深資童軍支部 支部徽章 火炬一直以來與深資童軍支部有密切的關係,榮譽童軍獎章領 袖標誌及榮譽童軍獎章都是以火炬圖案為主。而火炬本身形狀 似“V”字,加上火炬上呈“S”狀之火焰,正是深資童軍支部 的簡寫“VS”。 火炬同時具有薪火相傳的意義,象徵深資童軍支部為童軍運動 以至社會培育未來領袖之目的。
Venture Scout Section Sectional Emblem
“Torch” has a close relationship with the Venture Scout Section. It comprises a major part of the Dragon Scout Award Insignia for Leaders and the Dragon Scout Award. The torch looks like “V” and shows “S”-like flames, forming “VS”, the abbreviation of the Venture Scout Section. The torch also carries the meaning of passing the torch to the new generation, symbolising the aim of the Venture Scout Section to nurture future leaders for the Scout Movement and the society.