"Scouts in One World" Young Leaders Programme - Hungary Exchange Tour 2018

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Scouts in One World Young Leaders Programme

1 ina Tow er

3 The Delegation


dh a B ud

B ig The The logo features a Scout wearing a beret and Hong Kong scarf. The four coloured segments stand for the programme name in their respective Chinese characters.


The programme is an international exchange initiative under the Programme Branch. Launched in 2017, the programme aims at providing members with opportunities to travel abroad and interact with their foreign counterparts, expand their horizons and nurture them to be the future leaders.

Motto Pg.4

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Pg.5 - Pg.30



Message from Head of Delegation Pg.3

5 Programme Schedule Pg.35 - Pg.40 Hung

Ho Opera State arian

7 Titbits Scouts in One World (Pg.57 - Pg.58) Boundaryless Friendship (Pg.59) Locsolkodás (Pg.60) Scenery (Pg.61)

8 Others

u nt B me

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lia Par ng ildi

Hu nga r

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He roe s’ S qua re

Art Works (Pg.62) Souvenirs (Pg.63 - Pg.64) Autograph (Pg.65) Acknowledgement (Pg.66)

n ga Hu

Pg.31 - Pg.36

St. S tep hen 's B

4 Functional Team

Pg.41 - Pg.56




6 Itinerary & Journey


Message from Head of Delegation April 2018 It is my pleasure to be the Head of Delegation of the "Scouts in One World" Young Leaders Programme – Hungary Exchange Tour 2018. The response was overwhelming with over 170 members showing their interests in joining this programme. It was a great surprise to me last year. With the strong support from the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, and Scout Association of Hong Kong, we arranged seminars, team-building workshops and firm visits throughout the year for our members to widen their horizons and increase their exposure to our community, our country, Hungary, and to the "Belt and Road Initiative".


For the success of the programme and the tour, I must thank Mr Ng Ah Ming, Chief Commissioner, Mr Jason Ng, Deputy Chief Commissioner (Programme & Training) and the commissioners and staff from Programme Branch, for your trust and countless support. Appreciation also goes to the Hungarian Scout Association and all the Hungarians who helped us before and during our trip. Special thanks to Mr David Chong and Ms Helen Fung, two Deputy Heads of Delegation, who made great contributions, and together with me arranged everything for the youth members. Last but not least, thanks to all participants and supporting team members who devoted themselves and put lots of effort in all activities. I am sure all of you learnt a lot this year. I hope you will all be great leaders in Scout Movement and in society. "To be the best, the best that I can be!" Cheung Chun Yin William Head of Delegation Deputy Programme Commissioner (Sections)


The real way to gain happiness is to give it to others. - Baden Powell -



The Delegation


Hungary Exchange Tour 2018 29th March to 5th April Budapest . Hungary


張俊彥(William): 副青少年活動總監(支部)

L DPC(Sections) William Cheung

7th April williamtheprince

一個青年領袖計劃及一個交流團,令三十幾位 年青人成長。希望未來大家可以在童軍運動, 以至各行各業,發揮領導才能,學以致用。 "The real way to gain happiness, is to give it to others!" 謝謝各位這一年來的投入!

莊柏言(David) 助理青少年活動總監 (支部活動)

L APC(Sectional Activities)

3rd January david.cpy

David Chong

從面試時的第一次見面,至出發到匈牙利, 完成整個旅程,大家充足的準備及全情投入 ,使我肯定我們沒有選錯加入的成員。有大 家同行,我感到萬分高興。


馮曉琳(Helen): 總部領袖

L Headquarters Scouter

13th July

Helen Fung


Everyone we have met, everything we have learnt, every happiness we have shared, every moment we have spent together, were unforgettable and priceless. Finally comes to the end of this long and amazing journey. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Hungarian Scout Association, for the wonderful arrangement, fruitful and memorable journey. Also, thank you all dear participants for actively participating in the whole programme. Without your support, our success would not have been possible. I am glad to have you all for being a part of my journey! :)

聶嘉威(Jason): 港島第268旅

L CSL Jason Nip

26th February jasonnip0226

短短7天的匈牙利交流之旅轉眼便 過,在參觀探訪以至社區服務, 相信大家都經歷了很充實的一趟旅 程,而在籌備是次交流團的前後6 個多月,透過不同的訓練和事前工 作,大家更是獲益良多,得到的經 驗和友誼必定會畢生難忘。


紀裕聲(Ar Sing): 港島第159旅

L ASL Gordon Kei

31st May gordonkei

Szia to all Hungarian Scouts Friends. =D Thank you very much and love you all. The exchange tour is very warm, memorable and unforgettable. I will apply what I experienced and learnt in daily life. “All together, standing side by side”Do you remember? Let’ s sing again together! Special thanks to Kristof, Rambo, Sara, Peti, Réka,IIka and HK leaders and teammates. Keep in touch!


Turul and Patrols The Turul is a mythological bird of prey in Hungarian tradition and a national symbol of modern Hungary. Therefore, members of delegation are divided into 5 patrols and are named Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, Kestrel and Merlin respectively.

何倩菁(阿菁): 大埔北第12旅

V Venture Scout Vanessa Ho

15th November hosinching

很感恩我獲選參與這次交流團,不 只有機會看到美麗的匈牙利景色, 更加認識到了來自不同支部,不同 地域和不同國籍的人。整個計劃帶 給了我美好的回憶,希望以後還能 和大家見面。


鷹(Eagle) 小隊隊呼:We are we are we are! Eagle Eagle Eagle! 小隊口號:Give me the E! E! Give me the A! A! Give me the G! G! Give me the L! L! Give me the E! E! What do you say? Eagle! Eagle! Eagle!

梁峻維(Cyrus): 何文田第93旅



30th December

Cyrus Leung


完成整個計劃後,學習到很多不 同的知識和少少的匈牙利文,同 時識到好多新嘅朋友,不論香港 定係匈牙利都有。 希望將來會喺 童軍其他活動再見。


林朗軒(Loras): 港島第1旅

V Venture Scout

25th May

Loras Lam


今次的匈牙利之旅記憶猶新,特別是跟匈牙利童軍的交流和團員 間的牽絆,是我童軍經歷中刻骨銘心的一段路!好希望可以再同 這一班摯友一齊有更多的旅程和新的回憶!

許俊(Dickens) 東九龍第183旅


Rover Scout

29th June

Chun Hui


「讓我有個美滿旅程,讓我記著有 多高興。」這次匈牙利之旅令我認 識到一群朋友,每一位都難以取替 。感恩和你們相處的每一刻!


王達皓(William): 深水埗西區


15th April

Tat Ho Wong

是次匈牙利童軍交流團是我第一次以童軍身分參與的海外活動,當地的 童軍運動發展、歷史文化、風土人情等,都使我留下深刻的印象,而最 難能可貴的,莫過於能於「童」一天空下結交到一班來自香港以及匈牙 利的童軍朋友,相信今次寶貴的經驗絕對能夠在我的童軍人生中寫下燦 爛的一章。

譚樂瑤(Yoyo): 屯門西第24旅



16th August



由入選到8日旅程到從匈牙利回來之 後,一切就像從夢境回到現實一樣。 感激每一個從這次匈牙利交流計劃中 認識的人,你們每一個都有不同的優 點和長處值得我去學習,希望我能吸 收你們的優點令我成為一個更好的童 軍,甚至領袖。謝謝你們陪我走過這 段難忘和美好的旅程。希望在童軍路 上能再次遇見。


徐君睿(哈利波波) 東九龍第67旅

V Venture Scout

18th January

Ben Tsui


感謝童一天下青年領袖計劃讓我有個機會在這個交流團內幫助大家,雖然本人未能有幸參與交流團的匈牙利 行程,但本人在六個月的訓練之中,認識了一班非常之親切嘅童軍兄弟姊妹。縱使我未能有幸陪伴他們到當 地進行交流活動,他們都待我如同兄弟。 再者交流團的準備工作令我更了解童軍的銘言 Be Prepared 的重要 ,各位團員都在不同的功能組別中發揮他們的功效,不論設計不同的紀念章以及我們的交流團的衛衣等,都 令我大開眼界,深深感受到他們對交流的熱誠。感謝你們,有緣再會。

鄭傑文(傑文): 東九龍第1103旅



8th March

Thomas Cheng


這次交流是一次很美好的回憶,匈牙 利的每一天都過得很開心。交流團前 的大量事工及事前準備讓我了解到事 前準備的重要性。認識到大家是緣份 ,作為Falcon的隊長,我認為自己獲益 良多,有很多哥哥姐姐教了我很多, 幫了我很多,十分感謝大家,讓這美 好的故事永遠記在大家的腦海裏。


獵鷹(Falcon) 小隊隊呼:Falcon精神,快樂同行 小隊口號: Falcon falcon,無所不能,匈牙利行 ,增廣見聞,青年童軍,各展所能,,we are we are We are falcon!

符賢(Ernest): 東九龍第195旅

L ACSL ernest.tofu

20th September lmlyda

這次交流團提供寶貴的機會予來 自不同旅團、不同支部的童軍走 在一起,出發前和旅程中,我們 互相協調、策劃,從中互相學習 ,亦透過社區服務,在匈牙利流 下我們的足跡!相信交流團給我 們的得着和信念能應用到日後不 同領域中。


黃文軒(文軒): 北葵涌第13旅

L ASL Man Hin Wong

3rd March wongman333

猶記得幻想中的匈牙利之行中能看見充滿歐陸色彩的建築,碰到熱情的 童軍兄弟,體驗到熱切招待...... 遺憾的是最後大多只繼續存在於幻想之 中。唯一成真的仍是認識了一班伙伴,為各項突如其來的事工出謀獻策 ,希望未來能再度有機會與大家見面!

林卓衡(Nathan): 九龍第67旅

L Instructor

7th February

Nathan Lam

整個計劃以年輕的童軍為核心, 以培養各位年輕人成為未來的領 袖,社會的棟樑。當中包括不少 策劃活動的工作,我在當中獲益 不少。而匈牙利行亦令我了解當 地的風土人情!希望將來再有相 似的活動再拓寬我的眼界。


劉俊毅(Ivan): R

Rover Sea Scout

16th December


Ivan Lau


呢個交流團不但帶左好多新體驗比我之外,都比我識到一班好隊員,好團 員同埋好領袖!由於年紀愈來大,已經漸漸忘記了小隊制的團員集會。這 7日就好像給我一個寶貴機會,讓我學習和其他隊員合作和相處,令我得 到一份難能可貴的友誼。在這個交流團當中,我不但能夠和外國的童軍交 流,更可以和香港其他旅團的童軍交流呢!

伍家琪(Miki): 九龍第62旅



18th May

Miki Ng


在是次計劃中,我除了學會了計劃 的重點目標—領導才能外,還學會 了更多待人接物的技巧。由於我是 年紀最小的,一開始接觸這個包含 不同年紀的群體時,難免有點害怕 。通過這個8日7夜的匈牙利交流之 旅,不但增進了我對組員間的認識 ,而且促進了彼此的感情。但願在 以後的日子裏能在童軍運動中有更 深刻的體會和感受並從中成長。


鍾嘉珮(Joanna): 港島第9旅

V Venture Sea Scout Ka Pui Chung

4th August


半年匆匆過去,快樂的時光很多,忙碌的回憶也不少,和大家一起 做事工、畫牆、跳匈牙利舞、進餐、開心事台……這些回憶將永永 遠遠記於我的腦海當中。衷心感謝在這裡遇上的所有人和事,讓我 寓學習於娛樂。

陳梓軒(Oscar): 沙田西第20旅



8th March

Tszhin Chan


It is a great pleasure to enrol in the Young Leaders Programme. While in Budapest, there was an incredibly wide range of activities: travelling around the city, meeting new Hungarian Scouts, hot bathing… They were all great. The trip has enriched my life as a Scout.


鷹(鳶-Hawk) 小隊隊呼:We are Hawk We outwalk the block 小隊口號:嚟緊童一天下有咩做?九個靚仔靚女最 風騷。跟住雄鷹小隊有著數,咁就唔怕畀人點錯路 。我哋琴棋書畫造詣高,而且我哋仲係乖寶寶,樣 樣事工都會認真做,總之最強組合喺晒呢度。喺喺 晒呢度!喺喺晒呢度!喺喺晒呢度!

施亞朗(黑仔): 九龍第18旅

L ASL Aaron DS

12th November aaronds11

The Hungary Exchange Programme was a wonderful experience that I would highly recommend young members to participate in. The tour was in depth, as I have shared lots of memorable times with my fellow teammates and with the Hungarian Scouts as well. I hope they can treasure this memory and enjoy scouting.


陳銘希(Kenneth): 港島第1旅

L Instructor Kenneth Chan

24th May kennethiumchan

I have been hearing about the stunning view of Budapest and I am so glad that I could have the opportunity to visit the city. Not only was the night view of Budapest marvelous, the scout fellows we have met are also so friendly and nice. I believe that this was the greatest trip I have ever had not simply because of the beautiful landscape but because of the friendship I have built with my great teammates and the Hungarian scouts.

敖永豐(Patrick): 九龍第1661旅


Rover Air Scout

2nd April

Patrick Ngo


多瑙河光影如畫,動人是景,是 人,是歷史。感激匈牙利童軍招 待,使我們獲益良多。感謝團長 計劃使我們心無旁騖享受交流。 多謝最愛隊友團員留下回憶。


吳綺雯(Karen): 東九龍第67旅



10th May

Ng Yee Man


Joining the Hungary Exchange Programme was such a fruitful experience that allowed me to explore Hungary. Moreover, I got closer to my teammates through a wide range of activities. It is my first time to travel outside Asia, and I got to talk with numerous Hungarian Scout members. I enjoyed this programme very much and I enjoyed learning a lot from it.

李巧璇(Jade): 新界第1427旅

V Venture Scout Lee Hau Shuen

11th November zshuenzz

Hungary is a beautiful place that I had never been to. In these eight days, we went to different places such as the Danube and Fisherman’s Bastion. The city was very beautiful and the trip was an eye-opening experience. The time with Hungary Scout members and Hong Kong Scout members gave me a lot of precious memory.


吳景文(草泥馬): 東九龍第46旅

V Venture Scout Louis Ng

11th December louis__ng

After this 8-day tour, I have learned a lot of new things and got to know more about Hungarian culture and history. I have also met many new friends throughout the trip and the programme. I will bear in mind and follow the spirit of Scouts in One World in my scout life.


獵鷹(茶寧-Kestrel) 小隊隊呼:Kes~trel!人人係精英, 個個咁精靈!Wo~Kestrel! 小隊口號: Stronger than a hero; Faster than an arrow. All of us is special. We are the Kestrel!

林汶珊(Venus): 九龍第1698旅

V Venture Scout

6th April

Venus Lms


八日裏最深刻的便是小隊之間的 日常相處,在隊中我的年齡是最 小的,有許多需要學習的事物, 隊友們教會我的有很多。希望旅 程的結束,並不代表與團友和當 地童軍的友誼劃上了句號,在日 後我們仍有機會再聚。


蘇綽然(Cherry): S


1st February


Cherry So


I'm really grateful that I can join this adorable programme. I made lots of friends during the journey and workshops. Also, I learned more about the history and culture of Hungary. Those stunning sceneries and lovely memories will forever stay in my mind. A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.

康保麟 (尖子): 雙魚區第20旅

V Venture Scout PO Lun Hong

29th April


人生天地之間,若白駒之過隙, 忽然而已。八日的旅程也是如此 ,隨飛機滑輪和地面接觸,旅程 也就此完結。去了不同地方,看 了不同風景,感悟了不同的事。 讓我有所體會及獲益良多。時光 飛逝,可我相信有些事卻可記憶 猶新。願若有重逢之日,非擦肩 陌生之人。


方敏聰(Andy): R

Rover Scout

5th August


Andy Fong


Deeply impressed and no words can express my heartfelt appreciation for everything prepared by Hungarian Scout members. The programmes were great, we tasted, we drank, we sang, we danced, we climbed, we bathed, we learnt, we contributed and we experienced. Friends were nice, we chatted, we shared, we cooperated and we smiled! Everything I experienced, every friend I met, is deep in my’heart. Next time let’ s reunite in Hong Kong!

鍾頴詩(Vinson): 九龍第120旅


27th November


Time flies, and I wish the trip did not end. Having a flashback to the first day when I knew nobody in the team until the day we came back from Budapest, I realise that these are all important memories, and nothing can replace them. I will remember every scene of the trip in my entire life. Great thanks to everyone who built up such great time with me.


林耀華(菇): 東九龍第46旅

V Venture Scout Nicko Lam

29th December


這次Scouts in One World活動中,時間話長唔長,話短唔短,與6位隊 友相處了一段時間,雖然我未能以交流團成員身份到匈牙利交流,但在 每次的訓練中,隊友都很照顧我,包容我內向的性格,鼓勵我大膽說話 。很高興認識你們,也在你們每個身上學到許多東西,多謝每個隊友, 希望日後有機會再聚。

陳進(阿進): 東九龍第88旅

L ACSL Alistair Chan

24th July prestonchan11

A relaxing journey in a lovely and pleasant city. Each and every one of us had done a great job to bring the trip into reality. With the Hungarian Scouts’sincerity and hospitality, we have been able to explore the natural wonders, architecture, customs, cuisine, and most importantly, the people and traditions of Hungary.


鷹(隼-Merlin) 小隊隊呼:1234567 我地Merlin一定得 小隊口號:我地Merlin最霸氣,讓你半臂屈你機, 夠薑你就行埋黎,我地一招KO你!

龔亮恒(Odo): 九龍第17旅



3rd March



Bright spring, flowing water, vast sky, quaint buildings; every scenery, every place, every thing, is full of poetic and sentimental state; even if it is the same kind of thing, seeing here and seeing in Hong Kong, It feels completely different. Have you ever tried to see a tree on the road and you have the feeling of inspiration and worship? In Hungary, even when you open your eyes, it is already a pleasure.


錢卓熙(Hugo): 新界第1742旅

V Venture Scout Chin Cheuk Hei

8th April cheukhei_chin

I had a deep feeling in their culture and customs in this impressive trip. Budapest is a great city: even though it may not have great tourist facilities, it has the most friendly scouts. They prepared a lot for us when they were in their holiday or even not in their holiday.

葉雅雯(Almen): 東九龍第67旅

V Venture Scout

18th October

Yip Almen


There have been many“first encounters” in the exchange tour, like flying out of Asia, visiting Europe… The many novel and unforgettable memories always remain in my heart. I am so glad to be a one of the participants of this tour. I am thankful to the Scout Association of Hong Kong for giving me this chance and to the Hungarian Scouts for preparing everything for us. That’ s made the trip full of joy and happiness. Hope to see your guys soon.


駱俊亦(雞亦): 沙田南第2旅

V Venture Scout Ryan lok

27th August


Hungary is a country located in Europe. It is a wonderful and unforgettable place. Before the visit, I had never thought about why someone from Hong Kong would choose to study or work in Hungary. The experience of this trip told me the answer: the beautiful view and delicious food. A magnificent landscape was in front of me and the Fisherman's Bastion is especially picturesque. l am so grateful for this opportunity. Hope we will meet up again.

林海彤(導演): 港島第5海童軍旅


Rover Sea Scout

1st June

Yuko Lam


I did enjoy this memorable journey in this lovely city. I enjoy one of the Hungarian food named Nokedli or Galuska. It is a new food for me. After the journey, I searched for the recipe of Nokedli. I will try to make it by myself. Let the taste and memory of this trip remain in my mind and my mouth.


Functional Teams The Exchange programme is not solely organized and executed by leaders. All delegation members are responsible for implementation and have opportunities to contribute their abilities and potentials to the programme.

Administration Team 31 Administration Team

Media Team

Publication Team

Programme Team

Quartermaster Team

Research Team

The Administration Team handles clerical work and keeps a record of other papers and documents. The Team prepares certificates, speeches for Flag Presentation Ceremony, Baden-Powell quotes and diaries of the trip. The Baden-Powell quotes are also used by the Media Team for publishing posts of sharing on social media.

Loras Venus 黑仔

啊進 Nathan

Media Team The Media Team is responsible for matters related to promotion and publicity. In particular, the Team manages a Facebook page and publishes a variety of posts, photos, entries and columns to share our joy and happy moments with fellow Scout members and the wider community. The Team also arranges interviews with different guests to gather views on exchange programmes.



Yoyo Kenneth Andy

Publication Team The Publication Team designs, edits and publishes the campbook and logbook. Formulating a framework of the publication, participants are invited to submit entries which are used for compiling the two booklets. Members contribute their primary, exemplary work to assist the archivist.


Karen Vinson Joanna



Programme Team 33

The Programme Team coordinates and schedules events and activities throughout the programme. The programme architect proposes games, timetable, performances and other tasks to bring about a unique and extraordinary experience to participants.


Cherry Almen


Oscar Jason

Quartermaster (QM) Team The Quartermaster (QM) Team arranges all hardware supplies in the programme. Throughout the trip, the team manages the first aid kit, banner and flags. They also help out with producing all programmes’ souvenirs, including badges, travel tag, and towel.


Ryan Ernest 尖子 Cyrus

Functional Teams Other than patrols, according to our interests and abilities, all participants, including support team members, were posted to one of six functional teams for smooth running of the programme.

Research Team The Research Team plays an important role in bridging the two groups of Scout from Hong Kong and Hungary. Team members conduct research into aspects of life of Hong Kong and Hungary such as history, geography, customs, demographics and development of Scout Movement, and give presentations on different occasions to enhance the audiences understanding of the two in the two places.

For better communication, each functional team includes member of different patrols. Each member contributed, planned, organized and executed for different tasks according to programme needs in the trip, so to make it smooth and successful. And this is part of the training for furture leaders.

Functional Teams ’

William Ivan

Patrick 泥馬









Programme Schedule Seminar 13th OCT Headquarters



13th October


It was surprising that more than a hundred and seventy Scout members applied for the programme. Candidates had to submit a personal assignment which consisted of 3 questions and attend an interview to secure a place in this trip. In the seminar, guest speakers were invited to give us general ideas on the “Belt and Road“ Initiatives from the perspectives of history, political and economic development.


Logo Released 1st November

十月 October


First Meeting 15th NOV Headquarters In the first meeting, a broad picture of preparation needed and a training schedule were given. Members formed 5 patrols and 6 functional teams. Time was given for introduction and orientation. Posts and duties were assigned and our wonderful journey began.

First Meeting 15th November


Visiting 2nd DEC HSBC

Mr. Angus Lam Our first visit was to HSBC Main Building. We had a delighting and informative Belt and Road Initiative sharing from Mr. Angus Lam, followed by a discussion on the impacts the Initiative brings and a site visit in the building.


Visiting 2nd December




Training(1) 15th December


Training (I) 15th DEC Headquarters

Dr. Laura Lo Dr. Laura Lo was invited to give us a training session. Through a series of games and activities, she encouraged us to better prepare ourselves and discover more about Hungary before the exchange tour. She also gave us insights on Hungary’ s history, culture and its demographics.

ä¸€ćœˆ January

Training(III) 9th February


Training (III) 9th FEB Headquarters Our Deputy Head of Delegation, David brought us several fun and exciting team building games. In the games, we discussed strategies and shared responsibilities according to individual strength and weaknesses. Every member was able to utilize his/her potential and contribute to the patrol.


Training(II) 19th January


Training (II) 19th JAN Headquarters

Mr. Paul Kwan We had Mr. Paul Kwan for some more enlightening team building games. Giving remarks on how to overcome challenges, he suggested that we need to turn ME into WE and to manage our expectations throughout the programme.

Interview March


Interview MAR Headquarters Each patrol interviewed and filmed 2 senior Scout leaders in March.

三月 March


二月 February Flag Presentation Ceremony 1st March


Flag Presentation Ceremony 1st MAR Headquarters

Mr. Ng Ah-ming We were honoured to have Chief Commissioner of Scout Association of Hong Kong Mr. Ng Ah-ming to officiate the Flag Presentation Ceremony with the presence of other distinguished guests.


Exchange Tour 28th MAR to 5th APR Time to start our journey by taking flight to Doha, Qatar and interchange to Budapest. This was the first time for most of us to reach Europe, and to have a Scout exchange tour.

Exchange Tour 29th March to 5th April


ĺ››ćœˆ April

Reunion and evaluation

Preparation 13th APR Headquarters

Reunion and Evaluation 11th MAY Headquarters

We started our preparation for our sharing session. We had our rehearsal, had souvenirs packaged and discussed the rundown of the day of sharing. It was the first gathering after returning from Hungary and we were still in a very joyous mood! Preparation 13th April


11th May

The last official meeting will be used for reunion and evaluation. We can comment on the programme for improvement in future. This will be the only meeting that does not require much preparation and we will be enjoy. We all look forward to it, and we believe this will not be the last time we meet!



Cathay Pacific Visit 14th April


Cathay Pacific City Visit 14th APR Cathay City

Sharing Day 4th MAY Headquarters

We had a wonderful morning in Cathay City. Cathay Pacific is one of the oldest airlines in Hong Kong and it has well-developed training programmes for all crew members. By reaching the training facilities, we now understand why Cathay has long been the most popular airline in Hong Kong.

This is the day for all of us to share our indelible memories of this programme. We were excited to show what we experienced and what we learnt throughout this trip. Wish all of you enjoyed!

Sharing Day 4th May


äş”ćœˆ May

29 Mar



30 Mar

31 Mar

01 APR

BUda Castle

Scout Home


Heroes’ Square

Janos Hill

Centre of Scientific Wonders

House of Terror

Gellért Baths

Danube River

BiPI Villa

02 APR


03 APR

04 APR

Communitty Service

City Hunting

05 APR

Hong Kong

Itinerary & Journey Hungarian Open Air Museum

Eรถtvรถs Lorรกnd University


Budapest . Hungary


Supermarket Never thought of having a special mission before any other thing: preparing our packed lunch for three days with a budget of 3200 forint per head in only 45 minutes! Money was enough but not time. Everything was in Hungarian and we needed to guess the meaning or use Google Translate for every single word. No one wanted to leave the supermarket as everything there was novel to us.


BiPi Villa BiPi Villa is a Scout hostel managed by the Hungarian Scout Association, and the environment is peaceful and clean with wonderful view of the Danube. Just a 5-minute walk and you will get to the river-side of the Danube. We lived in BiPi Villa throughout our trip. After settling down we walked to Aquamarina, a boat hotel on the Danube, to have dinner. Our first meal in Hungary was delicious. After dinner, we went back to BiPi Villa and had some private time with the Hungary Scout on duty, Rambo. We exchanged souvenirs and he taught us to make woogles with straws!


Budapest (布達佩斯) Our memorable trip started by gathering at Hong Kong International Airport. We first had a 9-hour flight to Doha, followed by another 6-hour flight from Doha to our destination, Budapest, the capital of Hungary. After spending nearly 16 hours on planes and at airports, we landed in Budapest, took a deep breath, it was real fresh air! Although the weather was not very good with a bit of drizzle and cloud, it did not stop our excitement. Hungarian Scout Kristof welcomed us at the airport and brought us to our first stop: the supermarket!

29 Mar Day 1 th

Hong Kong


BiPi Villa

Heroes’Square (英雄廣場) Located in the heart of Budapest, Heroes’ Square was built to commemorate the millennium of the foundation of Hungry when tribes settled here in the year 896. Today it is an important tourist attraction in Budapest. There are two symmetrical arc pillars on both sides of the square, with 7 commemorative historical figures in the middle of each pillar.


House of Terror(匈牙利恐怖之屋) House of Terror is a museum with exhibitions on the fascist and communist regimes in 20th century Hungary. It is also a memorial to the victims of these regimes, including those detained, interrogated, tortured or killed in the building. Face of some victims were shown on the wall for commemoration. By visiting different facilities and with detailed explanation from the guide, we were able to understand the building and development of Hungary in modern time. This is an unforgettable live history lesson as we learnt from the visual and audio materials, and developed our own thoughts.

30 Mar Day 2 th

Buda Castle

Heroes’Square House of Terror

Buda Castle (布達城堡) It was the first day we started our sightseeing in Budapest. We started our tour from the origin of Hungary, the Buda Castle. It is one of the most significant buildings in Hungary, as the appearance and the atmosphere of the place are unique and peaceful.


Gellért Baths (蓋勒特浴場) In the afternoon where it was only freezing 5 °C with rain, we went to the famous Gellért Baths for our exciting hot shower. Every one of us endured a challenge by shifting between hot pools, steam rooms and cold pools. In this very unique facility, we did not only swim, but also got in touch with local people and saw how they communicated with their kids. What a special experience!

Janos Hill


Leaving the sweet Scout home, we viewed the city in perfect height by taking chairlift to the top of Janos Hill, which is the tallest hill in Buda. It rises to 528 metres and the tower located at the top is called The Elizabeth Lookout. We probably had one of the windiest lunch here!

Although the weather of the day was not so good, we had a great time. Thanks to the wonderful arrangement by the Hungarian Scouts. The Scout “Be Prepared” Motto had been displayed and felt, as they communicated well with every unit before we were there. We also had fun in the extra attraction in the back side of Janos Hill – a large piece of grassland with swings, sea-saws, wheels...

31Mar Day 3 st

Scout Home

Janos Hill

GellĂŠrt Baths

Scout Home After breakfast, we visited a Scout home situated in a local church with over 100 years of history. This Scout troop has more than 500 members and 50 Scout leaders. Many recreational facilities could be found there, and we could even see football tables and snooker! There is also an open area for outdoor training in their backyard.


Danube River (多瑙河) We had a boat trip on the Danube. The boat was spacious, with large, clean panorama windows allowing us to see the sunset and the night sights on the river banks. With champagne and music, it is romantic. You should bring your loved ones to enjoy the night time in Budapest.


Centre of Scientific Wonders Centre of Scientific Wonders is in a shopping mall named Buda Entertainment & Gastro. The centre provides science-related mini games for fun and learning. We enjoyed the experiment show a lot in which a number of tricks were made possible with the use of different chemicals. It is extremely amazing!

Parliament (國會大樓) Reaching the Lajos Kossuth Square where the parliament stands, we watched the flag raising by Hungarian soldiers. Walking along the Danube, we saw many iron shoes on the floor which commemorate victims who were killed during the Arrow Cross terror. It is said that some were even shot dead and pushed into the river. As a signature building of Hungary, part of the Parliament is opened to the public. The parliament is 96 metres tall, with the height same as the Saint Stephen’ s Basilica. They are both the tallest buildings in Budapest. “96” is a magic number in Hungary, as the conquest of the later Kingdom of Hungary began in the year AD 896. The Holy Crown of Hungary, which is also depicted in the coat of arms of Hungary, has been displayed in the central hall since 2000. Entry to some other parts of the building is also allowed, for example the hexadecagonal (sixteen-sided) central hall.


Day 4

Parliament Centre of Scientific Wonders

Danube River


2 APR nd


Day 5

Hungarian Open Air Museum


Hungarian Open Air Museum (匈牙利聖安德烈露天博物館) Leaving Páty, we reached the largest outdoor collection in Hungary, the Hungarian Open Air Museum. The weather was lovely with beautiful sky and sunshine. The museum was so large that we could not even visit half of the attractions, but we all had unforgettable memories with games, food, music and more!


Locsolkodás (復活節潑水傳統) We arrived in a village in Páty where a Scout home was located for a special traditional Easter event. - Locsolkodás. Boys and girls worked separately for preparation. For boys, they wrote several poems for the girls, and sprinkled water on girls with a yellow willow, meaning blessing. Once splashed, they will be more beautiful and charming in the coming year. In return, girls decorated eggs by painting or dyeing them in red onion juice. The boys also paraded around the village and visited homes of some of girl Hungarian Scout members, receiving treats and practising the art of splashing. At noon, all boys and girls gathered for this big event. Boys went crazy on splashing water on girls, and the girls took revenge. It was quite cool outside even in day time especially when we got wet, but we just cannot stop! After changing, we proceeded to the hall and learnt some Hungarian dance. Our lunch was a huge pot of soup for 60 people. After lunch we had some free time to have chat with Hungarian Scouts, who were mainly children. We exchanged souvenirs and took photos. We had a taste of the Easter customs here and we were so thankful for that.

Eotvos Lorรกnd University We arrived at the campus of Eรถtvรถs Lorรกnd University and sat on the grass. Kristof gave a brief sharing on university life in Hungary and we also talked about ours in Hong Kong. After that his friend gave us an introduction to the city-hunt game on the following day.


Campfire In the afternoon, we went back to BiPi Villa and had a campfire. We sang, we danced, we played games, we performed dramas and we taught Hungarian Scout members Cantonese! We were all thrilled! Once we got back to the hostel after dinner, ahead of us was a big surprise - an impromptu Scout store. This was the last night in Hungary and everyone was having a battle with the postcard and having great chat till mid-night.

3 APR rd

Community Service

Day 6 Eotvos Lorรกnd University


Community Service We arrived at Vรกrosi Szabadidล Kรถzpont in the town of Szรกzhalombatta. It is the meeting place of a local Scout troop and we were there to do community services for the group. Instead of doing charity work, we served the Scout troop itself, doing repair, construction and wall painting. The girls painted walls with icons and images of Hong Kong while the other two groups of male members set up a billboard with wood strips and repaired a campfire pit with concrete and rocks.



Hong Kong Before we went to airport, Kristof shared with us a“Túró Rudi” ,a traditional Hungarian cheese bar coated with chocolate as souvenir. It s time’to say goodbye, even though we were not willing to. Often we say that departing comes with a hope of reunion. Although the trip has come to an end, we all believe that our friendships and memories remain, and we will have a chance to meet soon.

4-5 APR Day 6-7 th

City Hunting

Hong Kong


City Hunting A Hungarian Scout member prepared a mobile game called“Osbersk”for us. All of us including leaders and Hungarian Scout members were separated into seven groups for this city-hunt game. Teams were designated as either“catcher”or“escapee” . Catcher teams had to chase after Escapee teams while Escapee teams had to defend themselves from the search by their rival teams. As the app is equipped with GPS function, it would show the last checkpoint that every team has reached and give clues to the“catcher” . Running and shouting slogan on Hungarian streets are definitely unforgettable memories that we had never thought of. Throughout the game, we explored many different places and got to know more about the public transport of the city. Leader Team came top in the race!

Scouts in


Hősök tere




Janos Hill

The Parliament

One World


Páty Paty

Eotvos Loránd Tudományegyetem Eotvos Loránd University

Ferencvá`ros(Kerület IX) District IX

Boundaryless Friendship Hong Kong . Hungary


locsolkod ás Traditional Hungarian Culture

2nd April, 2018

Easter Monday




On Easter Monday, this tradition called“locsolkodás”involves boys and men reciting a poem to women and girls and then “sprinkling”them with perfume (In extreme cases this can also be achieved with a bucket of cold water!), blessing them more beautiful and charm in the coming year. In the past it was a form of courtship and young women would be happy to be sprinkled by multiple potential suitors. While it does not like a fair trade, in return for each“sprinkling”the ladies give the men chocolate Easter eggs, especially decorated painted eggs, and home made cakes. So on Easter Monday, boys and men go from house to house visiting family, friends and colleagues, spritzing on the females hair and picking up all kinds of treats along the way.

Scenery Budapest . Hungary





Recruitment Poster

Flag Presentation Ceremony Poster

Sharing Section Poster

Art Works 交流團紀錄冊 Exchange Log Book



Programme Banner

代表團身份卡 Delegation Identity Card

Souvenirs 「童一天下」紀念章 “Scouts in One World”Souvenir Badges

cout Associat e S 香港童 ion of m 軍 H am

cout Associat e S 香港童 ion of m 軍 H am

Scout Association 香港童軍 of H me m a 總

Young Leader s rld” 青年領袖Progr Wo 計

Young Leader s rld” 青年領袖Progr Wo 計

cout Associat e S 香港童 ion of m 軍 H am 總

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青少ogra 年


青少ogra 年

“Scouts i n ranch e B 署 童一 One 天 mm 活動

g Kon ong

Young Leader s rld” 青年領袖Progr Wo 計


青少ogra 年

“Scouts i n ranch e B 署 童一 One 天 mm 活動

Young Leader s rld” 青年領袖Progr Wo 計

非賣版 (Not For Sale Edition)

限量版 (Limited Edition)

匈牙利交流團2018紀念套摺 Hungary Exchange Tour 2018 Souvenir Pack

童一天下 Hu




E x c h a n g e To u


8 01


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an Exch ge To Hungary


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青少ogra 年

“Scou t s i n ranch e B 署 童一 One 天 mm 活動

g Kon ong














Hungary Exchange Tour 2018 Badge

Baden Powell Souvenir Badge (Limited Edition)

Geranium Souvenir Badge

“Scouts in On eW

(Limited Edition)

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Tour 2018

"Scouts in One

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Wo rld "









20 ar ur y Exc hange To


非賣版 (Not For Sale Edition)





Hungary Exchange Tour 2018 Souvenirs

劃 計

香港童 軍 ・


會 總

下 青年領 一天 袖 童

“Scouts in One World”Scarf

“Scouts in One World” Young Leaders Programme Programme Branch Scout Association of Hong Kong






W or



g un Yo

e m am gr ro P s er ad Le


“Scouts in One World” Young Leaders Programme


代表團限定 (Delegation Only)



Acknowledgement (特別鳴謝) Hungarian Scout Association Consulate General of Hungary Magyar Cserkészszövetség Mr. Pál Kertész Ms Diana Danyi Mr Csongor Böröczky Mr György Csortán-Szilágyi Mr Kristóf Bársony Mr Huber Peti Mr Richárd Márkus (Rambo) Mr Tamás Kollár Ms Réka Bencze Mr Levente Bálint Ms Janka Félegyházi Ms llka Háló Ms Blanka Racsmány Ms Kisasszony Bálint Boglárka

Ms Sára Lengyel Ms Bernadett Bettee Vida Mr Bársony Szabolcs Mr Csongor Kemény Ms Zajácz Réka Ms Bori Réti Ms Lili Boros Ms Enikö Fidrich Ms Bogi Kertész

(In arbitrary order)



香港童軍總會 Scout Association of Hong Kong

香港童軍總會 民政事務局 公民教育委員會 「一帶一路」交流資助計劃

吳亞明先生 歐陽楚源先生 何恩民先生 陳立基先生 翁海穎博士 關浩然先生 周儉強先生 鄭智健先生

吳家亮先生 劉彥樑先生 徐小龍先生 梁柏偉先生 羅 璇博士 林志錦先生 李家俊先生 馬子一先生



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