by getting them to remote places quickly and safely. But this partnership begins at home. Make sure you are part of MAF Big Picture 2014. To get involved in this exciting event please register today!

But this is not all.

MAF 66




MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION The answer to unbelief isn’t a philosophy. It’s a Person. Jesus Christ is the centre of Christianity. Too often people are held back from walking into the Christian faith because of what they think it is, or because of rumours that they have heard. David Robertson’s advice is to step back from presuppositions, and to get to know Jesus. When I get to know someone, I like to go out to coffee and have a chat. We build a relationship by sharing our stories, and our relationship grows as we share more about who we are through our beliefs and preferences. We build respect and trust over time. The pith of Robertson’s new book, Magnificent Obsession, is to introduce you to the person of Jesus. You can’t truly know whether you believe or disbelieve in someone that you don’t know the facts about. Magnificent Obsession is written to enable readers to build a real relationship with Jesus.

Like his previous book, The Dawkins Letters (ISBN 9781845505974), Magnificent Obsession is written in a series of letters. These letters, addressed to the fictional character ‘J,’ answer real questions that Robertson has received from real people over the years. Robertson shares the facts about Jesus’ life, His work, His birth, and His words to show J who Jesus is. In the first letter, J is a militant young atheist who has written Robertson an aggressively argumentative letter in attack to his Christian beliefs. Robertson doesn’t try to bandy doctrinal beliefs. Instead he directs him to take a class on Jesus – to study the facts about Him, to study the literature and the history of His life and times. This snapshot captures Robertson’s ‘magnificent obsession.’ Magnificent Obsession is a book that will crumble your presuppositions and introduce you to the real Saviour.

BOOK OUT NOW! "Each of the contributors brings a warmth and rigour that is both personal and fully engaged with the questions our world – and our hearts – ask." ‐ Mark Ellis, UCCF Scotland Available from the Solas Centre for Public Christianity website: www.solas‐

‘David Robertson’s letters are engaging and insightful. In these chapters a portrait of Jesus emerges that is attractive and compelling. This book is useful no matter what your experience and where you stand on matters of faith.’ Tim Keller Available at your local Christian book store | ISBN 978-1-78191-271-3 | £8.99

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£9.99 Includes UK Postage 71

Building healthy gospel-centred churches for Scotland’s poorest communities through church planting and revitalisation, ultimately raising up a new generation of church leaders…

? y Apprentice


Church Plan


Female Gospel Worker?

Short-term In


• Vision trips ! • Short-term Mission Trips


Partner churc

• Professional Training! • Invite us to YOUR church


What can you buy for £10 today? A trip to the cinema? A burger meal deal for two?

Or you could… Pledge just £10 a month and become one of the many supporters we need to launch and sustain this vital work. or request a “how to give” form from 12 Hay Drive
 EH16 4RY 0131 669 9400

10 for 20! 72


Jesus said...

To celebrate 140 years of Scots bringing healing & justice to people affected by leprosy, The Leprosy Mission Scotland is looking for 140 churches to join the

“I have come that they may have life... to the full.”


For many people affected by leprosy, a “full life” is a distant dream. In Christ’s name The Leprosy Mission support them to see that dream become a reality. We’d love to show you and your church how we do it.

“He has sent me ... to set free the oppressed...”

Our free lesson plans for primary, secondary and Sunday schools will open your children’s eyes to see the world around them as God sees it and to see how their generation can defeat poverty and injustice.

“... cleanse those with leprosy...”

Nearly 700 people will be diagnosed with leprosy today. We will answer His call, helping them to overcome it; striving to see leprosy eradicated and lives transformed.

John 10: 10 | Luke 4: 18 | Matthew 10: 8 | Matthew 25: 40

By Giving, Acting and Praying the church in Scotland can do so to.

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.”

What will you & your church do for Him today? Call 01786 449 266 to find out. Registered Scottish Charity number SC022411 A company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland number SC356041.



Throughout 2014, gapyear140 churches will focus regularly on leprosy and the issues surrounding it. Together they will

to enable to a project of their choice to transform the lives of people affected by leprosy. *

act pray

to raise awareness about leprosy within the church and their community.

regularly for people affected by leprosy and the work of The Leprosy Mission to bring healing & justice in Christ’s name.

Will your church join gapyear140? Registered Scottish Charity number SC022411 A company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland number SC356041. * appropriate target to be discussed with each gapyear140 church




Dawna leads the transformation centre & SOZO ministry at Bethel Church. She has a passion for releasing people, churches and cities into new vision and freedom.

Kevin is a pastor at Bethel Church, Redding, CA, director of Firestarters & the Firestorm ministry. He is author of best selling "The Ultimate Treasure Hunt". A passionate & anointed leader, who imparts, empowers & activates people to live naturally in the supernatural and bring radical transformation.

Hope Church Glasgow Trust is a charity registered in Scotland, No. SC036059



“E A G E R L Y



PROPHECY” 1 Corinthians 14:1

Teachin� - Trainin� - Resourc� Persona� & Busines� Appointment� Dail� Email� - Freedo� Ministr� - Event�




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Christian Schools (Scotland) Limited is a registered charity trading as Hamilton College - SC006206 81

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Welcomes you to a meeting with Neal & Sandra Schafferius Meeting Venue:



tunities oppor g n in g s missio chan versea ing life o z a m r m A short te f these one o ng people in Join in u for yo youth groups joining together to build a house for poor families, as well as running kids games & crafts

individual Christian young people from Scotland forming a team to run kid’s clubs, camps and training programmes

Mexico South AfricA roMAniA n rwAndA sactio a e s r ve SCOTLAND

Holiday Inn (next to Zoo) 132 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH12 6UA For dates and times see website. Neal’s desire is to lead people into God’s presence through worship. Sandra’s heart is to preach God’s Word and see people healed and set free in every area of their lives. N & S Ministries A ministry associated with Elim Church Incorporated Registered Charity Number: SC042247

urban Saints serves over 60 churches across Scotland with resources, training, support and encouragement.


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Atholl Centre, Pitlochry

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MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SCOTLAND Politics sets the framework helping or hindering the Church bringing the Gospel to our nation. We can make a difference. THE SCP:— fights national and local elections meets Government officials responds to Government consultation documents.

FREEDOM TO DISAGREE BE POLITICALLY INCORRECT Scotland needs a distinctly Christian Voice against the secular agenda. Our policies are on our website. Join our Youth Movement. Join the SCP for Christian action. There is something for everyone. STAY INFORMED

Do you want to get involved? You can contribute your areas of special interest. How can you make your voice heard?

Send for our quarterly Newsletter; it is free by email. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter If you want an SCP contribution to your events, contact us. FAQ - Surely religion and politics don’t mix?

Contact details for the Scottish Christian Party Tel: 01698 536421

For further enquires or booking please email or tel 07704 773382


Christianity does. However, some people’s religion does not mix with their politics.


Christians are salt and light.


Atheists mix atheism with politics.


The SCP website has more and fuller answers in its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

Imagine how God could use YOU at

Haven of Peace Academy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Are you a qualified teacher? Are you flexible? Do you have a heart for education and children? Do you have a desire to play a vital role in shaping future African leaders? Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC), an international Christian K-12 school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, is recruiting experienced, Christian teachers.

Contact for more information.

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GIVE A YEAR AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR GOOD DNA – a full on year of radical church based discipleship » Take a year in with God » Discover who you are in God » Find out how you can live for God

why not come to one of our Taster Days in 2014?






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