Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
TABLE OF CONTENTS Please read this Stimulus Plan IMMEDIATELY Your response is needed today to Reserve Your Seat as there is a REAL RISK of being LOCKED OUT and classified A.W.O.L. when all the seats are gone!
Inside you will find...The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Build to Grow Your Business for Speed in 2011 and Beyond! Pages 2-3
Your Joint Venture Boot Camp “Economic Stimulus Team”
The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Guarantee and Bonuses!
The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Trainers!
How Tough Are You?
The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Detailed Bonuses!
Your “Economic Stimulus Package” The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Registration Form
JOIN THE JOINT VENTURE BOOT CAMP “ECONOMIC STIMULUS TEAM”! Your Host - Scott Letourneau, Fast Start to Profits and Business Credit Authority! Scott Letourneau knows what it takes to beat the odds. As you know, 95% of business owners fail within 5 years and only 4% of those left standing make it past 10 years in business. Scott’s company, Nevada Corporate Planners, has been in business for over 13 years. In that time he has helped more than 5,500 entrepreneurs get their companies off to a fast start to profits!
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JOIN THE JOINT VENTURE BOOT CAMP “ECONOMIC STIMULUS TEAM”! Spike Humer You’ll learn masterful strategies from Spike Humer on the insider’s secrets
to implementing and leveraging joint ventures! Spike is an entrepreneurial growth expert, who is known for giving you key strategies that will give you immediate results in your business! As CEO and Founder of Spike Humer International, Spike has incomparable expertise in startups, turnarounds, and SME’s around the world.
Michael Price Michael Price, President of Priceless Possibilities. Michael is a Former Trainer for Robbins Research International (Tony Robbins’ company), a 2001 MLMIA Trainer of the Year, Speaker for Technology for 4 years at the MLMIA, Speaker for Technology for 2 years at the Direct Sales Journal, Sales Rep of the Year for a Fortune 100 company and a best-selling author!
Alexander Van Buren Founder of Shadowfax Marketing, LLC., Alexander is a behavioral modeler who has been eliciting the actual strategies of world-class champions for over a decade. He has modeled business owners, artists, and athletes who have achieved outstanding increases in performance and distilled their methods and patterns into a special “quantum leap” process to help you get similar results.
Richelle Shaw
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E c o n o m i c S t i m u l u s Te a m
Richelle Shaw is a graduate of UCLA and has been in Las Vegas since 1991. She built her first business to $36 million and lost it all after the 9/11 tragedies. She rebuilt her million-dollar company back in 5 months. Richelle held the distinction of being the only female African American public utility owner in the nation before selling her telephone company in 2007. She is a sought-after expert and has been featured in USA Today, Entrepreneur, Black Enterprise, Smart Money and is a featured expert for Wells Fargo Small Business Online, Workz.com, Moms In Business and is an author.
R e g i s t e r To d a y a n d R e c e i v e Yo u r “ F i r s t S t r i ke B o n u s e s ” ! !
Special Saturday Night Bonus Session January 29th from 7-9 pm: This is your chance to ask the speakers your individual questions! The speakers will each have a table where you may sit around and ask your most important joint venture question to grow your business! You may move from table to table and listen in on the discussions from other attendees and ask your burning question! This is as if you have access to each speaker for a private consultation (at rates, by the way, usually ranging from $300 to over $1,000 per hour)!
Over $2,279.00 in Bonuses! (Offer ends when 100, 82, 74, 61 respond) See last page for list of bonuses!
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FROM THE COMMAND CENTER: Scott Letourneau has spent the past 15 years modeling some of the best marketers of our time to break down, stepLet me tell you what this by-step, an often-talked-about (yet often poorly Ultimate Joint Venture executed) strategy: joint ventures. Sadly, so Boot Camp is NOT: many business owners, from startups to $50 million per year companies, don’t have a clue The Ultimate Joint as to how to effectively leverage this powerful Venture Boot Camp is marketing tool. NOT networking - it's far more effective, efficient, That’s why Scott created The Ultimate Joint Venture and profitable than that! Boot Camp: to teach a select few, serious entrepreneurs the step-by-step blueprint for harnessing this incredible The Ultimate Joint tool. So few realize that you can easily leverage JVs that Venture Boot Camp is may be worth $10,000, $50,000, $100,000, $ 1 million NOT just about lisor more in new business over the next 1-3 years! tening to strategies. It's learning how to implement The key is to learn how to leverage other people’s strategies that you can have money, clients and resources to your benefit. Imagine in place the following Monhaving someone endorse you to their client list, one that day! they’ve been diligently building for 2, 5, 7 or more years.
Yet you know how to make them willing, even eager to introduce your product and service to their list, at ZERO COST to you! How amazing! Remember, they may have invested millions to develop their list, yet you harness the power of all those accumulated assets at ZERO COST! How does that happen? The fact is, it does not very often because of many missing ingredients.
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The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp is NOT about getting more referrals or more business. It's a system to get your life back, and to eliminate the ineffective approaches that simply waste your time!
Yo u r H o s t
For many of you it may be late in the game of business. You’ve been slogging along for years, and you’re now behind late in the fourth quarter. The two-minute warning is under way…you are down by 10 points…you need a touchdown AND an onside kick to win the game. Will you lose another game… or be part of the historic breakthrough story in your business and life?
The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp is NOT about working longer hours. It's about a system of ultimate leverage, both in time and money!
Powerful Skills
Powerful skills that you will learn and be ready to implement after attending the powerful 3-day Ultimate Joint Venture Boot For others, you may be growing, doing millions per year in revenue… yet, you realize Camp:
there must be a more effective tool to leverage your time and money. Traveling 200 days per year… being on the computer 14 hours a day… not seeing your family, spouse or even having time for yourself… Get off the burnout track and come to Las Vegas for three days in January to change your entire future with the most powerful tool for entrepreneurs today -- Joint Ventures! At The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp you will learn, step-by-step, the foundation to leverage joint ventures to Master True Leverage for Maximum Profits™! Discover the costly mistakes (many of them totally off of your radar screen) that cost you a fortune in missed joint venture opportunities!
The foundation for Joint Ventures! Discover which tools you must have in place to leverage JVs. If you want to JV with someone who is very successful, time is of the essence. You must make it effortlessly turnkey for that person to implement or promote you! Receive the exact Joint Venture Blueprint for Success™! Includes tools to have someone endorse you to their list, effective emails, titles, bio, testimonials and questions for you to host a teleseminar or webinar. Learn how to make it turnkey with MASSIVE VALUE at NO COST to your JV partner. Make it EASY, EASY for them to implement, and they’ll LOVE working with you…and then experience the Joint Venture Tsunami™! That is the point where you implement your new Joint Venture Elicitation Skills™…how to separate the hype and hope from the real joint ventures, the ones that are worth your time and energy!! Just being good at Joint Ventures is not good enough. Stop wasting your time with ineffective ones will not serve you at all! The language patterns of success. Learn how to properly add value to someone else’s business by not telling them what you do, but rather by being ultra-strategic. Ask empowering questions to determine the best way you can add maximum value to someone else’s business. They’ll positively insist upon doing a joint venture with you, because they realize THEIR business success is at stake! Now that is power! Strategies to automate your joint venture system and processes to most effectively sort for the most effective joint ventures. Imagine having an effective process that makes joint ventures turnkey and profitable for you! Learn from the best of the best in the world on how to position what you do and add massive value for others.
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ROLL OVER YOUR COMPETITION! ARE YOU READY TO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL IN 2011? WELL, YOU SHOULD BE! We want YOU to be the first to take advantage of our Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp! Your deployment papers are here! Go to: http://www.theultimatejointventurebootcamp.com/register.htm ______________________________ Is this event for you? The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp is a singular event restricted to no more than 75 Primary Registrants. There are pre-requisites, requirements, and, as you'd instantly presume, a reassuringly significant fee...I say "reassuringly" because it will discourage any dabblers from sneaking in, and it is sufficient to warrant only serious-minded entrepreneurs who will focus and implement to achieve results at the Boot Camp. Obviously, this is not for most, so to avoid you wasting your time, let me quickly describe the nature, mindset and experience of the person this is designed for. This eye-opening event is for you if you are... Ready for a "VERY Advanced System for Joint Venture Training" - We are going where no one has gone before to give you the Joint Venture Blueprint;
Open to implementing joint venture SYSTEMS…yes, SYSTEMS, for making big money (get ready to pay a lot in taxes in 2012!);
Accustomed to earning six figures (or even seven figures), or very sincerely interested in doing whatever it takes to get to that level ASAP with fewer headaches;
Aware of the New Financial World in which we currently operate, and what you must do differently to excel;
Absent "conflicting financial beliefs" about generating huge profits for you and your business;
Eager for "MAXIMUM speed," changing and adapting, and accelerating goal achievement.
Invest a bit of your time in this phenomenal hands-on “boot camp” event and capture forever a workable, streamlined system for the most powerful marketing tool in existence today - joint ventures! Nowadays, business as usual is not working. It’s time to partner together! Learn the steps involved to bring success to all involved!
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A r e Yo u R e a d y ?
The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Trainers: Michael Price, President of Priceless Possibilities. Michael is a
Former Trainer for Robbins Research International (Tony Robbins’ company), a 2001 MLMIA Trainer of the Year, Speaker for Technology for 4 years at the MLMIA , Speaker for Technology for 2 years at the Direct Sales Journal, Sales Rep of the Year for a Fortune 100 company and a best-selling author! Michael will teach you the following powerful strategies to help you Master
Leverage for Maximum Profits ™”
• How to leverage the power of referrals in your business and the hidden secret that most are not doing effectively both on and offline! • The best sequence of events and approach to dramatically leverage technology to achieve your goals. Not having the correct sequence is like baking a cake and putting the yeast in after the cake comes out of oven. Most of you are doing that with your business today, therefore, the Leverage profitable joint venresults or lack of them, speak for themselves. Solve that on tures and partnerships to tap January 28th, 2011! unrealized profit centers that are just sitting there waiting to be exploited! • You have heard that customers buy more often. That is is not true. Happy and nurtured customers buy more often, but in Reap the exponential power of today’s fast-paced world you must know the best approach to teaming up with other marketstay in touch! ers and businesses online for maximum profit. • You will learn how to dramatically take advantage of of the current economic opportunity to separate your business The truth is, there are ONLY product or service and instantly and systematically grow in this TWO things you need to experibusiness environment! ence that kind of success: • You will learn what key components of your marketing The knowledge, or blueprint efforts you must track and which ones are fluff, to to help drive of how to achieve it. you to multiple ways to make more profits! The dedication, desire, and • People don’t always work, but systems do. Not true. An willingness to take action! ineffective system still produces ineffective results! Discover what your business must consider to make your sales system THAT'S IT! most effective to drive massive profits to your bottom line!
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MASTER TRUE LEVERAGE FOR MAXIMUM PROFITS! There is no faster, easier, safer way to make all the money you realistically want (even if you're starting from scratch)... than by leveraging the hidden assets and resources of others. Sit next to people you don't know during meals. You never know...they may end up having just the resource you need!
One Of The
KEY REASONS you must Attend Is So YOU Can Set Up Joint Ventures With Other People! Knowing the relationship is the key; it is time for you to find a little angle on how you can be in service for certain marketers.
It is NOT about YOU.
Give first without any expectations, you shall receive 10X the reward without asking them at all.
they are the perfect person to help you with a marketing problem or promotional effort.
Over $2,279.00 in Bonuses! (Offer ends when 100, 82, 74, 61 respond) See last page for list of bonuses!
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Registration is Limited
It is ALL about THEM.
When meeting someone new, try to think of ways you can help them. You may find out later
Timing is everything… you have to be patient. Never take no for an answer, but as a possibility for something in the future. No may mean, now is not the right time……..
The Ultimate Joint Venture SPIKE HUMER
Boot Camp Trainers: You’ll learn masterful strategies from Spike Humer on the insider’s secrets to implementing and leveraging joint ventures! Spike is an entrepreneurial growth expert, who is known for giving you key strategies that will give you immediate results in your business! As CEO and Founder of Spike Humer International, Spike has incomparable expertise in startups, turnarounds, and SME’s around the world. He is also a master presenter for many public seminars, group workshops, private consultations, and entrepreneurial mentoring. Spike will teach you the following powerful strategies to help you Master
Leverage for Maximum Profits™
• Why joint ventures can be your ticket to unlimited capital and resources! • How joint ventures can help your business grow in any economy! • The three near-fatal mistakes businesses and individuals most often make in attempting to do a joint venture and how to avoid them! • How to find the right JV "doors" to knock on, how to best knock, and what to say when the door gets opened! • The secrets to getting to yes in almost any and every JV opportunity! • What are the key elements in finding, screening, and selecting JV opportunities and partners? • How to get paid and how to keep score in your JV game of success! How, when, and where to find the right JV partners! eup like this before; There has never been a lin you master the #1 the best of the best to help : joint ventures! marketing skill in the world eves and get to Get ready to roll up your sle powerful lifeee work in Las Vegas for thr 29th and 30th. h, 28t y changing days, Januar
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C o s t l y M i s t a k e s w h e n JV’ i n g with High Level People! 1. Don’t appear desperate when you first approach them. Avoid emotional weakness. Can you take or leave a deal? Look indifferent. 2. Don’t approach them directly. Do business with friends or allies of close associates. Get recommended by one of their friends. Associate with the people they associate with. Help the assistant first, you appear less threatening, and more powerful. A track record is good, that helps! 3. Once you meet, do not blab too much about your great idea…You’ll look like an amateur. What can you do for this person to create value! (Not what they you can do for you.) Open up value to the prospective partner. 4. Don’t show your pain first. Even the rich person has pain somewhere (look for more problems). Approach them, he is hurting…, so busy, so involved, no time to spend on anything. Create a website; create passive machines; send emails to your list, from A to Z. Help them benefit their cause; do not focus on your own pain, you miss cues from the person you want to do a JV with. Need those sweet spots of pain, and give them their remedy. Be like a doctor, less like a person who is sick in need. A. Problems, now: Online world is passing them by…hands free results online. Successful people have a certain profile, they are rich and famous, overhead is high and what they need is a pathway out, to take control, make more money, do it passively, have control, and have more time…those are big pain points! The key is to solve those pains! B. Key is spend more time on high caliber people… C. The subtle things that make the successes or failures. D. Most people are amateurs around successful people.
We need to realize that when we form a partnership timing is everything…nurture the person for a year, you must be patient!! You will Learn to Avoid these and Other Costly Mistakes When You Attend The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp!
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Do You Make These Costly JV Mistakes?
Never, ever, get too pushy, hold back until the of the deal, never push them to do anything. You want to frame the offer so they are begging you to do it. Do not force your own will, some may give you a job…to test you,. They will want to find out how you perform under pressure.
The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Trainers: ALEXANDER VAN BUREN You will learn the deep level language patterns and belief systems to maximize joint ventures, plus the steps to elicit someone’s joint venture criteria to maximize your time and resources! Alexander Van Buren, the CEO and Founder of Shadowfax Marketing, LLC., is a behavioral modeler who has been eliciting the actual strategies of world-class champions for over a decade. He has modeled business owners, artists, and athletes who have achieved outstanding increases in performance and distilled their methods and patterns into a special “quantum leap” process to help you get similar results. Alexander will teach you the following powerful strategies to help you Master True Leverage for
Maximum Profits ™”
The Inner Game of Joint Ventures: Learn the JV mindset that will empower you to do more JVs than you ever thought possible! • Get the specific set of modeled presuppositions that will make doing JVs easy and natural! • Learn Alexander's Joint Venture Regimen that will put you on the fast track to closing more JVs than ever before! • How to get people calling YOU and requesting JVs - plus what to do and to say when they call! • Creative ideas for joint venturing in ways you never imagined - to get things you always wanted, to give more than they ever expected - and to acquire things you've always needed! • Learn a set of extraordinary patterns modeled from small business owners who grew their businesses quickly! • Discover the key drivers for creating exponential revenue in any small business! • The 3 things extraordinary CEOs do that set them apart from ordinary executives!
How to identify your own constraint - and free yourself from what's holding you back from achieving double and triple your current revenues!
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REAP THE REWARDS OF SOMEONE ELSE’S BUDGET! Wouldn’t it be nice if rather than spending your own money and time to get customers, you could just spend time on people who are ready to buy? The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp will teach you the skills you need to succeed! Find out how to get in the position to approach businesses. What do you have that will bring value to another's business? Should you jump in with the big fish right away or start small? What do you say? What’s your pitch? What related products or services do they want or need? Why should they endorse you to their customers? Once you agree to partner, then what? Is everything in place?
Learn how to build relationships that can put you on the fast track to profits! Get MASSIVE LEVERAGE with minimal investment!
L e v e r a g e O t h e r P e o p l e ’s Money!
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The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Trainers: RICHELLE SHAW Richelle's first book, How to Build A Million Dollar Business in Las
Vegas - Without the Casinos was first published in 2008. Richelle's 2nd book, entitled, MD, INC. The business of marketing a practice and her 3rd book, Don't Call it A Comeback - How to Build A Business During A Recession are slated to premier in the next 6 months. In addition to writing, Richelle is an international speaker, with requests from Barcelona, Spain and South Africa. She also runs her publishing company, RTS Publishing, LLC and coaches entrepreneurs. Via her online webstore, Richelle consistently sells her custom Business Boot Camp DVDs, Customers for Life Program and the Ultimate Marketing Plan Workshop. Richelle's privately owned businesses are in the top 3% of all women-owned businesses and the top .01% of all African American owned businesses in the United States according to the Center for Women's Business Research.
Richelle will share with you How to Add Another Million Dollars to Your Business - Guaranteed! •
How to break down the process into easy chunks to
implement! •
What is the Million Dollar Equation and how it can work
for any business! •
The absolute fastest way to the million-dollar mark!
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Over $2,279.00 in Bonuses! (Offer ends when 100, 82, 74, 61 respond) See last page for list of bonuses!
Discover How Your Business Can Profit Massively From Someone Else’s Marketing Budget! As you know, bringing in prospects AND converting them to new customers or clients is an expensive process! Many of you have already invested tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars on marketing (both online and offline), websites, brochures, sales force, customer service staff, legal support, training and the development of your client list - all in an effort to bring in potential customers. No wonder 95% of business owners fail within 5 years, and the #1 reason is a lack of cash flow…it is darn-right expensive to acquire new customers or clients!! If we were really honest, most don’t even know the cost to acquire a new lead and the cost to turn that lead into a client…much less separate their products and services by their own cost of goods sold to determine which ventures with. Nothing worse than doing a joint venture with products that lose you money! Don’t laugh…we see it all the time. The Good news is at The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp!
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Over $2,200 in Bonuses
products or services you should even considering doing joint
Re g i s t e r To d a y a n d Re c e i ve Yo u r “ F i r s t S t r i ke B o n u s e s ” ! !
Special Saturday Night Bonus Session January 30th from 7-9 pm: This is your chance to ask the speakers your individual questions! The speakers will each have a table where you may sit around and ask your most important joint venture question to grow your business! You may move from table to table and listen in on the discussions from other attendees and ask your burning question! This is as if you have access to each speaker for a private consultation (which, by the way, rates range from $300 to over $1,000 per hour)!
Over $2,279.00 in Bonuses! (Offer ends when 100, 82, 74, 61 respond) See last page for list of bonuses!
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H o w To u g h A r e Yo u ? Here are some of the only possible reasons you might fail to attend... Serious training. The economy has changed dramatically in the recent past. Over $2 TRILLION has or will come out of the consumer credit market. That means you must become more effective at leveraging your time, money and resources! Let’s be honest, running a profitable successful business is not for the faint of heart. It takes hard work and effort to implement systems to give you the life you deserve. But are you willing to do whatever it takes? Here are some, and about the only possible reasons you might fail to act on this invitation…. Reason #1: The Money. It’s the New Year and you’ve got to take care of all those holiday bills. That’s understandable, but if you think further ahead... what you learn at this boot camp, the ideas and information you will receive can make 2011 the best year ever. You NEED to be here! The person you sit next to just might be exactly who you need to meet and partner up with. If you’re not here, you could miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime! Reason 2: You are satisfied with your business, profits, your time invested in your business and your future prospects for your financial future. If this is your situation, congratulations, there is no need to act. Although, it is usually the most successful entrepreneurs who do not want to lose their economic edge and fall beyond. If you are really getting all the results you deserve, good for you!
The Bottom Line: Decision Makers are Successful! Invest in Your Future and Register Today!
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S e r i o u s Tr a i n i n g
Reason 3: Time. Your schedule may be booked, you may be too far behind. This may be the very reason why your attendance may be required...to free up your time! Most will not find time, and their story of “I just have no time” will continue into next year. There is no better time to attend, especially since there is not another joint venture boot camp scheduled for 2011.
Yo u r S t i m u l u s P a c k a g e
Your Stimulus Package Receive the Following FREE Bonuses WHEN YOU REGISTER BEFORE AUGUST 31st:
1. Two “Outcome Sessions” teleseminars to help you get clear about your goals and objectives before AND after the JV Boot Camp with turnaround specialist Spike Humer! You $495.00
will receive access to both MP3 and transcripts!
2. “Critical Drivers of Success Blueprint” to help you keep on track and maximize your JV results!
3. Master Creating Rapport On the Phone! This is a complete mini-course on telephone rapport by a Master NLP Trainer, Alexander Van Buren! You will learn: how to use NLP to create rapport, tips on how to deepen rapport, trust and credibility plus several advanced NLP $495.00
techniques to ensure your JV success!
4. How to Get Unending Referrals by top sales and results trainer Michael Price! In these online audio trainings, you will learn how to get anyone to give you referrals by meeting 2 simple conditions! Plus you will discover how to ask for referrals effectively to get a lot of quality referrals!
5. The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp Online Membership & Updates for one full year! You will learn the strategies to develop 6 & 7 figure joint ventures with your internet business. You will receive the complete online video training from The Ultimate Joint Venture Boot Camp 2010 (from the 3-day event this past January in Las Vegas). Plus you will receive access to all the preview calls and training. You will learn from all the incredible trainers to immediately explode your joint venture profits for the second half of 2010 and beyond. Now you will be fully prepped to leverage your time and money at the live event January 2011 in Las Vegas (you have permission to pass this bonus on to a business partner or valued client)!
Receive FREE Bonuses: (Offer ends when 100 82 74 61 respond)
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