Scottish Christian Broadcast Magazine - Autumn Winter 2014

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Scotland's Biggest Free Christian Magazine


Can a nation be changed? Fred Drummond

A Christian Constitution for Scotland David Robertson

Supporting Scotland's Schools Richard Coton




Ian Black

Editorial Advisory Board Fred Drummond Evangelical Alliance Scotland Alan McWiilliam Christians Linked Across The Nation Andy Bathgate Scripture Union Scotland Jim Turrent Central Baptist Church, Dundee David Robertson Solas Centre for Public Christianity

Editorial Thanks Fred Drummond, Alan McWilliam, Andy Bathgate, Jim Turrent, David Robertson, Andy Burns, Scott Simpson, Laurie Donaldson, Julianne Robertson, Lynn Howson, Cully, David McAdam, Carl Beech, Richard Coton, David Randall, Kieran Turner, Caroline Johnston, EatACD and all our reviewers.

Proof Reading Anne McCully, Niall Joss, Kirsti Jones, Fiona MacKay.

How to contact us Scottish Christian Broadcast The Steeple, Nethergate Dundee DD1 4DG t: 07704773382 e: scottishchristianbroadcast ScotChristBCast scottishchristianbroadcast

Advertising Contact Scottish Christian Broadcast for a media pack. Scottish Christian Broadcast is a recognised name of Dundee For Christ, a charitable limited company registered in Scotland. Company Registered No. SC306609. Charity Registration No. SC037404. Design Layout: Katherine Laidlay Cover Design: Malky Currie, Indigo Ninja Page 50: Image Stephen Hunter supplied by eli Photography Page 68, 69: Image Sanna supplied by Catriona MacIssac


WELCOME to the Autumn Winter 2014 edition of Broadcast with our theme ‘Seeking God’s Plans for Our Nation’. Word of Broadcast, Scotland’s biggest Free Christian magazine, jumps up to a 92 page edition and a 17,000 print run. Scotland stands at a crossroads. Down which routes do we want to travel? As Christians engage in referendum hustings across Scotland it is encouraging to see so many place far greater priority on a Scotland built on values such as compassion, justice, love and mercy over the predominance of the economic considerations our secular media might focus upon. The cover design of our new magazine - I think - is an ingenious idea from graphic designer Malky Currie portraying Scotland literally built on these aforementioned values. At this crossroads how do we ensure we take the right route and then get there? Clearly we need to seek God’s face. Before strategy, structure and even mission itself must come an encounter with Jesus. (Fred Drummond, CLAN magazine 2014). Are we praying, worshipping and thirsting for the presence of the living God? In his report on a Christian constitution for Scotland David Robertson speaks of Church of Scotland and Free Church debates on independence. The Evangelical Alliance, at time of writing, are holding referendum debates across 7 cities. It’s great to see so many of the people of God coming together to reason and debate to seek the mind of Christ. Young Laurie Donaldson is a member of the Scottish Youth Parliament and speaks of ‘grabbing the opportunity when it came along’. God’s people mustn’t be slow to seek God’s face and discern what he is doing lest an opportunity pass us by. Reports on Caring For ExOffenders and ROCK St Chaplains reveal a people of God seeking out new opportunities to serve. We all need to see where God is opening new doors and closing others. Can a nation be changed? Absolutely! God is Able! Does Scotland need changing – of that there is no doubt when when a recent surveyed showed that 2% of the nation are evangelical Christian. Prayer is always vital when we are in a spiritual battle yet the glorious truth as Richard Coton tells in his piece on Scottish schools is that our job is to follow His lead and that the war is already won. Jesus is already Lord! Praise God! Follow Ian on twitter @iangblack Ian Black See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NIV

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LAURIE DONALDSON Interview by Julianne Robertson

R.O.C.K Street Chaplains Interview by Scott Simpson





Supporting Scotland's Schools Richard Coton

WHAT KIND OF NATION? Evangelical Alliance Scotland

CVM Scotland is on the move Rev Carl Beech



Evangelical Alliance

Evangelical Alliance


CHANGED? In Luke chapter 19 we read of the passion Jesus has for Jerusalem. He weeps over the city. He longed to see a city transformed. A city renewed and walking in obedience and mercy. Were His tears a sign of His sorrow and frustration at missed opportunities? I love the passion of Jesus. His desire for the lost, the broken, those who have failed to see or acknowledge the love that God has for them. As I sit in a coffee bar (no change there) Blend in Perth, and watch people walking by I am challenged to ask what would it take to make me weep for my city? Several questions whirl around in my mind. Do we lack real breakthrough because we lack real passion? Do we care enough about God's honour or about the plight of the lost? How do we see citywide transition and lastly, what kind of nation do we want for our upcoming generations? I don't think I have any answers for these questions but I have a few random thoughts. I hope they may stimulate your thinking even if you don't agree with them. To see real and lasting national transformation for the glory of God will be costly. In the cultures we face, to be a full on, radical, cross-cultural disciple of Jesus will ultimately lead to scorn. Criticism and opposition will never be far behind you. Sadly, both from outside the


community of faith and from within. However, only the genuine fully trusting believer will be able to bring the passion and determination required to see change happen. We need to rediscover our confidence in the good news of Jesus as the power of God unto salvation. (Romans 1 v 16) As Christians we need to lose our embarrassment of the gospel. We need to verbalise our commitment and be confident in our own story about the personal transformation we have found in Jesus. There is a power in personal testimony so let's share our stories. We have to counter the cultures of our day by sharing boldly the personal narrative that my God has saved me. We need to pray with passion. Believing in prayer not just as a duty (though I believe it is one) but also as a way of life. Can we move towards an attitude of prayer without ceasing, believing that prayer breaks strongholds, changes situations, renews churches and restores life. Prayer deepens our love for God, highlights our awareness of God’s affection for us and lifts our faith.

vulnerable within our nation. It would be unfair to pick out any one group or project but at least some of the church is rising up to meet some of the ills of our generation. We need to rise up to the challenges around us.

what would it take to make me weep for my city?

Let me be clear, I am not just talking about more prayer meetings, although that would be good. I am talking about prayer on the streets. Prayer for healing, prayers of adoration, prayers of thankfulness. A church that believes that prayer changes things eternally and is therefore committed to it is moving towards an attitude of life lived in a two way encounter with the Holy Spirit. Thirdly, we have to care for the poor in Jesus name. To spend time in the presence of Jesus is to allow Jesus' priorities to become ours. We cannot turn away or ignore the needs of the least in our society. The least in our society must know they have a friend in us, a friend who does not stop with meaningless cliche but one who is moved by compassion to see justice and mercy flow. The voiceless must know that we will be their voice no matter how unpopular that sometimes might be. One of my huge encouragements is the amount of work that the church is doing amongst the

We need to encourage one another. Thankfully we don't need uniformity but we do need unity. We require co-workers who will strengthen and encourage us in the faith. (1 Thess 3 v 2). We need to intentionally find people who will share the journey with us. It will take every disciple of Jesus trying to talk well of one another. If that's not possible then to say nothing. Let’s hope that we will see the demise of the old Scottish attitude of negative cynicism. It is a day to speak life and hope not death and discouragement. So can a nation be changed? Absolutely, God is able. I want to repeat that GOD IS ABLE but many of us are being called to radically different paradigm. To live as a radical with hearts that burn and eyes that weep. Follow Fred on twitter @fred_drummond

FRED DRUMMOND Author, Speaker and Head of Evangelical Alliance in Scotland





Kingdom COme Your

Will be DOne 18th September 2014 will be an historic day for this nation. On the weekend before the referendum vote Pray for Scotland are hosting a strategic prayer gathering in Stirling (see flyer opposite). There will be many opportunities for prayer as we bring our nation before God and seek His will at this crucial time. In 1706 the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland called the nation to pray and fast for the Queen (Queen Anne) and the two governments (in Edinburgh and London), with the following statement in mind, “That all may be done to the glory of God and the good of Christ’s Church.”

Sunday 14th September is an excellent opportunity to pray about the vote and the future. Plans are also being drawn up for a national day of prayer on Wednesday 17th September. Ideas and suggestions on how you and your church can take part will be circulated widely.

300 years ago the Church gave spiritual leadership, and there is the same need today for such leadership to be given by the Church in Scotland. While the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns focus on the political, economic, social, educational and cultural issues, as Christians we also care about the nation’s moral and spiritual climate. We have a responsibility to pray for our nation and its leaders at this crucial time.

We already know one church in Edinburgh will be open for prayer on 15/16 September. How will your church respond? Parliamentary Prayer Scotland will be meeting to pray in the Salvation Army centre in Edinburgh from 10am 17th to 12noon 19th September. For details contact

A weekly email with prayer points about the Referendum, and about the kind of nation we wish Scotland to be, is available from The Stand website – register to receive them at Many already use them in their own prayer times, at home groups or church prayer meetings. Could you and your church join the chorus of prayer for the nation at this time?


Alistair Barton

For details of these prayer initiatives as they are finalised, register your email address at www. or email us at: admin@ With such a momentous decision before us we believe that prayer (and fasting for those who wish to) draws us closer to God and His will, so that, whatever the outcome may be, Scotland will be prayed into the next chapter of its history. “Lord, may Your Church in Scotland rise up in prayer declaring ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done!”




Laurie Donaldson Interview Julianne Robertson speaks to Laurie Donaldson, Scripture Union Scotland’s rep on the Scottish Youth Parliament who has his eye on Scotland’s future political landscape. Who are you? I’m Laurie Donaldson, I’m almost 18 and currently in my final year at James Gillespie’s High School in Edinburgh. I’m currently finishing my exams and am looking forward to the next step – university! I’ve been offered an unconditional place at Aberdeen to study history and sociology. I live with my family in Edinburgh and go to Central Church. In my spare time I really enjoy spending time with my friends, as well as meeting new people. I’m also into sport – mainly football, basketball and rugby.

How did you become a member of the Scottish Youth Parliament? I was at the Scottish Youth Parliament doing work experience, and I loved it – I was really keen to get involved, however they had already held their election. But then I found out there was one organisation which still needed a rep – it was Scripture Union Scotland. So I contacted them and, after one other person came forward for the role, I was selected to represent SU in the Scottish Youth Parliament – it was a case of grabbing the opportunity when it came along! I was in just the right place at the right time.

What does it involve? I have to spend about one hour each week campaigning on issues which directly affect


young people, for example votes at 16, asking organisations to pay a living wage, the young carers grant – these were three of the most prominent and successful campaigns which I’ve been part of. As well as these, on a national level I’ve been to Holyrood to speak in the chamber at the Scottish Parliament on Votes at 16 – that was very cool! I also got to speak for three minutes at the House of Commons at the dispatch box on youth unemployment – that was an amazing experience, which was also broadcast on TV on BBC Parliament! So now I’ve really got a taste for politics. My interest started when I was doing Modern Studies at school – I was studying some of the real problems in society and realised I wanted to change that – to improve the systems that aren’t working. My desire to change things is really the driving force behind my passion for politics.

And recently you’ve been voted ‘Up and Coming Scottish Politician’ at the Scottish Variety Awards – you must be pleased! That was seriously amazing! But the thing that really stood out for me was the support of my family and friends - having a really massive church family rooting for me and getting people to vote. There’s an amazing community in the church and if I was to thank anyone for this it’s the church family for backing me up.

This is certainly an interesting time to be part of Scotland’s political scene, with the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum in September… It’s exciting – I’m not part of any political party yet because the Scottish Youth Parliament is not partisan, it simply stands for youth issues. Also because after the referendum, no matter what the result is, the parties in Scotland could change radically, so I’m biding my time to see how it goes. For now, I’m modelling my political principals on Jesus, who showed compassion for every single section of society, from the very poorest person all the way up to the rich and corrupt tax collectors. He was there for everyone and that’s the thing which has sealed my passion for politics – to be like Jesus in trying to help change things for everyone who needs it.

Scotland will definitely see change in the next few months and years – do you think we are seeking God’s plan for our nation? I believe God is up to something! I see how the churches are changing already and taking a more practical role in reacting to the needs of the

community, organising food banks and that sort of thing. I was really fortunate to be at Tony Benn’s funeral recently and he was all about building society based on people's needs rather than on profit, and I think perhaps his death was a turning point and we’ll go back to that way of thinking again. It’s an exciting time – I see real potential for change in the lowest levels of society.

What about your own future? Do you plan to go into politics? I do want to go into politics and be an MSP at some point further down the line. Everyone in politics has motivation for being there, and my reason is my belief that Jesus was a radical person. He’s my inspiration, I want to emulate his view of social justice and his desire to help and change the lives of the people who had been rejected by society. I want to make a difference, and being in politics is the way I see myself being able to improve things. Christians are needed to serve in the church, but they’re needed just as much in secular society – in business, the police, politics, government. God’s given me a compassion for poor people and the skills and enthusiasm to take on this role and I think being a politician is what I’m meant to do.

Interview by Julianne Robertson


There must be something in the water.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.” LUKE 4:18 (NLT)

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Operation Mobilisation. Registered office The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT. Registered as a company limited by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland).

transforming lives and communities





Care for the Family is delighted to welcome Fiona Marks as their new National Representative for Scotland. Fiona will be overseeing all the work of Care for the Family in the nation and raising the profile of the charity nationally. The charity provides parenting, relationship and bereavement support through its events, resources, courses, training and volunteer network. Fiona was previously Director of Alpha Scotland and has also worked extensively with families in community settings in leadership roles in both Scotland and England. Fiona is passionate about enriching and supporting family life, influenced by her own personal experience of the profound difference great support made when going through tough family times. Fiona says, ‘Just realising that many of us face similar challenges in our families is so releasing and it’s a great privilege for us to help provide the events, courses and resources across the country where folks can recognise this’. Care for the Family’s aim is to promote strong family relationships and to help those who face family difficulties. Its work is motivated by Christian compassion, with its resources and support available to everyone, of any faith or none. This autumn, two special events are being hosted in Scotland by Care for the Family. The National Playtime Day Conference is coming to St Paul’s & St George’s in Edinburgh on 20th September to equip and inspire leaders of church-based toddler

Fiona Marks


groups. With Rob Parsons, Lynn Alexander and Bob Hartman leading the main sessions, this is an unmissable opportunity for those in your church involved in this important area of ministry. The brand-new Parentalk Live evening event for parents of children up to the early teenage years is coming to Glasgow in November and will be presented by Rob Parsons and Katharine Hill at the Royal Concert Hall on Tuesday 4th November. This seminar is for anyone who has the task of bringing up children, or helping those that do, and a great opportunity to invite mums and dads from your community. Contact Fiona: e. t. 07966 314478 Book tickets for the events: Parenting+Events/Parentalk t. 02920 810800


Street Chaplains

Three nights a week, at an hour when most 51-yearolds are making plans to head to bed, Andy Burns kisses his wife goodnight, gets into his car and drives to work. It’s a six-hour shift, from 10pm to 4am. His “office” is the streets of inner-city Dundee. It has been his lifestyle for the past 14 years, and yet no two nights are ever the same. The chaplains, most of them volunteers, are drawn from a cross-section of churches in Dundee. They walk the streets on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. Dressed in their distinctive red jackets, they have become an integral part of the city’s nightlife.

Andy is the coordinator of R.O.C.K Street Chaplains, an organisation he founded in 2000. According to the R.O.C.K Street website, they “aim to make a contribution to the safety and well-being of people on the streets by offering care and compassion as well as practical support …”


“Because we have such a visible presence and have been doing this work for quite a while now, people know us,” says Andy.“Club and pub managers, bar staff, the homeless, even the police know us and there’s an acceptance of who we are and what we do.” The ministry evolved out of youth and children’s work that Andy was leading in Dundee in the 1990s. The children grew into young adulthood and many of them moved into the nightclub scene.“So I

“What we ultimately aim to do is link churches with people who are out on the streets at night. It’s about developing friendships; saying hello to people and shaking their hand. Over time – we see these people almost every week – they get to know us as friends and the more conversations you have with them, ultimately they will ask about what we believe and why. “It’s a long-haul ministry but I have no doubt that it works. There have been a number of times when we’ve either met or heard of someone who has told us they became a Christian through the contact they had with the street chaplains. It’s a bit of a slow burn – it can take many years of building friendships – but we do see fruit from the work we do. It’s having an impact.” When asked if there has ever been any resistance to their presence on the streets, Andy doesn’t hesitate. “None,” he fires back quickly. “No-one has given us any trouble at all.” Although he concedes there have been times when the chaplains felt that their safety could have been compromised. “All our volunteers get personal protection training from the police,” he says. “And we make sure that we also go out in groups of never less than three or four people. But if we ever find ourselves in a situation where we feel threatened, then the rule is that as a group we just back away from that situation and go somewhere else.”

R.O.C.K Street Chaplains

R.O.C.K Street Chaplains


followed them,” Andy says.“And when I chatted to them I saw the need on the streets and the whole street chaplaincy just developed from there.” R.O.C.K Street Chaplains is part of Christian Nightlife Initiatives (CNI) Network that operates in 125 communities across the UK and Spain. Andy is the Scottish regional leader for CNI and sits on its board of trustees. There exists, he says, a whole night-time economy that many people are unaware of and which the church, in particular, is not reaching out to.

Andy is a visionary and is always keen to seek out new ministry opportunities. He would love to see the street chaplaincy model rolled out in more towns and cities across Scotland – he’s aware of similar groups already operating in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Stirling – and this year he is targeting some of the major festivals like T in the Park and the Edinburgh Festival for chaplaincy teams. Late last year, the street chaplaincy made the “natural progression” into the Dundee club scene, partnering with DeJa Vu nightclub in the Cowgate area of the city. Wearing T-shirts that proclaim “Club Chaplains - chat, help, listen, care - p.s. we are Christians” the project is the first of its kind in Scotland and is modelled on Club Angels that was launched in Leeds in 2011. Andy says they are not in the club to preach at people but simply to offer a listening ear and a helping hand. And, true to form, he’s not content with stopping at just one club. “I’d love to be able to develop the club chaplaincy further and send teams into more clubs,” he says. “And again, if it’s working in Dundee then there’s no reason why it can’t be something that can be developed across Scotland. “As I said earlier, it’s going where the people are and providing them with a link to the church. If anyone becomes a Christian [through the street/club ministry] then a link is made with a local church and they take over. We’re not trying to start a new church, we’re just trying to add to it.” For more information about R.O.C.K Street Chaplains, go to

Interview by Scott Simpson


The Church of Scotland and the Free Church both held fascinating debates on the question of Scottish independence earlier this year. Both were models of courtesy, intelligence and passion and a credit to the Church. Meanwhile on a different planet, the Scottish Secular Society announced that it was coming out in favour of an independent Scotland because an independent Scotland would be more secular and would guarantee ‘equality and inclusion’. A chilling Orwellian refrain that in practice will mean the exclusion and marginalisation of all who do not buy into the values and faith of the new absolutist state. A point which was picked up by Dr John Ross of the Free Church who warned that voting for independence would be taking Scotland out of ‘Christian’ Britain. Lorna Hood, the former Moderator of the Church of Scotland, was also concerned that the secularists would take the opportunity to get Christianity out of Scotland if Scotland got out of the UK. The more militant secularists of course maintain that they are not out to get rid of religion; they just want to get rid of it from public life. There should be no Christian influence, which they describe as ‘privilege’, in government, education, health, media etc. Leave Scotland’s Christianity in the past and let us move on to a brand new secular Nirvana. Religions will be permitted in this Brave New World, as long as we are happy to be relegated to the status of knitting circles and Trekkie conventions.


The Church of Scotland meanwhile is understandably concerned that it will lose its diminishing status as the national Kirk. Whilst it continues to do a vital work in many areas of Scotland and has a membership that is 400 times greater than the tiny secular society, that membership is in steep decline and with less than 2% of the population attending the Kirk on any given Sunday, it is becoming harder to argue that it should continue as the national Kirk in a post independent Scotland. Does this mean that the Secularists are right? Should we have an entirely secular constitution, whether we vote to stay in the UK or leave, which guarantees freedom of religion and is neutral on all religious issues? That is impossible. Why? Because it rests on the myth of secular neutrality. The secularists have a very definite philosophy and set of values. In removing the Christian values of our society we are not entering into a moral and philosophical neutral vacuum. We will all be compelled to accept the values of secularism. Pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-single sex marriage will be de rigueur if one is to be part of this wonderful new world. Neutrality is a myth that the faith of the secularists seeks to proclaim without any evidence.

It is also a dangerous myth because anyone who believes without evidence that their position is the only neutral one will automatically disparage and discount anyone who disagrees with them. Those who think their beliefs are self-evident, obvious and unquestionable usually end up being the most intolerant of fundamentalists. We must not forget our history. The supposed secular values of equality, diversity and tolerance do not stem from secular philosophy but are rather rooted and grounded in Christianity. When we throw away the roots we are in grave danger of losing the fruits. So let any new constitution for Scotland be a Christian one, which recognises Scotland’s foundational roots in Christianity and espouses Christian values for the present and future. Any constitution has to be based on shared values. Why should we not continue with the Christian ethos and values on which our nation has been founded? We are not seeking so much for a national Church, as a national recognition of Christianity. This does not discriminate but rather guarantees the freedom of other religions and viewpoints. It is for that reason that most of the Muslims I know would prefer to live in a secular Christian rather than a secular humanist country and why they are keen to send their children to Catholic schools.

When we throw away the roots we are in grave danger of losing the fruits. principles. The truths that we hold to be selfevident are only self-evident if we accept Christian presuppositions that all human beings are created by God and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. If we remove that Christian basis to our society, we also remove those rights and make them alienable – subject to the whims and fashions of the powerful, wealthy elites. That may suit the powerful, wealthy elites but is it any basis for a modern progressive democratic society? If we genuinely want the fruits of a fair, just and tolerant Scotland, then the best way is to ensure that we recognise, build upon, and do not destroy our Christian roots. Follow David on twitter @theweeflea This is an edited version of an article that first appeared in The Scotsman on 5/06/14.

The United States Declaration of Independence contains one of the best known sentences in the English language; “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The world’s greatest ‘secular’ country was founded on Christian

DAVID Robertson

Director of Solas Centre for Public Christianity and minister of St Peter’s Free Church in Dundee 19



A Christian Constitution for Scotland


Holistic programme of care is changing lives in Glasgow

You can transform a life in Glasgow. Please help us to continue to share God’s love with those most in need.

For almost 200 years Glasgow City Mission has been providing practical Christian care to the city’s homeless and vulnerable. Working in partnership with local churches, the charity now provides almost 30 services that tackle the root causes of homelessness and poverty. To see lasting transformation, they long to see people coming to know Jesus. With his permission, Sean, a client of Glasgow City Mission kindly shares his story with Scottish Christian Broadcast. "I’ve been coming to Glasgow City Mission on and off since the age of just 13. I spent a lot of my childhood in care and then I was homeless at 16. I’d come here to the Younger Men’s Club to get a pair of clean socks, a towel and a shower. It was great and good social company too. In the last couple of years I got connected to the LifeChange programme and they’ve been brilliant. I’ve just finished a ten month job in catering which was a really good, but tough experience. I’m in today to use the computers and work on my CV.


20 Glasgow City Mission client

God is doing something remarkable in Glasgow right now. Through Glasgow City Mission, lives are being transformed. Whilst some change can be instantaneous, more often it can take some time.

If I was doing that in the library, there’s no one there to help. Here you can ask for help if you need it with spelling or just advice on how best to lay things out and phrase stuff.

For just £3 a month, less than the price of a latte, you can enable the provision of practical Christian care to Glasgow’s homeless and vulnerable people. With your support, we can go the long haul with people for the sake of God’s kingdom.

Tracy from Jobs & Business Glasgow is in today too and she’s helping me look for jobs in woodworking or something practical like that. The LifeChange project’s been good because as well as help getting jobs, they’ve helped me with other things I’ve got going on. They’ve arranged for counselling for me and also put me in touch with the guys at Govan Law Centre who come in – they’ve just helped me move out of Drumchapel to a new flat to escape gang violence in the area. My new place is quiet and peaceful and feels safe. I just need a job now to pay the bills."

Donate online at, or call 0141 221 2630.

Glasgow City Mission, 20 Crimea St, Glasgow G2 8PW SC001499




Ministry of FireStarters

Faith for a Generation Teenagers don't always have a great reputation but FireStarters has seen hundreds of teenagers who are willing to say 'yes' to God's call on their lives and be part of His plans for the nation.

When David came to FireStarters, he was attending church but his faith was weak. He was surprised to meet loads of kids his age and quickly got involved in the worship team. At 16, he started to help with bookkeeping for FireStarters. He is now married to a girl he met at FS, a successful bank manager and FS board director who does all the accounts! Nathan felt very isolated as a Christian in a small church. When he came we discovered that he has a strong anointing in intercession (quite unusual for a young man) and he quickly began to lead the way in being passionate about worship and prayer. He has lots of great friends now and some impressive dreadlocks! Jo travelled from Dundee each month. She found to her delight, that there were other young people who wanted to ‘Go for God’. Her faith grew and she consistently said 'yes' to God regarding her life and relationships. Today she is a sought after speaker and leads the young women at Clan Women. When I saw her recently she told me that she owed so much to FireStarters. God called me to ‘get involved’ when I was praying for my own teenagers and my prayer today is that many of you will have a heart


connection with the call to see 'A Generation Set on Fire for Jesus to be Sparks of Revival'. FireStarters launched in 1996 and to my amazement, seventy young people turned up on that first weekend. On 27th September 2014 we will celebrate our 18th birthday at St Georges Tron Church in Glasgow. Over the 18 years we have hosted monthly weekends through the academic year in partnership with local, urban churches, with between 30 to 120 teenagers in different seasons of the ministry. We have taken teams to many Scottish towns and cities and also overseas. Fan the Flame will be our summer outreach during the Commonwealth Games. God showed us that core values were to be our foundation, not planned structure, and that believing in young people is essential. There is no junior Holy Spirit and we believe that every teenager who loves Jesus can live the truth of 1 Timothy 4v12 'Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity'; and be a world changer!

The scripture God gave me at the start was Psalm 110v3 'Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy majesty, your young men will come to you like the dew'. Over the years I have consistently found young people are hungry for God. They want to learn to hear God's voice, pray for each other, be committed to genuine friendship, reach out to a needy world and learn to lead well, with integrity and courage. I have heard testimonies repeatedly, that young adults (many now Christian leaders) are so grateful for FireStarters and the way they were encouraged and challenged to embrace their God-given destiny while they were teenagers.

So how has FireStarters released blessing to so many teenagers? What attracts them to keep coming and bringing their friends? It certainly isn't the creature comforts; church floors are definitely hard! We have a vision for a generation who can know their God and live victoriously. On the FS weekends, we give priority time to worship and encourage every young person to encounter God for themselves. We include personal 'quiet time', honour God's Word, pray for each other, talk about

Over the years I have consistently found young people are hungry for God.

real issues and find that God brings freedom and healing. We have quality teaching, practice being spiritually healthy and learn to share our faith. Most have stepped out to do things they have never done before like praying out loud, leading worship, speaking publicly and speaking to someone about Jesus. We also give real opportunity for young people to lead, which can be a sharp learning curve. Friendships formed in FireStarters last for years, perhaps a lifetime! When a teenager finds real friendship with God, this usually results in a lifelong journey with Him. I believe that the years we spend investing in teenagers when they feel insecure, lonely, under pressure of exams, have identity issues, yet are daring to dream, reap great rewards. Teenagers are AMAZING! They want to live authentically and are ready for their adventure with God. However, they need adults to believe in them and give them opportunity to grow in faith and courage. These are critical days for our young people; they face enormous challenges in life and the potential pitfalls morally and spiritually are very obvious. I have every confidence that if we recognise that these years are crucial for making life choices, we will pray, and perhaps, more of us will hear the call to 'get involved'. FireStartersUK

Lynn Howson

Senior Leader - FireStartersUK 23 23

Sailors’ Society Scotland welcomes seafarers to Scottish shores Sailors’ Society has been supporting the world’s seafarers since 1818. We have three chaplains spread across Scotland, extending some good Scottish hospitality and providing practical, emotional and spiritual support, wherever it is needed. Peter Donald, our Dundee and Montrose chaplain, told us about the difference he is making in the lives of the seafarers he assists: A Filipino seafarer that I met this week told me about his family: a little girl of 5, and his wife is expecting twins! He is thrilled, as they had always intended having three children. I took him across to the centre during the day so that he could speak to the family at what would be a reasonable hour back in the Philippines. I could hear the delightful chatter of his little girl, and the joy in his voice during the conversation with his lovely wife, and then he called me through to say “Hi” to them. I was so touched that he introduced me as his first Scottish friend!

‘Before self-help groups came along, I lived off scraps of food and struggled to breastfeed my baby.’ Meseret

Sailors’ Society Scotland reach thousands of seafarers every year, help us reach more, become a volunteer today

Meseret used to be the poorest of the poor, struggling to buy food, let alone pay her child’s school fees.

“After months at sea, he wanted to feel the grass under his feet!” - Tim Bell (Leith Chaplain)

Today, thanks to Tearfund’s self-help groups, Meseret has the skills and confidence to provide for her children, and has strength in her identity as a child of God.



LIVES Registered Charity in England & Wales No. 237778

+44 (0)23 8051 5950


Our vision is to see 500 new self-help groups established in Ethiopia, transforming the lives of 42,500 more people like Meseret. If 500 people in Scotland commit to giving £10 a month, we can make this happen.

Will you help us change more lives? Registered Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland) Photo: Cally Spittle/Tearfund


Invite a generation!

Jesus was great at invitation - he invited all sorts of people to come follow Him and enter into relationship with Him. His followers loved Him, loved His good news message of the Kingdom of God and they continued His work after He returned to His Father.

Try out the films yourself at, then invite some friends, get some food together, watch the films and have some chat!

Our mission from God still stands and still begins with an 'invitation'. Alpha's all new Youth Film Series is a free plug and play interactive resource to help young people, churches and youth leaders continue the invitation to young people.

It's really that simple but wonderfully life changing. Join in the invitation that hundreds of young people in youth groups around Scotland are currently experiencing! If we can help you with any questions then please do contact me.

It's an exciting new way of exploring the big issues of life, faith and God.

ALI LAING Youth & Emerging Generation Development Manager at Alpha Scotland @alilaing

The Olive Tree Project 01494 897950 working with

The Church of Scotland World Mission Council

Embrace the Middle East is an inter-denominational charity, partnering with local Christians to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the Middle East. This year, in collaboration with the Church of Scotland, we launch a new initiative: The Olive Tree Project. Palestinian farmers, who depend on income from olive tree products, are seeing their trees illegally destroyed or uprooted. We are encouraging a peaceful response to this injustice, through the planting of new olive trees to secure the

• a Harvest Service Plan

land and the livelihoods of the farmers. We are offering the opportunity for individuals or church groups to sponsor olive trees. In return, each sponsor (or sponsor church) will receive a certificate and the GPS co-ordinates giving the location of their tree, as well as updates on its status.There will also be chances to visit and help with both the planting and the harvest.

(including sermon ideas, readings, a drama sketch and children’s activities) linked to the project in the Holy Land;

• a Harvest Event Plan

(including an event planner’s checklist, Middle Eastern menu and a quiz for the tables) to assist in the organisation of a Harvest Supper with a difference;

• a school assembly plan

Accompanying this project is our Harvest Resource Pack for churches, to engage congregations and inspire them to get involved. Your free church resource pack will include:

aimed at children in key stages 1 and 2;

• a short video presentation explaining The Olive Tree Project, to share with congregations;

• sign-up forms for tree sponsorship.

ace @FollowEmbr mbrace .com/FollowE www.facebook e



Sponsor a tree today by visiting



Registered charity number 1076329

Or register for your FREE church resource pack by contacting Embrace the Middle East. Packs will become available from the end of July 2014.




Nomas* Projects

After over a year since the launch of Nomas*Projects, ‘roaming in search of pasture’ as our name describes, has provided much sustenance, deepening of relationships in the arts community and opportunity to journey and discover wonderful partnerships along the way.

tutoring for a four week block on the Interior and Environmental Design course at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, being invited to contribute to a discussion on arts and faith at the Cupar Arts Festival as well as exhibiting work by the president of the Society of Scottish Artists and a committee member of Dundee’s Generator Projects. The McManus Gallery in Dundee continue to partner with us by providing a space for our regular artist talks and we have been supported by the city council to contribute to the ongoing public arts program. Beyond Dundee, we have worked with artists from Glasgow, London and recently the USA with our next exhibition featuring an artist from Sweden.

actively help to bridge the divide and begin to lead the conversation again. Central Baptist and St Peter’s churches in Dundee as well as Leith School of Art in Edinburgh have recognized this need and support the work of Nomas* and Morphe Arts by allowing us use of their building to host exhibitions, conferences and our windows gallery space as a nucleus to work from. You may be aware of the distance separating the communities of ‘the art world’ and ‘the church’. Oftentimes their failure to understand or respect each other is palpable and evidence suggests a seeming language barrier preventing a meaningful discussion. Certainly, the days when the church dominated and led the way as a patron of the arts is long gone. All is not lost however as


the experiences my colleague Owen Daily and I encountered through Nomas*Projects this year provided a glimmer of hope. Nomas*, under the wider umbrella of Morphe Arts, has at its heart a desire to contribute to the cultural life of the visual arts in Dundee in a way that is not only relevant but one by which those involved can

In our 10 exhibitions to date we have worked with artists across a wide range of artistic disciplines and who hold varied faith positions or none at all. Along the way our professional artistic profile has been recognised by a range of art institutions in the city and beyond who have partnered with us on a number of occasions. Highlights include;

The feedback and response from the artists we have worked with has also been positive. Illustrator Helen Kellock shares “I think the most exciting thing about working with Nomas* projects is the discursive community it is building around itself. The four window gallery brings high quality art into the public's path, while the artist talks provide space for the artist community to delve deeper into new ideas and thoughtfully push forward in their practice”. Recordings of artist talks and details of Nomas* events can be found on For more information about Morpheē, our regular arts gatherings and mentoring provision go to or contact Cully –


Morphe Arts 29

ex Offenders ‘I don’t mind admitting I’m **** scared of getting out of here. I’ve nowhere to live, no family to care for me, and no money to live off’ Jamie, 28, November 2013

Another is a retired civil servant, who spends two hours a week with Jamie at the local library looking at job applications and helping him with forms.

‘Remember those in prison’ Hebrews 13 v3 These simple words have consistently called Christians to active engagement in prison ministry. ‘CFEO Scotland’ is a partnership created by Alpha Scotland and Bethany Christian Trust to bring the 8 year experience of ‘Caring for ex-Offenders’ throughout the UK, and root it in Scottish churches in such a way that the Christian community grasps the opportunities presented today to work with men & women serving sentences in Scottish prisons. ‘ ‘The Scottish Prison Service recently launched a new strategy document entitled ‘Unlocking Potential, Transforming Lives,’ says David McAdam. ’It acknowledges the need for humility in the work of the SPS. We cannot do this on our own. We recognise we can learn from others’. It is committed to working with partners and communities that are ‘redemptive’ and ‘restorative’. There are some brilliant people working in the SPS – prison officers and chaplains. The challenge for the Church is to live up to our calling and practice the restorative love of Christ in practical ways as men and women leave the prison gate.’

Jamie’s parents separated when he was young. His Mum had an alcohol dependency, and as a result Jamie was taken in and out of care throughout his childhood, and found himself in and out of school. Despite this his personal charm enabled him to get a sales job, and he worked creatively and consistently for a few years. But his emotional instability made relationship building difficult. His coping mechanism developed into a drug habit and his addiction led him into crime. ‘Jamie is not untypical of the kind of young men who are in every Scottish prison’ says David McAdam, CFEO re-integration co-ordinator. ‘50%


have been in care at some point in their childhood. The majority have the educational attainment of an 11 year old. The crucial statistic for us is that 97% want to change’. Jamie has begun to experience a different life, with the support of a CFEO Scotland mentoring team in a local church in the community he came to live in after prison. One of them met him at the prison gate on his release, and accompanied him throughout his first day, while he attended appointments with housing and other agencies. Since then he’s met new friends in the church community they belong to. One of them is a

‘My CFEO Mentors have been a fantastic help in overcoming my fears. They help me focus on the future and on the practical things I can do to move on.’ John, 54, April 2014

Church, and recently completed an Alpha course that has led him to trust Jesus for himself. ‘I need to make a new start. Domestic violence led me in here; the people who’ve helped me most are in Prison Fellowship. I need that kind of Christian love round me to help me make a new start in another town when I finish in here’ Paula, 26, March 2014 There are so many ways local churches can provide support that makes a real difference to an individual starting again after a prison sentence. One Church provided hospitality for a wedding, another invited someone to start his gardens business by maintaining their grounds, another has employed a young woman in their church café. ‘Mentoring is an idea whose time has come in criminal justice. CFEO Scotland can help your church contribute. Small teams, accredited training, practical care, big prayer.’ Why wait to get involved in a ministry that Jesus calls us to? Like Barnabas with Saul, there is opportunity for you to help integrate men and women with restored lives into caring communities. Further information from or phone David McAdam 07867000344 Visit CFEO Scotland is a recognised project of the Cinnamon Network. Go to to find out how to access micro-grants of £2000 to help your church set up a ministry to support people coming out of prison. Follow Caring For Ex Offenders @cfeo_scotland

John hadn’t spent any time with his 13 year old son for nearly 8 years. His mentors helped him to plan his access days, and they were so successful that he has now been granted overnight custody of his son 2 days a week. Having his son back in his life is a big motivation for John to continue the new shape his life has taken on since his prison sentence. He is excited at the friendship he has found in his local


CFEO re-integration coordinator 31



Caring for

former addict, who knows personally the kind of daily struggles Jamie is facing as he seeks to live drug free.

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The gift of tHE gospel

Could you give up one of these ... ?

“What exactly are the 10 Commandments?” A relevant question on any Alpha course but disturbing when asked by a 20 year old physics undergraduate who had been born and educated in the UK. A recent study by YouGov of children and parents in Great Britain shows that half the children surveyed had never read or been read Bible stories and more than a third failed to identify either the Nativity or the Good Samaritan as biblical stories.

To order your copies and to keep up-to-date with the Penny Gospel project, visit our website and sign up for the prayer email.

This year the Commonwealth Games presents a unique opportunity to address the decline of Bible knowledge in our society. The Penny Gospel, a special edition of Luke’s Gospel, has been produced to appeal to those outside the church. Including testimonies from five athletes, the book is priced at 1p to enable it to simply be ‘given away’ by churches and Christian organisations.

Become a Partner today It seems so little but with just £1 per week you can share the Scriptures with people in twelve different countries each year.

From the beginning the Penny Gospel has been a journey of faith for those involved. To date over 580,000 copies of the book have been ordered by churches for distribution. That equates to over 20% of Scottish households receiving a copy. We have been encouraged by this response and amazed by the variety of ways different groups plan to distribute their copies: door to door, community events, prayer walks, newspaper distributions and the Queen’s Baton relay to name a few. Big sporting events talk about the legacy they leave behind. This year we hope the legacy of the Penny Gospel will be the Good News is shared with thousands across our nation.


... to give them one of these?

34 Director of National Ministries for the Scottish Bible Society

Team up with our existing Bible-a-month Partners to pray and give regularly so that together we can change the lives of people around the world.

Sign up online or call 0131 347 9801 and claim your FREE MP3 player with audio New Testament.


the BIBLE changes lives Pray. Give.Volunteer.


The Scottish Bible Society, 7 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5XU, Tel: 0131 337 9701 – Scottish Charity No. SC010767

Belfast Bible College For more information visit (Follow us on Twitter and Facebook)

BBC is a vibrant and diverse Christian community, where staff and students live and learn together as they seek to grow as disciples and serve God with their lives. The purpose of BBC is to be a welcoming community in which God works to form His people by providing an integrated spiritual, academic and practical education rooted in His Word, for growth in Christian life and service, both locally and around the world. Entry requirements for undergraduate courses; 2 Cs at A Level for Cumbria programmes and 3 Bs at A Level for Queen’s programmes.

BBC Undergraduate Study Options- 1, 2 or 3 years, part-time study options also available.

University of Cumbria Awards: Cert HE, Dip HE and BA (Hons) in Theology The Belfast Bible College programme is offered in partnership with the University of Cumbria, which can be completed full-time over one to three years. The course aims to prepare students for ministry through nurturing in them: biblical and theological foundations of Christian life and ministry, spiritual transformation and opportunities for practical Christian service.

Queens University Awards: Bachelor of Theology (BTh), Bachelor of Divinity (BD), Degree Plus BA Joint Honours History, English and Philosophy Belfast Bible College is a constituent College of Queen’s University Belfast. The BTh and BD programmes are three year full-time courses designed to allow you to think deeply about biblical truths that will shape your future life and ministry. BBC now offers all Queens’ students the opportunity to work towards a ‘Degree Plus’ Award which accredits learning and skills developed through extra-curricular activities.

Postgraduate study through Queens University Belfast

Master of Theology (MTh) - students can also complete the BBC Associate Diploma alongside the MTh programme. Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy (QUB)

‘The most engaging and enriching years I’ve had with God, Scripture, and an amazing community of faith.’ Matias Vallve, Chile




“What's that?” It sounded like a lorry rumbling over a nearby road. Trouble was, we were in a forest high in the Rockies. We stopped and listened. The roar we heard the next second, left no doubt: there was a bear beside us in the undergrowth! At Easter, Prime Minister David Cameron asserted that Britain should be unashamedly “evangelical” about its Christianity. 55 prominent figures (mobilised by the British Humanist Association) immediately accused him in a public letter of sowing “alienation” and “sectarian division”. Scotland has seen similar religious intolerance from secularists, particularly in education. Christians accused of “infiltrating” schools, parents (well, just a handful actually) protesting furiously, an (unsuccessful) petition to the Scottish Parliament, strident press articles. An angry bear is threatening to attack. What did we do when the real bear roared at us? Firstly we worked out rather quickly where it was and what it was up to. Was that bear a major threat, or was it “bluffing”? Last time I looked the Edinburgh Secular Society only had a whisker over 30 members. Spread over the whole country, the Scottish Secular Society totals under 500. They may claim to represent millions of people -- in fact they’re a tiny pressure group. Back to our forest: what did we do next? Well, when you meet a bear, walk calmly on your way, talking rather more loudly than before. Don’t break and run (guess what happens if you do!) React to the Secularists in the same way. They have an absolute democratic right to campaign for their beliefs. But realise that their critique positively helps Christians.


They encourage us to be much clearer why we support schools: God calls us to bless and serve the communities where we live.

Let’s leave no doubt about it. As Christians, we support schools in helping young people think through differing values and beliefs and making their own choices - on everything from war and peace to personal relationships to the meaning of life. Not so the Secularists, who want to restrict education, with adults deciding for pupils that only secularist/ atheist views can be seriously considered.

And Christians give tens of thousands of (unpaid) hours to support their local schools. Have a look at to see what’s going on. Leadership training, counselling, community service, charitable fundraising, development field trips to Africa, the list is endless. The Secularists don’t give handson help in schools. They’re simply trying to stop anyone from helping who has different beliefs from their own.

Our bear didn't give chase. But next day a friendly National Park Warden explained bears react from fear that we’ll damage their cubs or their food supplies. Keep talking when you’re on the trail, she said, warn the bears you're coming. They'll then head off in the opposite direction.

the war is already won. Jesus is already Lord. So let’s be positive, confident and creative. Getting off the ground this year is a new project, Christian Values in Education, which aims to support the numerous Christian charities, churches and individuals that partner schools across Scotland – through publicity, networking and explaining what Christians are doing and why. We'll be hearing much more from Christian Values in Education in future. “When you folks are on the trail,” explained the warden, “y’all call out reg’lar and loud.” As Scottish Christians, we need to “call out” to God, just as regular and loud. Bless and pray for all who are still denying him: that’s what Jesus tells us to do.

See the big picture: there are still bloody skirmishes and battles, but the war is already won. Jesus is already Lord. Our job is to follow his lead. He’s got long experience of redirecting the powers of this world to serve his Kingdom's ultimate purposes. Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 21:5), Cyrus (Isaiah 44:28) and Pilate all served God, whether or not they realised it. Equally, the Holy Spirit wants to use the Secularists’ challenge to help us improve how we serve Scotland's young people. Don’t be defensive. And next time you're in the woods, here’s what y’all must call out reg’lar and loud: “Yo bear!” Remember now. That scares ‘em off every time! For more information on the Christian Values in Education project, please contact

Don’t be surprised: we’ve a spiritual battle on our hands. “Why do the nations conspire against the Lord and his anointed?” David exclaims (Psalm 2). This is normal – so pray some more. Pray for the Christian Values in Education Project, for its set-up, for good relationships with everyone in leadership in Scottish education, and for protection from misunderstanding or even misrepresentation as the project goes public.


Former Headteacher of Monifieth High School 39








Kind of Nation? All eyes were on the Scottish Parliament in April as the Evangelical Alliance Scotland published their 'What Kind of Nation'? manifesto, the first stage of a major campaign to engage the Scottish church in the issues raised by the independence referendum. Around 80 business, church and political leaders gathered to hear the Scottish Government welcome this engagement from the church and to hear the Alliance share their vision for active and engagement on this vital issue that will set the future path of our nation. What Kind of Nation? contains 38 policy recommendations that are offered to all political parties and will be relevant whatever the result of September's vote. Rather than encourage people to either vote Yes or No the manifesto tries to offer a Biblical vision of a better Scotland in the areas of the economy, family, civil society and the environment and then allows people to make up their mind as to whether this is better achieved as part of the UK or in an independent Scotland.


The wider initiative has also included a series of hustings style debates held in June and support for churches and other groups seeking to hold their own events or engage in the debate in the months through to September. Commenting for the Scottish Government, Roseanna Cunningham MSP, Minister for Community Safety welcomed the manifesto and praised the work of churches engaging in communities all across Scotland highlighting the contribution of EA members such as the Salvation Army and Bethany Christian Trust. Kieran Turner, Public Policy Officer for Evangelical Alliance Scotland said:

"We have been delighted with the response to What Kind of Nation? and hope this manifesto will be useful for the church as we seek to engage with the referendum and the wider debate about Scotland's future. This whole project came about from three convictions relating to the debate. Firstly that this debate needs to involve ordinary people and not just politicians. Secondly that the debate needs to consider much wider issues than just economic factors such as what currency we will use or how our pensions will work in the future. And thirdly, and most importantly, that the church in Scotland has something to say about the kind of nation we wish to be.

As God's people we are engaged in communities across Scotland bringing the Good News and meeting practical needs all across the nation. This debate is a golden opportunity for the church in Scotland to use this experience, speak into the national conversation and ensure that whatever September's result, Scotland can become a more just and godly society." For more information on What Kind of Nation? or a copy of the report please visit If your church would like advice on hosting an event or using the manifesto in your local context please call the EA Scotland office on 0141 548 1555.



Scotland embraces Compassion

Don Esson was recently announced as the Partnership Manager for Compassion UK in Scotland. Don’s job will be to build partnerships with the Scottish church and raise awareness of the amazing work Compassion does around the world to release children from poverty.

Compassion is an international child development charity with more than 60 years' experience working with some of the world’s poorest children. At present, more than 1.5 million children attend Compassion’s church-based projects in 26 of the world’s poorest countries. Together with Margaret, his wife, Don has spent the past 7 years as a youth pastor in Glasgow as well as being the Scottish Director of Youth Alive. Don explains what drew him to this new post; ‘It combines two great passions in my life - building local church and fighting injustice in the world. Compassion are world leaders in child development, and I see this new role as a door God has firmly opened in my life to make a difference in the world.’ ‘My vision for Compassion in Scotland is to see great leaders and churches have their heart for development expanded; to take a stand, both literally and figuratively, against poverty. I pray that as Compassion and local churches stand together and believe for ‘immeasurably more’, we can see poverty ended in our generation.’


42 Partnership Manager, Compassion UK in Scotland

Compassion UK CEO and fellow Glaswegian Ian Hamilton says, ‘Worldwide, 600 million children live in extreme poverty. Compassion has a mandate to speak out for these children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty, so that they can reach their God-given potential.’ ‘We don’t do this alone; we do this through partnership. Partnership with sponsors, partnerships with local churches in the developing world and partnership with churches here in the UK. Don’s appointment enables us to partner with even more churches, and I’m excited at this opportunity to engage further with the Scottish Church as we seek to release more children from poverty.’ For more information on how your church can work with Compassion contact

Loosing the Chains with CARE Trafficking is all around us, though most of us would not realise. Behind closed doors across Scotland are people who have been recruited, coerced, moved about or held for the purposes of sexual exploitation. The terror for these vulnerable people is real. It is said that every four days someone is rescued from having been trafficked in Scotland. Into such darkness CARE has been shining light since 2006 seeking to influence the kind of legislation that would release the captives and let the oppressed go free. We welcomed the proposal from Jenny Marra MSP for a new thoroughgoing Bill to combat human trafficking in Scotland. We, along with others, sought to convince the Scottish Government to take on this helpful piece of legislation precisely because it seeks to reform policing, social work, prosecution, and chiefly, provides the kind of survivor services that those discovered most desperately require. We are delighted that the Justice Secretary has said they will be bringing forward legislation in the coming months. Joining forces with others under the banner ‘Abolition Scotland’, we’ve set ourselves the audacious task to do all we can to make our communities places where abuse and oppression cannot flourish. We hope that local churches can make use of our roving church team to help equip them on this issue. Get in touch via the details below if you think we can help you. Stuart Weir National Director, CARE for Scotland @carescot 07583294787 Scottish Charity SC038911


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Scotland's Biggest Free Christian Magazine


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Riding Lights Theatre Company Riding Lights Theatre Company is an artistic community drawn together by a common vision - to explore all aspects of life through theatre created from a broad Christian perspective. Powerful Play In the Riding Lights rehearsal room is a touring set covered in signatures. Some are faded, worn away by the repeated scuffs of actors’ feet, others are still bold and bright, ten years after they were first written. Each signature is from an audience member of The Fun Of The Fair, a Riding Lights National Tour highlighting creative ways to respond to poverty. Many have a location attached, everywhere from Zimbabwe to Beirut, Portsmouth to Glasgow. It is an astonishingly global audience for a piece of theatre which visited churches and local communities in the UK. Most importantly, however, each signature is a commitment to combat poverty and work for a fairer world. A moment where stories weren’t just told, but people were moved to action.

Tackling the big questions Riding Lights has been touring theatre like The Fun Of The Fair for over 30 years - theatre which delights its audiences and challenges us all to look closer at the big questions of life. We want to open ‘windows’ through which anyone (of any faith, or none) might gain a little more light on the journey which we believe God walks with us.


Our faith is the springboard for engaging with the full spectrum of human experience and endeavour. It provides the foundation from which we tackle any subject. The wonderfully funny Origins & Lemons, explored stories and themes from the opening of Genesis, puzzling over issues of science, religion, and the state of the world from a christian perspective. One reviewer described as ‘C. S. Lewis on a skateboard’.

Getting Theatre Everywhere Riding Lights takes high quality ensemble theatre into the heart of local communities. We currently have two tours available to book for churches in Scotland. Fantastic Acts! is touring from 6 to 11 October 2014. Fast and funny, it brings the stories from the Book of Acts and the early church to life. Inheritance, our passion play for Lent 2015, is a communal experience of theatre and worship which tells the Easter story in close up. To book either of these shows for your church, give us a call on 01904 655317, or email Amanda You can find out more about the company at


Scotland, as readers will no doubt know, has a population of about 5.3 million people. 49% of the population is male but typically there are 2 women for every man in the UK church.

This is why CVM (Christian Vision for Men) Scotland exists, simply to communicate the message of Jesus Christ to men. You see the thing is this - you either conclude that God loves women more than men, that the gospel isn't true, or that we need to do some work to understand why less men go to church and/or profess faith in Jesus. All of that aside, we just think it’s a very good thing that all men in Scotland get to hear the gospel. Even if there were more men that women we would still crack on with the job because we want every man to have a fighting chance to hear the message. There’s more to this than the obvious as well. 8,000 people are in Scottish prisons. 95% of them are men. More men commit crime, more men end up in gangs, more men commit acts of domestic


violence and more men are likely to struggle with addictions to stuff like drink or gambling. We’re quite pragmatic about this sort of thing. Government policy is important, as is funding to tackle these things, but we believe that it’s only by seeing the hearts of men change that true transformation in society will take place. Only the gospel can do that.

One of my mates was a far right wing extremist. He’d been living a life of hate for decades. Then he met Jesus at a bloke’s curry night. In his own words “only Jesus can forgive the terrorist within.” Of course it didn’t just happen at a curry night over a plate of chicken, rice and some chili. There’s a back story. He had some mates who for years had walked with him, believed his life could be different and loved and loved and loved him until he came through. It took a long time but they persisted with a bit of grit and determination. Then one day the Holy Spirit grabbed hold of him. This bloke now goes around the UK talking about Jesus. He gets asked to speak on how to deal with hate movements. He says he’s only really got one answer and that’s Jesus Christ. We like! As a ministry we take that kind of stuff seriously. We’re gunning for thousands of men to see their lives radically transformed and we’re in it for the long haul. That’s why Stephen McGuire has just taken the extremely bold step of walking away from a fantastic job to take up the full time role of CVM Scotland Director. He’s a man on a mission and prepared to live on the edge to see men meet Jesus Christ and then get rooted into bloke friendly churches. To do this we need to put the teeth back into the gospel, communicate a tough message of sacrifice and surrender to Christ and educate the church how to deal with men when they make a decision to walk the narrow path of Matthew 7. We don't preach a “needs based”

message. We tell men that to follow Christ is to live a life that hits your wallet, time, commitments, attitude and ambitions. That’s the kind of message that will see men become the “kind of men that they know they ought to be” and contribute to seeing Scotland become the nation that God desires it to become. How do we do this? We teach long-term strategies that go beyond and before the curry night. We produce resources, run training events, partner with churches, deploy evangelists, use creativity on social media and through video and podcasts. We have a national network of coordinators, form partnerships and share what we are learning with anyone who is interested and wants to engage so that we can reach more men. So please get behind Stephen and the work of CVM Scotland. Cheer him on, pray for the work and that we see thousands of men coming to Christ and getting stuck into local mission in churches. It’s a tough mission but as I said before, we’re in it for the long haul and are prepared to eat as many curries as it takes to see the breakthrough happen! Follow Carl on twitter @carlfbeech


International director of CVM 51



CVM Scotland is on the move!

New Atheism

MEN’S GROUP LEADERS’ EVENTS For encouraging and equipping those involved on the frontline of reaching men across Scotland

GLASGOW: Sat 27 Sept 2014

Glasgow Elim Church, 42 Inglefield Street, Govanhill, Glasgow G42 7AT

EDINBURGH: Sat 4 Oct 2014

A Survival Guide Graham Veale – Head of the Religious Education Department, the City of Armagh High School, Armagh, Northern Ireland This summary of the arguments that dominate the current scene of thought unravels the philosophies behind modern popular and academic culture. ISBN 978-1-78191-316-1 | Trade paperback | 128 Pages £7.99 $11.99

The First Chapters of Everything How Genesis Chapters 1 to 4 Explains Our World Alasdair Paine – Trustee of Keswick Ministries and Vicar of St Andrew the Great, Cambridge, England This book was written to bring out the explanations recorded in Genesis - where we came from, what went wrong, and the first promise of the Saviour to come. ISBN 978-1-78191-323-9 | Trade paperback | 192 Pages | £7.99 $11.99

Big God Orlando Saer – Pastor, Christ Church, Southampton Big God was written to open your eyes and to “unshrink” the God of your heart. Orlando Saer explains the problems of pain, suffering, evangelism, guidance, and prayer. ISBN 978-1-78191-294-2 | Trade paperback | 144 Pages | £7.99 $11.99

Edinburgh Elim Church, 18 Morningside Rd, Edinburgh EH10 4DB

1pm - 4pm (refreshments from 12:45pm) Hosted by:

Stephen McGuire (Director, CVM Scotland) see for more info

connecting men to Jesus and the church to men

And so to Bed... A Biblical View of Sleep Adrian Reynolds – Director of Ministry, The Proclamation Trust & Associate Minister, East London Tabernacle Baptist Church, London Sleep is part of our created humanity, a good gift from God to be treasured and enjoyed; an earthly picture of a spiritual reality. ISBN 978-1-78191-367-3 | Trade paperback | 96 Pages | £4.99 $7.99

CVM, The Hub, Unit 2 Dunston Road, Chesterfield S41 8XA - 01246 452483 - -


CVM is52 a registered as a charity in England and Wales (No.1071663) and Scotland (No.SCO43446) and a company limited by guarantee (No.3623498) 01862 871011



Open Doors UK announces its Development Manager for Scotland

Open Doors UK are delighted to announce that Rev Colin Mutch became their first Development Manager in Scotland on 1st May 2014. Colin will act as the national advocate for Open Doors in Scotland raising awareness of Christians who everyday face injustice, persecution and discrimination simply because of their faith. Open Doors UK & I CEO Eddie Lyle stated, “Brother Andrew spent some of his most formative years in Glasgow at the WEC training centre and it really does feel as if we are coming home with this exciting new appointment in Scotland. It was from Scotland that Brother Andrew went on to pioneer the ministry of Open Doors, smuggling Bibles into Eastern Europe at the height of the Cold War and to write the book ‘God's Smuggler’. Open Doors' message to the Church in Scotland is that it's time to wake up and play a much more active role in supporting our fellow believers in prayer and practical action. I am hugely encouraged by Colin’s appointment as he brings all the leadership necessary for this vital task. Rev Kenny Borthwick, Minister, Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church of Scotland commented,“I am delighted about Colin's appointment. He has an established record as a church leader of enormous integrity and has a warm hearted pastoral awareness of the life of the Church in Scotland. I pray he will help many in Scotland to hear and respond to the voice of our persecuted brothers and sisters calling to us from many nations.”


54 Scotland Development Manager

Rev Colin Mutch added,“I am very excited to be called by God to bring these stories to the Church in Scotland. It is an amazing privilege to be entrusted to engage with Churches across the nation in helping to resource them in praying for the persecuted. Scripture tells us 'If one part (of the body) suffers, every part suffers with it' 1 Cor 12:26." As well as being Senior Pastor of Southside Church in Ayr for 15 years, Colin has been married to Sheena for 38 years, has a son and daughter and 5 grandchildren.

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Registered charity no. SC011222

Lines open Mon–Fri, 12–4:30pm 57

Back to School with God 2014 Resources for an all-age service to pray for and support your young people and the school community at the start of the school year.

Now in its 8th year, Back to School with God Sunday is held in a wide variety of churches across Scotland, the UK and many other countries.

Everything you need is provided to run an all-age service, including: - Prayers, - PPT slides, - Teaching points, - Praise suggestions - illustrations. Supporting resources include children’s activities which can be used in Sunday School or Bible class at a future date, plus promotional posters and flyers.

"A number of the schools said how much they appreciated the interest and prayer support of a church."

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Relentless 63

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would it profit... Jesus once asked, “What would it profit anyone to gain the whole world and lose his soul?” (Matthew 16:26) A contemporary application of His words might go along the lines: what would it profit a country to gain its independence / remain in the U.K. (delete according to preference) – and lose its soul? People cannot live on politics alone. Tear Times tells of a U.S. government adviser who “used to think the top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change”. Later he said, “I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy – and to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation and we scientists don’t know how to do that.” The same is true politically. Whatever happens on 18th September, we will still face the question of the values and vision by which we live, and our greatest need is for a new and vigorous faith in Jesus Christ. G. K. Chesterton was surely right when he looked back to the absurdity of previous ages when a philosopher might get someone burned at the stake because of a disagreement about philosophical matters, and then added, “But there is one thing that is infinitely more absurd - the habit of saying that his philosophy doesn’t matter.” Our philosophy does matter. Scotland needs a vision – one that extends beyond September – a vision of a society characterised by:

a) THANKFULNESS In all the contemporary talk about a post-Christian or secular society, people are prone to forget what our country owes to its Christian heritage.


Many people are like the tribe whose members worshipped the moon because it shines at night when we need some light, unlike the silly sun that shines when it’s light anyway! Secularists may be reluctant to admit it but our country owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Christianity – to Jesus – for many blessings that we have enjoyed. Robert Burns recognised this in The Cotter’s Saturday Night. After describing the ordinary folk of Ayrshire reading the Bible together, he wrote, “From scenes like these, old Scotia’s grandeur springs.” The referendum may present us with the most significant political question for many generations, but there are more important issues – the question of values and of how we stand in relation to Jesus Christ and His gospel? His Christianity is for our future as well as our past.

b) FREEDOM There should certainly be a place for Christianity in the Scotland of the future; for one thing, nearly three million people in Scotland described themselves as “Christian” in the 2011 census and the number occupying pews any Sunday, even if fewer than in previous eras, far exceeds the support any political party can muster! There should also be freedom for people to choose for themselves which way they will go. This is not such an innocent plea as it may appear, because the political correctness of rampant liberalism threatens to choke the life out of our hard-won freedoms. The introduction of a “named person”

Freedom is a noble thing and it should be protected, whatever the political shape of our country. for every child, for example, contains the seeds of unwonted and unwanted state enforcement of politically correct ideas, and approval of samesex “marriage” threatens to become a kind of touchstone of acceptance or non-acceptance in modern times. Freedom is a noble thing and it should be protected, whatever the political shape of our country.

c) JUSTICE Here is another element of a Christian vision – a society in which people are valued as individuals, whatever their economic, racial, sexual or religious position. We need to live together, and the Bible tells us what God requires – that we should do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8).

self-centredness, and a move towards the kind of caring society that is in line with the way of Christ. Such a vision can’t be produced by political means. We need a new, 21st century commitment to the Lordship of Christ, whether it’s in an independent Scotland or within the United Kingdom. He came into the world to bring people life abundant (John 10:10); He came to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). In C. S. Lewis’ simple illustration, if we have gone wrong in an arithmetical calculation, there’s no point in pressing on in the hope that it will all come right in the end. It won’t. In fact each further calculation will take the result further from the correct solution. The need is to go back to where the mistake was made. It is righteousness – standing for everything included in the good news of Christ – that will exalt a nation (Proverbs 14:34). May God guide us so that we don’t gain the world materially or politically but lose our soul.

May there be fairness for all. May there be less need for such initiatives as food banks. May there be a lessening of our country’s dangerous liaison with alcohol and more protection from the drug culture that threatens our young people especially. May we have politicians who see beyond the next ballot box. May all work for the creation of a just society.

d) COMPASSION We need a vision of a truly compassionate society, a departure from “I did it my way” attitudes of





Church Publicity and Communication on a Shoestring

Social media has become less scary as result of today's session.


Very relaxed & friendly

A Publicity & Communication Training Day for the Church in Scotland

Really enjoyed the course. Got lots of good advice, tips and ideas.

Over the past year SCB have launched a new media training initiative for the church in Scotland entitled ‘Church Publicity and Communications on a Shoestring’ which is currently visiting cities and towns across Scotland. This training day is designed to better equip the church to make the most of the media as we seek to communicate our good news message as widely as possible. This training day is for every organisation who says “we can’t do much - we have no marketing budget!” Together we will realise there is much that can be achieved with limited or ‘shoestring’ budget.

This training day covers: Web presence…social media…advertising…press and press releases…print & design…video…enewsletters…photography…partnerships and more…


Feedback from our first 5 events hosted in Glasgow, Dundee, Edinburgh, Inverness and Aberdeen: •

GREAT content!

Lots of information, variety of media, excellent day thank you

Very helpful getting insights on how local/ national press works

Found stuff on press releases and social media very helpful – whole day was good --

An in depth variety of information on the way the church can connect

Great info on event organisations social media, lead times, publicity, press releases etc will be very valuable

Good to feel inspired to go back to church and be more active in publicity & networking

Useful reflections on use of local press

Gave me lots of ideas and new names in the software/media sector to explore

Very good value for money.

Clear presentation

To make further enquiries or find out where the next course will be visit: Follow Ian on twitter @iangblack


Scottish Christian Broadcast 71



1 million


Bibles Biblica Europe have a vision to see 1 million modern day translations of the Bible getting into the hands of the Chinese so that more and more people can read the Bible for themselves.

An ambitious target certainly but believing all things are possible with God Biblica press forward encouraged to see over 300,000 funded already! There is of course a significant work still to be done. Why is the need so urgent? Bible’s can be hard to access for Chinese Christians and most Bibles they have access to were written in 1919 in a now very outdated language – a bit like us trying to read in a mixture of Latin and English. Hence the need to get a contemporary translation of the Bible into the hands of the Chinese people. To help raise awareness of this need Biblica hosted a number of events around the UK in May with internationally renowned author, supporter and keen golfer (!) Philip Yancey. The tour took a stop at Gleneagles golf course on Tuesday 27 May where a number fortunate folks; including a delighted Broadcast editor; were invited to join Philip, play some golf hear about the possibilities to partner Biblica over some very convivial hospitality. On the evening Philip Yancey spoke passionately as he shared the vision of the Chinese translation.


It was an exhilarating and memorable day at the end of what must have been an exhausting week on the road with Philip Yancey. If you would like to find out more and possibly support this initiative you can watch a short 2 minute film clip at Biblica is a 200 year old global ministry and have a long history in full bible translation and publishing in major spoken languages. We also develop tools, resources and programmes to encourage people to open their Bible and engage with it, so their lives are transformed by God’s Word. Biblica hold the rights to the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, the world’s leading contemporary English translation. The NIV Bible is easier to understand, engaging you with the rich meaning of the original text and is the most read and trusted.

Follow Ian on twitter @iangblack


Scottish Christian Broadcast 73

BR OA DC AS TG ive aw ay

Broadcast magazine with Elevation Music have

5 copies of the new Jesus Culture CD/DVD UNSTOPPABLE LOVE to GIVE AWAY plus 50 'Living in Unstoppable Love' wristbands. To enter this competition email with 'UNSTOPPABLE LOVE Competition' in the Subject header.

Close 31st August 2014 74





RECOMMENDS... Seek Knock” – which melds into “Heaven Invade” to become a fluid time of worship – showcases McKinlay’s vocal ability, songwriting skills and his position as one of this country’s most gifted worship artists in one fell swoop. Available from

Reviewed by Lins Honeyman for Cross Rhythms

as possible, the likes of the opener “Halleluyah” and the faster-paced “Great And Mighty” showcase not only Eloho’s strong singing voice but also an ability to passionately declare God’s glory through the occasional enthusiastically-delivered spoken section and hint at her obvious skills as a worship leader. Whilst the inclusion of electronic drums, fuzzy lead guitars and synth washes make for a slightly dated sound, more considered numbers such as the title track and the soulful “Only You” – alongside a gratifying gospel-tinged take on the hymn “How Great Thou Art” – work well alongside the more energetic tracks to offer up an enjoyable first release from this promising artist. Available from

Reach Across Ian White

NOTHING HIDDEN Allan McKinlay Building on the ever-increasing strength of previous releases, Scottish singer/songwriter Allan McKinlay’s fifth album sees him team up with in-demand Glasgow producer Iain Hutchison to offer up an album of worship that is intensely passionate and intrinsically skilful. Betraying a confidence that has grown over the last decade, proceedings begin with the atmospheric overture “Hope” before McKinlay and his band thunder in with “Follow The Star” and “Church Without Walls” to set the scene for an album that praises God at every turn. As with previous offerings, McKinlay is never one to shy away from having a candid look in the mirror and the gentler “I Open My Heart” sees the songsmith concisely admit the fact that he needs to be more authentic before God in a way that will challenge the listener to do the same. However, any introspection is short-lived and in its place is an overall feeling of God-focussed triumph which is evident in the likes of “Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken” and culminates in the victorious “Death Has Lost”. Elsewhere, the contemplative “Ask



Reviewed by Lins Honeyman for Cross Rhythms

The birthing of a new album from Ian White is something to be celebrated and will give you a flavour of what to expect when you next bump into him on the road in your particular part of the country. Ian loves the “live “event as a recent extensive tour has shown.


The new album is just a little bit different. Ian has been writing and performing in Scotland and further afield for years and for some the albums focussing on “The Psalms” were high points which touched and moved folk, giving them permission to revisit musical lyrics from an earlier age. This album is a mixture of studio and live recordings. The songs are powerful; some will be incorporated into services while others are more personal and reflective.

After founding the praise events project Heartsong in 2011, this year sees the release of Nigerianborn and Aberdeen-based worship leader Eloho Efemuai’s debut album which features ten tracks that seek to raise high the name of Jesus at every turn. Keen to keep things as upbeat and stirring

Ian’s latest offering “Reach Across” does move into areas which push out the traditional boundaries. He incorporates a variety of styles which complement each other while remaining true to his own musical roots. This collection comes from a mature musician reflecting on being challenged

Very good




by the Christian life. The focus can be clearly seen in the first track “Jesus, Messiah” which brings the good news of Jesus musically to the listener. A real sermon in song! The lyrics can be clearly heard and the incorporation of some excellent instrumentation really raises the bar as Ian reaches out through other musicians who share his goal. Within the album there is a surprise! Which track? You’ll need to reach across for yourself and check it out.

Reviewed by David Aird, Producer for Heart of the Matter Black Diamond 107.8fm, Crystal 107.4fm

bringing together this amazing 'Dance for Justice Compilation' album featuring some of the worlds best DJ's/Producers including Karl Forde, Matthew J Bentley, Goshen Sai and Galactus Jack as well as Sonar Zone himself. Tim is passionate about using his music for the 'greater good' and to help alleviate some of the social issues we have in our generation, so it's amazing to see that all of the tracks have been kindly donated by the respective artists so that all of the monies raised from sales will go straight to the charity 'Hope for Justice' which exists to end human trafficking and slavery in the UK. Every track, beat, lyric, sound & rhythm on this album is powerful - you'll find it just connects, hits you right in the gut and stirs your soul. If you already love dance/trance music then this is definitely one for your collection but if it's not your type of genre then I'd still urge you to buy it because it is creative, uplifting music and it's contributing to an inspiring cause.. Available from

Reviewed by Allan McKinlay, singer/songwriter

Dance for Justice Compilation Various Artists


Edwards song "Oh How He Wants You To Come", "Rooftops" (penned by Ben Williams, Jonathan Berlin and Lindsey Sweet) and the Delirious? classic "Rain Down". It's a little odd that this compilation didn't find room for their hugely popular rendition of John Mark McMillan's "How He Loves", but few would argue that the passion and power Jesus Culture convey in their worship has seldom been equalled by the thousands of other modern worship practitioners.

Reviewed by Tony Cummings for Cross Rhythms Review reproduced with kind permission of Cross Rhythms

FROM THE START Jesus Culture The seven albums that the Jesus Culture aggregation have released since they first emerged out of the youth group from Redding, California's Bethel Church have all been big sellers and have in many ways influenced the worldwide Church in its approach to worship. Now that the JC team have relocated to Sacramento it seems a good moment for a retrospective release and this is indeed a good survey of their powerful musical soundscapes, often featuring layered guitars and shimmering synthesisers over which Kim Walker Smith and Chris Quilala sing songs, some of which they've written. Particularly strong are the Misty

Scottish Christian Broadcast CD recommendations in partnership with

Talented UK Trance DJ/Producer Tim Thomson aka 'Sonar Zone' has been instrumental in




RECOMMENDS continued...

Very good




It's refreshing to hear a variety of opinions in the book from parents who have tried different methods of time limitations, reward systems and rules, which have worked and failed. As a parent, I know that you could easily find yourself never wanting to let your children go anywhere near the internet because of all the horror stories you hear. Those stories are put into context and supported with statistics, making them seem smaller issues than we were led to believe. This is a go-to guide for all of our digital worries..

Reviewed by Annette Maclean Community Development Worker, Inverness St. Columba CofS

Reviewed by Lloyd Kinsley, art director of Premier Childrenswork Review reproduced with kind permission of Childrenswork magazine

ROC Your World Debra Green OBE

Raising children in a digital age Dr Bex Lewis

The aim of this book as stated in its opening chapters was to “inspire, empower and equip readers to engage in community transformation” and there’s plenty packed within its pages that ensure it achieves its aim. Championing the Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) model, this book enthuses the reader with real life accounts of social transformation across the UK, but more than that, it also provides the reader with the tools to make this type of transformation a reality for their own communities. Far from a one size

Whether you consider yourself a technophobe or a digital whizzkid, you are guaranteed to learn a lot from this book. Raising children in a digital age provides detailed explanations of all the current online trends in understandable and concise language. Dr Bex Lewis' research is incredibly thorough, making the book a solid tool for anyone trying to make sense of how to limit, structure and guide young people's time on the internet, smartphones, tablets and consoles


fits all approach; each chapter ends with helpful questions and reflections aimed at enabling the reader to contextualise the ROC model and offers helpful steps to guide and support the process. An added bonus to the material is the additional online resources which can be accessed through scanning the QR codes at various points in the book. This is a must read for anyone who has an appetite to see lasting social transformation in their cities, villages or neighbourhoods. Available from

Available from




RECOMMENDS continued...

Very good




John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Welcomes you to a meeting with Neal & Sandra Schafferius Meeting Venue: Holiday Inn (next to Zoo) 132 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH12 6UA For dates and times see website. Neal’s desire is to lead people into God’s presence through worship. Sandra’s heart is to preach God’s Word and see people healed and set free in every area of their lives. An Elim Church Incorporated ministry

N & S Ministries Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in Scotland SC471532 Registered Office – Edinburgh Elim Church Buildings, 18 Morningside Rd, Edinburgh EH10 4DB Registered Charity Number SC042247



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BOOK OUT NOW! "Each of the contributors brings a warmth and rigour that is both personal and fully engaged with the questions our world – and our hearts – ask." ‐ Mark Ellis, UCCF Scotland Available from the Solas Centre for Public Christianity website: www.solas‐

A History of Evangelical Revivals in Scotland 1880-1940 Tom Lennie No nation on earth has a richer, more colourful, or more long-standing heritage of evangelical awakenings than Scotland. This is the thoroughly absorbing and largely untold story Scotland’s long-standing heritage that includes the first comprehensive account of the 1930 ‘Laymen’s revival’ in Lewis. “An intriguing, judiciously balanced, and often inspiring account of movements of the Holy Spirit in Scotland in a period that we do not normally think of as characterized by revivals... It has encouraged me to pray with new expectancy for God to revive His work among us.” Douglas F. Kelly ISBN 978-1-84550-377-2 | 512 Pages | £11.99 $19.99

Sounds From Heaven Lewis Revival 1949-1952 Colin Peckham (1936-2009) The recounting of the story of revival on the Scottish Isle of Lewis in the late 1940’s. It is a fascinating blend of history, biography and testimony. ISBN 978-1-85792-953-9 £8.99 $14.99 Awakening The Life and Ministry of Robert Murray McCheyne David Robertson This contemporary devotional biography traces McCheyne’s life and influence from his upbringing, conversion and training for the ministry to the revival that occurred in St Peter’s in 1839 and his early death. ISBN 978-1-84550-542-4 £9.99 $15.99 01862 871011

Scottish Christian Broadcast magazine May 2014 half page.indd 2

23/05/2014 11:07:35

Time for a new book ? FM BOOKSHOPS

£9.99 Includes UK Postage 84




Booking and Copy deadline 15 November 2014 Contact for a Media Pack

Apology. Broadcast Spring Summer 2014 reported how an Aberdeen foodbank was established with there not being one in the city. Our interviewee Pastor Barry Douglas was referring to there being no Trussel Trust foodbank (there are now over 400 in the UK) Apologies to anyone at the Food Bank Partnership Aberdeen who might have felt this ignored their own project launched in 2012



“Sometimes change needs a helping hand... and that is exactly what ROC is doing.” Midge Ure OBE “This is the church at work...” Steve Clifford Evangelical Alliance

“I like ROC’s approach to community life...” Sally Magnusson BBC

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Haven of Peace Academy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Are you a qualified teacher? Are you flexible? Do you have a heart for education and children? Do you have a desire to play a vital role in shaping future African leaders?

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Are you interested in learning how to help others? From September Berit is offering Biblical Counselling Courses from Introduction to Diploma in Dalgety Bay, Fife. Can't travel to Dalgety Bay? Not to worry, if there is enough interest in your area there is the possibility of running the courses there. For information call 07816945241




In 10 years’ time her natural curiosity will be replaced by a realisation that the future holds nothing more than hardship and relentless poverty.


COMPASSION UK CHRISTIAN CHILD DEVELOPMENT 43 High Street, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8BB Registered Charity No. 1077216 Registered in England No. 3719092


For just 83p a day your one-to-one support will enable a child living in poverty to attend a church-based Compassion project. Here, loving Christian staff will ensure children receive the healthcare, education, food, clothing, spiritual and social support they need to thrive.

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