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Social and Communications Committee Review Community Leadership Committee Review

Social and Communications Committee Review

By Nina Munson SRCA Social and Communications Committee Chair

In past communications regarding our community-sponsored social activities, they have been filled with reflections of gatherings that brought families and neighbors together. We enjoyed movies in the park while eating popcorn and slurping on a snow cone, welcoming new families at the New Residents’ Cocktail event, searching for eggs and petting small furry friends at the Spring Event, dancing to music in the park and munching on hotdogs and hamburgers at our fall event, just to name a few great memories. Well, as we all know, COVID brought a whole new meaning to staying connected and engaged. This year, we all learned how to maneuver through Zoom meetings, celebrating special events with drive-by car honking and gift drop-offs in driveways, waving and talking to neighbors from across our streets. Most of our community event traditions were either cancelled or took on new shape. This year, we saw more boat parades from the shores or bridges on Lake Serena, recognized our Veterans with community distributed flags around the Ranch and also created a commemorative video in honor of our veterans, for our residents to view on our website. Last December, SRCA held a drive- through holiday lights and decorations display at the SRCA Community Center parking lot, where donations could be dropped off which were then donated to Vista del Camino, a local charity which provides assistance to those in need. During those donation drives, Santa and Mrs. Claus even made appearances! Looking ahead to

Community Leadership Committee Review

By Matt Metz SRCA Community Leadership Committee Chair

The Scottsdale Ranch Leadership Committee’s purpose is to make sure the SRCA Master Association maintains open communications with the sub-associations within Scottsdale Ranch, and to share knowledge and information to assist these sub-association Boards lead and manage their communities.

In an ordinary year, the Leadership Committee would have met two or three times, creating social events that encourage networking and seminars that provide critical updates and helpful information.

But of course, 2020 was anything but a normal year. As a result of the pandemic, we met only once during 2020, and that was “virtually” using Zoom meetings.

Appropriately, that meeting’s goal was to provide sub-association board members with some information and legal tips on how to this year’s expected continued restrictions, the plan is to continue to creatively think of ways to hold events virtually or in small gatherings, so we don’t lose the value of community engagement which we pride ourselves on. Improvisation is the name of the game!

Also, this year in particular, it was evidenced how important communication is with our residents. Work in this regard did not stop at SRCA. Staff worked diligently to revise our website’s video featuring the attributes and beauty of the Ranch as well as continuing to make the website more robust and easily accessible to information. To complement the website, the staff implemented a portal and mobile app where you are able to access through your phone or computer to retrieve important information such as your account status/history, event schedules, special announcements and much more. All homeowners should have received information on how to sign up for this latest technology. If you haven’t signed up, contact the association office for your unique log in information. Weekly email blasts continued to keep you informed of Scottsdale Ranch happenings, COVID guidelines, safety in and around the Ranch, and inspirational stories of how residents creatively channeled their energies to keep spirits high in their neighborhoods. For those of you who have not provided your email to the administrative staff, I urge you to do so through our website at www.scottsdaleranch.org. This will ensure you do not miss out on any important announcements regarding your community.

While COVID restrictions have continued into 2021, we are hopeful that soon we will be able to gather in person once again for community club meetings, sponsored events, and holiday celebrations. In the meantime, we all wish you a happy and healthy Spring, and look forward with anticipation to seeing and hearing from you soon.

manage through the pandemic; it included advice, do’s and don’ts, and a helpful question and answer session. We brought in Lynn Krupnik, SRCA’s counsel, to lead this session.

It was VERY well received, and I believe it provided critical and helpful tips and needed guidance to the sub-association board members in attendance.

I’m hopeful that this year, more and more of us will be getting our COVID vaccinations, perhaps allowing the Leadership Committee to meet in person sometime before the end of 2021.

In the meantime, we will continue to distribute links to free Scottsdale City and paid CAI provided virtual seminars so that your sub-association board members can continue leading your communities.

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