Scottish SPCA |
Scotland’s Animal Welfare Charity
As the Bill passed, there was
Bill received unanimous cross-
also a commitment to review
party support in Holyrood back
wildlife powers in Scotland. We
in June. The legislation includes
believe we can play a vital role
a raft of new reforms which we
in tackling wildlife crime, and
believe will be game-changing for
would welcome the opportunity
all animals in Scotland.
to do so. A recent survey showed 64% of Scots think we should
After years of campaigning by us, our partners, and thousands of animal lovers nationwide, the Scottish Parliament unanimously passed a new law which will transform animal welfare in Scotland.
Every day, we see first-hand how
have the ability to investigate
legislation lets animals down. We
crimes against any animal.
have long championed the need for many of the reforms included in this new Bill. Hopefully, harsher sentences will deter people from committing acts of cruelty and ensure the punishment fits the crime for the worst offences, such as puppy farming and animal fighting.
WHATS NEW? The maximum sentence for the worst animal cruelty or wildlife crimes will be up to five years and/or an unlimited fine. Animals involved in legal proceedings can be rehomed after three weeks, rather than waiting on a lengthy court case to conclude. Animals involved in such situations spent an average of 203 days in our care in 2019 – at a cost of £650,000. Implementing ‘Finn’s Law’, which gives greater protection to the service animals who protect us. Fixed penalty notices for lesser offences. A licensing system to address the mass slaughter of mountain hares. A licensing system to ensure animal sanctuaries and rehoming organisations meet high standards.