THE PATINA STORY Exclusive collections inspired by the Santa Fe
curators love it? That’s the Patina promise –
Opera and Performance Santa Fe will validate
curator to collector, a commitment Patina has
again in 2017 the Patina Gallery promise to
kept for two decades. Patina is often described
present only the best in fine craftsmanship.
as Santa Fe’s most beautiful gallery. What does
Patina features some of the most soul-stirring
that mean? Patina Gallery exhibits like no other
contemporary jewelry, fine art and design in the
an aesthetic sensitivity and pacing that creates
world. Before it is staged in the gallery, each
a sensual experience when pieces of art fit the
handmade Patina piece passes a rigorous test.
larger design that is the gallery.
Does it have soul? Is it the best? Do the gallery
WORLD-CLASS ARTISTS Patina presents soul-stirring works from more
compelling creative story. The impressive roster
than 100 renowned American and European
of artists ranges from Claire Kahn, a classically
artists. The Smithsonian, the New York Museum
trained designer who turned to using glass
of Arts and Design, the Metropolitan Museum
beads to create intricate necklaces, to Harold
of Art, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Art
O’Connor, the inspiring Colorado maker and
Institute of Chicago and other major museums
teacher drawn unexpectedly to metalwork while
feature works by Patina artists. Each artist has a
a student at the University of New Mexico.
Images L-R: xxx, xxx, xxx
+001. (505) . 986.3432 | 131 W. Palace Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87501
COLLECTIONS CURATED BY ARTISTS FOR ART LOVERS For owners Allison and Ivan Barnett, Patina
Allison works closely with Patina’s patrons
Gallery is the expression of their creative vision.
and associates, and shares responsibility for all aspects of the gallery with Ivan. Allison
Ivan is Patina’s gallery director. He is first and
holds a BFA in metalsmithing from Syracuse
foremost an artist. Ivan has enjoyed a successful
University and is an authority on artist jewelry.
career of 40 years creating his own work. His
For collectors, a visit to Patina is an interactive
work is featured, among other places, in the
experience. Allison creates that because of her
Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe.
ability, unmatched in Santa Fe, to articulate the
As a boy, he began drawing and making art
relationships between makers and their pieces.
under the watchful eye of his father, Isa Barnett,
Allison’s sense of style began when as a child
the renowned Philadelphia illustrator and art
she listened and learned from her grandmother,
professor. Ivan realized at a young age that he
whose fashion boutique was a trend setter in
was leading a different kind of life, surrounded
New Orleans. Allison’s grandmother earned
by makers of all kinds who came to his father’s
clients’ trust through her instinct for catering
studio. Ivan was enchanted by New Mexico at
to their personal tastes. At Patina, Allison and
age five when he joined his father on an artistic
Ivan collaborate and curate exhibitions that are
exploration along Route 66. By 1980, Barnett
seductive in the way they time and again invite
was constructing weathervanes, collages and his
art lovers back to the gallery. Allison, possessing
favorite, mobiles. The first mobiles were quite
intimate knowledge of the art and artists, offers
basic, featuring silhouetted folk elements from
clients a deep connection to makers and their
his time spent in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Making
unique creative processes.
art is a reminder, he explains, “that the love remains unfettered for my true self.”
Images L-R: xxx, xxx, xxx
+001. (505) . 986.3432 | 131 W. Palace Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87501
HISTORIC LOCATION & A COMMUNITY PARTNER Patina Gallery is the keeper of a legacy that is
In the mid-70s, internationally known art dealer
uniquely Santa Fe. A trading crossroads from
Elaine Horwitch moved into the building of the
the time of the ancient Anasazi, Santa Fe recalls
present-day Patina Gallery and transformed
El Camino Real and the craftsmanship of the
West Palace Avenue into a destination for
Spanish Colonial period, and the Santa Fe Trail
contemporary fine art. She opened eyes to
and the spirit of the Old West.
artists the likes of R.C. Gorman and Fritz Scholder, now considered giants. The Horwitch
Accordingly, in the 1930s, the legendary
Gallery showcased pieces unappreciated at
Leonora Curtin established the Native Market
the time – primary-color images on canvas and
in today’s Patina Gallery. She first created a
painted wooden figures, for example – that
workshop for local Spanish Colonial artisans
became the very signature of Southwestern
and then opened a market that would sustain
200 families during the Depression. Curtin was deeply involved in the artistic, literary and
Patina Gallery works in partnership with
archaeological communities of Santa Fe. The
prominent Santa Fe organizations to encourage
dream of the Curtin-Paloheimo family to honor
creators, to strengthen the arts and to build
Spanish Colonial heritage led them to create the
community. Today Patina proudly collaborates
living-history museum known as El Rancho de
with, among others, the Santa Fe Opera,
las Golondrinas.
the International Folk Art Market and Performance Santa Fe.
Images L-R: xxx, xxx, xxx
+001. (505) . 986.3432 | 131 W. Palace Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87501
Baharal & Gnida
Jack Parsons
Disa Allsopp
Barbara Heinrich
Audrey Peck
Maude Andrade
Thomas Hoadley
G. Phil Poirier
Lucia Antonelli
Carla Reiter
Boris Bally
Hilde Janich
Gustav Reyes
Ivan Barnett
Ewa & Piotr Jankowska
Alexandra Rivera
Michael Bauermeister
Claire Kahn
Cheryl Rydmark
Isolde Baumhackl-Oswald
Ulla & Martin Kaufmann
Kayo Saito
Nicholas Bernard
Kay Khan
George Sawyer
Jacek Byczewski
Taikyun Kim
Lauren Schlossberg
Claude Chavent
Christy Klug
Oliver Schmidt
NaMu Cho
Daniel Kosharek
Ursula Scholz
Christine Clark
Tia Kramer
Biba Schutz
Petra Class
Daphne Krinos
Mike Shuler
Kate Cusack
Stephen Kris
Salima Thakker
Harris Deller
Merete Larsen
Julia Turner
Arthur Drooker
Hilde Leiss
Myung Urso
Emanuela Duca
Nel Linssen
Karin Wagner
Susanna Duenne
Terri Logan
Suzy Wahl
David Ebner
Kiwon Wang
Helen Ellison-Dorian
Enric Majoral
Alexandra Watkins
Sandra Enterline
Patrick Malotki
Debbie Wetmore
Gretchen Ewert
Brooke Marks-Swanson
Gill Galloway Whitehead
Larry Fielder
Robin Martin-Cust
Andrea Williams
Liam Flynn
Jack & Alice McLean
Jeff & Susan Wise
Pat Flynn
Nancy Michel
Michael Wisner
Ford & Forlano
Harold O’Connor
Erich Zimmermann
Clay Foster
Joan Parcher
Atelier Zobel
Doerthe Fuchs
Tod Pardon
+001. (505) . 986.3432 | 131 W. Palace Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87501
CONTACT Ivan Barnett, gallery director
Allison Barnett, co-owner
Rob Dean, media relations
+001 505.986.3432
+001 505.986.3432
+001 505.986.3432
LOCATION 131 West Palace Avenue, Santa Fe,
Gallery is situated in historic downtown Santa Fe
New Mexico. 87501
between the New Mexico Museum of Art
and the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.
Images L-R: xxx, xxx, xxx
Artist Petra Class, creator of the Rhythmical Arrangements collection +001. (505) . 986.3432 | 131 W. Palace Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87501