Scouting is about progressive self-education. The Scout Movement is based on the concept of self-education. This implies that each youth member is considered as a unique individual who, from the outset, has the potential to develop in all dimensions and to take responsibility for his or her own development. The Scout Method intends to ensure personal progression, by helping each young person to use and develop his or her capacities, interests and experiences.
You might feel unsure about your sexuality, or who you find attractive might change during your life. Your sexual identity is something you should take time to think about: what you like and feel comfortable with is different for everyone. Working out whether you are gay, lesbian, bi or straight can be confusing. You don’t have to tell your friends anything about your sexuality or who you fancy unless you want to, but remember it does help to talk.
Youth/Adult Members Searching and Supporting
A simple guide to some of the words used here:
This is a simple tool which is designed to inform and support members. It is for everyone. It can be a tool to help those who are unsure of their sexual identity or who are merely searching, a tool to assist Adult Scouters become aware of issues affecting a youth member or another Adult Scouter, and a tool for youth members to appreciate and understand what a fellow scout may be going through.
Sexual orientation: Who we feel attracted to, whether it’s people of the same sex, another sex, or both. Sexual identity: It refers to the feelings we have towards our own sexual orientation, gender and gender roles.
Please be aware that this is only a simple introduction to a complex issues, included in the resource are suggested websites where more comprehensive and specific information and advice is offered.
Gender is made of the biological, legal, social and cultural attributes and the opportunities associated with the fact of being a man or a woman. Bisexual: Someone who is emotionally and sexually attracted to both males and females.
Scouting, with its principles of fraternity, integrity and doing ones best, needs to ensure that it is a place that is welcoming and accepting of individuals, that promotes equality, human rights and social justice, and challenges discrimination.
Gay: Someone who is emotionally and sexually attracted to people of the same gender. Gay is usually used to refer to males, lesbian to refer to females.
What is sexuality?
Lesbian: A female who is emotionally and sexually attracted to other girls/women.
Sexuality is about how you think, act and feel. Part of your sexuality is your sexual orientation. This is decided by who you are generally attracted to (boys or girls) or if you are attracted to both. During puberty and our teen years, we start to explore our sexuality and to figure out what we like.
Heterosexual/Straight: A person who is attracted to someone of another gender.