“ To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.� (Matthew 25:29)
Everything we have is a gift from God. Scottsdale Bible — the people, resources and opportunities —are all God-given. And we know the mission He’s called us to as a church...
To WIN people to a relationship with Jesus Christ, to BUILD them in faith through Worshiping God and to SEND them out Serving in the community. We believe God has opened a door and entrusted us with an opportunity: to make more room for people on their spiritual journeys. Our desire is to “use well what He has given.” We want to have hearts of grateful risk-taking, rather than hearts of fearful safe-keeping.
MultiSite means we’re going to take a part of who we are—a slice of Scottsdale Bible—and set it in a new location. This location in a nearby community will have: • The same vision, values and mission • Some of the same staff and volunteers • Excellent worship with some of our current worship team • Greeting/hospitality ministries • Robust children’s ministry • The same Scottsdale Bible heart for others.
Over the last 50 years, God has greatly blessed and expanded Scottsdale Bible, periodically moving us into larger spaces and new locations in order to reach more people. As we have experienced in previous locations, we are again “full” at our peak worship times. Experts warn that when a worship space is 80 percent full, it feels crowded and unwelcoming to newcomers.
The majority of people attending Scottsdale Bible live within a 20 minute drive. However, many in the Scottsdale Bible family live north of the Shea campus, beyond the 20–minute range. These several hundred people love Scottsdale Bible and regularly overcome the burden of distance to stay connected and involved in church. Surrounding them are untold thousands of people who see the distance as an insurmountable barrier keeping them from the ministry and relationships of Scottsdale Bible. Since our desire is to eliminate barriers and ease burdens that keep people from Christ, we have prayerfully decided to expand by launching MultiSite campuses in areas around Phoenix. This expansion takes the Gospel and Scottsdale Bible into a new community and creates more room for others.
Q: What is a “MultiSite” ministry? A: M ultiSite is having one church in multiple locations with one staff, one elder team, one budget, one ministry model, one philosophy, and one vision for the glory of God. Q: Why are we planning to expand to “one church in multiple locations?” A: There are many great churches in the Phoenix area, each with their own personality and DNA. We believe God has given something special to Scottsdale Bible that will reach unchurched people. We believe it must be given away to help reach the 87% of the population that are not being reached by ANY church. Our elder team and staff, after prayer and research, have come to the conclusion that we should go to a MultiSite approach for several reasons: 1. R eachable: It is the most feasible way we can influence the lost that we feel God has called us to reach. They simply will never be reached if they remain many miles away. We must go to them! 2. P roven: It is a proven strategy, now employed by several thousand churches, to reach more people for Christ. 3. A uthentic Community: MultiSite gives us the opportunity to develop multiple authentic communities of faith in unreached neighborhoods. 4. Accessibility: Multiple campuses bring the church to within a 10-15 minute drive to more neighborhoods. Studies show that multiple campuses lead to more involvement and more effective outreach. 5. Leverage: MultiSite allows us to plant new campuses that build on the solid reputation that God has graciously given Scottsdale Bible. 6. O ptions: MultiSite provides more options, thus reaching more people and involving more in ministry. 7. C onsistency: MultiSite is a proven way to replicate the DNA of Scottsdale Bible, with the unity of one staff, elder team and one vision in many locations. 8. Stewardship: MultiSite is great stewardship of financial and human resources. 9. H ealth: MultiSite promotes healthy church planting. In America, 8 out of 10 church plants fail. A MultiSite approach with seasoned leaders, an already successful philosophy—and the support of the larger body—provides far greater stability and success. 10. G od’s Initiation: God has brought our elders, our staff and our council of elders to unity, faith and tremendous excitement about this approach.
Q: When will we begin? A: W e officially began this venture more than a year ago with extensive research, prayer and financially through our normal budgeting process. Expect more details in the months ahead. The planned launch date is November 4, 2012. Q: Where will the first location be? A: We are looking north and northwest. We know where our people are coming from – and we know that MultiSite is an ideal way for our people to reach the unchurched in their communities who won’t otherwise drive to the Shea campus. We expect God to soon identify the specific location of our first MultiSite campus. Q: How will we make the decision on where to begin? A: This decision will be made by: 1. Much prayer and God’s leadership. 2. A good base of small groups and ministry in the area that will allow for a solid launch team. 3. The provision of God for a space to lease. 4. Securing and training a Campus Pastor, other staff as needed, and volunteer team. Q: Who will preach at the MultiSite location(s)? A: P astor Jamie Rasmussen will provide the teaching via video, providing the same heart and content that teaches us at Scottsdale Bible’s Shea campus. As proven with our on-site video venues at 9:30 am and 11:15 am, video teaching is viable with the aid of a strong Campus Pastor who will shepherd the flock in that location. Q: How can I be involved? A: T here are three steps you can immediately take to help MultiSite become a reality: 1. Pray! For every decision and provision needed. Begin praying now about your involvement in this venture and how God would use you to “ease burdens and break down barriers!” 2. S erve! We will be identifying all the needs for the launch team by the first of the year. Commit to doing your part in the success of MultiSite. 3. Give! Prayerfully contribute to MultiSite as the Lord leads you. If you have any questions or would like more information about MultiSite, please contact Executive Pastor Tom Sharda at MultiSite@ScottsdaleBible.com or visit us on the web at: ScottsdaleBible.com/MultiSite
I Affirm The Following (check all that apply)
□ Agree: I believe that God is leading Scottsdale Bible to launch a MultiSite location. ray: I commit to praying for God’s leading and provision for the next steps of □ Plaunching our MultiSite location. Consider: I am considering being a part of Scottsdale Bible’s MultiSite expansion □ team. We will be forming this community through small group ministry, local community service projects, and home group meetings and rallies. olunteer: I will volunteer either here or at the future MultiSite location to help □ Vfacilitate this next step in God’s plan for Scottsdale Bible.
Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Mail:_____________________________________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________________________________________ Areas I would like more information__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
480.824.7200 scottsdalebible.com/multisite multisite@scottsdalebible.com 7601 East Shea Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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