Scottish SPCA Animal Matters Magazine - Autumn/Winter 2020

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Scottish SPCA |

Scotland’s Animal Welfare Charity


December 2019 was our 180th birthday. We wanted to make 2020 a year like no other to mark it. In a way none of us could have imagined back in January, it has indeed been a year like no other.

all ages, we offer a vital service to

Every single penny of our funding

anyone or any animal who needs

is donated. I am grateful to you

it. We have continued to do our

for sticking by us this year. It

duty by animals all year round,

is unclear what the weeks and

and for that I am so, so grateful to

months ahead hold – and what

you, our members, volunteers and

impact coronavirus will have

wonderful teams.

on animal welfare. We, and the animals we care for, need you

This year we’ve urged people

more than ever.

We’ve endured for almost two

not to forget the animals,

centuries as the world has

and the response has been

The pandemic meant we were

completely changed around us. I

phenomenal. The vast majority

unable to produce our usual

truly believe this wonderful Society

of our supporters have stuck by

magazine in Spring. However,

is part of the fabric of Scotland.

us, enabling us to continue to be

we’re back with a completely

We play a vital role in every

on the frontline of animal rescue.

revamped, bumper edition

community across the country.

I appreciate those who had to

jam-packed with news, features

Whether rescuing animals, working

cancel their support will have done

and information on what we have

with owners to help them care for

so with a heavy heart, likely due

been up to all year.

their pets or educating people of

to circumstances out with their control.

Kirsteen Campbell Chief Executive

Inside, you’ll find out how we’re using your valuable support to build a better Scotland for all animals. Thank you for being an animal champion.

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