Hampshire Scout Network News NetNews
Vol. 3 Issue 1 February 2011
Scouting Magazine Youth Editors Rob Vine - Fareham East Explorer
December Scouting Magazine landed on door mats throughout the UK showing what young people can do. It should be no surprise to us!
County co-Chair, ACC & BYC, Fi
It was edited by a team of four Explorer Scouts, one of which was Rob from Fareham.
Network member Fi Durrant shows how it should be done. Since becoming Editor of NetNews Fi soon became a County Scout Network co-Chairman. She was then asked to lead the formation of The County Youth and with this joined the County Core-Team as ACC Youth Council. Then Fi applied and was selected to represent UK scouts at the World Scout Conference. Now Fi has been selected to represent Scouting’s Youth on the British Youth Council. Way to go Fi! Read page two to find out how you should get your copy complete with Network supplement.
URGENT NetNews Editor Required Fi Durrant - Hampshire Scout Network Co-Chair
After 2 years of editing and putting together NetNews Fi has THREE new Scouting roles and so feels it’s time to hang up her electronic pen and pass on to someone new. If you are interested in editing the NetNews (only 4 issues a year) then please contact Fi or Ray. E: scout.network@scouts-hants.org.uk Fi E: fiona.durrant@hotmail.com Copy date for the May issue is the 23rd April
In This Issue... • • • • • • •
2 Census - Registration - Membership fees 3 Network News - Network Ball pics - Camp with the Chief - New Factsheet & Resource 4 Join in Jamboree programme ideas 5 UK Network events - Join the Serbian Explorer Belt Expedition 6 Upcoming events - Cooking Competition Support Explorer Camp - Activity day 7 2011 County Scout Network Events Calendar 8 Contact details
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Census The Scout Association
The Scout Association carries out a census of it’s members every year so that it has an accurate record of it’s membership. It can also monitor trends such as “at what age do members leave”,”have we been successful with recruitment”. It can then ask “what is one Region/County/ District or Group doing to recruit members compared to a Group that is losing members”.
Membership fees, Network monies The Scout Association & Hampshire County & Hampshire Scout Network
The 2011 Membership = HQ £20.25 + County £7.25 (there will be a 50p discount for those who pay on time). As yet no District has charged District subs to a Network, knowing what a benefit having a Network based in their District is. Scout Network members pay monies to their parent Network’s Account Manager. The Network Account Manager pays their host District’s or County Treasurer.
Hampshire Scout Network
All new members (and those who have not yet done so and those without a CRB) MUST register as a Network member using the attached form AND a Form OH (Occasional Helper).
When you join Scout Network, as with all of the over 18 years members, The Association must keep a record of you. Name, Date of Birth, Address and other contact details etc. As with any organisation it should be able to contact you and of course you should be able to contact them!
Scout Network members who also holds an Adult Appointment (i.e. Assistant Cub Scout Leader (ACSL), Scout Leader (SL)) do not pay the above fee twice. For them, this fee is normally paid by their Group or Unit or District. Network members should also be charged annually for any running costs budgeted by the Network committee. Approximately £30 (2011) a year. - This will differ from Network to Network.
When you register with Scout Network, we in Hampshire ensure that you are kept informed of all of the opportunities open to you. (if you know of someone in your Network that does not get a copy of the NetNews then please let us know).
Payment is due by 28th February of each year - The total payment of approximately £60, or in the case of Adult Appointment holders, £27 (2011), is payable.
When you register you will receive an email or text to welcome you. When you pay your registration fee (£10) you will receive: You will also receive...
Good Practice - Network members should be charged regularly throughout the year so that monies have already been paid come 1st January of each year. Suggest £1 per week or £5 per month or pay per term, or quarterly.
...from Hampshire County; a Network Necker - Network badge and Nametape - Membership pack with all you need to know about Scout Network and contact details for all of the opportunities open to you - Network related emails – (text is also planned) – NetNews – access to County Office and County personnel for all Hampshire Scouting enquiries from Scout HQ; ScoutingPlus and Adventure emails - Scouting Magazine with Network supplement – access to the information centre for all enquiries.
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Network Ball Eastleigh – Fareham East - Networks
December 4th, Lyndhurst Park Hotel, Lyndhurst, New Forest gathered Hampshire Network members, their Leaders and guests for our annual Ball. Network members could hardly be recognised as they dressed to impress. Pics - Whoops upside your head! - Your County coChairs Sam and Fi (Centre) with other guests – Eastleigh Network
Chief Scout’s Survival Camp 20-21 August 2011 Chief Scout Bear Grylls is holding a 24-hour wilderness survival camp on his island in Wales, and eight Scout Network members aged 18 to 25 will be lucky enough to join him!. If you have achieved your Queen’s Scout Award or will have by 13 August 2011 then you are eligible to apply. The closing date for applications is 30 April 2011. To find out more and get an application form visit www.scouts.org.uk/survivalcam
Create Your Own UK Scout Branded Resources
New Social Network Factsheet A new factsheet has been produced to support the safe and responsible use of social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Social Networking Sites and Scouting promotes a common-sense approach as well as containing information about the training opportunities available Find it by searching for FS103011 on www.scouts.org.uk.
A brand new range of templates are now available online. These can all be adapted with local information to help make your Adventure more visible and support the recruitment of members. To access them please log in at www.scouts.org.uk and choose ‘Print Centre’ from the ‘My Tools’ menu, then follow the on-screen instructions.
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Please let us have a copy of your 2011 Network Programme. Here are a few ideas to help you.
Past Programme Ideas October - Solidarity November - Past Jamborees December - A world of culture Future Programme Ideas January - Come dine with me - see Network Cooking Competition 14th February February - Hall책 Sverige, Hello Sweden March - Our World April - Make a change! Make a difference! May - Scouting skills June - Working together July - World Scout Jamboree - Are you planning a visit? or something else? August - Home Hospitality September - Looking to the future Every Network should have a copy of the Join-in-Jamboree booklet. If you need a copy, please ask via the back page contacts.
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SCOUTS OF THE WORLD The Scouts of the World Award is an award of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Find out more about it at www.scout.org
UK Network Events Fun in Beds 25-27 Feb. Bedfordshire Network Camp Cost: £25 (before 5 Feb) £35 after funinbedsfun@hotmail.co.uk Hub Camp 2011 25-27 Feb Nethy Bridge, near Aviemore www.scout-network.org.uk March Operation Red Flare 5 March, Surrey Hills Night incident hike for teams of 4-7 www.glswscouts.org.uk/2011/ operation-red-flare Network Activity Academies 28 March to 1 April Introduction to Instructing @ Youlbury | Watersports @ Hawkhirst See p12-13 for more information sac@scouts.org.uk April Apex Overnight Challenge 9-10 April, Sherwood Forest Tough challenge event including climbing, caving, mountain bikes and more. www.apexchallenge.co.uk Paris D’Avenir 22-25 April 2011 International Rover event www.parisdavenir.eu europe.adviser@scouts.org.uk
Serbian Explorer Belt Expedition Team Penguin, a group of three Scout Network and Guide members undertook their Explorer Belt Award expedition across Serbia in August 2010. Helen and Louie tell us what it was like The trip was for 17 days and was the biggest challenge in Team Penguin’s lives so far. We gathered at the Serbian headquarters in Sabac ready to begin. We were very nervous as we couldn’t plan routes until the day before we were due to leave, which was nerve-racking. Our nerves increased after we planned our route and it dawned on us how far we would be walking for ten days with our really heavy bags – our first day was 22km. We had a fantastic time during the expedition. The Serbian people were so kind to us and helped at every opportunity, even though many couldn’t speak a word of English. We were offered drinks and food wherever we stopped or even when just passing by their house. We helped on a farm doing chores, hiked like a walking jumble sale with washing drying on our backs and Ben even had his hair shaved off as one of the challenges. Along the way we made some great friends, who we hope to keep in touch with in the future. It felt like we had walked 1,000 miles but completing the challenge gave us a great sense of achievement. If you ever get the chance to experience an Explorer Belt, then do it. www.scouts.org.uk/explorerbelt
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County Scout Network Cooking Competition 2011 Monday 14th February from 7:45 for 8pm start Venue: 14th Eastleigh Scout HQ SO50 4NA (recreation ground) NOT the same place as last time! - Allbrook Hill, Eastleigh M3 junction 12, A335 Eastleigh (Allbrook Way), B3335 (Allbrook Hill) Theme: Credit crunch Valentine’s day 3 courses for £10 (bring receipts to verify) Bring your own cookers, pots, pans etc Book: please let Paul know if you are entering a team/s of four by 7th February. *P* (Real) Paul Ridout E: paul_carew@hotmail.co.uk
New Forest South Explorer Camp Network support required Friday 18th to Sunday 20th February Ferny Crofts Please let us know if you can help on any of those days via the back page contacts
Network Activity Academies
Activity Day + Sleepover Leaders 'Have A Go Day' Winchester District Activity Team are running an activity day for adults in Scouting. Sunday 20th March 2011 Pinsent Scout Campsite Activities include Crate Stacking, Archery and Shooting. The cost is a mere £5.00 per person. For full details on the day, including the booking form, please visit scouts-hants.org.uk or ask us via the back page contact details Closing date for bookings is the 5 March 2011 Network members are invited to Sleepover on Saturday 19th add this to the booking form
Monday 28 March – Friday 1 April 2011 Hawkhirst Scout Activity Centre in Northumberland
County Scout Network Polo shirts
and Youlbury Scout Activity Centre in Oxfordshire Water sports at Hawkhirst SAC £100 Introduction to Instructing at Youlbury SAC £80 For more information: http://www.scouts.org.uk/events/113/networ k-activity-academies
We have just placed our 5th order for these super yellow Polo great from promoting Scout Network. Only £15 payable to ‘HCSC’. Available via the back page contacts
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Your 2011 tour dates
UK events we plan to go as a County Hampshire Scout Network on Tour 2011 Other UK events Please let us know if you are attending Month
Every Month
14th 18th - 20th 25th - 27th
What Where Join in Jamboree Valentine Cooking Eastleigh Competition Exp New Forest Ferny Crofts South camp HUB 2011 the Nethybridge, Nr hottest (well probably Aviemore
Information See Booklet Paul (Real Paul) Ridout (Eastleigh)
Fun in Beds Regional Scout Network meeting Activity Day
Bedfordshire Kent
funinbedsfun@hotmail.co.uk For CSNC and - County co-Chairs
Pinsent campsite, Winchester
www.scouts-hants.org.uk/Portal/ index.php?module=Pagesetter&func=vie wpub&tid=7&pid=657 Fi Durrant (ACC Youth Council) scouts.org.uk/events/113/networkactivity-academies www.apexchallenge.co.uk IOW
the coldest) Network event of the year)
25th - 27th 27th March
19th - 20th
+ Overnight on 19th March / April
25th - 27th 28th - 1st 9th - 10th 21st - 25th 21st - 25th
April / May
29th - 2nd 1st 22nd - 25th
July August
TBC 4th - 6th 24th - 26th 1st - 3rd
Sandy Acres Youlbury or Hawkhurst Nottinghamshire IOW Great Towers, Lake District TBC
www.scout-network.org.uk/ content/view/154/1
Sam Chapman & Fi Durrant (co Chairs)
Sam Chapman & Fi Durrant (co Chairs)
Paris, France
International Rover event parisdavenir.eu Clare Webb (Portsmouth) www.acoolfestival.co.uk Essex With Hampshire Explorers Kate Durbin (Waterlooville)
2nd - 4th
QE Country Park Coventry Basildon, Essex QE Country Park An Exotic City Downe Beaulieu Road/Ferny Crofts Theme Park Camp Thorpe Park
2nd - 4th
26th - 29th 26th - 29th September
Cty Youth Council Network Activity Academies Apex Revolution Network Gathering Network camp (in place of EVO) Festival (Network AGM) Paris D’Avenir
Support requested
BBQ Festival MAD UK Trek Cart Monopoly DNA Beer Festival
Gilwell Park, Cheshire
Jon (Tall Paul) Rowsell (New Forest North) Summit Network scouts.org.uk/reunion
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Contact Your Network Representatives Directly Pictured with their new friend (and Hampshire Scout network member) Bear Grylls
Your County Co-Chairmen Sam Chapman E: sam.chapman@live.co.uk M: 077 3271 6746 Fi Durrant E: fiona.durrant@hotmail.com M: 077 0839 1137
Contact Your County Network Commissioner Directly If you dare! No, he is very helpful really...
Contact Us: Hampshire Scout Network T/Text: 077 7228 9061 E: scout.network@scouts-hants.org.uk W: scouts-hants.org.uk/network
Facebook: Scout Network Hampshire Twitter: scoutnetworha Google Calendar: ask for the link Scout Network, c/o County Office, Ferny Crofts, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst, Hampshire. SO42 7YQ T: 02380 847847 F: 02380 840789 E: county.office@scouts-hants.org.uk W: scouts-hants.org.uk
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