EVERY ISSUE Commodore's Report House Report Regatta Matters Centreboard Matters General Manager Security and Safety Membership Our Members Ladies Luncheon Group Sailability Sailing Academy Sponsorship Directory
03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 1 1 30 50
Power Torque Cruising Section Division 2 Ocean Racing Red Witch Report Vipers Space Sailor 27 Pelicans Laser Report Optimists Herreshoff Hill News Flying Fifteens
24 26 28 32 36 38 42 44 46 48 40 52
SPECIAL FEATURES Cruising Butterflies 16 Billy Run 18 New Members Cocktail Party 22 Grand Sponsor Boat Trip 56
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2018/2019 COMMODORE Phil Warwick VICE COMMODORE David Barton REAR COMMODORE REGATTA Ralph Newton REAR COMMODORE CENTREBOARD Mat Selby Hon. Treasurer Bradley Abbott MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Justin Taylor Chair, Pen & Moorings Wayne Marshall Chair, Membership Michael Coote Chair, Training & Development David Luketina Chair, Works Elspeth Hensler Chair, Functions Phil Draber Chair, Security and Safety Cally Browning Chair, Sponsorship PATRON Frank Johnson VICE PATRONS Dean Nalder MLA, Russell Aubrey, John Forde BEM, Colin Cowden
South of Perth Yacht Club Coffee Point Applecross WA 6153 32.00.13 S 115.50.73 E 08 9364 5844 Office hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm General Manager David Harries Secretary and Pens & Moorings Alison Wilson Receptionist Claire Jameson Finance & Administration Manager Sharon Caspersz Assistant Accountant Lydia Taylor / Sara Leal Membership, Sponsorship & Publications Lynda Mackillican Membership Administration/Function Co-ordinator Helen Abel Food and Beverage Manager Fiona Whife Sailing Development Officer Mikael Lundh Head Coach Tessa Parkinson On Water Group Administration Fiona Henderson Sailing Administrator Scott Nunn Power Administrator Bernie Kaaks Soundings Magazine is the quarterly magazine of the South of Perth Yacht Club. Published by: South of Perth Yacht Club Design and Layout: Lynda Mackillican Printed by: Scott Print Copyright: All material appearing in “Soundings” is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without written permission from the publisher. Indemnity: Advertisers and Advertising Agents shall indemnify the Publisher against any claims or action arising out of the publication of any material supplied for publication. With the exception of statements made by authorised Officers, all other statements and opinions in this publication are those of contributors and advertisers. South of Perth Yacht Club, its Management Committee and members accept no responsibility for statements made by unauthorised persons
Advertising and article submission deadline for the next issue of Soundings is 11 July 2018 2
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
COMMODORE’S REPORT Phil Warwick Commodore
am extremely proud to have been on the water to congratulate the South of Perth’s latest World Champions following the conclusion of the 2018 World Viper Championships. This hotly contested world class event was held on our local Perth waters with many high quality entrants from overseas and around Australia, with a total of 5 Nations represented. Our own Nick Jerwood, Matt Jerwood and Brian de Vries have now deservedly earned the title of 2018 Viper World Champions and they were duly presented with the magnificent Viper Trophy, which is certainly something to behold.
This event was long in the planning and was executed to world class standards by the SoPYC Volunteers, Staff, Members and visiting Officials. This event was a true example of professionalism and regatta organisation to a world standard and something we can all be proud of. Congratulations to all the South of Perth sailors who participated; you have certainly done us proud and demonstrated why Western Australia is a major force to be reckoned with in World Sailing. Over the Easter Period, the Club also conducted the National Flying 15 Titles. SoPYC sailors again figured extremely well in the results, especially Nick and Janet Jerwood winning yet another National Title. SoPYC can be very proud of our overall performance in another hotly
contested National event. Our sailors continue to excel in State, National and International events which is very rewarding and is as a result of the excellent coaching and support we are able to provide to all our sailors. As the main Sailing season comes to a close I look forward to seeing everybody at the respective Prize Nights and celebrating with the winners for another great season of sailing. With winter drawing ever closer we will be heading into another hotly contested season of Power Time Trialling, with everybody chasing the weekly trophies and ultimately the coveted 400 & 401 titles. For all skippers, I hear on the grapevine that one of the main contenders for 400 is taking a lengthy holiday that may very well make it extremely difficult for the boat to qualify, but I am sure that there are plenty of well qualified hopefuls sitting in the wings waiting to snatch the main prize. It was very rewarding again this year for the Club to host the annual Cruising Butterflies. The event was incredibly well organised by the Cruising Section supported by our generous Sponsors, Club Staff, Food and Beverage staff, Members and the many volunteers who all provided their time and boats to support this amazing day. It is important that the Club members continue to support this wonderful community event. In closing I would like to remind members that the Club has an overall Operational Structure which consists of our Strategic Plan and Operational Plan for both our House Committee and an updated Operational Plan for the On Water Group. These Plans were developed to provide clarity to Members and to assist Committee Members in the operation of these two key areas of the Club. I urge all new Members and existing Members to update themselves with their contents. These documents are vital to the effective operation of the Club and its' Committee structure and are available in the Members Portal area of the Club’s website. They can also be viewed upon request at the On Water Group Office. I look forward to seeing you on the water. Regards, Phil Warwick Commodore
HOUSE REPORT David Barton Vice Commodore
s the summer season closes after a very successful summer of sport around the club, we set our sights on the winter activities and the
power season. It is great to see that even as the weather gets colder the sporting side continues and I wish all power boat owners a successful time trial season, and to hearty rag sailors who brave the elements for the IGA Frostbite series, whether keelboat or off the beach. All the best and may you all find great comradeship through your chosen sport within the club. The club grounds are looking superb, and my compliments to the Bosuns on the fine job they are doing to keep the grounds looking immaculate. The hardstand area is working well, and the Works Committee is working on improvements to make the facility even better. Membership and membership growth are still very important areas of any club and our club is no exception. The House Committee is interested in looking at any ideas that members may have to make our membership strong. We are a water-based organisation and is it time we started to look outside the square at other types of activities such as a radio controlled boating section or an angling section etc. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please either
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
contact myself or Wayne Marshall the membership chair, and we will investigate further and look at developing your ideas, as this is your club and it is your ideas that will drive us forward. The Food and Beverage team still are performing at a fantastic level and with an enthusiastic Functions Committee, are developing a number of new ideas and activities for your continued enjoyment of the club. I ask that you support them and attend the functions they work so hard on for you. The Sponsorship Committee is doing a great job also, and our Grand Sponsor numbers are increasing. It was great to see so many take advantage of a river trip just recently on members' boats to watch a heat of the Little Wheel Match Racing Regatta, and at the same time network with each other. My thanks go out to all involved, especially those members who generously donated their time and boats for the function. Social members also are a very big part and important part of our club, and we would appreciate feedback from social members as to what would enhance their experience at South of Perth Yacht Club. There are already a number of areas where social members can get involved as volunteers around the club, and we would appreciate suggestions on other activity areas you may have also that could possibly be incorporated to strengthen our club. To all our volunteers, thank you and keep up the good work.
David Barton Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore Regatta
y the time you are reading this edition of ‘Soundings’, our sailing season will have finished and the Power Season will be well under way. Our regular Saturday and Wednesday racing have been be well attended, and remain very competitive with good fleet sizes. Our On-Water-Group have been involved in the very successful 2018 Schweppes Viper 640 World Championship together with the Australian and WA Viper640 Class Association. 25 boats competed. On a state level the Club has been the Organising Authority for the 57th Flying Fifteen State Championship with 34 boats and we thank the main sponsor Gemmill Homes for partnering in that regatta. The 2018 Laser State Championship had 60 boats competing. On a club level, we have resurrected the Little Wheel Regatta together with our partner Schweppes. Without the strong support of Schweppes and other great partners we couldn’t run these high caliber events. This year we are trying something different with staging the ‘Billy Run’ down to Rockingham where we will be working with TCYC to help us finish the race, provide moorings and their galley services. The journey down to Rockingham is so much shorter, safer and welcoming than the previous destination of Rottnest. We hope this change will strengthen the event because we want to have a strong Billy Run. For those wooden boat fans (or tragic’s?) we encouraged as many of our wooden yachts to compete in the Swan River Retro Series Race 6 at RFBYC, and managed to get high numbers to exchange their regular Consistency Race on the preceding Saturday, for a Sunday Consistency, along with about 40 old classics and gaffers from other River Clubs. Notably, our Master Shipwright, Ian Weaver, even brought his wooden yacht up from Rockingham to compete. I am told that the post-race drinks and eats were very well received by our members as they sat and admired the vista from the RFBYC lawns. My yacht, Eun-Na-Mara, also
competed, and was ‘in the mix’ until eyesight differences between the crew caused them to sail off to Mosman Bay and leave the field to win by themselves. I have finally shown my face at our Club for the end-ofseason BBQ for the Sailability participants and volunteers held this past Wednesday 11th April. Well Done Liz Warman and your team of 30+ volunteers, who look after around 20 disabled folk, and their carers and making it possible for the disabled to go for a yacht and enjoy a very different experience. Sailability have welcomed the services of The Little Ferry Company who have donated their wonderful electric powered ferry and their staff on many Wednesdays to take our disabled and their carers onto the river for a cruise. The skipper of the ferry is ‘our own’ Mark Loader, a past prominent sailing member at SoPYC. The Little Ferry Company have also agreed to sponsor our “T-Bone Award” every Saturday during the summer season. Another great partner, thanks. A new form of activity is now apparent at our Club, as those “4xx” numbers get cable tied to the many power yachts who vigorously fight out the Time Trialling Season. The Power Season kicks off with their Pre-Season Cocktail Party on the 27th April. This is a date not to be missed, as these guys really know how to have some fun. If you have a boat with a motor (yes, even yachts are welcome) then maybe you should dust off the apathy and get involved and get out there to compete and enjoy the social comradery afterwards. Now a certified member of the ‘Zipper Club’ with our Vice Commodore, I welcome both Rob Male (Sailing Vice Captain) and Craig Balmer (H28 crew and Sailability skipper) into the zipper club. Finally, our signature ocean racing event, the 50th Fremantle to Geraldton race is still scheduled for October, so not too long to go. The tragic accident during the Bunbury Return Race is weighing on the minds of many sailors and as organiser’s we will address these issues and take a very close look at our risk management. Of particular note, The CYCA has approved our event as a pre-qualifier for the Sydney to Hobart Classic.
Ralph Newton Rear Commodore Regatta
Rear Commodore Centreboard
i and welcome to this edition of Soundings. It has been a busy time as you will have seen from all the information that has been sent out via Coffee Pointers, since our last edition. It has been busy with me, on numerous fronts, given that the other Rear Commodore has been resting up and I have been crossing over into regatta activities as well. Ralph will be back on deck in late April. The season has now concluded and well done to all those people who have competed during the season. Planning is already underway for the new season, so if you have any feedback from the current season or suggestions for the upcoming season, then please feel free to drop your fleet representative, Centreboard Captain, the On Water Group or myself a line. The club recently was recently presented with the trophy from the winning skipper of the Youth Cup, which was hosted by South of Perth Yacht Club. Congratulations to Conor Nicholas and his team for representing us so well and returning the trophy back to South of Perth Yacht Club. It was a long time ago that we, as a club, won the Foundation Youth Cup. We are back in the foiling game and of course we hope to see more foiling boats at the Club again. Conor Nicholas, now sailing with Hayley Clark in the foiling Nacra 17 are
continuing to be at the pointy end of sailing, recently Conor launched his foiling Nacra 17 off the beach from the club with Alex Landwehr of Redline Racing. Conor is proudly boasting that they went from Smith Luckies near Attadale to Dolphin West (I think) in 3 and a half minutes…..that’s extreme sailing to say the least, well over 25 knots. Keep going Conor. We have had successes in both the Nacra 15 and the Nacra 17 classes since their inclusion in the Youth and adult performance pathway. Lachy Gilham is training hard in the Finn, our 29ers are gaining momentum, and we have seen 4 boats training. Our Laser sailors keep sailing hard and fast. It is all just good work and very pleasing to see. Over the weekend of 13-15 April, representatives from both the keelboat and centreboard areas, competed in 4 sessions of the Inter-club series, hosted by RPYC. The teams were Veterans, Ladies, and two open teams. The club finished third overall, which was a great effort. Well done to all the team members for representing the club. Thanks to One Sails for the shirts. Lastly, thanks to all of our volunteers who have given up their valuable time to assist the centreboard section over the past year and please remember that for a lot of us sailing never stops. Without all of you we couldn’t do what we love to do, which is to go sailing. See you at the Centreboard Prize Night for a fun filled evening.
Mat Selby Rear Commodore Centreboards
GENERAL MANAGER David Harries General Manager
Club Meetings
ach year the Club conducts two important General meetings of members, one in April which is called the Half Yearly and must be conducted by April 30 each year and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members which is conducted on the first Wednesday of September. Each meeting has a purpose. The Half Yearly is the meeting of Members to receive the recommendation of the Management Committee for the subscriptions and fees for the forthcoming financial year – 1 July to 30 June. The Treasurer also presents a financial report on the performance of the Club during the past nine months and the forecast of the year-end result. Importantly, the Treasurer presents to members the annual operating budget and the capital expenditure for the coming financial year. The AGM is the time of year that Members elect, through a formal “ballot box” process on the night of the AGM or submitting a postal vote should a member be away from Perth, the Flag Officers, Treasurer and Management Committee should there be more nominations
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
for the roles than vacancies. Members also vote upon the recommendation for Club Patron and Vice Patrons and Auditor. From time-to-time, a nomination for Life Membership is presented to members. At the conclusion of the meetings, the Commodore ‘rings the bell’ and members are invited to join him for a drink and finger food after the meeting. It also provides the opportunity to chat with Officer’s, Management Committee, section captains, General Manager and other members. Meetings have been one of the highlights of the calendar and are an opportunity to ask question about the club and future plans that the committees may have about the direction of the Club and the Strategic Plan, and operating plans that guide the Club’s direction for the next few years. Regrettably, over the last few years attendance numbers at these important meetings are falling and we are struggling to get the requisite 50 members that establishes a quorum of members to proceed with the meetings without applying the stop-gaps in the Constitution that enable a meeting to proceed. In the last two years, as a result in the modernisation of the Incorporated Association Act, all members of SoPYC, irrespective of their membership category, may attend meetings although, it is still a requisite that voting members only may vote. It is much preferred that Members attend the annual meetings so the Committee can inform members about the Club and it is important that members hear, at first hand,
General Manager continued...
what is being done to keep SoPYC a successful and vibrant Club. I encourage Members to attend these meetings and office staff are very happy to explain the protocols of meetings and inform members further.
Australian Sailing Silver Card Membership Insurance As part of the benefits of club membership, Australian Sailing provide a personal injury insurance scheme for all financial (registered) members of the Club. The insurance scheme is automatic and is in place for members who may not have received assistance under personal insurance or their skippers insurance. All this is included by being a financial rather than non-member of the Club and assists members sailing in Club organised events and on the premises of our Club and Clubs that members may be visiting at regattas and events. The policy covers such things as physiotherapy, student tutorial costs, domestic help, dental, loss of income, broken bones and, at the extreme of the spectrum, death and permanent disablement and funeral cover. Unfortunately, unfinancial crew aboard yachts and power boats are ineligible for the cover offered by Australian Sailing. In the event of an injury that may need medical or financial support to meet any of the items mentioned above, it is the Liability Insurance of the boat owner that will be required to offset out of pocket medical expenses. For more information about the Australian Sailing insurance scheme this link will assist: ya_number/
Jetty Fixtures and Fastenings From time-to-time members should be reminded of the policies and practices of the Club. In this issue I would like to address jetty fixtures and fastenings to jetty walkways and fingers. Members wishing to have any improvements made to the pens that they occupy must first and foremost have written consent to make the improvement and ensure that the improvements are compliant with SoPYC requirements prior to attaching any fixtures or fittings to the walkway or additional fittings to the fingers. This requirement is stipulated under Bylaw 8.12.2. Members who do not have written approval for fender additions, fixtures or fittings may have the inappropriate/ unapproved fixtures and fittings removed from the pen and any damage to the structure may be repaired at the cost of the member. For the purposes of clarity, the definition of a fixture or fitting is an item that is screwed, bolted or glued to the jetty walkway or pen finger. Fixtures and fittings must be installed in such a way as to protect the Club’s assets and minimise corrosion and electrolysis. Whether fitted by the member or a contractor the Club will stipulate the method and means of attaching fixtures and fittings to the jetties prior to additions being commenced. New fendering or additional fendering must be uniform with existing fendering on the jetties. Dock wheels, hose upstands, rope supports and any other fittings must have corrosion protection systems in place that minimise
corrosion causing properties including rust. This is the case for all jetty materials – concrete, aluminium or timber. Under no circumstances shall any screws or other fastenings or fixtures be attached to the pile sleeves as this will negate the pile sleeve purpose of removing oxygen from the water between the steel pile and sleeve to minimise corrosion and maintain the design life of the steel pile. For safety reasons no items may be screwed to the aluminium service plates that run down the floating jetties. It is essential that members recognise that the plates on the jetties cover service ducts which carry 240v electrical cables and water. These services lie between 10mm and 50mm beneath the aluminium plates and should screws or any other fastening that penetrates the aluminium be used to fasten an item to the plates, members run the risk of injuring themselves or disrupting jetty services. All additional fixtures are installed at the members’ cost and become property of the Club. When member’s vacate or change pens, the rubber “D” fendering and any improvements must remain attached to the pen. Should the club have to replace fixtures which have been removed by a member, the costs of replacement will be charged back to the member who occupied the pen. For further information about attaching fixtures and fitting to club pens please contact the Pens & Moorings Committee, Bosun or General Manager.
Marine Card (White Card) Work on the re-introduction of the Marine Card is continuing with contractor information graphics completed. As outlined in previous Soundings magazines, our next step is to establish a log-in system, called an Access Control System for contractors visiting the Club. All marine contractors working on the premises of WA Clubs are required to be Marine Card holders which is an initiative of the Boating Industry Association in NSW. BIAWA are looking at a similar card and having contractors registered so boat owners can find skilled, experienced and reputable boat service providers work on their vessels. When completed, thanks to member Steve Clarke from Cell Media who is donating his time and resources to SoPYC, will supply us with a boat owners safety awareness programme and contractor video to upload onto the website which will explain to members and contractors the need for the system.
David Harries General Manager
SECURITY & SAFETY When this article is published, the club will have transitioned from its summer to its winter activities. However, the role of safety, security and risk remains unchanged but this does not mean that the safety and security domain is dormant. The tragic events of the recent Fremantle – Bunbury and return ocean race remind us, in the worst possible way, of the dangerous nature of our on-water pursuits. Whilst it may be a couple of years before the coroner’s report and its findings are available, there are some immediate messages for our Club: • Regardless of where members are on the water good safety and risk management is paramount. Skippers, crews, participants, spectators, supporters, officials, please take note. We must all manage the risk and reckless risk taking is unacceptable. • Any money spent on repairs and maintenance is not a cost – it is an investment in the lives of yourself, your loved ones, friends, crew members and other participants. Regular servicing and maintenance goes a long way to mitigating risks associated with on water activities. • Make sure that you and your crew are capable of competently undertaking the tasks required for safe boat handling - including any necessary pre-departure and post-arrival activities. • If you are unsure or not confident – then ask. There are a lot of wise heads in the club who are only too happy to provide you with the advice and assistance you need. This is a real strength of SoPYC. A temporary loss of face but getting an answer or good advice is far preferable to a postmortem.
To this end, the Club via the Safety and Security Committee (SSC) will be working with the organisers of the Fremantle – Geraldton race to ensure that we have a good risk management plan in place for the safe conduct of the race. In terms of progressing the safety and security strategy referred to in my previous article, I am pleased to inform members that the Club is in the process of finalising a
tender for security services. At this point, we anticipate that the tender will be let in late April and will be in place by 1 July 2018 for an initial period of two years. Underpinning the contract will be a set of performance indicators and sixmonthly performance reviews. As we head into the winter months, can I remind boat owners to ensure that their boats are always securely moored and that hatches, entry and exit points are locked and secured? Please securely fasten all loose objects. Take care as you move over various surfaces, particularly after rain. To those taking temporary but extended leave from the club, consider removing any valuable items that you would normally stow on your vessel. Finally, there are several simple things that members can do to increase security and improve safety in the Club: • Firstly, secure your vessels and any valuable equipment contained in them. Ensure this also applies to any vehicles parked within the club confines. • Secondly, safely operate any equipment and observe any safety requirements in the operation of that equipment. • Maintain and service equipment. • For the boaties, whilst on the water - sail safely ensuring that radios are switched on and any equipment, safety devices and PFD are serviceable and accessible. And, putting in a plea as a race officer, if safety flags are hoisted at the start of an event, please observe and act on them. • Report any suspicious activity or misbehaviour within the club environment to staff members. • Please respect each other. The club is one we can be justly proud of and good personal safety and security can underpin this. To those who participate in our winter Frostbite series and our winter time trialling, enjoy your winter sailing activities. For those who are travelling, safe travels and the remainder, please keep safe and secure. Phillip Draber Chair, Security & Safety
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SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
he challenges for the Membership Committee of the club are no different to those of many other sporting clubs. The financial position of many in WA are being challenged and the first adjustment to the weekly budget is to cut the costs of what is perceived to be the luxuries in life. In many cases these will be yacht clubs and other sporting organizations. Our challenge is to replace those members on a constant basis. Having one of the best locations in Australia for a yacht club with the facilities we now have makes that challenge a lot easier. Not only does the SOPYC now have the best location and view of any yacht club in Western Australia, we now boast one of the best pen and slip facilities in WA, and all at a very affordable cost. The final piece of our facility strategy was completed last year, the replacement of jetties 4 and 5 and the new slip facility. This makes the marketing of the yacht club so much easier from the Membership Committees perspective. The membership committee has a number of roles and objectives every year. The committee consisting of Ian Blanckensee, Ann McCluskey, Leanne Fallows, Des Lewis, John Meldrum and Steve Leach is very active on a monthly basis. We have our monthly meeting where we set strategy and monitor the progress. We conduct New Members Inductions monthly to ensure all new members are educated on the protocols, social activities and opportunities at the club including sailing, crew and time trialling. We also conduct 2 New Member Cocktail parties annually to formally welcome our new members who have joined during the previous 6 months. And of course we have the annual “Open Day” in November where we market the club to the community
promoting the many sailing, crew, social and boating opportunities the club has to offer. November 2017 was the most successful membership drive we have conducted over the past 4 years the committee has been together. With the assistance of the Duyfken being located on our fueling jetty this increased our exposure to the community. This along with the advertising and outside broadcast with 6ix helped us to register in excess of 60 new members. This of course could not have been achieved without the support of the members of the membership committee, the front office team, the Management Committee’s support, the members who so generously give their time and their boats to take out the prospective members and demonstrate the thrill of sailing. The Duyfken though was a big draw card on the day and was the centrepiece of our marketing strategy. Our thanks go to the Duyfken 1606 Replica Foundation and the many volunteers who put their time in so generously. We have really enjoyed having this wonderful ship on our doorstep as it has allowed many of the community to visit our club and view our facilities they would not have otherwise seen. Duyfken being the centrepiece of the day. Whilst we have had success in attracting new members to the club, there is always the transient aspect of a yacht club and we do lose members on a regular basis for many reasons including financial. It is difficult to grow Ordinary and Family membership when our pen facilities are at capacity. Our objective over the coming year is to grow the Junior, Crew and Social membership categories as they are the areas we most need to focus on. I would like to close in thanking my committee for the great support they offer me in my role. Without their efforts many of the achievements we have made would not have been possible.
Wayne Marshall Chairman, Membership
SAVE THE DATE! 6pm 22 JUNE 2018 "Confluence"
outh of Perth Yacht Club is hosting a special dinner for the local community and Members to coincide with "Confluence" the City of Melville's inaugural ART IN PLACE installation. A projection-based night-time installation on the body of water where the Swan - Derbarl Yerrigan and Canning - Djarlgarro Beeliar rivers meet. Moving images will be projected onto our Club boats, both moored and sailing. Drawing together elements of light and water, this spectacular display will highlight the historical and contemporary significance of the Canning confluence, promising an unforgettable night-time experience for all ages. For dinner reservations, please call 9364 544 or email Claire at 9
Peter Curnow Gael Davidson Michele Delle Donne Gerard Dundas Michael Holtham Richard Stacey Elizabeth Woollard
Aaron James Balgera Jason Claricoates Jakobus Ferreira Andrew Hannemann Ryan Lance Matthew Lowry Alan Francis Polglaze Brendan Thorp Matt Thurston Dean Young
Angelo Balgera Bianca Balgera Paula Balgera James Claricoates Alaine Ferreira Diemont Ferreira Petrus Ferreira Aaron Hannemann Jordan Hannemann Louise Hannemann Raelene Kenyon
Anthony Lance Lala Lance Erica Hobbs Caroline James Tyla Lance Brandi Lowry Annette Polglaze Aria Scarlet Mason Welsh Breanna Young Cheryl Young
Darian Baruffi Nicole Peta Bortolotti Fabien Cogordan Martin Harris Jamie Hoggett Brian McRae Patrick John Tallon Victoria Walker Mark Woodley
Donald Draiden
Jason Belci Patrick Oliver Dunkel Michael Mlynarlzyk Benjamin Hirst Schuster Adam Semple Colin Spence
Rachel Baveye Loretta Firth Richard Heggart
Bank of Queensland Applecross Clockwork Print
Wendy Hawley Jody Hopwood Jason Paul Reid Johann Van Der Walt
Jake Chapple Chantelle Firth Tyler Firth Richard Heggart Daniel Kennett Zachary Ong
Rest in Peace to our Members who have recently passed Lancelot James Clarke John Court Annie MacKinnon Chris O'Neill Geoffrey William Pride
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
INTERCLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS SoPYC with the purple spinnaker.
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ur guest speaker was Shelley Archer, who is on the fundraising board of Ngala. Shelley was very informative about her journey where at 15 years of age she fell pregnant and was sent to Ngala to have her baby only to have it be given up for adoption, but she changed her mind. She spoke about how hard she fought to keep her baby girl. We had some great raffle prizes, seven in all, the main one being two tickets to the Ed Sheeran concert, a bottle of Mumm champagne, beach towels, and candles, all donated by Shelley. Also included in the raffle was a deodorising Eco Pack kindly donated by Diane Trouchet of Kingpin. All proceeds, a total of $700 were donated to Ngala thanks to everyone, a great effort ladies. Thank you to Fiona and the staff at the yacht club for providing a lovely lunch followed by dessert, tea and coffee. Thank you to all who donated and for making it a great day.
MARCH 13TH LADIES LUNCHEON This months Ladies Lunch was a little bit quieter than normal. Our guest speaker was Michelle Dunlop who dedicates her time to helping others; from founding the “Street Friends” volunteering program to providing food and clothing for the homeless every week, to co-founding a non-for-profit organisation “The Grief Centre" which supports those who have lost a loved one. Michelle was once a Funeral Director assisting widows in their hour of need. If anyone can assist in donating scarfs, hats, blankets, jackets, or warm clothing please contact Michelle Dunlop on 0407 474 201. It would be much appreciated. After Michelle spoke the ladies enjoyed a lovely lunch provided by Fiona and the staff at the Club followed by dessert, tea and coffee. On behalf of the ladies’ lunch group, and Michelle we would like to thank you for those who have already donated, we really appreciate it. Thank you.
APRIL 10TH LADIES LUNCHEON Our guest speakers were scientist Grace Gilmore, and Public Relations & Communications Manager Adriana Filippou from the Perth Blood Institute, together they spoke about blood disorders and why people bleed, which was a very important topic. Grace completed a Bachelor of Applied Science in 1983 and then commenced work at Royal Perth Hospital. In 1983 Grace was promoted to Senior Scientist in 1986 she completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Haematology and in 2015 moved to Fiona Stanley Hospital and joined the Perth Blood Institute as a Research Scientist at Murdoch University. Grace is a member of The Australian Institute of Medical Scientists, World of
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Haemophilia and International Society of Thrombosis. Grace is also a Councillor on the Committee of the Thrombosis and Haemostasis Society of Australia and New Zealand. Since being established in 2013, Perth Blood Institute has become one of the fastest growing haematology research organisations in Australia, with a focus on connecting patients, carers, health care providers, and our wider community and raising awareness that blood disorders can happen to anyone one, at any age, at any time, with no real warning!! The Perth Blood Institute is a charitable, not for profit research institute involved in the care of people diagnosed with blood conditions. The Perth Blood Institute’s Mission is to conduct medical research into blood disorders, including their causes, prevention and treatment options. The ladies thoroughly enjoyed the talk, it was very interesting and informative and the ladies were able to ask questions The talk was followed by lunch, tea, coffee and dessert. On behalf of the ladies luncheon group we would like to thank Grace and Adriana for taking the time to visit and speak with the ladies.
JULY 10TH LADIES LUNCHEON BUS TRIP BUS TRIP TO SETTLERS HOUSE IN YORK Tuesday 10th July 2018 We are thinking of doing another trip to Settlers House, York in July as our ladies luncheon. If you are interested I'd like some feedback please. The bus will leave the Club around 10.30am arriving in York approximately 11.30am, our three-course lunch will be at 12.30pm in the Settlers House award winning restaurant, which was built in the 18 century. This gives you an hour to look around York at the beautiful lolly shops, town hall and very old antique and dress shops. We plan to leave York around 2.30pm arriving back at the yacht club around 3.30pm. For more information contact Luciana Giancristofaro on 0414 306 691
York high street
Luciana Giancristofaro Ladies Luncheon Group
Sailability in the late summer of 2018. Rain, wind or sun ... Sailability continues to shine.
he team at Sailability has had a few new faces this summer and autumn and it’s been a welcome sight to have them on board. Even when it’s pouring with rain and we’re sitting under cover in the centerboard club house, the jokes still come and invitations to the local jazz club are flying around the circle. We’re not just volunteers, it’s a bunch of friends who have come together to help make Sailability work. We had a wonderful visit late in March from “Ellie J.” one of the solar powered ferries from the Little Ferry
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Co. that run between Claisebrook and Elizabeth Quay. Two trips had our guests humming with joy and I even saw Lynne Newton and hubby Ralph partaking in a run on the water. It was a perfect day for the visit of the ferry and we hope to see them again. The teams know their roles pretty much and as new volunteers come on board, they are taken on and allowed to learn at their pace. They settle in and are seen to know when and where to be. Not everyone gets it right and the Etchel crew certainly makes it interesting when they bring the
boat in on a stiff easterly. Watch the loaders and handlers run when they are coming in. By the time you are reading, this we will have closed for winter but as everyone knows, summer is just around the corner and we’ll look forward to looking after our regulars and perhaps meet some more people who need special care. The current crew will be here in the main, but we do have drop offs and retirements as some of the volunteers move interstate or find new interests. And this is where we are asking you to share a
Left, 'Ellie J', a solar powered ferry from The Little Ferry Company came to visit in March.
Wednesday morning with us. Become one of the “red shirts� that you may see around the club on a Wednesday afternoon and join a group of people who care. Many thanks to our sponsors again, with Melville Rotary, Al Wilson from Tyre Power in Port Kennedy, Brian Cross of Pacific Safety Wear who supplies our shirts and Appealing Signs and the boat sign work. We are hoping that Will Hammond from Doyles Sails has kept us in mind as there will be work to do over winter. Thanks also to the club bosuns who
help keep the Red Witches in trim. If you have the time to spare on a Wednesday morning and you are sailing that afternoon; come down in the morning, give us a hand and then join us for lunch before sailing. We'll look forward to your company.
For more information please contact Liz Warman on 0419 949 006 or email or Lynne Newton on 0408 385 959 or Lynne.Newton@ Lynne Newton
CRUISING BUTTERFLIES What A Fabulous Day! 8 April 2018
OW – what a fun filled, action-packed day Cruising Butterflies turned out to be for 500 people, and the weather was absolutely perfect on Sunday 8 April. One hundred children with their families amounting to three hundred Kalparrin guests were welcomed to our club from 8am onwards on Sunday morning by our SoPYC volunteers, some dressed as fairies and all with great welcoming smiles. Our Kalparrin children were fitted out with bright yellow “Cruising Butterflies” t-shirts and then were directed to Jacik our photographer who took wonderful family photos of each Kaparrin family and put the photos into a folder frame as a great memento of the day. The Promenade Marquee quickly filled up with excited children hand in hand with equally excited parents eager to get on board our boats to cruise around the river. Two hundred skippers and crew and sixty boats headed out to show our guests our hospitality. The Duyfken offered free of charge, to take out eighteen of our Kalparrin guests which was another wonderful experience for some of the families. Lots of enthusiastic waving was seen over the next two hours, as our boats passed each other between Fremantle and Perth waters. Not sure what other boats on the river made of us, but many of them also joined in the enthusiastic waving as we passed! The wonderful aroma of fried onions and sausages greeted our guest families as they headed toward the clubhouse. By 12 o’clock the Ballroom and Promenade Marquee were filled with our families for a sausage sizzle. Face painting continued to put smiles of delight onto the children’s faces. Thank you to Stephen Dawson, the Minister for Environment and Disabilities for attending our Cruising Butterflies Day and giving a warm and appreciative speech to all of us during lunch. Around 1.30pm most people were heading off home. Children with painted faces left with lots of chatter and “show and tell” stories for their friends, schoolmates and family for the upcoming weeks. A very big thank you goes to all two hundred volunteers who have worked
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
tirelessly over the past months and on the day to ensure the smooth running and great success of our Cruising Butterflies Day. Special thanks must go to Alison our SoPYC secretary and Lynda from Memberships who have worked so hard behind the scenes and also were there helping on the day. Thank you to Jacik for giving his time and photographic expertise and giving the families treasured memories of their Cruising Butterflies Day at SoPYC. Thank you again to the Cruising Section Captain Paul Stott, Bert Giancristofaro and the committee for all their hard work to make this event happen. The Cruisy Scribe
Bert Giancristofaro center, with Applecross Rotary Acting President Chris Whelan left, and the Hon Dean Nalder right.
Bert Giancristofaro, Vice-Captain of SoPYC Cruising Section and Event Coordinator for the Cruising Butterflies Event was recognised by Applecross Rotary with a Community Service Award for his service to the community through his past and present role in this event. This Award, in recognition of his dedication to the Cruising Butterflies Event and the support it gives to the Kalparrin families was presented by The Hon Dean Nalder, Member for Bateman, at Applecross Rotary’s Annual Community and Business Awards dinner held in April.
BILLY RUN TO TCYC April 28th 2018
he 2018 SoPYC Billy Run was held on 28th of April this year with eight of our yachts competing for the coveted billy can. Cavatina (Ralph and Lynne Newton) was the Start boat, and Sovereign Eight (David and Marilyn Barton) was the pin end boat, and also the finish boat. Many thanks to the crews of both boats for their almost faultless starting procedures. They delayed the start by 15 minutes to give Immediate Past Commodore Nicholas time to get to the start following a mast lowering problem: if that’s not favouritism then what is?? Oh, and the RC Regatta also lost the pin-end anchor which detached from the checker buoy, which created an issue for any who were watching, as the start boat, the checker buoy and Sovereign Eight all drifted downwind at a couple of knots, with the starting yachts trying to cross the moving start
line! The Race was from Fremantle to Rockingham finishing at TCYC. The race got under way in a fair easterly breeze at around 10.15am and the fleet quickly spread with Barry and Betty Walsh’s Twitch taking the lead. Twitch made good use of the wind and was first across the line at 12:32:10 The rest of the fleet felt abandoned as the wind dropped and they limped across the line in dribs and drabs with last yacht Bluegrass taking advantage of some fresh breeze to catch up to the tail-enders. The Sundowner started rather early, at about 1:30pm (!!) with many skippers and crew gathering on Cavatina exchanging totally false stories about how they were robbed of wind, and the like, until Presentation time at TCYC around 6pm. In true Sundowner fashion, about 15 squeezed onto the aft deck of Cavatina, and many others spent relaxing times on their yachts, or already at TCYC. One or two inflatables ferried crews backwards and forwards to the clubhouse, but perhaps next event we will improve yacht to shore transport somehow. By 6pm all crews were ferried into the TCYC jetty and then into the club rooms where The Cruising Yacht Club extended the hand of friendship, and the SoPYC Vice and Rear Commodores held a very humorous results session. With the presentations finished it was time to settle down to a fine dinner and a few drinks whilst mingling around and sharing some great yarns
before returning to the yachts for a well-earned rest. Early Sunday morning a fresh north-easterly blew in, causing unwelcome chop at the mooring area, so many yachts made a quick exit, and some even got back to the city in time to watch the Derby at Perth Stadium. All in all, a very successful weekend with The Cruising Yacht Club providing a great venue with good moorings and a very welcoming club rooms. Next year the Billy Run will be held on the same weekend - one week after the Closing of Sailing Season, and one week before the Opening of Power Season, so we will look forward to seeing many more yachts and power vessels. Mark your diaries now!
Overall Billy Can Winner: Twitch, Barry and Betty Walsh DIV 1: FIRST and FASTEST: Twitch (2hrs 11:10 mins) SECOND: Raya Peter Cochrane (2hrs 34:06mins) DIV2: FIRST and FASTEST: SECOND: THIRD: FOURTH:
Scalloway David Pearce (2hrs 54:43mins) Queenscliff Mark Nicholas (3hrs 10:46mins) Good Act Ben Marshall (3hrs 42:35mins) Unicorn Ashley Hicks (3hrs 44:30mins)
Bluegrass Craig Gee (4hrs 56:06)
Special Mention: Ariel: John Ridings: against all odds, (breakdowns) they made the trip, and thoroughly enjoyed the event !
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Maritimo 51 Customise your own specifications, interior and layout. 2018 Sanctuary Cove Boat Show, May 24-27. Special boat show price $1,480,000 ex-factory
Maritimo Models: Flybridge M51 M54 M59 M64 M70
Sports S51 S54 S59 S70
New Maritimo X60
2002 Milner 80’
2001 Hershine 88’
2009 Riviera 38’
1999 Riviera 43’
From $1,400,000
1994 Conquest 20m
2004 Cranchi Atlantique 48’ $395,000
• Maritimo • Fine Entry Marine • Global Marine Design
1980 Bertram 42’
08 9243 6373
2004 Manhattan 56’
2000 Conquest 22.9m
From $399,000
2001 Caribbean 40’
2003 Caribbean 26’
86 Southside Drive, Hillarys WA
SERVICING WESTERN AUSTRALIA 2/187 Breakwater Parade, Mandurah WA 6210 (08) 9583 5355
CARL SEGRETO - 0407 949 293 MARK COLE (SERVICE) - 0428 949 293 PAUL DENBOER (SALES) - 0427 949 293 CRUZE WILSON - 0456 949 293 RE NO DU W CE D
1998 RIVIERA 43 FLYBRIDGE | $344,990
2008 RIVIERA 4400 SY SERIES II | $629,000 Hard to find, as these 44’s tick all the boxes with twin Volvo 435’s and IPS 600 pod drives. Twin cabins with 2 ensuites. Polished, cleaned and a credit to its current owners. Be the first to step aboard this yacht and see why the Riviera Sports Yachts are so highly regarded within the Australian market. HURRY! RMM241
2000 RIVIERA 3350 FLYBRIDGE | $179,900 DO NOT WANDER PAST THIS RIV! Are you looking for the more affordable entry into the Riviera family? Then look no further. This 2000 has had the bucks spent, inside AND out! NEW carpets, NEW clears, NEW anchor winch and NEW audio and visual. Powered by twin Cummins diesels on shafts, this boat is perfect for a young family or an excellent Rotto cruiser for the empty nesters. RMM251 AR JU RI ST VE D
Now we are talking! A great boat in the WA market with its three-cabin design and a huge open plan saloon this is the entertainer you have been waiting for. Three cabins giving you the freedom to invite your friends for the weekend and enjoy the great WA boating lifestyle. These 43’s are fantastic boats and this owner has spent hours and hours on upgrading and keeping her alive and well. RMM216
2008 HYDRA SPORTS 2200DC | $53,900
2018 RIVIERA 3600 SPORTS YACHT | From $634,900
This dual console offers a great platform for the active fishing and water sports family, whether heading to Rottnest for a relaxing day, travelling wide to wet a line or spending the day wake-boarding on the Swan. Powered by a Mercury Verado 250 HP supercharged 4-stroke with just 435 hours on the clock, this Hydrasport is well powered with plenty in reserve. Give us a call to check this out today! Just been blasted and antifouled. RMM255
This new 3600 Sports Yacht is ready for its new owners and with two cabins and sleeping for 5+ this could be the ideal boat if you are looking for an upgrade or a downsize. Powered by the NEW D6 330hp with IPS 450 and full 5 Year warranty. Trade now! RMM262
2007 SEA RAY 325 SUNDANCER | $79,990
2017 AURORA ADVENTURE 4.5 DEMO | $25,990
2007 RIVIERA M360 SPORTSCRUISER | $179,900
In the market for a 30+ ft cruiser that has it all? These 325’s are a popular family orientated vessel fit to entertain. Twin Fuel Injected Mercruiser’ s, twin cabins, large galley and head room, a high performance, air conditioned, quality cruising package ready for the family to hit the water without breaking the bank! RMM263
On a BRAND NEW John Papas Trailer. Fitted with NEW Honda 60HP Four Stroke with Power Tilt, Electric Start and Hydraulic Steering! GRP resin infused hulls with Hypalon tubing, pressure relief valves – 3 chambers. Made in the Ukraine these ribs are used by the Ukraine Army and their quality is second to none. They come fully rigged with all you would expect in a quality inflatable to make sure a soft dry ride is guaranteed! RMM266
A 2007 Riviera with twin NEW Mercruiser 6.2 350’s for only $179,900? That’s right! With only 70 hours of use, this Sportscruiser is as new! Air conditioned, luxurious and sporty this deluxe apartment on water is ready to go. Contact the R Marine Mandurah Sales Team today! RMM271
2011 HURRICANE FUNDECK 236 | $55,900
Have you ever thought that your typical pontoon boat was just too slow and lacking manoeuverability? Check out this alternate monohull Hurricane Fundeck which features everything that a normal pontoon boat can offer & more! This Hurricane has the capability of doing 30+ knots across the estuary with its 200HP Mercury 4-Stroke. While some might enjoy fishing and cruising... others might only be interested in skiing perhaps. There is not much that these Fundecks can’t offer! RMM278
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
2000 BOSTON WHALER 285 CONQUEST | $77,000 With the 285 Conquest anything is possible! It’s comfort, convenient features and amenities allow all bases to be covered day cruises, serious saltwater fishing runs and spur of the moment overnighting all with equal ability. RMM275
2007 ABSOLUTE 45 CRUISER | $299,000 Check out this Italian built 45 Cruiser, designed to impress! Designed for the entertainer, built for family, this Absolute has some special features aboard that set her apart from the rest. Diesel powered Volvo pushes this effortlessly with good fuel economy and a great low draft making this an easy bay hopper around Rotto. This boat is immaculate and will suit the most discerning buyer. RMM276
CUSTOM HOUSEBOAT | $199,000 Designed and built by Barry Butson Engineering to survey quality in 2005. This is a cut above the rest and IT WILL IMPRESS! There have been no short cuts in the design and build of this 12m House Boat. This is more than a just a boat, it’s a home on water. If you are in the market for a quality houseboat this is a must-see fit out. CALL TODAY! RMM274
RE NO D by U W $5 CE 0K D
This custom-built pontoon was launched in 2016 and turns heads everywhere she goes. With 5mm plate ali hull and twin 25 HP Four-Stroke High Thrust Yamaha Engines. Full size toilet with sullage tank, FULL BBQ. This party package is an entertainers dream. It won’t last long! RMM254
This is amongst the tidiest examples of a 1988 Riviera 38 Flybridge I think you will be likely to find. The old saying, age is just a number comes to mind when you look at how well this vessel has been preserved and maintained over the years. Professionally extended from its original 35-foot class, the cockpit is now a great feature of the boat with room to spread out and enjoy the time aboard with the family. Enquire now! RMM284
2004 GLACIER BAY 2685 PILOT HOUSE | $112,000 This ELITE vessel is truly one of a kind. Glacier Bay Catamarans are known around the world for being extremely SEA WORTHY, STABLE, and EFFICIENT. Not to mention the unsurpassed silky-smooth ride, attributed to Larry Graf’s High Speed Displacement Hull design. As a bonus you’ll take comfort knowing that Glacier Bay’s proven semi-displacement catamaran hulls are filled full with foam for flotation and strength. You can’t go wrong! RMM285
Voted hull No. 1 at the Sydney Boat Show! Previous owners have spared no expense on her upkeep. This late model Riv 33 features Amtico flooring, Onan genset, Cruiseair air conditioning, Citor water maker, an extended cockpit hard top with full breezeway covers, Twin Station with electronics duplicated at both helms and Volvo D6 Diesel engines on shafts with under 1000 hours of regular use on a well-maintained platform.Call us today for a detailed list of specifications. RMM287
Crab, Dive, Fish, Entertain! Have you been looking for a UB BANANA BOAT? This could be the one for you! A unique MASSIVE banana boat style built in Japan as a Japanese fishing long boat. Previouly worked in the Pearling fleet in the far North of WA. A unique chance to get yourself a boat that will offer endless amounts of fun or an opportunity for business. Featuring the reliable Cummins 430HP Diesel engine with Hamilton JET that will give you 30+ Knots of Fun. Call now to get your eyes on this beauty! RMM289
CHECK THIS OUT! Triple Mercury 250HP Verados will offer you the capability of doing speeds up to 56kts on this 38ft sports/fishing cruiser. Described as a performance center console, the Donzi 38 ZSF is an offshore fishing boat with the works designed to appeal to day boaters and cruisers, with ample deck space and a large cabin. Like all Donzis, it rides on a high-performance stepped hull known for its superior rough-water handling characteristics. BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! RMM290
1997 FAIRLINE SQUADRON 55 | $375,000
1993 RIVIERA 44 DIAVOLO | $119,000
2007 CAMPION 925 CRUISER | $59,900
A luxuriously appointed Fairline 55 which has recently undergone a refit throughout the saloon with new headlining’s, floor coverings and carpets through the lower cabins. This beauty is powered by a pair of 600Hp caterpillar diesel engines with Side Power bow thruster fitted for ease of use. Start up the genset, switch on the air conditioners and relax in style. BEST value foot per dollar GUARANTEED. RMM292
Are you looking for something just that little bit different? The Riviera 44 Diavolo could be the boat for you. With recently upgraded electronics and comfortable open plan living, this is a boat for the entertainers amongst us! Powered by a pair of Volvo 5.7 Gi fresh water cooled petrol stern drive engines showing approximately 250 hours since being replaced in 2009, she is ready to go and presents well for a pre 2000 model boat. RMM293
The Campion 925 offers a great combination of the family day cruiser and the weekender getaway all rolled into a quality 30 foot package with amenities that exceed many in its class. Powered by a pair of Mercruiser 4.3MPI stern drive petrol driven engines showing just over 300 hours at the time of listing and a host of recent work carried out she is ready to hit the waterways with your family today! RMM295
2007 SOOLY 26 | $49,900
2006 FOUR WINNS VISTA 318 | $83,000
Always difficult to come by in the WA Market the Riviera 3000 offshore ticks all the boxes in this class of boat. Offering a combination of accommodation and entertaining this vessel manages to cover all the bases with a well proportioned package giving great thought to all the needs of a family boat in the 30ft range. Powered by a pair of Volvo TAMD 41P shaft-driven diesel engines pushing out 200hp per side, she will have you cruising at a comfortable 20kts. Give us a call today! RMM299
Check out this rare find! A seriously built Centre Console with the means to do some serious offshore fishing and diving. Ideally suited to the WA boating life offering the ability to fish, dive, cruise and crab. Unlike many centre consoles the Sooly has a full width wrap around aft lounge, great for cruising out to sea or relaxing around the local waterways. RMM301
Four Winns are accepted as one of the leading cruiser brands coming out of the USA market and inspection will cement this thought. Powering the boat with ease are a pair of Volvo GXi5.0 petrol driven engines, below water live a pair of Volvo DP duo prop legs pushing the boat at a racey 34 knots. This will give a great cruise speed of 20 knots all day long. Please contact the R Marine Mandurah team today and arrange a time to look over her. I think you will be pretty happy with what you see! RMM302
2001 RIVIERA 3000 OFFSHORE | $129,900
1997 SILVERTON 392 MOTOR YACHT | $149,900
2006 RIVIERA 3600 SPORTS YACHT | $294,500
2008 MONTEREY 270 CRUISER | $55,000
This 43ft Silverton boasts two full staterooms, a large two-level saloon with separate dining and entertaining areas, and a comfortable galley. The open plan nature of the rear cockpit provides great space in the flybridge. Powered by a pair of caterpillar 3116, 325HP diesel engines with low hours from new she moves along with ease offering the best economy at around 16-17 kts. With quality electronics a long cruise is well within reach! Current owner looking to relocate so make contact with our office today. RMM305
This Riv has had roughly $30K spent on it in the last 12 months. Optioned with a cockpit lounge and cover, custom Riviera folding cockpit table with cover, removable marine carpet, extended rear awning and full breezeway covers. Powered by a pair of Volvo D6 diesel engines showing just 887 hours. This is a comfortable and capable boat ready for your family to step aboard! RMM306
A great combination of family cruiser and fishing boat the Monterey offers a folding rear lounge opening the cockpit up for the serious fisherman and the saloon is crammed full of features making the overnighting ability of the Monterey an easy exercise, allowing the family and friends to relax in comfort. Powered by a Mercruiser 350 Mag MPI there is plenty in the tank to push this Monterey effortlessly over our WA waters. Call for your viewing today! RMM307
SER VICING WESTERN AUSTR ALIA 2/187 Breakwater Parade, Mandurah WA 6210 (08) 9583 5355 CARL SEGRETO - 0407 949 293 MARK COLE (SERVICE) - 0428 949 293 PAUL DENBOER (SALES) - 0427 949 293 CRUZE WILSON - 0456 949 293 2007 BAYLINER 275 CRUISER | $49,990 Big Family? Small Budget? This could be the boat you are searching for. For the skipper- a GPS/Sounder, Stereo controls, Trim Tabs, Spot Light controls, Anchor Winch controls and more. Plenty of sleeping options with a forward berth that converts to a lounge, a dinette that converts to a double and the aft transverse large double as well! One of the more popular models in the WA small cruiser market, this Bayliner will tick all the boxes to give you and the family plenty of great days on the water. RMM309
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Applecross-PS HL Message-150x210.indd 1
21/3/18 12:48 pm
POWER TORQUE TEAM POWER LEADS Conor Nicholas' Young Guys around the top mark in the first race of the Little Wheel Regatta Final. Unfortunately that was the best part of their day as the Young Guns took the title two-zip!
y the time this issue hits the stands, the Power Yacht Section’s pre-season Cocktail Party will be done and dusted, so the message is clear – Power Yacht Opening Day is just around the corner. It’s worth reflecting on some of the adventures our intrepid Poweries have been involved in over the summer months.
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
The Schweppes Little Wheel regatta changed its format once again and whilst it bears little resemblance of the halcyon days when it was a purely corporate event bringing together more than 500 spectators on the final night, but never-the-less this year’s format attempted to make the event far more inclusive. The concept was simple –
invitations were issued to each of the club sections, so teams from off the beach dinghies met with others from Offshore, Power and Keelboat sections, all evened out by sailing in the Club’s Bakewell-White 8’s. Led by Past Commodore Guy Skinner, the Power Yacht Section’s skipper showed his versatility (those who know Guy would realise that he is still one of the Club’s most accomplished keelboat skippers as well as being a regular member of the Club’s Team for State Teams competition in time trial) by making the final. Team Power won the start of the first race of the final and actually led at the first turning mark, but it all went downhill from there, leaving the team as runners up to Australian Sailing representative Conor Nicholas and his crew of Young Guns. No disgrace in that performance! Easter produced a couple of feel good stories, both of which involve Bali. It seems that one of our power yacht ladies was to celebrate a significant birthday at Easter, so they organised a party. In Bali. Lots of members went. A second member was a lot sneakier, arranging with his wife to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary on the boat at Rottnest,
POWER TORQUE while secretly organising a friend to run her business and booking an extended Easter in Bali – all without the wife’s knowledge! Dave Ewart and Garry Morrison headed for the Abrolhos on the good ship Fonster. Apparently the fishing wasn’t great, but Fonster’s ability to withstand the 30 knot plus winds was outstanding. The Xantippe Night time trial looked dubious for a time due to a strong wind forecast. Although a number of yachts decided to opt out at the last minute, the event went ahead without incident and was good fun, shaking out a few cobwebs on the way. Power cruising to Mandurah took a back seat to a cruise to Mindarie instead, attracting a good roll up and a most enjoyable long weekend. And so – it’s now time to dust off the clock, check the new Red Book, enter all this winter’s events in your diary, fire up the navigator (sorry – it’s often the navigator’s duty to fire up the skipper) and dress the boat up for Opening Day on 5th May. The Power Scribe, Bernie Kaaks
Below, Steve Wall and Amanda Watson accept the Xantippe trophy from Commodore Phil Warwick
More Fun Cruising!
hat another busy few months it has been for the Cruising Section. From the great weekend in Mangles Bay enjoying the unusual and ‘famous’ horse racing on the beach, to another excellent March long weekend at Mandurah with twenty two boats, including two yachts! We all enjoyed the hospitality of the MOFSC and the various delights of Mandurah. It has been a busy few months especially with the planning and organisation and culmination of our well known and eagerly anticipated “Cruising Butterflies Day” which was held on Sunday 8th April. We hosted three hundred Kalparrin guests on a perfect autumn day. Our land-based volunteers looked after the welcoming and escorting and general organisation of our many Kalparrin families. Two hundred skippers and crew on sixty boats headed out on a two hour cruise around our beautiful river from Perth waters to Fremantle to the absolute delight of our Kalparrin children and their families. We even had the Duyfken involved in taking some families out for a sail which further added another level of experience to a fabulous day for our “Cruising Butterflies” children. A good club is about the sum of its parts and we really want to be inclusive of all who have a love of being out on the water. Thank you again to our excellent Cruising Section Committee for all their hard work and time volunteered to organise these wonderful events. It is always good to be able to go to other clubs and enjoy their hospitality. It is particularly rewarding to be able to host something so special as our “Cruising Butterflies Day” for families who are doing it tough in our wider community and who would never have had the chance to experience what some of us take for granted. This is what the Cruising Section is all about, getting together to enjoy our boats and a wonderful time together at different venues. The Cruisy Scribe
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Cruising Section
June 2nd - 4th
Book with Paul Stott Tel- 0408521867 or facebook Saturday Morning Cruise to Mindarie Welcome Beer Tasting @ Indian Ocean Brewery Saturday Group Dinner @ Indian Ocean Brewery Sunday Lunch BBQ on Jetty and relax to Entertainment with Steve Keene Monday Cruise back via Fishermans Harbour for Lunch Cost $130 per boat ( Dinner excluded)
t certainly has been a season of strong winds, much different to normal summers and there have been some sailing days where the winds were so strong crews had to wear life jackets. I think it has tested everyone to really improve their sailing in strong winds and make the foredeckers work for their money. On a nice little cruise on one of the long weekends, we took Natalouka out to give Jen some helming training. No mishaps along the way and we just had the main up to give her some practice and get the hang of the helm. After a couple of hours, we decided to head down to Mosman Bay and pull up a mooring and enjoy a swim and lunch. Jen looked across and noticed Queenscliffe coming towards us with a spinnaker up and then as they started to drop it, the sail wrapped beautifully around the forestay and with our phone handy we snapped this shot – never know who is watching where… onya Mark bet you thought no one would see that one…
Queenscliffe wraps her spinnaker around the forestay
'Selleys Putty' becomes a sponsor! It seems that we may need a weekly prize for Div 2 and some of the other divisions. We are calling it the 'Putty Award' so we've approached Selleys and are currently negotiating to see if they would like to donate a box of Putty for situations like these. Late March, George and the team on Mingara found the Putty on a Wednesday - you may know it, that shallow spot near the South East Port Spit, Heathcote bank. I'll bring in the prize soon George. It actually took a while for the safety crew to get him off but he made the start - albeit not doing very well in that race. But it gets better - the following week they could not find their 'buffer'
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Mingara, hard & fast, centre of frame
What buffer - where?
before starting. We found it and enjoyed mentioning it was where you left it…hanging over the side. How many does he have? There was also the usual carnage Early April when our very competitive Peter Were and his crew on Cover Drive put up this enormous Black & Yellow spinnaker on a leg to Dolphin West. A good puff and BOOM. It blew to bits. Look closely and you can see the evidence left behind in the photo below. Peter said to me after the race. "You could have picked it up Dingo, then I could have repaired it". Where does he get these biggies?, I'd love to get one for Natalouka". The Winners But on a more happy note, what a season it was and a fitting outcome. Another Viking wins over the dominant Cole 32's, with skipper, Past Commodore Colin Cowden and the crew on Ballina looking like they'll take out Consistency and trophy for the overall season. At the time of writing, April 16 the scores were; Ballina on 44, Mingara 52 and Cover Drive at 73. Well done to all.
The bit Peter Were left behind!
Cover Drive
Scribe Note: We have many potential starters for Division Two yet many don't race, so may we take this opportunity to encourage those of you not racing to 'give it a go'. There are many benefits, particularly keeping your yacht sailing and ship-shape but also the camaraderie with fellow skippers after the race in the club for results. Perhaps use the Winter Frostbite races to get out there, tune up a crew and be ready for the next Summer Season? We'd love you to join us. Cheers, Ron (Dingo) Reddingius and Jen Merigan - SP557 Natalouka
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Tackers is a great sailing program for kids aged 7 to 12yrs and under 55kg. It’s fun, safe, and doesn’t require any previous sailing experience. All of the equipment including the boats, sails and life jackets are provided. All courses are run by Australian Sailing accredited coaches. Opposite is an illustration of the Optimist Learn to Sail Pathway. This gives you the information up to the Optimist Green Fleet level. The Tackers courses and Green Fleet use the club owned plastic Tackers Optimists. As sailors transition to the Intermediate Fleet they start sailing the fibreglass racing Optimists and compete in club racing.
Tackers 1 – Having Fun
Course Fee: $280 It’s a great way to make new friends and learn how to sail. Kids will be taught how to rig the boat, launch and sail back to the beach, basic manoeuvres, sailing in a straight line and the skills of capsizing Course Dates • 12, 19, 26 May and 9 & 16 June This course is run over 5 Saturday mornings from 0830 – 1230hrs
Tackers 2 – Tricks & Techniques
Course Fee: $300 If kids are confident, they can sail a boat on their own with lots of support, supervision and encouragement from the Instructors. They will learn how to gybe a boat and sail upwind and downwind. Course Dates • 13, 20, 27 May and 10,17 June, 1230 – 1630hrs This course is run over 5 Sunday afternoons from 1230 – 1630
Tackers 3 – Sailing Fast!
Course Fee: $300 This is a chance for the kids to sail boats on their own and learn how to improve boat speed and boat handling skills. Tackers 3 works in well when complemented with the Green Fleet weekly training.
Optimist Green Fleet
Tuesday 1600 – 1830hrs Sunday 0900 - 1200hrs
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
The Optimist Green Fleet is a twice a week club training program following on from Tackers 2 or 3. The consistent weekly training is designed to up-skill the juniors to a level where they can compete in club racing. They are trained in the club owned Tackers Optimists by Australian Sailing qualified instructors. Sailors generally train in the Green Fleet for a summer or winter season before moving into the Silver Fleet where they start to club race in the fibreglass Optimists. More information here:
SAILING ACADEMY LEARN TO SAIL COURSES FOR TEENAGERS AND ADULTS DINGHY COURSES “Learn to Sail and Race a Hobie Wave” This program has been developed to provide a safe introduction to catamaran sailing for teenagers and adults. It starts with the fundamental knowledge of how to sail for complete beginners and progresses through the levels, teaching more advanced skills and techniques. The program will teach you the skills and give you the experience to be able to sail in the club racing and/or enjoy being out on the water without the need of an Instructor. South of Perth Yacht Club uses the 6 club owned Hobie Waves for these programs.
Level 1 – Start Sailing
Course Fee: $300 Here you are introduced to the fun of catamaran sailing in a safe and supportive environment. You will learn how to rig and de-rig the boat, launch and sail back to the beach. The skills of capsizing, how to sail in a straight line and how to rack and gybe the boat to turn it around. Course Dates: • 12, 19, 26 May and 9, 16 June Run over 5 Sundays from 1230 - 1630hrs (For both teenagers and adults)
Level 2 – Better Sailing
Course Fee: $180 Here you will continue to develop your skills and learn how to sail a boat upwind and downwind. There is a focus on improving your boat handling techniques and team work. Course Dates: • 12, 19 and 26 May Run over 3 Saturdays from 1300 - 1700hrs (For both teenagers and Adults)
Hobie Wave Green Fleet
The Hobie Wave Green Fleet is a twice a week club training program following on from the Better Sailing or Start Racing Course. The consistent weekly training is designed to up-skill teenagers and adults to a level where they can compete in club racing or take a dinghy out sailing without the supervision of an instructor. Training is carried out in the club owned Hobie Waves. Friday afternoon from 1600- 1900hrs and Sunday morning 0900 -1200hrs Sailors generally train in the Green Fleet for one to two seasons. On the completion of the Green Fleet you can lease a club-owned Hobie Wave to compete in club racing or join one of the existing club fleets by sailing with another club member or buying your own boat and continuing your club training and racing in that class. The Hobie 16 class is recommended.
Start Crewing and Helming Course Fee: $350 Keelboats allow you to learn to sail without fear of capsizing, with 4 to 5 other people on the boat. Learning to sail in selfrighting keelboats provides a learning platform that is stable yet responsive. As your skills progress, you will also develop an understanding of each person’s role and how teamwork plays a major part in being an effective crew. You will come away with the knowledge and confidence to sail a small boat competently and for those that wish, you can progress to larger boats or participate as crew on a racing boat. The courses are run on the BW8 yachts. Course Dates: • 28 April, 5, 12, 19 and 26 May
Course Dates:
These courses are run over 5 Saturdays from 0830-1230hrs
• 13, 20, 27 May and 10, 17 June
Spinnakers and Start Racing Course Course Fee: $180 This course is designed as a follow on from the Start Crewing and Helming Course to teach sailors how to work with the spinnaker.
These courses are run over 5 Saturdays from 0900 - 1300hrs
Offshore Update - The New Year Rolls On
ts seems just short while ago that we were wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but this Saturday is the 9th race of the offshore season since Christmas. Having put the 3 Ports Race away in late January we have had a hectic February with the Pot Of Gold weekender at Hillary’s, the back end of the Northern Regatta IRC Championships with the Around the Sound Race and the ill fated Bunbury. We have then kicked into March with the festive Mandurah weekender and now the West Coaster race to Lancelin and back and the final day race of the Cape Vlamingh race which is incorporating the RFBYC Rottnest festival of Sail weekend. We are now also beginning to see some series close off as the end of the season nears. The Around the Sound weekend closed off the Northern Regatta IRC Championships with Chris Higham’s
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
ARGO winning over Anthony Kirk’s Enterprise and Mark Nagle’s Weapon of Choice in Division one and Dennis Vincent’s Wyuna winning over Michael Thorpe’s S&S 34 Soon and Bill Henson’s Circa. That weekend also saw of the SoPYC Offshore Cup with ARGO wining over Dirty Deeds and Enterprise on IRC while The Deeds and Enterprise swapped places on YAH. In Division two Peter Vlaar’s Farrago saw off Ryan Binedell’s double hander Low Flying Duck and Brian Thurston’s This Way Up in both IRC and YAH. The Bunbury race completed the Farrawa Cup Series, which saw ARGO win over Alan Stein’s Dirty Deeds and Gary McNally’s Black Betty overall (and Division one) with Ian Clyne dislodging Black Betty for the 3rd on YAH while Circa won over Soon and Scott Glaskin’s Cougar in Division two IRC and Andrew Walby in the old familiar S & S 34 Swagman managed
to dislodge Cougar for the 3rd on YAH. The Mandurah weekender finished the 6 race Weekender Series and saw Paul Arns’ Obsession beat ARGO in a count back for 1st with Dirty Deeds picking up 3rd after scoring a couple of bullets for the both legs of the Mandurah races for Division one while ARGO managed to hang onto the YAH result from Weapon Of Choice and Obsession. In Division two it was Wyuna, Circa and Laurie Flynn’s Dynamic on the podium with Circa knocking off Soon and Wyuna on YAH. The West Coaster Race decided the FSC Success Cup with ARGO taking in a 2 point lead over Obsession on IRC which was blown away on the Course to see Obsession take the trophy, while Weapon of Choice edged out Wassabi on YAH. In Division 2 Dynamic took a count back advantage over equal point holder Circa on IRC
PHOTOGRAPHY: The Start Boat Crew
Views from the Beach As the offshore racing community continues to reach out to the broader community, close racing along our populated coast lines has been a feature that has been growing over the years. Races such as the Pot Of Gold take the fleet past the densely populated beaches of Scarborough, while the Rockingham races have always featured a fly past of the popular Rockingham beach front and sailors have been known to develop a squint while rounding Campbell Mark off Swanbourne Beach and the Mandurah race always includes a section of the course set off Madora Beach. SoPYC’s Geraldton race traditionally starts with the fleet well out of sight to round Rottnest but there is a whisper that a course keeping the fleet close to the coast until Hillary’s may be in the offing. This year you may want to park up on the North Mole for the start and then chase the fleet up the coast with your beach chair in the boot stopping by to your favourite lookouts along the way to see off the intrepid sailors this time around.
The Geraldton
but Circa prevailed to win on IRC and YAH. The final day race of the season being the Cape Vlamingh closed out the Offshore Series and the FSC Captain Stirling cup with Obsession cleaning up in both with the Offshore results on IRC from Argo and Joss and from Weapon of Choice and ARGO on YAH while in the Captain Stirling Obsession again prevailed over ARGO on a count back with Weapon of Choice picking up third. On YAH Wassabi relegated ARGO to bridesmaid again with Weapon of Choice getting used to the 3rd flag. In Division 2 for the Offshore series Dynamic prevailed over Cougar and Soon on IRC while in YAH the yachts traded places with Soon edging out Dynamic and Cougar. In their run at the Captain Stirling Dynamic held off Circa and Soon on IRC whilst in YAH Soon held out against Ron MacArthur’s MX and Dynamic.
SoPYC Offshore Participation The SoPYC continues to be well represented offshore even if the SP numbers are harder to find on the fleet. Farrago and Vision continue to fly the club numbers whilst Mike Giles’s Enforfin (Our inaugural Offshore Captain), Betty Walsh’s Twitch , Chris Higham’s Argo and Garth Curren’s Walk on the Wildside are regulars offshore and all are ably supported by our club racers as regular crew in between their river sailing commitments. There is always an opportunity for our sailors to bring their yachts to the ocean or join our ocean based members as crew on the many challenging races conducted throughout the season. All you need to do is make yourself known to the clubs sailing office to be put in touch with help in this regard.
Speaking of the Gero, the entry portal opened recently and Mike Giles’s Endorphin pipped ARGO at the post to be the first entry and claim bragging rights over what is expected to be a solid fleet of stalwarts. Already a number of racing and cruising yachts have begun to register well in advance of the race.
Love is in the Wind The offshore glitterati were out in force on in March to see Chris Hind tie the knot with Anni Hodgkinson to formally unite two of SoPYC power house sailing families. Having met on Farrago and settled into Sagacious IV they remain represented in a variety of fleets on the river and offshore. Well done and Congrats to you both!! May your Winter Warmies still fit! Regards from your Offshore Scribe, Chris Higham
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SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
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ell the summer sailing season has come and gone so quickly. The Red Witch fleet has grown during the season with now eleven boats. There are still others promising to come join us next season so this is good encouragement for us all and exciting times for the fleet. This season has seen some changes and many new faces. New Scouting members have joined the club and sail regularly on different Red Witch boats. With Peter Gillett leaving the crew of Shenanigans to go buy his own boat, the red boat has trained up a new crew of Scouts and this did not slow the boat down. They have won the Club Championships, the Windward/ Leeward Series, and the Jeff Claflin Tri Series during the season. The green/ grey boat of Striker has improved steadily throughout the season and finishes the season with the Club Consistency trophy. In some races they have had the lead but mistakes or slight errors in height have been costly. In the light breezes both Striker and Hornblower have been early leaders and set a real challenge for the rest of the fleet. New paint jobs, masts, rudders, sails and spinnakers on some boats have been other reasons for improved results and keeps the fleet looking fresh. As winter approaches, many boats have plans to continue improving and sets the scene for another awesome summer scene of sailing. Can’t wait…. In preparation for this report, I asked many of the Red Witch skippers what they liked best about sailing in the Red Witch fleet this season, here are their replies.
Report from Oracle
After having crewed on Red Witches for 2 seasons, I felt it was time to purchase a yacht and have a go myself. I was lucky enough to find a hull in very good original condition and a well priced set of second hand Mylar sails. I was ready to go racing! What I learnt very quickly and am being constantly reminded of, however, is that there is a big difference between crewing and skippering. That has lead to some mixed results and a few moments I’d rather forget. However, despite the steep learning curve and mixed
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
results, we (my son Blake and I) are enjoying the challenge and improving slowly but steadily. What I enjoy most about sailing with the Red Witch fleet is the competitive nature of one design sailing and the supportive and friendly group of crew and skippers which make up the fleet. What is clear is that results are determined by the manner in which you and your crew sail your boat. To be competitive you simply need a boat and a willingness to listen, learn and take your chances on the water. Red Witches are a great boat to learn to sail in and the size of the fleet and the number of kids sailing each week suggests the future of the fleet is in good hands. Can’t wait ‘til next season… Peter Gillett, Oracle
Report from Striker
The number one thing I have enjoyed in the red witch fleet this season is the close racing. On the water you always have to be sailing well or the boats behind will overtake you or the ones in front will get away. There are also plenty of boats moving up through the fleet, so the racing is only going to get better. Even though the racing is competitive, everyone gets along well and there is a good atmosphere within the fleet at the club. The handicap results are close and there is always something to work on to do better over the line. The fleet is never boring and I am looking forward to next season when there are even more boats and tighter racing. Burke Brown, Striker
Report from Morgana
I was asked to write about my favourite part of the Red Witch racing at South of Perth Yacht Club and I was stumped. How could I have one part that was better than the rest? What would I choose? Every part was so good, so instead I have decided to mention some of the greats about the fleet. First I would have to say the camaraderie of the fleet. We may compete against each other on the water but off it we are all prepared to give each other a hand and to improve each other’s skills and knowledge. Second would have to be the racing over the course of the year, we have all improved in our ability to the point where at the beginning of the year the fleet would be extremely spread-out to where we are now all close together and fighting for spots. Finally, and most importantly, the boats themselves, they are such a great little boat to sail since you have a variety of ways that you can sail them from having 2 people to 5. They really are a great boat and great fleet to sail in. Many thanks to all involved. Rupert Ledger, Morgana
Report from Escapade
This season was the first campaign for the crew of Escapade. We bought a very tired and neglected boat and put a lot of effort in to try to return her to her former glory. It was a family project and we worked together to renovate and refurbish the old girl over a few months and we were very happy with how she presented at the start of the season – even if the paint was only just dry! To say the season has been a steep learning curve for us is an understatement. The first race was
abandoned and the next two races were highly eventful in that we broke sidestay fittings two weeks in a row as we found the weak points in the rig and limped back to shore, our tails between our legs. Our lack of confidence in ourselves was outwardly demonstrated by the outboard motor we hung off the back for the first 4 races for Justin, just in case. By the end of race 4 we were gaining confidence as we had actually completed the course, however as we approached the end of the race we realised we didn’t even know where the finish line was and we failed to finish the race properly! We hadn’t even thought to ask someone to point out the finish line and we were so far behind we didn’t even have anyone to follow! Nevertheless, we soldiered on and from that point on we took our training wheels off, left the motor ashore - and made sure we knew how to finish! The most enjoyable aspect of our season has been the learning experience. With Dad as the skipper; who hasn’t sailed competitively since he was a 14-year-old on VJ’s, and a rotating crew made up of 3 sons who are enthusiastic Sea Scouts, but have never raced before, it has been a wonderful learning and family bonding experience to sail together. We have received a warm welcome into the Red Witch fleet and the willingness of other crews to provide advice and support in helping us to set the boat up better and to sail her better has been outstanding. Particular acknowledgement and thanks must go to Kelvin Uren, who has been a wonderful ambassador for the camaraderie and sportsmanship of sailing by providing us with a huge
amount of tuning and sail trim advice, coaching, feedback and suggestions for improvement, plus a lot of encouragement. Now, if only we can remember the location of the marks and learn the courses, and apply half of what he has taught us we might have half a chance of catching him on that elusive red boat Shenanigans. Watching Burke and Paul Brown on Striker take the challenge to Kelvin in the last half of the season has given us hope that more improvement will come with time, effort and more learning. The coaching days provided by the club have been very helpful and we know a lot more improvement is possible. It’s been great fun celebrating the races where we’ve applied ourselves well, minimised our errors and we’re
really pleased to come away with six flags for the season. Thank you to all the Red Witch crews for your friendship and support and we look forward to coming back again for another crack next season. Daniel Wyatt, Escapade
he Jerwood/de Vries family combination is well known at Australian Sailing headquarters, where Nia Jerwood and Monique de Vries are Australian representatives in the 470 class. They jumped back to 420’s in January to claim the World Women’s title in that class. This time it is their parents in the spotlight. Nick Jerwood, Nia’s father and a former world champion in the Flying Fifteen class, teamed up with her brother Matt and Monique’s father Brian to win the Schweppes Viper 640 World Championship 2018, conducted by Western Australia’s South of Perth Yacht Club on the Swan River. Justin Scott repeated his success at last year’s Worlds by finishing second with two third placings in the last two races. The American stated at the start of the campaign that he came to Perth expecting a top five finish, so he would have been delighted with his performance. Sailing with young local
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
guns Conor Nicholas and Luke Elliot, the combination improved steadily throughout the regatta, with no worse than a third place in any of the final six races.
the way racing was run, the weather offered a little for everyone – from light breezes through to a testing 28 knot gear breaker, this regatta had it all.
Match racer Keith Swinton, originally from Perth but resident these days in the USA, held down second place until the final day, but an early start in the last race of the series and allowing Scott to relegate him to third.
Thanks to Bernie Kaaks for the articles and photos of the Regatta, and Ironbark for the photos of the Regatta.
SoPYC on water group did an amazing job with the setting of courses in trying conditions and bringing volunteers and yacht club staff together to man start boats, mark laying boats, jury boats and the host of other jobs that go together to make a successful series. The consensus from competitors was a big endorsement for the championship. The organization and
Jon Stubbs, Viper Scribe
hen I was scripting this article, the summer racing season had only a few weeks to go with winds ever decreasing after a not too hot early start to the year.
Retro Race 11th March 2018
No fewer than ten H28’s participated in the Retro Race held at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club in March. Also associate wooden boats Eun Na Mara and Robin Hood II sailed, thus making a for a huge representation from the SoPYC. After a recall for the first start, all boats headed for Sanders into a 15knot easterly. First Jindarra, Mariner and Corella were out in front, with Nerrima, Wynella and Anna close at hand. Carina, Alma and Napier Of Carrick were duelling in the middle pack with Koomela lurking. Ian Weaver with family in tow was aboard the great looking Robin Hood II. Ian was doing more than just coming along for the ride, the boat was handling well and pushing the H28 fleet. The down wind leg back to
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Freshwater Bay quickly came to an end with some tricky tacks and turns around the bay to not so familiar marks, North Point Walter, Roe and Suicide to name a few. An illustrious sight to observe wooden boats of all shapes and sizes throughout the race, from the tiny dinghies, mid-size Couta Boats to the mighty Eun Na Mara. Back at RFBYC for a few convivial ales, three SoPYC representatives claimed handicap honours, being Wynella, Mariner and Robin Hood II. An honourable mention must also go to Jindarra and Andrew Bell for his third over the line finish.
Many thanks to Manfred Speicher and his team and looking forward to more participation for SoPYC boats in the Retro Series. Note that next years Retro Series will be sailed from Royal Perth Yacht Club with H28 participation once again scheduled in March.
Saturday Sailing
At time of writing the Saturday Summer Season was coming to a close. The H28 Consistency Series winner seemed to be Nerrima, with a handy lead over Corella, Wynella and Anna. Although Les has a formidable lead in
the H28 Consistency Series, I am sure Dave, Glen and John and the rest of the H28 fleet will be chasing hard in the last few races to ensure a tight finish. Swiftsure Saga was again in the news with yet another bend in the mast. While waiting for the insurance claim to be settled, Swiftsure Saga was temporarily fitted with a wooden mast and hopefully will join the Saturday fleet again. At this point in time the H28 Championship is very tight. First Jindarra has a narrow lead of two points over Corella. Nerrima, in third position, about ten points away. Both Andrew and Dave seem to have the H28 Championship between them which will lead to some great racing over the last few weeks of the season. H28 fleet numbers for Saturday are marginally up with Aloha, Karoleeya and Alma joining the regular Saturday boats. Hopefully Andy, Graham and Judith can continue to sail regularly on Saturdays to maintain H28 fleet numbers vital to Saturday racing.
Herreshoff Hill Headlines
Carina. Geoff has been very busy in April and beyond doing some renovation work on Carina. With the help of Dave L, Carina will shortly be back to its sparkling best.
Napea of Carrick Good to see Napea of Carrick and Jim Spittle back joining the H28 fleet for a few races towards the end of the summer. Great to see you on the water. John Pierzak, H28 Scribe
Wednesday Sailing
H28 sailing on Wednesdays has again had six or seven boats sailing most weeks, with Carina and Aloha joining the fleet whenever possible. Alma, Corella, Wynella, Mariner are separated by four points in the Consistency Series with all four boats in strong contention for the title. First Jindarra and Anna are a few points behind ready to take any chances to improve their standings. Should be a great end to the H28 Wednesday Summer Series.
Social Sail
The aim of Social Sail is to increase engagement and improve confidence of sailing club members. The event will be held twice monthly on Sunday, commencing at 1530 hours during the summer season. It is informal sailing, with no volunteers required to start, but sail a course to give experience of mark rounding, etc. After the sail, return to club for meal/drinks/ socialise. Highly recommended, especially for H28’s which do not sail regularly and our novice skippers. The event will be promoted via the Red Book, E-mail and Coffee Pointers, thus keep an eye out if you are interested.
SPACESAILER 27 Giving Back a Little
ne balmy Thursday evening in February saw the Spacesailer 27 Fleet conduct its thirteenth “Parkinsons’ Association Twilight Cruise”. Originally conceived by Peter Willmott of Liberty, the annual “Parkies Night” is a non-racing event that is now a firm fixture in the Spacy 27’s summer calendar. A 10 strong fleet of SoPYC SS27s turned out to host about 40 guests, for a very pleasant twilight cruise across to Matilda Bay, to take in the sunset, and to then join us back at the Club for dinner. Several of our guests have participated in the event for well over 6 or 7 years and even ask to be allocated to the same boats where they have established lasting relationships with some of our skippers. One guest told us that they wouldn’t miss the Parkies Cruise for the simple reason that whether you stop to “smell the roses” or head out for a quiet summer evening cruise on the Swan, a little “chill out” time does us all a world of good.
Peter Willmott recently celebrated his eightieth birthday. He reckons he is going OK, but can no longer
comfortably ride on board Liberty. Nevertheless, he still managed to join us on the evening, hitching a ride on Lone Star with Garry Morrison and Amanda Watson, who kindly volunteered to escort the fleet. Thanks again to Colin Stevenson and the Parkinsons’ Association Staff for coordinating guest allocations to vessels and to all of Skippers and crew who supported the event. Garrick Aberle, SS27 Scribe Pr o a cti v e P r o f e s s i o na l s P r o v i d i ng Pe a ce o f M i nd
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SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Bradley Abbott Director
Christopher Higham Director
i everyone! Well racing and training has continued for the Pelicans after states and along with coach Matt Lingard we have started training up new skippers and crews for the upcoming winter season. It has been great to see Lexington and Seas The Day out with new skippers and to see 2 Extreme back out on the water after a while. Along with our regular SoPYC racing and training, PBYC held the “Pelicans March Regatta”. The two day regatta consisted of light but consistent winds with a few major shifts during races keeping us on our toes. It was a good regatta for our SoPYC Pelicans as Salacia sailed by Georgette and Alex won 1st place in Consistency, and Cleopatra sailed by Renee and Calyn won first year skipper. It was great racing with a very close group and the overall results being: Overall Championships: 1st Red Five, Luke & Alec (PBYC) 2nd Cleopatra, Renee & Calyn(SoPYC) 3rd Up The Creek, Kohen & Thomas (PBYC) Then the SoPYC Pelicans headed down to one of the sailors favorite regattas, the “Easter Regatta” in Busselton. It was also a filled with light winds and very shifty conditions. The 4 day regatta started on Friday 30th of March with the Invitational. The Pelicans sailed all of Saturday and Sunday with a treat from the Easter Bunny causing excitement when the boats returned to shore for lunch on Sunday. The racing then continued for one more deciding race on Monday morning before celebrating with a BBQ and presentations. This was also a special regatta as it is the last regatta a lot of teams were sailing in, with either skippers moving on or crews becoming skippers. We would like to wish all the skippers moving on the best of luck. It was a very close regatta with only one point separating the boats from second to fifth! Overall Championships 1st Pineapple Monday, Ollie & Zac (GBYC) 2nd Bunyip 6, Kiara & Lucas (GBYC) 3rd Uno, Jack and Dusty (GYC) 4th Cleopatra, Renee & Calyn (SoPYC) 5th Game Over, Finn & Ela (GBYC)
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
There was also a bit of sibling rivalry between the South of Perth Pelicans for the Consistency trophy with the older siblings in Cleopatra (Renee Keating and Calyn Reid) winning by only 3 points over their younger siblings in Salacia (Georgette Keating and Alex Reid) who were second. With the 2017/2018 season coming to an end we would like to wish Aiden and Teyah Duthie, who have had a very successful season the best of luck with sailing as they are continuing into 29ers. It has been a great season for the Pelicans with lots of fun and racing. We can’t wait for the next season to start up with more boats, with new skippers, crews and with exciting regattas and races ahead. Training for the Pelicans continues on Wednesday afternoons and
Sunday mornings before racing in the afternoon. If anyone has or knows of, any budding juniors aged between 8 and 14 that enjoy a challenge and would like to sail with a group of skylarking but competitive Pelican sailors please contact the Pelican section via email at: or come over and say hi sometime. To stay up to date with what’s going on across Western Australia in the Pelican Fleet, like our Facebook page: Pelican Sailing Association, Western Australia or visit our Website: Renee Keating, Scribe for the Pelicans
he 24th March multi-race more or less encapsulated this season’s extreme variable conditions with races cancelled one week for lack of wind only to be blown out the next. That Sunday offered both in one afternoon. Wild northerlies followed by an absence of breeze so ominous half the Laser fleet headed in for an early conference around the Laser Tree. Thus occurred a rare opportunity to catch up with some recently returned sailors from the 2018 Oceania & Australian Laser Masters held 9-12 February in Mooloolaba QLD, and gain some insight into their race strategies. Q1. What was your physical preparation regimen for the regatta? Bruce: The 1st lap is always for the training. Lewis: I made myself aware of the two-day training camp available prior to the event. Dave W: I conduct a year around program of LBT (Land Base Training), maintain a second laser at FSC for weekdays and arrived two days early for the camp to acclimatize to local wind and wave conditions. Dave L: Credible research proves visualization provides the same benefits. I gave training a good deal of thought. Q2. What about mental preparation? Lewis: Uuuuuuuuuuuh.... (sound of crickets, tumble weeds). Bruce: I drew on a wealth of regatta experience. So none there either. Dave L: Visualizing a post-race ice cold Corona. Dave W: Are you ***** me? Q3. Did your results meet your expectations? Dave L: Attending the previous three Masters, I improved my overall standing by one each time, starting with a 5th. I finished 3rd in this regatta, and I will place 2nd next year. Dave W: No way did I expect to beat Brett Beyer. Bruce: What was unexpected was that 4m swell in a Radial meant waves actually blanked the wind in troughs. Lewis: I was disadvantaged when my mental preparations for 20kts and huge swell were not met by actual conditions. And the local fridge magnets were way too expensive. Q4. Any special diet? Dave L: The secret is maintaining the delicate balance of Voltaren and Corona in the system. Lewis: Chocolate hot cross bun loading proved effective at previous years’ Masters, but there was an allocation problem. Dave W ate them all. Bruce: Paleo derived Patio Diet. Strictly BBQ only.
Queensland: Beautiful one day, perfectly rude the next Conversation on the shuttle bus returning to the airport: Driver: What you blokes doing in Queensland? Dave W: Masters Regatta. Driver: How’d ya go? Dave W: Second. Driver: So, ya lost. What went wrong? Dave W: Well, Brett Beyer* competed in my class, and… (lengthy explanation on training, natural talent, comparative advantage, local knowledge, etc) …I knew I couldn’t beat him. Driver: Why did you bother coming? *(international sailing coach, 12 x Laser World Masters
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Champion, 4 x Laser Australian National Masters Champion, 14 x Laser NSW State Masters Champion, Sports NSW Master Athlete of 2015 etc etc)
Special Edition “Golden Years” Laser Rolled Out 1 April
QUEENSLAND MASTERS Team Dave members conduct a pre-race strategy session at the rented Chez Dave. C
This prototype has all the features geriatric Masters have been asking for. The GY’s EZReadTM sail numbers mean you’ll never rig the wrong sail again and with the oversize Day-Glo telltale you can leave the bifocals at home. A deck mounted mechanical assist takes the slipped disc worry out of hiking. And the 50mm diameter main sheet and special Over50TM running sheaves will soon have you sheeting in like Tom Burton. Not shown is the optional Voltaren dispenser available in bulk capsule or IV drip (*cannula not included). The GY will be offered in a variety of hull and sail combinations including the retro chic ivory/orange hull (pictured opposite) and Polar or Mardi gras sail patterns (inset) that are sure to stimulate Senior sailors’ recall of their carefree youth. Available in Radial rig only. *(always consult with your qualified local healthcare provider).
LASER REPORT same day. Even local saltwater corrosion prevention expert Michael Coote couldn’t resist a go later in the week when he broke a bottom section while running downwind during Friday’s open training, and without capsizing, he claims. Inspection of the shattered remains revealed PSA’s inspired design using all the elements necessary to ensure corrosion; dissimilar metals used in spar and rivets, inner stiffening section optimized to trap moisture, and lots of penetrations to start stress cracks. Just add water and a pinch of salt for a predictable result every time.
Easy does it
Official Broken Spar Week 18 to 24 February Announced Kicking off the festivities in relatively mild winds Dave Luketina didn’t even make it to the line of the #4 Club Championship when his bottom section let go on the way out of his Laser. Next up was Thomas Graef breaking a top section near the windward mark in the 2nd race the
Centreboard Captain Kate Jones actually campaigned a Laser two-up in Mandurah about 9 years back, but received a lot of abuse from purists at that Club. It’s actually class legal if the crew race throughout the series without alternating at the helm. When assured that she’d be welcomed in the SoPYC fleet to race whether two-up or not, she said “The SoPYC Laser Fleet is easy.” Good to know the fleet’s sterling reputation is intact. Steve McFarland, Laser Fleet Scribe
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OPTIMIST REPORT 2018 Australian Nationals and Open Optimist Championships
very year, a team of young Optimist sailors from WA make their way to another state for the annual Australian Optimist Nationals. This year, the championships were held at RQYS in Queensland, all the way on the other side of Australia. However, that didn’t stop any of our sailors from hopping on a plane and traveling to Brisbane for an eight day long regatta. The sailing at the regatta was competitive with the top sailors from every state competing and the weather was challenging with some light and shifty winds to some reasonably strong winds. However our sailors had no need to worry. With the 4-day training camp with Fernando at RFBYC and an additional training camp at RQYS for the top sailors plus a few extra days of training with our coaches: Chris Kelly, Tessa Parkinson and Grant Alderson, Team WA was physically and mentally well prepared for the regatta ahead. The only minor concern was fatigue and lack of rest although the SoPYC sailors settled that pretty well. Andrew stuck his head inside his Kindle, while Toby fidgeted with his Rubik’s cube, the Rafarts took a trip to the beach and the Teos tried to sleep with no aircon… In total SoPYC sent 6 sailors in the open fleet to join the WA team along with sailors from RFBYC, RPYC, HYC and FSC. Altogether there were 14 sailors in Open, 3 in Intermediate and 1 Green Fleeter from WA. First up was the team racing series. WA did pretty well against most teams with WA1 & WA3 making it into the finals (WA2 sadly didn’t make it due to some unfortunate mistakes). WA1 managed to get a podium position finishing 3rd and WA3 finished 6th. Overall, it wasn’t a bad effort from WA with the tricky conditions and competitive fleet and although it could have been better but it could have been worse. At the end of the day the opening ceremony was held with the announcement of the top three teams and a memorable Mexican meal. The next day was straight into the qualifying fleet racing series. A total of 7 races were completed over the 3 days and 135 sailors in the Open fleet were divided into two fleets; yellow and blue. There were 76 sailors in
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
Intermediate and 48 in Green fleet. The wind was mainly light and the current was strong which made the racing very intense, producing a lot of inconsistent results. After the qualifying series the fleet got split into gold and silver (the top half in gold) for the finals series. 8 of our sailors managed to make it into gold. The finals series was up next, but before that and probably most importantly it was the Lay Day. Although it probably wasn’t a “Lay” Day there were still a few interesting things that the SoPYC sailors got up to. Most of the time the sailors stayed around water with the Rafarts obviously not having enough of the sea heading off to the beach for a few surfs. The Teos joined the Hindmarshes, Fergusons, and Beers at the South Bank which has swimming pools and artificial beach and plenty of interesting shops around to keep the parents busy. The first race of the final series saw some unusually strong winds that levelled off the heavy sailors scores with the previously dominating lighter sailors. There were a few comebacks made during the day and the Silver fleet had some pretty good racing with the WA sailors making their way out in front. On the second day the usual light winds returned and the racing was intense as the sailors fought hard to keep their position. The NSW sailors took first and second with Fletcher Walters narrowly beating Daniel Links by one point and Quinn took third. From WA, Aaron Teo finished 11th missing 10th due to a sign off penalty and Toby settled in with 13th. Isaac Teo shone in the silver fleet managing to get 2nd. The results for the rest of the SoPYC sailors were Andrew: 21st in the gold fleet; Ona: 47th and Pol: 53rd in the silver. Although WA did not do as well as the previous years, they still put in a remarkable effort. On the plus side, the regatta was enjoyable and everyone came out a better sailor than they were before. By Aaron Teo
OPTIMIST REPORT 2018 WAIODA State Championships at RPYC
n the 3rd and 4th of February, the usual Argonaut series was held at RPYC, but for the Optis, it was a short and early State Championships. The regatta was well participated with a lot of new sailors joining the fleet as well as some RPYC juniors having a go. There was a team of Japanese sailors. In total, nine sailors from SoPYC competed in the regatta (7 in Open and 2 in Intermediate). On the first day the wind was light and most sailors struggled to get off the start line, others could not get behind it resulting in a general recall for the very first race. The remaining races for the day were purely about finding the gusts and the shifts in order to get moving. At the end of the day some lucky sailors received some gifts from the lucky draw before the WAIODA BBQ dinner. This featured sausages, buns, steak, lamb, gravy, sauce and of course salad which remained mostly untouched. The day also held two birthdays: the busy mum in the canteen, Bec Hawkins, and Aaron Teo. The next day saw some different winds. Although the wind remained light at the beginning of the day, it picked up progressively throughout the day reaching about 18 knots in the afternoon. However, the wind remained gusty and shifty making it tricky to sail in. After the racing, the sailors packed up their boats and waited anxiously for the prize presentation as well as the speeches given by the sailors who will be leaving the optimist class later in the year. Although the Optimists had to share the waters with the other boats, the regatta was well organised and an interesting one too. The results for the SoPYC sailors were: Toby Coote 1st, Aaron Teo 3rd, Isaac Teo 9th, Ona Rafart was the 3rd girl and 10th overall, Andrew Dempsey 12th, Charlie 19th and top U10 sailor and Pol Rafart 25th. The 2 intermediate sailors did particularly well as Ella Richardson finished 2nd and Ben Pearson 3rd. By Aaron Teo
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
fter a solid season of sailing and 14 Championship races completed, our Club Champion has emerged in the form of Tim (Special) Walker and Alan (Plonky) Sharpe sailing Ffollow Us. The results show a consistent performance of finishing within the top 5 which is no mean feat considering the quality of the field. A critical eye will also note two OCS’s included in their score which, on their reckoning, is a fair price to pay to be in the front group. Tim and Plonky have been sailing together for 4 seasons and each have a sailing history that includes the regular dinghy classes in the UK for Tim and at South of Perth for Plonky. Tim is currently dividing his sailing time between the Flying Fifteen fleet at South of Perth and, teaming up with Matt Summers, with the local 505 fleet with the view of competing in the 505 World Championships to be sailed off Fremantle at the end of this year. Tim has a background in project management and you will, probably, have to front up with a bottle of shiraz if you want to know the nitty gritty of what that currently entails. If you want to know the history of Plonky’s nickname, that’s another bottle and you’ll need a comfy chair ! Russell Dawes, F15 Scribe
Alan Sharp (crew) front left & Tim Walker (helmsman) the other guy.
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
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SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
n order to thank the Grand Sponsors for their support of our junior sailors, they were invited to join us on the water for a boat trip on March 23rd. We chose that date to coincide with one of the Little Wheel match racing regatta heats, so that the sponsors could see first-hand our sailors in action. Three fantastic boats were offered for the event, Infiniti, skippered by Clint Jakovich, Vice Commodore Dave Barton’s Sovereign 8, and Major Detour, skippered by long-term Grand Sponsor Brian Kerman. It was a fantastic night - with 53 people confirmed as attending we needed all the space we could and it was wonderful to have such a great response. To the uninitiated, match racing is a complicated form of competition so we lined up some experts to join each boat as commentators during the racing. Our thanks go to Jessica Eastwell, Terry Newby and Tessa Parkinson who offered their expertise to help the rest of us get an idea of the on-water tactics and certainly added to the excitement of the event. Future events are in the planning stages now, including a Sundowner to replace our usual winter lunch event and the committee are looking at further initiatives to both enhance the experience of our Grand Sponsors and ensure that we continue to help not only our junior sailors but also those who are interested in learning more about power boating. Thanks again to those who attended the boat trip and helped to make the night such a great success. Cally Browning Chair, Sponsorship Committee
SOUNDINGS | May ~ July 2018
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