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Children’s Storytime Chess
Children’s Storytime on the Ranch
Join us for an hour of story-telling, games, activities, sing-a-longs and more! Parents, grandparents and caretakers are invited to join in on the fun and meet Mother Goose and her character friends. Upcoming Events August 19th and September 16th All events start at 4:00 P.M. in the SR Community Center. We can’t wait to see you there!
Do you like to play Chess??
Chess is good for memory, stress and most importantly creating friendships between players.
Scottsdale Ranch residents who are interested in joining the club, please contact Khaled Shair at (708) 267-6720 or kshair@lasaintl.com.
This group is for Scottsdale Ranch men retired, or soon to be, from their working careers. RAMCO meets for camaraderie, interesting speakers and table discussions. Upcoming Meeting September 15th
Meetings are held at the SR Community Center at 8:30 A.M. Coffee and mini donuts are served from Crave Grounds Gourmet Coffee.
Please contact the secretary to RSVP at (928) 242-7979.
Community Association ~Vision & Values ~
Our VISION isthatScottsdaleRanchwillbe characterizedbyitsbeautyanditsdesirabilityasa placetolive,itsoutstandingrecreationalandsocial activities, itsfinancialsoundnessandsustainability, and,itsprotectionofpropertyvalues.
➢ Fiscal Responsibility • We proactively invest, use, and spend the Association’s assets responsibly, and hold ourselves accountable for the protection and enhancement of property values. • We provide sound, proactive, and farsighted fiscal stewardship through prudent assetmanagementandreservepolicies.
➢ Openness and Inclusiveness • Wevaluetheidealsoffriendliness,mutualsupport,collegiality,andcivility. • Welistenrespectfullytoeachotherandallmembers,embracingdiversity. • Weremainopentoideasnomatterhowdifferentfromown. • Wemake decisionsthatsupportandenhancethequalityoflifeforeveryoneinour community. • We value the participation of members in our governance and communicate frequentlyandopenlywithmembers.
➢ Legacy • Wearecommittedtothequalityoflifeoffuture generationsofScottsdaleRanch. • Weworktoleaveacommunitythatwillbeemulatedbyourpeercommunities.
➢ Innovative Leadership • We are innovative and creative in meeting current needs and desires of our residents. • Wearewillingtoget“outofthebox”tokeepourcommunityontheleadingedge ofhomeownerassociations.
✓ New ideas areimplemented. ✓ Property values and quality of life areprotectedandenhanced. ✓ Residents feel they belong to and are engaged inScottsdale Ranchthroughitsshared governance,communityinvolvementanddiverseevents. ✓ ScottsdaleRanch’sleadershipandfacilitiesarerecognizedas best in class. ✓ Scottsdale Ranch is the most desirable community in the Valley.