ASA News - April 2018

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April 2018

President’s Message

Life on the Gold Coast has been very hectic over the past months as we prepared for the Commonwealth Games. During the Games, it is estimated that the population grew by more than one million with athletes, officials, media, support staff and spectators coming from 70 countries.

Feature Articles Anglican Schools: Poets of Paradox. . . . . . 6 Trinity students on the roof of the world. . 8 Anglicans welcome new Archbishop. . . . . 12 Roseville College Celebrates 110 Years of Realising Purpose . . . . . . . . . . 14 Churchie cricketers learning on and off the field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

President’s Message We have not experienced anything quite like this before and the build-up had many locals concerned about how we would be able to conduct our normal way of life during the period of competition. The media was full of warnings for locals about road closures, reduced speed limits, traffic chaos, limited availability of public transport, CBD closure, deliveries moved to between midnight and 4am, reduced services, limited access to hospitals and long delays everywhere.

For those of us living here, it sounded like it could be more trouble than it was worth. While I’m sure this was not the intended message for those promoting the Games, it was hard to find many positive stories before the event. There was certainly more negative than positive anticipation being generated before the Games. I find this really sad as the Commonwealth Games also provided us with access to world class athletes in our own city, the opportunity for many Australian athletes to compete on their home soil and the ability to attend live events we can normally only watch on television in the middle of the night. You have to wonder why so many people tend to focus on the negative in every situation, when the positive is so much brighter. In the approach to Easter, I was reflecting on the life of Jesus and wondering what life was like for the locals of Galilee where Jesus began his teaching. Were the crowds he attracted disruptive to normal life? Was the feeling in town negative? Did the media warn the locals about the chaos and encourage them to find alternative routes to work? As the preaching of Jesus was contrary to local laws and general thinking, I imagine that there was a lot of negativity around town and many locals probably considered the crowds to be a huge inconvenience to them. They probably also found it hard to understand what was going on and maybe became angry about the situation. Amongst this though, there were probably good news stories of the miracles performed by Jesus, and as word spread throughout town, I imagine the mood changed and people began to see that the benefits outweighed any inconvenience for the locals.


So here we are, more than two thousand years later and I wonder whether things have changed much at all. It appears that we tend to look at things from the direct impact they have on us personally, rather than for the benefit to others. Our role as educators in Anglican schools is surely to encourage students and our communities to take a broader perspective rather than a self-centred approach to everything. When we become outward looking we become more aware of the needs of others and less focused on our own. This seems to me to be an important message to reinforce during Easter, a time when Jesus gave his life so that we might benefit. I am aware that most of our schools have a focus on service learning and reinforce why it is important to consider the needs of others rather than simply focusing on our own. I also encourage you to consider ways that you might engage with ASA this year. To start with, you might share this edition of ASA news with all staff in your school. It is full of interesting articles and reports of activities happening in Anglican schools across the country. I hope the Easter break provided you some time to reflect on our Christian heritage and how that is manifested in our communities. Thank you for your continued support of ASA. Dr Mark Sly President, Anglican Schools Australia Principal, Coomera Anglican College


CEO’s Column The Management Committee has been busy with a number of projects over the past few months. I’d like to tell you about some of them.

Commonwealth Redress Scheme

Forum on Anglican Identity

Last year I met on a number of occasions with The Honourable Christian Porter MP, then Minister for Social Services (the Minister responsible for the Commonwealth Redress Scheme). He sought input from ASA and the wider Anglican Church as the government was shaping the legislation around the Scheme.

In a survey of schools prior to the development of our current Strategic Plan 2020, ASA members identified a need for support material and resources in the area of ‘What it means to be an Anglican school’…in essence, the unique features of our ‘brand’ of schooling. In response to this request, ASA is bringing together a number of leaders from across the Anglican Church and member schools for a two-day forum on ‘The Anglican identity of our schools’. Archbishops and bishops from a number of dioceses will join some governors, heads, chaplains and other leaders in Anglican education in a series of workshops facilitated by The Reverend Dr Daniel Heischman, Executive Director of the National Association of Episcopal Schools, our sister entity in the USA.

Ms Sherril Molloy (Executive Director, Anglican Schools Commission, Queensland) represents the Management Committee on the General Synod Standing Committee’s Royal Commission Working Group (RCWG). They have been meeting for many years, and in more recent times their focus has been on ‘redress’. The RCWG has held a number of consultations with Anglican stakeholders over the past year or so to work through the issues associated with how the Anglican Church and its agencies and schools might engage with the Commonwealth Redress Scheme, which is to be launched later this year. A likely outcome is that there will be some form of ‘Anglican corporate entity’ which will be established to enable dioceses, schools and agencies to engage with the Commonwealth’s scheme. For now, there is a general wisdom in waiting for the Commonwealth scheme to be finalised over the next few months, after which there should be greater clarity for the Anglican Church, its schools and agencies. ASA is working hard to ensure that we continue to have a seat at tables where discussions take place on all child-safe matters within the Anglican Church, including Redress.

April 2018 ISSUE •

One of the outcomes of this forum will be a paper (or series of papers) to be made available to our members which will assist thinking and discussion in schools on our Anglican identity. Whilst the forum is intended as a small gathering of a representative group of Anglican leaders who are committed to Anglican schooling, we are an inclusive network; so any member who would like to attend should contact me for details.


CEO’s Column Conference Survey Recently our office undertook a survey of schools to find out views in relation to the ASA national conference. Whilst Conference delegates complete an evaluation at the end of each conference, it does not pick up those who did not attend. The aim of this survey was to connect with everyone. Response to the survey was very good, with 57% of schools completing the survey. ASA seeks to balance the desire to provide information to and get feedback from schools on a number of relevant issues, while not inundating members with constant correspondence. We hope to get the balance right most of the time! Some of the findings from the survey are: • Approximately one in three schools sent two or more delegates to the 2017 Conference. • Over two in three schools plan to send a delegate to our August 2018 Conference in Sydney. • For those schools who did not send a delegate to last year’s conference, the reasons listed included financial considerations, competing conferences with budget priorities, relevance of the program’s content and the geographic isolation of the school. • Some consistent suggestions for future topics to be covered by speakers include student well-being, engaging students meaningfully in the school’s religious programs, leadership, service learning and global trends in schooling. With conference programs planned some two years ahead, the results of the survey will be considered by the 2019 and 2020 planning committees. Thank you to each of our member schools who took the time to respond to the survey.

Airline Partnerships You will be aware that in recent years we have entered into two key airline partnerships, to provide member schools with significant price benefits when you travel for school business, on personal flights (holidays) or any of the many school group trips and tours each year. Our Virgin Australia partnership brings full access to their domestic and international network, as well as special pricing on their partner airlines Singapore Airlines, Air New Zealand, Delta Air Lines and more recently a number of Chinese airlines including Hong Kong Airlines. Our Etihad Airways partnership connects you to the world through Abu Dhabi directly from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, as well as from all other cities and towns through a Virgin Australia flight. Some of the features which form part of our corporate agreements include: • Virgin Australia:

• Etihad Airways: • Personal escort through Abu Dhabi Airport from aircraft doorto-door for all groups; • Guaranteed upgrade to First Class at the time of booking, when a Business Class ticket is purchased. ASA has negotiated two significant benefits through our Campus Travel agreement. The first allows schools to ‘bank’ the funds from cancelled or changed flights (even heavily discounted ones) and use the credit at a later date towards new flights. This means that schools will not lose money when flights are cancelled, even on the lowest priced fares. A second benefit is that schools can operate a 30-day account with Campus Travel, rather than having to pay at the time of booking. Over the next few months we will be sending information to schools about some special offers. Some will relate directly to groups travel, such as ski trips, Canberra trips, or overseas language, sporting or cultural tours. It would be helpful if this information could be conveyed directly to those responsible for organising these tours. Just a reminder that to ensure you get the special ASA pricing on airfares, you must identify yourself as an Anglican school at the time of booking (if booking directly with the airline or a travel agent) OR book through our preferred travel management company Campus Travel.

Good News Stories We are keen to hear the stories of former students in Anglican schools who have pursued a vocation to ordained or lay ministry. In future editions of ASA News we would like to features stories on women and men who have graduated from Anglican schools and are now serving Christ and the Church in and through full-time or similar ministry. Please contact our Communications and Community Relations Manager Ms Aila Dann or me if you have suggestions of people for future stories. FINALLY, for most Australian states and territories this year, Holy Week and the great day of resurrection, Easter Day fell in term-time. As those well-schooled in the liturgical calendar know, we remain in the season of Easter until Pentecost commencing on Sunday 20 May. When Holy Week falls in term-time, Principals, Chaplains and teachers are in a privileged position to share the passion story and remind their communities of the significant place that the season of Easter plays in our faith, our schools and our world. It is a message of hope that we encourage children and adults alike to live out through the year. Every blessing. The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM CEO, Anglican Schools Australia

• Discounted prices on published fares; • Discounted prices for leisure travel; and, • Additional baggage allowance for groups carrying sporting equipment and musical instruments on flights.



The Reverend James Hale, Beaconhills College, VIC


The Reverend Gary McClellan, St Andrew’s Anglican College, QLD

Mrs Raquel Charet, Georges River Grammar, NSW Mrs Neesha Flint, Geraldton Grammar School, WA Mrs Terrie Jones, St Michael’s Grammar School, VIC Mr Ashleigh Martin, Caulfield Grammar School, VIC

The Reverend Steve Terrell, Beaconhills College, VIC

Mr Gary Racey, St George’s Anglican Grammar School, WA (effective June 2018)


CHAPLAINS Mr David Adams, Hillbrook Anglican School, QLD Mrs Cathy Carden, Cathedral College Wangaratta, VIC The Reverend Jonathan Cornish, St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls, WA The Reverend Julie Craig-Leaves, West Moreton Anglican College, QLD The Reverend Helen Dwyer, Overnewton Anglican Community College, VIC

St Michael’s Grammar School, VIC (Assistant Chaplain)

The Reverend Erika Williams, The Springfield Anglican College, QLD


Mrs Carmel Spry, Moama Anglican Grammar, NSW

John Wollaston Anglican Community School, WA

The Reverend Gareth Tyndall, The Riverina Anglican College, NSW

Mr Darren McPartland, St Peter’s Anglican College, Broulee, NSW

Mr David Smith, Calrossy Anglican College, NSW


Mr Trevor Barman, Blue Mountains Grammar School, NSW Mrs Robyn Bell, Cannon Hill Anglican College, QLD (effective December 2018) Mr Simon Gipson, St Michael’s Grammar School, VIC Mrs Leisa Harper, Fraser Coast Anglican College, QLD The Reverend Andrew Syme, Caulfield Grammar School, VIC

CHAPLAINS The Reverend Jonathan Cornish, Canterbury College, QLD Mr Andrew Dane, Blue Mountains Grammar School, NSW

Editor’s Note

Anglican Schools Australia invites principals, chaplains and teachers, as well as chairs, governors and friends of Anglican schools to submit articles for publication in ASA NEWS. We are particularly interested in publishing articles about school Religious Studies, Service Learning and Indigenous programs. We welcome submissions of feature articles of approximately 10001500 words and news articles of 400-600 words, together with a selection of high quality digital images of 300 dpi. Please email submissions to Submissions are published at the discretion of the Editor.

Mr Andrew Dane, Nowra Anglican College, NSW

April 2018 ISSUE •


Anglican Schools: Poets of Paradox What would be lost if the Anglican Church decided not to have schools? The Reverend Ryan Holt, Head of Chaplaincy at Caulfield Grammar School, responds to this question and examines the Anglican identity of schools as poets of paradox.


“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”


Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40

Paradox a belief contrary to received opinion a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true Merriam Webster Dictionary In a recent post on ‘a place for mission’ (, Stephen Harrison characteristically asked some interesting questions… What is the unique contribution the Anglican Church makes to education through its schools? or to ask another way What would be lost if the Anglican Church decided not to have schools? My reflection in this edition of the ASA newsletter is my own brief response to these questions as a practitioner seeking to be engaged in the broader conversation of Anglican Schools and their identity.

The topography of education in Australia is difficult to comprehend but not without cause for celebration, full of loud polarities but not without quiet voices of wisdom, diverse but deeply fragmented, stretched into incoherency but still open to inquiry. In short, the educational landscape is a difficult terrain to navigate and shallow diagnoses and quick remedies will not do. Schools in the Anglican tradition share this mysterious pedagogical terrain but not without a story to tell.

Anglican Schools as poets of paradox In her thoughtful book The Courage Way, Shelly Francis of the Center for Courage & Renewal tells the story of interviewing 120 leaders in education and identified the ability to ‘practice paradox’ as a vital ingredient of courageous leaders and communities.

“We can learn to practice paradox by recognizing that the polarities that come with being human (life and death, love and loss) are “both-ands” rather than “either-ors.” We can learn to let those tensions hold us in ways that stretch our hearts and minds open to new insights and possibilities” The Center for Courage & Renewal & Shelly L. Francis. “The Courage Way.” 52. Anglican Schools with their comprehensive view of what it means to be human, in communion with the Triune God of grace and in the world, uniquely but not exclusively seek to hold the different spheres of life together often in tension and to practice paradox with wisdom and creativity. Holding paradox invites people down the portal both below and above the cultural polarities of (either-ors) and asks us to go deeper and beyond. The intentional practice of paradox is a kind of poetry in community that awakens us to retrieve old truths in and through the ordinariness of our shared life. As Wendell Berry writes in ‘How to be poet’, There are no unsacred places; there are only sacred places and desecrated places.


The claims of Jesus Christ and the Christian life are richly paradoxical. God is both three and one, Jesus is both God and human, Jesus freely gave up his life so that others may gain life, what seemed as his greatest shame at the Cross was his greatest victory, he taught that those unjustly accused in his name will be justified, he called his disciples to be in the world but not of the world, the first shall be last the list goes on and on… Many Anglican Schools have long practiced paradox by being both distinctively Anglican in their identity and open to those of other faiths or no faith. The sceptic may look to politics or economics for the and but Anglicans broadly commend a theology of faithful presence which invites all people to witness and engage in the way of Christ. Anglican Schools as poets of paradox are not content ‘middle grounders’ for the middle class but seek to hold apparent tensions creatively and in a life-giving way. They can poetically find truth and wholeness in holding together both the individual and community, solitude and service, joy and suffering, grace and works, reason and emotion, truth and mystery, body and soul, blessedness and meekness, local and global, the now and not yet, sinner and saint!

This framing may have some merit but I find the opportunity to occupy and converge multiple learning spaces enables me to practice paradox with creativity and authenticity. Whilst new ideas are slowly being explored in our schools regarding the identity of chaplains, such as being a community leader, a fresh imagination is also needed in how we teach and infuse faith across disciplines. In Philip Yancey’s sequel to ‘What’s so Amazing about grace?’ called ‘Vanishing Grace – what ever happened to the good news?’ he shares a conversation he had with a friend who remarked ‘There are three kinds of Christians that outsiders to the faith still respect. The pilgrims (those who present themselves as fellow pilgrims seeking to learn and find their way). The activists (who express their faith in the most expressive way – by their deeds). The artists (those who speak with authenticity and skill to the human condition). Anglican Schools as poets of paradox uniquely make space for pilgrims, activists and artists and reveal to the world the way of Christ in a fragmented world.

As the recipient of the Bishop Barbara Darling professional development grant for chaplaincy in Melbourne I will have the privilege in June of learning firsthand about the intentional work of Duke Chapel at Duke University in living out their vision of being a beacon of Christian hope in bridging faith and learning. The Duke Chapel which is a rather Cathedral like presence has become a central learning hub in the community, a place to gather and be sent with courage and compassion. I have long admired the work of Duke Chapel and Duke Divinity School in seeking to be a faithful presence and holding paradox in a generous way to their community. In my own context as the Head of Chaplaincy at Caulfield Grammar School in suburban Melbourne I long to see the walls of either/ors replaced by transparent conversations of both/ands enabling the fullness of the gospel to infuse our life together. Such collaboration has sometimes come from staff and students awakened to see possibilities of wholehearted engagement in chapel spaces or other shared gatherings. One such example was a questioning Year 11 student who was unsatisfied with cultural polemic between the visual arts, science and faith. His response was to host the Art of Science Exhibition in the Campus Chapel. The Art of Science Exhibition includes stunning images that have been captured and created by Institute scientists in the course of their research at the The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia’s oldest medical research institute. The exhibition was a stunning example of the Anglican School being a poet of paradox and inviting apparent tensions to reveal deeper conversations. An ongoing conversation regarding the role of chaplains in our schools is “should a chaplain teach?” Again, another good question raised by Stephen Harrison in A Place for Mission. In my own context in Melbourne it is often assumed that the chaplain should occupy the role of both chaplain and teacher (there are a few exceptions). This has been framed by some as enabling credibility with the community.

April 2018 ISSUE •


Trinity Students on the Roof of the World


By Mr Darren Osmond, accompanying school leader and TAS World Challenge Coordinator Trinity Anglican School, QLD On November 24, 2017 a group of 15 Year 10 and 11 students from Trinity Anglican School Cairns embarked on the journey of a lifetime – a 31-day student-led World Challenge expedition in to Nepal. This journey however began almost 18 months ago when the students made the commitment to join the team as a ’challenger’ and began fundraising, not only for themselves, but also for the group’s community service project. The extensive expedition preparation included a myriad of student and parent meetings, training expeditions, physical conditioning sessions and group fundraising initiatives including school fete stalls, social media promotion and bake sales.





The student-led team collected their entire expedition budget before arriving at Kathmandu – approximately $18,000 USD. For the next 31 days the group would use this money to pay for the majority of accommodation, transport, food, guide wages and tips, park entry fees and sightseeing and rest and relaxation activities. This experiential approach to learning adopted by World Challenge has students essentially running the entire expedition themselves, under the watchful eyes of an expedition leader and school staff. The team compiled for themselves a hectic, bespoke itinerary, which included some acclimatisation and preparation days in Kathmandu, before travelling to their week-long community service project at a small school in the Kathmandu Valley – an area devastated by the earthquakes of 2015. At the school they levelled ground and added drainage in preparation for a playground, painted gates, windows, blackboards and educational murals in classrooms, made a new school front gate and handrails to afford greater student safety, taught several English classes and learnt how to cook traditional Nepali cuisine. Their fundraising work at home enabled then to contribute around $3000 to the project, which also allowed for the purchase of 6000 bricks for future building, several truckloads of rocks and gravel and also to sponsor a student for school fees, food and educational needs for the next 12 months. The team then travelled to the picturesque lakeside Pokhara to begin their 12-day world-renowned Annapurna Sanctuary trek, where they spent seven days climbing to 4130m above sea level - Annapurna Base Camp. There they stood in awe looking up at Annapurna 1, the 10th highest mountain on the planet. They stayed in a combination of tents and tea-houses, in sub-zero temperatures on a few occasions. The trek was certainly a challenge, being more than 80km long and with around 20,000 steps. Their total elevation gain was around 6000m, which aided in their altitude acclimatisation. They became very accustomed to Himalayan trekking



1. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: The group at Machhapuchhre Base Camp, 3700m above to Nepal | 3. WARM WELCOME: Students enjoying the welcome at the community ser Trisuli River | 6. FOND FAREWELL: Students and locals at the farewell ceremony | 7. M canoe trip on the Rapti River in World Heritage listed Chitwan National Park | 9. HE Nepali spirit in Kathmandu

lifestyle by the 12th and final day and their guides were sad to see them go and put on a fantastic farewell ceremony with traditional singing and dancing. A sightseeing day in Pokhara on their return meant they could visit a Buddhist temple in a cave, along with the Gurkha and International Mountain museums. Whitewater rafting on the Trisuli River was next which was a blast (with nine degree water) and then on to Chitwan National Park for a different perspective on Nepal. A morning trip down a river in a traditional dugout canoe enabled students to see several types of freshwater crocodile (everywhere), elephants, monkeys and an array of birds. An afternoon jeep safari allowed the group to see Rhinos, more crocodiles and several types of deer. The bus trip back to Kathmandu





sea level | 2. IN THE SPIRIT: Trinity Anglican School students show off their colourful beanies from the Thamel District of Kathmandu as part of their World Challenge expedition rvice project | 4. WORTHY RECIPIENT: Jessica and Gabrielle with Asmita, who the group decided to sponsor for her high school education | 5. LEISURE TIME: Rafting on the MADE IT: The Trinity Anglican School World Challenge Nepal Group at the Annapurna Base Camp, 4130m above sea level | 8. PADDLE READY: On a traditional dugout EAVY LIFTING: Tatsuki Terazawa helping to shift some of the 6000 bricks for a retaining wall at the community service project | 10. SHOPPING TRIP: Will Scott getting into the

was yet another challenge – 14 hours to drive just over 100km – they will never complain about Australian roads or traffic congestion again. The remaining time in country was spent doing souvenir / Christmas present shopping, for items including the ubiquitous happy pants, multi-coloured beanies, scarves and sombreros, along with traditional gifts including Masala tea, prayer flags, Mandala paintings and local jewellery. A day was also spent doing personal debriefs to cement student learnings, before beginning the long trip home, to arrive back in Cairns on Christmas Eve. The group performed well in many ways and have taken away transferable skills that will last a lifetime. Through experience they learned a great deal about leadership and group dynamics and

April 2018 ISSUE •

managed their budget well (using some great bargaining and negotiation skills) to save around $800, which then went back into the local economy in various ways. As a final gesture of giving they also donated their tents that were provided to them by World Challenge. They certainly made a difference in a myriad of ways to the country of Nepal in their 31-day visit – and Nepal is still very much in need of tourists returning there following the 2015 earthquakes. This was the fourth successful World Challenge expedition conducted by our school, with previous destinations including Borneo, Ecuador and Tanzania. The next group of potential students are now keen to learn where the next trip will be going to in December 2019.


Chaplain’s Column Going the Distance By The Reverend Matt Shorten In 1 Corinthians 9 Paul exhorts the church in Corinth to run the race of life. He uses that great imagery of an athlete competing in a distance event requiring strict training in order to claim the prize at the end. These are powerful images for the early church who knew of the athletic prowess of those involved in the ‘Games’ or early running races. For us in the modern era we see this imperative being embraced by those involved in the marathon or lived out in a way by those who have caught the Parkrun craze sweeping our nation. A lot of my friends are each weekend posting their PB’s on social media with accompanying photos to prove the occasion was rich in sweat and effort. I remember being in youth group as a teenager and looking at this passage from Paul with a mixture of hope and youthful enthusiasm. I always thought I would be someone who could go the distance in my faith life, just like Paul was encouraging the Corinthians, but 30 years on I realise more fully why his words are so important and especially for those of us working in Anglican schools in 2018. Life in a school setting is incredibly demanding like an endurance race and maintaining your faith through the testing times is vital to going the distance. I am now in my 13th year as chaplain at Lakes Grammar – An Anglican School and 14th year of school chaplaincy. I’ve had a few thoughts about how to do more than just survive but really thrive. So for what they are worth here they are.

The first thing I would say is that working in a school means it is really vital that you love young people. This might seem a bit obvious but it is easy to let those little niggles from the children in your care to build up and get to you. The eye roll, the whatever, the repeating of an instruction five times to no effect or being talked over. Or worse still, being completely ignored. If we lose that love of young people through the wear and tear of the daily grind of school then we won’t last. There has to be that element of letting go the niggle and finding some attribute that is positive to focus on instead. Young people, like adults, come with all sorts of positive and negative behaviours. To last, we must expend more of our energy linking in to their positive attributes than being dragged down by their negative work areas. Love them for who they are. The second thing I would say that has helped me last in the same school for more than a decade is being intentional in the relationships I have with fellow staff members. Listening to another staff member during a tough time has meant that they are happy to share their joys as well. Learning about their families, their interests, their struggles and their hopes all build strong relationships that in turn build a community that is supportive. I am surrounded by highly skilled and trained professionals who give so much of themselves each day. By encouraging them in their job and their wider life I have found that I am the one who becomes enriched. By investing intentionally into my colleagues I can see the fruit of our collegiality. Love them for who they are.

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Your group will enjoy complimentary food, selected beverages, and baggage, delivered to you by our award-winning team.

Thirdly, I would say that it is vital to not sacrifice your family on the altar of school/ministry/teaching. If you, like me, have been blessed with a family then it is really important to honour them in the craziness that is term time. Block out those hours with your spouse that are vital to your relationship thriving. To the best of your ability make time to attend your kid’s special moments and really listen when they share their day with you. The school can be a giant vacuum that sucks all the life out of you but your family can be that safe place of emotional replenishment. I have had too many elderly people say to me, “Matt, our children grow up way too fast and before you know it they are out the door and gone.” As the father of three daughters, this is a huge challenge but one that I will readily accept because before I know it they will be grown-ups. Love them for who they are. Lastly I would say that you need to love yourself. For me as a chaplain I am sharing all the time of myself with others and it has been a hard lesson learned to actually honour my own needs. I need to spend

time reading God’s word for me. I need time to pray, think, meditate and contemplate this precious gift called life. I need friends who aren’t connected with school life. I need to have a hobby, sport, cultural interest, music or activity that is just good for me. I need a church where I am not the person in charge. I need to love myself for who I am. For all of you who are running the race we call life, I pray that you may be sustained by these few short words of encouragement. May you be reminded of your love for young people. May you see the good in your colleagues and make pathways for collegiality. May you make time for your precious family. May you nurture your soul through God’s good word and loving presence and remember to have some fun. May you find Christ’s resurrection love in all areas of your life and like Paul who wrote to Timothy may you be able to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) May you go the distance.

Students sleep rough to help homeless youth St Mary’s Anglican School, WA Year 10 students at St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School raised over $13,500 last month by ‘sleeping rough’ for a night for Street Connect, an Anglicare WA group helping homeless youth in Perth. The students experienced a glimpse into the reality of homelessness by sleeping on the school’s outdoor tennis courts with only a sleeping bag and cardboard box. The night challenged the girls’ sense of home, while offering a unique insight into the issues faced by 15-25-year-old homeless and street-present young people in the Perth inner city area. The girls arrived at school at 7.30pm and set up their cardboard boxes and sleeping bags. They were later greeted by Esben Kaas-Sorenesen, Street Connect Coordinator, who showed them around the Mobile Youth Resource Centre (the outreach bus) and presented real-life stories of homeless youth in Perth; having a strong impact on them all. Esben spoke to the girls and explained how they meet with young people on the streets with the aim to reduce the amount of time they have on the streets, providing both crisis intervention and follow-up support. The girls were amazed with how well-equipped the bus was, from sleeping bags and health packs to free Wi-Fi. At 10pm, the girls had the opportunity to have soup and a bread roll, before getting into their sleeping bags on the cold, concrete floor.

April 2018 ISSUE •

SLEEPING OUT: Year 10 students from St Mary’s brave the cold and sleep out to raise money for Anglicare’s Street Connect service.

Year 10 student, Aimee Ryan, was blown away by the real-life stories. “Sleeping out in the cold on a cardboard box has had an enormous impact on me, it has made me realise just how lucky I am. Although some of the statistics and stories we heard were shocking, they made me even more proud to be able to contribute such a significant amount to this worthwhile charity,” Aimee said. Ian Thompson, Head of Year 10 at St Mary’s, said he was proud of the way the Year 10s had continued to support Anglicare at the Sleep Out for the past six years. “The event continues to grow with over 160 girls attending this year’s Sleep Out. I am continually amazed by the level of support, and the culture of giving, we have in our school community. This group can be very proud of what they have achieved. I certainly am,” he said.


Anglicans Welcome New Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy AO Anglicans welcomed the first female Archbishop in the Anglican Church of Australia and in the worldwide Anglican Communion, with the installation of The Most Reverend Kay Goldsworthy AO as the eighth Archbishop of Perth, and Metropolitan of the Province of Western Australia. The installation service held in February at St George’s Cathedral signalled a historic moment for the Anglican Church, following an extensive eight month selection process concluding in August last year.

“The installation of a new Archbishop is always a memorable and historic occasion, but we are also conscious that this is the first time an Australian Archbishop has been a woman.

No stranger to firsts, Archbishop Kay was one of the first women ordained to the priesthood in St George’s Cathedral in 1992 by Archbishop Peter Carnley. In 2008 she was consecrated as the first woman Bishop in The Anglican Church of Australia.

She said the new Archbishop knew Perth well but also had experience in other Australian Dioceses, ministering for more than three decades across three dioceses and bringing wisdom and an ability to communicate and collaborate with diverse members of the church community.

Attending the installation, Anglican Primate, Archbishop Philip Freier warmly welcomed the new Archbishop to the role. “Bishop Kay Goldsworthy continues her pioneering series of appointments as the first woman to be appointed an Archbishop in the Anglican Communion,” Archbishop Freier said. “She will bring her distinct gifts to bear upon this important role and goes to it with my support and encouragement.” The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot, from the Anglican Diocese of Perth, said the installation was an exciting moment for the church.

“Archbishop Kay has a long history of service to this diocese, and is an experienced church leader, having spent a decade in episcopal ministry. We are looking forward to continuing the ministry and mission of God’s Church under the new Archbishop’s leadership,” Bishop Kate said. After studying at Trinity College in the University of Melbourne, Kay was ordained Deaconess in 1984 and Deacon in 1986, where she worked in the parishes of Thomastown and Deer Park in Melbourne. In 1988 she was appointed Chaplain to Perth College in the Diocese of Perth and it was during this time she was ordained to the priesthood. Archbishop Kay has served the Diocese of Perth as Rector of St David’s Applecross, and as Canon of St George’s Cathedral, Archdeacon of Fremantle, Archdeacon of Perth, Diocesan Registrar and Diocesan Administrator. Kay was appointed Assistant Bishop by Archbishop Roger Herft and was the first woman ordained to the episcopate in Australia on 22 May 2008. In 2014, she was elected to become the bishop of the Diocese of Gippsland. In the Australian 2017 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, she was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for “distinguished service to religion through the Anglican Church of Australia, as a pioneer and role model for women, to church administration, and to pastoral care and equality”.


Georgiana Molloy celebrates 15 years

Significant Milestones

By Father Earle Chamberlain, School Chaplain, Georgiana Molloy Anglican School, WA

2018 marks a significant milestone in each of the following schools:

It’s set to be an exciting year in 2018 for Georgiana Molloy Anglican School (GMAS) with many celebrations planned as we enter our 15th Anniversary Year. The School community celebrated their 15th Foundation Day on Friday 16th March with events throughout the school day including a Foundation Day Eucharist and Ceremony, followed by a World’s Greatest Shave by Year 5 Student Cale Donaldson, a pop up radio, whole school Colour Run and the day with birthday cake for all staff and students. During the ceremony, Principal Ted Kosicki spoke about our beginnings and growth as well as noting that Friday, 16 March was not only the School’s Foundation Day but also the National Day of Action Against Bullying. He implored all students and the whole school community, parents, grandparents, friends and family members to commit to stand up and join the fight against bullying. Mr Kosicki and Chair of School Council Mrs Eleanor Lewin offered thanks to foundation staff members who have served at GMAS since the beginning as well as acknowledging students who are about to have completed their whole school journey from Kindy to Year 12 with us at GMAS.

Hale School, WA

160 years

Melbourne Grammar School, VIC

160 years

Melbourne Girls’ Grammar School, VIC

125 years

Walford Anglican School for Girls, SA

125 years

Shelford Girls’ Grammar, VIC

120 years

Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School, VIC

115 years

Roseville College, NSW

110 years

The Glennie School, QLD

110 years

Trinity Grammar School, NSW

105 years

Blue Mountains Grammar School, NSW

100 years

Cranbrook School, NSW

100 years

Newcastle Grammar School, NSW

100 years

Mentone Grammar, VIC

95 years

Danebank an Anglican School for Girls, NSW

85 years

St John’s Grammar, SA

60 years

Senior School students were given commemorative pins to wear with pride this year and Junior School students were also given a small gift from the school. The ceremony concluded with a surprise confetti shower which really set the mood for the rest of the day.

Radford College, ACT

35 years

St Paul’s Grammar School, NSW

35 years

Trinity Anglican School, QLD

35 years

The 15th Anniversary celebrations will continue throughout the year with a Black Tie Ball hosted by the Parents and Friends Committee and Alumni Association (Old Georgians) in October and other smaller events planned for students and staff.

Whitsunday Anglican School, QLD

30 years

William Clarke College, NSW

30 years

St Luke’s Grammar School, NSW

25 years

Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College, NSW

20 years

Clarence Valley Anglican School, NSW

20 years

Penrith Anglican College, NSW

20 years

The Riverina Anglican College, NSW

20 years

The Springfield Anglican College, QLD

20 years

Cathedral College Wangaratta, VIC

15 years

Georgiana Molloy Anglican School, WA

15 years

Manning Valley Anglican College, NSW

15 years

St Andrew’s Anglican College, QLD

15 years

St Peter’s Anglican College, NSW

15 years

Esperance Anglican Community School, WA

10 years

Hume Anglican Grammar, VIC

10 years

Mamre Anglican School, NSW

10 years

With the ongoing support of the Anglican Schools Commission we have been able to develop programmes and opportunities that have enabled our school to provide excellence over these past 15 years and into the future.


2. 1. CELEBRATING: The 2018 Student Leaders gather to start the 15th Anniversary celebrations of the School | 2. GREATEST SHAVE: Year 5 student Cale Donaldson took part in the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation.

April 2018 ISSUE •

Trades Norwest Anglican Senior College, NSW 10 years

13 •

Roseville College Celebrates 110 Years of Realising Purpose Roseville College, NSW

Roseville College, established in 1908, celebrates another milestone this year, marking 110 Years of realising purpose in the lives of young Australian women. The College celebrates its 110th anniversary with a series of dedicated birthday events, beginning with a family Thanksgiving Service held at the College on Sunday 25 February, followed by a traditional Birthday Assembly for the students in February. Throughout the celebration week, the College also hosted a number of tailored events for parents, the College’s wider community and its Old Girls. Roseville College’s current, and 10th Principal, Ms Deb Magill, says celebrating is important in the life of any community.


“Since 1908, many families and students have likened Roseville College to an extension of home,” she said. “Birthdays are a wonderful excuse to gather and be thankful; not only for the amazing environment; but for each other. Past and present. “In 110 years, ten Headmistresses and Principals have led Roseville College, and five of these women attended our 110 Years Thanksgiving Service. That makes this service a particularly historic event for the College.” Events to celebrate the 110 Years of Roseville College will continue throughout the year, including a Learning Festival and Open Day on Saturday 26 May.


3. 1. LEADERS PAST AND PRESENT: Five of the Principals of Roseville College gathered to celebrate the 110 Years milestone. From left, Mrs Megan Krimmer (9th Principal), Ms Deb Magill (10th Principal), Mrs Joy Yeo (6th Principal), Mrs Elaine Collin (7th Principal), and Dr Briony Scott (8th Principal) | 2. FIRST LEADER: Roseville College founder and first Headmistress, Ms Isobel Davies (1908 - 1948) | 3. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: Principal, Ms Deb Magill celebrates with Roseville College’s eldest student, Year 12 Chloe Matthews, and College Captain, Emily Dawson, and the College’s youngest student, Kindergarten’s Angela Xiao, who blows out the 110 Year birthday candles


125 Years for Melbourne Girls Grammar By Mrs Catherine Misson, Principal, Melbourne Girls Grammar, VIC

I am honoured to provide a reflection on the occasion of the 125th Celebration of Melbourne Girls Grammar. This is a milestone that marks the determination to endure and to flourish that were hallmarks of our earliest days. When Miss Hensley and Miss Taylor established their school with the brazen purpose of providing an education for girls equal to that of boys, they declared a purpose that would endure through decades of change and challenges, a purpose championed by successive Principals, teachers, families, Old Grammarians and School Councils. Today we take for granted that a girl will have access to sport and the arts, to a broad academic curriculum, to career pathways of her choosing. Our history leads you through the deliberate steps taken by Principals like Miss Gilman Jones and Miss Nina Crone to create new understandings in each successive era that girls should indeed have these opportunities. A particular study of school uniform will illuminate attitudes towards modesty, utility, and freedom that variously constrained and liberated girls to take charge of their lives. Girls, close your eyes and imagine these first decades of Melbourne Girls Grammar. On Anderson Street, cars and horses still jostled on the road, ladies were expected to wear gloves and hats, bustling to and fro, and no woman had a bank account or a tertiary degree. Now imagine sitting in the classrooms of your predecessors. Pen and ink, chalk boards, recitation, all complemented by the life skill classes in taking tea, social banter and dancing. To you, this may seem a narrow and contained education, but to the girls of the 1910s and 1920s this was an education to secure opportunities. What was always present was an urging by the educators that when engaged with one’s studies, a girl must always discipline her mind and believe in her capacity to accomplish the task. Melbourne Girls Grammar led on agendas to influence expectations for women. Right from our very beginnings, principals championed that women could learn to manage their own finances, that women could excel in university courses and should be awarded their hardearned certificates, that women should decide for themselves if they wanted to marry, to have children, or to travel the world solo. Your school carved out a significant place in the social history of Australia by challenging the stereotypes, the cultural norms and the political biases that shaped a young nation proceeding too slowly to the embrace of women as equals with men. Some of my favourite stories when gathered with Old Grammarians at reunions include our girls driving ambulances and trucks in the wars, girls staring down the disbelievers as the first women in their professions, and girls who can multi-task in any unexpected situation. These stories are embellished with laughter, irreverence, admiration,

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125 YEARS: Lighting the candle are Amelia Pickering-Banks, the Verger, The Very Reverend Dr Andreas Loewe, Dean of Melbourne, Emmy Baillieu and Ingrid Zhang

common sense, and dashes of boldness. These stories reveal the evolution of the character of an MGGS girl: our distinguished history has shaped women who think for themselves, who do not shy away from challenging opportunities, and who give back to their communities. In 2012, Melbourne Girls Grammar was invited to host the International Women’s Day breakfast at Parliament House. As was tradition, an Old Grammarian would be the guest speaker. After much deliberation, the School Captain of 1995 accepted this honour and joined us from her then home in Singapore. Vikki Koumis is a woman who represents the curious, splendid and ‘take no prisoners’ attitude an education in our school encourages. She also mirrors the diversity that has always been a fundamental source of our success as a trailblazing community. As Vikki tells her story, she was a “typical Greek girl of a migrant family who deeply appreciated the stretch it took for her family to afford her education at the best girls’ school”. She remembers days when she pondered the acceptance of her peers, particularly her cultural background, as she says the “Greeks were thin on the ground in those days”. And then she was elected School Captain. Vikki excelled at school but her real gift was grit – and an entrepreneurial spirit when women were definitely not entrepreneurs in the minds of most! She decided on graduation to pursue her dream – she wanted to be the first female to own a merchant fleet of tankers running goods in the sea lanes of Europe and Asia. Why not? She was Greek and Greeks knew boats. And MGGS girls were expected to make the most of their education, to defy stereotypes, to persevere. It’s a fabulous story with an incredible outcome – Vikki did indeed launch her own boat under her own name. Vikki’s story is much more than an anecdote of one girl’s life. It’s an allegory of talent, passion and motivation in search of an extraordinary outcome. In this moral tale, girls can equal the accomplishments of men, girls can live and work outside the stereotypes of their social and historical context, and girls can defy anyone else’s expectations so that they rise to their own standards of happiness and fulfilment. In your sisterhood girls, your voices must be the antidote to any whispers or clanging bells that suggest you have to follow where the past has settled. How ordinary and uninspiring would the world be if we capitulated to limitations of those who cannot understand that girls have the imagination, the courage and the persistence


125 Years for Melbourne Girls Grammar to expand not only their own opportunities but in so doing, enlarge what is possible in the world around them. In our 125th year we acknowledge the breadth and the aspirations of our School, a community in which girls are encouraged and supported to find their voices and know their potential. We are here today having been carried forward on the shoulders of successive generations of educators and students who understood that mission and never stepped back from the challenge. Yesterday, it was daring to provide a girl an education in serious academic subjects, yesterday it was bold to permit a girl to run, jump and throw, yesterday it was progressive to form a student executive council and give students a real voice. Today it is daring to pull down the walls and provide light filled studios for primary aged children, today it is bold to trust a girl to create her own study schedule and meet her deadlines, today it is progressive to open up time to create a flow of learning between teachers and students complemented by online learning archives. Tomorrow? That is yours girls to influence and to expand the possibilities. In our 125th year, we acknowledge that our school is a field which the Lord has blessed. In his infinite wisdom and grace God has granted us the harvest of our potential.

COMMEMORATING: 125 years of Melbourne Girls Grammar is celebrated

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What do you see in the stars?

By The Reverend Jenni Stoddart, Chaplain, Abbotsleigh, NSW

At Abbotsleigh Senior School’s Easter Chapel Service this year, some unexpected images filled the screen. We had travelled to the constellation of Orion and were looking at stars that no longer appeared like stars. The Horse Head nebula splashed colour, shape and beauty before us. The image appeared like art and yet it was created by an infrared telescope.

For her the stars above are not only an area of scientific study, but a reminder of the greatness of the God who created the universe. She shared the words of Psalm 19: ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.’

Our guide, Senior astrophysicist, Dr Jennifer Wiseman queried: ‘A horse head? Perhaps it looks more like a dragon.’ A murmur of agreement emanated from the girls. Yet this was just one stop on our tour through the galaxies. A tour that would take us to the farthest reaches of the known universe.

Our guided tour of the heavens entranced us with both the beauty, wonder and unimaginable vastness of the universe. Dr Wiseman then invited us to look in a different way. What if all that we see, and even those parts of the universe beyond our telescopes, were made by the hands of God.

But what has this to do with Easter? Over the last years at Abbotsleigh, our Easter celebration has been led by students and spoken at by a woman of faith with passion and expertise in a particular field. We have heard from an archaeologist, a writer and this year an astronomer.

But what if there is even more? At Easter, we remember that it was this God who came to be one of us in Jesus. Easter invites us to see the God who creates the vastness of the universe is also the God who draws near to us, becoming one of us, that we might know the vastness of his love. Dr Wiseman’s challenge to us was to be discoverers of God’s universe, who are guided by him.

Dr Wiseman studies the universe through the eyes of one of the world’s most sophisticated telescopes – the Hubble Space Telescope. Yet one of her favourite things is to simply get away from the city lights. To find somewhere that in the darkness she can look up and stare at the sky.

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Abbotsleigh partnered with ISCAST – Christians in Science and Technology, and is thankful for their generosity and support.


Churchie cricketers learning on and off the field Anglican Church Grammar School, QLD

Churchie provides several opportunities each year for students to learn and experience living in international settings. Tours offer a combination of academic, community service, cultural exchange and co-curricular activities. Since 2008, Churchie Cricket has operated a biennial tour to South Africa combining a sporting tour against highly competitive cricketing schools with cultural exchange and community service dimensions. In addition to preparing the premier cricket team for the upcoming schools competition, the journey to South Africa allows students to provide aid and give time in service to fellow students, true to Churchie’s mission of making wellrounded young men. Churchie has visited Impendulo Primary School in South Africa on every cricket tour since 2008. It is a small school located in Khayelitsha on the outskirts of Cape Town. The township covers 7600 square kilometres and consists of both formal accommodation (bricks and mortar) and informal settlements (makeshift shacks). Under the guidance of Western Province Cricket, Churchie first visited the school on the 2008 tour and donated cricket kit and balls to their fledgling cricket programme. Subsequent tours provided further donations, but it became clear that the school needed significant help to improve the state of the facilities. Their cricket pitch was in a deplorable state and tour leader Ian Greig, on behalf of Churchie, made a commitment to ensure it was replaced. With the help of Gabba Sporting Products, Singapore Airlines and the students making the 2014 trip, this was achieved. A pitch was flown around the world, from Brisbane to South Africa, overcoming a range of logistical and financial challenges, and installed at the school. In 2018, Churchie once again visited Impendulo Primary School. Student Max Edmondson experienced his second visit to the school.


“Impendulo Primary School is undoubtedly one of the highlights of our tour and to be able to provide equipment and opportunity for those less fortunate than ourselves means a great deal to us all,” he said.

1. SERVICE: Churchie First XI Cricket player Harry Philp presenting one of the Impendulo Primary School students with cricket gear on the 2018 Cricket Tour to South Africa | 2. BEFORE: The original Impendulo Primary School’s cricket pitch, 2008 | 3. AFTER: The new cricket pitch presented to Impendulo Primary School on the 2014 Cricket Tour

First XI Captain Mac Herring was on his first visit to South Africa. “As far as the tour goes, this was most probably the biggest eye opener for the boys as we witnessed the level of struggle the locals go through each day, just to survive,” he said. “The houses were made from anything; any little bit of scrap they can find. This truly shows how privileged we are to live in houses which won’t blow over with a strong gust of wind.” As one of Churchie’s four founding tenets, community service forms a large part of our students’ lives and helps shape them into young men who are internationally minded and generous of spirit.




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Rough Edges volunteering makes for well-rounded students By Anthony Segaert and Melanie Collins, St Andrew’s Cathedral School, NSW

Most schools across Australia are involved in some kind of charitable program that aims to teach students the value of thinking of those less fortunate than themselves and helping those people in some way. Scientific research has shown that it really is better to give than receive, mostly because the giver usually experiences joy and receives a boost to their positive emotions and psychological wellbeing. This is undeniably true for many of the St Andrew’s Cathedral School students involved in their house charity, Rough Edges. A café for marginalised people around the city, Rough Edges is located in King’s Cross, Sydney, and provides food, shelter, recreation and social interaction for a few hours every evening. Run as an outreach program by St John’s Anglican Church in Darlinghurst, the aim of the café is to “offer hospitality, assistance and education in order to forge community so that the marginalised people of King’s Cross can be blessed and be a blessing to others”. St Andrew’s holds an annual Big City Bake Off cupcake competition – now in its fifth year – to financially support the café. In 2018’s Bake Off in February, the school raised over $3120 for the charity. Senior College students are also able to volunteer to work in the café on a regular basis during term-time. To get involved, students undertake a comprehensive training program run by Rough Edges staff that provides students with a hands-on experience while exploring the social justice issues faced in the Darlinghurst area. The course includes an ‘urban walk’, a tour around the area that “invites participants to explore King’s Cross from a different perspective”. Tim Gardiner, Head of York House, one of the two school houses that partner with Rough Edges, said the experiences are transformative. “The charity is a good fit for our students because they are in the city and see homeless people in the street every day,” he said. “Being involved with ‘Roughies’ breaks down that perception of these people being scary or different, or that we’re above them. So it’s really good for them, humanising the issue of poverty and homelessness.”




1. NEW PERSPECTIVE: Year 11 student Josephine Jackman | 2. READY TO SERVE: In the kitchen with Year 11 student Hayden Thebridge | 3. ROUGH EDGES: The café shopfront | 4. CHRISTMAS GIFTS: Students make gifts as part of their community service

The café, which is open from 7.30pm-10.30pm nightly, is operated by volunteers and has over 100 regular patrons. The students arrive prior to opening, where they set up the café and collect food from the OzHarvest van. Students are able to go behind the counter and serve food to patrons, or chat with them over a game of Scrabble or live sport on the TV. Three Senior College students – Joe Jackman (Year 10), Anna Thompson (Year 11), and Sara al-Shameri (Year 12) – who are regular volunteers at Rough Edges, said the experience has been extremely valuable. “I first got involved in Rough Edges to support my House,” Joe said. “I loved representing Westminster at the café, but over time, I loved seeing regular customers, serving food, and giving back to my community in a great environment surrounded by my friends and teachers. “I think I’ve become much more aware and conscientious when it comes to helping people. I see many aspects of my life in which I try to be more helpful or communicative when I see someone in need.” Sara said being involved in Rough Edges has made her appreciate her own life more. “My perspective on homeless people has changed now that I’ve had the chance to talk to some people. I’m much less scared or intimidated than before,” she said. “I’ve now become passionate about helping disadvantaged people wherever I can.” Anna’s experience of Rough Edges has “helped to confirm my will to help people, no matter their situation in life.” The Head of St Andrew’s Cathedral School, Dr John Collier, said the school’s involvement with Rough Edges is certainly helping to bless the lives of students.



“As a school which attempts to be authentically Christian, our desire is to see students develop a heart for service that will continue throughout their lives,” he said.

To find out more about St Andrew’s Cathedral School’s Service Learning programs, visit and you can visit Rough Edges at

“For students to see the impact they can have by raising money for a charity that helps the homeless in practical ways, and also to meet these people and serve them a meal, is invaluable.”

April 2018 ISSUE •



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The Power of 9

ON COUNTRY: The Hutchins School Power of 9 students in the Northern Territory.

By Mr Ken Kingston and Mr Shane McAloon, The Hutchins School, TAS

The Hutchins Power of 9 program is a term-long experiential learning program aimed at providing opportunities for our students to develop a greater understanding of self and a sense of purpose. Each year students from The Hutchins School travel to Alice Springs to work with students at an independent Indigenous school on the outskirts of the city. This two week expedition gives our students a unique opportunity to learn about Australia’s Indigenous culture. Our partner school caters for students from communities in and around Alice Springs by offering a two-way (bilingual and bicultural) education helping to keep Indigenous culture alive. It teaches literacy and numeracy following the Northern Territory/National Curriculum framework and teaches Indigenous languages and culture. This provides our students a unique opportunity to learn about Australia’s traditional culture and develop meaningful relationships with Indigenous students by spending time in the classroom assisting and joining cultural excursions. Some examples of the types of experiences our boys have been lucky enough to participate in include learning about indigenous history, traditions, hunting, bush foods, bush medicine, spear making as well as many stories about the country. Being invited into a community is a great honour for our students, it is through the relationships formed that authentic learning, and empathy

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grow. We also are privileged to travel to Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Watarrka national parks with Indigenous guides. The itinerary includes sleeping under the stars, climbing mountains, swimming in waterholes and roughing it in camps, setting the experience apart from the familiar tourist circuit. During our annual trip, our students meet Indigenous leaders, teachers and students and learn firsthand of the issues affecting communities in central Australia. Through these important interactions, they learn, connect and integrate new perspectives into their understanding of our country, our history and ways in which reconciliation and recognition can bring together indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. This trip builds on the work students do with our local Tasmanian Indigenous educators and community to provide a rich and broad experience of modern Indigenous issues. They also discover their rich cultural contributions and the struggles faced within mainstream Australia culture. The feedback from our students indicates that this experiential model of learning enriches the lives of our boys as well as the students we meet. Many students report that the experience is life-changing.


New Principal for Bishop Druitt College Bishop Druitt College, NSW

On February 9, 2018, Archdeacon Sally Miller and the Chair of College Council, Mr David Ford, officially commissioned Mr Nick Johnstone as the fourth Principal of Bishop Druitt College (BDC). In front of the whole Kindergarten to Year 12 study body, staff and parents the College welcomed Mr Johnstone, formerly of Geraldton Grammar School in Western Australia.

Mr Johnstone is looking forward to the opportunity to make a difference in the next phase in BDC’s development and is excited about building upon the traditions of our modern school.

Husband, Dad, Anglican and teacher, Mr Johnstone brings more than 25 years’ experience in the Independent and Anglican schools sector in Queensland and WA.

“A learning culture is imperative to growth and building staff and student wellbeing is essential. I am all about creating opportunities,” he said.

“I was touched by the feeling of care in the room and am thrilled to be a part of this community. Thank you to those parents and visitors who were able to attend,” Mr Johnstone said.




1. CUT THE CAKE: Cutting the 25th anniversary cake for the College as part of the commissioning were (from left) Chair of College Council David Ford, College Captains Jack Winchester and Molly Phillips and new Principal Nick Johnstone | 2. RECEIVING THE FLAG: Mr Johnstone receiving the Cambodian flag, one of the symbols of his commissioning. The flag, presented by Tate Rutter, represents the service learning journey undertaken by year 11 students each year to Cambodia | 3. RING THE BELL: Ringing the original school bell, one of the symbols of the new Principal’s commissioning


Chaplains a guiding force at Perth College Perth College, WA

A new Chaplain is guiding spiritual life at Perth College in 2018. The Reverend Lisa Ahuja has joined the School from the University of Melbourne’s Trinity College, where she served as the Pathway School Chaplain, assisting teenagers from more than 30 countries.

Archbishop Kay was Perth College Chaplain from 1988 to 1995; such was her contribution to the School that the Old Girls’ Association made her an Honorary Old Girl.

Ordained a Priest in Washington DC in 2007, she has led parishes in Wisconsin and Texas – preaching in both English and Spanish. Reverend Lisa moved to Australia in 2015 with her husband Salil.

Reverend Pat served as locum Chaplain at Perth College during 2017, leading Chapel services for Junior School students and boarders, and assisting with Beliefs and Values classes. Born in Ireland, she has lived in Wales and South Africa, and moved to Australia seven years ago with her husband and their two youngest daughters. A trained nurse, midwife and counsellor who has also worked as a Chaplain with YouthCARE and in the mining sector, she was ordained a Deacon in 2016 and a Priest in late 2017.

“I am greatly moved by the deep values of the Sisters who founded Perth College – their prophetic vision has stood the test of time and I look forward to continuing to carry out these values in the worship life of the School,” she said. Reverend Lisa is responsible for all Eucharistic Chapel services, Old Girls’ Association reunions and weddings held in the School Chapel. With a background in positive psychology, she is part of the team running the InsideOut self-leadership programme and also leads worship with the boarders. Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy AO returned to Perth College on Thursday 22 March to commission Reverend Lisa as the School Chaplain and The Reverend Pat Deeny as Assistant Chaplain. “To see these three impressive women standing on stage in our theatre was a very special moment,” Principal Jenny Ethell said.


“Since joining us at the start of the year, Reverend Lisa has endeared herself to the School community – her passion and joyful approach to life are infectious,” Mrs Ethell said. “She is well supported by the beloved Reverend Pat, who is working prominently in the Junior School. “Perth College students, staff and parents have gained so much through their interactions with Lisa and Pat; there is much we can learn from their personal and professional experience and we are invigorated by their future plans.”

2. 1. NEW CHAPLAINS: Sacristans Lauren (far left) and Josephine (far right) with Perth College Principal Jenny Ethell, Reverend Lisa, Reverend Pat, Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy and Archdeacon Kathy Barrett-Lennard | 2. WARM WELCOME: Reverend Lisa and Reverend Pat are officially welcomed to Perth College

April 2018 ISSUE •


Saving Lives in Cambodia By Mrs Michelle Heath, Cambodia Service Trip Co-ordinator, Trinity College, SA

In December 2017, once again Trinity College sent another team of students to Cambodia. This year the trip connected with a variety of organisations to see the different ways help and hope is offered to the Cambodian people - helping them to help themselves. We visited the maternal health and ophthalmic focus the 2h Project has, micro finance and child protection projects with Friends International and spent a day at a performing arts school in Battambang. We were also very fortunate to spend a day with MAG (Mines Advisory Group) International (saves lives – builds futures) seeing first-hand the important work they are still doing long after the war is over. Year 11 student Cameron Keon wrote the following reflection after spending the day with MAG: “MAG is an international organisation that removes land mines and other explosives from wars and conflicts. I was very fortunate to witness and be a part of what they do on my trip to Cambodia. Being the first Australian group to work with MAG and their only Australian contact means that I have had an experience no one else in Australia has ever had, and with that a responsibility falls on my shoulders to share my experience and knowledge.

cleared by MAG 18 months ago. The farmer is now able to use the land for farming. Being able to see the work the men and women of MAG do by putting their own lives on the line and seeing how their progress effects the community’s has enabled me to see that MAG’s work is truly amazing. In such a short time, people are able to be confident with every step they take. This has really opened my eyes. It also makes me so disappointed with Australia’s limited contribution to something so dangerous. This is something that Australia was involved in, Australia was a part of the Vietnam War. Thus the reason why we need to pull our finger out and help. MAG currently gets the majority of their funding from the USA. However, as with any NGO (Non-Government Organisation), funding could be cut at any time. MAG are certain that they have funding through 2018, however they are reliant on the political decision making of countries such as the USA. They will be unable to continue their international help if their funding is cut.”

MAG is a truly underrated organisation that doesn’t get the funding it deserves or needs. This is my message as one of the first Australians to work alongside these guys. In my single day with MAG, a small team that was working just outside of Battambang, along the Thai border, saved 10 lives. That’s 10 innocent Cambodians. Ten human beings in one day.

The experience is varied, challenging and inspiring for each student that is involved.

Mine clearing is the most effective way to flip poverty as it gives the once dangerous land back to the owner. They are then able to work the land and make a living. As part of the day we visited a village that was once full of land mines from the war and was

Year 12 student Amelia Sharrad said that: “ultimately, from the trip students remember the connections made with the Cambodian people and were reminded of the impact that hate can have, and how important it is to spread love in our community.”

EYE OPENER: Year 11 student Cameron Keon wants to share his knowledge of the good work of MAG International in clearing land mines


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Arden Anglican School celebrates Easter By The Reverend Mark Rundle, Chaplain and Head of Christian Studies, Arden Anglican School, NSW

Although we live in a city where hot cross buns start appearing on supermarket shelves virtually the day after Christmas, at Arden Anglican School the students are aware that there’s a far more significant story to Easter than buns, bunnies and chocolate eggs! Celebrating and communicating that story takes a variety of forms. The more common ones, such as Chapel Services, provide a wonderful opportunity for children and staff to reflect on Jesus’ death and resurrection depicted in song, drama and words from the Bible. However, there are also initiatives which add extra excitement and practical application to the School’s Easter celebrations. For example, this year, under the guidance of their Chinese teacher, Mrs Alice Lee, some of our Primary children have been using their Chinese lessons to design and make Easter cards that share the message of Easter in the Mandarin language. Communicating what Jesus has done for us in two languages on one card also celebrates the rich diversity of cultures in our society and emphasises the message that Christ saves and unifies his people from all lands and nations – an important reality in our School’s life at Easter and throughout the year!

power and authority by miraculously providing them with a massive catch of fish. As they ate together with him on the beach that morning, there wasn’t any doubt in their minds about who their leader, Jesus, was. John, who described that ‘beach brekky’, was equally clear about why he put that description on paper: “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.’ (John 20:31) “Whether or not you’re going camping for the next few days, it’d be valuable to take time to stop this Easter and consider: Am I clear about who Jesus is, and what He came to do? And how do I respond to that? They’ll be far more important questions than what’s cooking on the campfire…”

With many families heading out of Sydney for the long Easter weekend, helping them take some time to consider the significance of Easter while they’re away is another aspect of Easter at Arden. Usually it’s done through a few words of reflection from the Chaplain, such as these: “It’s almost the Easter long weekend; and, despite the tradition of rainy weather as the dominant feature of those four days (supported by this year’s forecasts, it seems!), many Australians will exit the city and go camping. Why? Maybe it’s because a four-day break is long enough to make the effort worthwhile; maybe it’s to make use of the last hours of daylight saving; maybe it’s because the weather is still warm enough…” “Whatever the reason, life will come down to things like sleeping under canvas in the ‘great outdoors’; and meals cooked on the barbecue or the campfire. For many, those sorts of meals are impossible to beat: such as freshly-caught fish cooking over the open fire, with a smell that sends everyone’s mouths watering…” “I doubt, though, if any such meal could surpass the fish and bread breakfast that a group of fishermen had on a beach a couple of thousand years ago. Not because the fish was cooked better back then; rather, it’s because of the significance of that breakfast for them. They’d been mourning the execution of their leader and teacher a few days earlier under trumped-up charges; they’d then hidden themselves in case they were next in line; and then, against all hope, this leader had reappeared to them - not as a vision, but as a living, breathing person. Having gone back to the fishing that they knew best, this person did what he’d done when they’d first met him: show His God-given


CHINESE EASTER CARDS: From left, Year four students Mia Wang, Angus Grieves, Brayden Liu and Georgia Ballard reflect on the true meaning of Easter as they create Chinese Easter cards

The Story of Easter St Mark’s Anglican Community School, WA

Students in the St Mark’s Anglican Community School Early Leaning Centre and Junior School came together to retell the Easter story with rhymes and song. There was also a visit from Whiskers, the Easter Bunny, who helped Chaplain Brad Galvin with parts of the service. Groups of students in every year group from Kindy to Year 5 participated in telling the story in a rhyming format, while others helped with the bible readings. Students sang a special song called “He came back for me!” The rhymes and song were written by teachers Mrs Karen Hues and Mr Andrew Martin. Mr Galvin, assisted by Whiskers, invited students up to help open some presents that symbolised what Easter was all about. The first gift was a crown of thorns, the second a wooden cross and the third, a hollow Easter egg, symbolised the empty tomb. The retelling was much enjoyed by the many parents, grandparents and friends who attended the service.

The Easter Story Jesus rode on a donkey, through the dusty street; The people all waved palm leaves and laid them at his feet. Not everyone loved Jesus and worshipped him as their Lord; Some even wanted to hurt him or kill him with their sword. Jesus met his disciples, this was to be their last time; They sat all around one big table, they ate bread and drank wine. “One of you will betray me” is what Jesus said; Everyone was surprised and shocked, except Judas who turned red. Judas told the soldiers where Jesus would be; “He’ll be praying to his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane” Jesus told his disciples “Wait here and try to keep guard”; They soon fell asleep in the garden, while Jesus prayed very hard. When the soldiers came to arrest him, a disciple put up a fight; Cutting an ear off a soldier, but Jesus made it alright. Pilate didn’t want Jesus dead, he hadn’t done anything wrong; But the crowd was too loud and too angry and Pilate wasn’t that strong. They pushed a thorny crown down hard onto his head; No gold, encrusted diamonds, just red stains where he bled. They pushed him around and stripped him bare; And gave him a heavy cross to wear. Jesus staggered all the way carrying the weight of wood; Through the streets and down the lanes, on either side people stood. They nailed him to the cross and put it up to the sky; “Save yourself!” some jeered “Surely the Son of God will not die.” Jesus in his dying breath looked to his Father above; “Forgive them Lord, they know not why, I die for them in Love.” Jesus was dead and the sky turned black, day turned into night; Even the soldiers now felt bad – maybe He had been right. The body was put in a tomb and a big stone blocked the way; Next day the tomb was found empty and the big stone rolled away. Jesus had gone up to heaven, not dead but Risen again; Taking all of our sins with him and all his human pain. EASTER STORY: Junior School students helped retell the Easter Story with rhymes and song

April 2018 ISSUE •


Walkabout Cambodia 2018 By Father Noel Oakey, Chaplain, Frederick Irwin Anglican School, WA

The past eight years of OSL (Overseas Service Learning) have all been very different. From the extremes of conditions working with the informal settlements in Manila, to a complete immersion in the life of a village in Myanmar, to the cultural experience and teaching in Cambodia - all these pilgrimages have challenged our students in the same way. They have had to look outside themselves, see the world through different eyes and walk with these new friends. Cambodia Connect, a Christian organisation is working with Transform Cambodia to educate former street children, to become the leaders of a developing country that has been devastated by the elimination of a quarter of its population. The program is not about building buildings but building people, people who can make a difference, who have hope.

“If a future pilgrim was unsure about challenging themselves on this pilgrimage, I would bring this to light: the complete and utter joy and happiness that the children bring to the centre every day. Although they all come from poor and disadvantaged families, seeing them smile and be completely immersed in their education is such a beautiful thing and we don’t see it much in Western countries.” Georgia, Pilgrim 2018

“The Khmer people have beautiful hearts and the Transform children have love for you without even knowing your name. And although they live in the most unfortunate of circumstances, they have the warmest smiles that have the power to melt your heart. Their thirst for knowledge and eagerness to learn is commendable – and should be noted. I knew coming over I would be teaching these kids English, but I never thought they would teach me so much in return.”

Students worked for six days in January this year, both mornings and afternoons in small groups, in the Transform centre with staff, teaching English pronunciation and conversational skills. Students had to develop games and learning activities that focused on these things. As well as teaching students, our pilgrims were also involved in teaching staff. Students also visited the homes of Transform students and met their families. The centre arranged for a teenager who had not had the Transform opportunity to come and show the students what she did and what students at Transform centres in their off time did to supplement the family income. In between, there was time for cultural activities including a trip to Angkor Watt, markets, river cruises and different eating experiences (spiders, frogs, bugs). Two moving moments were the visits to the Killing Fields and S21 (Phnom Penh High School that Pol Pot converted into a place of death and torture). These two trips cemented in the minds of students the reason for them being in Cambodia. The de-brief in Singapore was welcomed, with cycling, swimming and reflecting. We look forward to the photobook with reflections appearing in the library in June. Walkabout 2019 April is already full and pilgrims are awaiting the date of their first meeting - Cambodia 2019 is only 13 months away!

Darcie, Pilgrim 2018

SHARING KNOWLEDGE: Frederick Irwin Pilgrim Sean Hill teaching English to students at Transform Centre 9







6. 1. PILGRIMAGE: The group with Wayne and Sheryl Paterson of Cambodia Connect at Angkor Wat | 2. FAREWELL: Frederick Irwin Pilgrim Darcie Pitsikas saying goodbye on the last day | 3. BARGAIN BUY: Shopping for bargains at the Russian Markets, Phnom Penh | 4. REFLECT: Debriefing and reflection writing in Singapore | 5. EYE OPENER: The prisoners’ cell blocks in S21 constructed inside a former High School classroom | 6. LOCAL DELICACY: Inspecting insect delights at a roadside market on the way to Siem Reap, Cambodia

April 2018 ISSUE •


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Camberwell Girls aim for saving lives By Belinda Kranjcic, Camberwell Girls Grammar School, VIC

It is estimated that over 300,000 women die annually during childbirth, many from preventable infections. That’s over 800 women, dying every day, whilst giving birth. Camberwell Girls is dedicated to reducing this number and for 10 years, the School’s staff and students have prepared birth kits to enable women the basic right of a clean and safe child birth. Each kit contains a plastic sheet, cake of soap, a pair of gloves, a scalpel blade, three pieces of string and five gauze squares. Deputy Principal Cathy Poyser has participated in the program since its inception at the School. She says it is really hard to believe that the contents of the kit are all that is required to assist a woman in safely birthing her baby. “The reality is, that many women are giving birth on their own due to isolation, poor transport or cultural choice. I believe that every woman has the right to a clean and safe childbirth. If we can help make that a

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reality and reduce the number of deaths, then I’ll ensure we participate in this program for many more years to come,” Cathy said. Each year the School holds a lunch time assembly workshop, where students and staff collaborate to assemble around 200 kits. The kits made in 2017 are now in the hands of pregnant women in more than 20 developing countries and will help to reduce the chance of infection. Year 11 student, Madison Parfuss has enjoyed participating in the assembly days each year since joining Camberwell Girls. “It’s such a simple thing to do but it can have such a big impact. I’m hoping that the 200 kits we packed late last year save exactly 200 lives,” Madison said.


Indigenous Education a focus at St Paul’s St Paul’s School, QLD

The unique combination of a Bush Garden and an Aboriginal Science Trail is just one part of a three-year strategic plan to embed Indigenous education into the curriculum at St Paul’s School. The Tuckeroo Bush Garden was planted in 2016 in NAIDOC Week by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students and was officially opened with a special service last year. Many of the plants within the garden are native to the local area, and hold a very special significance. ‘Tuckeroo’ is the Aboriginal name for Cupaniopsis anacardioides which bears orange edible fruit.

an official framework for organisations to support the national reconciliation movement. The process of drafting our School’s RAP was initiated in Term 1 as members of the St Paul’s community met to discuss what a RAP is and reflect on our practices in classroom, School and general public. The committee comprises of our Executive Cultural Captains, Indigenous students, non-Indigenous students, staff and parents who are all interested in promoting equality and recognition across cultures. In addition, we are very fortunate to have Aunty Gina Archer, a local Torres Strait Islander Elder, who has been involved in helping us on our journey around Indigenous Education.

The garden was also a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) project in partnership with Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ). The support of our Science staff and ISQ helped to make this project possible and the School is very thankful for their generous contributions. Established next to the School’s Science Centre, The Tuckeroo Bush Garden’s Aboriginal Science Trail allows students and the community to explore links between Aboriginal science and Western science, celebrate diverse cultures and knowledge, and promote environmental sustainability and connection to Country.

Reconciliation is about promoting equality and recognition across cultures. The things we do every day have the potential to positively contribute to the respectful meeting of cultures in Australia. We look forward to continuing to embed Indigenous Education into the curriculum in meaningful ways and finalising our Reconciliation Plan later this year.

The final phase of the strategic plan is the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for our school. A RAP provides


2. 1. OFFICIALLY OPEN: The Tuckeroo Bush Garden was official opened by St Paul’s Headmaster, Dr Paul Browning, and retired School Council. Chairman, Mrs Heather Walker | 2. PLANNING: St Paul’s students revised other reconciliation policies and documents to help shape their understanding of a Reconciliation Action Plan


All Saints’ Students Engage their Heads, Hearts and Hands to Serve Others All Saints’ College, WA

Fostering future-enabled young people who are capable of transcending life’s many boundaries is the core purpose of Djoowak: The Beyond Boundaries Institute (BBI), launched earlier this year at All Saints’ College. The BBI supports and guides the College in providing a world-leading Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 teaching and learning environment for its students and staff. The Institute aims to explore and implement new and flexible structures and practices for learning that recognise, and are focused on, the diverse student cohort’s interests, abilities, passions and skills. With the College motto in mind - To serve with wisdom and courage - the Institute also recognises that developing students’ capacity to serve and create value for others is central to all it does. One way in which the BBI is enabling students to serve others and engage their heads, hearts and hands is through the College’s Creative Industries program, most specifically the Year 8 course, which focuses on the work of local and global service organisations. Through this program, the students have been learning about the challenges, problems and opportunities faced by some of the College’s Service Learning partners and are in the process of developing innovative solutions to these issues. At the beginning of the project the Year 8s had an opportunity to speak with several current and past students who have previously worked with some of the College’s service partners, including the Disabled Surfers Association, Nulsen Disability Services, Teach Learn Grow, Amana Living, Go Green and the ‘Nine is Mine’ campaign in


St Columba’s School, India. The College also invited senior staff from each of these organisations to visit the Creative Industries’ groups to ‘pitch’ some problems that their organisations wanted to explore, or opportunities and challenges that their clients, staff or volunteers regularly encounter. All Saints’ College Head of Service Learning, The Reverend Timothy Russell said the collaboration with the school’s Service Learning partners was a very valuable experience for the students. “Our Year 8s are now engaging their heads, hearts and hands in creative ways to make a positive difference in the world,” Reverend Russell said. “Through these interactions, our students are not only coming to understand the positive work of our partners, but are being an active part of that work, and beginning to see themselves as change makers in their world. “Alongside the Creative Industries team, and our partners, I am looking forward to seeing the innovation and creation that comes out of this rich learning experience.”

2. 1. LEADING BY EXAMPLE: Year 11 student Dayne Metzner speaks with Year 8 students about his experience as an Amana Living Advocate last year | 2. SERVICE LEARNING: Nulsen Disability Services Coordinator (Partnerships and Communications), Emma Gardiner talks with Year 8 students about the problems, opportunities and challenges faced by the Nulsen organisation

April 2018 ISSUE •


Ordination a celebration at Lindisfarne Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, NSW

Last month, in front of a large congregation of supportive family, friends and community members, The Reverend Chad Rynehart of the Diocese of Grafton was ordained as a priest at the Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School chapel. It was one of the highlights of the school year thus far with guests travelling from far and wide to witness to this momentous occasion. A nervous Reverend Chad stood waiting in the wings trying to soak up the serene sounds from Lindisfarne’s choir and musicians as the community filled the chapel.

“I feel that I still have quite a bit to contribute to Lindisfarne, and I think my strength in ministry will continue to be in some form of chaplaincy rather than parish ministry.”

“I’m not usually one who likes being the centre of attention. However, one of the discussions that Greg Jenks [Dean of the Cathedral in Grafton] guided me through was around my awkwardness with the limelight, and there were some interesting revelations to come out of that. So, while I was still nervous, I wasn’t feeling awkward, and that was great,” Reverend Chad said.

Rev Chad said the students had many questions before the ordination, such as: ‘If you’re becoming a priest, what are you now?’, ‘What do we call you?’, and ‘Are you still Rev Chad or do we have to call you Father?’, but he explained that very little about his role at Lindisfarne would change.

Reverend Chad thanked the family and visitors who had travelled to witness his ordination and said it was “affirming and encouraging” to have a dozen or so clergy from around the diocese there to support him. “One of the stand out moments was when the clergy gathered around and laid their hands on me as Bishop Sarah (Macneil) prayed for me. All of their hands together felt quite heavy, and that made it quite emotional,” he said. Over the past 15 years of his ministry, Reverend Chad had felt happy and content being a deacon but said the priesthood was always something to which he had aspired. “My wife, Rachel, has been a priest for nearly 10 years, and we have complemented each other with the different aspects of our ministries, but it had always been on the radar as a possibility,” he said. As his role of School Chaplain at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School continued to grow and evolve, Reverend Chad explained that there are certain aspects of the priestly ministry that are also required to develop. Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School Principal, Stuart Marquardt spoke of Reverend Chad’s ordination as a celebration and honouring of the place of chaplaincy within the school.

“There will be subtle changes to the way in which I will be able to preside at special school events [but] in terms of day-to-day functioning as chaplain for Lindisfarne, not a lot has changed,” he said. “I am still Rev Chad. I am still the School Chaplain. Rather I have changed as a result of this process. I feel more secure in myself and my ministry to the school, the parish and the community.” For Reverend Chad, it’s all about being that Godly representative of the church to the school community. “Chaplaincy is like being an ambassador to another nation. You do your best to represent the church and carry its message of love and hope to a community beyond the gathered church community.” When speaking of his future aspirations, Rev Chad said ministry vocation was a little different to having a ‘career’. “Your calling and your plans are not your own. It’s a partnership with God, and that requires an openness and fluidity when it comes to planning for the future,” he said. “Lindisfarne continues to be my focus and calling. It’s an exciting time to be a part of an Anglican school, especially in a growing area like the Tweed coast. There’s loads of potential, and I consider myself very fortunate to be a part of the team.”

“We are extremely fortunate to have Rev Chad to guide and support our students, his ministry is critical to their care and wellbeing,” Mr Marquardt said. “I have spoken often of his role as School Chaplain to our whole community, not just the students, but also parents and staff. “To come together as a community on such a special occasion in support of Rev Chad was a wonderful reminder of the positive impact our School Chaplain has daily within our school community.” Reverend Chad said he was humbled by the support from the Lindisfarne school community.


My Philippines Mission Experience Year 12 student Grace Hooper writes a reflection on the 2017 Philippines Mission Experience undertaken by Investigator College, SA. A beautiful morning, filled with peach coloured skies and anticipation, 4:15am at the international terminal. My eyes were heavy and my knees were trembling. Surrounded by waking faces, anxious parents, piles of luggage and stale airport food. I was to board the plane by sunrise. From the air, Cebu looked like any other place. The night sky emphasising the amber street lights, the traffic moving in a swift, elegant motion. Suburbs filled with homes, hundreds of them. The streets wrapping around them in a perplex tangle which somehow, made all the sense in the world. I don’t recall stepping off the plane, but I remember the heat. Even under the starry sky the humidity managed to create a film of curls across my hair, shaping my face. I was travelling in a blur, I didn’t know where I was going, who I was with, what those smells where, what those signs said, but it was incredible. I felt the hot breeze roaring off the streets into my dampened face as I moved through the traffic, not as gracefully as I had anticipated. Nevertheless, I pursued following the crowd to the bus. A bus I wasn’t sure would get me to my destination. I woke to the sound of roosters, all in a sort of community. There were lots of communities here. The heat was severe even in the morning, before the sun had risen to all of its glory. Without the sunshine, Cebu would be a very dark place. By dawn I had my old out of date shoes laced, sunscreen on, ready for what was ahead of me. I thought I was ready. The world around me had changed since last night. The streets didn’t flow, the street lights which had shone the night before were now nothing but tangled electrical wires, dangerously exposed, the homes were not homes. Cebu took a piece of my heart that day as I ventured further within it, the smell permanently on my skin, the visions of what I’d seen behind every shut eyelid, from then until forever. I had realised where I truly was, it was clear now. I stepped onto the ground of the new world around me, the dampness of the road caking my shoes. With every step breaking the structure and lifting a new piece of debris to the surface. I can only imagine what has travelled along this road. The putrid smell consuming me, swallowing me whole as I venture deeper within the relentless towers of rubbish, never ending. Completely breathtaken, standing bewildered in the centre of a rubbish dump, surrounded by people but somehow managing to feel completely alone. Homes no more than a thick slab of clay, walls barely upright. Faces peering out to get a glimpse of who was approaching, I think they could see the fear in my eyes. I fought to keep my eyes away from the faces, as I felt I was invading their space, their own place in the world. But my focus kept drawing back to them. I greeted those who ventured out of their homes with a smile, an unsettling feeling grew inside of me. Why was I here? What was I doing walking around as if I owe something to this community, to shower them in pity and commiseration?

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The faces of the children were not just faces, there were stories behind each of their kind smiles, stories I imagine were not as kind. Their souls, reaching out from within and wrapping themselves around me, gently. The contrast between our skins mesmerised them as they stared into my pale eyes, seeking to determine our differences through touch. Wrapped around my limbs like weights pulling me towards the earth, the effort to stay upright was harder than ever before. Discovery through affection was as foreign a concept to me, brushing their noses against my own to show the difference in shape, poking my eyes, gripping my skin. As if they were trying to steal my soul and connect it with their own, I gave it to them willingly. One pair of little feet that followed my own. Small hands that gripped with no sign of letting go. Fingers wrapped around my thumb, leaving it dirty. No words were exchanged; they didn’t need to be. In a world so consumed by constant communication, the concept of speaking served no purpose. Not when his eyes had the ability to tell me everything I needed to know, to let me into his world. The way he showed me affection, gently holding my skin, trying to understand who I was. Watching his smile overcome uncertainty and welcome the idea of comfort. Gripping his ragged clothes, too small even for his weightless body. Shoes 3 sizes too big, slipping as I held him. Trailing behind as I had to leave, skipping over the plastic embedded in the earth. Never to escape the dreaded smell, the slabs of clay, clothes covered in grime, permanently stained by the world he’s living in. Eventually it was time for me to leave his world, to go back to my own reality. A reality that should be so comforting, a place that should take the unsettling feeling out of my stomach and put my heart at ease. High in the sky once again, as if I had never hit the ground, I remembered the faces and the eyes that told so many stories. I wished I could reach below the clouds and feel the way I did when I held them. I will always hold immense gratitude for the lessons that Cebu showed me, through the eyes of its people. For showing me that everything I have, everything I will ever have, is precious.

LESSONS FROM CEBU: The Investigator College team with staff from mission partner International Gospel Centre




Trinity College Students Embrace Spirit of Place By Mrs Deborah Russell, Senior Art Teacher, Trinity College, SA

Year 11 Art students from Trinity College recently undertook an exciting and challenging sculpture task that was inspired by an excursion to the College’s environmental campus at Blackham. During a visit to the site, while students were immersed in the environment, they were asked to sketch or photograph elements of the natural flora they found there. Back in the classroom the students were then tasked to rework the images they had captured into designs they would then carve into blocks of either Angaston Limestone or Hebel. Sculptures produced by students’ depicted imagery relating to rocks, water, ant nests, plants and the general bush ambience that they experienced during their initial excursion.

On completion, Kaurna elder Mr Frank Wanganeen visited the classroom and heard first hand from students about their work and the inspiration behind their individual pieces. He then visited Blackham to arrange the sculptures into a permanent installation at the site that beautifully reflects the original idea of Spirit of Place that was the inspiration for the project. It is learning activities like this that provide opportunities for students to learn about the art and culture of Australia’s first people and these lessons allow us all to move closer to reconciliation.





1. CAREFUL CRAFTING: A Year 11 student chisels away at a delicate block of hebel to replicate the bark patterns found on trees at the Blackham Conservation site | 2. DESIGN: Year 11 student Jenna Frankham describes her layered hebel carving of the landscape at Blackham to Kaurna elder, Frank Wanganeen | 3. KAURNA ELDER: Mr Frank Wanganeen arranging the finished sculptures at an appropriate setting on the Blackham bush campus | 4. CARVING: Blackham flora growth patterns carved from Angaston Limestone

April 2018 ISSUE •


Sydney students bridge ‘The Gap’ William Clarke College, NSW

On Wednesday 7 March, almost 250 students descended on William Clarke College for the bi-annual ‘The Gap’ event. ‘The Gap’ is a student-led event which aims to ‘bridge the gap’ between Christian students from schools across the north-west Sydney region. It has run for a number of years - organised by senior students at William Clarke College. It is a great opportunity for students to come together, meet other Christians and encourage each other in their faith. Together students praise God, study the bible and glorify His name as a community. This event didn’t disappoint, with great music, time for prayer, an engaging speaker and a BBQ dinner. There was also opportunity at this event for students to support Take Love, a youth initiative that aims to provide practical ways for young people to get involved in Anglicare’s frontline work. Josh Mann, William Clarke College alumnus and now the Assistant Chaplain at Arndell Anglican College, spoke to students on the theme of “Unshaken”. From Psalm 62 he reminded them that we live in an uncertain world, that we are in need, and that we can be unshaken when we belong to God’s Unshakable Kingdom. It was a great event and the College is grateful to the many students and staff members who gave of their time to make this wonderful night happen. We look forward to the next ‘The Gap’ event later in the year!





1. GATHERING: Students get together prior to the event | 2. TUCKER TIME: Year 12 students serving food to attendees | 3. GUEST SPEAKER: Josh Mann addresses the c



crowd | 4. WORSHIP: The event gets underway with a time of worship | 5. WARM WELCOME: Hayley and Karen welcoming students to the event

April 2018 ISSUE •


A Camp of Christian Fellowship By Chantelle Blackwell, Captain of Christian Fellowship, St Paul’s Grammar School, NSW

From the 10th to the 12th of February, students from the Secondary School at St Paul’s Grammar School were invited to spend the weekend at the Winmalee Christian Conference Centre to open God’s word, share stories, pray and spend time discussing the challenges of Paul’s letters. With a buzz of over 50 students in attendance, it was an exhilarating time of questioning, praising God and learning. The theme of the weekend was SPIRITUAL GROWTH, as one’s relationship with God is a journey as they continue to learn and strengthen in their understanding. Surrounding the theme, a series of talks were given by Leigh, a friend of Mr Grady, the School Chaplain at St Paul’s, whom he met when studying together at Bible College. Leigh took the students on a voyage through Philippians with three talks exploring; who Jesus is and the significance of his death and resurrection, the importance in preaching the Gospel in our lives and to everyone around, and the impact of Jesus on our minds and lives as we are transformed by the realisation of God’s unfathomable love. Leigh used the depiction of a stone for every one sin a person commits to illustrate the weight of humanities’ sin that Jesus carried on the cross. Leigh asked the students to imagine Jesus picking up a stone for every sin each of us has committed equating to the size of mountains, then, every human on Earth has committed comparing the scope of human sin alike to the magnitude of the planets in our Solar

“I was challenged in ways that allowed me to question how far I would go to share my love for the gospel. This was the first year I have attended a Cru Camp, and I am so pleased to say I enjoyed every second of it…” Zali-Ane Humphreys Year 10

System! Yet through God’s endless love and incomprehensible grace, he punished his Son, Jesus on the cross, to become the sacrifice for all mankind, past, present and future. Initiated by an ex-St Paul’s student, Sarah Newman, in 2013, the camp is designed and run by students, with students in Years 11 and 12 directing an abundance of games, worship/band sessions,


and leading discussion groups to deepen in our relationships with students across all grades, bound together in the hope we have in Jesus. Philippians 1:9-10 Paul says; “And this is my prayer: that your love may be bound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” I pray that those of you who question the Bible, continue to do so. Critique, analyse and ask, for if you don’t ask you will never know. I pray for those whom have been challenged by God’s word, that you realise God’s love that is as deep as oceans and that He is merciful, for He yearns to wrap his arms around you. Further for those of you whom have chosen to commit your lives to following Christ, I pray that we will live by the spirit and also walk by the spirit, seeking to preach the word and preserve, encouraging one another until we are received by God.

“I especially enjoyed my discussion group, because I was able to become friends with girls from other grades and share my thoughts on the talks with them…” Alex Bishop Year 10

Thank you to all the students who were able to attend, to Mr Grady for making the weekend possible, to Miss Sharpe for sharing her Testimony, to Campbell Barnes for his help in the band and guidance over the weekend, for the Winmalee Centre staff in preparing food and allowing us to use your beautiful venue; and of course to Steven Cullen, Simon Hoffman, Hannah Heath, Amy Sheffield, Kalista Plumber, Sophie Brooker and Cameron Jeffery for your joyful hearts and willingness to serve, you are all such an encouraging bunch and I’m so thankful for God in crossing our paths!

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Service in Action in Cambodia St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School, WA

Students and staff from St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School and Christ Church Grammar School have been travelling to Phnom Penh on a service learning trip since 2013. Twelve students from each school are selected through a rigorous application and interview process to immerse themselves in the extensive education and community building programmes of the Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF). Students and staff begin their odyssey with a trip to S-21 or Toul Sleng Prison followed by Choeung Ek or one of the Killing Fields sites. As grim as this day is, it provides the group with a context to Cambodia’s recent struggles and is transformed once they meet the children and staff of the CCF. For the next ten days, the pilgrims from Perth give themselves to teaching, coaching, playing, feeding, clothing, dancing and learning from the amazingly resilient and hope-filled people whose grim lives are being transformed by the gift of education, respect, leadership and love. It has been said that literacy, numeracy and IT skills are the three ways out of poverty and students from well-resourced Australian schools are highly skilled in all three areas. It is important to note that each year, the group raises money for the CCF’s educational programmes and offers gifts of laptops, iPads, books, stationery, toys and a host of other much appreciated resources. There are many highlights of the trip including: meeting Scott Neeson and hearing about his life of selfless philanthropy; getting to know small groups of children and sharing hopes and dreams; and meeting

the grannies – older women who survived the Pol Pot genocide only to lose everything and everyone but who are now a repository of wisdom for the CCF. Students also enjoy going out to villages with the CCF teenage leaders to measure up little feet and hand out free pairs of Tom’s shoes to state school children; learning traditional Khmer dances that are performed in costume at a final night concert staged in the participants’ honour; and hearing the stories of the graduates and young adult volunteers who are highly motivated to choose careers that advance their families, communities and society rather than themselves. Students take time each evening to reflect upon their own lives and what they might do with this life changing experience in the future. Plans are well underway for the 2018 Cambodia Service in Action Trip, as the relationship between the CCF and the two schools continues to grow. It is most encouraging to see the development of the students, teachers, resources, programmes and buildings at the CCF as we return year after year. For all those involved in service learning programmes, it is an opportunity to develop trust, meaningful longterm relationships, and reflect upon this wonderful experience.

HELPING HAND: A St Mary’s student in action working with the Cambodian Children’s Fund



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New Ambassadors ready to launch By Jeremy Cookson, Partnerships Manager, Anglicare WA

A record 70 students from twelve Anglican schools gathered at the Wollaston Conference Centre in Mount Claremont in February, for an induction into and launch of the 2018 Anglicare WA School Ambassadors’ Program. Each ambassador is a high achieving Year 10 or 11 student, and appointed by their school to represent Anglicare WA in their communities throughout this year. ‘Ambassador’ lapel pins help promote the role.

encouragement, and had particular praise for Anglicare WA, the values it represents, work it undertakes, and its place more broadly in the Anglican community.

The program works to familiarise students with the work of Anglicare WA, with a particular focus on youth homelessness and Street Connect service which operates in the CBD. Street Connect is Perth’s only mobile outreach for young homeless people and works with 15 to 25 year olds. It receives no government funding, relying solely on public donations and fund raising.

After this welcome, students learned about some of the things they would be involved in through the year, including sorting clothes and bric-a-brac at Anglicare Op Shops, and the unique ‘schools sleep out’ in midwinter, where the ‘lived’ experience of homelessness would become a reality with a chilly night at NIB oval. The Right Reverend Jeremy James, Assistant Bishop of Perth, then wrapped up formalities with a prayer of humility and thanksgiving.

As such, one of the key tasks of Ambassadors is raise funds for Street Connect through their school and local communities by using their initiative, and the advice of Ambassadors from previous years. However, this task and experience also has the effect of raising awareness around homeless youth, helping to educate today’s communities and tomorrow’s leaders. The program also helps to embed an understanding of social justice and helps promote knowledge of Anglicare WA’s role, purpose and services more broadly. Students were welcomed by Father Mark McCracken, who helped set the scene by speaking directly to the Christian ethos of the Ambassadors’ Program, and offered a prayer of goodwill and strength for those undertaking it. CEO for the Anglican Schools Commission, The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM, was then kind enough to say a few words of

While Street Connect is essentially a counselling and referral service, the Street Connect bus is the more visible aspect of this Anglicare WA outreach, and was on hand at the launch. Students were able to clamber on board, learn about the facility and speak to youth workers present. The bus is often the only safe haven for many young people and can help with food, water and health supplies. Youth workers deal closely with each client, building confidence and linking them to much needed services. The launch allowed all Ambassadors for 2018 to meet and mingle across the schools and they can stay in touch through the Ambassadors’ blog as the year progresses. Anglicare WA is delighted to be working alongside these dedicated students and wishes them well in fund raising, consciousness raising and their learning adventures through 2018.

LAUNCH EVENT: The new Anglicare WA Ambassadors for 2018 gather in front of the Street Connect bus


Days for Girls By Belinda Kranjcic, Camberwell Girls Grammar School, VIC

When Liss Campbell, Head of Service Learning at Camberwell Girls Grammar School discovered the organisation Days for Girls, she was instantly moved to learn how many girls and women were living without a hygienic and convenient way to deal with their periods and the impact that this was having on their lives. Days for Girls is an international charity that makes feminine hygiene kits and distributes them across the world. Its vision is for every girl and woman to have ready access to feminine hygiene by 2024. “It never entered my mind that this could even be an issue,” Liss said. “Girls and women without access to sanitary products use mattress stuffing, leaves and basically anything they can find during menstruation, making them uncomfortable, at risk of disease and infection, and they often miss days of school. It truly is a vicious cycle. “They drop out of school, get married at a young age, have children at a young age and then the whole cycle starts over again with the next generation. “Not only do these kits provide young girls with access to a feminine hygiene solution, they also allow girls to stay in school and receive an education when they have their period - a basic right.” Liss linked the School up with the Camberwell branch of Days for Girls in early 2017 and this partnership is proving very rewarding. Using the School’s new MakerSpace, already two day-long workshops have taken place, where students and staff from the School work collaboratively with volunteers from the Camberwell branch of Days for Girls to make all the individual components of the kits.

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These workshops are followed by packing days, where the volunteers return to the School and together with the staff and students they pack the kits ready for distribution. To top it off, a portion of the kits made are then taken to Cambodia on the School’s annual Service Learning Immersion Trip. Once there, Camberwell students and staff distribute them to girls and women in need in Cambodia. Each kit is made of brightly patterned fabric so they don’t look like sanitary items when drying outside on a line. Service Learning Captain, Isabella Neilson has been involved in both of the production days and even travelled to Cambodia in 2017 to distribute the kits. “In some communities, the girls can’t even sleep in the house. They are not allowed inside for five days whilst they have their period. This really hit home with me. It’s such a barrier and it just doesn’t need to be. I’m so glad that I was able to help girls and women with something that should just be a natural part of their life,” Isabella said. To date, Days for Girls has reached over 800,000 women and girls in over 110 countries. It can reach everybody with continued help and support.


New Centre a Blessing for Early Learners Peter Carnley Anglican Community School, WA

At the beginning of 2017, Peter Carnley Anglican Community School opened a modern Early Learning Centre, our ‘Calista Campus’ which was a clever refurbishment of a previous Church building. With spacious and open classrooms modified for Kindergarten to Year 1 students, a multi-purpose auditorium and established Nature Play paths and playgrounds, the Early Learning Centre was a welcome addition to our growing school. On Friday 16 March, we were fortunate enough to welcome The Most Reverend Kay Goldsworthy AO, Archbishop of Perth, to bless and dedicate our new Calista Campus. Earlier in the year, Archbishop Goldsworthy had made history in Perth by becoming the world’s first female Anglican Archbishop. It was a privilege to have her visit our campus. Joined by special guests, Anglican Schools Commission Board Chair Barbara Godwin OAM, School Council Chair Jeremy Ludlow, Foundation Chair and House Patron Keith Lindbeck and Anglican Schools Commission The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM, the staff and students enjoyed listening about the establishment of their new Campus.

Archbishop Goldsworthy made the dedication with a sign on the ground of the auditorium explaining the significance to the students: “I am going to make a blessing for this whole school, you won’t see it when you come in, but you will know that it is here, every single time you come in. I am going to make a sign of the cross, because that reminds us of Jesus, and then I am going to put two letters, an A at the top which is the beginning of all things and a symbol at the bottom, the Omega, which means the end, so the beginning and end.” As she walked up to the stage, she suddenly turned to the students and asked: “Do you know it’s there?” After resounding nods from the students, she smiled and said; “Excellent, this is God wanting to be our friend.” It was a special service, with our Children’s choir filling the room with a beautiful rendition of Instrument of Peace and the entire room participating in If I were a butterfly, which lit the room up with excitement and enthusiastic dancing.



3. 1. NEW HOME: Students join in the service for the blessing and dedication of the new Early Learning Centre | 2. Peter Carnley Principal Felicity House (centre) with, from left, St Mark’s Anglican Community School Principal Cameron Herbert, Anglican Schools Commission Anglican Schools Commission CEO The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM, St Mark’s Anglican Community School Chair Simon Green and Swan Valley Anglican Community School Principal Melissa Powell | 3. BLESSING: Archbishop Goldsworthy making a sign of the cross to bless the new campus


Ordinations a special occasion for Shore By David Anderson, Shore School – Sydney Church of England Grammar School, NSW

St Andrew’s Cathedral was packed to capacity for the Ordination of twenty-seven men and women as Deacons of the church. Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies officiated at the Service which had special significance for Shore School, North Sydney. Jeremy Morris (Old Boy of the School), Anthony Weiss (teacher at Shore and presently on leave from the School) and Chris White (Christian Studies teacher at Shore) were ordained. Considering Archbishop Davies is also an Old Boy of the School, the Ordination was enthusiastically supported by Dr Timothy Wright, Headmaster of Shore, together with many staff, family and friends. Jeremy Morris is presently in the ministry at St Bede’s Church Drummoyne, Antony Weiss is on the team at Christ Church St Laurence and Chaplain of St Paul’s College, Sydney University and Chris White is teaching at Shore. A wonderful day to remember and a very exciting time for the new Deacons of the church.

SPECIAL SERVICE: Supporters gather around Archbishop Glenn Davies, Antony Weiss and Chris White

WestMAC welcomes Mother Julie West Moreton Anglican College, QLD

Bubbles and a specially adapted song have featured at the commissioning service for new West Moreton Anglican College (WestMAC) College Chaplain, The Reverend Julie Craig-Leaves. The service was held at the College Chapel on Wednesday 24 January, by The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Bishop for the Western Region Anglican Church Southern Queensland. Bishop Venables welcomed Mother Julie by performing a specially adapted version of Michael Rosenberg’s Scare Away the Dark. The song’s lyrics include: Sing at the top of your voice Love without fear in your heart Feel like you still have a choice If we all light up we can scare away the dark. Bishop Venables also sang the praises of Mother Julie saying she has a deep love for God and would share that love with the WestMAC community in her prayers and actions. Mother Julie responded by

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blowing bubbles to represent her prayers for each member of the College community. She said she was thrilled to be starting this new chapter of her life and to be welcomed into the WestMAC family with such a beautiful commissioning. Her prayer for each of the staff, students and parents was the verse of Bishop Cameron’s song, “Sing at the top of your voice; love without fear in your heart”. Explaining the important role of the College Chaplain, Bishop Venables said Mother Julie would pray for and with staff, students and parents; care for each individual in the community; and teach about God and the scriptures. Principal Geoff McLay warmly welcomed Mother Julie, saying she marked a new beginning in the life of the College.

NEW ADDITION: The Reverend Julie Craig-Leaves at her commissioning service


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